OCIMF Publications
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· 指南与共识·免疫细胞功能状态量化检测评估与临床应用专家共识中国医疗保健国际交流促进会肝脏移植学分会 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会肾脏移植学分会 中国医药生物技术协会生物诊断技术分会 【摘要】 免疫系统是维持机体器官功能健康和预防疾病的重要保障,免疫健康管理和疾病免疫治疗目标是恢复免疫系统的正常功能状态。
【关键词】 免疫力;免疫细胞;免疫评估;免疫治疗;健康管理【中图分类号】 R617, R392.4 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】 1674-7445(2024)04-0005-10Expert Consensus on quantify monitoring and assessment of immune cell function status and clinical application China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care (CPAM), Society of Liver Transplantation ,Society of Kidney Transplantation; China Medicinal Biotech Association (CMBA ), Society of Biological Diagnostics.Corresponding authors: He Qiang, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020, China, Email:*******************Li Xianliang, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020, China, Email:***********************【Abstract 】 The immune system is the important guarantee for maintaining the health of organ function and preventing diseases. The goal of immune health management and immune treatment is to restore the normal function of the immune system. The technical problems of how to inhibit or enhance the immune status has been solved in the field of immunology, but how to comprehensively detect and quantitatively evaluate the immune status is still a challenge. There is no mature solution at present. The quantification detection and visualization evaluation of immune status are of great significance for disease prevention and control, sub-health status management, and immune treatment. This expert consensus has carried out preliminary discussions on the definition of normal immune status and the comprehensive quantitative evaluation and visual scoring techniques of immune cell function status (immune function), put forward the basic concepts and thinking related to normal immune status, discussed the direction and principles of quantitative detection and evaluation of immune cell function status, and taken this as an opportunity to promote the decoding of immunity and the study of basic and clinical trials in the field of immune health.【Key words 】 Immunity; Immune cell; Assessment of immunity; Immunotherapy; Health managementDOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7445.2024078基金项目:国家自然科学基金(82370665);北京市自然科学基金(7232068、7232065)通信作者单位: 100020 北京,首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院(贺强、李先亮)通信作者:贺强,Email : *******************;李先亮,Email : ***********************第 15 卷 第 4 期器官移植Vol. 15 No.4 2024 年 7 月Organ Transplantation Jul. 2024 免疫系统是人类健康的基石,大多数疾病和健康状况与免疫状态密切相关,因此免疫状态管理是健康核心问题。
欧洲科研诚信行为准则 allea 2023
欧洲科研诚信行为准则allea 2023摘要:1.欧盟将启用新版《欧洲科研诚信行为准则》2.新准则的目的和宗旨3.中国对科研诚信问题的关注和相关规定4.医学科研诚信和相关行为规范5.科研诚信对于科学研究和社会的重要性正文:欧盟将启用新版《欧洲科研诚信行为准则》欧洲科学院联盟(allea)近日向欧委会呈交新的《欧洲科研诚信行为准则》(european code of conduct for research integrity)。
新准则是在广泛征求各方意见的基础上由allea 和欧委会合作完成,其根本宗旨是推行负责任的科研行为,提高科研活动的质量和可靠性。
本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译外文题目Committee of sponsoring organizationsof the treadway Commission 外文出处Enterprise risk management外文作者Committee of sponsoring organizations 原文:Committee of sponsoring organizations of the treadway commission Organizational overviewCOSO was formed in 1985 to sponsor the National Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting (the Treadway Commission). The Treadway Commission was originally jointly sponsored and funded by five main professional accounting associations and institutes headquartered in the United States: the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), American Accounting Association (AAA), Financial Executives International (FEI), Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and the Institute of Management Accountants(IMA). The Treadway Commission recommended that the organizations sponsoring the Commission work together to develop integrated guidance on internal control. These five organizations formed what is now called the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission.The original chairman of the Treadway Commission was James C. Treadway, Jr., Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Paine Webber Incorporated and a former Commissioner of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Hence, the popular name "Treadway Commission". Currently, David L. Landsittel replaced Larry E. Rittenberg as the COSO Chairman.HistoryDue to questionable corporate political campaign finance practices and foreigncorrupt practices in the mid -1970s, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the U.S. Congress enacted campaign finance law reforms and the 1977 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act(FCPA) which criminalized transnational bribery and required