下面我们来用托福官方真题17-L4来看一下这种结构:ProfessorOk, now I want to talk about an animal that has a fascinating set of defense mechanisms. And that’s the octopus, one of the unusual creatures that live in the sea.The octopus is prey to many species, including humans, so how does it escape its predators?Well, let me back up here a second. Anyone ever heard of Proteous? Proteus was a God in Greek mythology who could change form. He could make himself look like a lion or a stone or a tree, anything you wanted, and he could go through a whole series of changes very quickly.Well, the octopus is the real world version of Proteus. Just like Proteus, the octopus can go through all kinds of incredible transformations. And it does this in three ways: by changing color, by changing its texture, and by changing its size and shape.从上段我们可以看出教授在文章开头给出主题(章鱼的能力)以后要开始从三个方面(改变颜色,改变身体的材质,改变形状和大小)来描述,那么每个方面就是一段,每个方面之间是独立的。
而主要的主要针对的是文章的讨论部分,它会分几点来叙述将要说明的事情,而这几点又是由某些顺序来组织的:我们认为托福听力段落的结构通常有3类:1. 时间顺序。
2. 空间顺序。
3. 好坏顺序。
托福听力科学60秒(SSS)原文之丝绸之路对很多备战托福听力的伙伴来说,著名的科学60秒(sixty-second science,简写为SSS)一定不陌生。
托福听力结构理解 TPO41-lecture1
如果只是听:有的同学大约是听着听着睡着啦,听力有助于入睡;有的同学大约是听和尚念经,叽里咕噜,并不知道在说什么;真的很坚持,不要灰心,一年半载之后还是会有进步的,只是效率会有点低;那么如何化坚持为快速进步呢?答案:听多少内容就要听懂多少内容以免浪费练习的素材托福听力考察的能力图:基本信息 --->直线推断--->结构理解针对基础薄弱:词汇不懂/找词汇句子不懂/慢慢听/精听/打下来内容逐渐清晰一些:理解结构钢筋混泥土,无结构怎么盖楼呢每篇讲座都一定会有自己的结构否则几分钟,600词以上的内容靠什么组合在一起给你呢而且任何复杂的东西,理解结构,你就明白了大大半今天以TPO41 lecture1来看看讲座的其中一种结构听完了再来看结构哈~FEMALE PROFESSOR:Many organisms have developed the ability to survive in harsh environ-mental conditions—extreme heat or cold, or, very dry conditions.... Like, plants in the desert—your textbook doesn’t have much about the specif-ics on desert plants, but I think that desert plants are great examples of specialized adaptations to extreme environmental conditions.So with desert plants, there are basically three different adaptive strate-gies. And I should point out that these strategies are not specific to any particular species—many different species have developed each of the adaptations.So, first off, there are succulent plants.There are many different species of succulent plants, but they all can absorb and store a lot of water. Obviously, opportunities to get water in the desert are few and far between. Generally, rains are light and short, so the rain doesn’t seep too far down into the soil… and there's a limited window of time for any plant to get the water before it evaporates.But succulent plants have a spread-out and shallow root system that can quickly pull in water from the top inch of soil, though the soil has to besaturated, since succulents aren't good at absorbing water from soil that’s only a little moist.Succulent plants also are well suited to retaining water—important in an environment where rainy days are rare. Succulent plants can store water in their leaves, in their stems, or in their roots.And to keep that moisture from evaporating in the hot desert sun, most succulent plants have a waxy outer layer that makes them almost water-proof when their stomates are closed.They also preserve water by minimizing their surface area—the more of the plant that’s out in the sun, the more potential there is to lose stored-up water—and that means that most succulent plants have few, if any, leaves.Now besides succulent plants, there are also drought-tolerant plants. Drought-tolerant plants are like bears in a way. You know how bears mostly sleep through the winter? They