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Unit 1 My classroom

Part A Let’s talk


原文:1、 floor 2、 computer 3、door 4、ice 5、seat

()1.A. board B. floor C. light ()puter B. elephant C. picture ()3.A. door B. book C. goose ()4. A. duck B. idea C. ice ()5.A. seat. B. meet C. Near


( ) 1. We ________ a new classroom.

A. have

B. are

C. is

( ) 2. --Our new classroom is very big. --Let's go and have ____ look.

A. the

B. a

C. /

( ) 3. --________ John's seat?

A. What's

B. Where

C. Where's

( ) 4. There is a picture ______ the wall.

A. on

B. in

C. at

( ) 5. Your school is ________ big.

A. so

B. go

C. to

Part A Let’s learn


听力原文:1、 We have a new classroom. 2、This is my new classroom.

3、My desk is near the window .

4、Let’s clean the teacher’s desk.

( )1.A. Really? Let's go and have a look. B. Really?Have a look.

( ) 2. A. Wow! It's so big! B. Wow! Big!

( ) 3. A. What's my seat? B. Where's my seat?

( ) 4. A. Good job! B. Good idea!


( ) 1. Good morning! A. It's near the window.

( ) 2. Where's my seat? B. All right.

( ) 3. Let's clean our classroom. C. It's nice.

( ) 4. Look at the picture. D. Really? Let's go and have a look.

( ) 5. We have a new classroom. E. Good morning!

Part B Let’s talk


听力原文: 1、red 2、black 3、desk 4、open 5、close

( ) 1. A. pencil B. pen C. yellow ( ) 2. A. window B. desk C. red ( ) 3. A. sweep B. window C. red ( ) 4. A. clean B. white C. desk ( ) 5. A. clean B. white C. us


()1.______ go and have a look.

A. Let


C. Let to

()2.This is a desk.


B. teacher's

C. teachers

()3.Let's clean the classroom.__________.

A. Thank you.

B. All right.

C. How nice.

()4. __________? It's near the window.

A. Do you like it?

B. It's green.

C. Where's my seat?

()5 .Look! This is my red desk. __________ .

A. Great! It's very nice.

B. Thank you.

C. Nice to meet you.

Part B Let’s learn


()Good idea

()Let's clean the desk and chairs.

()Look at the classroom .It's dirty(脏)。

()Yes, Let's clean the classroom.

()All right ()Hello, Miss White.

()Wow! It's nice and clean. Good job.


听力原文: Hi, I’m Tom. I have a new classroom in school. Look, it’s big. There are many desks and chairs in our classroom . The desks and chairs are white, And my desk is near the window. The window is yellow. The door is white . I like my classroom .

( ) 1. My classroom is big . ( ) 2. The windows are green.

( ) 3. The doors are white. ( ) 4. The desks are blue.

( ) 5. I like my classroom.

Unit 2 my schoolbag

Part A Let’s talk


听力原文:1、The pencil is in the desk . 2、 The book is on my head .

3、 This is a storybook.

4、 open the window.
