
船员英语对话大全船员常用英语对话,涵盖值勤交接、运输指令、应急处置等场景:1. 值勤交接A: How was everything during your shift today?今天你的值勤情况如何?B: Pretty smooth sailing. All equipment operating normally.一切顺利。
2. 运输指令A: Ready to start loading cargo. Please open hatch number 2.准备开始装载货物。
B: Hatch 2 opened and ready for loading cargo. You are good to go. 2号舱口已打开,准备装载。
3. 气象更新A: A storm is picking up speed from the northwest. Secure all deck supplies immediately.西北方向风速增大,快速进入风暴状态。
B: Acknowledged. We’ll batten down cargo and supplies right away.收到。
4. 应急通话A: We have a fire outbreak in the engine room! Requesting immediate assistance!发生机舱火灾!请求立即支援!B: Emergency message received. Activating firefighting team right now! 收到应急通话。

1.Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你)It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你)Glad to meet you!2.What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?)答:I am XXX. 或My name is XXX. Where are you from? (你是那里人?)11.How old are you? (你多大?)答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁)3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?)答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。
)答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人)4. Are you married? (你结婚了吗?)答:Yes, I am.5. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?)答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我)6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间)答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年)7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?)Which company did you work for?答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过)8. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)?答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年)9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage?(利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?)答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多)10. Were the crew all Chinese? (船员都是中国人?)答:No, they weren’t, including me; there were only 4 Chinese in the deck department.We joined the ship at the same time. While the others came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。

经典海员英语口语海员口语1. The larger the cleared area the easier, and safer, the hoisting operation will be. Pay careful attention to extra securing of the tarpaulins.2. Make clearly a specific sign of recognition to the rescue boat.3. The motion of the hand is thumb up.4. Use the guide line, if any, for stabilizing and steering the stretcher.5. Coil down the line on deck clear of snags, but do not make it fast.6. Take in the slack until the winch hook and strop are on board.7. Receiving point of ice-breaker assistance is 225 degrees, 10 miles from Freya Head.8. I will keep a distance of 3 cables between vessels.9. Be ready to cast off towing line.10. I am fast on ice in position 55 34N, 001 39E.11. Ice-breaker assistance for convey will start at 0915 local time.12. Keep lookout for sound and visual signals. Proceed along ice channel and keep a distance of 120 meters between vessels.1/10页13. Increase/reduce distance between vessels to 200 meters. Adjust intervals between vessels 10 cables.14. Veer out your anchors under hawse pipes.15. Pass heaving line through hawse pipes.16. What is the latest information? Sight iceberg in position55 34N, 001 39E.17. What ice situation is expected around the Greenland? Ice situation is expected to improve/deteriorate/freeze together in your position.18. Thickness of ice expected to increase/decrease in your position.19. Navigation dangerous in area around Japanese strait due to floating ice.20. Navigation in area around the Greenland without ice-breaker assistance only possible for high-powered vessels of strong construction.21. Keep moving, even if very slowly; try to work with ice movement and not against it; excessive speed leads to ice damage.22. Well-found ships in capable hands can operate successfully in ice-covered waters.23. Thin new ice allows passage to be made through it by modern steel vessels on the original intended route.24. What is your intention of calling at this port? Replenishment2/10页of fuel oil.25. Positive/affirmative. There is a cross-talk. Negative. Reason: Ido not have channel 26.26. What is your flag state, destination/departure and port of registry?27. My maximum draft in summer is 12 meters.28. What is your beam/width, LBP[垂线间距]and LPP[两柱间长]?29. We are carrying general cargo.30. Do you have any restrictions? I am hampered by draft and have a list to port of 3 degrees.31. Are you trimmed by stern/bow? By stern by 2.5 meters.32. Are you on even keel/hogged/sagged?33. Instruction: advice, warning, information, question, answer, request, intention.34. How do you read me?/what is your signal strength? Signal strength five.35. Say it again. I repeat/I say…36. What is the under keel clearance in your position? 6 meters.3/10页37. Often the misuse of VHF channel causes serious interference to essential communications and becomes a potential danger to safetyat sea.38. The proper use of VHF channel at sea makes an important contribution to navigational safety.39. That may cause serious interference to communications related to the movement and safety of shipping in congested port areas.40. The calling ship should acknowledge acceptance before changing channel.41. On receipt of a distress message, if in the vicinity, immediately acknowledge receipt.42. The range of VHF in theory is to the line of sight.43. My ETA at roadsteads is 0900 local time, 38 crewmen on board are all healthy. Request free pratique.44. Prepare duplicates of crew lists and stand by on channel69.45. Do you have any infectious disease on board?46. Shall I muster the crew on deck?47. Was inoculation compulsory here? Fill up maritime declaration of health.48. The cook has contracted appendicitis/cholera/ plague/4/10页Venereal disease/hepatitis.49. Do not forget to mount rat guards on the cable when the ship is alongside.50. Tell your hands not to take any fruit ashore.51. I am afraid that your certificate ran out a few days ago.52. Please arrange fumigation as soon as possible.53. You should be inoculated against epidemics/infectious disease.54. When was the last deratization carried out on your ship.55. This inoculation certificate against yellow fever was not dated.Ask your captain to come over for quarantine formalities.56. We suspected him of having contracted an infectious disease.57. We are compulsory to keep you under quarantine a little longer.58. Supply the quarantine officer by radio at least three hours previous to her arrival at the quarantine anchorage with the following information...59. Possessions must be declared, otherwise they should be regarded as smuggled goods.5/10页。