can survive without eating be-cause their metabolism slows down. Well, drought-tolerant plants also go into a dormant state when resources—in their case, water—runs short. A drought-tolerant plant can actually dry out without dying.I said before that most desert rains are light and brief, but occasionally there's a heavy one. Drought-tolerant plants revive after one of these significant rainfalls—and they're able to absorb a good bit of the rainfall due to their deep roots. Actually the root system for drought-tolerant plants is more extensive than the root systems of many plants that live in wetter climates. Drought-tolerant plants can even absorb water from rel-atively dry soil because of their deep roots, in contrast to succulent plants.The third adaptive strategy is to avoid the drought conditions altogether. Yes, there are plants that do this —annual plants.An annual plant will mature and produce seeds in a single season that will become the next generation of annual plants. In desert conditions, annual plants grow in the fall or spring to avoid the heat of summer and the cold of winter. Of course, these plants could face a serious problemif a particular fall or spring happened to be very dry—they would have difficulty growing and could die before producing seeds.But they have a mechanism to prevent one year of low rainfall from wip-ing them out. Not all seeds an annual plant puts out will grow the follow-ing year. Some seeds remain dormant in the ground for several years. It's a type of insurance that protects the annual plants from a season of poor growing conditions, of unfavorable weather.波浪线已经标出文章的结构衔接句式和用词你发现了吗?原来和综合写作结构一样你听出来了吗?更多内容分享公众号:DC托福。
托福试题结构托福(TOEFL,Test of English as a Foreign Language)是一个用来评估非英语国家学生英语能力的考试。
1. 讲座听力(Lecture)讲座听力主要是针对大学课堂上的讲座录音材料。
2. 学生对话(Conversation)学生对话是以学生生活场景为背景,考生需要听取学生之间的对话,并回答相关问题。
3. 学生单独陈述(Lecture with Clues)学生单独陈述是指教授或学生单独进行一份简短的陈述,考生需要听取陈述内容并回答问题。
1. 单篇文章(Single Passage)单篇文章是指一篇独立的文章或文章段落。
2. 多篇文章(Multiple Passages)多篇文章是指两到三篇相关的文章,考生需要综合理解这些文章,并回答相关问题。
1. 独立口语(Independent Speaking)独立口语是指考生需要就一个给定的话题进行自由发挥并表达自己的观点,时间为45秒。
2. 综合口语(Integrated Speaking)综合口语是指考生需要阅读一段文字或者听取一段录音,然后回答相关问题,时间为60秒。
【点击查看】托福听力评分标准1. 直接解释听段子时,如若听到生词,不要慌张,仔细留意那些出现在生词前后的"本身含义上带有解释性质的词或结构",通常能有所线索。
比如:"…, which is / that is…(那就是说……)"显然,"which is / that is…"引导的定语从句是ETS为防止我们考生听不懂前面的内容(生僻的词或概念),而特意添加上去,用来进一步加以解释的。
类似的结构还有:What I mean is…All that means is…… is another name for…In other words等2. 列举解释听段子时,还要特别注意生词后那些"带有举例或列举性质的词或结构"。
比如:"for example…(例如……)"因为例子总比道理简单易懂得多。
类似的结构还有:For i nstance…Such as…Namely…As an exampleTake example for等3. 细节定义题常见提问方式According to the woman, what is ___?How does the researcher define ___?若碰到此类考题,就可以在笔记中仔细寻找生词前后的线索,成功锁定正确选项了!虽然,考试中可以运用的小技巧有不少,但是真正听懂才能完全做到真金不怕火炼,拿下托福。
lecture不是A so B的结构,也不能用conversation 的方法。
写好main idea/example/或者一些自己能了解的符号,比如()代表反推的reason,箭头代表正推,重点在于分清每一段的主题。
purpose题(why prof mention/say。
)区分段落的重要性就在这里,全记的话,在笔记里能定位这个被mention 的东西(当然应该也记住了有印象)如果几个选项觉得都不对,那就需要看笔记了,选占的篇幅比较大的那个。
细节题(what does prof say/imply)直接从笔记里找。
托福听力讲座类lecture一遍听懂4个要点精讲听懂托福听力讲座lecture备考重点分析想要听懂托福听力的讲座lecture,考生首先要做的是打好能够听懂的相关基础,这个基础并非单指某一项技能,而是需要大家具综合性的应对能力,主要包括以下几点:1. 正视讲座类的分数价值托福听力中讲座的数量是对话的两倍,同时所占的分数比例也是超过总分值的60%,因此重要性更在对话类之上,毫无疑问是听力备考时更需要考生关注的部分。
2. 理解讲座类的表现形式讲座类展现的是美国大学课堂上的真实场景,主要由教授教课为主,也偶尔会有一些师生之间的问答互动。
3. 培养听讲座的笔记能力由于讲座类为课堂授课情景,因此其素材的篇幅长度要远超对话类,这也就意味着讲座类中包含的信息量更大。
托福听力讲座一遍听懂要点讲解想要做到托福听力讲座一遍就能听懂,下面这4个要点大家需要做好:1. 听懂开头抓主题首先,大家需要在开头部分就集中精力听懂这段课程的主讲话题。
