梅花形 联轴器是,以实现两半联轴器 的连接。通过凸爪与弹性环之间的挤压传递动力,通 过弹性环的弹性变形补偿两轴相对偏移,实现减振缓 冲。
缘、端面齿突元、突元叉、端面齿圆盘突元、花键套、 前轴头、斯太尔叉型轴头+花键套+防尘套等。
成。外齿分为直齿和鼓形齿两种齿形,所谓鼓形齿即为将外齿制成球 面,球面中心在齿轮轴线上,齿侧间隙较一般齿轮大,鼓形齿联轴器 可允许较大的角位移(相对于直齿联轴器),可改善齿的接触条件, 提高传递转矩的能力,延长使用寿命。齿式联轴器在工作时,两轴产 生相对位移,内外齿的齿面周期性作轴向相对滑动,必然形成齿面磨 损和功率损耗,因此齿式联轴器需在良好润滑和密封的状态下工作。
SWC型十字轴式万向联轴器的特点 1、SWC型十字轴式万向联轴器能使不在同一轴线,轴线折角较大,轴向移动 较大的两轴等角速连续回转。 2、SWC型十字轴式万向联轴器可靠的传递转矩和运动。起最大的特点是具有 较大的角向补偿能力。 3、SWC型十字轴式万向联轴器采用整体式叉头,使运载更句可靠性。 4、SWC型十字轴式万向联轴器结构紧凑,传动效率高,噪声低,使用寿命长, 维修保养方便。 SWC型十字万向联轴器应用范围 冶金机械、重型机械、石油机械、工程机械、起重运输机械、机车车辆、轻 工机械以及精密机械和控制机械等及其它重机行业的机械轴系中传递转矩。
汽车传动轴能在不同轴心的两轴间甚至在工作过程中相对位置不断变化的两轴间传递动力,连 接或装配各项配件而可移动或转动的圆形物体配件,一般均使用轻而抗扭性佳的合金钢管制 成。汽车传动轴的作用就是使在不同轴心的两轴间甚至在工作过程中相对位置不断变化的两 轴间传递动力。 目前,十字轴式刚性万向节传动轴在汽车传动系中用得最广泛。另外一个重要的组成部分 是滑动花键副,由内、外花键组成,用于传递长度的变化。
8.2 8.4
9.9 10.3
15.3 16.2
23.5 24.2
49.8 51.3
0.003 0.007 0.010 0.012 0.019 0.022 0.025 0.028 0.032 0.035 0.040 0.050 0.057 0.060 0.080 0.090 0.100 0.150 0.160 0.200 0.216 0.330 0.367 0.400 0.490 0.603 0.700 0.764 0.830 1.110 1.140 1.290 1.810 2.040 2.290 2.550
24 28 39 85 125 90 130 95 135 100 145
29 33 47 105 150
SSB 型胀套主要尺寸和参数
Size n Ft (kN) Mt (kN.m)
1. KTR联轴器(36)2. IPL联轴器(1)3. BOA联轴器(1)4. GAM联轴器5. TEA联轴器(5)6. NBK联轴器(44)7. R+W联轴器(19) 8. CMD联轴器(1) 9. MAYR联轴器(6)10. ELCO联轴器(1) 11. ESCO联轴器(26) 12. FALK联轴器(14)13. alpha联轴器(7) 14. Tacke联轴器15. HUCO联轴器(19)16. SIPCO联轴器(3) 17. DESCH联轴器(7) 18. VOITH联轴器19. MASKA联轴器(5) 20. RULAND联轴器(42) 21. Ramsey联轴器(1)22. Martin联轴器(7) 23. GERWAH联轴器(16) 24. ALBERT联轴器(2)25. TSCHAN联轴器(1) 26. DINAL联轴器27. HELICAL联轴器(4)28. STROMAG联轴器(1) 29. GUARDIAN联轴器30. PAULSTRA联轴器(3)31. KOP-FLEX联轴器32. ZERO-MAX联轴器(2) 33. Autogard联轴器(30)34. ABBALBONI联轴器35. TB Wood's联轴器(2) 36. John crane联轴器(5)37. Transfluid联轴器38. Geislinger联轴器(3) 39. Servometer联轴器(2)40. CHIARAVALLI联轴器(1) 41. Ameridrives联轴器(7) 42. MAGNETIC磁性联轴器43. Addax复合材料联轴器(1) 44. Cross & Morse联轴器45. SIT联轴器(5)46. Thomas挠性膜片联轴器(1) 47. CENTA联轴器(1) 48. DODGE联轴器(2)49. OMEGA联轴器(5) 50. MIKI PULLEY联轴器(10) 51. SCHMIDT-KUPPLUNG联轴器(12)52. BUBENZER@BREMSEN联轴器53. Rimtec联轴器(1) 54. JAKOB联轴器(3)55. Lovejoy联轴器(25) 56. RENOLD联轴器(10) 57. TSUBAKI联轴器58. METASTREAM联轴器。
CRH3型动车组联轴器简介发布时间:2021-05-18T02:57:22.677Z 来源:《中国电业》(发电)》2021年第2期作者:苏军军庞小红马志颖[导读] 属于动车组驱动系统的关键部件,因而联轴器的检修与安装质量显得愈发重要。
1 .使用环境
2 .联轴器要求
3 .主要部件材质及工艺要求
4 .联轴器质量保证时间不小于1年。
关键词:双轴驱动;鼓型齿;联轴器;安装;对齿;计算中图分类号:TQ050.7文献标识码:B DOI :10.16621/ki.issn1001-0599.2021.06.110引言聚烯烃行业熔融泵的作用是将来自混炼机的熔融聚烯烃树脂加压,并泵送至树脂过滤器和切粒机,树脂不断通过模板的数千个模孔呈条状挤出,被高速旋转的切刀切成一定规格的颗粒,同时被不断循环的颗粒水带往后处理系统进行脱水、干燥和筛分,然后由风送系统输送至颗粒料仓储存。
By the use of accessories and spare parts, which were not originally manufactured by TSCHAN GmbH, we are not responsible for any resulting damage or liability or guarantee.
7.1 Pay attention before the assembly ............................................................................ 7 7.2 Finished borehole ...................................................................................................... 7 7.3 Coupling installation .................................................................................................. 8 8 Adjusting coupling .......................................................................................................... 10 8.1 Angular misalignment ∆Kw....................................................................................... 11 8.2 Radial displacement ∆Kr.......................................................................................... 11 8.3 Axial displacement.................................................................................................. 12 9 Operation........................................................................................................................ 13 10 Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 16 10.1 Wear Inspection on the Buffer Ring......................................................................... 16 10.2 Wear limit of elastic buffers...................................................................................... 17 10.3 Changing the elastic intermediate ring .................................................................... 18 11 Waste Disposal .............................................................................................................. 18
