Jane Austen 英美文学PPT资料37页

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About Jane Austen
English writer, who first gave the novel its modern character through the treatment of everyday life (第一个现实地描绘日常平 凡生活中平凡人物的小说家.
Virginia Woolf called Austen “ the most perfect artist among women”.
Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings.
We do not look in our great cities for our best morality.
What is right to be done cannot be done too soon.
4) Austen's novels are brightened by their witty
conversation & omnipresent humor. Her language shines with an exquisite touch of lively gracefulness, elegant & refined, but never showy.
with humor and understanding. She depicted minor landed gentry, country clergymen and their families, in which marriage mainly determined women’s social status. Most important for her were those little matters.
sense and sensibility Pride and Prejudice Mansfield Park Emma Northanger Abbey Persuasion
1811 《理智与情感》
1814 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》
Education: mainly at home by her father with a good library.
environment: lived a quiet, retired and uneventful life.
Marriage: never
In her early twenties :wrote the novels that were later to be reworked and published
Characteristics of Jane’s novels
1) Austen's novels describe a narrow range of society & events: a quiet, prosperous, middle class circle in provincial surroundings, which she knew well from her own experience
Books published posthumously
The Watsons Fragment of a Novel Plan of a Novel.
Writing style
Austen focused on the life of middle-class
Jane Austen`s quotes
A woman, especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can.
一个女人要是不幸聪明得什么都懂,那就必须同时懂得怎么伪装成什 么都不懂
known as the status on par with Shakespeare .
About her life
Born: on 16 December, 1775 In a country clergyman’s family.
Family : the seventh of eight children (six brothers and a sister)
2) Her subject matter is also limited, for most of her novels deal with the subject of getting married, which was in fact the central problem for the young leisure-class lady of that age, who had no other choice in her life but to find a good husband.
Austen’s main literary concern
human beings in their personal relationships, particularly preoccupied with the relationship between men and women in love.
3) Austen's interest was in human nature; in her depiction of human nature, instead of being fascinated by great waves of elevated emotion, by passion or heroic experience, she focused on the trivial & petty details of everyday living, which became very interesting through her truthful & lively