本科生练习题一、网络资源检索1.利用百度检索出文献类型是PDF,文献内容是“冠心病”的文献,输入的是什么,检索的结果数量是多少?2. 利用Google查找网页标题中含“创新型大学”一词的页面,输入的是什么,检索结果数量是多少?3. 如何在google上查找造血干细胞的幻灯片?4. 利用google学术搜索查找我校李群伟教授在《泰山医学院学报》上发表的文章,并被引次数最高的文献。
此外,你能得到李教授的院系和邮件联系方式吗?5. 通过Google学术搜索检索论文“抗甲突汤治疗甲亢突眼症的临床疗效观察”被引用情况。
6.在google 或百度中检索关于网页制作的Powerpoint教学课件,给出检索策略和检索命令。
(提示:Powerpoint文件格式为ppt)7. 查找人类首次登月成功的时间、国家、宇航员姓名和宇宙飞船的名称。
8.提供SPECT中英文名称9. 《中华放射学杂志》被引频次最高的论文作者10. 以Google()为例,检索《中国循证医学杂志》上发表的篇名中包含“循证医学”(词组)的文章被引用情况。
12. 你知道王老吉的历史是怎样的?创始人又是谁?你能找到他的图片吗?13.使用high wire press检索2005-至今西咪替丁治疗胃溃疡的文章,写出检索步骤和结果数。
实习题一:检索肝癌的MRI诊断评价1. 进行主题词检索(1)进行MRI的主题词检索。
常用医疗、医药名称(MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY)Billy(刘志新) Medical Student 2011医药 Yi yao (Medical Terminology)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称过敏Guo min Allergy 血压Xue ya Blood Pressure 检查Jian cha Examination 麻醉Ma zui Anesthesia健康诊断Jian kangZhen duan General Check Up,PhysicalExamination麻醉全身Ma zuiquan shengGeneral Anesthesia入院Ru yuan Admission tohospital 静脉麻醉Jing maiMa zuiIntraveounsAnesthesia退院Tui yuan Discharge fromhospital 脊椎麻醉Ji zhuiMa zuiSpinal Anesthesia症状Zheng zhuang Symptom 局部麻醉Jv buMa zuiLocal Anesthesia 营养Ying yang Nutrition 手术Shou shu Operation 病历Bing li Clinical History 切除Qie chu Resection 诊断Zhen duan Diagnosis 副作用Fuzuoyong Side effect 治疗Zhi liao Treatment 洗净Xi jing Irrigation 预防Yu fang Prevention 注射Zhu she Injection 呼吸Hu xi Respiration X线X xian X –ray 便通Bian tong Bowel Movement 红外线Hong wai xian Ultra red ray 便Bian Stool 急性的Ji xing de Acute 血液Xue ye Blood 体格Ti ge Build 脉搏Mai bo Pulse rate 亲戚Qin qi Relative 尿Niao Urine 遗传Yi chuan Heredity脉搏数Mai bo shu Pulse, Pulsation 慢性的Man xing de Chronic 免疫Mian yi Blood type 血清Xue qing Serum流行性的Liu xing xing de Epidemic 潜伏期间Qian fu qi jian Incubation period 滤过性病毒Lv guo xing dbingduVirus 消毒Xiao du Sterilization抗生素kang sheng su Antibiotic 脑波Nao bo E.E.G 洗肠Xi chang Enema 结核反应Jie he fan ying Tuberculin Reaction 华氏Hua shi Farenheit 摄氏She shi Celsius, Centigrade药品 yao pin (Medicine)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称冰袋Bin dai Ice Bag 舌下锭She xia ding Sublingual tablet药Yao Medicine (drug) 胶囊Jiao nang Capsules 绷带Ben dai Bandage 软膏Ruan gao Ointment 胶带Jiao dai Adhesive tape 眼药Yanyao Eye medicine 剪刀Jian dao Scissors 止咳药Zhe keyao Cough medicine 体温计Ti wen ji Therometer 阿司匹林 A si pi lin Aspirin 坐药Zuoyao Suppository 止痛药Zhi tongyao Pain killer 药丸Yaowan Tablet. Pill 药方Yaofang Prescription症状及名称zheng zhuang ji ming chen (Symptoms)一般症状 yi ban zheng zhuang (General)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称发烧Fa shao Fever 剧痛Jv tong Severe pain 高烧Gao shao High fever 打喷嚏Da pen ti Sneeze 发冷Fa len Chills 打嗝Da ge Hiccup 发汗Fa han Sweats 痒Yang Itch 盗汗Dao han Night sweats 腰痛Yaotong Lower back pain 倦怠Juan dai Tiredness 头痛Tou tong Headache 失眠Shi nian Insomnia 痛Tong Pain (ache)急性疼痛Ji xingTen tong Acute pain 一跳一跳的痛Yi tiaoyi tiaoDe tongThrobbing pain肩头发硬Jian touFa ying Stiffness in shoulder 针扎似的痛Zhen zha siDe tongPrickling pain钝痛Dun tong Dull pain 裂痛Lie tong Tearing pain压痛Ya tong Pressing pain 持续痛Chi xu tong Continous pain 刺痛Ci tong Sharp pain 不舒服Bu shu fu Umcomfortable 戳痛Chuo tong Piercing pain 继续痛Ji xu tong Pain comes inintervals烧痛Shao tong Burning Pain 绞痛Jiao tong Colic放射痛Fang she tong Radiation pain 血尿Xue niao Bloody urine溃烂痛Kui lan tong Sore pain 脓尿Nong niao Pyuria痉挛痛Jin luan tong Crampy pain 粘液便Nian ye bian Mucous stool 蛋白质Dan bai zhi Albumunria 粘土样便Nian tu yangbianClay colored stool 轻疼Qing ten Slight pain 验血Yan xue Blood analysis 红血球Hong xue qiu Red blood cells 呼吸数Hu xi shu Respiration rate 白血球Bai xue qiu White blood cells 呼气Hu qi Expriation慢脉Man mai Bradycardia 吸气Xi qi Inspiration呼吸困难Hu xi kun nan Difficulty breathing 不规则脉Bu gui ze mai Irregular pulse脉搏数Mai bo shu Pulse rate 尿混浊Niao hun zhuo Cloudy urine 快脉Kuai mai Tachycardia 瘦Shou Thin, skinny 肥fei Fat 糖尿Tang niao Glycosuria呼吸系统 hu xi xi tong (respiratory system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称气管Qi guan Bronchus 哮喘Xiao chuan Asthma 肺Fei Lung 痰Tan Sputum 咳嗽Ke sou Cough 吐血Tu xue Blood spitting 干咳Gan ke Dry cough 咳血Ke xue Hemoptysis 有痰咳You tan ke Moist cough 背痛Bei tong Back pain 气喘性咳Qi chuan xing ke Wheezing stridor 支气管炎Zhi qi guan yan Bronchitis 支气管气喘Zhi qi guan yan Bronchal asthma 肺结核Fei jie he Pulmonarytuberculosis 胸痛Xiong tong Chest pain 粗嘎Cu ge Huskiness 气喘Qi chuan Wheezing 感冒Gan mao Common cold 沙哑Sha ya Hoarseness 肺炎Fei yan Pneumonia 胸膜炎Xiong mo yan Pleurisy 肺结核Fei jie he PulmonaryTuberculosis 肺气肿Fei qi zhong Pulmonary 肺癌Fei ai Lung cancer循环系统xun huan xi tong (circulatory system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称心脏Xin zang Heart 心房Xin fang Atrium 血管Xue guan Blood vessels 心室Xin shi Ventricle 淋巴腺Lin ba xian Lymph 贫血Pin xue Anemia 动脉Dong mai Artery 静脉Jing mai Vein 心悸Xin ji Palpitation 水肿Shui zhong Edema贫血的Pin xue de Anemic 心脏发作Xinzang fa zuo Heart attack 不能呼吸Bu neng hu xi Shortness of breath 颜面苍白Yanmianchangbai Pallor of face 青紫Qing zi Cyanosis 低血压Di xue ya Hypotension 高血压Gao xue ya Hypertension 动脉瘤Dong mai liu Aneurysm 动脉硬化症Dong mai ying huazhengArteriosclerosis 狭心症Xiao xin zheng Angina心脏喘息Xin zang chuan xi Cardiac asthma 心肌梗塞Xin ji geng se Myocardialinfarction血栓症Xue shuan zhen Thrombosis 先天性心脏疾病Xian tian xing xinzang bing Congenital heartdisease心脏衰弱Xin zang shuan rui Heart failure 心内膜炎Xin nei mo yan Endocarditis 心脏神经症Xin zang shen jing Cardiac neurosis 心肌炎Xin ji yan Myocarditiszheng消化系统 Xiao hua xi tong (Digestive system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称腹Fu Abdomen 恶心 E Xin Nausea 食道Shi dao Esophagus 吐Tu Vomit 胃Wei Stomach 压迫感Ya po gan Sense of pressure 十二指肠Shi er zhi chang Duodenum 吞咽困难Tu yan kun nan Difficulty swallowing 大肠Da chang Large intestine 全腹痛Quan fu tong General abdominalpain 小肠Xiao chang Small intestine 吞咽困难Tun yan kun nan Difficulty swallowing 直肠Zhi chang Rectum 吐血Tu xue Hematemesis 肛门Gang men Anus 便秘Bian mi Constipation肝脏Gan zang Liver 腹泻Fu Xie Diarrhea胰脏Yi zang Pancreas 肠鸣Chang ming Rumbling sound 胆囊Dan nang Gall bladder 放屁Fang pi Pass gas 盲肠Mang chang Appendix 软鞭Ruan bian Loose stool 食欲Shi yu Appetite 血便Xue bian Bloody stool 口渴Kou ke Thirst 食欲不振Shi yu bu zheng Anorexia腹部膨胀Fu bu peng zhang Abdominalenlargement 食道癌Shi dao ai Cancer of theesophagus胃炎Wei yan Gastritis 胃癌Wei ai Gastric carcinoma 胃溃疡Wei kui yang gastric ulcer 胃酸过多症Wei suan guo duozhengHyperacidity十二指肠溃疡Shi er zhi chang kuiyang Duodenal ulcer 肛门周围脓疡Gang men zhou weinong yangPerirectal abscess肠捻转Chang nian zhuan volvulus 肠黏膜炎Chang nian mo yan Intestinal catarrh 盲肠炎Mang chang yan appendicitis 肠结核Chang jie he Intestinaltuberculosis大肠炎Da chang yan colitis 肠套肠Chang tao chang Intussusception 痔漏Zhi lou Anal fistula 痔疮Zhi chuang Hemorrhoids (piles) 肝硬化Gan ying hua Cirrhosis 胆结石症Dan jie shi zheng Gall stones小肠癌Xiao chang ai Cancer of theintestine直肠癌Zhi chang ai Rectal cancer腹膜炎Fu mo yan Peritonitis 肝癌Gam ai Liver cancer黄疸Huang dan Jaundice 肝炎Gan yan Hepatitis胰脏炎Yi zang yan Pancreatitis 胆炎Dan yan Cholecystitis 神经系统Shén jīng xì tŏng (Nervous system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称脑Năo Brain 惊厥Jīng juéConvulsion 大脑Dà năo Cerebrum 麻木Má mù Numbness 小脑Xiăo năo Cerebellum 震颤Zhèn chàn Tremor 脊髓Jĭ suĭSpinal cord 晕厥Yūn juéSyncope 神经Shén jīng Nerver 错乱Cuò luàn Confused 头昏Tόu hūn Dizziness 思睡Sī shuìDrowsy轻度头痛Qīng dùtόu tòng Light headedness 意识丧失Yì shí sàng shīUnconciousness 意识朦胧Yì shí méng lόng Dazed confusion 兴奋状况Xīn fèng zhuàng tài Excited condition 