companies to implement internal control programs. In response, the Treadway Commission, a private-sector initiative, was formed in 1985 to inspect, analyze, and make recommendations on fraudulent corporate financial reporting.The Treadway Commission studied the financial information reporting system over the period from October 1985 to September 1987 and issued a report of findings and recommendations in October 1987 titled Report of the National Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting. As a result of this initial report, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) was formed and it retained Coopers & Lybrand, a major CPA firm, to study the issues and author a report regarding an integrated framework of internal control.In September 1992, the four volume report entitled Internal Control— Integrated Framework was released by COSO and later re-published with minor amendments in 1994. This report presented a common definition of internal control and provided a framework against which internal control systems may be assessed and improved. This report is one standard that U.S. companies use to evaluate their compliance with FCPA. According to a poll by CFO Magazine released in 2006, 82% of respondents claimed t hey used COSO’s framework for internal controls. Other frameworks used by respondents included COBIT, AS2 (Auditing Standard No. 2, PCAOB), and SAS 55/78 (AICPA).Internal control - integrated frameworkKey concepts of the COSO frameworkThe COSO framework involves several key concepts:∙Internal control is a process. It is a means to an end, not an end in itself.∙Internal control is affected by people. It’s not merely policy, manuals, and forms, but people at every level of an organization.∙Internal control can be expected to provide only reasonable assurance, not absolute assurance, to an entity’s management and board.Internal control is geared to the achievement of objectives in one or more separate but overlapping categories.Use of the capability maturity modelThe capabilities of an organization in relation to the COSO model could be assessed based on universal states or plateaus that organizations typically target. The descriptions are incremental.The capability descriptions are based on evolution toward generally recognized best practices. Each organization determines which level of "maturity" would be the most appropriate in support of its business needs, priorities and availability of resources. A rating system of “0” to “5” is used. A rating of “5” does not necessarily mean “goodness”, but rather, maturity of capability. The ideal maturity rating for any area is dependent on the needs of the organization. The different and progressive plateaus are: 0 Non-existent when:The organization lacks procedures to monitor the effectiveness of internal controls. Management internal control reporting methods are absent. There is a general unawareness of IT operational security and internal control assurance. Management and employees have an overall lack of awareness of internal controls.1 Initial/Ad Hoc when:Management recognizes the need for regular IT management and control assurance. Individual expertise in assessing internal control adequacy is applied on an ad hoc basis. IT management has not formally assigned responsibility for monitoring the effectiveness of internal controls. IT internal control assessments are conducted as part of traditional financial audits, with methodologies and skill sets that do not reflect the needs of the information services function.2 Repeatable but Intuitive when:The organization uses informal control reports to initiate corrective action initiatives. Internal control assessment is dependent on the skill sets of key individuals. The organization has an increased awareness of internal control monitoring. Information service management performs monitoring over the effectiveness of what it believes are critical internal controls on a regular basis. Methodologies and tools formonitoring internal controls are starting to be used, but not based on a plan. Risk factors specific to the IT environment are identified based on the skills of individuals.3 Defined when:Management supports and institutes internal control monitoring. Policies and procedures are developed for assessing and reporting on internal control monitoring activities. An education and training program for internal control monitoring is defined. A process is defined for self-assessments and internal control assurance reviews, with roles for responsible business and IT managers. Tools are being utilized but are not necessarily integrated into all processes. IT process risk assessment policies are being used within control frameworks developed specifically for the IT organization. Process-specific