以TPO中的真题为例:如生物话题中TPO 17 Lecture 4关于octopus的一篇文章中,在一开头就总起叙述了章鱼的三个特性,Just like Proteus, the octopus can go through all kinds of incredible transformations. And it does this in three ways: by changing color, by changing its texture, and by changing its size and shape.接下来的文章便从color, texture, size and shape三个方面分别说明了章鱼是如何完成让人难以置信的变形而很好地伪装自己的,而文章中表示分层的句子也非常清晰。
首先第一个层次利用For me, the most fascinating transformation is when it changes its color.展开,开始了关于color这个层次的叙述,而第二层次的展开是通过一个承上启下的句子So, that’s how octopus mimic colors. But they don’t just mimic the colors in their environment; they can also mimic the texture of objects in their environment.开始了对texture这个层次的叙述。
托福听力结构理解 TPO41-lecture2
托福听力结构理解听力提升太难了今天以TPO41 lecture2来看看讲座的其中一种结构听完了再来看结构哈~学生提问推动情节发展提问和回答是出题的重点FEMALE PROFESSOR:It's interesting how much we can learn about culture in the United States by looking at how Christopher Columbus has been portrayed throughout United States history. So let's start at the beginning.Columbus' ships first landed in, uh, landed in the Caribbean—there's some debate about which island—he landed in 1492 but it wasn't until 300 years later, in 1792, that his landing was first commemorated. And this was the brainchild of John Pintard.Pintard was a wealthy New Yorker, the founder of the New York Histori-cal Society. And he decided to use his influence and wealth to, um, to find a great hero, a patron for the young country. And he chose Colum-bus.And in New York in 1792, the anniversary of Columbus' landing was commemorated for the first time. Other cities, uh, Philadelphia and then Baltimore followed and …MALE STUDENT: But why Columbus? And why then?FEMALE PROFESSOR: Well, to Pintard, it was a way to build patriotism in the young, politically fractured country. Remember, the United Stateshad only declared its independence from Britain 16 years earlier and had yet to form a national identity.Pintard also had a hand in helping to create Independence Day—July fourth—as a national holiday. So you see that he was very involved in creating sort of a “national story” for Americans. And Columbus … he felt Columbus could become a story that Americans could tell each other about their national origins that was outside of the British colonial context. The United States was in search of a national identity, and its people wanted heroes.MALE STUDENT: But why not some of the leaders of the revolution? You know, like George Washington?FEMALE PROFESSOR: The leaders of the Revolution were the natural candidates to be heroes. But, many were still alive and didn't want the job. To them, being raised to hero status was undemocratic. So Colum-bus became the hero, and the link between Columbus and the United States took hold.FEMALE STUDENT: And so what was that link?FEMALE PROFESSOR: Well, Columbus was portrayed as entrepreneurial, someone who took chances, who took risks … And he was cast as somebody who was opposed to the rule of kings and queens. Perhaps most of all, Columbus was portrayed as someone who was destined to accomplish things. Just as America in those early years was coming to see itself as having a great destiny.FEMALE STUDENT: But Columbus was supported by the king and queen of Spain, he wasn't against them.FEMALE PROFESSOR: True. To be historically accurate, the way Pintard thought about Columbus doesn't match up with the facts of his life at all. And I really have to stress this: the fact that