幻觉Huàn jué Illusion 昏迷Hūn míComa 瘫痪Tān huàn Paralysis 无力Wú lìHyposthenia语言障碍Yŭ yán zhàng ài Disturbance ofspeech 视力受损Shì lì shòu sŭn Disturbance ofvision紧张Jĭn zhāng Nervous 失眠Shī mián Insomnia 神经炎Shén jīng yán Neuritis 神经痛Shén jīng tòng Neuralgia面神经麻痹Miàn shén jīng mábìFacial palsy 肋间神经痛Lèi jiān shén jīngtòngIntercostalspain坐骨神经痛Zuò gŭ shén jīngtòngSciatica 歇斯底里症Xiē sī dĭ lĭ zhèng Hysteria 脑膜炎Năo mό yán Meningitis 脑缺血Năo quē xiĕCerebral ischemia 脑出血Năo chū xuĕApoplexy 脑血栓Năo xuè shuān Cerebral thrombosis 癫痫Diān xián Epilepsy 脑炎Năo yán Encephalitis精神错乱Jīng shén cuò luàn Delirium 出血ChūxiĕBleeding 脑瘤Nă.o liúBrain tumor 卒中Zú zhōng Stroke帕金森症Pà jīn sēn zhèng Parkinson’s disease泌尿科Mì niào kē (Urinary system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称肾上腺Shèn shàng xiàn Adrenal gland 前列腺Qián liè xiàn Prostate膀胱Páng guāng Bladder 多尿Duō niào polyuria尿道Niào dào Urethra 少尿Shăo niào oliguria睾丸Găo wán Testicles 尿急Niào jíUrinary urgency 阳痿Yáng wĕi Impotence 糖尿Táng niào Glycosuria尿痛Niào tòng Pain on urination 无尿Wú niào Dysuria肾盂Shèn yú Pelvis of the kidney 肾炎Shèn yán nephritis肾瘤Shèn liú Tumor of thekidney尿毒症Niào dú zhèng Uremia 导尿Dăo niào Catheritize 前列腺增生Qián liè xiàn zēng Hypertrophy of theshēng prostate肾萎缩Shèn wĕi suōNephrosis 肾结石Shèn jié shíRenal stones膀胱炎Páng guāng yán Cystitis 肾盂炎Shèn yú yán pyelonephritis尿道炎Niào dào yán Urethritis 早泄Zăo xièPrematureejaculation 结石Jié shíCalculus (stones) 淋病Lín bìng Gonorrhea包皮Bāo píPhimosis 肾结核Shèn jié hé Tuberculosis of thekidney肾脏Shèn zàng Kidney 阴茎Yīn jīng penis外科wái kē (Surgery)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称出血ChūxiĕBleeding 镇痛剂Zhèn tòng jìPainkiller内出血Nèi chū xiĕInternal bleeding 瘀伤Yū shāng bruise 淤斑Yū bān Petechiae 斜颈Xié jĭng Wryneck, torticollis 炎症Yán zhèng Inflammation O型腿O xíng tŭi Bowlegged 糜烂Mí làn Erosion X型腿X xíng tŭi Knock kneed 手术Shŏu shùOperation 扁平足Biăn píng zúflatfoot 切除Qiē chúResection 外伤Wài shāng Injury 移植Yí zhíTransplation 割伤Gē shāng Cut 畸形Jī xíng Malformation 刺伤Cì shāng Puncture 疤痕Bā héng Scar 骨折Gŭ zéFracture 粘着Nián zhuó Adhesion 扭转Niŭ zhuăn Torsion 麻醉Má zuìAnesthesia 脱臼Tuō jiùDislocation 撞伤Zhuàng shāng contusion 关节炎Guān jié yán Arthritis 抓伤Zhuā shāng scratches 关节积液Guan jie ji ye Joint hydropsy 脓Nóng pus 五十肩Wŭ shí jiān Frozen shoulder 疔疮Dīng chuāng furuncle 指扭伤Zhĭ niŭ shāng Sprained finger 颈扭伤Jĭng niŭ shāng Whiplash injury 淋巴腺炎Lín bā xiàn yán Lymphaenitis 肿脓nóng zhŏng abscess 溃疡Kùi yáng Ulcer 冻伤Dòng shāng Frost bite 坏疽Huài jūGangrene 疝Shàn hernia 颅内出血Lú nèi chū xiĕIntracranialhemorrhage骨膜炎Gŭ mó yán periostitis 脑挫伤Năo cuò shāng Cerebral contusion 骨髓炎Gŭ suĭ yán osteomyelitis 乳腺炎Rŭ xiàn yán Mastitis乳腺病Rŭ xiàn bìng mastopathy 腱鞘炎Jiàn qiào yán Mastopathy皮肤科pí fú kē (Dermatology)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称皮炎Pí yán Dermatitis 药疹Yào zhĕn Drug eruption接触性皮炎Jiē chù xìng pí yán Contact dermatitis 脂溢性湿疹Zhĭ yì xìng pí zhĕn Seborrheic eczema 湿疹Shī zhĕn Eczema 皮疹Pí zhĕn Rash小儿湿疹Xiăo ér shī zhĕn Infantile eczema 干燥皮肤Gān zào pí fūDry skin 疣Yóu Wart 风疹Fēng zhĕn Urticaria胎记、痣Tāi jì/zhìBirthmark 狼疮Láng chuāng Lupus 黑痣Hēi zhìMole 晒伤Shài shāng Suburn 狐臭Hú chòu Hircismus 鸡眼Jī yăn Corn 脱毛症Tuō máo zhèng Baldness 雀斑Què bān Freckle 癣Xiăn ringworm 皮肤癌Pí fū ái Skin cancer 香港脚Zú xiăn Athelete’s foot红疹Hóng zhĕn Red rash 牛皮癣Niú pí xiăn Tinea 挫伤Cuò shāng Bruise脱毛Tuō máo Falling out of hair 玫瑰疹Méi guī zhĕn Roseloa肿瘤Zhŏng Liú中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称良性肿瘤Liáng xìng zhŏngliú Benign tumour 恶性肿瘤è xìng zhŏng liúMalignanttumours转移Zhuăn yímetastasis 肉瘤Ròu liú sarcoma 癌ái cancer耳鼻喉科ĕr bí hóu kē中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称鼻腔Bí qiāng Nasal cavity 半规管Bàn guī guăn Semicircularcanals扁桃体Biăn táo tĭtonsil 鼓膜Gŭ móEar drum咽扁桃体Yān biăn táo tĭPharyngeal tonsil 流鼻血Liú bí xiĕEpistaxis流鼻涕Liú bí tìRunning nose 舌Shé tongue 鼻涕Bí tìNasal discharge 声带Shēng dài Vocal cord 鼻塞Bí sāi Stuffy nose 外耳Wài ĕr External ear 喉咙痛Hóu lóng tòng Sore throat 内耳Nèi ĕr internal ear 喉咙痒Hóu lóng yăng Itchy throat 中耳Zhōng ĕr Middle ear 声音沙哑Shēng yīn shāyăHoarse voice 耳分泌物ĕr fēn mì wùEar discharge 失声Shī shēng Loss of voice 耳痛ĕr tòng Earache 嗅觉不灵Xiù jué bù líng Cant distinguishsmells 耳鸣ĕr míng Ringing of the ear 听力困难Tīng lì kùn nán Difficulty hearing眼科Yăn kē (Ophthalmology)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称眼球Yăn qiúEye ball 视力障碍Shì lì zhàng ài Poor disturbance 角膜Jiăo mócorneal 视力不良Shì lì bù liáng Poor vision 瞳孔Tóng kŏng Pupil 复视Fù shìDiplopia 虹膜Hóng mó iris 眼分泌物Yăn fēn mì wùEye discharge 晶体Jīng tĭlens 流泪Liú lèi Tearing视网膜Shì wăng móretina 针眼Zhēn yăn Style 视力Shì lìVisual acuity 倒睫Dào jié Trichiasis泪管炎Lèi guăn yán Lacrimal duct 畏光Wèi guāng photophobia 砂眼Shā yăn trachoma 视网膜炎Shì wăng móyánRetinitis青光眼Qīng guāng yăn Glaucoma 角膜炎Jiăo mó yán Keratitis白内障Bái nèi zhàng Cataract 视神经炎Shì shéng jīngyánOptic neuritis色盲Sè máng Color blindness 鼻泪管狭窄Bí lèi guăn xiázhăi Obstruction of thenose结膜炎Jié mó yán Conjunctivitis 斜视Xié shìCross eyed视力模糊Shì lì mó hú Blurred vision 视网膜剥离Shì wăng mó bōlíRetina detachment眼内异物Yăn nèi yì wùForeign body ineyes牙科Yá kē (Dental)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称牙石Yá shíCalculus 牙冠Yá guàn Crown牙齿正畸Yá chĭ zhèng jīOrthodontics 金牙冠Jīn yá guàn Gold crown 假牙Jiă yáDenture 磁牙冠Cí yá guàn Ceramic crown 环镶Huān xiāng Veneer crown 填补Tián bŭFilling根管治疗Gēn guăn zhìliáo Root canaltreatment切牙Qiē yáIncisor齿龈Chĭ yín gum 犬齿Quăn chĭcanine妇产科 Fu chan ke (Obgyn)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称子宫Zi gong Uterus 月经过期Yue jing guo qi Menstrual cycle 子宫口Zi gong kou Cervix 月经痛Yue jing tong Dysmenoorhea 阴道Yin dao Vagina 无月经Wu yue jing Amenorrhea 月经Yue jing menstruation 更年期症状Ge nian qi zhengzhuangMenopause下腹部痛Xia fu bu tong Low abdominalpain怀孕Huai yun Pregnancy阴道分泌物Ying dao feng mi wuVaginal discharge预产期 Yu chan qi Date of delivery害喜 Hai xi Morning sickness 阵痛 Zheng tong Labor pain胎儿心音 Tai er xin yin Fetal heart sounds 早期破水 Zao qi po shui Premature rupture 流产 Liu chan Miscarriage 腿抽筋 Tui chou jing Leg cramp 坠胎 Duo tai Abortion 排卵 Pai luan Ovulation 破水 Poshui Membrane rupture受精 Shou jing Conception 胎儿 Tai er fetus 着床 Zhao chuang Implantation 胎动Tai dongFetal movement胞状奇胎Bao zhuang qitaiHydatid mole静脉瘤 Jing mai liu Varicose veins 子宫外孕 Zi gong wai yun Ectopic pregnancy 怀孕线纹Huai yun xianwenStriations of pregnancy 卵管怀孕Luan guan huai yunTubal pregnancy蛋白尿症 Dan bai niao zhengalbuminuria产道 Chan dao Birth canal尿道发炎 Niao dao fa yan Urinary trust 直肠检查 Zhi chang jianchaRectal exam子痫 Zi yong Eclampsia 阴道检查 Ying dao jianchaVaginal exam羊水过多 Yang shui guoduoPolyhydramnion 分娩 Fen mian Delivery生产第一期 Sheng chan di yi qiFirst stage of labor 生产第二期 Sheng chan di er qi Second stage oflabor 子宫收缩Zi gong shousuoContraction生产第三期Sheng chan disan qi Third stage oflabor 会阴切开 Hui yin qie kai Episiotomy 早产 Zao chan Premature birth会阴缝合Huiyin feng hePerineorrhaphystitch死产Si chanStill birth产后 Chan hou After birth 双胞 Shuang bao Twins 脐带 Qi dai Umbilical cord 多胎 Duo bao Multiple birth 胎盘Tai panPlacenta一卵双胞胎Yi luan shuangbao taiIdentical twins恶露E luLochia二卵性双胞胎Er luan xing shuang bao taiFraternal twins胎盘分离Tai pan fen liSeparation of theplacenta前置胎盘 Qian zhi tai pan Placenta praevia 前置胎盘 Qian zhi tai pan Forecpts delivery 狭骨盘Xia gu panNarrow pelvic盘卷脐带Pan juan qi daiCoiling of the umbilical cord胎盘附着Tai pan fu zhe Adherence of the狭骨盆Xia gu penNarrow pelvicplacenta卵管破裂Luan guan po lie Tubal rupture 胎盘附着Tai pan fu zhe Adherence of