江苏省赣榆县智贤中学高中英语牛津必修 nit Bac to the pat 同步练习八

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Unit 3 Back to the past 同步练习(八)

总分 75分 时间 30 分钟 成绩评定 __________________ I. 诠释经典广告语:(每题5分,共20分) A


总分 100分 时间 40 分钟 成绩评定 __________________

I. 根据英文解释写单词:(每题1分,共5分)

1. A group of countries or states under a single ruler or ruling power 1. _________

2. A disorder; mistaking of one person or thing for another 2. ____________

3. B power to produce an effect; action of natural forces 3. ____________

4. A poems collectively or in general 4. ____________

5. A cause the downfall or defeat of (sb./ sth.); put an end to 5. ____________

II. 根据首字母提示或中文提示补全单词:(每题2分,共20分)

1. 1. A The official name of China is the People ’s R___________ of China.

2. B There has been some c__________ of names.

3. A There was also serious f_________ during 1916 on the Italian and on the Russian fronts.

4. A Guo Xiaochuan is my favorite p_________.

5. A The book had a great i____________ on his life.

6. B Mother and child were ___________(重新团聚) after years of separation.

7. B This is the physical process of rock ______________ (形成).

8. A The climbers tried to find a new ____________ (路线) to the top of the mountain.

9. B Are there any ______________ (相似之处) between Geothe and Byron?

10. B Mary must go home now, and Peter ____________(也同样).

III. 填空题:(每题2分,共40分) B

Three hundred years ago, the Russian Czar Peter the Great built a new capital — St. Petersburg. Many palaces were built during his lifetime. The palaces were large and beautiful, and they often looked (1) l_______ something out of a fairy tale.

St. Petersburg has also been the (2) p_______ of many important events in history. In 1941, the Germans tried to destroy the city. It was (3) u________ attack for 900 days, but the people of the city never (4)g________ in. The Germans burned many of' the palaces as they left. St. Petersburg was almost in (5) r________. Fires were burning everywhere. Buildings were destroyed, and paintings and statues (6) l________ in pieces on the ground. Restoring the city and cultural relics seemed impossible, but the people of this great city would not give up, “We will not (7) s_________ our history and culture destroyed, and we will do everything we can to (8) r ________ our city.”

When the Nazis had gone, the people of St. Petersburg (9) b_________ rebuilding the city. 预习 课堂 预习

Pieces of palaces that had been hidden (10) b_________ the Nazis came could now be (11) u___________to rebuild the city and its culture. It was not easy. Painters and workers had to be very (12) c_________ when they were trying to bring the city back to (13) l________. It was difficult to rescue the palaces and buildings (14) w_________destroying their old beauty. With the (15) h________ of old paintings and photographs, the people of St. Petersburg were (16) a________ to bring back the beauty of their culture and history. Now after years of (17) h_____ work, parts of statues have been put back (18) t_________ and missing pieces have been replaced. Old paintings, including a portrait of Peter the Great which was (19) f_______ in the snow outside St. Petersburg, have been carefully recreated, and the old palaces have been made as wonderful as in the (20) p________.

IV. 阅读理解:(共18分)

Do you ever wonder where television words came from? Many TV terms come from the combination of two words. Even the word television is made up of two words. These words are Greek and Latin words meaning “far” and “to see”.

One kind of television program is a soap opera. The first soap operas were stories on the radio. These stories are serials. They are continuous and can go on for many years. Soap companies first advertised their products during these shows on TV. The soap companies knew lots of wives and mothers watched these shows. And in fact, for some of the programs all of the commercials during the shows were for different kinds of soap. People then started calling these shows “soap operas”.

Serious TV programs are called dramas. Funny ones are called comedies. Some programs are both funny and serious. This kind of show is called a “dramedy”, the combination of “drama” and “comedy”. In a similar way, sitcom (情景喜剧) is the combination of “situation” and “comedy”.

Infomercials (商业信息片) are another kind of interesting program on TV. An infomercial is a very long commercial. One can last three or four hours. The word infomercial is the combination of “information” and “commercial”. Infomercials began i n the 1980s. Now you can watch hours and hours of infomercials for all kinds of products, especially on cable television. Just be careful you don’t turn into a couch potato!

1. B What is the main idea of this reading?

A. Famous television programs

B. Meanings of television words

C. What people watch on television

D. How TV changed the meaning of words

2. A Why were some programs called serials?

A. They tried to sell soap.

B. They continued for a long time.

C. They were on the radio.

D. They came from operas.

3. A What is an infomercial?

A. A show that is funny and serious

B. A show with lots of commercials

C. A long commercial

D. A program from the 1980s

4. B Which program would probably NOT include a funny story?

A. A sitcom

B. An infomercial

C. A dramedy

D. A comedy

5. A Why did soap companies choose to advertise during soap operas?

A. The stories were continuous.

B. The company liked the show.

C. Their customers watched them.

D. Commercials were not expensive.

6. A What does the underlined words “couch potato” mean?

A. 老泡在电视机前的人

B. 去亲戚家看完电视后睡沙发的人
