大学英语跨文化交际课程参考书目1.毕继万《跨文化非语言交际》外语教学与研究出版社1999年版2.陈文伯《英语成语与汉语成语》外语教学与研究出版社19823.杜学增《中英文化习俗比较》外语教学与研究出版社1999年版4.段连城《美国人与中国人》新世界出版社1993年版5.范琪,李绍先主编《中国文化概论》光明日报出版社2001年版6.胡逢祥《社会变革与文化传统》上海人民出版社2000年版7.胡文仲《跨越文化的屏障》外语教学与研究出版社2004年版8.季羡林、张光璘《东西文化议论集》经济日报出版社1997年版9.贾英健《全球化与民族国家》湖南人民出版社2003年版10.江畅、戴茂堂《西方价值观念与当代中国》湖北人民出版社1997年版11.李东洋编写《饮食文化》中国建材工业出版社2002年版12.林继富编著《西藏节日文化》西藏人民出版社1993年版13.刘曙光《全球化与反全球化》湖南人民出版社2003年版14.程光泉《全球化与价值冲突》湖南人民出版社2003年版15.李晓东《全球化与文化整合》湖南人民出版社2003年版16.高晨阳《中国传统思维方式研究》山东大学出版社1998年版17.夏锡华,张冬贵《英语国家文化小知识100例》武汉大学出版社2003年版18.许锡挥,李萍主编《粤港澳文化关系》中山大学出版社2001年版19.吴同瑞主编《中华文化讲座丛书第三集》北京大学出版社1998年版20.尹靖《中华文化大观》天津社会科学院出版社1992年版21.郑立信,顾嘉祖《美国英语与美国文化》湖南教育出版社1993年版22.邹广文《人类文化的流变与整合》吉林人民出版社1998年版23.(英)汤林森《文化帝国主义》冯建三译上海人民出版社1999年版24.(美)马尔库塞《现代文明与人的困境》李小兵等译上海三联书店1989年版文章目录1.宋莉跨文化语言教学中禁忌话题的对比研究教育理论与实践2006/082.王晓兰英语交际中的中西文化差异今日中学生2006/Z13.马海燕品牌中的文化差异与翻译浙江万里学院学报2006/014.罗宏景中西方体育文化差异浅谈云梦学刊2006/025.王隽东西方文化差异浅谈云梦学刊2006/026.张向葵男女两性在文化震荡、心理健康及其关系中的差异比较心理科学2006/02 7.董琇礼貌——中西文化差异的表征同济大学学报(社会科学版) 2006/018.赵春娥从日常用语看中西方文化的差异山西农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2006/01 9.陆林森文化差异中外商务活动中的碰撞国际市场2006/0310.郭骅中英称谓语的差异及其文化背景大众科技2006/0511.付雪蓉论中英政治文化之差异长沙铁道学院学报(社会科学版) 2006/0112.赵湘国际商务中的文化差异中外企业文化2006/0213.卢晓明中英文化差异及其影响辽宁税务高等专科学校学报2006/0114.高霄跨文化交际中委婉语对比研究教学与管理2006/0615.段淑萍中英婚俗文化及差异岳阳职业技术学院学报2006/0116.陈枫从中西方文化差异看企业心理契约建设商业时代2006/0417.刘东方浅析跨文化交际中非语言交际的差异牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) 2006/0118.王春媚中西方的文化差异与广告理解商业经济2006/0219.何苗浅谈中西方文化差异与英语学习甘肃农业2006/0320.徐世伟中日经济合作中企业文化差异引发的管理冲突重庆工商大学学报(西部经济论坛) 2006/0121.曹湘萍谈中西方文化差异与汉英翻译和田师范专科学校学报2005/0522.李岩汉英习语翻译中的文化意蕴对比分析沈阳教育学院学报2006/0123.钱福东漫谈中西的文化对比及由此引起的语言差异辽宁行政学院学报2005/05 24.张宗久英汉数字文化习俗差异的对比分析华北水利水电学院学报(社科版) 2006/0125.邵军航英汉方位隐喻中态度的跨文化对比平顶山学院学报2005/06。
教学目标:1. 让学生了解跨文化交际的基本概念和重要性。
2. 培养学生对不同文化差异的敏感性和理解能力。
3. 提高学生的跨文化交际意识和实际操作能力。
教学重点:1. 跨文化交际的概念和重要性。
2. 不同文化差异的识别和应对策略。
教学难点:1. 学生对不同文化差异的理解和适应。
2. 学生在实际跨文化交际中的沟通技巧。
教学过程:一、导入1. 教师简要介绍跨文化交际的概念和重要性,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 提问:同学们认为跨文化交际在我们的生活中有哪些重要性?二、基础知识讲解1. 教师详细讲解跨文化交际的概念、特点、原则等基本知识。
2. 通过案例分析,让学生了解不同文化差异的具体表现。
三、文化差异对比1. 教师引导学生分析中西方文化差异,如:时间观念、空间观念、个人主义与集体主义等。
2. 学生分组讨论,对比中西方文化差异,分享各自的观点。
四、实际操作训练1. 教师设计一个跨文化交际场景,如:商务谈判、旅游交流等。
2. 学生分组扮演不同角色,进行实际操作训练。
3. 教师观察并指导,帮助学生提高跨文化交际技巧。
五、总结与反思1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容,强调跨文化交际的重要性。
2. 学生分享自己在实际操作训练中的收获和体会。
3. 教师针对学生的表现进行点评和指导。
教学资源:1. 多媒体课件:跨文化交际基本知识、文化差异对比案例等。
2. 文化差异对比表格:中西方文化差异对比。
3. 跨文化交际场景模拟案例。
教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言、讨论和实际操作表现。
2. 知识掌握情况:通过课堂提问和课后作业检查学生对跨文化交际基本知识的掌握程度。
3. 实际操作能力:评价学生在跨文化交际场景模拟中的表现,如沟通技巧、应对策略等。
教学反思:1. 教师根据学生的反馈,调整教学策略,提高教学效果。
2. 教师关注学生在跨文化交际中的实际需求,提供针对性的指导。
3. 教师鼓励学生积极参与跨文化交际实践,提高跨文化交际能力。
《新大学英语跨文化交际阅读》Language and Culture
Hale Waihona Puke Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf visited Geely on May 2010 and met Geely Group Chairman Li Shufu. At the meeting, the Swedish King showed his great concern for the future Volvo Cars, so he asked Li how Geely would guarantee that Volvo's standards would not be undermined after Geely's acquisition. Li Shufu said "We are not just keeping Volvo's standards, but helping Volvo regain its past glory.” The following day, the Swedish group attended the Geely-Volvo acquisition forum in Shanghai. One of the textbook authors made a presentation to the Swedish group and he asked the Swedish group whether they understood what Li meant by saying “We are not just keeping Volvo's standards, but helping Volvo regain its past glory.” They replied “No” and they asked the author what Li meant. When the author gave a short explanation from an intercultural perspective, they were all relieved and showed their gratitude to Geely’s acquisition.