2 机组轴系联轴器对中(即定心)原理2.1轴系对中的相关概念解释2.1.1定心任何一个独立的旋转设备,都有它自己的旋转中心线(以下称轴心线)。
天车名称 氧枪16T 氧枪16T 氧枪16T 氧枪16T 氧枪16T 氧枪16T 氧枪16T 氧枪16T 氧枪16T 氧枪16T 氧枪16T 氧枪16T 氧枪16T 连铸63T 连铸63T 连铸63T 连铸63T 连铸63T 连铸63T 连铸63T 连铸63T 连铸63T 连铸63T 连铸63T 连铸63T 连铸63T 连铸63T
大车运行电机 下部小车运行电机 上部小车运行电机
主起升电机 大车低速传动轴 下部小车低速传动轴 下部小车低速传动轴 大车主动车轮组 下部小车主动车轮组 大车运行减速机低速轴 大车运行减速机高速轴 小车运行减速机高速轴 小车运行减速机低速轴 小车运行电机
大车传动轴 大车主动车轮组
小车传动轴 小车主动车轮组
内齿圈∮185 外齿圈∮45H7×110
内齿圈∮290 外齿圈∮85H7×130
天车名称 渣房80T 渣房80T 渣房80T 渣房80T 渣房80T 渣房80T 渣房80T 渣房80T 渣房80T 渣房80T
225T 225T 225T 225T 225T 225T 225T 225T 225T 225T 225T 225T 225T 225T 225T
图号 S2601 QKS4007 S2601 QKS1202 QKS4007 QKS1202 S2601 S2601 QKS3500 S3402 S2601 S2601 S2601 QKS4007 S2601 QKS1202 QKS4007 QKS1202 S2601 S2601 QKS3500 S3402 S2601 S2601
带制动盘联轴器 标准
带制动盘联轴器标准一、尺寸与公差1.1 本标准规定了带制动盘联轴器的尺寸,包括外径、内径、制动盘的直径和厚度等。
1.2 公差范围:根据不同尺寸和应用需求,规定了相应的公差范围。
二、材料与热处理2.1 材料:推荐使用优质碳素钢或合金钢,确保联轴器具有足够的强度和耐磨性。
2.2 热处理:需进行适当的热处理,提高材料的机械性能和耐腐蚀性。
三、性能要求3.1 传递扭矩:应满足设计的扭矩要求,保证联轴器在正常运行中的安全性能。
3.2 制动性能:制动盘应具备良好的制动性能,确保在紧急情况下能够快速停车。
3.3 振动与噪声:应控制联轴器的振动和噪声在允许范围内,提高设备运行的平稳性和舒适性。
四、制动盘的检验4.1 外观检验:检查制动盘表面是否有裂纹、气孔、夹杂物等缺陷。
4.2 尺寸检验:按照标准要求,对制动盘的尺寸进行测量,确保符合设计要求。
4.3 性能检验:进行制动性能试验,确保制动盘满足设计要求。
五、试验方法与验收规则5.1 试验方法:规定了对带制动盘联轴器进行试验的具体方法,包括静载试验和动载试验。
5.2 验收规则:根据试验结果,制定了相应的验收规则,确保带制动盘联轴器符合标准要求。
六、标志、包装和贮存6.1 标志:规定了带制动盘联轴器的标志要求,包括产品名称、规格型号、生产厂家等。
6.2 包装:明确了包装材料和方式,确保产品在运输和贮存过程中不受损坏。
6.3 贮存:提出了贮存环境的要求,以保持带制动盘联轴器的性能稳定。
七、安全性、环保要求7.1 安全性:强调了带制动盘联轴器的安全性,确保在使用过程中不会对人员和设备造成伤害。
7.2 环保要求:提出了降低噪音、减少振动等方面的环保措施,以减少对环境的负面影响。
八、可靠性要求8.1 使用寿命:规定了带制动盘联轴器的使用寿命,确保其在使用期限内具有良好的性能表现。
8.2 可靠性试验:要求进行可靠性试验,以验证带制动盘联轴器的可靠性是否符合设计要求。
九、质保期与售后服务9.1 质保期:规定了带制动盘联轴器的质保期限,在此期限内因制造原因出现的质量问题由制造商负责。
三、膜片式联轴器对中方法1. 使用专用对中工具:在安装膜片式联轴器时,可以使用专用的对中工具来帮助实现轴的对中。
2. 视觉对中:在实际操作中,可以通过肉眼观察轴端的对位情况,逐步调整轴的位置,直至轴相互对中为止。
3. 惯性对中:有些大型的膜片式联轴器由于尺寸较大,对中较为困难。
4. 不定位对中:在联轴器对中时,可以采用不定位对中的方法,即在联轴器两端轴承座上留有一定的游隙,使其具有一定的自由度,这样可以在一定程度上补偿轴的偏差,提高对中效果。
四、膜片式联轴器对中的注意事项1. 在对中过程中,应注意轴端的平行度和同轴度,确保联轴器两端的轴能够处于同一轴线上。
2. 对中时应避免使用过大的力量,避免过度挤压膜片,造成膜片过早疲劳。
TSCSInstallation, Operation & Maintenance Instructions1These instructions are provided to familiarize the user with John Crane's Metastream TSCS coupling and its designated use. These instructions must be followed whenever work is carried out on the coupling and should be kept available for future reference.ATTENTION These instructions are for the fitting, operationand maintenance of the coupling as used inrotating equipment and will help to avoid dangerand increase reliability. The information requiredmay change with other types of equipment orinstallation arrangements. These instructionsmust be read in conjunction with the instructionmanuals for both the driver and driven machinery.If the coupling is to be used for an application other than that originally intended or outside the recommended performance limits, John Crane must be contacted before its installation and use.Any warranty may be affected by improper handling, installation or use of this coupling. Contact John Crane for information as to exclusive product warranty and limitations of liability.If questions or problems arise, contact your local John Crane sales/ service engineer or the original equipment manufacturer as appropriate. ATTENTION John Crane couplings are precision products and mustbe handled