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(4)The MATERIAL for the OBJECT
I have bought some plates and three glasses. (drinking vessels made of glass)
Tom recently bought a new Ford. (a car produced by Ford company) (6)The PLACE for the INSTITUTION So far, the White House did not say anything about it. (the US presidency or the US government)
1) MORE IS UP and LESS IS DOWN The number of books printed each year keeps going up.
Their salary haห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ been cut down.
He said that the stock index would rise next week. He made fewer misspellings in his last composition.
important way of cognition.
◎ Metonymy
plays a very important part in the
structure of emotion categories.(p.251.中间部分)
Common conceptual metonymies:
– – – – THE PRODUCER FOR THE PRODUCT She loves Picasso. THE PLACE FOR THE EVENT American doesn’t want another Pearl Harbor. THE PLACE FOR THE INSTITUTION Washington is negotiating with Beijing. THE CONTROLLER FOR THE CONTROLLED Nixon bombed Hanoi. AN OBJECT USED FOR THE USER The sax has the flu today.
Conceptual Metaphor and Metonymy
Conceptual Metaphor(概念隐喻)
• Metaphor is not only a figure of speech, but a important way for us to organize experiences. • According to Cognitive linguistics: Understanding one conceptual domain(域) or cognitive domain in terms of another conceptual domain. – He is a tiger. • 隐喻就是把一个领域的概念投射到另一个领域, 或者说从一个认知域(来源域)投射到另一个认 知域(目标域)。
There are too many facts here for me to digest them all.
This kind of ideas was out of date years ago.
Conceptual metonymy概念转喻
The Chinese Delegation won 51 gold medals in the 29th Summer Olympic Games. (the athletes of the Chinese Delegation)
(10)The CAUSE for the EFFECT
The secretary was absent from the daily meeting for his illness. (absence caused by his being illness)
Target domain 目标域 The conceptual domain that is understood in terms of the source domain (he)
Metaphor: X(target) is Y(source)
(1)Structural metaphors 结构隐喻
以一种概念的结构来构造另一种概念,是两种概念叠加, 将谈论一种概念的各方面的词语用语谈论另一概念。 TIME IS MONEY. (spend, waste, save; 花费,浪费,节约) 又如:Ideas are objects.
Argument is war .
(2)Orientational Metaphor(方位隐喻)
e.g. He is a tiger.
Source domain 源(认知)域
the conceptual domain from which we draw metaphorical expressions to understand another conceptual domain. (tiger)
(3)One category within a domain is taken as standing or another category in the same domain.
(7)The PLACE for the EVENT
It is said that the present Iraq would be the second Vietnam. (the Vietnam War in the 1950’s and 1960’s) (8)The CNTROLLED for the CONTROLLER The car stopped in time and avoided a traffic accident. (the car driver, not the car itself) (9)The CONTROLLER for the CNTROLLED
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Metonymy in contiguityrelations
(1)the PART for the WHOLE The captain turned around and spoke to all the hands on the deck. (hands=sailors) (2)The WHOLE for the PART He drove into the gas station, and filled up his car by himself. (car=petrol tank) (3)The CONTAINER for the CONTENT He is drunk because he has drunk up three bottles. (bottles of alcoholic drinks)
• Linguistic definition:
It faces Paradox:
(1) metonymy is a common phenomenon (2) metonymy demands training, as a figure of speech
is not a figure of speech, but another
• Classic definition:
– a figure of speech in which one word is substituted for another on the basis of some material, causal, or conceptual relation.
– A cognitive process in which one cognitive category, the source, provides mental access to another cognitive category, the target, within the same cognitive domain, or idealized cognitive model.
• Differences
Metonymy vs. metaphor
(1)Metaphor involves a mapping across different conceptual or cognitive domains (2)Metonymy is a mapping within one conceptual domain.
Metonymy vs. metaphor
(1) both are regarded as being conceptual
in nature (2)both can be conventionalized (3)both are means of extending the resources of a language (4)both can be explained as mapping(投射) processes
(3)Ontological Metaphor (实体隐喻 )
人们将抽象和模糊的思想,感情,心理活动,事件,状态 等无形的概念看作是具体的,有形的实体,因而可以对其 进行谈论,量化,识别其特征及原因。 LIFE IS A JOURNEY We’ll just have to go our separate ways.