



P21第一段的“procedure”:this is a proceeding upon writ of a death benefit award by the Industrial Accident Commission in favor of the widow and three minor children of Karl Lund, deceased. petitioner State Employees' Retirement System seeks an annulment of the award, on the grounds that respondent Commission had acted without and in excess of its power and that the evidence was insufficient to justify the fingdings of fact.这是一个死亡令状效益赔偿,有关工业事故委员会赞同对寡妇和已故的卡尔隆德的三个未成年的孩子进行赔偿。


P22 倒数第一段:on the contrary, we are required to indulge all reasonable inferences which may be drawn legitimately from the facts in order to support the findings of the Commission ,and in doing so all that is required is reasonable probability; not absolute certainty.反之,我们需要放纵所有合理的推断,可能是合法的事实来支持委员会的调查结果,如此一来,这样做所需的一切就是合理的可能性,而非绝对的确定性。




If the foreign joint venturer causes any losses by deception the intentional use of backward technology and equipment, it shall payc o m p e n s a t i o n f o r t h e l o s s through e s.修改提示:复数考不周;用不。

答案(修改要点): causes any losses → causes any loss(es) 造成一或多失都当,不能用复数形式。

pay compensation for the losses → pay compensation therefor (therefor=for that/them)2:人民法院、人民察院和公安机关理刑事案件,当分工,互相配合,互相制,以保准确有效地行法律。

原文: The people ’s courts, people ’s procuratorates and public security organs shall, in handling criminal cases, divide their functions, each taking responsibility for its own work, and they shall co-ordinate their efforts andcheck each other to ensure correct and effective enforcement of law.修改提示:“分工”,理解:重点在“ ”,而非“分工”,即分工程中各其; respective比own更妥当、准确;原来的文中,and theyshall ⋯比,更重的是,使 to ensure ⋯割断了与 divide their functions 的系。



第3课 Constitution宪法美国宪法确定基本原则,指导国家的政府及法律。


























法律英语参考译文 完整版Lesson1-16

法律英语参考译文 完整版Lesson1-16
于,来源于 live under 在……统治下生活)
普通法和制定法存在于美国法律制度中。在历史发展进程中,法律的某些部 门几乎不由制定法所控制,而是由司法判决所控制。例如,合同法大部分内容就 是在英国法律制度的演进中由普通法的法官发展出来的。当然,这并不意味着这 一法律部门就不存在立法。立法机关实际上也制定涵盖合同内容的法律,立法广
咦它包括了大量不成文法而著称,反映了几个世纪以来,来源于法律工作者的判 决的判例。
(普通法)这一术语有三个重要的涵义。第一层涵义用以区别颁布具体法律 的权力:例如在美国,“法”通常由立法机关制定,“规章”由行政机关根据立法 机关规定的立法授权来颁布,而“普通法”的判决则是由讨论和判定法和规章间 细微差异的法院(或行政机构内的准司法法庭)作出。
条约是另一种形式的制定法,它是国家间的书面协议,以国家间相互交易时 惯常的礼仪程序来实施,尽管没有特定或指定的形式要求。根据美国宪法的规定, 与外国政府签订条约的权力属于总统,但总统应当倾听参议院的建议,并得到参 议院的同意。(注释:acting with 与……一起行事)
Lesson 2 Legal System(法律体系)
这个词(common law)的第二层含义是将普通法的管辖范围与大陆法或法典 的管辖范围区分开来。普通法的管辖范围大部分来自英国的法律制度,它极其重
因此,罗马法并没有控制整个欧洲,它是一种只有在当地习俗和法律于特定 问题缺乏恰当规定的时候才被适用的辅助性资源。然而,当地规则主要是一句罗 马法来诠释的,这导致罗马法仍然是主导法律。
超出罗马法这一基础的范围的第二大特征就是对已被采纳的罗马法的延伸 编纂,即把它纳入市民法典。作为对自然法和启蒙思想两者的表达,法典纂的 观念在 17 到 18 世纪发展尤为迅速。那个世纪的政治思想被表达为民族观念。对 财产的保护和法治。那种理想需要通过法律的记录、法律的统一来形成法律的确 定行,因此,上述的罗马法和习惯的当地的法律的融合不存在了,而法律编纂的 前景可观,这对达成上述的政治理想的目的有促进作用。