appropriately. Take particular care to avoiddamage to spigots, mating faces, hub bores, keyways andmembranes. Do not excessively compress the couplingmembranes during assembly. Refer to Table 2 forcompression limits (min gap ‘X’).These instructions are written for standard catalog products, generally designed in accordance with the drawing shown.1– Transmission unit2– Standard hub - external location (sizes 0014-1400) 2A– Disc hub (large bore) (option on sizes 0014-0360) 2B– Long hub (option on sizes 0120-1400)3– Hub bolt 4– Guard ring5–S pacer6– Disc pack7– D rive bolt assembly (drive bolt, locknut, sleeve [washer] and overload collar)FIGURE 1TSCSInstallation, Operation & Maintenance InstructionsThese instructions are provided to familiarize the user with John Crane's Metastream TSCS coupling and its designated use. These instructions must be followed whenever work is carried out on the coupling and should be kept available for future reference.ATTENTION These instructions are for the fitting, operationand maintenance of the coupling as used inrotating equipment and will help to avoid dangerand increase reliability. The information requiredmay change with other types of equipment orinstallation arrangements. These instructionsmust be read in conjunction with the instructionmanuals for both the driver and driven machinery.If the coupling is to be used for an application other than that originally intended or outside the recommended performance limits, John Crane must be contacted before its installation and use.Any warranty may be affected by improper handling, installation or use of this coupling. Contact John Crane for information as to exclusive product warranty and limitations of liability.If questions or problems arise, contact your local John Crane sales/ service engineer or the original equipment manufacturer as appropriate. ATTENTION John Crane couplings are precision products and mustbe handled appropriately. Take particular care to avoiddamage to spigots, mating faces, hub bores, keyways andmembranes. Do not excessively compress the couplingmembranes during assembly. Refer to Table 2 forcompression limits (min gap ‘X’).These instructions are written for standard catalog products, generally designed in accordance with the drawing shown.FIGURE 11– Transmission unit2– Standard hub - external location (sizes 0014-1400) 2A– Disc hub (large bore) (option on sizes 0014-0360) 2B– Long hub (option on sizes 0120-1400)3– Hub bolt 4– Guard ring5– S pacer6– Disc pack7– D rive bolt assembly (drive bolt, locknut, sleeve [washer] and overload collar)2 34 5672B2AThe following designations are used in the installation instructions to highlight instructions of particular importance.IMPORTANT is used for items of particular concern when using the coupling.ATTENTION where there is an obligation or prohibition concerning the avoidance of risk.where there is an obligation or prohibition concerning harm to people or damage to the equipment.The usual extent of supply comprises:• A factory-assembled transmission unit (1) comprising:–2-off guard rings (4)–1-off spacer (5)–2-off disc packs (6)–12-off drive bolt assemblies (7) *consisting of drive bolt and nut, overload collar and washer*• Driver hub (2, 2a, 2b)• Driven hub (2, 2a, 2b)• 2 sets of hub bolts (3) to secure the transmission unit between the two hub flanges• A set of compression bolts to compress the transmission unit for assembly between the hubsNOTE: Only supplied with 0360 size, or for all sizes when both sides have a disc hubs–For TDCS-0014 and TSCS-0025 to 0215, with at least one standard hub, compress using standard hub bolts (half on each side).