

Louis VuittonPPT课件

Louis VuittonPPT课件

奢侈品 Luxury
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Louis Vuitton Hermes Gucci Chanel
Hennessy Rolex
Moet & Chandon Chartier Fendi
Tiffany & Co
197.8 84.6 75.9 55.5 53.7 47.4 47.4 39.6 32 23.8

奢侈品 Luxury
– 超出人们生存与发展需要范围的具有 独特、稀缺、珍奇等特点的商品
– 可用于但非必须
奢侈品 Luxury
– 梦幻性 – 极品性 – 稀缺性 – 昂贵性 – 引领性
“奢侈品”的魅力很大程 度上作用于人的情感需求, 追人总想侈好和同必高表奢品户奢“奢尊拉消昂料腻的全其力几行成演求们是象品的生类须级侈不寻仅侈贵,球所,年,一化开完现侈贵费服和的可并也梦命此消是是品等找品体精化创从,从种成了美。品。的务拥某以由因幻力一费最外不待奢也现益的造流再风历奢的。距。有 种 唤 此 为 而。件品 高 观 寻 客 侈 因 在 求 时 的 行 到 种 格 久侈 形离奢 情 起 产 承 变,及 级 与 找 户 品 “ 其 精 尚 时 一 永 新 的 弥品 象。侈 怀 人 生 载 得独同 的 品 客 , , 少 高 的 的 尚 时 不 潮 奠 新消 和品 和 们 愉 着 富一类 。 质 户 相 客 ” 品 工 引 具 到 过 的 定 的费 个满 梦 的 悦 这 有无与 性服 这 的 , 反 户 而 质 艺 领 有 流 时 开 , 经足 想 某 , 些 感二务 种 统 奢 , 等 更 的 、 者 生 行 的 创 最 典大 尊着 , 种 奢 美 性”中 最 一 侈 客 待 加 物 细 , 命 十 流 变 终 。众 贵。 奢侈品对应的是一种遐想, 一种向往



46、寓形宇内复几时,曷不委心任去 留。



49、勤学如春起之苗,不见其增,日有所长 。•50、环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐穿结 ,箪瓢 屡空, 晏如也 。
16、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。——华盛顿 17、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。——罗素·贝克 18、最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。——马云 19、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。——雷锋 20、要掌握书,莫被书掌握;要为生而读,莫为读而生。——布尔沃



Patek Philippe caters to (迎合)a new generation of
female connoisseurs (鉴赏家)with elegant (优雅的)watches .The Ladies ‘complications’ collection includes Chronographs(计时), Annual Calendars(年历), Moon Phases(
)diamond bezel(表圈).
The decorative art style of Gondolo series can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century. It includes the main features of a unique watchcase(表 壳) radian ( 弧度) and the exquisite (精湛 的) diamond Mosaic (镶嵌) process .
Today, this passion for the ultimate in horological artistry (钟表 工艺)still sets Patek Philippe apart(使 与众不同).Discover Patek Philippe’s history, which spans(时期,跨度) more than 170 years, and thire longstanding (持久不衰的)commitment to producing exceptional(特别的,杰出的) timepieces for ladies – the choice of outstanding women for nearly two centuries.


• Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯) 是世 界顶级豪华轿车厂商,1906年成 立于英国,公司创始人为 Frederick Henry Royce(亨 利·莱斯)和Charles Stewart Rolls(查理·劳斯)。RollsRoyce出产的轿车是顶级汽车的 杰出代表,以豪华而享誉全球。 2003年劳斯莱斯汽车公司被宝马 (BMW)接 手。
YSL 全称 Yves Saint Laurent,中 文名为圣罗兰,是世界著名的时尚 品牌,主要有时装,护肤品,香水, 箱包,配饰等。创始人 Yves Saint Laurent 最开始曾为迪奥公司设计 时装。 圣罗兰的品牌 LOGO 由乌干达籍的 法国画家、设计师 完成的,之后他便自杀了。 这个 LOGO 看似简单,却充满许多 “出格”的设计想法,让三个原本 很难协调融合的字母极其优雅的成 为了一体。
• Chanel 的 LOGO 由 Coco Chanel 在1925年亲自设计,沿用至今。关 于这个 LOGO 灵感的来源有三种说法,一种是来自 Aubazine 教堂的
玻璃窗,Coco Chanel 曾在那里度过了自己的童年;一种说法是,
Coco Chanel 在一个著名的派对上偶然看到了一个文艺复兴时期的双 C 标志;最后一种说法比较符合大众心理,关于一个叫 Capel 男孩
• 之后,Hermés 走出巴黎,走向欧洲各国。Hermes 制造的高级马具 当时深受欧洲贵族们的喜爱,其品牌也成为了法国式奢华消费的典7 型代表。
• Chanel(香奈儿)是一个有着整整百年历史的著名品牌,香奈儿时装 永远有着高雅、简洁、精美的风格,她善于突破传统,早20世纪40年