大学英语跨文化交际教程课后答案(全) Unit1 Sportsmanship: It is the ability to practise a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat.2. Traditionally, an Englishman is thought to be reserved, unemotional, courteous, shy of strangers, suspicious of change, and slow to accept new ideas.3. It is the ability to practise a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat. Moreover, sportsmanship as an idea is applied to life in general.The pioneering spirit: E某cept for the brought from Africa, immigrants came to America voluntarily, early in search of greater prosperity and freedom.American dream: The belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve weather and fame through diligence and virtue.1. Traditionally, individualism, independence andcollaboration, practice, tolerance, melting pot and racial discrimination are the character of Americans.3. The American Dream is the belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve wealth and fame through diligence and virtue.Unit 2 Key concepts Five relationshipsFive relationships: ruler-minister, father-son, husband-wife, elder-younger brother and friend-friend.Humanism Humanism means that man not only had the right to enjoy the beauty of their life, but also had the ability to perfect themselves and perform wonders.Individualism An individualism culture is one in which people tend to view themselves ad individuals and to emphasize the needs of individuals.Collectivism A collectivism culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups (families, work units, tribes, nations), and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals.1. According to Confucianism, what are the five cardinalrelationships in Chinese society and what should these relationships beThat is the well-known five relationships: ruler-minister, father-son, husband-wife, elder-younger brother and friend-friend. This was e某plained as\There should be affectionbetween man and wife, stratification between old and young, and good faith between friends.\2. What is the difference between collectivism andindividualismFirstly, westerns tend to believe that people should rely on themselves as much as possible- and they usually e某pect other people to do the same. So they don't think they have the obligation to help family members and friends during emergency situations. In contrast, people in collectivist cultures generally feel that they have a right to help other members of their groups.Secondly, westerns generally feel that the rights of individuals should not be subordinated to the needs of a larger group, or at least that individuals should have the right to decide for themselves whether to sacrifice their personalbenefit for the sake of the group. In contrast, people in collectivist cultures are generally more willing to accept the idea that individuals should sacrifice for the benefit of the group.E某tended family: adult couples are e某pected to formtheir ownhousehold with either of their biological families.2. Because they desire a close and intense bond with their partners,they e某pect so much from marriage that so many get divorcedImpermanence: the property of not e某isting for indefinitely long durations.Stable: resistant to change of position or condition Connection vs. contract: relationship。
A. 不同语言之间的交际
B. 不同国家之间的交际
C. 不同文化之间的交际
D. 不同年龄阶段之间的交际
A. 它期望个体能够在跨文化情境中获得顺利、成功的交流和互动。
B. 它指的是各种跨越文化的交流和互动。
C. 它是一个跨越语言和文化障碍的交际活动。
D. 它只是指在文化相同的情况下的互动和交流。
1.跨文化交际包括文化的 ______________,交际的 ___________ 和认
知的 ______________。
大学英语跨文化交际chapter 1 Culture
1. Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective
“Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the di, including their embodiments in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values”.
1. Culture Is Learned
Activity: Group Work H a ve yo u l e a r n e d cul tu r e through the above channels? Discuss with your group members and give examples of your own experiences of learning culture.
1. Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective 2. Defining Culture from the Psychological Perspective 3. Defining Culture from the Sociological Perspective 4. Defining Culture from the Intercultural Perspective 5. Our Definition of Culture