【船员福利】实用英语第二弹1.Please swing the derricksoutboard. We want to use the shore crane.请把吊杆甩到外档去,我们要用岸吊作业。
2.How many tons can your ship’s jumbo lift? 你船的重吊能吊几吨?3.My ship’s jumbo can liftthirty-five tons?我船的重吊可员35吨。
4.Take off thecover of No.2 Hatch, please!请开启2号舱盖板。
5.Open/close the hatches, please!请开/关舱!6.Don’t stand under the load.不要站在吊货杆下。
7.Get out of the way! It’s dangerous here.请走开,此地危险。
8.No smoking here. We are Loading /unloading dangerous cargo.此处严禁吸烟。
9.Don’t stand here; the hatch hasn’t been covered yet .请不要站在这里,舱口还未盖上。
10.It’s going torain , close the hatch at once. 水手长,快要下雨了,立即关舱。
11.Foreman, it’s raining. Stop discharging the cargo.工头,下雨了,请立即停止卸货。
12.Would you let me know the lifting capacity of your ship’s crane.你能否告诉我,你船起重机的负荷量?13.Excuse me, let me ask the chief officer.请见谅,让我去问问大副。
14.Tallyman, lfind some cargo has been damaged, please don’t load them into the hold. 理货员,我发现有些货物已经损坏,请不要入舱。

1. Hoist/lower the “H” flag, please!请升起/降下“H”旗!2.Hoist the Chinese national flag on the fore mast, please! 请在前桅升起中国旗3.Hoist/lower one black ball, please! 请挂上/降下一个黑球4.Hoist a red light over the white one. 在白灯上面挂上一只红灯5.Hoist/lower the anchor ball. 升起/放下锚球6.Switch on /off the anchor lights. 打开/关闭锚灯7.Please open the front window. 请开启前面的窗户8.Clean these windows. 把些窗户清洗干净9.Open/ close the starboard window/port door, please! 请打开/关上右舷窗户/左舷门10. Bring the pilot\’s bag to the bridge.把领航员的包拿到驾驶室11. Lift up the pilot\’s bag from the pilot boat.把领航员的包从领航艇上吊上来。
12.Lower the pilot ladder on the port/starboard side.把领航梯放在左/右舷。
13.The pilot ladder is too high. 领航梯太高了。
14.The pilot ladder is about two meters above the water. 领航梯约在水面上两米。
15.Lower the pilot ladder a little more. 把领航梯再往下放一点。
16.Lower/pick up the pilot ladder on starboard /port side. 放下/收上右/左舷的领航梯。

海员常用英语2Personal life-saving appliancesnamemeaning1. Lifebuoys救生圈2. Lifebuoy self-igniting lights救生圈自亮灯3. Lifebuoy self-activating smoke signals 救生圈自发烟雾信号4. Buoyant lifelines可浮救生索5. Lifejackets救生衣6. Inflatable lifejacket气胀式救生衣7. Lifejacket lights救生衣灯8. Immersion suits浸水服9. Anti-exposure suits抗暴露服10. Thermal protective aids保温用具Visual signalsnamemeaning1. Rocket parachute flares火箭降落伞火焰信号2. Hand flares手持火焰信号3. Buoyant smoke signals漂浮烟雾信号Survival craftnamemeaning1. Davit-launched liferaft吊架降落救生筏2. Inflatable liferafts气胀式救生筏3. Rigid liferafts刚性救生筏The normal equipment of every liferaft shall consist of:EquipmentMeaning1. one buoyant rescue quoit可浮救助环一个2. one nonfolding knife非折叠式小刀一把3. one buoyant bailer可浮水瓢一个4. two sponges海绵两块5. two sea-anchors海锚两个6. two buoyant paddles可浮手划桨两个7. three tin-openers and a pair of scissors 开罐刀三把、剪刀一把8. one first-aid outfit急救药包一套9. one whistle笛哨一个10. four rocket parachute flares火箭降落伞火焰信号四支11. six hand flares手持火焰信号六个12. two buoyant smoke signals漂浮烟雾信号两个13. one waterproof electric torch防水手电筒一只14. one radar reflector雷达反射器一个15. one daylight signaling mirror日光信号镜一面16. one copy of life-saving signals救生信号表复印件一份17. one set of fishing tackle鱼具一套18. food ration口粮19. watertight receptacles防水容器20. one rustproof graduated drinking vessel不锈饮料量杯一只21. anti-seasickness medicine(for 48h)防晕船药(48h量)22. instructions on how to survive救生方法须知23. instructions for immediate action紧急行动须知24. thermal protective aids保温用具The normal equipment of every lifeboat shall consist of:namemeaning1. buoyant oars可浮桨2. two boat-hooks带艇钩两支3. a buoyant bailer and two buckets可浮水瓢一支,水桶两支4. a survival manual救生手册一本5. an operational compass罗经一个6. a sea-anchor海锚一个7. two painters系艇索两跟8. two hatchets太平斧两把9. watertight receptacles水密容器10. a rustproof dipper with lanyard不锈水斗一个11. a rustproof graduated drinking vessel 不锈饮水量杯一个12. food ration口粮13. four rocket parachute flares火箭降落伞火焰信号四支14. six hand flares手持火焰信号六支15. two buoyant smoke signals漂浮烟雾信号两支16. one waterproof electric torch防水手电筒一个17. one daylight signaling mirror日光信号灯一个18. one copy of life-saving signals救生信号表复印件19. one whistle哨笛一个20. a first aid outfit急救箱一个21. anti-seasickness medicine防晕船药22. a jack-knife水手刀一把23. three tin-operate开罐器三把24. two buoyant rescue quoits可浮救助环两个25. a manual pump手摇泵一个26. one set of fishing tackle钓鱼具一套27. sufficient tools工具28. portable fire-extinguishing equipment 便携式灭火器29. a searchlight探照灯一个30. a radar reflector雷达反射器一个31. thermal protective aids保温用具。

