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In 1990,Sky TV and British Statellite Broadcasting formed the British Sky Broadcasting Group plc,British's top pay television provider.
英国天空广播公司(British Sky Broadcasting, LSE: BSY)是英国最大的数字电视付费运营商,总 部设在伦敦,该公司系在1990年由天空电视台与英 国公司卫星广播公司合并组成。旗下网站Sky在体育、 电影、娱乐等信息的播报上处于主导地位。英国天 空广播公司是新闻集团旗下的子公司,传媒大亨鲁 伯特·默多克现拥有其40%的股份并控制着运营权。 1990年,新闻集团与英国卫星广播公司合资成立了 英国天空广播公司,重点发展卫星电视。随着计算 机网络以及数字技术的发展,默多克预见到互联网 与数字技术将带来的巨大收益,于是决定开发数字 电视业务。
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
1998年,该公司创建了英国第一个数字电视平台,利 用数字技术的压缩功能,传送140个大多为24小时播 放的频道。 目前,天空广播公司是英国惟一的直播 卫星电视服务提供商,被誉为世界上数字电视服务运 营最成功的公司。截至2002年底,该电视网共拥有 370个数字电视频道。这些频道分类明细、包罗万象, 融娱乐性、知识性于一体,满足了不同年龄、不同群 体的文化需求。就拿记者经常收看的24小时新闻频道 来说,就有10多个,除了CNN、BBC等新闻巨头外,还 有该公司自己的“天空新闻”频道等,甚至还有中国 的中央电视台第四套节目做.
• Media is central to British leisure
culture .Media shapes the public opinion ,determines people’s moral and political orientation(倾 向) and consolidates or undermines(消弱) the rule of a government.
Television and broadcast
• The British
Broadcasting Corporation
• Independent
Television was
founded in 1955.
started daily radio broadcasts in 1922 and made its first TV broadcast in 1936 .
on an average day
a) 90% of the population over the age of 15 reads a national or local paper a) 96% watches television at least once a week
a) 73% of the British listen to the radio on a weekly basis
• The Observer first appeared in 1791 • The Times first published in 1785 ,is Britain •
• •
„s oldest daily newspaper. The Guardian and The daily Telegraph are referred to as Britain „s “Big Three”. The tabloids deal with scandals and gossip. The News of the World began publishing in 1843
311英教四班第八组 谭年华30 许乐亭41 杨艳萍45 赵婷婷49
Newspapers、 Magazines Broadcast Television
Media is everywhere
For most British people, a day begins with the morning newspaper and ends with television.