Columbus became the hero of the young country had little to do with Columbus—anything he did—and a lot to do with what was happening in the United States 300 years later.Columbus was extraordinarily adaptable to the purposes of America's nation builders—people like John Pintard—in the early part of the nine-teenth century. And since not a lot of facts were known about Colum-bus … his writings weren't available in North America until, until 1816 …that might have actually helped the process of adapting him to American purposes.MALE STUDENT: Since no one knew much about the “real” Columbus, it was easy to invent a mythical one?FEMALE PROFESSOR: Exactly. And this “mythical Columbus,” it … it became a reflection of the society which chose him.So, in the early history of the United States, Columbus represented an escape from the political institutions of Europe; he was the solitary indi-vidual who challenged the unknown. And now there was this new de-mocracy, this new country in a world without kings. Columbus became sort of the mythical founder of the country.So, as historians, we wouldn’t want to study these myths about Colum-bus and mistake them for facts about Columbus. But if we’re trying to understand American culture, then we can learn much by studying how America adapts Columbus for its own purposes.Evaluations of Columbus, then, will reflect what Americans think of themselves. Oh . . . there's a quote … something like …“societies reconstruct their past rather than faithfully record it.” And how that recon-struction takes place, and what it tells us … that's something we're going to be paying a lot of attention to …更多内容分享公众号:DC托福。
首先回答的两个问题:1 为什么要有所为的解题技巧和原则?通常一个Lecture的出题点都是有规律的,一篇文章5分钟,通常跟着5/6个题目,对应了全文至多10句话,因此需要总结解题技巧和原则,帮助你在5分钟的听力里面听出来10-15句话左右;【注意】:这种方法训练听到的重点会高于考点的句子的,即你听到的不是全考,但你没听到的,一定不考2 关于如何训练:简单来说就是反复地听,你没事儿的时候就听,吃饭的时候,晚上睡觉之前,早上醒来睁开眼那会儿就听!听!听!直到听到有一天,文章一出现那些出题点你立刻就反应出来了,然后立刻就记下来了,你就算是训练到家了。
经典重要出题点1 开头→→ 对应了全文的主旨题,几乎99%的必考题目;关于主旨题的解题方法:一般都会出现在文章起始处的2,3句话内,但也有例外情况,就是上来教授兴致冲冲的讲了一个咱们看来无聊的例子,没关系例子不用听懂(但是如果你不巧恰好听懂了,那么恭喜你,可以帮助你选对主旨题,因为例子为了说明他的这课讲了神马)经验:如果main idea 特别简单或者不具体时候,那说明教授后面还会对于idea进行解释,尽量努力听懂,因为这样会让你的整篇文章做的顺利【注意】:开头主旨题有两种不同的问法:A what is the main purpose of the lecture?这种问法是需要你自己概括这篇文章的观点是什么B what is the lecture mainly about? / what is the main idea of the lecture?这种问法的时候,答案通常是对具体的例子的总结,即教授在文章开头废话的那一堆;另:最前面的例子没听懂千万不要紧张,一般那都是ETS迷惑你的,他上来就不想让你听懂,让你紧张!所以要么说的特快,要么专业术语特多。
2 结尾→→ 对应大概一篇文章2~3道考试题,重尾原则;ETS绝对是爱在结尾出题,因此,一定要时不时的盯一下进度条看看~~~~别错过了亮点句;3 Lecture中间,倒霉催的学生杀出来问问题:绝对的考点,学生问了神马不重要,重要的是A 听教授的态度,这个时候教授可能态度很诡异,突然就笑了,或者是轻蔑的说了一句神马话,尤其是在这种长的Lecture里面,教授突然说了句很短的话;不过遇到这种情况的时候,恭喜你,这里考重听题的几率蛮大的(即听不懂没关系,反正做题的时候他还会再放一遍);B 如果教授扯了一堆,那这里70%以上的就是考题所在了,通常教授回答学生问题的模式是这样的例子+观点/ 观点+例子;第一种情况出现的几率大一些,还是那句话,例子不重要,重要的是教授的观点;4 ETS灰常爱考的一类文章:比较对比类文章(compare & contrast)TPO里面这类文章所占的比率也很大,这类文章,两个事物的不同点是绝对的考点。
首先,考生从宏观上把握托福听力讲座结构,可以解决讲座“信息量很大”的问题;其次,梳理结构是笔记的关键;最重要的是,这对应了ETS中Connecting Information,也就是衔接信息题。
1. 平行结构(三段式)这种结构可以说是逻辑最简单、信号最明显、入门最快速的一类。
在听的过程中,要特别注意开头,比如TPO 11 Lecture 4,教授引出主旨”The ‘Four Ms’: Market, Media, Money, Message. All are important areas to focus on when creating your advertising plan. We will look at them one b y one.”通过最后这句话可以预判文章的结构,在主体段分别讲解了这四个M的原则。
在听主体段的过程中要注意first, second, and then, finally或者提问之类的话题转变的信号词。
2. 假设结构(接近第一种)这种结构可以说是平行结构的一种衍生体。
主要的特点就是教授针对某个问题或现象的解决方案或者产生原因提出了猜想和假设,可能是深入剖析一种假设,比如TPO22 Lecture 1中对于state形成原因是environmental approach的分析;也可能是同时提出了几种假设,比如TPO 22 Lecture 2中young sun paradox的几种solution猜想。