最简单最有用的英文口语001 See you later.待会见;再联络A: I have to go.B: See you later.002 What’s up?近来过得如何?A:Hey! What’s up?B: Nothing much! As usual.003 It’s onme.我来付A: The beer is on me.B: Thank you.004 I meanit.我是说真的A: Do you really want to quit your job?B: I mean it.005Check, please.买单A: Check, please.B: Y es, sir.006 Mind your own business.别多管闲事A: What were you talking about?B: Mind your own business.007 Hold on.请稍等A:May I leave a message, please?B: Hold on. 008 Whatever!随你的便A: Shall I tell himtonight or tomorrow?B: Whatever!009After you.你先(请)A: Please come in.B: After you. 010 Nonsense!胡说八道!A: Tell me the truth.I don’t want nonsense.B: I am telling the truth.011 Cheerup!振作点A: We lost the game again!B: Cheer up! Y ou’ll do b etter next time.012 Noway!不行A: Let’s have pizza for lunch.B: No way! I hate pizza. 013 Go for it!加油!A: It’s an important test.B: Y es, I will go for it!014Y ou’ve got me there. / (it) beats me.我想不出来:我不知道:你考倒我了A: Do you know the heightof that bu ilding?B: Y ou’ve got me there. (Beats me)015Who Cares!谁管你呀!A: I can’t finish my homework. Can you help me to do some?B: Who cares! 016 I’ll getit.我来接(电话)A: The phone is ringing.B: I’ll get it.017 Itdepends.看情形A: When will you wake up?B: It depends. 018 Out of thequestion!不可能的A: Could I borrow your bike?B: Out of the question!019 Allowme.让我来A: Please allow me to open the door for you.B: Thank you.020 Calmdown冷静一点A: Calm down. It’s not such a big deal.B: Y ou won’t understand.021 Thankyou.谢谢A: Y ou are beautiful!B: Thank you.022 Y ou’rewelcome.不客气A: Thank you for the flowers.B: Y ou’re welcome.023Goodbye.再见A: Take care!B: Y ou too! Goodbye!024 How areyou(doing)?你好吗?A: How are you?B: Not very good. I got a cold.025 I have hadenough!我真是受够了!A: I have had enough!B: Why? What did he do?026 Let’scall it a day.今天到此为止吧!A: Let’s call it a day. I am so tired.B: All right!027 Notagain!不会吧!A: Everyone’s late.B: Not again!028 Knock itoff!住手!不要吵!A: Knock it off! I am trying to study.B: Sorry, I didn’t know thatyou are studying.029 Goodnight.晚安A: Good night, everybody.B: Good night, Jill! Have a sweet dream.030Sure!可以呀!A: Could I use your computer?B: Sure!031 Ofcourse.当然!A: Could I borrow your car?B: Of course.032 Y es.是的A: Is this your cellphone?B: Yes, it is mine. 033 Why?为什么?A: Sarah is notcoming.B: Why?034Be careful on the road.路上小心A: Be careful on the road. It’s getting dark.B: Ok!035 Y ou decide.你决定吧!A: Doyou want the black tie or the red one?B: Y ou decide.036Never mind.没关系;不要紧A: I am sorry that I broke your radio.B: Never mind.037 That’sall right.没关系A: I didn’t mean to be bump into you.B: That’s all right.038 I don’t know.我不知道A:Do you know where the police station is?B: I don’t know.039Is there anything wrong?有问题吗?A: The boss was every angry at the meeting.B: Why?Is there anything wrong? 040 No problem.没问题A: Could I borrow your car tomorrow?B: Sure! Noproblem.041 Y ou are joking! (No kidding)别开玩笑了A: Did you know thatLinda’s uncle is Jacky Chen?B: Y ou are joking! How did you know that? 042 Why not?为什么不行?A: Y ou can’t goout today.B: Why not?043 I don’tunderstand….我不懂A: Betty broke up with her new boyfriend.B: I don’t understandhow could this happen?044 Andthen?然后呢?A: Y ou should take this form to the first counter.B: And then? Whatshould I do?045 So what?那又如何?那又怎样?A: Do you know there is a new theaterdown the street?B: Y eah. So what?046It’s alright.还好A: How’s your steak?B: It’s al right.047I am OK.我没事A: Are you hurt?B: I am OK.048 Bon voyage.一路顺风A: We are leaving for Boston tonight.B: Bon voyage.049 Whathappened?发生了什么事?A: Lucy is crying.B: Why? What happened? 050 Come on!来嘛!拜托!A: I don’t wantto go to the party.B: Co me on! Don’t be shy。

