新编实用英语第二册unit2,3 ,4练习答案
新编实用英语第二版综合教程二 课后答案

第一单元1为方便起见,这些照片将按照时间顺序展示For convenience, the photos will be shown in time sequence.、2出现事故之后你需要把车停下You are required to stop your car after an accident3教育孩子的观念和做法因文化的差异而有所不同The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture.4与其说他是位音乐家,倒不如说他是位诗人He is more of a poet than a musician5我父亲已好心地提出让我们去飞机场My father has kindly offered to take us to the airport6我们确实应该找个时间很快见面,讨论一下细节We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.1You are not required to commit yourself until you know what the invitation is for.Once he starts a job he won't stop until it's finished.他直到30岁才找到女朋友。
.He didn't have a girlfriend until he was thirty.我不告诉你,你不要离开。
Don't leave until I tell you to.2The invitation turns out to be something you'd hate to do.It turns out that he is the person you'd have to deal with.真实情况原来比我们想象得更为离奇。

Unit 15. 1)For convenience, the photos will be shown in time sequence.为方便起见,这些照片将按照时间顺序展示。
2)You are required to stop your car after an accident.出现事故之后你需要把车停下。
3)The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture.教育孩子的观念和做法因文化的差异而有所不同。
4)He is more of a poet than a musician.与其说他是为音乐家,但不如说他是位诗人。
5)My father has kindly offered to take us to the airport.我父亲已经好心地提出送我们去飞机场。
6)We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.我们确实应该找个时间很快见面,讨论一下细节。
6. 1) He didn’t have a girlfriend until he was thirty.他直到30岁才找到女朋友。
Don’t leave until I tell you to.我不告诉你,你不要离开。
2)The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected.3)真实情况原来比我们想象得更为离奇。
It turns out that she had known him when they were children 原来他们还是孩子的时候,她就认识他了。
4)I’m sorry I’m not in a position to help you right now.5)很抱歉,我现在不能忙你的忙。
新编实用英语第二册 练习答案

新编实用英语第二册unit1练习答案P4-1①What are you doing tonight② i was wondering ③i wish i could ④write a term paper ⑤ some other time then ⑥ That's rightP4-21)are you doing anything special tommorrow evening ?2) i would like invite you to come to my birthday party . would you like to join us ?:3) Good , will you come at 7:00 ?4) Lemonade if you must bring sth .P4-31) what are you going to do this weekend ?2) Thunderstorm is on this weekend .3) the early or the late show4) Maybe go to KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken ) or a Coffee Shop .5) i 'd rather go to KFC6) when and where shall we meet ?P5-1①tomorrow ②ball game ③skiing ④for a long time ⑤very warm ⑥agreeP6-2① No , she doen't ②going to the ball game and skiing ③She heard it on the radio ④ No , he doesn't ⑤ He will give claire a callP6-3① the time and place ②fine ③formal written ④ in writing ⑤ at the bottom ⑥ attend ⑦ in person or by phone ⑧ comfortableP7-41) d 2) C 3) a 4) bP8-11) You should not fell committed until you know what the invitation2) it is : apology , reason for refusal , thanks for the invitation .3) it means each pays one's own check when eating in a restaurant .4) the word "sometime ".1) instances 2) informal 3)entertain 4) host 5) casual 6)suggestionP9-3① invent an excuse later ② present problems ③ explicit④ specific time mentioned ⑤ Yes , that would be nice .P9-41) instance 2) present 3) hostess 4. appropriate 5)invent 6) entertain7) explicit 8) identifyP9-5!) For convenience , the photo will be shown in time sequence.2) You are required to stop your car after an accident .3) The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture .4) He is more of a poet than a musician .5) my father has kindly offered to take us to the airport .6) We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details .P10-61) He didn't have a girl friend until he was thirty .Don't leave until i tell you to .2) The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected .it turns out that she had known him when they were children .3) i 'm sorry , i'm not in a position to help you right now .i 'm sure they would like to help her out financially but they are not in a position to do so .4) In many instances it is the teacher who talks , but in some instances the students talk.In may instances it is the husband who pays , but in some instances the wife pays her own bill .5) He is more of a director than a producer .He is more of a composer than a singer .6) There ar also houses that seem warm but in fact are not .There are also music pieces that sound like light music but in fact are not .1T 2T 3T 4F 5F 6TP12-91. 似乎很长时间没收到你的来信了,从你到工作室算起,现在就更久了。