跨文化交际大学英语教材Introduction:Nowadays, with the increasing globalization and internationalization, the importance of cross-cultural communication skills in English language learning cannot be overstated. In order to overcome cultural differences and effectively communicate in diverse settings, it is crucial for students to have access to a comprehensive and well-designed cross-cultural communication textbook in their university English curriculum. This article will explore the key components and features that should be included in a cross-cultural communication university English textbook.Section 1: Understanding Cultural DifferencesIn this section, the textbook should provide a solid foundation for students to comprehend the concept of cross-cultural communication and the significance of cultural differences. It should cover topics such as cultural dimensions, values, and norms, as well as the impact of culture on communication styles and practices. Additionally, this section should incorporate real-life examples and case studies to help students gain a deeper understanding of different cultural perspectives.Section 2: Effective Verbal CommunicationVerbal communication plays a crucial role in cross-cultural interactions. The textbook should focus on enhancing students' communication skills by providing practical tips on how to navigate through various language barriers and cultural nuances. It should cover areas such as vocabulary andidiomatic expressions, pronunciation and intonation, as well as strategies for effective listening and speaking in different cultural contexts.Section 3: Nonverbal Communication and Body LanguageNonverbal communication often conveys more meaning than words alone. Thus, the textbook should dedicate a section to teach students about the importance of nonverbal cues and body language in cross-cultural communication. It should explore cultural differences in gestures, facial expressions, personal space, and eye contact. Additionally, the textbook should provide exercises and interactive activities to help students better grasp the subtleties of nonverbal communication.Section 4: Intercultural Competence in Written CommunicationWritten communication is essential in many academic and professional contexts. Therefore, the textbook should provide guidance on how to navigate cultural differences in written communication effectively. It should cover areas such as cross-cultural business writing, academic writing in an intercultural setting, and email etiquette in different cultural contexts. The textbook should also include sample writing tasks and assignments to allow students to practice their skills.Section 5: Culture-Specific Topics and ScenariosTo further enhance students' understanding of cross-cultural communication, the textbook should include various culture-specific topics and scenarios. It should cover areas such as business communication, intercultural negotiations, social etiquette, and cultural taboos. By including real-life examples and case studies from different countries and cultures,students can gain practical insights into how to navigate complex cultural situations.Conclusion:In conclusion, a well-designed cross-cultural communication university English textbook should encompass a comprehensive framework that covers the understanding of cultural differences, effective verbal and nonverbal communication, intercultural competence in written communication, and culture-specific topics. By incorporating interactive activities, real-life examples, and practical exercises, such a textbook will provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to communicate effectively and confidently in diverse cultural settings.。
《大学英语(跨文化交际英语)》课程教学大纲CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION执笔者:吴勇审核人:易强编写日期:2017年10月二、课程简述《大学英语(跨文化交际英语)》课程是我校非英语专业本科基础阶段的公共基础课,属必修课程。
大学英语跨文化交际 chapter one
4. Culture is the grammar of our behavior
in order to behave appropriately in any society, people need to know the culture. culture includes all the rules that make actions meaningful to the people around them. people learn their cultural grammar unconsciously and apply its rules automatically.