海员专业英语基础知识一、甲板部工作用语1. Hoist/lower the “H” flag, please! 请升起/降下“H”旗!2. Hoist the Chinese national flag on the fore mast, please! 请在前桅升起中国旗3. Hoist/lower one black ball, please! 请挂上/降下一个黑球4. Hoist a red light over the white one. 在白灯上面挂上一只红灯5. Hoist/lower the anchor ball. 升起/放下锚球6. Switch on /off the anchor lights. 打开/关闭锚灯7. Please open the front window. 请开启前面的窗户8. Clean these windows. 把些窗户清洗干净9. Open/ close the starboard window/port door, please! 请打开/关上右舷窗户/左舷门10. Bring the pilot's bag to the bridge.把领航员的包拿到驾驶室11. Lift up the pilot's bag from the pilot boat. 把领航员的包从领航艇上吊上来。
12. Lower the pilot ladder on the port/starboard side. 把领航梯放在左/右舷。
13. The pilot ladder is too high. 领航梯太高了。
14. The pilot ladder is about two meters above the water. 领航梯约在水面上两米。
15. Lower the pilot ladder a little more. 把领航梯再往下放一点。

船员实用英语会话船员实用英语会话PRACTICAL ENGLISH CONVERSATIONS FOR SEAMEN目录CONTENTSLESSON 1. ENTERING PORT 进港§1. Calling for a pilot by VHF 使用VHF呼叫引水员§2. Conversation with Agent through radio station通过岸台与代理通话§3. Waiting for the pilot in th e roadstead 在锚地等待引水员§4. Planning a passage through the Canal 通过运河§5. Entering Port进港§6. Sending Ropes out带缆§7. Alongside the Dock(A)靠码头(A)§8. Alongside the Dock(B) 靠码头(B)§9. Enquiring about port inform ation询问港口情况§10. Preparing the Gangway准备舷梯LESSON 2. QUARANTINE 检疫§1. Quarantine(A)检疫(A)§2. Calling an Ambulance叫救护车§3. Quarantine(B)检疫(B)LESSON 3. CUSTOMS INSPECTION 海关检查§1. Customs officer asking Questions(A)海关官员询问情况(A)§2. Customs officer asking Questions(B)海关官员询问情况(B)§3. Crew’s Personal Effec ts list and store list(A) 船员私人物品清单和物料清单(A)§4. Crew’s Personal Effects list and store list(B)船员私人物品清单和物料清单(B)§5. Crew’s Personal Effects list and store list(C)船员私人物品清单和物料清单(C)§6. Sealing 封关§7. After se aling 封关之后LESSON 4 IMMIGRATION INSPECTION 移民局检查§1. Immigration officer asking question (A)移民局官员询问情况(A)§2. Immigration officer asking question (B)移民局官员询问情况(B)§3. Muster集合LESSON 5 AGENT 代理§1. Agent comes aboard代理登船§2. Agent meets Chief officer代理和大副§3. Agent’s arrangements for cargo unloading代理安排卸货§4. Preparations for loading the container ship Attended to by Agent 代理协助集装箱船的装货准备工作§5. Ship’s requirements船方要求§6. Be always on the alert while on time charter时刻关注期租合同LESSON 6 CARGO WORK 管理货物§1. Loading Coal装煤§2. Discussing the stowage (A)讨论配载(A)§3. Discussing the stowage (B)讨论配载(B)§4. Changing the stowage变更配载§5. Rigging the derricks准备吊杆§6. repairing the derrick修理吊杆§7. laying dunnage铺设垫舱物料§8. Giving directions about the stowage (A)有关堆装的指示(A)§9. Givin g directions about the stowage (B)有关堆装的指示(B)§10. Making separation隔票§11. Securing heavy lifts重货绑扎§12. Securing cargo货物绑扎§13. Discharging operations in progress卸货在进行中§14. Dispute about cargo有关货物的争执§15. Working cargo in the ra in 冒雨装货§16. Winch trouble起货机故障§17. Pilferage (A)偷窃(A)§18. Pilferage (B)偷窃(B)§19. Stevedores going on strike装卸工罢工LESSON 7 TALLYING CARGO 理货LESSON 8 CARGO SURVEY 商检§1. Cargo Survey (A)商检(A)§2. Cargo Survey(B)商检(B)LESSON 9 TANKER 油船§1. Hose connection软管连接§2. Safety Precauti ons 安全措施§3. Checking safety precautions (A)安全措施检查(A)§4. Checking safety precautions (B)安全措施检查(B)§5. Arrangements with the loading master安全装油§6. Survey of the T anks检查油舱§7. Determination of the cargo amount 确定载油量LESSON 10 SAFETY INSPECTION 安全检查§1. Safe ty Inspection (A) 安全检查(A)§2. Safety Inspection (B)安全检查(B)§3. Safety Inspection (C)安全检查(C)§4. Safety Inspection (D)安全检查(D)LESSON 11 DECLARING PORT REGULATIONS 宣布港章§1. Declaring port regulations (A) 宣布港章(A)§2. Declaring port regulations (B)宣布港章(B)LESSON 12 VIOLATIING PORT REGULATIONS 违反港章§1. Violating port regulations (A) 违反港章(A)§2. Violating port regulations (B)违反港章(B)LESSON 13 COLLISION ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION 碰撞事故调查LESSON 14SHIP CHANDLER 船舶供应商§1. Order (A) 定单(A)§2. Order (B)定单(B)LESSON 15 LAUNDRYMAN 洗衣工人LESSON 16 AGENT’S BUSINESS 代理业务§1. Cash advance借款§2. Ship’s papers船舶证书§3. Luggage行§4. Misc ellaneous 其他§5. Before sailing开航前LESSON 17 SEA PILOT 海上引水§1. Guiding to cabin接到客房§2. Pilot’s request引航员要求LESSON 18 SUPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 补充材料§1. Visiting参观§2. Foreman工头、领班§3. Boarding officer登轮官员§4. Customs’ searching party 海关抄关队§5. Searching of the ship抄关§6. Asking for unsealing (by phone)请求(打)LESSON 1 ENTERING PORT§1. Calling for a pilot by VHF On Channel 16在16频道上呼叫引航员(S—Ship P—Port control)S: Port control. Port control. This is Chinese motor sh ip “HAIHE” Calling. Over港口控制台,这是中国船“海河”呼叫。