奢侈品 英语介绍PPT

奢侈品 英语介绍PPT
• 百达翡丽,作为日内瓦最后一家独立制表商,从 1839年起,百达翡丽在设计、生产直至装配的整体 过程中享受着全面的创新自由,打造出令世人专家 交口称赞的全球钟表杰作.凭借超凡的专业技能, 秉承优质的创新传统,百达翡丽至今拥有超越80余 项技术专利。
Bentley is famous for its luxurious, rich concept car. It's also the car that the British Queen uses. Bentley cars are highly claimed for its excellent selection of crafts and harsh. Each car would need at least 400 highquality leather, or about 15 cows, and all from the finest walnut wood.
Patek Philippe 百达翡丽
• Patek Philippe has been perpetuating the tradition of Genevan watchmaking since 1839. As the last family-owned independent watch manufacturer in Geneva, it enjoys total creative freedom to entirely design, produce and assemble what experts agree to be the finest timepieces in the world .Patek Philippe maintains a tradition of innovation hailed by an impressive repertoire of more than 80 patents.


• 法拉利的赛车主要以红色为主,因而有人称它为 红色的跃马或红魔法拉利。它的标志是一匹跃起 的马。法拉利没有越野车系列,也不以更大的马 力为目的。公司总部在意大利。它的广告语是 “名车是跑出来的”。
• Hennessy VOSP is LVMH ( Most Hennessy Louis Vuitton ) 's brand. Hennessy is the world's leading club brand, has been working to build a global best brandy.
• 爱马仕产品的标志有三个,分别是马车图 案;爱马仕的大写签名;“H”字型。其产品 有皮革制品,丝巾,首饰,领带,男女服 装系列,香水,手表,精致文具,鞋,手 套,餐具及陶器十几项。
Chanel (香奈儿)
• Founder Coco Chanel in
• 创始人Coco Chanel(香奈儿)
has always elegant, concise,
elegant style.
Coco Chanel
• Dior has been a gorgeous and • Dior一直是华丽与高雅的
elegant pronoun. " Dior" in
• Hermes product logo three, respectively is the carriage pattern; Hermes capital signature;" H" font. Its products are leather products, jewelry, scarves, neckties, clothing for men and women series, perfumes, watches, fine stationery, shoes, gloves, cutlery and crockery 10.


月相), World Times, Travel Times as well as the intriguing
(吸引人的)Skeleton(镂空的) watches.
3、The Art of Diamond Setting
“A diamond-set watch naturally draws the eye so it must be perfect.” —Sandrine Stern, Head of Watch Creation for Patek Philippe
)diamond bezel(表圈).
The decorative art style of Gondolo series can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century. It includes the main features of a unique watchcase(表 壳) radian ( 弧度) and the exquisite (精湛 的) diamond Mosaic (镶嵌) process .
When the Nautilus was first introduced in 1976, the bold (大胆 的 )lines of this stainless-steel watchcase turned heads. This strong look, originally inspired by a ship’s porthole(舷窗).
Patek Philippe caters to (迎合)a new generation of

奢侈品牌介绍 英文精品PPT课件

奢侈品牌介绍 英文精品PPT课件
The members
Leading in
When we watching TV, reading newspapers or reading fashion magazines, We always can see many beautiful models wear variety clothes of luxury labels on the T-station.
Maybe the luxury is far from our daily life, but it leads the direction of fashion. It effect the popular colour, the popular style. Actually, It is everywhere in our life.
There are many famous stars wear them.
An Italian fashion label founded in 1913 by Mario Prada
• The company was started in 1913 by Mario Prada and his brother Martino as a leathergoods shop
The label was found in 1992
Red-lacquered soles that have become his signature
Red-lacquered soles
Louboutin helped bring stilettos back into fashion in the 1990s and 2000s, designing dozens of styles with heel heights of 120mm and hig in good habits



