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某微型客车制动力分配优化设计(摘要链接). (2)

基于Excel 平台的车门气压阻效应计算软件的开发研究(摘要链接). (3)

轮胎滚动速度对车辆侧偏特性的影响(摘要链接). (4)

基于dSPACE勺汽车驱动力控制系统硬件在环研究(摘要链接) (5)

基于拓扑优化的重型货车驾驶室轻量化技术研究(摘要链接). (6)

基于MATLA的汽车转向力矩实时计算方法(摘要链接) (7)

EGF影响高速直喷柴油机NO和烟度排放机理的研究(摘要链接) (8)

门饰板侧碰安全性能分析及结构优化(摘要链接). (9)

柴油机起动过程瞬态测控系统设计(摘要链接). (10)

汽车组合开关操作性能评价参数的规律性探索(摘要链接). (11)

少片钢板弹簧在实际应用中的开发与设计(摘要链接). (12)

汽车悬架用磁流变阻尼器的性能试验研究(摘要链接). (13)

减振器一体式空气悬架的试验及静刚度特性研究(摘要链接). (14)

底盘测功机阻力设定对轻型车排放影响的试验研究(摘要链接). (15)

转向节轴承装配质量实时监控系统的研究与开发(摘要链接). (16)






Optimized Design of Brake Force

Distribution for a Mini Bus

Wang Xuanfeng ,Ying Guozeng ,Huang Chaosheng

( China FAW Group Corporation R&D Center )

【Abstract 】Formulas are proposed about braking force distribution coefficients of unladen and laden M1 vehicles. The optimized goal is to obtain minimum area between the ideal braking force distribution curves and practical two brake force distribution lines with different slope, meanwhile it should be ensured that under the laden condition the brake efficiency is not less than 75%, then the variable braking force distribution curve for a mini bus is optimized. The transformation formulas between the axles braking forces and the pipeline hydraulic pressure have been established by considering the brake pushing pressure loss, and the hydraulic proportioning valve's characteristic curve has been determined by the optimized variable brake force distribution curves. Finally after working on the comparative computation of the braking distance, the result shows that the braking distance of the optimized mini bus has been obviously reduced.

Key words: Mini bus; Braking force; Distribution






基于Excel平台、利用VBA语言、使用数值积分方法,开发出一种用于计算车门关门能量/力中气压阻效应的应用软件。该软件不仅具有可视化的人机交互界面,而且能够方便快捷的根据需要计算出气压阻效应在关门过程中消耗的能量/ 力。与试验数据比较误差不超过10%,从而证明了该软件的计算准确性。

关键词: 车门气压阻效应能量计算软件

Development for Calculation Software of Door Air

Bound Effect Based on Excel

Gao Yunkai, Gao Dawei ,Yu Haiyan

(Tongji University)

【Abstract 】 A new mathematical model is proposed in this paper based on the theory analysis of door bound effect,. Based on Excel, the application software that is used to calculate air bound effect in door closing energy / force is developed by using language VBA and numerical value integral method. The software not only has the visual man-machine interface, but also can be used to calculate air bound effect during door closing process conveniently. Compared with the experimental data, errors are less than 10 %, so the calculation accuracy of the software is validated.

Key words: Door air pressure resistance effect; Energy; Calculation software