一、甲板部工作用语1. Hoist/lower the “H” flag, please! 请升起/降下“H”旗!2.Hoist the Chinese national flag on the fore mast, please! 请在前桅升起中国旗3.Hoist/lower one black ball, please! 请挂上/降下一个黑球4.Hoist a red light over the white one. 在白灯上面挂上一只红灯5.Hoist/lower the anchor ball. 升起/放下锚球6.Switch on /off the anchor lights. 打开/关闭锚灯7.Please open the front window. 请开启前面的窗户8.Clean these windows. 把些窗户清洗干净9.Open/ close the starboard window/port door, please! 请打开/关上右舷窗户/左舷门10. Bring the pilot's bag to the bridge.把领航员的包拿到驾驶室11. Lift up the pilot's bag from the pilot boat. 把领航员的包从领航艇上吊上来。
12.Lower the pilot ladder on the port/starboard side. 把领航梯放在左/右舷。
13.The pilot ladder is too high. 领航梯太高了。
14.The pilot ladder is about two meters above the water. 领航梯约在水面上两米。
15.Lower the pilot ladder a little more. 把领航梯再往下放一点。
16.Lower/pick up the pilot ladder on starboard /port side. 放下/收上右/左舷的领航梯。


一、日常交际用语1. Good morning/afternoon/evening, Captain. 早上好/下午好/晚上好,船长。
2. How are you, Mate? 你好吗,大副?3. Please take care of the daily supplies. 请注意日常用品的补给。
4. Could you assist me with a problem? 你能帮我解决一个问题吗?5. Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。
二、船舶操作指令1. Prepare to cast off the mooring lines. 准备解缆离泊。
2. Hard a-starboard/Port! 右满舵/左满舵!3. Steer course 270°. 转向270°航向。
4. Ease the rudder to port/starboard. 缓舵左舵/右舵。
5. Increase speed to 12 knots. 增速至12节。
三、货物装卸沟通1. The cargo holds are ready for loading. 货舱已准备好装货。
2. The crane has lifted the container securely. 起重机已稳妥吊起集装箱。
3. The hatch covers are securely fastened. 舱盖已牢固系紧。
4. Caution! The load is heavy. 小心!货物很重。
5. All cargo is stowed and the ship is ready to depart. 所有货物已装好,轮船已做好离港准备。