法律英语教程答案【篇一:法律英语课后习题大全】how was common law established?answer: the common law tradition originated in england. a new legal order was established as early as 1066 by the norman conquest, but the common law did not exist in1066.william the conqueror did not abolish the local customs and the local courts. local courts continued to apply local customs. there was no law common to the whole kingdom. the king did however establish some royal courts at westminster. their jurisdiction was at first very limited but eventually expanded to the point where the local courts fell into disuse. the decisions of the royal courts became the law common to the whole kingdom, the common law.1.what does the common law tradition include according to the text? answer: according to the text, the common law tradition includes law and equity.2.how different is the legal system of louisiana from the rest of the united states?answer: the common law was received in many countries such as united states, but the louisiana excepted, because where the civil law was in place before the united states gained jurisdiction.4.what does “civil law ”mean?answer: the expression “civil law ”,in latin jus civilis, literally meansthe law of the citizens of rome. it is the law of the city of rome, the law applied to a citizen (in latin, civis) of rome as opposed to the law applied to a non-citizen.5.what is the main difference between the civil law system and common law system?answer: first and foremost, cases are usually considered to be the primary source of law in common law countries, but in civil law countries, cases are simply not a source of law---at least in theory. civil law jurist will consider the civil code as an all encompassing document, but in common law jurisdictionslegislation tends to be considered as an exception to the case law.6.what different attitudes do the civil law system and the common law system hold towards case law?answer: cases are usually considered to be the primary source of law in common law countries, but in civil law countries, cases are simply not a source of law---at least in theory, but cases are becoming more and more relevant in civil law countries, but the attitudes of civilians and common lawyers toward legislation and cases differ greatly.7.what is significant about the american legal education? how is law school teaching different from ours?answer: american legal education is very original and in many respects unique. legal education tends to be longer than other common lawcountries; law is a postgraduate degree in the u.s.the teaching style is magisterial----the professor exposes the law to his or her students, who take notes and do not intervene in class.8. is law degree an undergraduate degree in the u.s.? how do people get a law degree in the u.s.?answer: no, the law degree is a master degree in the u.s., the students must have at least a bachelors degree in some areaof study, and then to study the law and get the law degree.9. can you compare the legal method employed in the american legal education and the legal method used in other countries?answer: american legal education is a very original and in many respects unique. the case method or socratic method is peculiar to this country .it must be clear to you by now that the case method could not have been thought of in a civil law country. in those countries (as in the case in england) law is an undergraduate degree. legal education tends to be longer than in the united states. the teaching style is magisterial-the professor exposes the law to his or her students, who take notes and do not intervene in class.10. who play an important role in defining the law in civil law system, law professors or judges? what about the common law system?answer: law professors, because civil law students will read law doctrine more than cases. the doctrine is the cumulated writings oflaw professors on what the law is or should be. in civil law the doctrine is considered to be a source of law and a highly respected one. you have to remember that the university, not the courts, reintroduced the civil law in continental europe. it is therefore not surprising that law professors still have an import role in defining the law. common law professors generally do not enjoy a similar prestige within their own jurisdiction. here the judges get most of the prestige. 1. how is case law created?the decisions of judges, or of other officials empowered by the constitution or laws of a political entity to hear and decide controversies, create case law.2. what dose a particular decision mean to the parties to a lawsuit?to the lawyers, judges, and law students?1) from the point of view of parties to a lawsuit or other contestedcontroversy, what matters is the immediate outcome, the result the tribunal reaches in their case. it means wether the aggrieved party or damaged party will obtain a remedy.2) in the view of judges, lawyers and law students, however, the decisiontakes on broader perspective. the decision becomes a possible source of general applicable case law.3. according to professor llwellyn, what creates a legal system ofprecedent? why and when?1) those generalizations contained in, or built upon, past decisionscreate a legal system of precedent.2) because as rules of action arise out of the solution of particularproblems, in any judicial system rules of law arise sooner or later out of such decisions of cases, weather or not such formulations are desired, intended or consciously recognized.3) when those generalizations are taken as normative for future dispute,a legal system of precedent created.4. what might happen if a court follows the precedentsmechanically?a court that follows precedent mechanically or too strictly will at times perpetuate legal rules and concepts5. what is the problem remaining in the legal system recognizing past decisions as authoritative sources of law for future cases?the continuing problem in a legal system that recognizes past decisions as authoritative sources of law for future cases is how to maintain an acceptable accommodation of the competing values of stability in a law, served by adherence to precedent, and responsiveness to social change, which may call for the abandonment of an outworn legal doctrine.6. explain these two latin terms: “stare decisis” and “res judicata”?【篇二:法律英语教程第2单元text a翻译】高法院以“一种强烈地分裂的争议”的方式谈及了堕胎案,这种争议“有寻常案件的判决所不具有的维度”。



