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more than : ﹥
good, well : +
happy :
yesterday: ‘d
angry : ﹥○﹤
today : d ’
tomorrow : d~ success : V thousand : t million : m billion : b
England/ English E. Prof. CHN
解题技巧 How can we take notes efficiently?
1. 在记叙文中常用时间顺序的连词或连接词来 叙述故事发展的先后或做某事的过程。 one day, on one’s way to, at first, then, later, afterwards, soon, before, after, when, while, as soon as, since, during, eventually, in the end, immediately, on arrival
Find out the main idea (listen for the first time) Who? --- Tom Where?--- Mrs. Brown ’s house When? --- yesterday What?--- Tom delivered a letter to Mrs. Brown but there was no answer. Why?--- Mrs. Brown was lying on the floor. The result --- Tom called for an ambulance. Main idea and important information can help us retell a story !
Procedures of retelling a story:
1. 预测 (故事梗概、关键词) 故事情节
PART C Retelling • 梗概: Tom给Brown夫人送信时无人应答,从窗户进 屋后看到她躺在地板上。 • 关键词: postman 邮递员; deliver a letter 送信; house 房子; milk牛奶; lie 躺
words, e.g. prof. (instead of professor).
★ Use symbols and numbers instead of
2. Use special signs.
because,since, for : ∵
thus, so, therefore : ∴
2 minutes or so
Listen to a monologue
Around 90 seconds
How to take notes
★ Use key words, instead of sentences. ★ Use abbreviations, instead of whole
5. 直接引语在复述时尽量换成间接引语。
• • • •
Step 5: Summary 1. Procedures of retelling a story 2. How to take notes (n. v. adj.…) 3. The strategy of retelling a story
• • • • • • •
miss you much. _____ _____ much... I can see the first _____ ______ and nice. leaf falling. It's all yellow It's so very cold outside _____ Like the way I'm feeling ______ inside big ____ big ____ girl in a ____ big world I'm a ____ _____. big ____ It's not a ____ big ____ big ______ thing if you ______ leave me But I do do _____ feel that I too too will _____ miss ______ you much _____ miss_____ you much...
__ __ • I'm a ‵ big ‵ big ‵girl in a ‵ big ‵ big ‵ ︶ It's not a ‵__ ︶︶ world. big ‵ big ‵ thing if you ‵ ︶ __ ‵ feel that I too __ too will leave me. But I do do ‵ miss you ‵ much. ‵ Miss you ‵ much... I can ‵ ︶ see the ‵ first ‵ leaf ︶ ‵ falling. It's all ︶ ‵ yellow and ‵ nice. __ very col(d) outside • It's so • Like the way I'm︶ feeling inside __ big world • I'm a big __ big girl in a big ︶︶ __ • It's not a big big thing if you leave me ︶ __ do feel that • But I do • I too __ too will miss you much ︶ • Miss you much...
How to take notes (n. v. adj.…) ★Use key words, instead of sentence. ★ Use abbreviations instead of a whole word , e.g. pollu. (pollution). ★ Use symbol, numbers instead of words.
听第一遍录音: 不要急于做笔记,先听懂情节捕 捉故事的基本线索。 原因(cause)、经过(development) 、结果(result)
2. For the second time, try to write down key words, use some signs.
听第二遍录音: 听清细节,记录重点信息。
英语口语指导 PaБайду номын сангаасt C Retelling a story
Warm-up and revision
Listen to a song and then fill in the blanks. (pay attention to the liaisons, stresses and tones)
Fill in the blanks big _____. big ____ girl in a ____ big ____ • I'm a big ____ ____ world • It's not a big ____ ____ _____ if you _______ big thing leave me. • But I do do feel ____ that I too too willmiss _____ you ____
See you.
as soon as possible
Father and mother, I love you. family
Procedures of retelling a story:
1. 预测 (故事梗概、关键词) 2. 听大意(who;when;where; what ;how 时态) 3. 速记 (n. v. adj. conj.…)
• • • • • • • • •
T ex pos(邮) MB inv T dri(饮) Ye , T 送——MB bt 没 se wor gar He kn 门 not ans He noti mil deli ear 早 门 He 想 not tak mil ill He fou(发) wind 开 进 hou He 发 MB ly on He cal 救
The strategy of retelling a story :
1.Retell the story in your own words. 用自己的话(口语)复述 2. Cover as much information as possible but no extra information. 3. The person and the tense should be in accordance with the original story. (人称与时态与原文一致) 4. Pay attention to your tone to make your story attractive.(注意语音、语调)
Step 6:Homework 1.Review the procedures of retelling a story. 2.Try to listen to a passage and then retell to your partner.
•Use the key words to predict the persons, tenses and main idea and remember the hints(故事梗概) and key words.
Step 2: listen and take notes
1.For the first time, focus more on listening and understanding.