theplacenta会阴裂伤Hui yin lie shang Laceration of theperineum卵管破裂Luan guan po lie Tubal rupture子宫破裂Zi gong po lie Tubal rupture 会阴裂伤Hui yin lie shang Laceration of theperineum产褥热Chan ru re Puerperal fever 子宫破裂Zi gong po lie Tubal rupture 剖腹生产pao fu shengchanc-section 产褥热Chan ru re Puerperal fever 钳子分娩Qian zi fen mian Forceps delivery 剖腹生产Pofu sheng chan c-section初乳Churu Colostrums 钳子分娩Qian zi fei mian Forcepts delivery 新生儿Xin sheng er Newborn baby 喂养母乳Wei yang mu ru Breast feeding怀孕中毒症Hui run zhongdu zheng人工喂养Ren gong weiyangBottle feeding 精神科 jing shen ke (Psychiatry)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称精神病Jing shen bing Mental disorder 忧郁症You yu zheng depression遗传性精神病Yi chuan xingjing shen bing Hereditarypsychosis精神分裂症Jing sheng fenlie zhengschizophrenia健忘症Jian wang zheng Amnesia 神经官能症Shen jing guanneng zhengneurosis躁狂zao kuang mania 神经衰弱Shen jing shuairuoneurasthenia小儿科 xiao er ke (Pedatrics)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称早产儿Zao chan er Premature baby 麻疹Ma zhen Measles新生儿黑粪Xin sheng er hei fen Meconium of thenewborn腮腺炎Sai xian yan Mumps 脱脐Tuo qi Umbilical hernia 德国麻疹De guo ma zhen German measles 新生儿黄疸Xin sheng er huangdanjaundice B型肝炎 B xing gan yan Influenza B 肠炎Chang yan Stomach virus 脑炎Nao yan hemophilus腹股沟疝脱Fu gu gou shan tuo Inguinal hernia 脊髓型小儿麻痹Ji sui xing xiao erma bi Spinal infantile paralysis传染病 chuan ran bing (Epidemics)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称Influenza 麻疹Ma zhen Measles流行性感冒Liu xing xing ganmao腮腺炎Sai xian yan mumps 德国麻疹De guo mazhen German measles 黄热Huang re Yellow fever 天花Tian hua Smallpox 狂犬病Kuang quan bing Rabies 水痘Shui dou Chicken pox 鼠疫Shu yi Plaque 伤寒Shan han Typhoid fever 破伤风Poshang fen Tetanus 霍乱Huo luo Asiatic cholera 猩红热Xing hong re Scarlet fever 百日咳Bai ri ke Whooping cough 赤痢Chi li dysentery 白喉Bai hou Diphtueria寄生虫 ji sheng chong (Parasite)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称钩虫病Gou chong bing Hookworm disease 滴虫病Di chong bing Tape worminfestation 蛲虫病Rao chong bing Pineworm 蛔虫病Hui chong bing Ascariasis其他 qi ta (Other)中文名称汉语拼音英名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称贫血Pin xue Anemia 脚气病Jiao qi bing Beri-Beri白血病Bai xue bing Leukemia 坏血病Huai xue bing Scurvy紫斑症Zi ban zheng Purpura 糖尿病Tang niao bing Diabete Mellitus血友病Xue you bing Hemophilia 痛风Tong fen GoutGoiter 风湿病Fen shi bing Rheumatic fever甲状腺肿大Jia zhuang xianzhong daAcromegaly 风湿Fen shi Rheumatism末端肥大症Mo duan fei dazheng巨大症Jv da zheng Gigantism 中毒Zhong du Posioning克与氏病Ke yu shi bing Cushing’s disease酒精中毒Jiu jing zhong du AlcoholismMongolism 一氧化碳Yi yang hua tan Carbon Monoxide蒙古肿症Meng gu zhongzhengAddison’s disease特异体质Te yi ti zhi Idisyncrasy阿狄森氏病 A di seng shibing晕船病Yun chuan bing Motion sickeness 中暑Zhong shu Heatstroke高山症Gao shan zheng Mountain sickness 血清症Xue qing zheng Serum disease花粉症Hua fen zheng Hay fever。
常用医疗、医药名称(MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY)Billy(刘志新) Medical Student 2011医药 Yi yao (Medical Terminology)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称过敏Guo min Allergy 血压Xue ya Blood Pressure 检查Jian cha Examination 麻醉Ma zui Anesthesia健康诊断Jian kangZhen duan General Check Up,PhysicalExamination麻醉全身Ma zuiquan shengGeneral Anesthesia入院Ru yuan Admission tohospital 静脉麻醉Jing maiMa zuiIntraveounsAnesthesia退院Tui yuan Discharge fromhospital 脊椎麻醉Ji zhuiMa zuiSpinal Anesthesia症状Zheng zhuang Symptom 局部麻醉Jv buMa zuiLocal Anesthesia 营养Ying yang Nutrition 手术Shou shu Operation 病历Bing li Clinical History 切除Qie chu Resection 诊断Zhen duan Diagnosis 副作用Fuzuoyong Side effect 治疗Zhi liao Treatment 洗净Xi jing Irrigation 预防Yu fang Prevention 注射Zhu she Injection 呼吸Hu xi Respiration X线X xian X –ray 便通Bian tong Bowel Movement 红外线Hong wai xian Ultra red ray 便Bian Stool急性的Ji xing de Acute 血液Xue ye Blood 体格Ti ge Build 脉搏Mai bo Pulse rate 亲戚Qin qi Relative 尿Niao Urine 遗传Yi chuan Heredi t y脉搏数Mai bo shu Pulse, Pulsation 慢性的Man xing de Chronic 免疫Mian yi Blood type 血清Xue qing Serum流行性的Liu xing xing de Epidemic 潜伏期间Qian fu qi jian Incubation period 滤过性病毒Lv guo xing dbingduVirus 消毒Xiao du Sterilization抗生素kang sheng su Antibiotic 脑波Nao bo E.E.G 洗肠Xi chang Enema 结核反应Jie he fan ying Tuberculin Reaction 华氏Hua shi Farenheit 摄氏She shi Celsius, Centigrade药品 yao pin (Medicine)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称冰袋Bin dai Ice Bag 舌下锭She xia ding Sublingual tablet药Yao Medicine (drug) 胶囊Jiao nang Capsules绷带Ben dai Bandage 软膏Ruan gao Ointment胶带Jiao dai Adhesive tape 眼药Yanyao Eye medicine 剪刀Jian dao Scissors 止咳药Zhe keyao Cough medicine 体温计Ti wen ji Therometer 阿司匹林 A si pi lin Aspirin坐药Zuoyao Suppository 止痛药Zhi tongyao Pain killer药丸Yaowan Tablet. Pill 药方Yaofang Prescription症状及名称zheng zhuang ji ming chen (Symptoms)一般症状 yi ban zheng zhuang (General)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称发烧Fa shao Fever 剧痛Jv tong Severe pain 高烧Gao shao High fever 打喷嚏Da pen ti Sneeze发冷Fa len Chills 打嗝Da ge Hiccup发汗Fa han Sweats 痒Yang Itch盗汗Dao han Night sweats 腰痛Yaotong Lower back pain 倦怠Juan dai Tiredness 头痛Tou tong Headache失眠Shi nian Insomnia 痛Tong Pain (ache)急性疼痛Ji xingTen tong Acute pain 一跳一跳的痛Yi tiaoyi tiaoDe tongThrobbing pain肩头发硬Jian touFa ying Stiffness in shoulder 针扎似的痛Zhen zha siDe tongPrickling pain钝痛Dun tong Dull pain 裂痛Lie tong Tearing pain 压痛Ya tong Pressing pain 持续痛Chi xu tong Continous pain 刺痛Ci tong Sharp pain 不舒服Bu shu fu Umcomfortable 戳痛Chuo tong Piercing pain 继续痛Ji xu tong Pain comes inintervals烧痛Shao tong Burning Pain 绞痛Jiao tong Colic放射痛Fang she tong Radiation pain血尿Xue niao Bloody urine 溃烂痛Kui lan tong Sore pain 脓尿Nong niao Pyuria痉挛痛Jin luan tong Crampy pain 粘液便Nian ye bian Mucous stool 蛋白质Dan bai zhi Albumunria 粘土样便Nian tu yangbianClay colored stool 轻疼Qing ten Slight pain 验血Yan xue Blood analysis 红血球Hong xue qiu Red blood cells 呼吸数Hu xi shu Respiration rate 白血球Bai xue qiu Whi t e blood cells 呼气Hu qi Expriation慢脉Man mai Bradycardia 吸气Xi qi Inspiration 呼吸困难Hu xi kun nan Difficulty breathing 不规则脉Bu gui ze mai Irregular pulse脉搏数Mai bo shu Pulse rate 尿混浊Niao hun zhuo Cloudy urine 快脉Kuai mai Tachycardia 瘦Shou Thin, skinny 肥fei Fat 糖尿Tang niao Glycosuria呼吸系统 hu xi xi tong (respiratory system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称气管Qi guan Bronchus 哮喘Xiao chuan Asthma 肺Fei Lung 痰Tan Sputum 咳嗽Ke sou Cough 吐血Tu xue Blood spitting 干咳Gan ke Dry cough 咳血Ke xue Hemoptysis 有痰咳You tan ke Moist cough 背痛Bei tong Back pain 气喘性咳Qi chuan xing ke Wheezing stridor 支气管炎Zhi qi guan yan Bronchitis 支气管气喘Zhi qi guan yan Bronchal asthma 肺结核Fei jie he Pulmonarytuberculosis 胸痛Xiong tong Chest pain 粗嘎Cu ge Huskiness 气喘Qi chuan Wheezing 感冒Gan mao Common cold 沙哑Sha ya Hoarseness 肺炎Fei yan Pneumonia 胸膜炎Xiong mo yan Pleurisy 肺结核Fei jie he PulmonaryTuberculosis 肺气肿Fei qi zhong Pulmonary 肺癌Fei ai Lung cancer循环系统xun huan xi tong (circulatory system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称心脏Xin zang Heart 心房Xin fang Atrium 血管Xue guan Blood vessels 心室Xin shi Ventricle 淋巴腺Lin ba xian Lymph 贫血Pin xue Anemia 动脉Dong mai Artery 静脉Jing mai Vein 心悸Xin ji Palpitation 水肿Shui zhong Edema贫血的Pin xue de Anemic 心脏发作Xinzang fa zuo Heart attack 不能呼吸Bu neng hu xi Shortness of breath 颜面苍白Yanmianchangbai Pallor of face 青紫Qing zi Cyanosis 低血压Di xue ya Hypotension 高血压Gao xue ya Hypertension 动脉瘤Dong mai liu Aneurysm 动脉硬化症Dong mai ying huazhengArteriosclerosis 狭心症Xiao xin zheng Angina心脏喘息Xin zang chuan xi Cardiac asthma 心肌梗塞Xin ji geng se