法律英语考查试题及答案一、英译汉1.general jurisdiction 一般管辖2.bar examination 律师考试3.ripeness 案件成熟度4.substantive law 实体法5.no contest pleas 不辩护也不认罪的答辩二、汉译英1.巡回法院circuit courts2.模拟法庭moot court3.案件决议度mootness4.起诉书complaint5.被上诉人appellee三、翻译短文1.No two legal systems,then,are exactly alike.Each is specific to its country or its jurisdiction.This does not mean,of course,that every legal system is entirely different from every other legal system.Not at all.When two countries are similar in culture and tradition,their legal systems are likely to be similar as well.No doubt the law of E1Salvador is very much like the Law of Honduras.The laws of Australia and New Zealand are not that far apart.没有两个法系是恰好相似的。





























法律英语翻译练习与答案HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】练习1:外国合营者如果有意以落后的技术和设备进行欺骗,造成损失的,应赔偿损失。

If the foreign joint venturer causes any losses by deception through the intentional use of backward technology and equipment, it shall pay c o m p e n s a t i o n f o r t h e l o s s e s.修改提示:单复数考虑不周;用语不够简洁。

答案(修改要点):causes any losses →causes any loss(es) 造成一项或多项损失时都应当赔偿,不能仅用复数形式。

pay compensation for the losses →pay compensation therefor(therefor=for that/them)练习2:人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关办理刑事案件,应当分工负责,互相配合,互相制约,以保证准确有效地执行法律。

原译文:The people’s courts, people’s procuratorates and public security organs shall, in handling criminal cases, divide their functions, each taking responsibility for its own work, and they shall co-ordinate their efforts and check each other to ensure correct and effective enforcement of law.修改提示:“分工负责”,应理解为:侧重点在“负责”,而非“分工”,即分工过程中各负其责;respective 比own 更为妥当、准确;原来的译文中,and theyshall …比较啰嗦,更严重的问题是,使to ensure …割断了与divide their functions 的联系。



《法律英语》课后“汉翻英”答案 (完整版)Lesson One1)Common law is the law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals.2) Equity is a type of law that developed in parallel with common law since the end of the 14th century, which applies to civil cases and is one of the sources of the common-law system.3) In the U.S., one of the functions of the federal courts is to interpret federal statutes and the constitution.4) The civil-law system mainly prevails in continental Europe as well as other countries and regions heavily influenced by continental European countries.5) Before the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure was promulgated in 1938, the federal courts of the United States procedurally separated law and equity. Lesson Two1) Private law regulates the relationship between individuals whiles public law concerns the relationship between person (including natural persons and artificial persons) and the state.2) Codification is not the essential difference between the civil-law system and the common-law system.3) In many civil-law jurisdictions, precedents are not considered as binding.4) Domestic law is different from international law in that domestic law refers to the laws within a given state which regulates the acts of individuals and other legal entities within its jurisdiction.5) Substantial law refers to laws that define and recognize rights and obligations as well as duties and responsibilities while procedural law refers to laws that provides for the mechanism for the realization or performance of rights and duties as well as duties and responsibilities.Lesson Three1) In some countries alcoholic beverages are prohibited from being sold to children.2) Since the 1980s, China has set up and improved the employment service system, which includes employment introduction, employment training, unemployment insurance and employment services.3) Various forms of resistance to desegregation were prevailing in those years.4) It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.5) Just as individuals in a democratic country have equal voting rights regardless of whether they are rich or poor, powerful or weak, all countries in the General Assembly have the same voting rights.Lesson Four1) A crime is an act which may lead to the imposition of punishment.2) Some reports accused BP of criminal negligence in the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.3) Modern U.S. criminal law provides that there must be clear definition for all the constituting elements of each and every crime.4) Generally those who provide assistance to people in their criminal act are punishable as accessories or accomplices.5) Failure to act may be punished where the person is under a duty to act. Lesson Five1) Parties to a contract shall fully perform their obligations in accordance with the stipulations of the contract.2) A contract is an agreement between parties which creates, modifies or terminates a civil relationship. A contract established in accordance with law is protected by law.3) A citizen or a legal person shall bear civil liabilities for his failure to fulfill his contractual or other obligations.4) No modification or revocation of a contract may prejudice the parties’claims for damages.5) For a party’s non-performance or his performance unfaithful to the contractual stipulations, the other party to a contract is entitled to demand specific performance or other remedies, and also, compensation for the resulted losses.Lesson Seven1) One who is at fault for infringing upon the civil right or interest of another person shall be subject to the tort liability.2) Where a defective product causes any harm to another person, the manufacturer shall assume the tort liability.3) One who shall assume the tort liability for infringing upon the civil right or interest of another person, whether at fault or not, as provided for by law, shall be subject to the legal provisions in the tort law.4) Where a tort endangers the personal or property safety of another person, the victim of the tort may require the tortfeasor to assume the tort liability such as cessation of infringement, removal of obstruction and elimination ofdanger.5) A network user or network service provider who infringes upon the civil right or interest of another person through network shall assume the tort liability.Lesson Seventeen1) Before the judgment what is to be done is to dispose of the case, while after the judgment is rendered, all that remains to be done is to enforce it.2) If the matter involved in the appeal is of great importance, it ought to be submitted for review.3) There are exemptions from jury service for members of the legal profession, the police force, etc.4) Judges often require that the parties agree upon a schedule of issues so as to accelerate the trial process.5) In the High Court an official shorthand note is, unless the judge otherwise directs, taken of any evidence given orally in Court and of the summing up by the judge. Upon payment of the prescribed fee, a transcript can be made available.Lesson Eighteen1) The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.2) The dispute shall be submitted for arbitration by a mutually nominated arbitrator.3) Where no settlement can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted for arbitration.4) Each party may also directly apply for arbitration to the Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission.5) Traditionally, our contracts did not contain provisions for arbitration in a third country.。