–For TSCS-0350 to 1400 sizes, compress using compression slots in the hub. If the length of the spacer allows it, it may be possible to use the standard hub bolts to compressIMPORTANT If a general arrangement drawing is supplied with the coupling, then all data indicated on that drawing takes precedence over information included in these instructions.If the coupling is not to be used immediately, it should be stored indoors or in a waterproof container away from direct heat in its original packing. All documentation supplied with the coupling should be retained for future reference.If the coupling has an extended hub which is designated by**** - **** - **E* - **** on a transmission unit**** - **** - **C* - **** or**** - **** - **D* - **** on a complete couplingplease refer to IOM supplement IOM 021 for additional spares and installation information.When requesting spares, always quote the full designation of the coupling (e.g., TSCS-0120-0177-1500).The following spares can be purchased from John Crane:• Set of hub bolts (3) *please specify standard,long and/or disc hubs*• Hubs, bored to your requirement or unbored (2, 2a, 2b)• Complete transmission unit, balanced or unbalanced (1)• ‘A-kit’ disc fixings including:–Drive bolt assembly (7)• ‘B-kit’ disc pack:–disc pack (6)• ‘C-Kit’ disc pack and fixings:–Disc pack (6)–Drive bolt assembly (7)• ‘O-Kit’ Guard ring assembly:–Disc pack (6)–Drive bolt assembly (7)–Guard ring (4)Remove the coupling from the packaging and carefully inspect for signs of damage. Pay particular attention to the hub bores and the spigot/recess location features, which should be free from burrs and other damage.Installation of hubsPrior to installing the coupling, ensure that themachinery is made safe. Hubs must be adequatelysupported during installation to avoid accidentaldamage should they slip.Installation gapsThere is a “minimum” and “preferred” installation gap that is required behind the disc hub (see Table 1).• The “minimum” installation gap (see Figure 2) is mandatory andis required to allow the transmission unit to be fitted and removed without moving driving or driven machinery. However, the small gapParallel bore with keyed drive1. Ensure the hub bore and mating shaft are clean.2. The hub is usually installed with the hub face and shaft end flush.3. Measure the shaft diameter and hub bore to confirm the correct fit.4. For clearance fits, install the key(s) into the shaft keyway and, witha little lubrication on the shaft, slide the hub onto the shaft. The keyshould be a tight sliding fit in the keyway with a small clearance at the top of the key. Secure the hub to the shaft in the correct axialposition with one or more grub screws.5. John Crane recommends a light interference fit for most applicationsand it may be necessary to apply heat to assist fitting of such hubs.A warm oil bath will usually be adequate. DO NOT spot heat orexceed 175°C (347°F) as this may cause distortion. A thermal heat stick can be used to estimate the temperature before quickly sliding the hub onto the shaft. A suitable stop will ensure the correct axial position is located.FIGURE 24Installation, Operation & Maintenance InstructionsIMPORTANT DBSE should be measured between the inner face of the hubs and should not be taken as the length of thetransmission unit at its outer periphery. DBSE may notbe equal to the precise distance between shaft ends.In particular, the faces of taper bored hubs may not beflush with the shaft end (refer to Figure 6).4. Align the shaft center lines both horizontally and vertically, ideallyusing the shafts. However, if access prohibits this, then align using the hub bosses or flanges. John Crane recommends the reverse peripherymethod for accurate alignment. This can be done using dial gauges