2. Culture is our software focuses on the function of culture physical selves are viewed as hardware, and we are programmed by home culture to be human. we are only vaguely aware of it as we use it. sometimes, the computer doesn’t work because it is incompatible with someone else’s software. 3. Culture is like the water a fish swims in in water, fish finds food, reproduces and protects itself from danger. our culture is so much a part of who we are and what the world is like for us that we do not notice it and we take it for granted
人民大2024新编大学英语跨文化交际教程(高级实用英语系列教材)教学课件Unit 3-A East
2. place:
3. beliefs: 4. had the right to enjoy the beauty of their life, but also had the ability to perfect themselves and perform wonders.
The concept of values
• Values are ideas about what is right and wrong, desirable and undesirable, normal and abnormal, proper and improper. It also includes the assumptions, the unquestioned givens, about people, life, and the way things are.
The highest excellence is like that of water. (林语堂译)
The Origin of Western Values: Renaissance
Originated from:
1. time :
1. 14th-17th centuries 2. from Italy to England to the whole
social values
1) maintenance of an orderly society
2) harmony 3) respect for authority
(differences from the West)
4) accountability of public officials
5) openness to new ideas 6) freedom of expression
《大学英语跨文化交际》课程教案IntroductionI. 主要内容作者在本章阐述了全球化概念,文化融合和跨文化交际的相关概念。
II. Teaching Objectives1.to identify the definitions of globalization, culture merge and intercultural communication2.to identify some relevant concepts about these three main themes3.to cultivate students to be able to recognize and analyze cultural factorsIII. Teaching Course1. Present the Cultural Phenomena to Students(1) Present some cases involving different cultural contacts between persons from different countries or different parts of the same country(2) Then lead to the concept of globalization2. Warm-up Questions1) Do you want to go abroad? What’s your aim?2) Do you find whether it’s easy or not to get along with foreign friends?3. Key terms0.1.1.a. Globalization (from economic standpoint) (从经济学角度定义全球化): It is conceived as a process of increasing involvement in international business operations. (经济学视角中的全球化表现为不断增加的国际商务往来过程)。
Chapter 8 Cultural influences on Contexts
Questions for Chapter 7
Explain Edward T. Hall’s Context-Culture Theory, illustrate with examples when necessary.
Chapter 8 Cultural Influences on Context
“Management” can be viewed differently from culture to culture.
1.Management In China 2.Management in the United States 3.Management in Germany 4.Management in Japan 5.Management in France 6.Management in Mexico and Latin America
Chapter 8 Cultural Influences on Context
➢Communication is rule governed
People expect culturally determined patterns of behavior or rules to govern their interactions
The Date for Business
In Saudi Arabia, no business is conducted during Aid-al-Fitr— the three-day festival of breaking fast at the end of the month of Ramadan—and Aid-al-Adha—the three-day feast of sacrifice.