risks and mitigation policies are defined.4 Managed and Measurable when:Management implements a framework for IT internal control monitoring. The organization establishes tolerance levels for the internal control monitoring process. Tools are implemented to standardize assessments and automatically detect control exceptions. A formal IT internal control function is established, with specialized and certified professionals utilizing a formal control framework endorsed by senior management. Skilled IT staff members are routinely participating in internal control assessments. A metrics knowledge base for historical information on internal control monitoring is established. Peer reviews for internal control monitoring are established.5 Optimized when:Management establishes an organization wide continuous improvement program that takes into account lessons learned and industry best practices for internal control monitoring and reporting. The organization uses integrated and updated tools, where appropriate, that allow effective assessment of critical IT controls and rapid detection of IT control monitoring incidents. Knowledge sharing specific to the information services function is formally implemented. Benchmarking against industry standards and good practices is formalized.Definition of internal control and framework objectivesThe COSO framework defines internal control as a process, effected by an entity’sboard of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide "reasonable assurance" regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories: ∙Effectiveness and efficiency of operations∙Reliability of financial reporting∙Compliance with applicable laws and regulationsThe five framework componentsThe COSO internal control framework consists of five interrelated components derived from the way management runs a business. According to COSO, these components provide an effective framework for describing and analyzing the internal control system implemented in an organization as required by financial regulations (see Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Section 240 15d-15). The five components are the following:Control environment:The control environment sets the tone of an organization, influencing the control consciousness of its people. It is the foundation for all other components of internal control, providing discipline and structure. Control environment factors include the integrity, ethical values, management's operating style, delegation of authority systems, as well as the processes for managing and developing people in the organization.Risk assessment:Every entity faces a variety of risks from external and internal sources that must be assessed. A precondition to risk assessment is establishment of objectives and thus risk assessment is the identification and analysis of relevant risks to the achievement of assigned objectives. Risk assessment is a prerequisite for determining how the risks should be managed.Control activities: Control activities are the policies and procedures that help ensure management directives are carried out. They help ensure that necessary actions are taken to address the risks that may hinder the achievement of the entity's objectives. Control activities occur throughout the organization, at all levels and in all functions. They include a range of activities as diverse as approvals, authorizations, verifications, reconciliations, reviews of operating performance, security of assets and segregation of duties.Information and communication:Information systems play a key role in internal control systems as they produce reports, including operational, financial and compliance-related information, that make it possible to run and control the business. In a broader sense, effective communication must ensure information flows down, across and up the organization. For example, formalized procedures exist for people to report suspected fraud. Effective communication should also be ensured with external parties, such as customers, suppliers, regulators and shareholders about related policy positions.Monitoring: Internal control systems need to be monitored—a process that assesses the quality of the system's performance over time. This is accomplished through ongoing monitoring activities or separate evaluations. Internal control deficiencies detected through these monitoring activities should be reported upstream and corrective actions should be taken to ensure continuous improvement of the system. LimitationsInternal control involves human action, which introduces the possibility of errors in processing or judgment. Internal control can also be overridden by collusion among employees (see separation of duties) or coercion by top management.CFO magazine reported that