orwith a laser shaft alignment kit. Further details on recommended laseralignment vendors are available from John Crane on request.5. Recheck the DBSE after the shafts have been aligned.6. Axial shims (together with a shim carrier in some cases) may besupplied on applications where it is difficult to accurately set apredetermined shaft end separation (DBSE). This is often the casewhere one or both of the hubs are taper bored. Where this feature is supplied, the thickness of shims (plus carrier if applicable) are added to the free length of the transmission unit so that the combined length is equal to the measured distance between the hub flange faces,making any allowance for known shaft movements.NOTE: It is best to measure the transmission unit when it is in a gagged condition.IMPORTANT The misalignment tolerances quoted in literature and on drawings allow for dynamic conditions and variations. For the best service from the coupling, John Crane recommends that installed misalignment is no morethan 10% of the maximum allowable misalignment, with allowance being made for any anticipated movements that will occur during operation (e.g., thermal movements on hot pumps).1. Check spigot and recess locations on the hubs and transmission unit for damage. The transmission unit must be adequately supported during installation to avoid accidental damage should it slip.2. Compress the transmission unit while sliding it between the hubs. –For the TDCS-0014 and TSCS-0025 to 0215, compress using hub bolts (3). –For the TSCS-0360 (standard and disc hub) or for all sizes if disc hubs are present on both sides, separate compression bolts willalways be supplied.–For TSCS-0350 to 1400, compress using compression slots in the hub flanges. If the length of the spacer allows it, it may be possible to use the hub bolts to assist with compression. To allow for compression using hub bolts (3), the spacer flanges (5) are drilled to allow the bolts to be threaded into the guard ring (4) as shown in Figure 7. For DBFF’s less than the preferred minimum, spacer flanges are slotted. Tightening evenly, compressing the transmission unit until clearance between the hub spigots and transmission unit length isachieved, allowing installation. Do not over compress the transmission unit as this can damage the metal disc elements. The minimum gap ‘X’ (see Figure 7) should not be less than the values shown in Table 2, unless indicated otherwise on the general arrangement drawing.IMPORTANT Always remove the compression bolts as soon as thetransmission unit is in position.3. Align the hub/transmission unit flanges if they have been match marked.4. Initially fit hub bolts loosely by hand. Tighten these evenly to locate the transmission unit, ensuring the spigots enter their recessessquarely. Using a torque wrench, tighten in a "diametrically opposite" sequence to the torque values shown in Table 2 (tightening torque relates to lubricated bolts).5. Measure dimension 'A' (see Figure 1) on the transmission unit. Check against the nominal value given in Table 2 with a tolerance of +/-0.006 inch. If outside these limits, redo the axial alignment.6. Rotate the machinery two or three times slowly to ensure it moves freely.FIGURE 6FIGURE 7TSCSInstallation, Operation & Maintenance InstructionsThe transmission unit must be adequately supportedduring installation to avoid accidental damage should it slip.2. Compress the transmission unit while sliding it between the hubs.–For the TDCS-0014 and TSCS-0025 to 0215, compress using hub bolts (3).