法律英语教程答案法律英语教程答案【篇一:法律英语课后习题大全】how was common law established?answer: the common law tradition originated in england. a new legal order was established as early as 1066 by the norman conquest, but the common law did not exist in1066.william the conqueror did not abolish the local customs and the local courts. local courts continued to apply local customs. there was no law common to the whole kingdom. the king did however establish some royal courts at westminster. their jurisdiction was at first very limited but eventually expanded to the point where the local courts fell into disuse. the decisions of the royal courts became the law common to the whole kingdom, the common law.1.what does the common law tradition include according to the text? answer: according to the text, the common law tradition includes law and equity.2.how different is the legal system of louisiana from the rest of the united states?answer: the common law was received in many countries such as united states, but the louisiana excepted, because where the civil law was in place before the united states gained jurisdiction.4.what does “civil law ”mean?answer: the expression “civil law ”,in latin jus civilis, literally meansthe law of the citizens of rome. it is the law of the city of rome, the law applied to a citizen (in latin, civis) of rome as opposed tothe law applied to a non-citizen.5.what is the main difference between the civil law system and common law system?answer: first and foremost, cases are usually considered to be the primary source of law in common law countries, but in civil law countries, cases are simply not a source of law---at least in theory. civil law jurist will consider the civil code as an all encompassing document, but in common law jurisdictions legislation tends to be considered as an exception to the case law.6.what different attitudes do the civil law system and the common law system hold towards case law?answer: cases are usually considered to be the primary source of law in common law countries, but in civil law countries, cases are simply not a source of law---at least in theory, but cases are becoming more and more relevant in civil law countries, but the attitudes of civilians and common lawyers toward legislation and cases differ greatly.7.what is significant about the american legal education? how is law school teaching different from ours?answer: american legal education is very original and in many respects unique. legal education tends to be longer than other common lawcountries; law is a postgraduate degree in the u.s.the teaching style is magisterial----the professor exposes the law to his or her students, who take notes and do not intervene in class.8. is law degree an undergraduate degree in the u.s.? how do people get a law degree in the u.s.?answer: no, the law degree is a master degree in the u.s., thestudents must have at least a bachelors degree in some area of study, and then to study the law and get the law degree.9. can you compare the legal method employed in the american legal education and the legal method used in other countries?answer: american legal education is a very original and in many respects unique. the case method or socratic method is peculiar to this country .it must be clear to you by now that the case method could not have been thought of in a civil law country. in those countries (as in the case in england) law is an undergraduate degree. legal education tends to be longer than in the united states. the teaching style is magisterial-the professor exposes the law to his or her students, who take notes and do not intervene in class.10. who play an important role in defining the law in civil law system, law professors or judges? what about the common law system?answer: law professors, because civil law students will read law doctrine more than cases. the doctrine is the cumulated writings oflaw professors on what the law is or should be. in civil law the doctrine is considered to be a source of law and a highly respected one. you have to remember that the university, not the courts, reintroduced the civil law in continental europe. it is therefore not surprising that law professors still have an import role in defining the law. common law professors generally do not enjoy a similar prestige within their own jurisdiction. here the judges get most of the prestige. 1. how is case law created?the decisions of judges, or of other officials empowered by the constitution or laws of a political entity to hear and decidecontroversies, create case law.2. what dose a particular decision mean to the parties to a lawsuit?to the lawyers, judges, and law students?1) from the point of view of parties to a lawsuit or other contestedcontroversy, what matters is the immediate outcome, the result the tribunal reaches in their case. it means wether the aggrieved party or damaged party will obtain a remedy.2) in the view of judges, lawyers and law students, however, the decisiontakes on broader perspective. the decision becomes a possible source of general applicable case law.3. according to professor llwellyn, what creates a legal system ofprecedent? why and when?1) those generalizations contained in, or built upon, past decisionscreate a legal system of precedent.2) because as rules of action arise out of the solution of particularproblems, in any judicial system rules of law arise sooner or later out of such decisions of cases, weather or not such formulations are desired, intended or consciously recognized.3) when those generalizations are taken as normative for future dispute,a legal system of precedent created.4. what might happen if a court follows the precedentsmechanically?a court that follows precedent mechanically or too strictlywill at times perpetuate legal rules and concepts5. what is the problem remaining in the legal system recognizing past decisions as authoritative sources of law for future cases?the continuing problem in a legal system that recognizes past decisions as authoritative sources of law for future cases is how to maintain an acceptable accommodation of the competing values of stability in a law, served by adherence to precedent, and responsiveness to social change, which may call for the abandonment of an outworn legal doctrine.6. explain these two latin terms: “stare decisis” and “res judicata”?【篇二:法律英语教程第2单元text a翻译】高法院以“一种强烈地分裂的争议”的方式谈及了堕胎案,这种争议“有寻常案件的判决所不具有的维度”。



