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图1 远程脑系统的硬件配置图2 两组机器人的身体结构

图3 传感器的两个水银定位开关图4 层次分类

图5 步行步态



16 * 16且匹配。该处理器计算价值



图6 双足步行

图6 双足步行图7 双足步行实验

图8 一系列滚动和站立运动



problems and advance the study of vision-based behaviors, we have adopted a new approach through building remote-brained robots. The body and the brain are connected by wireless links by using wireless cameras and remote-controlled actuators.As a robot body does not need computers on-board,it becomes easier to build a lightweight body with many DOFS in actuation.

In this research, we developed a two-armed bipedal robot using the remote-brained robot environment and made it to perform balancing based on vision and getting up through cooperating arms and legs. The system and experimental results are described below.

2 The Remote-Brained System

The remote-brained robot does not bring its own brain within the body. It leaves the brain in the mother environment and communicates with it by radio links. This allows us to build a robot with a free body and a heavy brain. The connection link between the body and the brain defines the interface between software and hardware. Bodies are designed to suit each research project and task. This enables us advance in performing research with a variety of real robot systems[10].

A major advantage of remote-brained robots is that the robot can have a large and heavy brain based on super parallel computers. Although hardware technology for vision has advanced and produced powerful compact vision systems, the size of the hardware is still large. Wireless connection between the camera and the vision processor has been a research tool. The remote-brained approach allows us to progress in the study of a variety of experimental issues in vision-based robotics.

Another advantage of remote-brained approach is that the robot bodies can be lightweight. This opens up the possibility of working with legged mobile robots. As

Figure 4 shows some of the classes in the programming environent for remote-brained robot written in Euslisp. The hierachy in the classes provides us with rich facilities for extending development of various robots.

4 Vision-Based Balancing

The robot can stand up on two legs. As it can change the gravity center of its body by controling the ankle angles, it can perform static bipedal walks. During static walking the robot has to control its body balance if the ground is not flat and stable.

In order to perform vision-based balancing it is re-quired to have high speed vision system to keep ob-serving moving schene. We have developed a tracking vision board using a correlation chip[l3]. The vision board consists of a transputer augmented with a special LSI chip(MEP[14] : Motion Estimation Processor) which performs local image block matching.

The inputs to the processor MEP are an image as a reference block and an image for a search window.The size of the reference blsearch window depends on the size of the reference block is usually up to 32 by 32 pixels so that it can include 16 * 16 possible matches. The processor calculates 256 values of SAD (sum of absolute difference) between the reference block and 256 blocks in the search window and also finds the best matching block, that is, the one which has the minimum SAD value.Clock is up to 16 by 16 pixels.The size of the search window depends on the size of the reference block is usually up to 32 by 32 pixels so that it can include 16 * 16 possible matches. The processor calculates 256 values of SAD (sum of absolute difference) between the reference block and 256 blocks in the search window and also finds the best matching block, that is, the one which has the minimum SAD value.