companies are struggling to apply the complex model provided by COSO. “One of the biggest problems: limiting internal audits to one of the three key objectives of the framework. In the COSO model, those objectives are applied to five key components (monitoring, information and communication, control activities, risk assessment, and control environment). Given the number of possible matrices, it's not surprising that the number of audits can get out of hand.” CFO magazine continued by stating, that many organization are creating their own risk-and-control matrix by taking the COSO model and altering it to focus on the components that relate directly to Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.Source:Enterprise risk management,2004.译文:美国反舞弊性财务报告委员会发起组织的报告组织概述COSO是成立于1985年的美国反虚假财务报告委员会(特雷德韦委员会)的发起组织委员会。
美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation,NSF)是美国联邦政府下属的一家研究资助机构,成立于1950年。
财务舞弊 识别 检测 国内外 学术 梳理
Ownership and Operation(所有权和经营权)
Registered owner - Full style:(所有人)
Technical operator - Full style:(技术操作员)
U.S.Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR):
Certificate of Fitness (Gas):(天然气适装证书)
Certificate of Class:(入级证书)
Date / place of last dry-dock:(上次进港时间、地点)
Date next dry dock due(预定靠港时间)
Date of last special survey / next survey due:(上次/下次审核时间)
Date of last annual survey:(上次年审时间)
(独立油轮船东协会标准化租船问卷)Version 3
Date updated:(更新日期)
Vessel’s name:(船舶名)
美国国家科学基金会资助项目介绍美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation,NSF)是美国联邦政府一个重要的自然科学和工程领域的研究、教育资助机构。
NSF 在自然科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)等领域都有着广泛而重要的资助项目。
NSF 的资助项目分为许多种,比如基础研究项目、教育项目、社会科学项目、计算机科学项目等等。
由于基础研究的成果在很长时间内并不会直接转化为商业应用,因此,这部分研究常常需要政府的支持,并且长期投入,NSF 正是为了支持这一方面的研究,不断推出新的项目设置。
NSF 资助的研究项目可以分为多个领域,比如数学、生物学、物理、化学、计算机科学等等,每个领域中又可以细分成多个子领域。
在数学领域,NSF 资助了一些基础数学研究的项目,比如研究拓扑学(Topology)和代数学(Algebra)的项目。
在生物学领域,NSF 资助了多个研究项目,包括研究细胞生物学(Cell biology)、分子生物学(Molecular biology)和神经生物学(Neurobiology)等方向的项目。
在物理、化学领域,NSF 资助了多个工业和科学应用方面的研究,比如生物传感器、纳米结构、新材料和核反应堆等。
最后,在计算机科学领域,NSF 资助了多个计算机科学项目,包括软件与硬件系统、人工智能、网络科学和信息安全等方向的研究。
TRANSLATION & PUBLISHING AGREEMENT翻译和出版协议中英文1. OCIMF Title to be translated (Cl. 1): Effective Mooring 3rd Edition ("EM3")石油公司国际海事论坛要被翻译的文件标题(第1条): 《有效系泊第三版》2. Agreement Date: 协议签订日期3. Publisher / Place of Business: 出版单位/营业地点:Oil Companies International Marine Forum 石油公司国际海事论坛4. Translator/ Place of Business: China Classification Society翻译单位/营业地点中国船级社5.Publication Price (Cl.7.1) Recommended Retail Price出版价格(第7.1条) 建议零售价为6.Publication Format (Cl. 5.1) Pocket Book出版格式(第5.1条) 袖珍本Copyright of translated EM3 to be jointly owned by the Publisher & Translator《有效系泊第三版》译文的版权归出版单位和翻译单位共同所有The Publisher and Translator agree as follows:出版单位和翻译单位约定如下:1 Definitions and Interpretation 定义和解释1.1 In this Agreement except where a different interpretation is clear from or necessary in the context the following terms shall have the following meanings:在本《协议》中,除非从语境中可以得到一个清楚的不同解释或者必须从语境中得到某种不同的解释,否则以下词语应当具有如下含义:The OCIMF focus group reporting to the "OCIMF China Focus Group" responsible for reviewing the translation.对“石油公司国际海事论坛中国焦点小组”进行汇报的石油公司国际海事论坛焦点小组,负责复核翻译文本。
ISO 8217:2005(F)船用燃料油质量标准
Mooring Equipment Guidelines (2NDED1997)
Prevention Of Oil Spillages Through Cargo Pumproom Sea Valves 2ndEdition-October 1991)
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
English Office Automation Insurance Accounting Insurance Comparative Management Comparative Auditing Graduation Practice Financial Statements Analysis Financial Reporting Environment Financial Analysis Management of Financial Risks Financial Management Financial Accounting Countermeasure for Financial Introduction to Fiscal Science Fiscal Science Finance and Credit Cost Accounting Programme Design Language Promotion and Advertising Guidance of Campus Life College English College Chinese Contemporary World Economy Moral Education Introduction to Deng Xiaoping's Aesthetics of Cinema Independent Auditing Foreign Trade Insurance Foreign Trade Transportation Development Economics Law Basics of Law Introduction to Law Fundamentals of Law Science Real Estate Investment & Finance Risk Management Mathematics - probability Probability & Mathematical Statistics Advanced Mathematics Advanced Financial Accounting Advanced Accounting Advanced English Advanced English Reading Advanced Language Programme Engineering conomics nd Project Pricing Management Engineering Drawing Industrial Accounting Industrial Business Management Analysis of Industrial Business Introduction to Industrial Technical Public Relations Public Finance Etiquette for Public Relations Ideological & Moral Cultivation and Oral English English Listening Mao Zedong's Thoughts and The