第一课PART one美国是一个即年轻又古老的国家,一个与很多国家相比很年轻的国家.同时,它因新人口的成份和新州的加入而持续更新,在此意义上,它也是新国家.但另一方面它是最古老的年轻国家——第一个从旧大陆殖民中脱胎而生的国家,它有最古老的成文法规、最古老的持续的联邦体系、最古老的自治政府惯例。











PART TWO美国法律体系,像英国一样,从方法论上讲主要是判例法体系.私法的大多数领域主要包括判例法,以及广泛的不断增加的成文法。







法律英语翻译 答案1

法律英语翻译 答案1

1. 法官不仅对诉讼当事人,而且对国家和人民都负有高度的责任。

2. 作为法官,必须公平、勤勉、专注、心平气和、彬彬有礼、富有修养,不但能够迅速查明事实,运用法律,解决争议,还能为当事人、证人、陪审员及其他出庭人员考虑周到。

3. 法官在判案时,不能为个人的盛名而忧虑,也不能被自己的感情和利益所左右。



1. Judges owe very high duties not only to litigants but also to the State and the people. ( to bear a high responsibility to sb. for sth./ to have an obligation to )2. As a judge, one must be impartial, hard-working, attentive, courteous, prompt in ascertaining the fact, applying the law, resolving the disputes and considerate of litigants, witnesses, jurors and others in attendance upon the court.3. When a judge is deciding a case, he cannot be apprehensive of his personal popularity and be swayed by his own feelings and interests.4. As a lawyer, one must be compassionate, civil, sensitive to human weaknesses, and courageous to defend for those unpopular cases.5. The National People’s Congress authorizes the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to exercise a high degree of autonomy and enjoy executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication, in accordance with the provisions of this law.。