–For the TSCS-0360 (standard and disc hub) or for all sizes if dischubs are present on both sides, separate compression bolts will always be supplied. –For TSCS-0350 to 1400, compress using compression slots in the hub flanges. If the length of the spacer allows it, it may be possible to use the hub bolts to assist with compression. To allow for compression using hub bolts (3), the spacer flanges (5) are drilled to allow the bolts to be threaded into the guard ring (4) as shownin Figure 7. For DBFF’s less than the preferred minimum, spacer flanges are slotted. Tightening evenly, compressing the transmission unit until clearance between the hub spigots and transmission unit length is achieved, allowing installation. Do not over compress the transmission unit as this can damage the metal disc elements. The minimum gap ‘X’ (see Figure 7) should not be less than the values shown in Table 2,unless indicated otherwise on the general arrangement drawing.IMPORTANT Always remove the compression bolts as soon as the transmission unit is in position.3. Align the hub/transmission unit flanges if they have been match marked. 4. Initially fit hub bolts loosely by hand. Tighten these evenly to locate the transmission unit, ensuring the spigots enter their recesses squarely. Using a torque wrench, tighten in a "diametrically opposite" sequence to the torque values shown in Table 2 (tightening torque relates to lubricated bolts).5. Measure dimension 'A' (see Figure 1) on the transmission unit. Checkagainst the nominal value given in Table 2 with a tolerance of+/-0.006 inch. If outside these limits, redo the axial alignment.6. Rotate the machinery two or three times slowly to ensure it moves freely.Installation, Operation & Maintenance InstructionsOperation, Inspection and MaintenanceBefore starting the machinery, ensure that allnecessary safety procedures are being observedand coupling guards are fitted.Routine examination should include a periodic check on the tightness of fasteners and visual inspection of transmission unit components for signs of fatigue or wear.If the coupled machinery is disturbed at any time, shaft alignment should be rechecked. Alignment checking is recommended if a deterioration of installation alignment during service is suspected.Maintenance work must only be carried out by suitablyqualified personnel when the equipment is stationaryand has been made safe.John Crane Metastream flexible power transmission couplings are designed and selected to give an unlimited service if used within the parameters for which they are specified. Failures are rare and can generally be attributed to excessive misalignment, severe overload or a combination of both. In all cases of coupling failure, it is advisable that the cause of failure is first identified and corrected.Failure of the coupling will generally be failure of a membrane assembly.Transmission Unit RefurbishmentIt is possible to repair the coupling by fitting replacement membrane unit assemblies or replacing the entire transmission unit.To replace the transmission unit, remove the hub bolts and then withdraw the transmission unit using the compression bolts feature in the spacer, as appropriate.The transmission unit must be adequatelysupported during removal to avoid accidentaldamage should it slip.ATTENTION When repairing John Crane Metastream™ flexiblemembrane couplings, only John Crane-approved partsshould be used.NOTE: For balanced TSC spacer couplings, the transmission unit is usually supplied as a factory-assembled unit which should not be dismantled. However, when used at low or medium speeds, the transmission unit can be reconditioned, but will require rebalancing.Guard ring assembly units (O-kits), as well as B and C-kits, should bereplaced in pairs; failure of one will usually result in damage to the other.7A, B and C-kit Replacement1. Remove the guard ring assembly