法国品牌,创始于一八四 七年,产品除极其昂贵的 珠宝与钟表外,还包括皮 具、眼镜、书写工具、打 火机等。
Wedgwood 又译作维支伍德,
世界上最精致的瓷器,品位的代名 词。品牌创始于十八世纪,产品受 到全球成功人士及社会名流的推崇, 曾为俄国女沙皇卡特琳娜二世专门 制作餐具;著名的“罗马波特兰” 花瓶现藏于大英博物馆,已经成为 英国的国宝。
Rolex 瑞士钟表业的经典品牌.劳力士的质量即代表了精确.
Rolex, the classic brand of the Swiss watch industry.The quality of the rolex represents the precise.
Patek Philippe百达翡丽
The Luxury Bese Of Best
爱杰乔芬普范菲克路香马尼治迪拉思拉里易奈仕亚达哲格斯威儿·F阿eH慕汀登EPVC玛neerrh·drFLma迪尼rmaisdeone奥GareaunercsiialesoeCggrVhagilumridoiisototAtoiZarnemngaDnniaoi r劳帕 世 布 阿 玛 兰 法 宾 柯斯格 爵 加 斯 莎 博 拉 利 尼莱尼 迪 顿 拉 基 利 赛SBp斯e马 蒂 尼 格P威 Fynea丁ktR龙MLKrgleeraooAaaraymBlenssrlsineiutbo-rigoRganarstogitMeythigcaiCgnertoiinns百万宝劳宝爱积伯江法ta达国玑力铂彼家爵诗兰n翡t士丹克AIBBJPiWnau丽irl顿穆aaReeCdgnggo勒ePVecuelmaeatpreFtxc-aateLrhriakensenPrCPcohokingiulMuilpteurpteleler

奢侈品1 lv ppt

奢侈品1 lv ppt

Prada is an Italian fashion brand that produces high-end luxury goods for men and women. It was started in 1913 by the Prada brothers Mario and Martino. The company took off in 1979 when Mario Prada’s granddaughter Miuccia took over the company . Now, Prada became a household name for richer business people. Its success relies on the simplicity and functionality of its products.
阿玛尼以一个领导者的风格闻名于世界各地。 1975年,传奇设计师乔治· 阿玛尼在意大利建立 时装商铺。它是当今时尚界最负盛名的名字之一。 它造就了许多的服装,饰品,眼镜和化妆品。 所有这些都经过精心的品牌“标签”,针对不同的 市场。乔治· 阿玛尼的收藏是世界上最昂贵的之一。
Hermès (Hermès) is a world-renowned luxury brand in 1837 by Thierry Hermès was founded in Paris, France, started to manufacture high horse with the early years, so far, more than 170 years of history. Hermes is the one loyal to the traditional arts and crafts, the constant pursuit of innovation, international business, and now owns 17 product line of bags, scarves, ties, men's, women's and living works of art. Hermes headquarters in Paris, France, branches all over the world.
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Brief reading. To build up the latest and the highest authoritative high-end infomation platform.
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Only given or sold to qualified persons of highest class Total Circulation: 180,000 per month. hing Areas: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hongkong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other rich areas in China. Readers: Wealthy people of high-end and their career partners and celebrities group. Channels: real names: Collecting, filtering and organizing via multi-channels, we built up a precise name list of China fortune elitists, ready to deliver on request. Mail: Directly mail tomansions, villas, VIP rooms in airport, bank and security organizations, 5ar hotels, golf clubs, yacht clubs, horse-racing clubs, high-end entertainment and consuming places of the area mentioned above. tation Retail: Airport, gathering of high-end group, club members, event recommended, etc. Free given: to EMBA colleges in China. given: on request of qualified readers (with individual/familial assets above 10 million yuan). iven: to high-grade elitists of China finance and economy, via the high-grade finance medium Economic Herald. e given: to high-grade elitists of China real estate and art, via the magazine HOUSE&ART. given: to fashion celebrities, via one of the best international fashion magazines International Jewelries & Watches. given: to high-grade people of China medias and broadcast, via Chinese Broadcast & Media Reserch Association. y Network covers Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hongkong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang… (Partners of equative level are still increasing.)
Jewelry Louvre
Collectable & Rare jewelries. To present brands' briliant creativity to briliant readers.
Soul Journey
To perspective the luxury and fashion in travel, To reveal the trend of hotel and airline industries.
Coபைடு நூலகம்umn
Dream Catcher
Exclusive interview with high-end elitists. To turely and thoroughly present the successful journey of leading giants in luxury brands.
To reveal the curtain of vogue, to bring stories and cultures of high-end fashion brands to high-end readers.
Private Life
To purchase the feeling of top luxury. To lead the fine-taste lifestyle of fashion groups.
rs Connoisseur
rovide the new release luxuary car information and the experience of the newest coolest luxuary car brand to high-end consumer
Summit Stationery
Collection of precious pens and stationery of high technology. To discover further thought beyond the practical applicability.
The windvane of international fine watches. To professionally analyze the magic of investing in these time Pandora boxes.
Time Gallery
Soft Capital
Thank You!
Leon Jiang Director of International PR Dept
Beauty Expo (PR) Media Group Address: Room 807, Building 3, No.45 North Xizhimen Street, Beijing, P.R China 100044