法律英语汉译英(专业词汇部分)Unit One第一课美国联邦下的法律1.成文法 statutory law★2.普通法 common law3.判例法 case law4.立法机构 legislature5.法院 court6.宪法 Constitution7.立法权 law-making power8.私法 private law9.合同法 contract law10.侵权法 tort law11.商法 business law12.公司法 corporate governance law13.专利和版权 patent and copyright14.合同/契约争议 contractual disputes15.刑事案件 criminal case16.民事案件 civil case17.民事侵权诉讼 civil tort actions18.家庭法 family law19.法律选择 choice of law20.多个司法管辖区 multi-jurisdiction21.诉讼 litigation/lawsui t/suit/action★22.实体权 substantive right23.准据法/适用法 applicable/governing/proper law★24.签订 conclude25.证券欺诈案件 a case include claims of securities fraud26.履行 perform27.履行地 performance28.受理/处理案件 to hear the case★29.原告 plaintiff★30.被告defendant★31.与合同最密切联系most involved with the contract32.选择法庭 choice of forum第二课双重法院体系1.司法的 judicial2.初审法庭 trial court3.终审法院 court of last resort★4.上诉法院 court of appeals5.上诉,申诉 appeal…to6.证人 witness7.证据 evidence8.陪审团 jury9.查明事实的人,事实发现者 fact-finder10.上诉的,有权受理上诉的 appellate11.遗嘱 probate12.小额诉讼法院 small claims court13.律师 attorney14.程序 procedure15.提出(申请) file★16.申请小额索赔 file claims for small sums of money17.定罪 conviction★18.仲裁人,公断人,裁决人 arbiter19.最高法院 the Supreme Court20.先例 procedureUnit Two第一课抗辩制1.上诉人 appellant2.被上诉人 appellee3.诉由,案由 cause of action★4.向某人提起诉讼,到法院告某人 to bring an action/lawsuit against sb.5.第三那人被告 third-party defendant6.庭审程序 trial procedure★7.英美法系国家的司法程序 Anglo-American judicial procedure8.认定事实 find the fact9.证据 submission10.抗辩制 adversary system11.提起诉讼 begin suit12.界定争议 shape the issues13.出示证据 produce evidence14.争议当事人 parties to the controversy15.纠问的 inquisitorial16.庭前调查 pre-trial investigation17.大陆法传统 civil law tradition18.庭辩风格 style of presentation and argument19.有利害关系的当事人 interested parties第二课开启一个诉讼1.起诉 sue2.诉讼当事人 litigant3.司法救济,救济;减轻,缓解 relief4.提供法律救助 to furnish a relief5.纠正,补偿 redress6.诉诸法院 bring to court★7.和解 settlement★8.仲裁 arbitration9.自力救济 self-help10.搁置纠纷 let matters rest11.损害赔偿 damages★12.实际履行 specific performance13.对事管辖权 jurisdiction over the subject matter14.对人管辖权 jurisdiction over the parties15.管辖权 jurisdiction16.违约之诉 damages for breach of contract17.法庭 forum18.最低限度联系 minimum contacts19.实体公正 substantial justice20.审判地 venue21.规定(援引法条) provide/read第三课诉状和对抗诉状的动议1.诉状 pleading2.起诉状 complaint3.向法院提交诉讼状或答辩状/办理立案 to file a pleading/lawsuit with the court4.陈述,阐明 to set forth5.书记员 clerk6.传票 summons7.出具传票 to issue a summons8.向某人送达传票、起诉书、法律文书to serve a summons, complaint, legaldocument on sb.9.通知 notify10.同意出庭 an entry of appearance11.指控,声称 allegation12.成为争议问题 put in issue13.积极抗辩 affirmative defense14.反诉 counterclaim15.(用辩解)减轻 extenuate16.未到庭,未履行义务 to be in default17.驳回 dismiss18.传票送达 service of process/service of summons19.法律上的充分性 legal sufficiency20. 提出异议,反对 challenge第四课调查取证1.庭前取证,调查 pre-trial discovery2.录取证词,宣誓证明 depose3.证词笔录,书证 deposition4.宣誓 under oath5.书面质询 written interrogatories6.人身伤害案件 personal injury case7.保持中立 take no part8.意外因素 surprise element9.争议 controversy10.律师 counsel11.庭前会议 pretrial conference12.即决判决,简易判决 summary judgment13.书证,书面陈述 affidavit14.提出请求即决判决的动议 make a motion for summary judgment15.(证据)允许提出的,可采纳的 admissible16.扰乱对方 harassment of an opponent17.要求对争议进行庭审的申请 notice of trial/issue第五课庭审1.主张…..权利 assert the right to2.将……列入陪审员名单 impanel3.组成陪审团 to impanel the jury4.绝对异议权 peremptory challenge★5.候选陪审员 prospective juror6.以明确的理由对陪审员候选人提出异议 to challenge a prospective juror forcause7.发誓 swear8.开案陈词 make opening statements9.询问证人 examine the witness10.出示文书 produce the document11.证据,物证 exhibit12.直接质证 direct examination13.交叉质证 cross examination14.不允许出示的证据 inadmissible evidence15.举证完毕 rest16.指令裁定(法官指令陪审团作出的裁定) directed verdict17.否决,驳回 overrule18.(法官)对陪审团的指导 jury instruction/jury charge/charge to the jury19.结案辩论 final argument20.判决某人胜诉 to enter a judgment for sb.21.判决某人败诉 to enter a judgment against sb.22.举证责任 burden of proof23.有分量的证据,占优势的证据 preponderance of the evidence24.退庭 retire25.(陪审团)未能达到足够多数人赞同的,未能做出决定的 hung26.法官推翻陪审团才定的判决 judgment notwithstanding the verdict(judgmentn.o.v)27.达成裁定 reach verdict第六课上诉和执行1.执行 enforcement2.复审 review3.中级法院 intermediate court4.初审法院 trial court5.下级法院 lower court6.斟酌,自由裁量 discretion7.由……斟酌决定,由…..自由裁量 at the discretion of8.推翻原判,逆转 reverse9.维持原判,确认,确信 affirm10.认定事实 determination in question11.上诉担保书 appeal bond12.抄本,复本,文字记录 transcript13.命令 decree14.(不服下级法官判决)进行上诉 to appeal from (a decision of a lower court)15.口头辩论 oral argument16.判决(意见)书 opinion17.败诉方 losing party18.债权人 creditor19.重新审理 rehear20.执行令 writ of execution21.行政司法长官,县治安官 sheriff22.发回重审 remand23.动产 personal property24.判决债务人 judgment debtor25.收益 proceeds26.不动产 real estate/real property27.未清偿判决债务由司法行政官主持的拍卖 judicial sale28.留置权,扣留权 lien29.对…..有司法留置权 to have a judicial lien on30.留置,扣押(动词) garnish31.留置,扣押(名词) garnishment32.扣押(动词) attach33.扣押(名词) attachment。