Myocardialinfarction血栓症Xue shuan zhen Thrombosis 先天性心脏疾病Xian tian xing xinzang bing Congenital heartdisease心脏衰弱Xin zang shuan rui Heart failure 心内膜炎Xin nei mo yan Endocarditis 心脏神经症Xin zang shen jing Cardiac neurosis 心肌炎Xin ji yan Myocarditiszheng消化系统 Xiao hua xi tong (Digestive system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称腹Fu Abdomen 恶心 E Xin Nausea食道Shi dao Esophagus 吐Tu Vomit 胃Wei Stomach 压迫感Ya po gan Sense of pressure 十二指肠Shi er zhi chang Duodenum 吞咽困难Tu yan kun nan Difficulty swallowing 大肠Da chang Large intestine 全腹痛Quan fu tong General abdominalpain小肠Xiao chang Small intestine 吞咽困难Tun yan kun nan Difficulty swallowing 直肠Zhi chang Rectum 吐血Tu xue Hematemesis肛门Gang men Anus 便秘Bian mi Constipation肝脏Gan zang Liver 腹泻Fu Xie Diarrhea胰脏Yi zang Pancreas 肠鸣Chang ming Rumbling sound 胆囊Dan nang Gall bladder 放屁Fang pi Pass gas盲肠Mang chang Appendix 软鞭Ruan bian Loose stool食欲Shi yu Appetite 血便Xue bian Bloody stool口渴Kou ke Thirst 食欲不振Shi yu bu zheng Anorexia腹部膨胀Fu bu peng zhang Abdominalenlargement 食道癌Shi dao ai Cancer of theesophagus胃炎Wei yan Gastritis 胃癌Wei ai Gastric carcinoma 胃溃疡Wei kui yang gastric ulcer 胃酸过多症Wei suan guo duozhengHyperacidity十二指肠溃疡Shi er zhi chang kuiyang Duodenal ulcer 肛门周围脓疡Gang men zhou weinong yangPerirectal abscess肠捻转Chang nian zhuan volvulus 肠黏膜炎Chang nian mo yan Intestinal catarrh 盲肠炎Mang chang yan appendicitis 肠结核Chang jie he Intestinaltuberculosis大肠炎Da chang yan colitis 肠套肠Chang tao chang Intussusception 痔漏Zhi lou Anal fistula 痔疮Zhi chuang Hemorrhoids (piles) 肝硬化Gan ying hua Cirrhosis 胆结石症Dan jie shi zheng Gall stones小肠癌Xiao chang ai Cancer of theintestine直肠癌Zhi chang ai Rectal cancer腹膜炎Fu mo yan Peritonitis 肝癌Gam ai Liver cancer黄疸Huang dan Jaundice 肝炎Gan yan Hepatitis胰脏炎Yi zang yan Pancreatitis 胆炎Dan yan Cholecystitis 神经系统Shén jīng xì tŏng (Nervous system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称脑Năo Brain 惊厥Jīng juéConvulsion大脑Dà năo Cerebrum 麻木Má mù Numbness小脑Xiăo năo Cerebellum 震颤Zhèn chàn Tremor脊髓Jĭ suĭSpinal cord 晕厥Yūn juéSyncope神经Shén jīng Nerver 错乱Cuò luàn Confused头昏Tόu hūn Dizziness 思睡Sī shuìDrowsy轻度头痛Qīng dùtόu tòng Light headedness 意识丧失Yì shí sàng shīUnconciousness 意识朦胧Yì shí méng lόng Dazed confusion 兴奋状况Xīn fèng zhuàng tài Excited condition 幻觉Huàn jué Illusion 昏迷Hūn míComa瘫痪Tān huàn Paralysis 无力Wú lìHyposthenia语言障碍Yŭ yán zhàng ài Disturbance ofspeech 视力受损Shì lì shòu sŭn Disturbance ofvision紧张Jĭn zhāng Nervous 失眠Shī mián Insomnia 神经炎Shén jīng yán Neuritis 神经痛Shén jīng tòng Neuralgia面神经麻痹Miàn shén jīng mábìFacial palsy 肋间神经痛Lèi jiān shén jīngtòngIntercostalspain坐骨神经痛Zuò gŭ shén jīngtòngSciatica 歇斯底里症Xiē sī dĭ lĭ zhèng Hysteria 脑膜炎Năo mό yán Meningitis 脑缺血Năo quē xiĕCerebral ischemia 脑出血Năo chū xuĕApoplexy 脑血栓Năo xuè shuān Cerebral thrombosis 癫痫Diān xián Epilepsy 脑炎Năo yán Encephalitis精神错乱Jīng shén cuò luàn Delirium 出血ChūxiĕBleeding 脑瘤Nă.o liúBrain tumor 卒中Zú zhōng Stroke 帕金森症Pà jīn sēn zhèng Parkinson’s disease泌尿科Mì niào kē (Urinary system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称肾上腺Shèn shàng xiàn Adrenal gland 前列腺Qián liè xiàn Prostate膀胱Páng guāng Bladder 多尿Duō niào polyuria尿道Niào dào Urethra 少尿Shăo niào oliguria睾丸Găo wán Testicles 尿急Niào jíUrinary urgency 阳痿Yáng wĕi Impotence 糖尿Táng niào Glycosuria尿痛Niào tòng Pain on urination 无尿Wú niào Dysuria肾盂Shèn yú Pelvis of the kidney 肾炎Shèn yán nephritis肾瘤Shèn liú Tumor of thekidney尿毒症Niào dú zhèng Uremia 导尿Dăo niào Catheritize 前列腺增生Qián liè xiàn zēng Hypertrophy of theshēng prostate肾萎缩Shèn wĕi suōNephrosis 肾结石Shèn jié shíRenal stones膀胱炎Páng guāng yán Cystitis 肾盂炎Shèn yú yán pyelonephritis尿道炎Niào dào yán Urethritis 早泄Zăo xièPrematureejaculation 结石Jié shíCalculus (stones) 淋病Lín bìng Gonorrhea包皮Bāo píPhimosis 肾结核Shèn jié hé Tuberculosis of thekidney肾脏Shèn zàng Kidney 阴茎Yīn jīng penis外科wái kē (Surgery)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称出血ChūxiĕBleeding 镇痛剂Zhèn tòng jìPainkiller内出血Nèi chū xiĕInternal bleeding 瘀伤Yū shāng bruise淤斑Yū bān Petechiae 斜颈Xié jĭng Wryneck, torticollis 炎症Yán zhèng Inflammation O型腿O xíng tŭi Bowlegged糜烂Mí làn Erosion X型腿X xíng tŭi Knock kneed手术Shŏu shùOperation 扁平足Biăn píng zúflatfoot切除Qiē chúResection 外伤Wài shāng Injury移植Yí zhíTransplation 割伤Gē shāng Cut畸形Jī xíng Malformation 刺伤Cì shāng Puncture疤痕Bā héng Scar 骨折Gŭ zéFracture粘着Nián zhuó Adhesion 扭转Niŭ zhuăn Torsion麻醉Má zuìAnesthesia 脱臼Tuō jiùDislocation撞伤Zhuàng shāng contusion 关节炎Guān jié yán Arthritis抓伤Zhuā shāng scratches 关节积液Guan jie ji ye Joint hydropsy 脓Nóng pus 五十肩Wŭ shí jiān Frozen shoulder 疔疮Dīng chuāng furuncle 指扭伤Zhĭ niŭ shāng Sprained finger 颈扭伤Jĭng niŭ shāng Whiplash injury 淋巴腺炎Lín bā xiàn yán Lymphaeni t is肿脓nóng zhŏng abscess 溃疡Kùi yáng Ulcer冻伤Dòng shāng Frost bite 坏疽Huài jūGangrene 疝Shàn hernia 颅内出血Lú nèi chū xiĕIntracranialhemorrhage骨膜炎Gŭ mó yán periostitis 脑挫伤Năo cuò shāng Cerebral contusion 骨髓炎Gŭ suĭ yán osteomyelitis 乳腺炎Rŭ xiàn yán Mastitis乳腺病Rŭ xiàn bìng mastopathy 腱鞘炎Jiàn qiào yán Mastopathy皮肤科pí fú kē (Dermatology)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称皮炎Pí yán Dermatitis 药疹Yào zhĕn Drug eruption接触性皮炎Jiē chù xìng pí yán Contact dermati t is 脂溢性湿疹Zhĭ yì xìng pí zhĕn Seborrheic eczema 湿疹Shī zhĕn Eczema 皮疹Pí zhĕn Rash小儿湿疹Xiăo ér shī zhĕn Infantile eczema 干燥皮肤Gān zào pí fūDry skin 疣Yóu Wart 风疹Fēng zhĕn Urticaria胎记、痣Tāi jì/zhìBirthmark 狼疮Láng chuāng Lupus 黑痣Hēi zhìMole 晒伤Shài shāng Suburn 狐臭Hú chòu Hircismus 鸡眼Jī yăn Corn 脱毛症Tuō máo zhèng Baldness 雀斑Què bān Freckle 癣Xiăn ringworm 皮肤癌Pí fū ái Skin cancer 香港脚Zú xiăn Athelete’s foot红疹Hóng zhĕn Red rash 牛皮癣Niú pí xiăn Tinea 挫伤Cuò shāng Bruise脱毛Tuō máo Falling out of hair 玫瑰疹Méi guī zhĕn Roseloa肿瘤Zhŏng Liú中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称良性肿瘤Liáng xìng zhŏngliúBenign tumour 恶性肿瘤è xìng zhŏng liúMalignanttumours转移Zhuăn yímetastasis 肉瘤Ròu liúsarcoma 癌ái cancer耳鼻喉科ĕr bí hóu kē中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称鼻腔Bí qiāng Nasal cavity 半规管Bàn guī guăn Semicircularcanals扁桃体Biăn táo tĭtonsil 鼓膜Gŭ móEar drum咽扁桃体Yān biăn táo tĭPharyngeal tonsil 流鼻血Liú bí xiĕEpistaxis流鼻涕Liú bí tìRunning nose 舌Shé tongue 鼻涕Bí tìNasal discharge 声带Shēng dài Vocal cord 鼻塞Bí sāi Stuffy nose 外耳Wài ĕr External ear 喉咙痛Hóu lóng tòng Sore throat 内耳Nèi ĕr internal ear 喉咙痒Hóu lóng yăng Itchy throat 中耳Zhōng ĕr Middle ear 声音沙哑Shēng yīn shāyăHoarse voice耳分泌物ĕr fēn mì wùEar discharge 失声Shī shēng Loss of voice 耳痛ĕr tòng Earache 嗅觉不灵Xiù jué bù líng Cant distinguishsmells耳鸣ĕr míng Ringing of the ear 听力困难Tīng lì kùn nán Difficulty hearing眼科Yăn kē (Ophthalmology)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称眼球Yăn qiúEye ball 视力障碍Shì lì zhàng ài Poor disturbance 角膜Jiăo mócorneal 视力不良Shì lì bù liáng Poor vision 瞳孔Tóng kŏng Pupil 复视Fù shìDiplopia虹膜Hóng mó iris 眼分泌物Yăn fēn mì wùEye discharge 晶体Jīng tĭlens 流泪Liú lèi Tearing视网膜Shì wăng móretina 针眼Zhēn yăn Style视力Shì lìVisual acuity 倒睫Dào jié Trichiasis泪管炎Lèi guăn yán Lacrimal duct 畏光Wèi guāng photophobia 砂眼Shā yăn trachoma 视网膜炎Shì wăng móyánRetinitis青光眼Qīng guāng yăn Glaucoma 角膜炎Jiăo mó yán Keratitis白内障Bái nèi zhàng Cataract 视神经炎Shì shéng jīngyánOptic neuritis色盲Sè máng Color blindness 鼻泪管狭窄Bí lèi guăn xiázhăi Obstruction of thenose结膜炎Jié mó yán Conjunctivitis 斜视Xié shìCross eyed视力模糊Shì lì mó hú Blurred vision 视网膜剥离Shì wăng mó bōlíRetina detachment眼内异物Yăn nèi yì wùForeign body ineyes牙科Yá kē (Dental)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称牙石Yá shíCalculus 牙冠Yá guàn Crown牙齿正畸Yá chĭ zhèng