新编实用英语第二册答案第1单元一、填词1 What's you(guideline指导方针)in choosing songs for your audience?2 The(seminar讨论会)starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the impact of technology on the climate in the future3 Barclays appointed bob Diamond ,the head of its investment banking business,as its new chief(executive主管)from march 20114.Frankly speaking, I cannot(uphold支持)such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal interest5 However just because you can write statements in purely mathematical (notations标记),this doesn't mean that you necessarily should6 That was good(timing时间选择)because his work was influential in shaping the project plan7 Those studying abroad will most (likely可能)return home for better employment because of the tight job market abroad8 It gives me great pleasure to express once again my deep appreciation for the grand (reception招待)and generous .hospitality we enjoy here二、汉译英1美国人一般早早的就安排好他们的退休生活Americas usually arrange their retirement well in advance2他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手They are commonly regarded as the most promissing singer 3我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话I've heard from your references that employers had call them4请告诉我们的具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备Please inform us the specific time,so that we can make proper preparation5我们对出席派对的人数的估计与实际的人数差一大截We show up party to estimate of the number of people with actual to is a large margin6只要不成为阅读的负担,你的报告可以包括足够的细节Your report can include enough details as long as it doesn't become burden to read第2单元一、填词1 The world leaders outlined joint efforts (combat克服)the spread of nuclear weapons2 He didn't look nervous ,if anything ,helooked only slightly (perplexed 困惑的)3 You can (omit省略)the last two sentences in the report4 Healthy and understanding are the twogreat (blessing好处)of life5 the amountof money spent on the design of (interactive 互动的)advertising on the television is still small6 the noisy traffic is a continual (annoyance烦脑) to the citizens7 To our great (disappointment失望),she did not come as expected that day8 In order to notify him, I put the (notification通知)on his door but he didn't come back to look at it二、汉译英1就我个人而言,我将永远习惯不了退休In my opinion,I will not get used to retirement2你想找个机会去中国西南部发现一个神奇又美丽的地方吗?Do you want the chance to discover a magical and beautiful place in the southest of china3你学习英文时,你将会发现把英文句子逐字翻译成自己的母语并不是聪明的办法When you study English ,you will find it's not a smart way to translate an English sentence into his own native language word for word 4如果我可以重提我们刚才讨论过的问题的话,我认为我们应该尽一切努力保护大熊猫If I could refer back to the previous statement I think we should do everything to protect pandas 5我们有没有一些线索可以串联起来,以便更好的理解这件事Do we have any clues and hints to piece together to better understand it 第3单元填词1 Her lawyer said that she understood the(consequence结果) of her action2 New (advanced提高)in medicine improve the quality of health care3 Without friends ,he felt (lonely 孤独)in the city he had just arrived in4 Music is (invisible看不见)we can hear it and feel it but not see it5 She forgot to (insert插入) the letter into the envelope6 The Queen's (attendants服务员)were always surrounding her7 She loves her cat and often (pets抚摸) it on the back8 What do you (intend打算)doin when you get to that place9 A dark suit is (preferable更可取)to a light one for evening wear10 Linda has $500 on (deposit存款) in her account11 The picnic was (interrupted打断)by a hard shower yesterday12.(Evidently明显),he likes music so much that he’s taking piano lessons.二、汉译英1请个家里打个电话告诉他们我正在去公司的路上Please call home and tell him I'm on theway to the company 2从那时起生产就一直没有倒退There has never been any setback inproduction3我看见他把钥匙插入锁中I saw him insert the key into the lock4我建议你把钱存入银行I suggest you that make a deposit at the bank5你可以将这些扬声器与你的激光唱机连接起来You can connect these loud speakers to the CD Player。
新编实用英语综合教程2(第二版)练习答案 (unit4-unit6)

Payment: in cash
Tel. Number: 0086-431-568-9672
Fax: 0086-431-568-9675
Email address: dong@
6. firefighters
7. burns
8. hospital
9. guests
10. cause
A篇 迈阿密大学克莱姆宾馆住宿指南
4. How are you going to pay , in cash or by credit card ?
5. Here is the change , $ 23
P58- 3
1. fire
2. 3:10
3. reporters
4. on fire
5. at the windows
8. inconvenience
9. comfortably
10. available