1 In every society, there are mechanisms for the declaration, alteration, administration, and the enforcement of the rules by which people live. Not all societies, however, utilize a formal legal system (courts, judges, lawyers, and law enforcement agencies) to the same degree. Historically, law development and industrialization, urbanization, and modernization are closely intertwined. The law and society literature suggests that the more complex the society, the more differentiated the legal system. Underlying this proposition is the notion that legal development is conditioned by a series of demands stemming from society’s economic, political, educational, and religious institutions. Based on the complexity and magnitude of the interplay among the institutions and between these institutions and the law, several types of legal systems may be identified in the course of societal development.1在每一个社会,有机制的宣言,变更、管理和人们生活的规则的执行。



法律英语教程第2单元texta翻译[最终版]第一篇:法律英语教程第2单元text a翻译[最终版]例如,在重申了其1973年的堕胎裁定的1992年裁定中,最高法院以“一种强烈地分裂的争议”的方式谈及了堕胎案,这种争议“有寻常案件的判决所不具有的维度”。











第二篇:大学英语口译教程答案第2单元Unit 2 Passage 1 英国女王2009 圣诞致词过去每年似乎都各具特点。


2009 年对很多人来说都是艰难的一年,尤其是那些深受经济衰退之苦的人们。








一、常见法律英语词汇1. Contract(合同):A legally binding agreement between two or more parties.2. Tort(侵权行为):A wrongful act or an infringement of a right leading to civil legal liability.3. Plaintiff(原告):The party who brings a legal action or lawsuit against another party.4. Defendant(被告):The party against whom a legal action or lawsuit is brought.5. Jurisdiction(管辖权):The official power to make legal decisions and judgments.6. Evidence(证据):The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.7. Damages(赔偿):A sum of money claimed or awarded in compensation fora loss or injury.二、案例分析为了更好地理解法律英语的应用,我们可以通过一个案例进行分析和讨论。




英语课后翻译Unit11.For over a decade, the issue of same-sex marriage has been a flashpoint in American politics, setting off waves of competing legislation, lawsuits and ballot initiatives to either legalize or ban the practice and causing rifts within religious groups.十多年来,同性婚姻已经成为美国政坛的聚焦热点,究竟该使其合法化,还是明令禁止,这掀起了美国立法、诉讼、以及公民投票的争论浪潮,并在宗教团体中引起了强烈分歧。

2.In September 1996, the United States Congress, approving what was called the “Defense of Marriage Act,”voted overwhelmingly to deny Federal benefits to married people of the same sex and to permit states to ignore such marriages sanctioned in other states .1996年9月,美国国会以压倒性多数通过了所谓的“婚姻保护法案”,否认了同性已婚人士获得的联邦利益,并允许各州不予理会在其他州获批准的同性婚姻。