unit (O-kit) as per instruction 1 above.2. Remove the remaining drive nuts (8N) in order to remove the guard ringfrom the disc pack assembly.3. Assemble the relevant spares kit into the configuration as shownin Figure 8 so that the membranes and fixings are connected to theguard ring and the washers are in the correct orientation. Apply thread-locking compound (e.g., Loctite 242 or equivalent) on bolt threads whenassembling the nuts (8N) and torque to the values shown in Table 3.4. Follow instructions 3 to 5 from Guard Ring Assembly Unit (O-kit)replacement above to complete the replacement.This section refers to couplings that bear the CE and ATEX required markings:All couplings that comply with CE and ATEX legislation will be marked as shown. This will be etched on the spacer element of the transmission unit if enough room is available.A) Ambient temperature is standard (40ºC max)Where John Crane's Metastream metal membrane couplings are required for use in higher ambient temperatures, John Crane UK Ltd certifies that the equipment complies with the temperature classification range listed below in Table 1, and in all other respects complies with the type certificates.B) Ambient temperature is (-55°C < Ta < 150ºC) OR ambient temperature is unspecified, the equipment is not suitablefor mining applications, Group I, Category 2.C) Ambient temperature is (-55°C < Ta < 90ºC)When the ambient temp. is specified, ‘T3’ is replaced by the following ‘T’ mark (**) according to Table 1.NOTE:‘XX’ is the year of manufacture and will change. For example, for year 2016; XX = 16.CE and EX marks must meet requirements of Annex II in Reg. (EC) No. 765/2008 and Annex II in Dir. 84/47/EEC respectively.Operation in aggressive atmospheresThe following components contain non-metallic materials. Confirm compatibility or provide suitable protection if the coupling is to operate in an aggressive atmosphere.• The hub electrical insulation (if supplied option) – reinforced thermosetting plastic• Limited end float bearings (if supplied option) – PTFE based plasticTemperature classification of John Crane's Metastream couplingsJohn Crane's Metastream metal membrane couplings, supplied in conformance with Directive 2014/34/EU, have to meet the classifications specified in Table 1 when used in accordance with instructions and information supplied.T, L and H series couplings, using the disk type flexible elements, are covered by type examination certificate Sira 02ATEX9403.M series couplings, using the diaphragm type flexible elements, are covered by type examination certificate S ira 02ATEX9404.S. Pennington(Engineering Manager - Couplings)S. PenningtonIf the products featured will be used in a potentially dangerous and/or hazardous process, your John Crane representative should be consulted prior to their selection and use. In the interest of continuous development, John Crane Companies reserve the right to alter designs and specifications without prior notice. It is dangerous to smoke while handling products made from PTFE. Old and new PTFE products must not be incinerated. ISO 9001 and ISO14001 Certified, details available on request.©2020 John Crane JC402 Revised 03/20 IOM 016-A ENUnited States of AmericaTel: 1-847-967-2400 Fax: 1-847-967-3915United Kingdom Tel: 44-1753-224000 Fax: 44-1753-224224Brazil Tel: 55-11-3371-2500 Fax: 55-11-3371-2599United Arab Emirates Tel: 971-481-27800 Fax: 971-488-62830Singapore Tel: 65-6518-1800 Fax: 65-6518-1803。
