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HHee hhaaddaannacaccidceidnet.n(wt hwilhe)ile driving to work yesterday. • HHHeeevwivsaiistseiidntetLhdoentGhdoerenGa. trMeautseMumu.se(wuhmilew) hile in London. • He was exhausted.
--I meant ______, but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.
A. to do
B. to
C. doing
D. doing so
4. –I slipped on the stairs. I think my arm is broken. --Oh! I ________. A. don’t hope so B. hope so C. don’t hope
--Not at all. _________.
A. I’ve no time
B. I’d rather not C. I’d like it
I’d love to.
D. I’d be happy to
I’d like to.
Join the two sentences together with the conjs. • He was driving to work yesterday.
HHe eiswasilklecdo.m(ife) if asked. • You should stay where you are.
YYoouu ashreoauslkdesdttaoylewahvee.r(eunyloeussa) re unless asked to leave.
• “How are you getting on these days?”“_Q__u_it_e_w_e.”ll “近来情况如何?”“不错。” • “Have you seen the film?”“Not yet .” “看过这部电影了吗?”“还没有。”
HeHsetasytaedyeudp uunptiluhnetiflinfisinhiesdhiet.d(aitlthaoluthgho)ugh exhausted. • It was built ten years ago. TThheehhoouussee ssttiilllllolookosknsenwe.(waltahlotuhgohu)gh built ten years ago. • He will come.
• Don't speak until (you are)spoken to . 没让你答话少开口。
Put the following into English, using ellipsis. 1 如果你愿意来我的办公室,尽管来好了。 2 你帮助我比我帮助你的多得多。 3 这种鱼你想捕多少就捕多少。 4你瞧瞧那脏水,它太难闻了! 5 A:谁要冷饮?
• 9.表He示is身(t份he、) m职ay务or的o名f t词he作cit表y.语或同位语, 省略冠 词.
He di•dn'1t0c.om可e用to不se定e u式s 符tho号ugtoh代h替e h重ad复p的ro不mi定sed式t或o (短co语me.to see us).
I guess not. I don’t think so.
2. –Have you cleaned the room? --No, but _______. A. I’m B. I am C. I’m just going
D. I’m just going to
3. –You should have thanked her before she left.
1.--Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?
A. I don’t believe
B. I don’t believe it
I hope not.
C. I believe not so
I’m afraid not.
D. I believe not
• 3.定Ro语se从s a句re中th的e 关flo系we代rs词(w如h作ich宾) s语he, 可lik以es省. 略. • 4.关Th系is代is词(thwehrye所as说on明) w的h先y s行he词wtehpetr.eason常加省略. • 5.祈(Y使ou句) G中e的t u主p a语t yoonuc应e. 予以省略.
• 6.宾I t语hin从k句(th的a连t) i词t itshraitg常ht可. 省略. • 7.状语从句的主语如与主句的主语相同, 且从句的助
动词H是e wber,o则te从th句is n可o省vel略w主hi语le (和he助w动as词) ibnet.he country. • 8省.略所I.a有m格no名w词st或ay人ing接ahtomusyeu, snhcolep',so(fhfiocue等se)词., 这些词可
• 为了避免重复, 使句子简洁, 省略句中的 一个或几个句子成分,这种语法现象称为 省略。在口语中, 这种情况更为常见.
• 1.词I a语m意fi思fte很en明(y显ea,r常s o予ld以) .省略. Th•e 2s.un 前sh后ine句s 中in重th复e d出ay现ti的me,词a,n可d t省he略mo后on面(s的hi.nes) at night.
D. hope not
5.He didn’t give me the chance, though he ______.
A. haБайду номын сангаас promised to
B. had promised C. promised to D. promised it.
6. –I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?