《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]

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n New advertising campaign “Just Do It” took sports imagery mass market 题为 “Just Do It” 的 新广告以运动形象打入大众市场 l passion, drama, moral uplift 热情、戏剧性、品行升华 l made it fashionable 使之成为时髦 l made sports shoes a fashion item 使运动鞋成为时髦货
Left Bank Café President Enterprise
左岸咖啡馆 统一企业集团
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
Background 背景
Why was the Left Bank Cafébrand born?
President Enterprise’s dairy products were being sold under the “President” brand name, and for a long time had been unable to rise beyond second o third placed brand in the market.
An Example : Nike
n Launched in 1974 1974年投放市场
n Sports shoe specialist with worldwide sale of US$877m by 1986 成为运动鞋专家,1986年全球销售收入为 八亿七千七百万美元
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
l eg : ‘Just Do It’ 如:“Just Do It”
–extreme effort of competition 竞争的极度努力
–fun, irreverent attitude to life 趣味,对生活不逊的态度
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
Case Study 例子分析
统一企业的乳类食品都是以“统一”牌子出 售,在市场上长期以来无法突破二、三线商 品的形象。
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
Background (Cont’d) 背景
The reason was that President was also marketing a great variety of other products under the corporate brand name, including not only food and drink products, but also insuranc and even amusement parks.
《从无到有创建品牌》 (PPT 61)
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
A Brand Is … 品牌是...
n A unique combination of three attributes 三种属性的独特组合
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
A Brand Is … 品牌是...
这个没有真空密闭的杯子只有在 5ºC冷藏柜 能让内容物保存一段短暂的时间。
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
Place (Cont’d) 产品放置
Nevertheless, we realized that this shortcoming actually presented an opportunity. Because the storage period is so short, consumers will believ that the contents of the cup are fresh. And if a drink is fresh, there is a good reason for it to be little more expensive than a drink which is not.
n Launched casual shoes in 1994
n Disastrous sales, and damage to Nike image. l What has casual shoes got to be with Nike brand l Range withdrawn
原因是“统一”也有大量其他商品以企业 的名字为牌子,不仅包括饮食,还有保险 甚至娱乐场。
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
Background (Cont’d) 背景
This led to confusion of the brand assets, which caused a long-term problem for President’s dairy products, since they needed to convey a clear image of “freshness” and “expertise.”
市场竞争激烈,原材料成本不断上升,如 果能将相同类别、相同容量的饮料卖到2 元,那该多好!
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
Package 包装
n The brand story starts with a plastic cup.
n We developed a white plastic cup. This cup look just like an ordinary McDonald’s take-away coffee cup,but is made of plastic rather than
l consumer needs/beliefs 消费者需求/信念 – what makes the consumer value the product 什么令消费者高度评价该产品
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
n If we can understand the “connection” between these three attributes, then we can turn a produ into a brand 如果我们了解这三种属性之间的“联系”,就能 将一个产品转为一个品牌。
Consumer Needs/ Beliefs
消费者需求/信念 Why I value the
product 我为何高度评价该产品
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Brand Personality Why I trust the product 品牌个性 我为何信任该产品
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
Nike Connection 耐克
paper. 我们开发了一个白色塑料杯,它看起来就 象一般麦当劳外卖咖啡的杯子,差别是快 餐店用的是纸杯。
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
Place 产品放置
This cup does not have a vacuum seal, and the contents can only be kept for a short period, and t only if the cup is stored at a temperature of 5C.
Optimum Performance
The end always justifies the means 结果总能验证方法
Empowerment &
Irreverence 授权与不逊
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
One Mistake : Nike
n Worldwide sales of US$9,200m in 1997 97年全球销售额 92 亿美元
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
The Connection 关系
Product Benefit 产品的好处 Why I like the product 我为何喜欢该产品
(Phil Knight, Nike founder) (Phil Knight, 耐克创立者)
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
Why ? 为什么?
Revisiting the commodity consumer 再访消费者
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
Lessons From Nike
l product benefit 产品的好处 – what makes the consumer like the product 什么令消费者喜欢该产品
l brand personality/image 品牌个性/形象 – what makes the consumer trust the product 什么令消费者信任该产品
l Own a corner of the consumer psyche 在消费者的灵魂深处拥有一席之位
l the desire in all of us to be a ‘winner’ 每一个人都有想成为“胜者”的欲望
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
n Reorientate all elements of the marketing mix to support the brand 重新定向各种行销手段来支持该品牌
这导致牌子混淆,给“统一”的乳类食品 造成了长期问题,它们需要一个“新鲜” 和“专业”的清晰形象。
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
Background(Cont’d) 背景
To solve the problem, President wished to create a new brand for its dairy products, capitalizing on th competitive edge of its superior refrigeration facili and distribution system. In Taiwan, any beverage that comes in a Tetra Pak - be it a high-cost coffee a low-cost soy milk - is always sold for either NT$1 or NT$15. And any beverage that comes in a can is always sold for NT$20.
为此“统一”希望为它的乳类食品建立一个新牌子,利用 在台湾具竞争力的冷冻设施及分配系统。在台湾,以Tetr Pak包装的饮料 - 不论是高价的咖啡还是低价的豆奶 - 价钱 是10或15元新台币。罐头包装饮料则卖 20元。
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
Background (Cont’d) 背景
l 休闲鞋和耐克品牌又有什么联系呢 l 撤回该系列
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
“ It is not enough just to know the consume You also have to know your brand”
“仅了解消费者是不够的,还要 了解你的品牌”
n Deliver a superior product, as defined by the consumer 消费者认为你所提供的是出众的产品
l not something anyone can do 而不是任何品牌都可以做到的产品
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
n At an acceptable premium 付出可接受的额外费用
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
This gives us a “framework” for understanding what our brand is, or could be
这给我们提供了一个“架构”去了解我们 的
《从无到有创建品牌》(PPT 61)[1]
With the strong competition in the market and the ever-increasing cost of raw materials, we thought it would be great if we could sell the same kinds of beverages, in packages of the sam volume, for a price of NT$25。