Oil companies International MarineForumEffective mooring2nd Edition 2005OCIMF's mission is to be the foremost authority on the safeand environmentally responsible operation of off tankersand terminals, promoting continuous improvement instandards of design and operationFOREWORDThis booklet is derived from one entitled "Effective mooring which was originally published by Shell International marine in1976. The aim of the Shell booklet was to complement technical publications and rules and regulations with a publication that was deliberately written in such a style as to communicate effectively with seafarers at all levels. Experience over the past ten years has shown that "Effective Mooring" was successful in putting across its message and therefore the same general format is retained in this version of the booklet. The emphasis in this booklet is on SAFETY. its intention shipboard staff be made more aware of the hazards associated with mooring equipment and mooring operations by having a better understanding of the subject. A summary of the personal safety items mentioned in the text is given in chapter 7.This booklet is designed to be self-contained; however readers who are interested in obtaining more detailed technical information should refer to other OCIMF documents dealing with mooring. Although this booklet has been written primarily with oil and gas tankers in mind, most of its contents apply equally to other of vessel.CONTENTSChapter 1 Effective MooringWhat Does a Mooring System Do?How Big Are These Forces?Mooring LayoutWires or Synthetic Fibre RopesElasticityFirst Line AshoreVertical Angle (Dip)Mixed MooringNylon TailsChapter 2 Mooring WinchesRender and HeaveWinch BrakesCorrect LayeringNon Split Drum WinchesSplit Drum WinchesCorrect ReelingBrake ConditionTesting BrakesApplication of BrakeIncorrect Use of BrakeBrake Holding CapacityExceptional CircumstancesWinch In GearFreezing WeatherJoining a New ShipSafety RemindersChapter 3 Steel Wire RopesConstruction of Wire RopesMaintenance of Steel Wire MooringsSelection of Anchor Point for 1st Layer of Wire on a Drum Stoppers for use with Steel WiresCare of WireSplicing WireSafety RemindersChapter 4 Synthetic Fibre RopesUse of Synthetic Fibre RopesType of Materials UsedRope CareRope StoppersSplicingSnapbackSafety remindersChapter 5 Mooring at Buoys Conventional or Multibuoy Moorings (CBM or MBM) Single Bouy Moorings (SBM)Chapter 6 windlasses and Anchoring BrakesCable StoppersAnchor Cables.communicationMaintenance of Windlass BrakesAdjustmentProlonged Periods of Non-UseSafety RemindersChapter 7 Personal SafetyHandling; of MooringsSafe Handling of Tug LinesGlovesSafety RemindersChapter 1Chapter 1 Effective MooringWhat Does a Mooring System Do?A mooring system prevents the ship from drifting away from a berth and holdsthe ship in place in relation to the loading/discharging arms, which may onlyhave limited freedom of movement. Mooring lines may also assist in heavingthe ship alongside a berth and can be used to assist in unberthing .The mooring system has to maintain the ship's position against force that willbe trying to move it, which may be caused by one or more of following(a)Wind(b)Current(c)Surge due to passing ships(d)Waves and Swell(e)Change of freeboardHow Big Are These Forces?At a well sited berth, the greatest forces arise from wind and current ,but todesign a mooring system capable of resisting the extreme condition of windand current would create problems in both size and cost of equipment .It istherefore normal practice to establish arbitrary wind and current criteria andthen design the mooring system to meet these criteria.Commonly used criteria are:Wind 60 knots, plus a current on the beam of 0.75 knots, orWind 60 knots, plus a current from ahead or astern of 3 knotsBoth wind and current forces are proportional to the square of the wind orcurrent speed, thus the force caused by a 60 knot wind is four times that causedby a 30 knot wind, and the force exerted by a 3 knot current is nine times thatexerted by a 1 knot current.Wind speed increases with height above sea level. For example ,a wind of60 knots at 10 metres will be more than 75 knots at 30 metres buts only 30 kontsat 2 metres (just above man-high). So that information from sites can be compared ,it is usual to correct all anemometer reading to an equivalent height of 10 metres.Because of the speed force and speed height characteristics of wind behaviour freeboard is a major and sometimes critical factor for safe mooring .In the case of currents, forces become significant when the clearance under thekeel is small in relation to the draft. In this situation, and when the current isfrom the beam, the ship begins to act as a major obstruction to a current whichmust either escape around bow and stern or accelerate under the keel. Asimilar but less pronounced effect occurs with currents aligned to the ship'sfore and