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Alcohols and phenols. In substitutive and conjunctive nomenclature of alcohols the hydroxyl group (OH)as principal group is indicated by a suffix"—ol", with elision of terminal "e"(if present)from the name of the parent compound, for example .methanol, 2-propanol, triphenylmethanol, etc.

The following are examples of trivial names which are retained: allyl alcohol, tert-butyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, glycerol, etc.

Hydroxy derivatives of benzene and other aromatic carbocyclic systems are named by adding the suffix "-ol ", "-diol ", etc. , to the name of the hydrocarbon, with elision of terminal "e"(if present) before "ol", e.g. , 1,2,4-benzenetriol. The following are examples of trivial names of aromatic hydroxy compounds which are retained, for example, phenol, cresol. naphthol, pyrocatechol, resorcinol, hydroquinone ,etc. Radicals RO- are named by adding "oxy" as a suffix to the name of the radical R, e. g., pentyloxy, allyloxy, benzyloxy, etc. Only the following contractions for oxygen-containing radical names are recommended as exceptions to this rule: methoxy, ethoxy, propoxy, butoxy, phenoxy, isopropoxy.

Except when forming part of a ring system, bivalent radicals of the form -O-X-O- are named by adding "dioxy" to the name of the bivalent radical -X-,e. g. , ethylenedioxy, trimethylenedioxy.

Salts. Anions derived from alcohols or phenols are named by changing the final"-ol" of the name of the alcohol or phenol to "-olate ". This applies to substitutive, radicofunctional, and trivial names, e.g. , potassium methanolate, sodium phenolate.

Ethers. Compounds R1—O—R2 have the generic name "ethers" and may be named by either the substitutive or the radicofunctional method. Substitutive names of unsymmetrical ethers are formed by using names of radicals R'O- as prefixes to the names of the hydrocarbons corresponding to the second radical R2. The senior component is selected as the parent compound. Radicofunctional names of ethers are formed by citing the names of the radicals R1 and R2followed by the word "ether”, for example, 1-isopropoxypropane, ethyl methyl ether, diethyl ether, ethyl vinyl ether.

Aldehydes. The term "aldehyde" is applied to compounds which contain the group — C(=O)H attached to carbon. Aldehydes are named by means of the suffixes "-al", "-aldehyde",or "-carbaldehyde", or by the prefix "formyl-" [[representing the —C( = O)H group when present as the terminal group of a carbon chain},or, in connexion with trivial names, by the prefix "oxo-"(representing = O). The name of an unbranched acyclic mono-or

di-aldehyde is formed by adding the suffix"-al"(for a monoaldehyde) , with elision of a terminal "e" (if present), or "-dial" (for a dialdehyde ) to the name of the hydrocarbon containing the same number of carbon atoms, e.g. , ethanal, hexanal.

Trivial Names. When the corresponding monobasic acid has a trivial name, the name of the aldehyde may be formed from the trivial name of the acid by changing the ending~-ic acid" or "-oic acid " to "-aldehyde ", for example,' formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, acrylaldehyde(or acrolein), benzaldehyde, cinnamaldehyde, furfural.

Ketones. The generic name "ketone" is given to compounds containing an oxygen atom doubly bound to a single carbon atom with the carbonyl group =C=O joined to two carbon atoms1. Ketones are named by means of the suffix "-one", the prefix "oxo-", the functional class name "ketone", or, in