船员实用英语会话PRACTICAL ENGLISH CONVERSATIONS FOR SEAMEN目录CONTENTSLESSON 1、ENTERING PORT 进港§1、Calling for a pilot by VHF 使用VHF呼叫引水员§2、Conversation with Agent through radio station 通过岸台与代理通话§3、Waiting for the pilot in the roadstead 在锚地等待引水员§4、Planning a passage through the Canal 通过运河§5、Entering Port 进港§6、Sending Ropes out 带缆§7、Alongside the Dock(A) 靠码头(A)§8、Alongside the Dock(B) 靠码头(B)§9、Enquiring about port information 询问港口情况§10、Preparing the Gangway 准备舷梯LESSON 2、QUARANTINE 检疫§1、Quarantine(A) 检疫(A)§2、Calling an Ambulance 叫救护车§3、Quarantine (B) 检疫(B)LESSON 3、CUSTOMS INSPECTION 海关检查§1、Customs officer asking Questions(A) 海关官员询问情况(A) §2、Customs officer asking Questions(B) 海关官员询问情况(B)§3、Crew’s Personal Effec ts list and store list(A) 船员私人物品清单与物料清单(A)§4、Crew’s Personal Effects list and store list(B)船员私人物品清单与物料清单(B)§5、Crew’s Personal Effects list and store list(C)船员私人物品清单与物料清单(C)§6、Sealing 封关§7、After sealing 封关之后LESSON 4 IMMIGRATION INSPECTION 移民局检查§1、Immigration officer asking question (A) 移民局官员询问情况(A)§2、Immigration officer asking question (B) 移民局官员询问情况(B)§3、Muster 集合LESSON 5 AGENT 代理§1、Agent comes aboard 代理登船§2、Agent meets Chief officer 代理与大副§3、Agent’s arrangements for cargo unloading代理安排卸货§4、Preparations for loading the container ship Attended to by Agent 代理协助集装箱船的装货准备工作§5、Ship’s requirements船方要求§6、Be always on the alert while on time charter 时刻关注期租合同LESSON 6 CARGO WORK 管理货物§1、Loading Coal 装煤§2、Discussing the stowage (A) 讨论配载(A)§3、Discussing the stowage (B) 讨论配载(B)§4、Changing the stowage 变更配载§5、Rigging the derricks 准备吊杆§6、repairing the derrick 修理吊杆§7、laying dunnage 铺设垫舱物料§8、Giving directions about the stowage (A) 有关堆装的指示(A)§9、Giving directions about the stowage (B) 有关堆装的指示(B)§10、Making separation 隔票§11、Securing heavy lifts 重货绑扎§12、Securing cargo 货物绑扎§13、Discharging operations in progress 卸货在进行中§14、Dispute about cargo 有关货物的争执§15、Working cargo in the rain 冒雨装货§16、Winch trouble 起货机故障§17、Pilferage (A) 偷窃(A)§18、Pilferage (B) 偷窃(B)§19、Stevedores going on strike 装卸工罢工LESSON 7 TALLYING CARGO 理货LESSON 8 CARGO SURVEY 商检§1、Cargo Survey (A) 商检(A)§2、Cargo Survey (B) 商检(B)LESSON 9 TANKER 油船§1、Hose connection 软管连接§2、Safety Precautions 安全措施§3、Checking safety precautions (A) 安全措施检查(A)§4、Checking safety precautions (B) 安全措施检查(B)§5、Arrangements with the loading master 安全装油§6、Survey of the Tanks 检查油舱§7、Determination of the cargo amount 确定载油量LESSON 10 SAFETY INSPECTION 安全检查§1、Safety Inspection (A) 安全检查(A)§2、Safety Inspection (B) 安全检查(B)§3、Safety Inspection (C) 安全检查(C)§4、Safety Inspection (D) 安全检查(D)LESSON 11 DECLARING PORT REGULATIONS 宣布港章§1、Declaring port regulations (A) 宣布港章(A)§2、Declaring port regulations (B) 宣布港章(B)LESSON 12 VIOLATIING PORT REGULATIONS 违反港章§1、Violating port regulations (A) 违反港章(A)§2、Violating port regulations (B) 违反港章(B)LESSON 13 COLLISION ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION 碰撞事故调查LESSON 14 SHIP CHANDLER 船舶供应商§1、Order (A) 定单(A)§2、Order (B) 定单(B)LESSON 15 LAUNDRYMAN 洗衣工人LESSON 16 AGENT’S BUSINESS 代理业务§1、Cash advance 借款§2、Ship’s papers船舶证书§3、Luggage 行李§4、Miscellaneous 其她§5、Before sailing 开航前LESSON 17 SEA PILOT 海上引水§1、Guiding to cabin 接到客房§2、Pilot’s request引航员要求LESSON 18 SUPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 补充材料§1、Visiting 参观§2、Foreman 工头、领班§3、Boarding officer 登轮官员§4、Customs’ searching party海关抄关队§5、Searching of the ship 抄关§6、Asking for unsealing (by phone) 请求开封(打电话)LESSON 1 ENTERING PORT§1、Calling for a pilot by VHF On Channel 16在16频道上呼叫引航员(S—Ship P—Port control)S: Port control、Port control、This is Chinese mot or ship “HAIHE” Calling、Over港口控制台,这就是中国船“海河”呼叫。