jīOrthodontics 金牙冠Jīn yá guàn Gold crown 假牙Jiă yáDenture 磁牙冠Cí yá guàn Ceramic crown 环镶Huān xiāng Veneer crown 填补Tián bŭFilling根管治疗Gēn guăn zhìliáo Root canaltreatment切牙Qiē yáIncisor齿龈Chĭ yín gum 犬齿Quăn chĭcanine妇产科 Fu chan ke (Obgyn)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称子宫Zi gong Uterus 月经过期Yue jing guo qi Menstrual cycle 子宫口Zi gong kou Cervix 月经痛Yue jing tong Dysmenoorhea 阴道Yin dao Vagina 无月经Wu yue jing Amenorrhea 月经Yue jing menstruation 更年期症状Ge nian qi zhengzhuangMenopause 下腹部痛Xia fu bu tong Low abdominalpain怀孕Huai yun Pregnancy阴道分泌物Ying dao feng mi wuVaginal discharge预产期Yu chan qi Date of delivery害喜 Hai xi Morning sickness阵痛 Zheng tong Labor pain胎儿心音 Tai er xin yin Fetal heart sounds 早期破水 Zao qi po shui Premature rupture 流产 Liu chan Miscarriage 腿抽筋 Tui chou jing Leg cramp 坠胎 Duo tai Abortion 排卵 Pai luan Ovulation 破水 Poshui Membrane rupture受精 Shou jing Conception 胎儿 Tai er fetus 着床 Zhao chuang Implantation 胎动Tai dongFetal movement胞状奇胎Bao zhuang qitaiHydatid mole静脉瘤 Jing mai liu Varicose veins 子宫外孕 Zi gong wai yun Ectopic pregnancy 怀孕线纹Huai yun xianwenStriations of pregnancy 卵管怀孕Luan guan huai yunTubal pregnancy蛋白尿症Dan bai niao zhengalbuminuria产道Chan dao Birth canal尿道发炎Niao dao fa yan Urinary trust直肠检查Zhi chang jianchaRectal exam子痫Zi yong Eclampsia阴道检查Ying dao jianchaVaginal exam羊水过多Yang shui guoduoPolyhydramnion分娩Fen mian Delivery生产第一期 Sheng chan di yi qiFirst stage of labor 生产第二期 Sheng chan di er qi Second stage oflabor 子宫收缩Zi gong shousuoContraction生产第三期Sheng chan disan qi Third stage oflabor 会阴切开 Hui yin qie kai Episiotomy 早产 Zao chan Premature birth会阴缝合Huiyin feng hePerineorrhaphystitch死产Si chanStill birth产后 Chan hou After birth 双胞 Shuang bao Twins 脐带 Qi dai Umbilical cord 多胎 Duo bao Multiple birth 胎盘Tai panPlacenta一卵双胞胎Yi luan shuangbao taiIdentical twins恶露E luLochia二卵性双胞胎Er luan xing shuang bao taiFraternal twins胎盘分离Tai pan fen liSeparation of theplacenta前置胎盘 Qian zhi tai pan Placenta praevia 前置胎盘 Qian zhi tai pan Forecpts delivery 狭骨盘Xia gu panNarrow pelvic盘卷脐带Pan juan qi daiCoiling of the umbilical cord胎盘附着Tai pan fu zhe Adherence of the狭骨盆Xia gu penNarrow pelvicplacenta卵管破裂Luan guan po lie Tubal rupture 胎盘附着Tai pan fu zhe Adherence of theplacenta会阴裂伤Hui yin lie shang Laceration of theperineum卵管破裂Luan guan po lie Tubal rupture子宫破裂Zi gong po lie Tubal rupture 会阴裂伤Hui yin lie shang Laceration of theperineum产褥热Chan ru re Puerperal fever 子宫破裂Zi gong po lie Tubal rupture 剖腹生产pao fu shengchanc-section 产褥热Chan ru re Puerperal fever 钳子分娩Qian zi fen mian Forceps delivery 剖腹生产Pofu sheng chan c-section初乳Churu Colostrums 钳子分娩Qian zi fei mian Forcepts delivery 新生儿Xin sheng er Newborn baby 喂养母乳Wei yang mu ru Breast feeding怀孕中毒症Hui run zhongdu zheng人工喂养Ren gong weiyangBottle feeding 精神科 jing shen ke (Psychiatry)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称精神病Jing shen bing Mental disorder 忧郁症You yu zheng depression遗传性精神病Yi chuan xingjing shen bing Heredi t arypsychosis精神分裂症Jing sheng fenlie zhengschizophrenia健忘症Jian wang zheng Amnesia 神经官能症Shen jing guanneng zhengneurosis躁狂zao kuang mania 神经衰弱Shen jing shuairuoneurasthenia小儿科 xiao er ke (Pedatrics)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称早产儿Zao chan er Premature baby 麻疹Ma zhen Measles新生儿黑粪Xin sheng er hei fen Meconium of thenewborn腮腺炎Sai xian yan Mumps 脱脐Tuo qi Umbilical hernia 德国麻疹De guo ma zhen German measles 新生儿黄疸Xin sheng er huangdanjaundice B型肝炎 B xing gan yan Influenza B 肠炎Chang yan Stomach virus 脑炎Nao yan hemophilus腹股沟疝脱Fu gu gou shan tuo Inguinal hernia 脊髓型小儿麻痹Ji sui xing xiao erma bi Spinal infantile paralysis传染病 chuan ran bing (Epidemics)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称流行性感冒Liu xing xing ganInfluenza 麻疹Ma zhen Measlesmao腮腺炎Sai xian yan mumps 德国麻疹De guo mazhen German measles 黄热Huang re Yellow fever 天花Tian hua Smallpox 狂犬病Kuang quan bing Rabies 水痘Shui dou Chicken pox 鼠疫Shu yi Plaque 伤寒Shan han Typhoid fever 破伤风Poshang fen Tetanus 霍乱Huo luo Asiatic cholera 猩红热Xing hong re Scarlet fever 百日咳Bai ri ke Whooping cough 赤痢Chi li dysentery 白喉Bai hou Diphtueria寄生虫 ji sheng chong (Parasite)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称钩虫病Gou chong bing Hookworm disease 滴虫病Di chong bing Tape worminfestation 蛲虫病Rao chong bing Pineworm 蛔虫病Hui chong bing Ascariasis其他 qi ta (Other)中文名称汉语拼音英名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称贫血Pin xue Anemia 脚气病Jiao qi bing Beri-Beri白血病Bai xue bing Leukemia 坏血病Huai xue bing Scurvy紫斑症Zi ban zheng Purpura 糖尿病Tang niao bing Diabete Mellitus血友病Xue you bing Hemophilia 痛风Tong fen Gout甲状腺肿大Jia zhuang xianGoiter 风湿病Fen shi bing Rheumatic feverzhong da末端肥大症Mo duan fei daAcromegaly 风湿Fen shi Rheumatismzheng巨大症Jv da zheng Gigantism 中毒Zhong du Posioning克与氏病Ke yu shi bing Cushing’s disease酒精中毒Jiu jing zhong du Alcoholism蒙古肿症Meng gu zhongMongolism 一氧化碳Yi yang hua tan Carbon Monoxidezheng阿狄森氏病 A di seng shiAddison’s disease特异体质Te yi ti zhi Idisyncrasybing晕船病Yun chuan bing Motion sickeness 中暑Zhong shu Heatstroke高山症Gao shan zheng Mountain sickness 血清症Xue qing zheng Serum disease花粉症Hua fen zheng Hay fever2013 C类安全员复习判断单选多选案例——案例题1. C类对负责人处罚1、企业是安全生产管理的主体。
Americais experiencing a major epidemic today.
Unlike epidemicsof the past, it is not a disease transmitted by bacteria or viruses.
In 1900the average life expectancy in this country was 47, and the major killer diseases included tuberculosis pneumonia,influenza, cholera, typhoid, and smallpox——infectious diseases which struck people of all ages, regardless of their lifestyle.
Such a combination ofsensations is the result of a complex physical chain reaction which occurs in your body in response to a threat.
These changesare universal and predictable, and they happen to everyone.
Our prehistoric ancestors, upon encountering a dangerous animal in the wild, would have felt exactly the same response as their bodies switched into a stress-induced “high-gear” to deal with the emergency.
Appendicitis inflammation of the vermiform appendix阑尾炎阑尾由于多种因素临床上常有右下腹部疼痛、体温升高、呕吐2.Gastritis inflammation of the lining of the stomach胃炎胃部的炎症3.Gastrorrhagia stomach bleeding胃出血4.Peritonitis inflammation of the peritoneum腹膜炎5.Ascites accumulation of serous fluid in peritoneal cavity腹水6.Apnea transient cessation of respiration窒息7.Tachypnea Shortness of breath呼吸急促8.Pneumonia respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma (excluding the bronchi)with congestion caused by viruses or bacteria or irritants肺炎9.Bronchitis inflammation of the membranes lining the bronchial tubes支气管炎10。
Glycemia the presence, or the level, of glucose in one’s blood糖血症11.Goiter abnormally enlarged thyroid gland甲状腺肿12。
Diabetes Mellitus diabetes caused by a relative or absolute deficiency of insulin and characterized by polyuria糖尿病13.Encephalitis inflammation of the brain脑炎14。
Today,on the other hand,life expectancy has been extended to 74, thanks in large part to the conquest of the acutenitation, better distribution and storage of foods, and the introduction of immunization and antibiotics.
Interestingly enough,situations which provoke the fight-or-flight response are not necessarily unpleasant ones.
Weare all familiar with the physical signs and symptoms of the stress state.
Thinkabout how you felt that last time you had to swerve to avoid a collision which driving: your heart raced, your palms became sweaty, your muscles tensed, and your stomach knotted.