2、文章结构题按照顺序原则记重点一般来讲,如果听到类似基数词“one, two, three”,或者序数词“first, second, third”,亦或像逻辑顺序词“to start off, to begin with, and, another, a lso, something else”。
还有“yet another, last but not least, that’s when the concept of X comes into the picture”之类的信息,那么这篇讲座的结构一般就可以被轻松地定性为是“总分结构”,而且考生应该了解,所有上述的提示词之后必定会出现一个分论点,必须做记录,因为对应会考查细节题。
托福听力讲义非常详细本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March新托福强化听力讲义新托福考试听力部分介绍1.新托福和旧托福的对比考试形式预读题目笔记题型PBT旧托福Paper Yes No1/4 multiple choiceIBT新托福Internet No Yes New types2.题量,时间,分数文章类型题量题目数时间CONVERSATION2-3 5 / conversation2-3 min / conversation LECTURE4-6 6 / lecture4-6 min / lectureTOTAL6-9(加试)3460-90 min SCALE SCORE: 30 见OG185评分标准3.题目的考查形式考场环境:独立电脑,耳机,铅笔,草稿本电脑环境:图片,视频,声音,板书新题型:双选题,重听题,表格配对题答题时间:总时间限制,每题分配时间不限答题流程:永不悔改4.文章材料的考查形式文章结构:删除了旧托福的PART A 部分,更加注重于对于能力的考查文章长度:比旧托福长文章语速:无所谓快慢,比旧托福更加贴近真实的学习生活文章类型:对话,独白,讨论CONVERSATION文章思路LECTURE文章思路5.新托福考试题型概述题号问题题型1Why does the student go to see the professor Gist question2According to the professor, what information should the studentinclude in her statement of purposeDetail Question3What does the professor consider unusual about the student’sbackgroundDetail Question4Why does the professor tell a story about his friend who went otmedical schoolDetail Question5What does the professor imply about the people who admit studentsto graduate schoolInference question6What are the students mainly discussing Gist question7Listen again and then answer the question:Why does the woman say thisPurpose questionGist question: 6Detail question: 16 Purpose question: 6 Attitude question: 1 Organization question: 2 Inference question: 36.界面展示IBT新托福资料说明——听力部分图片资料名称特点推荐使用方法The Official Study Guide 题目数量不多难度较简单题型全面,和考试相同,质量高精听精做题目分类研究文章精读研究不建议模考ETS TOEFL PRACTICE ONLINE 一共14套,其中新东方引进4套,还有2套是OG题目,其他全部为全真试题难度和考试相当,已经有较全的版本出现题型全面,场景全面精听精做建议最后冲刺模考DELTA 新托福考试备考策略与模拟试题题目数量大,后面有四套模拟试题前面的训练题目文章较短,不是托福模拟听力材料要比考试稍难些,速度也稍快些题型和考试相差很多,不建议细钻精听精做建议考前强化训练对语速跟读模仿DELTA 新托福考试模拟试题题目数量大,有六套模拟试题具体特点同蓝皮delta建议考前模拟对语速跟读模仿BARRON 新托福考试全真模考题与精解题目数量大,后面有7套模拟试题难度偏小,在基础班使用建议平时精听训练KAPLAN模考试题四套有四套模拟试题听力部分略难,语速略快配合模拟光盘,有临考感觉考前模考THOMSON模考试题两套只有两套题,但质量很好,文章难度适中,题目难度和Barron相近,感觉上略难一些,和考试非常相似。
首先,考生从宏观上把握托福听力讲座结构,可以解决讲座“信息量很大”的问题;其次,梳理结构是笔记的关键;最重要的是,这对应了ETS中Connecting Information,也就是衔接信息题。
1. 平行结构(三段式)这种结构可以说是逻辑最简单、信号最明显、入门最快速的一类。
在听的过程中,要特别注意开头,比如TPO 11 Lecture 4,教授引出主旨”The ‘Four Ms’: Market, Media, Money, Message. All are important areas to focus on when creating your advertising plan. We will look at them one b y one.”通过最后这句话可以预判文章的结构,在主体段分别讲解了这四个M的原则。
在听主体段的过程中要注意first, second, and then, finally或者提问之类的话题转变的信号词。
2. 假设结构(接近第一种)这种结构可以说是平行结构的一种衍生体。
主要的特点就是教授针对某个问题或现象的解决方案或者产生原因提出了猜想和假设,可能是深入剖析一种假设,比如TPO22 Lecture 1中对于state形成原因是environmental approach的分析;也可能是同时提出了几种假设,比如TPO 22 Lecture 2中young sun paradox的几种solution猜想。
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托福听力lecture的结构1. Lecture有结构托福听力的lecture基本上都是总分总的结构,即「引入话题——展开讨论——教授总结」,下面分点论述:1)引入话题其实托福听力lecture里面讲课的教授就跟大家碰到过的老师一样,有的喜欢直入主题,有的喜欢拉七杂八。
总的说来,lecture话题的引入方式有三种:•开门见山:啥也不扯,一言不合就开车,比如TPO1 Lecture2:Ok, let’s get started. Great. Today I want to talk abouta way in which we are able to determine how old a pieceof land, or some other geologic feature is –datingtechniques.•课程回顾:回顾上堂课的内容,然后再切入本堂课的内容;一般来说本次是上次的细化或者与上次的对比。
