甜点与咖啡 英文介绍

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Raw material butter 牛油
white sugar白糖 eggs 鸡蛋 vanilla extract 香草精 hot water 开水 milk 牛奶 flour 面粉 baking powder 泡打粉
面粉/中筋面粉 Plain flour /all-purpose flour 低筋面粉/低根粉 cake flour / soft flour / weak flour / low protein flour 高筋面粉/筋面/根面/高根粉 gluten flour / strong flour / bread flour / baker’s flour / high protein flour 全麦面粉 whole wheat flour 澄面粉/澄粉/澄面 non-glutinous flour / wheat flour / wheat starch 自发面粉 self- raising flour 粗玉米豆粉 polenta / yellow cornmeal 粟粉/粟米粉/玉米粉/玉米淀粉 corn flour / cornstarch 生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉 potato starch / potato flour 树薯粉/木薯粉/茨粉/菱粉/泰国生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉 Tapioca starch / tapioca flour 蕃薯粉/地瓜粉 sweet potato flour 马蹄粉 water chestnut flour 葛粉 arrowroot flour 臭粉/胺粉/阿摩尼亚粉/嗅粉 powdered baking ammonia / carbonate of ammonia / ammonia bicarbonate / ammonia carbonate / hartshorn 发粉/泡打粉/泡大粉/速发粉/蛋糕发粉 baking powder
Coffee is a widely consumed beverage prepared from the roasted seeds— commonly called “beans”—of the coffee plant 。
1.What is Coffee 2. The history of coffee 3.Some famous coffee: Bluemountain Mocha Cappuccino 4.Coffee and health
• It consists of protein (蛋白), almond flour(杏仁粉), white sugar, and sugar cream (糖霜), and usually there is jam or cream between two biscuits, forming a circular small desserts.
Before the rise of the middle class in the 19th-century, and the mechanization of the sugar industry, sweets were a privilege of the aristocracy, or a rare holiday treat.
• Today, trade in coffee has a large economic value. Coffee is an important export commodity for many countries; in 2004, coffee was the top agricultural export for 12 countries, and in 2005, it was among the world's top fifteen legal agricultural exports in value.
First consumed in the 9th century, when it was discovered in the highlands of Ethiopia,From there, it spread to Egypt and Yemen, and by the 15th century had reached Persia, Turkey, and northern Africa. From the Muslim world, coffee spread to Italy, then to the rest of Europe and the Americas.Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide.
Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from
roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. They are seeds of coffee cherries that grow on trees in over 70 countries. Green unroasted coffee is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. Due to its caffeine content, coffee can have a stimulating effect in humans. Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide.
TΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduramisu
• Tiramisu is Italy dessert representative. • It is popular since the middle of 1980s. • Tiramisu in Italian, “Tira” means “pull”, “Mi” means “me”, “Su” means “up”. The whole is "pull me up", which is the same as "take me away" and "remember me", take not just sweetness, but also love and happiness.
发粉/泡打粉/泡大粉/速发粉/蛋糕发粉 baking powder 苏打粉/小苏打/梳打粉/小梳打/食粉/重曹 baking soda / bicarb ofsoda 塔塔粉/他他粉 cream of tartar 卡士达粉/蛋黄粉/吉士粉/吉时粉/ custard powder 卡士达/克林姆/奶皇馅/蛋奶馅 custard / pastry cream 蛋白粉 egg white powder? 粘米粉/黏米粉/在来米粉/在莱米粉/再来米粉 rice flour 糕仔粉 cooked rice flour 糯米粉 glutinous rice flour / sweet rice flour 凤片粉/熟糯米粉/糕粉/加工糕粉 fried sweet rice flour / fried glutinous rice flour 绿豆粉 mung bean flour / tepung hun kwee 小麦胚芽/麦芽粉 wheat germ 小麦蛋白/面筋粉 wheat gluten 硷水/(木见)水 alkaline water/lye water/potassium carbonate 白矾 alum 硼砂 borax 石膏 gypsum 酵母/酒饼 yeast/ibu roti
Dessert is a course that
typically comes at the end of a meal, usually consisting of sweet food but sometimes of a strongly-flavored one, such as some cheeses. The word comes from the Old French
The history of coffee is as rich as the brew itself, dating back more than a thousand years.
The first coffee plants are said to have come from the Horn of Africa on the shores of the Red Sea. Originally, coffee beans were taken as a food and not as a beverage. East African tribes would grind the coffee cherries together, mixing the results into a paste with animal fat. Rolled into little balls, the mixture was said to give warriors much-needed energy for battle.
Schwarzwaelder Kirschtorte
• It is also called Black Forest cake.It fused cherry sour,chocolate bitter, cream sweet and kirsch(樱桃酒) aroma. Perfect cake please all kinds of tastes.Black Forest cake is known as one of the specialties of the Black Forest.German intents as "Black Forest Cherry cake". Authentic Black Forest cake is not black,and does not contain black chocolate.
- Key lime pie 酸橙派 - Clafoutis (French cherry pudding)法式 车厘子布甸 - Danish pastry 丹麦糕饼 - Waffle 蛋奶格子饼 - Pecan pie 美洲山核桃批 - Apple crumble 酥皮苹果点心 - Blueberry cobbler 脆皮蓝草莓馅饼 - Bananasplit 香蕉船 - Rice krispies treats 米通 - Strawberry pie 草莓批 ……
The Order of Western Cuisine
main courses
One of the earliest known sweet foods is honey
• Later, around the year 1000 AD, Ethiopians concocted a type of wine from coffee berries, fermenting the dried beans in water. • Coffee also grew naturally on the Arabian Peninsula, and it was there, during the 11th century that coffee was first developed into a hot drink.