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Choose the best answer:

1. The invoice value is to be paid A arrival of the goods.

A. upon

B. after

C. of

D. at

2. All the activities of both parties shall A the contractual stipulations.

A. abide by

B. comply with

C. obey

D. satisfy

3. The following terms used in this rules shall have the meanings D assigned to them

A. hereof

B. hereto

C. hereunder

D. herein

4. If no such Chinese law D exist to govern a particular matter relating to this Contract, then general international practices shall be final.

A. shall

B. should

C. may

D. 不填

5. Both parties agree that change the time of shipment D August and change US dollar Sterling..

A. into…to

B. to…to

C. from…to

D. to…into

6. The Employer A covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects the Contract Price.

A. hereby...therein

B. herein...therein

C. hereby...thereby

D. hereof...thereof

7. This Contract is hereby made and concluded by and between AA Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and BB Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party B), on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and B amicable consultation.

A. on

B. through

C. after

D. with

8. C Party B has the right and agrees to grant Party A the rights to use, manufacture and sell the Contract Products of Patented Technology;

A. whereof

B. whereby

C. whereas

D. wherein

9. The Commitment fee shall quarterly be paid from the date in the third month __D to the earlier day of the Disbursement Date and the Termination Date.

A. thereof

B. thereto

C. therefor

D. thereafter

10. The Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures Company shall C upon the expiration of the joint venture term .

A. wind up

B. conclude

C. terminate

D. end

11. Foreign trade dealers as mentioned in this Law shall, in accordance with the provisions B, cover such legal entities and other organization as are engaged in foreign trade dealings.

A. herein

B. hereof

C. hereby . hereto

12. B any other provision of the Contract, if the Contractor intends to claim any additional payment, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of his intention.

A. although

B. notwithstanding

C. if

D. nevertheless

13. The board meeting shall be B and presided over by the Chairman1.

A. assembled

B. called

C. gathered

D. summoned

14. Bank charges1 D transfers are payable by the first beneficiary2 unless otherwise specified by the bank.

A. as regards to

B. concerning

C. about

D. in respect of

15. Instructions given by the Engineer shall be in writing. B if the Engineer considers it necessary to give any such instruction orally ,the Contractor shall comply with such instruction.

A. in case that

B. in condition of

C. when

D. provided that

16. The B Seller and Buyer1 have agreed to close the following transaction 2 in accordance with the terms