比如TPO5Lecture2:Last week, we covered some arguments against going back to the Moon. But there are compelling reasons in favor of another Moon landing too, um…not the least of which is trying to pinpoint the moon’s age.••啰哩吧嗦:有的教授实在是特别啰嗦,比如TPO2 Lecture2:Hi, everyone. Good to see you all today.【你也好啊】Actually,I expected the population to be a lot lower today. Ittypically runs between 50 and 60 percent on the day theresearch paper is due.【来的人多不好么,说明你受欢迎啊】Um, I was hoping to have your exams back today【啊,要放榜啦】, but, uh, the situation was that I went away forthe weekend, and I was supposed to get in yesterday at five, and I expected to fully complete all the exams by midnightor so, which is the time that I usually go to bed, but myflight was delayed, and I ended up not getting in untilone o’clock in the morning【你飞机晚点关我什么事啊】.Anyway, I’ll do my b est to have them finished by the nexttime we meet【开始上课吧,please】. OK. In the last class,we started talking about...【终于开始了…】不论是用哪一种引入方式,话题总是要出来的。
比如TPO5Lecture3:...But, let’s talk about Spectroscopy a little now just to cover the basics. What is Spectroscopy Well, the simplest definition I can give you is that Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and light. 这个「topic+definition/explanation」一定要听懂,最好还能在笔记上记下关键词。
比如TPO33 Lecture1:The great pyramid of Giza in Egypt might be the most famous building in the world. We know exactly when it was built: construction started in 2547 about four thousand five hundred years ago. We know who had it built: that was a Pharaoh Khufu. And we know who oversaw its construction: the Pharaoh's brother. We know so many things about it, but the funny thing is, we still don't know exactly how it was built.This picture will give you an idea of the size of the pyramid and the size of blocks it's made up of. About two million stone blocks were used to build the great pyramid, and they're incredibly massive. The average weight is two and a half tons. The problem that has puzzled scholars for centuries is how were these blocks lifted up the height of this massive structure and then fit into place and without the benefit of modern technology. Of course there have been a lot of theories over the centuries.其实这就是常见的总起句式「several theories」「a few problems」「scientists have proposed several explanations」,下面的展开讨论部分就是具体展开这些theories、problems或explanations。
比如TPO33 Lecture1在总起「Of course there have been a lot of theories over the centuries」之后就逐个展开这些theories。
•The oldest recorded one 【theory1】 is by the Greek historian Herodotus...Well, so much for that theory.•The next one【theory2】has to do with the use of a ramp...【theory2的问题】OK, so what now•Well, if you'd ever driven on a mountain road...So why not wrap the ramp around the pyramid【theory3】... Well, if you've got a ramp spiraling up from the base of the pyramid, those corners would be buried by that ramp duringconstruction【theory3的问题】.•Well, who says the ramp has to be on the outside of the pyramid And now we get to the latest idea【theory4】: if the ramp were on the inside of the pyramid...其实这种就是托福听力lecture的第一种,即「总分总」的多个「分点」之间是并列的关系,比较常见的是「problem+solution1、solution2、solution3」或者「puzzle+explanation1、explanation2、explanation3」。
比如TPO30 Lecture4:话题引入之后总起But really the instrument [electric guitar] we know today was the result of a continuing development that started for our practical purposes in the 1920s. 然后就分阶段讲述guitar的发展史:•The first guitars were wooden...•the steel guitar was first introduced in the United States...in the late 1890s...•Anyway, by the 1920s...•Electrified guitars... around 1940...很显然,这种直线型结构的关键在于听懂记下这些时间标记。