1)你想在我们船上看一部中国电影吗?Would you like to see a Chinese movie on board our ship? 2)请你来尝一尝我们的中国菜好吗?Won't you come over and try some of our Chinese dishes? 3)你想下一盘象棋吗?Would you care for a game of chess?4)今天晚上和我们一起去跳舞好吗?Will you go to dance with us tonight?5)跟我们一起去海员俱乐部痛痛快快玩一玩怎么样?How would you like to go to the Seamen's Club with me and e njoy ourselves?6)今天去看京剧怎么样?How about going to see a Beijing opera today?7)你想玩玩台球来轻松一下吗?Do you feel like playing billiards to relax ourselves a little bit? 8)你愿不愿意到甲板上散散步?Do you fancy taking a walk on deck?9)不知道你是否想喝一杯咖啡?I wonder if you would like a cup of coffee?10)我想请你这个周末去野餐,我可是不准你不去啊。
I'd invite you to a picnic this weekend, but I simply won't take “No” for an answer.11)我船定于星期日晚上举行宴会,如能请到你作为我们的贵宾,我们将不行荣幸。
There is going to be a banquet on board on Sunday evening. May we have the honour of having you as our guest of honour ?12)我们已向你们发出请贴,欢迎你们船所有船员及其夫人光临。

海员日常社交用语1)你想在我们船上看一部中国电影吗?Would you like to see a Chinese movie on board our ship? 2)请你来尝一尝我们的中国菜好吗?Won't you come over and try some of our Chinese dishes? 3)你想下一盘象棋吗?Would you care for a game of chess?4)今天晚上和我们一起去跳舞好吗?Will you go to dance with us tonight?5)跟我们一起去海员俱乐部痛痛快快玩一玩怎么样?How would you like to go to the Seamen's Club with me and e njoy ourselves?6)今天去看京剧怎么样?How about going to see a Beijing opera today?7)你想玩玩台球来轻松一下吗?Do you feel like playing billiards to relax ourselves a little bit? 8)你愿不愿意到甲板上散散步?Do you fancy taking a walk on deck?9)不知道你是否想喝一杯咖啡?I wonder if you would like a cup of coffee?10)我想请你这个周末去野餐,我可是不准你不去啊。
I'd invite you to a picnic this weekend, but I simply won't take “No” for an answer.11)我船定于星期日晚上举行宴会,如能请到你作为我们的贵宾,我们将不行荣幸。
There is going to be a banquet on board on Sunday evening. May we have the honour of having you as our guest of honour ?12)我们已向你们发出请贴,欢迎你们船所有船员及其夫人光临。

41.Let go one shackle of starboard/port anchor on deck. 抛右/左锚一节在甲板上。
42. Hold on the chain. 把锚链刹住。
71.Put these torn bags on deck, they should be sewed up.理货员,把这些破包放在甲板上,他们需要缝补。
72.The casks should be rehooped. 这些木桶应当重新加固。
73.Chief officer, I found some torn bags in Hatch No.3. 大副,我在3号舱发现一些破包。
4.Hoist a red li红灯
5.Hoist/lower the anchor ball. 升起/放下锚球
6.Switch on /off the anchor lights. 打开/关闭锚灯
7.Please open the front window. 请开启前面的窗户
62.Don't stand under the load.不要站在吊货杆下。
63.Get out of the way! It's dangerous here. 请走开,此地危险。
64.No smoking here. We are Loading / unloading dangerous cargo.此处严禁吸烟。我们正在装/卸危险品。
68.Would you let me know the lifting capacity of your ship's crane. 你能否告诉我,你船起重机的负荷量?