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7.1 Pay attention before the assembly ............................................................................ 7 7.2 Finished borehole ...................................................................................................... 7 7.3 Coupling installation .................................................................................................. 8 8 Adjusting coupling .......................................................................................................... 10 8.1 Angular misalignment ∆Kw....................................................................................... 11 8.2 Radial displacement ∆Kr.......................................................................................... 11 8.3 Axial displacement.................................................................................................. 12 9 Operation........................................................................................................................ 13 10 Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 16 10.1 Wear Inspection on the Buffer Ring......................................................................... 16 10.2 Wear limit of elastic buffers...................................................................................... 17 10.3 Changing the elastic intermediate ring .................................................................... 18 11 Waste Disposal ..............................................................................................................-Mex® E
normally made of steel, and the brake disk is normally made of cast iron with nodular graphite. In case of any doubt, please consult the supplier!
2.1 Appropriate Use......................................................................................................... 3 3 Marking of the coupling..................................................................................................... 3 4 Storage ............................................................................................................................. 4 5 Construction ..................................................................................................................... 5 6 Technical data .................................................................................................................. 6 7 Assembly .......................................................................................................................... 7
1 Notes on safety................................................................................................................. 2 2 Function............................................................................................................................ 3
The coupling may only be operated, mounted, serviced and maintained by authorised and trained personnel.
The user must take into account that the bolting elements of coupling parts may be adversely affected by the heat produced by a brake disk/ brake drum due to the resultant friction. Make sure that the combination of the employed brake lining with the material of the brake disk/ brake drum does not lead to sparks or impermissible thermal growth. The brake disk is
In the case of transport, mounting, dismounting and maintenance, attention is to be paid to the relevant regulations for industrial safety and for environmental care.
2 Function
The coupling Nor-Mex ® E is a torsionally elastic and puncture-proof claw coupling.
It balances out angular, radial and axial shaft misalignments within defined limits. The coupling transfers the torque via pressure loadable, elastic buffers of Perbunan (Pb) which are joined together as an intermediate ring. The elastic intermediate ring can cushion impacts and torsional vibrations; it is oil-tight and electrically conductive. The coupling is usable in every sense of rotation and installation position.