3.Religious institutions have struggled with policies, privileges and rites regarding homosexuality, including whether or not to bless same-sex unions and whether or not gays and lesbians may hold positions of authority.各宗教团体在同性恋相关政策、特权、及宗教仪式等方面分歧不断,包括是否要祝福同性伴侣的结合,男女同性恋者是否可以在宗教团体中担当权威要职。

(完整)法律英语第四版 何家弘主编 21课22课翻译

(完整)法律英语第四版 何家弘主编 21课22课翻译




















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法律英语_教材汉翻英答案(完整版)《法律英语》课后“汉翻英”答案 (完整版)Lesson One1)Common law is the law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals.2) Equity is a type of law that developed in parallel with common law since the end of the 14th century, which applies to civil cases and is one of the sources of the common-law system.3) In the U.S., one of the functions of the federal courts is to interpret federal statutes and the constitution.4) The civil-law system mainly prevails in continental Europe as well as other countries and regions heavily influenced by continental European countries.5) Before the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure was promulgated in 1938, the federal courts of the United States procedurally separated law and equity. Lesson Two1) Private law regulates the relationship between individuals whiles public law concerns the relationship between person (including natural persons and artificial persons) and the state.2) Codification is not the essential difference between the civil-law system and the common-law system.3) In many civil-law jurisdictions, precedents are not considered as binding.4) Domestic law is different from international law in that domestic law refers to the laws within a given state which regulates the acts of individuals and other legal entities within its jurisdiction.5) Substantial law refers to laws that define and recognize rights and obligations as well as duties and responsibilities whileprocedural law refers to laws that provides for the mechanism for the realization or performance of rights and duties as well as duties and responsibilities.Lesson Three1) In some countries alcoholic beverages are prohibited from being sold to children.2) Since the 1980s, China has set up and improved the employment service system, which includes employment introduction, employment training, unemployment insurance and employment services.3) Various forms of resistance to desegregation were prevailing in those years.4) It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.5) Just as individuals in a democratic country have equal voting rights regardless of whether they are rich or poor, powerful or weak, all countries in the General Assembly have the same voting rights.Lesson Four1) A crime is an act which may lead to the imposition of punishment.2) Some reports accused BP of criminal negligence in the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.3) Modern U.S. criminal law provides that there must be clear definition for all the constituting elements of each and every crime.4) Generally those who provide assistance to people in their criminal act are punishable as accessories or accomplices.5) Failure to act may be punished where the person is undera duty to act. Lesson Five1) Parties to a contract shall fully perform their obligations in accordance with the stipulations of the contract.2) A contract is an agreement between parties which creates, modifies or terminates a civil relationship. A contract established in accordance with law is protected by law.3) A citizen or a legal person shall bear civil liabilities for his failure to fulfill his contractual or other obligations.4) No modification or revocation of a contract may prejudice the parties’claims for damages.5) For a party’s non-performance or his performance unfaithful to the contractual stipulations, the other party to a contract is entitled to demand specific performance or other remedies, and also, compensation for the resulted losses.Lesson Seven1) One who is at fault for infringing upon the civil right or interest of another person shall be subject to the tort liability.2) Where a defective product causes any harm to another person, the manufacturer shall assume the tort liability.3) One who shall assume the tort liability for infringing upon the civil right or interest of another person, whether at fault or not, as provided for by law, shall be subject to the legal provisions in the tort law.4) Where a tort endangers the personal or property safety of another person, the victim of the tort may require the tortfeasor to assume the tort liability such as cessation of infringement, removal of obstruction and elimination ofdanger.5) A network user or network service provider who infringes upon the civil right or interest of another person through network shall assume the tort liability.Lesson Seventeen1) Before the judgment what is to be done is to dispose of the case, while after the judgment is rendered, all that remains to be done is to enforce it.2) If the matter involved in the appeal is of great importance, it ought to be submitted for review.3) There are exemptions from jury service for members of the legal profession, the police force, etc.4) Judges often require that the parties agree upon a schedule of issues so as to accelerate the trial process.5) In the High Court an official shorthand note is, unless the judge otherwise directs, taken of any evidence given orally in Court and of the summing up by the judge. Upon payment of the prescribed fee, a transcript can be made available.Lesson Eighteen1) The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.2) The dispute shall be submitted for arbitration by a mutually nominated arbitrator.3) Where no settlement can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted for arbitration.4) Each party may also directly apply for arbitration to the Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission.5) Traditionally, our contracts did not contain provisions for arbitration in a third country.。