aft axis .A well designed berth will be sited so that the current will be end on or nearlyend on, but Fig. 1 shows how the current force due to a beam current increasesas the "depth/draft ratio" is reduced~A ship moves vertically up and down alongside a berth both with the tide andas a result of cargo operations. It is perhaps stating the obvious to see that asa ship rises, the tensions in the mooring lines will increase. Conversely, as theheight above the jetty decreases, the lines will become slack and the ship islikely to move away from her proper position. The only reliable remedy for thisis regular line tending whilst the ship is moored at a jetty .Forces caused by passing ships, waves or swell are complex and continually varying, although at most berths they will not create problems for a ship thatis using her equipment properly. Where these forces are unusually large ,jetty operators will have made some provision to supplement the ship’s systemAttention to mooring restraint is especially important in the case of a deep draft loaded ship with minimum underkeel clearance berthed close to shippinglane, when the force from passing ships could be large enough to part the linesor pull the ship off the dock if the lines are slack.Mooring layoutWhilst it is often difficult in practice to achieve an ideal mooring layout ,fig.2 shows a typical mooring arrangement designed to resist environmental forces acting on the ship. These forces, particularly wind, can come form anydirection, but when discussing mooring systems the forces are split into longitudinal and transverse components. A ship's equipment can always be employed to the best advantage if the following general principles are remembered:Fig. 2 Typical Mooring Arrangement(a) Breastlines provide the bulk of the transverse restraint against off-the berth forces .(b) Breastings provide the largest proportion of the longitudinal restraint itshould be noted that spring lines provide restraint in tow directionsforward and aft, but that only one set of springs will be stressed at any onetime.(c) Very short lengths of line should be avoided when possible, as Slidwill take a greater proportion of the total load, when movement ofship occurs. Short lines are also the ones most seriously affected by “dip”[see page 7l.Although headlines and stern lines, because of their direction, have the effectof providing some restraint against both longitudinal and transverse forces,they actually contribute less to the overall mooring strength than is commonly supposed. This is because the direction of the largest forces encountered is usually IIEither nearly transverse or near/y longitudinal ,ie along the lines of action of breastOr spring lines respectively.Additionally, they are almost always much longer than the breast lines and soTake a reduced share of the load. However, where the jetty layout prevents theuse of the forward and aft lines as breast or spring lines only, the contributionof headlines and stern lines to the overall security should not be ignored.The most extreme conditions , ie light ship and combined beam wind andproduce a resultant force vector within about 25 degreesTransverse forceFig. 3In the example illustrated in Fig. 3, with the headlines leading at 45 degrees tothe breast lines, the contribution of the headlines to the total transverserestraint is only about 26% of the whole. Even if the total resultant force alignswith a headline, the line takes only 41% of the load, with the breastline andspring line sharing the remaining 59 % .wires or Synthetic Fibre RopesThe key factors tor any wire or rope are strength, which is usually describedby reference to minimum breaking load, and elasticity, which is a measure ofits stretch under load.Synthetic fibre ropes are adequately strong and of a reasonable size for mooring small tomedium size ship, but for large sized ships the rope may become too large to handle unless fitted on self stowing winches .Further, the handling of a large number of such ropes would be difficult .In addition, most synthetic fibre ropes stretch far more than wire .A typical figure for the extension of a nylon rope at maximum load is in excess of 30%compared with 11/2 % for a wire. As the mooring ropes of a VLCC may reach 70to 100 metres, it is clear that a normal synthetic fibre rope mooring system isunlikely to provide the accurate positioning demanded by the loading arms[Despite the above comments it should be noted that there is a group ofsynthetic mooring ropes (the "Aramides" or "Aramid fibre ropes") which havebeen developed fairly recently and which have an extension comparable with that of wire. However, their high cost generally limits them to specialist applications Whilst smaller ships may be equipped With synthetic fibre lines, it is