英语翻译总结的最常用的疾病英语翻译总结的最常用的疾病篇一:翻译总结的最常用的疾病胃部疾病1 esophagus2 fundus 食道3 cardia 胃底4 pylorus 贲门5 duodenum 幽门6 upper part 十二指肠7 catarrhal gastritis 胃小弯 lower part8 gastritis 胃粘膜炎胃大弯9 polyp gastritis 胃炎10 superficial gastritis 息肉性胃炎11 chronic super facials gastritis 浅表性胃炎12 atrophic gastritis 慢性浅表性胃炎13 erosive gastritis 萎缩性胃炎14 gastric ulcer 15 gastric adenoma 胃溃疡糜烂性胃炎16 gastrorrhagia 17 stomach cramp/convulsion 胃出血胃腺瘤18 saliva 胃痉挛19 antral gastritis 唾液20 helicobacter pylori 胃窦炎21 pyrosis 22 gastric perforation 胃灼热幽门螺旋菌23 pepsin 胃穿孔24 hyaluronic acid 胃蛋白酶肠道疾病透明质酸1 large intestine2 small intestine 大肠3 duodenum4 ascending colon 十二指肠小肠5 transverse colon 升结肠6 descending colon 横结肠7 cecum 降结肠9 rectum 盲肠10 sigmold colon 直肠8 terminal ileum11 appendix 12 colitis阑尾乙状结肠13 gastroenteritis 结肠炎14 enteritis 15 spastic colitis 肠炎胃肠炎16 enterospasm 17 colon dyskinesia 肠痉挛痉挛性结肠炎18 intestinal dysbacteriosis 结肠运动障碍19 intestinal obstruction 20 duodenal ileus 肠梗阻肠道菌群失调=ileus 肠梗阻21 anal fissure 十二指肠梗阻23 piles =hemorrhoids 肛裂24 anal fistula 痔疮25 appendicitis 肛瘘26 ulcerative colitis 阑尾炎27 toxic megacolon 溃疡性结肠炎28 colorectal cancer 中毒性巨结肠29 excrection=bowel 排泄物肠癌(结肠癌,直肠癌)粪便1 回肠末端心脏疾病 1 superior vena cava 上腔大静脉 2 right atrium 右心房 3 left atrium左心房 4 right ventricle 右心室 5 left ventricle 左心室 6 right coronary artery 右冠状动脉 7 left pulmonary artery 左肺动脉8 pericardium心包膜9 great cardiac vein 心大静脉10 valvular 心脏瓣膜 11 mitral valve 二尖瓣 12 arrhythmia心律不齐 13 subaortal stenosis 主动脉瓣血管狭窄 14 angina 心绞痛 15 anemia 贫血16 hypertension 高血压17 hypotension 低血压18 endocarditis 心内膜炎19 myocarditis 心肌炎20 myocardialinfarction 心肌梗塞 21 pericarditis 心包炎 22 atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化 23 CHD coronary heart disease 冠心病 24 palpitation 心悸 25 choking sensation in chest = sense of suppression in the chest胸闷 26 heart attack心脏病 27 pericardial effusion 心包积水28 dyspnea 呼吸困难 29 heart failure 心衰 30 premature beat 早搏 31 theumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病 32 mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄 33 mitral regurgitation 二尖瓣回流 34 heart murmur 心杂音 35 tachycardia 心动过速 36 bradycardia 心动过缓 37 flustered 心慌38 valvular insufficiency 心瓣闭锁不全39 myocardial hypertrophy 心肌肥大40 electrocardiogram ECG心电图41 Computer Tomography scanning CT 42 Color Doppler Imaging 彩超 43 nuclear magnetic resonance imaging =MRI核磁共振 44 bypass surgery 心脏搭桥手术 45 myocardial ischemia 心肌缺血 46 congenital heart disease先天性 47 Thalassemia 地中海性贫血2血管和脑部疾病 1 artery 动脉 2 vein 静脉 3 blood capillary 4 pituitary gland 毛细血管5 hypothalamus 垂体6 brainstem 下丘脑cerebellum 脑干 cerebrum 大脑7 brain concussion小脑8 reactive insanity 脑震荡9 migraine 精神错乱10 cerebral hemorrhage偏头痛11 cerebral infarction脑出血12 cerebral thrombosis 脑梗塞13 haemorrhage=cerebral apoplexy 脑血栓14 epilepsy 脑淤血15 meningitis癫痫16 spinocerebellar ataxia 脑膜炎18psychosis 小脑萎缩19insomnia精神病20 cerebral palsy21 dizziness 22 vertigo头晕脑瘫失眠多梦23 parkinson24 schizophrenia ’眩晕症s diseases =staggers 帕金森病25 depression 26 stoke 抑郁症精神分裂27 hyperglycemia 中风28 hypoglycemia 高血糖29 hyperlipemia 低血糖30 malnutrition 高血脂31 vasculitis 营养不良32 varicose vein血管炎33 leukemia静脉曲张34 angiona白血病35 hemophilia血管瘤36 platelets 血友病血小板3肝脏及胆囊疾病1 right lobe of liver2 left lobe of liver 肝右叶=肝大叶3 hepatic artery肝左叶4 肝动脉5 portal vein ligamenta teres hepatis 肝圆韧带6 hepatitis 门静脉7 fatty liver=fat hepatosis 肝炎8 alcoholic 9 liver cirrhosis liver酒精肝脂肪肝10 11hepatic cyst12 Hepatitis -A肝硬化肝囊肿13 hepatitis B乙肝甲肝14 HBsAg15 liver 阳性 HBeAg 阳性HBcAb 阳性HBsAg HBeAb16 function HBcAb肝功小三阳17 aminotransferase转氨酶18 gallbladderLiver ascites19 cystic 胆囊肝腹水20 common hepatic duct duct 胆管21 common 22 gallbladder dyskinesia bile duct 肝总管胆总管23 24 gallstone cholecystitis 胆囊运动障碍25 bile 26 acute胆汁胆结石胆囊炎cholecystitis 急性胆囊炎27 chronic cholecystitis 慢性胆囊炎28 icterus=jaundice 黄疸29 fibrosis 纤维化大三阳4免疫系统及腺体 1 lymphatic system 淋巴系统 2 immune system 免疫系统 3 lymph vessels 淋巴管 4 lymph node 淋巴结 5 lymphocyte 淋巴细胞6 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS 艾滋病7systemic lupus erythematosus 系统性红斑狼疮8 spleen 脾脏9 lymphoid tissue 淋巴组织10 tonsils 扁桃体11 tonsillitis 扁桃体炎 12 bone marrow 骨髓 13 hemoglobin 红血素14 allergy 过敏症15 rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎16 asthma 哮喘 17 adenoids 扁桃体肿大 18 Thyroid Nodule 甲状腺结节19 Hyperthyroidism 甲亢20 Hypothyroidism 甲减21 B Ultrasonic B 超 22 lymphangitis 淋巴管炎 23 scrofula 淋巴结核 24 splenomegaly 脾肿 25 iodine碘 26 kalium 钾 27 natrium 钠 28 selenium 硒人体八大腺体 1 Conarium 松果体 2 Parathyroid gland 副甲状腺 3 thymus 胸腺 4 thyroid gland 甲状腺 5 pituitary gland 垂体 6 adrenal gland 肾上腺 7 pancreas 胰腺 8 gonad 性腺几种常见药物 1 Penicillin 青霉素 2 aspirin 阿司匹林 3 erythrocin 红霉素 4interferon 干扰素 5 antibiotics 抗生素5篇二:医学阅读肠胃疾病常见的英文表达1. He has a bloated, uncomfortable feeling aftermeal.他饭后肚子觉得胀胀的,很不舒服。
病生病例讨论 英文版
CIRRHOSIS硬化,肝硬化PATIENT CASEPatient’s Chief Complaints患者主诉Provided by wife: “My husband’s very confused and he has been acting strangely. This morning, he couldn’t answer my questions and seemed not to recognize me. I think that his stomach has been swelling up 膨胀again, too. He stopped drinking four years ago, but his cirrhosis肝硬化seems to be getting worse.”HPI (History of present illness)S.G. is a 46 yo white male with a history of chronic慢性的alcoholism 酗酒and alcoholic cirrhosis.酒精性肝硬变He was admitted to the hospital from the outpatient门诊病人clinic诊所with abdominal 腹部的swelling 肿胀and confusion. He has unintentionally 无意间gained 15 lbs 磅during the past four weeks. According to his wife, the patient has not been sleeping well for several weeks, has been feeling very lethargic (昏睡)for the past three days, can’t seem to remember appointments 约会lately, and, uncharacteristically,不典型地has lost his temper with her several times in the last month. S.G.’s boss at work had also telephoned her last week concerned about his “unusual and violent behavior on the job.”PMH (Past medical history)Pneumonia 肺炎9 years ago that resolved 解决with antimicrobial抗菌的therapy 治疗●Cirrhosis 肝硬化secondary to继发heavy alcohol use大量饮酒diagnosed诊断4 years ago with ultrasound超声波and liver biopsy 活组织检查( micronodular小结的cirrhosis)●H/O uncontrolled ascites腹水and peripheral外围的edema浮肿,水肿(H/O: history of)●H/O two upper 上部的,较高的GI升糖指数hemorrhages出血上消化道出血?from esophageal食管的varices 静脉曲张●H/O anemia贫血●H/O E. coli-induced大肠杆菌引起的bacterial peritonitis 细菌性腹膜炎4 years ago●H/O acute急性的pancreatitis胰腺炎secondary to alcohol abuse饮酒过度●No history to suggest cardiac心脏的or gallbladder 胆囊disease翻译:没有心脏或者胆囊的疾病史●No previous diagnosis诊断of viral病毒的or autoimmune 自身免疫的hepatitis肝炎翻译:先前没有病毒性或者自身免疫性肝炎的诊断SURG外科●S/P appendectomy阑尾切除术requiring blood transfusions 输血30years ago●S/P open-reduction开放复位internal内部的fixation定影of rightfemur大腿骨secondary to继发MV A摩托车车祸5 years ago (SP: status post病后状态; MV A: motor vehicle accident)FH (Family history)●Father died at age 52 from liver disease of unknown etiology病因翻译:父亲由于不明原因的肝脏疾病在52岁时去世●Mother had rheumatoid arthritis风湿性关节炎and ulcerative colitis溃疡性结肠炎, died from massive stroke 严重中风at age 66●Maternal aunt姨母, age 71, with Graves disease Graves 病●Patient has no siblings兄弟姐妹翻译:病人没有兄弟姐妹SH (Social history)●Educated through eighth grade翻译:8年级毕业●Department store men’s clothing manager and salesman, 17-yearcareer●Married for 19 years with 1 daughter, age 10翻译:结婚19年了,有一个10岁的女儿●H/O ethanol乙醇abuse, quit 5 years ago following MV A, previouslydrank 3 cases箱of beer/wee k×15 years●H/O IVDA (heroin) and intranasal鼻内的cocaine可卡因, quit5years ago (IVDA:intravenous静脉的drug abuse)●Has smoked approximately 1/2 ppd for many years (ppd: packs包per day)Meds (medications医疗护理)●Propranolol心得安(用于治疗心律不齐,心绞痛等)10 mg po TID(po: by mouth口服, TID: three times daily)●Spironolactone螺内酯(一种利尿药)50 mg po QD (QD: every day) ●Furosemide 速尿灵20 mg po QD●MVI 多种维生素滴注1 tablet药片po QD每天●Occasional偶尔的ibuprofen布洛芬(抗炎,阵痛药)oracetaminophen(退热药)for headache●Patient has H/O non-compliance 违反义务with his medications ALL(Allergy过敏症)NKDA (no known drug allergies)ROS (review of systems)●Increasing abdominal girth 胸围(周长)●(-) complaints of abdominal pain, fever, chills,寒冷nausea,呕吐vomiting,呕吐hematemesis咯血, tarry stools柏油样便, loss of appetite,食欲减退cough,咳嗽chest pain胸痛, SOB (shortness of breath), 呼吸急速lightheadedness,头昏眼花的weakness, blood in the urine(尿), 尿中带血diarrhea,痢疾constipation,便秘and dry mouth口干Patient Case Question 1. Hematolysis 咯血and tarry stools拉黑便are clinical 临床的signs of which serious potential complication 