IntroductionI. Teaching Objectives1.To understand the definition of globalization and its origin, modern concept as wellas contributing elements.2.To understand the trend of culture merge and the reality of culture diversity.3.To understand the disadvantages of culture diversity and strategies for overcomingthem.II. Leading inIII. Teaching ProceduresStep 1Have the students listen to the lead-in case The Word Car.Ask the students warming-up questions:●What is Mondeo?(A brand of Ford car company.)●Why does Ford source globally?(To reduce the costs by means of specialization so as to be more competitive an intense international competition.)●Can you describe the phenomenon by one word?(Globalization)●What competence is needed in successfully doing business internationally?(Effective intercultural communication competence)Step 20.1.1 Define globalization from different standpoints.From economic standpointViewed purely from an economic standpoint, globalization is considered as a process of increasing involvement in international business operations.From sociological view of globalizationGlobalization occurs when the constraints of geography on social and cultural arrangements recede as people around the world become increasingly aware that they are receding.From Marxist philosophyBased on Marxist philosophy, globalization is what people in the Third World have already experienced for several centuries—colonization.0.1.2 Historical origin of globalizationBarber systemFarming communities traded their surplus produce in exchange for products and services without the medium of money.International tradeHuman society has always traded goods across great distances.English philosopher Jeremy Bentham, coined the term "International" to describe the emerging reality of his day, namely, the rise of nation states and the cross-border transactions taking place between them.0.1.3 Modern concept of globalizationTheory of modernizationGlobalization has many features in common with the Theory of Modernization.Increasing industrialization brought into existence a whole new set of contacts between societies that changed the political, economic, and social processes that characterized the pre-industrialized world. Thus, modernization is a part of globalization.Economic growth theory of industrializationTheory, advocated that economic growth followed a pattern in all economies as they went through industrialization. That is to adopt the free market economy, undergo different stages of economic development, and finally reach the develop economy.Global villageMcLuhan characterized today's world as a "global village" because of the rapid expansion of worldwide transportation and communication networks. The essence is the time and space compression.0.1.4. Elements contributing to the globalizationNew technologyComputers, Internet, planeOpen marketCompanies benefit from large economies of scale. Productivity will be boosted. Living standards have the potential to rise.Overseas job opportunitiesWhat is irrefutable is that the world economic pie is indeed bigger because of globalization —and it is being sliced differently than before.0.2.1 Culture diversityWorld cultureAs traditional barriers among people of different cultures break down, one culture will emerge, a new culture to which all people will adhere.MacrocultureThe term macroculture implies losing ethnic differences and forming one large society.Microculturecultures within cultures (microcultures).Melting-potMelting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationalities.DiversityDiversity(多样性)refers to the mix of people from various backgrounds in the labor force.0.2.3 Disadvantages of culture diversityAttitudinal problemsProblems may be attitudinal.For example, the attitudes that American managers have, when they perceive a problem, is different from those of Chinese managers.To Americans: life is a set of problems to be solved—so they perceive problems much earlier. To Chinese: life is a set of situations to be accepted—so problem exists when it has already happened.Perceptual problemsCultural diversity within an organization, without any strategies or attitudes to accommodate it, may create perceptual (stereotyping, status-related problems, gender role conflicts) and communicative (language and misinterpretation) problems.0.3.2 The definition of and need for intercultural communicationIntercultural communication refers to communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.Intercultural business communication allows us to work on the procedural issues of country-to-country contacts, diplomacy, and legal contexts; it allows us to become involved with the substantive, cultural level and helps sensitize us to differences. We must learn to work with each other. The future of any organization depends on it.0.3.3 Key strategies for effective intercultural communication* The understanding and acceptance of differences* High priority of equality* Developing tolerance and acceptance* Developing culture sensitivity* No stifle and ignore on the diversity* Equal distribution of organizational resources* Shared decision-making* Flexible institutional policies, practices, and proceduresStep 3Raising Intercultural Awareness:找错误,“送”牙签:学生通过发现彼此在交际活动中的“冒犯性”行为,来提高交际意识。
Chapter 1 CultureI. Teaching ObjectivesIn this chapter, the teacher should enable the students to:1. understand concepts concerning culture.2. recognize the nature of culture.3. describe the definitions and characteristics of culture.4. discuss about cultural identity and cultural varieties.II. Contents1. Keywords(1) Culture (from intellectual perspective): Culture is “the arts and othermanifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively”(从知性角度定义文化:作为整体的人类智力成就的艺术和其他表现。
)(2) Culture (from anthropologic perspective): Culture consists of patterns, explicitand implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiments inartifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especiallytheir attached values”.(从人类学角度定义文化:文化由清晰和模糊的行为模式构成,这些模式通过符号获得并传播,这些符号由人类群体的特别成就构成,包括具体的人工制品。
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