normal forlarger ships to be equipped with wires fitted to self stowing .Even onsmaller ships, wires, if fitted, are normally on self stowing winches for ease and safety of handling, and on new buildings it is common practice for the syntheticlines to be fitted to self stowing winches .A synthetic fibre rope fitted to a self-stowing winch is sometimes provided ateach end of the ship. its purpose is to act as the "first line ashore” as its lightweight and buoyancy make for easy handling in a mooring boat, on the jettyand on board, and it can thus be sent ashore easily when the ship is somedistance from the berth (Fig. 4). It can then be used to assist in heaving the ship alongside the berth. However, because of its greater elasticity it should not be considered as part of the actual mooring system unless the other head andstern lines are of a similar material.Elasticitythe elasticity of mooring lines is important because it determines how the totalload will be shared between a number of lines.If two lines of the same size and material are run out in the same direction andpre-tensioned, but one is secured to a hook twice as far away as the other, theshorter line will take 2/3 of any additionally imposed load, the longer one only 1/3 . Therefore . two or more lines leading in the same direction should, as far aspossible, be of the same length.Hence, two or more lines leading in the same direction should always be of theSame material. Never mix wire and soft moorings if you can avoid it.Elasticity of a given type of line also varies with diameter . with a larger rope extending less thean a smaller rope . Although this is unlikely to be an important factor , as mooring lines on a ship are usually of a uniform diameter ,it should be borne in mind when ordering new mooring lines .First Line AshoreAlthough a synthetic fibre rope will not normally give much help in an all- wiremooring system owing to its higher elasticity, a "first line ashore” (if carried)is usually fitted onto a self-stowing winch of some kind. Hence this rope canbe used to supplement the other moorings in an emergency by heaving at itsfull capacity. If the other head and stern lines are of similar material, then thisline can be considered as part of the mooring system.Vertical Angle (Dip)Whenever a line is unable to act in exactly the same direction as the force itis trying to withstand, its holding power is reduced. Hence a short line to a mooring hook substantially lower than the ship's fairlead will be of limited value. The effectiveness is proportional to the cosine of the angle the line makes to the horizontal, ie for 30 degrees the line is 87% effective and .for45 degrees, 71% effective (Fig. 6).Mixed MooringsNot every ship is fortunate enough to possess an all-wire or all – synthetic mooring outfit and in such cases the best must be made of a mixture of wire and synthetic fibre ropes.The earlier discussion indicated that the best procedure is to use. Wherever possible, the wires for the spring and breast lines. The synthetic ropes are best reserved for headlines and stern lines, and for heaving alongside the berth Nylon TailsAlthough wire moorings provide the most effective mooring system by reason of their low elasticity, that same low elasticity can also pose its own problem particularly at berths where sea and swell, or perhaps passing ships, could impart shock (dynamic) loadings to the mooring system. In such case there may be insufficient elasticity to prevent failure of the mooring wires .This problem can be overcome by introducing a degree of elasticity by attaching nylon tails to the end of the wires and these are attached by meansof a special joining shackle designed to minimise wear on the wire. The use of an ordinary "D" or "bow" shackle should be avoided as this will quickly damage both wire and tail.In order to keep the additional elasticity to the minimum required to prevent wire failure, the length of the 'tail should not exceed 11m, and because nylon tails are likely to deteriorate more rapidly than wire, they should be at least 25 % stronger the wires to which they are attached and should be inspected frequently or replaced at regular intervals. The eyes of the tails should be covered in leather or plastic sheathing to protect them from chafing.When tails are used, the shackle may cause increased wear on the eye of the wire, and this area should be inspected at regular intervals.Chapter 2 MOORING WINCHESMooring winches can be driven by steam, electric or hydraulic mortarAlthough steam is very common, many newer vessels are fitted with hydraulic equipment; electric winches are not common on board tankers.Render and HeaveWhatever the power source, all mooring winches will be affected to a greateror lesser degree by a charact eristic