并发症ofcirrhosis?Gen (general)The patient is restless, mildly 适度地jaundiced,患黄疸病的and disoriented紊乱的to time, place, and people. He is slow to answer questions and his answers make little sense. He is ill-appearing but in no obvious distress痛苦.VS (Vital重要的signs)●BP 120/75, P 83 and regular ( supine仰卧的)●BP118/70, P 80 and regular( standing站立的)●RR 14 and unlabored平静的●T 98.8 F orally口温37.1摄氏度●WT 171 1bs 体重77.6千克●HT 5 ft-7 in●SaO2 =97﹪Skin●Warm, dry, and well perfused 遍布with normal turgor肿胀●Mild jaundice轻微黄疸●( +) spider nevi on chest胸部有蜘蛛痣●(-)palmar erythema肝掌●Several ecchymoses(瘀斑)on lower extremities肢端●Large “cobra” tattoo 眼镜蛇纹身on right upper arm右上臂HEENT (head, eyes, ears, nose, throat)●(-)bruises淤青, masses,集中and deformities畸形on head●( +) icteric sclera巩膜黄染●Pupils 瞳孔at 3 mm and reactive to light光反应灵敏●EOMI (extra-ocular眼睛的movement intact完好无缺的)●Funduscopic exam 眼底镜检查WNL (WNL: within normallimits)●TMs clear and intact未损伤的(tympanic membrane鼓膜)鼓膜完好无损,听力清晰●O/P pink, clear, and moist潮湿的without erythema红斑orlesions伤口Neck/LN (lymph nodes淋巴结)●Supple柔软的●(-) JVD (jugular venous颈静脉detension轻松)●(-) goiter, thyroid nodules, carotid bruits, and adenopathy Chest●Lungs CTA bilaterally without wheezes or crackles (CTA: clear toauscultation听诊)●Diaphragmatic excursions WNL●Good air exchange●( +) gynecomastiaHeart●RRR (regular rate and rhythm)●Normal S1 and S2 with no S3 or S4●No m/r/g heard (m/r/g: murmur/rub/gallop)Abd (abdomen腹部)●Moderately distended, firm, and slightly tender●( +) prominent veins observed around umbilicus●( +) HSM (hepatosplenomegaly)●Active BS (bowel sounds)●(-) guarding, rebound tenderness, palpable masses, and aortic,iliac, and renal bruitsGenit/Rect (genitalia/rectum)●Heme-negative stool●Penis normal, testicles moderately atrophic but without masses●Normal sphincter tone●( +) hemorrhoids●Prostate may be slightly enlarged but (-)for nodules andtendernessMS/Ext (mental status/extremities)●No clubbing or edema●Good peripheral pulses at 2+ throughout●Normal range of motion throughoutNeuro●CNs grossly intact●Brisk DTRs at 2+ (DTR: deep tendon response)●Slight asterixis noted●Strength is equal bilaterally●Confused and disoriented●Negative Babinski●Sensory grossly intactPatient Case Question 2. Identify a minimum of 15 clinical signs and symptoms that are consistent with a diagnosis of cirrhosis. Laboratory Blood Test ResultsSee Patient Case Table 18.1AFP: α-fetoprotein (normal 0-15 ng/mL), ANA: antinuclear antibody, MCV: mean corpuscular volume, NH3 (normal 18-60 μg/mL)Patient Case Question 3. Is the patient anemic 贫血at this time and, if so, is the anemia normocytic正常红细胞性贫血microcytic小红细胞性贫血or macrocytic巨细胞性贫血?Patient Case Question 4. What is the most significant abnormality变态that this patient’s CBC (completed blood count总红细胞数) has revealed 显示?Patient Case Question 5.Based on the laboratory data, why has this patient’s cirrhosis肝硬化shown a sudden and unexpected progression上升?Patient Case Question 6. Identify鉴定four risk factors that may have contributed to导致this patient’s current condition.Patient Case Question 7.Why can bacterial peritonitis 细菌性腹膜炎be ruled out as a current potential diagnosis潜在的诊断?Patient Case Question 8.What justification理由might the patient’s primary health care provider have for conducting an ANA test?Patient Case Question 9.Why can hemochromatosis血色沉着病be ruled out as a contributing factor to this patient’s condition?Patient Case Question 10. Why can Wilson disease be ruled out as a contributing factor to this patient’s condition?Patient Case Question 11. Why can autoimmune hepatitis自身免疫性肝炎and primary biliary cirrhosis原发性胆汁性肝硬化be ruled out as contributing factors to this patient’s condition?Patient Case Question 12.Is there any evidence that this patient is at high risk for osteoporosis骨质疏松症?Patient Case Question 13.Identify two abnormal laboratory tests thatare consistent with符合ascites腹水.Patient Case Question 14. Which single laboratory test strongly suggests that the patient has developed hepatic encephalopathy肝性脑病? Patient Case Question 15.How would you grade this patient’s encephalopathy脑病?Patient Case Question 16. What is this patient’s CTP score?Patient Case Question 17. What is the probability that this patient will live for one year?Patient Case Question 18.Does this patient have any signs of dehydration 脱水or hepatorenal syndrome肝肾综合征?Patient Case Question 19.The patient’s primary care provider has decided to conduct extensive大量的clinical 门诊的studies for the diagnosis 诊断of liver cancer. Which single abnormal laboratory value 评价has raised a concern that hepatocellular carcinoma肝细胞癌may have developed?问题19:这个病人的初级保健提供者已经打算为肝癌的诊断进行广泛的临床研究。
《医学英语入门》翻译练习 答案
6: 认识到有必要优化有关植物性药物科学信息的质量和数量,并对膳食补充剂的安全性和有效性进行系统评估,今年还建立了两个研究中心,以调查植物性药物的生物学效应。
西医内科术语英文翻译以下是常见的西医内科术语英文翻译:1. 急性胃炎:Acute Gastritis2. 慢性胃炎:Chronic Gastritis3. 消化性溃疡:Peptic Ulcer4. 胃食管反流病:Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)5. 肝硬化:Cirrhosis6. 脂肪肝:Fatty Liver7. 急性胆囊炎:Acute Cholecystitis8. 慢性胆囊炎:Chronic Cholecystitis9. 急性胰腺炎:Acute Pancreatitis10. 慢性胰腺炎:Chronic Pancreatitis11. 甲状腺功能亢进症:Hyperthyroidism12. 甲状腺功能减退症:Hypothyroidism13. 原发性高血压:Essential Hypertension14. 糖尿病:Diabetes Mellitus15. 低血糖症:Hypoglycemia16. 血脂异常:Dyslipidemia17. 心力衰竭:Heart Failure18. 心律失常:Arrhythmia19. 心绞痛:Angina Pectoris20. 心肌梗死:Myocardial Infarction (MI)21. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病:Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)22. 支气管哮喘:Bronchial Asthma23. 肺炎:Pneumonia24. 肺脓肿:Pulmonary Abscess25. 肺癌:Lung Cancer26. 结核病:Tuberculosis (TB)27. 脑梗塞:Cerebral Infarction28. 脑出血:Cerebral Hemorrhage29. 脑炎:Encephalitis30. 脑膜炎:Meningitis31. 癫痫:Epilepsy32. 帕金森病:Parkinson's Disease33. 甲状腺功能亢进性心脏病:Hyperthyroid Heart Disease34. 甲状腺功能减退性心脏病:Hypothyroid Heart Disease35. 心力衰竭性心脏病:Heart Failure Heart Disease36. 心肌炎:Myocarditis37. 心包炎:Pericarditis38. 高血压性心脏病:Hypertensive Heart Disease39. 低血压性心脏病:Hypotensive Heart Disease40. 心律失常性心脏病:Arrhythmic Heart Disease41. 风湿性心脏病:Rheumatic Heart Disease42. 缺血性心脏病:Ischemic Heart Disease43. 病毒性心肌炎:Viral Myocarditis44. 心力衰竭性心肌炎:Heart Failure Myocarditis45. 心律失常性心肌炎:Arrhythmic Myocarditis46. 高血压性心肌炎:Hypertensive Myocarditis47. 低血压性心肌炎:Hypotensive Myocarditis48. 心包积液:Pericardial Effusion49. 心律失常性心包积液:Arrhythmic Pericardial Effusion50. 高血压性心包积液:Hypertensive Pericardial Effusion。
1. 2. 3. 4.
III 出血倾向和贫血: 出血倾向和贫血: 出血倾向: 出血倾向: 鼻出血、牙龈出血、 鼻出血、牙龈出血、皮肤紫癜和胃肠 出血等倾向。 出血等倾向。 机制: 机制: 1. 凝血因子合成减少; 凝血因子合成减少; 2. 脾功亢进; 脾功亢进; 3. 毛细血管脆性增加。 毛细血管脆性增加。 贫血机制: 贫血机制: 营养不良、吸收障碍、胃肠失血、 营养不良、吸收障碍、胃肠失血、脾 功亢进 •
病理分类(一般学习) 病理分类(一般学习)
• 小结节性肝硬化:直径3~5mm,最 小结节性肝硬化:直径 , 大不超过1cm。 大不超过 。 • 大结节性肝硬化:直径 大结节性肝硬化:直径1~3cm,最大 , 不超过5cm。 不超过 。 • 大小结节混合性肝硬化。 大小结节混合性肝硬化。
病因与分类(详细学习病因分类) 病因与分类(详细学习病因分类)
• 我国以病毒性肝炎为主 • 国外则以酒精中毒多见(未必!) 国外则以酒精中毒多见(未必!
• 病毒性肝炎 肝炎后肝硬化 病毒性肝炎----肝炎后肝硬化 • 酒精中毒 酒精性肝硬化 酒精中毒----酒精性肝硬化 • 血吸虫病 血吸虫性肝纤维化 血吸虫病----血吸虫性肝纤维化 • 胆汁淤积 胆汁淤积性肝硬化循 胆汁淤积----胆汁淤积性肝硬化循 环障碍----淤血性肝硬化 环障碍----淤血性肝硬化 • 药物或工业毒物 药物性肝硬化 药物或工业毒物----药物性肝硬化 • 代谢紊乱 代谢性肝硬化 代谢紊乱----代谢性肝硬化 • 营养障碍 营养不良性肝硬化 营养障碍----营养不良性肝硬化 • 原因不明 隐原性肝硬化 原因不明----隐原性肝硬化
2022年禹城市事业单位考试真题及答案 卫生类
2022年禹城市事业单位招聘考试卫生公共基础(满分100分时间120分钟)遵守考场纪律,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试公正;一、单项选择题(每题只有一个正确答案,答错、不答或多答均不得分)1.典型的疟疾症状发作,是在 (2分)A、部分发育成雌或雄性配子体时B、在肝细胞、红细胞内增殖时C、侵入肝细胞内进行红细胞外生活时D、裂殖子侵入红细胞内增殖时E、红细胞破坏,大量裂殖子、疟色素与代谢产物释放入血时答案:E2.肝一颈静脉反流征阳性见于(2分)A、肝炎B、肝硬化C、二尖瓣狭窄D、右心功能不全E、左心功能不全答案:D3.情绪可通过哪些系统的生理反应对人体健康产生影响( )(2分)A、神经系统、循环系统和泌尿系统B、呼吸系统、循环系统和泌尿系统C、呼吸系统、内分泌系统和免疫系统D、神经系统、内分泌系统和免疫系统E、呼吸系统、循环系统和免疫系统答案:D4.记忆的内容遗忘最快发生在记忆后的(2分)A、第1天B、第2天C、第3天D、第4天E、第5天答案:A解析:德国心理学家艾宾豪斯通过实验研究发现,遗忘在学习之后立即开始,而且遗忘的进程并不均匀。
此外,血液中的白细胞也可以通过sinusoid 进入肝脏,参与免疫反应和炎症过程。
以下是一些关于sinusoid的中英文对照例句:1. The sinusoids in the liver allow for direct contact between blood and hepatocytes. (肝脏中的sinusoid允许血液与肝细胞的直接接触。
)2. The sinusoidal structure of the spleen facilitates the filtration of blood and removal of old red blood cells. (脾脏的sinusoid结构有助于血液的过滤和旧红细胞的清除。
)3. Sinusoids in bone marrow play a crucial role in hematopoiesis, the process of blood cell production. (骨髓中的sinusoid对于血液细胞的生产过程——造血过程起着关键作用。
)4. The sinusoidal flow pattern allows for efficient exchange of nutrients and waste products in the liver. (sinusoid的流动模式有助于肝脏中营养物质和废物的高效交换。