1. 分析题目、中文翻译与英语解释
- “seaman”这个单词的中文翻译是“海员;水手;水兵”。
英语解释为:A seaman is a person, especially a man, who works on a ship or a boat.
2. 词干(词根)、前缀、后缀的使用情况
- 这个单词的词干是“sea”,表示“海”的意思,“man”在这里表示“人”。
3. 不同词式及中英文造句
- 单数形式(seaman)
- 英文:The seaman has been at sea for three months.
- 中文:这个海员已经出海三个月了。
- 复数形式(seamen)
- 英文:These seamen are very experienced.
- 中文:这些海员非常有经验。
- 所有格形式(seaman's)
- 英文:The seaman's family is waiting for him at home.
- 中文:这个海员的家人正在家里等他。
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实用英语100句1.How do you do!你好!2.How are you? 你好吗?3.May I know your name? 请问你叫什么名字?4.I’m the Chief Engineer. 我是轮机长。
5.I’m very glad to know you. 我很高兴认识你。
6.Where is the Captain, please? 船长在哪里?7.I’m looking for him. 我要找他。
8.He is on the deck. 他在甲板上。
9.I don’t think he’ll be back for some time. 我想他暂时还不回来。
10.May I ask if there is anything I can do for you? 我可以问你有什么事我能帮忙吗?11.What’s the weather like today? 今日天气怎样?12.It is cloudy this morning but will clear up this afternoon. 上午多云,下午转晴。
13.The weather forecast says there is a storm coming. 天气预报有十一级风(暴风)。
14.It's blowing a strong gale now. 现在刮九级风(烈风)。
15.The sea is rough. 海上风浪很大。
16.May I speak to Mr. Black, please? 请布莱克先生听电话。
17.Yes, speaking. 是的,我就是。
18.Who’s calling, please? 请问是谁呀?19.Would you mind calling me back? 给我打回电好不好?20.I’d like to make a long distance call to China. 我要打长途电话到中国。
21.I should like to have meals on board. 我想要在船上用餐。
22.I’d like to invite you to dinner this evening. 我想请你今晚用餐。
23.Would you help yourself? 请随便吃。
24.May I help you to some more Beijing roast duck? 请您再吃点北京烤鸭好吗?25.I’m so glad you like Chinese food. 你喜欢中国菜,我感到非常高兴。
26.I’m happy I can spend an evening with you at the Seamen’s Club. 我很高兴与你在海员俱乐部度过一个晚上。
27.Let’s go to the Karaoke bar. 让我们去卡拉OK厅。
28.Shall we go to the dance hall? 我们到舞厅去好吗?29.I can waltz and foxtrot. 我能跳华尔兹舞和狐步舞。
30.I’d like a cup of coffee. 我要喝杯咖啡。
31.What’s the matter with you? 你怎么啦?32.I’m not feeling very well today. 今天我觉得身体不舒服。
33.I’ve got pains in my chest. 我胸腔感到疼痛。
34.Now undo your shirt and let me examine you. 我去把这药方配好。
35.I'll go and get the prescription made up. 我去把这药方配好。
36.Ships can be classified in several ways. 船舶可以好几种方式分类。
37.The size of ships is given in terms of length, beam, draft, and tonnage. 船舶大小是按照长度,最大宽度,吃水和吨位来表达。
38.We have five different categories of merchant ships: freighters, container ship, bulk carriers,passenger ships, and coastal vessels. 商船分为五大类:货船,集装箱船,散货船,客轮和海岸船。
39.Container ships are larger and faster than freighters. 集装箱船比货船大,速度快。
40.Today, many passenger ships are used as cruise ships. 今天,许多客轮被用作为油船。
41.By the way, how long will you be in Shanghai? 顺便问一问,你在上海呆多久?42.I hope you’ll enjoy your stay in Shanghai. 我希望你在上海过得愉快。
43.What do you think of the port of Shanghai? 你认为上海港如何?44.Could you kindly tell me more about the port of Shanghai? 能否请你告诉我更多上海港的情况?45.I’ve got a fairly good idea of the port of Shanghai. 我对上海港有比较好的了解了。
46.Let’s go through the quarantine formalities. 我们现在来办理检疫手续吧。
47.Here is the Maritime Declaration of Health.这是份航行健康申明书。
48.We’ve all been inoculated against typhus, cholera, plague and yellow fever. 我们都进行了预防伤寒、霍乱、瘟疫和黄热病的注射。
49.Please let me have all the inoculation papers for inspection. 请你把预防接种证件给我检查。
50.We are all in good health. 我们身体都健康。
51.Welcome aboard my ship. 欢迎光临我轮。
52.Here are all the Seaman’s Book and two copies of the Crew List. 这是全部的海员证和二份船员名单。
53.Will you please fill out the Application Form for shore passes? 请你填写登岸证申请表好吗?54.When can we get the shore passes? 我们什么时候能得到登岸证呢?55.Please collect all the shore passes and return them to me before ship’s departure. 你轮离港前情把所有的登岸证收齐并交回给我。
56.Shall we begin the Customs formalities now? 现在我们开始海关手续吗?57.Here are the Import Cargo Manifest, the Crew’s list, the last Port Clearance and Crew’sEffects Declaration. 这是进口载货单,船员名单,上一港口出港许可证和船员个人物品申报单。
58.We have general cargo store. 我们只载一般货物。
59.This is our bonded store. 这是我们的保税物料间。
60.We Chinese seamen should observe the Customs regulations. 我们中国海员应该遵守海关规章。
61.I’ll take you to the Pilot’s cabin fist. 我先领你去引水员房间。
62.Please follow me. 请跟我来。
63.When can we enter the harbour? 我们什么时候能够进港?64.Now, tell me the draft fore and aft, please. 现在请告诉我船的前后的吃水。
65.We have to wait here till the tide turns. 我们要在这里等到潮涨。
66.How long will it take us from here to the harbour. 从这里到港口需用多少时间?67.Which berth shall we take? 我们使用哪个泊位?68.What side will go alongside? 那边船舷靠岸?69.How many lines are we to make fast ashore?我们用几根缆绳岸上绑牢。
70.Is the ship in position now? 现在船到位了吗?71.I’ll make out a stowage plan before loading. 我将在装货前制作好配载图。
72.All the holds are ready for loading. 全部货舱已准备好装货。
73.According to the stowage plan, the heavy cargo must be stowed on the ceiling and the lightercargo placed on the top. 根据配载图,重货堆装在舱底,轻货放在顶上。
74.The containers on deck must be securely lashed. 甲板上的集装箱必须绑牢。
75.Would you mind going with me to have a look at all the holds and make a record on the spot?请你与我一起看看各货舱并作现场记录好吗?76.When will you begin discharging? 你们什么时候开始卸货?77.How many shifts are there a day? 一天有几个班次?78.How many gangs will you start with? 你们准备派几个工组开工。