known as "Render/Heave Ratio “ The term "Render" is defined as the force required to turn the winch in the opposite direction when set to heave with the driving force applied.With hydraulic and electric driven winches, the render value is constant butwith steam winches the render value varies. This is because the torque availableis dependent upon the position of the pistons. Fig. 8 is typical of a two-cylinder machine.5Winch manufacturers have endeavored to solve this problem in differentways, and for a given Render value the heaving power available varies as showin the table.As can be seen, the Render/Heave ratio can vary between 1.17 and 2.3 becauseOf the differing mechanical advantages of different winches. It should be noted that the heaving power is always less than the render force and it is thus impossible to heave in after a winch has rendered unless there is a change in the forces acting on the mooring .many ships are equipped with self-tensioning winches with the intention of eliminating the need for line tending. These are designed so that a specifiedline tension can be pre-set, and the winch will render (pay out) when tensionin the line exceeds this value, and will recover (heave in) when it is less thanthis valuehowever, experience has shown that the use of such winches whilst the shipis alongside is not a safe practice because the winch restraint is limited to its render load, which is small compared to what it can hold on the brake. It is possible for the winches at opposite ends of the ship to work against each other when an external force caused by either wind or current or both is applied to one end so that the ship could "walk" along the jetty. In the simple illustrationa ship is shown moored by one line at each end.should the bow winch render a little for any reason (ie, a change in directionOr force of wind or current) some wire w¡- pay out, which cannot be heavedon to the drum again because the heaving force of a winch is always less than its render force and it is not possible to heave in until the external force which caused it to render is reduced. Consequently, the ship drifts astern a little andthe after mooring begins to slack. The aft winch then heaves in that slack andre-tensions the line. If the disturbance is repeated or continuous the ship will move progressively astern.Mooring ;winches should not therefore be left in automatic self-tensioning mode once the ship is secured alongside. On completion of mooring the winch should beleft brake on and out of gear.Winch brakesThe holding power of winch brakes varies from ship to ship ,but will always be designed to exceed the "render" value of the winch.The above statement is dependent upon several factors which are discusserbelow.Correct LayeringThe number of layers of line on the drum effects the brake holding powerThe force at which the brake will slip will vary , dependent up on the number of layers of wore left on the drum ,and the more layers of wire on the drum the greater will be the reduction of brake holding power .Non Split Drum WinchesThe brake holding capacity for these winches (non split drum) will always bequoted for a specific number of layers. In order to minimise any reduction inbrake holding power, the line should always be reeled on to the drum in asymmetrical pattern and not allowed to pile up on one side or in the centreHowever, due to the length of line involved, it may not always be possibleachieve this in practice.Split drum winchesThis design minimises crushing damage and is normally only used with wires The brake holding capacity for these winches is always quoted for only a single layer of wire on the tension drumwhen using; this equipment, difficulty may be experienced when:(a) Manhandling the wire from the storage drum to the tension drum(b) Judging the correct length of wire so that only one layer of wire is presenton the tension drum all the time the ship is alongside.Correct ReelingThe line must be reeled on to the winch drum in the right direction manner.Band brakes are designed for the line to pu)l directly against the fixed end ofthe brake band. Fig. 12 shows the correct method of reelingReeling the line on to the drum in the wrong direction may reduce the brake holding power by up to 50%. Winch drums should be marked to indicate the correct reeling direction.Winches fitted with disc brakes are not subject to this problem。
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The Impact of Foreign Patent Applications Spillover and Conduction on Regional Technological Progress in China ---Empirical Analysis on Panel Data of 29
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出版物刊名: 中国科技论坛
页码: 156-160页
年卷期: 2010年 第2期
主题词: 国外专利申请;技术溢出与传导;区域技术进步;实证研究
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