)5. In liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, the sinusoids may become distorted and impaired, leading to compromised liver function. (在肝病如肝硬化中,sinusoid可能会变形和损伤,导致肝功能受损。
茶学专业英语词汇茶叶品种Tea varietiesTea 茶Green tea 绿茶Black tea 红茶White tea 白茶Scented tea花茶Pu\'er tea;Pu Erh tea;Puu Eel tea普洱茶Yellow tea 黄茶Dark tea黑茶Sincha 新茶Yü-chien tea 雨前茶Teabag 袋泡茶Mugi-cha 大麦茶Herbal tea [ˈɜ:rbl]花草茶Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶Chrysanthemum tea [krɪˈsænθəməm, -ˈzæn-]菊花茶Block Puer tea 普洱(砖)Aged Pu\'er tea 陈年普洱Oolong tea;Oulung tea 乌龙茶Bohea tea [boʊ'hi:] 武夷茶Hyson Tea 熙春茶Kungfu Tea;Gongfu Tea 功夫茶Twankay Tea [ˈtwæŋkei]屯溪茶Keemun Tea; Qimen tea 祁门茶Loungjing Tea;Longjing Tea;Lung Ching tea 龙井茶Drogon Well 是对“龙井”这一名词的非正规翻译,不建议使用。
Tieh-Kuan-Yin;TieGuanYin Tea 铁观音Cloud mist 云雾茶Pekoe [ˈpiko]白毫注:该单词又指印度,斯里兰卡的高级红茶Cowslip[ˈkaʊˌslɪp]牛舌Gunpowder 高末儿Camellia Oleifera [kə'milɪə]绿油茶中国名茶Chinese famous teaWhite tipped oolong白毫乌龙Wuyi rock tea武夷岩茶Green blade煎茶Yellow mountain fuzz tip黄山毛峰Green spiral[ˈspaɪrəl]碧螺春Gunpowder 珠茶Age cake puer青沱Pile cake puer青饼Jun mountain silver needle君山银针White tip silver needle银针白毫White penoy[ˈpiəni]白牡丹Long brow jade dew[du:]玉露Rode tea大红袍Cassia tea肉桂Narcissus [nɑrˈsɪsəs]水仙Finger citron['sɪtrən佛手Roast oolong熟火乌龙Osmanthus oolong[ɒz'mænθəs]桂花乌龙Ginseng oolong人参乌龙茶Jasmine tea茉莉花茶Rose bulb玫瑰绣球Smoke black烟熏红茶Light oolong清茶Anji white安吉白茶Liu’an leaf六安瓜片Fenghuang unique bush凤凰单从Tea power茶粉Fine powder tea抹茶茶树Tea treeEvergreen 常绿Shrub 灌木Cultivate 栽培Perennial 多年生Arbor 乔木Longtitudinal growth 纵向生长A height of 7 to 8 feet 高7-8英尺United below 基部联合Bark 树型Margins 叶缘Tip or apex 顶Blade 叶片Main vein 主脉Lateral vein 侧脉Leaf stalk 叶柄Water soluble 水溶性的Fat-soluble 脂溶性的Solitary 单生的Leaf axils 叶腋Sepals 萼片Petals 花瓣Stamens 雄蕊Filaments 花丝Anthers 花药Ovary 子房Cell 子房室Styles 花柱Stigmas 柱头Fruit 茶果Capsule 蒴果Seed 茶籽Prune 修剪Tea-growing regions 产茶区Taxonomically 分类学上茶园耕作Tea cultivationVegetative propagation 营养繁殖Transplanted 移栽Phosphatic fertilizer 磷肥Seed cake 菜饼Inorganic fertilizer 无机肥Plucking table 采摘面Vegetative phase 营养生长阶段Tea planters 茶农Collar pruning 台刈Cankered branches 病枝Foliage 叶层Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Tender shoots 新梢Two leaves and a bud 一芽两叶Chlorophyll 叶绿素Chlorosis 失绿病Glossiness 光泽Pest management 虫害管理Pesticide 杀虫剂Parasitic 寄生的Infused leaf 叶底Evenness 均匀度Category 种类Delicate 幼嫩的Twisted 条索好Adhesive 紧实的Tippy 显豪的Even 匀称Tribute tea 贡茶Precipitation 降雨量Plump 丰满Fleshy 肥厚Vegetation 植被Relative humidity 相对湿度Green color 色绿Artistic appearance 形美The green leaves set up with red border and veins 绿叶红镶边Silvery tip 银芽Well twisted 条索好茶叶生化Tea biochemistryChemical composition 化学组成Inorganic constituents 无机成分The nitrogen compounds 含氮化合物Alkaloid 生物碱Caffeine 咖啡碱Starch 淀粉The polyphenols 多酚类Components 成分Gallic acid 没食子酸Catechin 儿茶素Gallocatechin 没食子儿茶素Epicatechin 表儿茶素Epigallocatechin 表没食子儿茶素Pigments 色素Anthocyanins 花青素Flavones 黄酮类Oxidase 氧化酶Vitamins 维生素Riboflavin 核黄素Fermentation 发酵Flavanols 黄烷醇Phenolic acids 酚酸类The obromine 可可碱The ophylline 茶碱Amino acids 氨基酸The anine 茶氨酸Polyphenol oxidase 多酚氧化酶The aflavins 茶黄素The arubigins 茶红素Polymerized 多聚化的Enzyme oxidation 酶促反应Autoxidation 自动氧化Cardio vascular 心血管的Decaffeinated 脱咖啡因的茶叶加工Tea processingTea bush:茶树Tea harvesting:采青Tea leaves:茶青Withering:萎凋Sun withering 日光萎凋Indoor withering 室内萎凋Setting 静置Tossing 搅拌(浪青)Fermentation 发酵Oxidation 氧化Roll-breaking 解块Sifting 过筛Grading 分级Blending 拼配Solar withering 晒青Stirring 摇青Instant tea 速溶茶Extract 提取Fixation 杀青Steaming 蒸青Stir fixation 炒青Baking 烘青Sunning晒青Rolling 揉捻Light rolling 轻揉Heavy rolling 重揉Cloth rolling 布揉Drying 干燥Pan firing 炒干Baking 烘干Sunning 晒干Piling 渥堆Refining 精制Screening 筛分Cutting 剪切De-stemming 把梗Shaping 整形Winnowing 风选Blending 拼配Compressing 紧压Re-drying 覆火Aging 陈放Added process 加工Roasting 焙火Scenting 熏花Spicing 调味Tea beverage 茶饮料Packing 包装Vacuum packing 真空包装Nitrogen packs 充氮包装Shredded-tea bag 碎形小茶袋Leave-tea bag 原片小袋茶茶叶审评Tea tasting and termsTea tasting and terms 茶叶审评Taster 评茶师Kettle 茶壶Infuse 冲泡Teabags 袋泡茶Infusion 茶汤Body 浓Thickness 浓厚Brisk 鲜爽Full 醇厚Ripe 熟Round smooth 圆滑适口Delicate fragrance 香郁Brisk taste 味甘饮茶健康Tea and healthEpidemiologic 流行病学的Antioxidant 抗氧化的Free radicals 自由基Diabetes 糖尿病Cholesterol 胆固醇Neutralise 抵消Fertility 生育能力Conception 受孕Clinically 临床地Triglyceride 甘油三脂Tumours 肿瘤Causative 病原的Dysentery 痢疾Halitosis 口臭Fatigue 疲劳Neuralgia 神经痛Diuretic 利尿剂Capillary 毛细血管Anti-inflammatory 抗炎症Biosynthesis 生物合成Normalize 使...恢复正常Hyperfunction 功能亢奋Fluoride 氟化物Antioxidant 抗氧化剂Analgesic 止痛药Antipyretic 解热剂Polysaccharides 多糖Renal 肾脏Stroke 中风Dietary 饮食有关的Carcinogens 致癌物质Interfere 干扰Intestine 肠liver 肝Activation 激活LDL 低密度脂蛋白Serum 血清Blood clots 血块Platelet 血小板Aggregation 凝集Mechanism 机制Hypertension 高血压Kidneys 肾脏Inhibitors 抑制剂Amylase 淀粉酶Insulin 胰岛素Intestinal 肠道的Deodorants 除臭剂Hepatitis 肝炎Cirrhosis 肝硬化Interferon 干扰素茶叶贸易Tea tradingTrue to its kind 原产地Organoliptic 感官的Auctioneers 拍卖师Marketability 销路Broker 经纪人Intermediaries 中介Bid 出价Retailers 零售商Wholesalers 批发商Agents 代理商Retail packs 零售包装Canister 茶叶罐饮茶方式Drink teaUtensil 用具Kettle 水壶Teaspoon 茶匙Tea house 茶馆Teapot 茶壶Tea set;tea service 茶具Tea strainer 茶漏Tea pad茶垫Tea plate茶船Tea pitcher 茶盅Lid saucer 盖置Tea serving tray 奉茶盘Tea cup 茶杯Cup saucer 杯托Tea towel tray 茶巾盘Tea holder 茶荷Tea towel 茶巾Tea brush 茶拂Timer 定时器Water heater 煮水器Heating base 煮水器底座Tea cart 茶车Seat cushion 座垫Cup cover 杯套Packing wrap保壶巾Tea ware bag茶具袋Covered bowl 盖碗Tea spoon 茶匙Tea ware 茶器Thermos 热水瓶Tea canister 茶罐Tea um 茶瓮Tea table 茶桌Side table 侧柜Tea bowl 茶碗Spout bowl 有流茶碗Tea tray;teaboard 茶盘Tea canister;caddy 茶罐Tea oil 茶油Tea seed oil 茶籽油Purple granulated;purple sand;terra-cotta 紫砂Purple clay teapot;purple sand teapot 紫砂壶Tea ceremony 茶艺Tea-tasting 品茶Sado;tea-making 茶道注:“茶道”一词来自日语,所以英语采用了日语的音译“sado”,还有人将茶道译作“tea way”,显然很不正规。
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Central veins coalesce 合并 into hepatic veins, which leave the liver and empty into the vena cava(腔静脉).
Central vein Sinusoids
Hepatic artery Portal vein
Hepatic Cirrhosis 肝硬化
Dr. Liping Tang
Department of Gastroenterology, the first affiliated hospital of Chongqing University of Medical Sciences
What is the hepatic cirrhosis? Diagnosis
Cirrhosis is a serious and irreversible disease and is the tenth leading cause of death in the USA, with an age-adjusted death rate of 9.2 per 100,000 per year. It is one of the most common non-neoplastic 非瘤性 causes of death among hepatobiliary 肝胆 and digestive diseases in our country.
several thousand one mm long sinusoids (肝血 窦)(capillaries) . These over one billion sinusoids are all in parallel 平行的, thus the blood flow is very slow and the interface 交界 between it and the hepatocytes is
prognosis evaluation
Treatment for cirrhosis(basic and complication
[Definition and general features]
[DeCifrrihonsiistiis oscnarrainng d瘢痕general features] 形成 of the liver that involves the formation of fibrous 纤维 (scar 瘢痕) tissue associated with the destruction of the normal architecture 架构 of the organ.
Sinusoidal cirrhosis 肝血窦性肝硬化
( True cirrhosis ):
causes scar constituents accumulation 瘢痕成分积累 Fibrosis
and nodular 结节 formation within the liver sinusoids become
Terminal branches 终末支 of the hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery empty together and mix as they enter sinusoids in the liver.
Blood flows through the sinusoids and empties into the central vein of each lobule.
Normal Hepatic lobular
The liver contains about one million of lobular 叶 units which are approximately 2-3 mm across. In each lobule are
It is the result of longstanding injury most commonly due to alcohol(酒精) in excess 过量 or chronic hepatitis(慢性肝炎). But there are many other important causes.
ideal 理想的 for the exchange of metabolites.
Normal Hepatic vasculature(脉管系统)
75% of the blood entering the liver is venous blood from the portal vein, 25% of the blood supply to the liver is arterial blood from the hepatic artery.
narrow or occlusive 闭塞的
Obstruction of portal vein flow
arterovenous shunts 动静脉分流 within the liver
Presinusoidal cirrhosis 窦前性肝硬化: portal vein obstruction because it is narrow or Postsinusoidal cirrhosis 窦oc后cl性us肝iv硬e化(s:choibssttorsoumcitaisoins 血of吸v虫ei病n)such as hepatic vein
It is a long-term liver disease.
[Definition and general features]
Cirrhosis is a serious condition. Only 30 per cent of patients with this problem will survive five years after diagnosis. In the very late stages of the disease, serious complications may occur.