新编实用英语综合教程2u n i t3课后练习答案This model paper was revised by LINDA on December 15, 2012.新编实用英语综合教程2Unit 3课后习题答案P39-11 speak2. where is he3. might be with4. leave a message5. call me6. 667-34527. welcomeP39- 21. Hello , May I speak to Mr. Smith please, please , tell hime to call the director's office , the number is 864-35093. It would be best if he cold call this afternoon , at about 2 o'clock4. thanks a lotP39-31. Hello2. I am sorry , but he is not in at the moment , would you like to leave a message3. I 'll tell her as soon as he is back4. You're welcome .P40-31. a telephone message2. a memo3. phone4. at home5. personal6. skills7. a message8. expect9. who called10. what was the message11. friends and family12. questions13. when they called14. the person calling15. reach himP41-41- b 2- dP43-11. Because people stopped talking face to face to one another2. Because his friends was busy talking on the phone , completely forgetting his present3. Because they can be used anywhere and anytime4. Without seeing or talking to one another and with voice mail , we can conduct entire poeple lose their inimacy of interaction .5. People lose their intimacy of interaction6. He thinks it's great , but worries about its unintended consequences . P43-21. disconnected2. set back3. internet4. talking5. reaching6. answer7. contact8. goes up9. phone10. automatedP43-31. the communications revolution2. their cell phones3. electronic voice4. e-mail5. voice mail6. Directory assistance7. greatP44-41. burden2. advances3. lonely4. invisible5. insert6. attendents7. pets8. chain9. preferable10. deposit11. interrupted12. EvidentlyP44-51. Please dial home and tell them I am on the way to the company2. Since then there was never been any setback in production3. I saw him insert the key into the lock4. I suggest that you make a deposit at the bank5. Yesterday checked out from that hotel .P44- 61. The hall was filled with students waiting for the interview .The square of the village was filled with people waching the football match2. We used to grow beautiful rosesPeter used to go to the small town3. Why is it that this conclusion is wrongwhy is it that she can sing better than I4. As I knew him better , I discovered that my first impression of him wasright .We got wiser as we get older5. Why use wood when you can use plasticwhy ask me to do it when you can do it yourself6. Pretty soon you won't have the burden of cooking breakfast for himpretty soon you won't take the trouble to send her to go to school everymorning .P46-71-T 2- F 3-T 4-T 5- T 6- F 7-T 8- T 9-F 10- T 11. T 12- TP47-91. 不管有时是字母与数字混合使用,所有电话号码都是7位数字。

新编实用英语2课后答案第1单元一、填词1 What's you(guideline指导方针)in choosing songs for your audience?2 The(seminar讨论会)starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the impact of technology on the climate in the future3 Barclays appointed bob Diamond ,the head of its investment banking business,as its newchief(executive主管)from march 20114.Frankly speaking,I cannot(uphold支持)such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal interest5 However just because you can write statements in purely mathematical (notations标记),this doesn't mean that you necessarily should6 That was good(timing时间选择)because his work was influential in shaping the project plan7 Those studying abroad will most (likely可能)return home for better employment because of the tight job market abroad8 It gives me great pleasure to express once again my deep appreciation for the grand (reception 招待)and generous .hospitality we enjoy here 二、汉译英1美国人一班早早的就安排好他们的退休生活Americas usually arrange their retirement well in advance2他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手They are commonly regarded as the most promissing singer3我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话I've heard from your references that employers had call them4请告诉我们的具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备Please inform us the specific time,so that we can make proper preparation5我们对出席派对的人数的估计与实际的人数差一大截We show up party to estimate of the number of people with actual to is a large margin6只要不成为阅读的负担,你的报告可以包括足够的细节Your report can include enough details as long as it doesn't become burden to read三、英译汉1、 Although invitations are usually sent through the mail ,informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable.尽管邀请通常是通过发送邮件、非正式邀请如电子邮件和电话被邀请成为更可接受的。

新编实用英语综合教程第二册unit4课后练习答案新编实用英语综合教程第二册unit4课后习题答案P56-11. day2. staying3. a week4. a room5. charge6. hotel cost7. deposit8. beforeP56-21. I have a reservation with you2. may I have a look at your passport3. would you please fill out the registration from4. Here is the key to Romm 5012 and the key card5. The bell -man will show you the wayP57-31.I would like to check out2. You checked in three days ago3. How much is the rate per night4. How are you going to pay , in cash or by credit card ?5. Here is the change , $ 23P58- 31. fire2. 3:103. reporters4. on fire5. at the windows6. firefighters7. burns8. hospital9. guests10. causeA篇迈阿密大学克莱姆宾馆住宿指南欢迎您入住克莱姆宾馆,我们荣幸地向迈阿密大学尊贵的客人提供优美的住宿条件。
在我们向您提供服务期间,我们提醒您注意以下事项:* 客房部经理住在大厅入口旁的129室,您可以拨打9-5226与他联系。

Unit2 Answers to the Exercises Vocabulary I1. P411) abrupt2) emotional3) bless 4) wear and tear5) dated6) confusion7) seemingly8) in contrast to9) Curiosity10) genuine11) primarily12) sentiment2. P421) When you are confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) Water is vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) There is still confusion among the student about what to do after class to follow up on the subject.4) As a person of simple living habits, he needs nothing more than a job and an apartment.5) It tickles him when she’d come to ask his advice.3. P431) a lingering; fabricating; sentiments2) fill out; the items; vital; consequence3) be denied; tangible; cherish; attainVocabulary II P. 441) It is a long trip and it will take us five hours to reach there by bus.2) She arrived early and took the front row.3) Don’t take me a fool.4) One takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5) My uncle will take me to the Arctic this summer.6) He reached out and got the dinner plate I passed to him.7) Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition8) If you do not take my advice, you will regret it.Vocabulary III P451. hanging2. to give3. to return4. praising5. not writing6. to say7. to open8. being helpedComprehensive Exercises Cloze 1 P461) affluent2) dated3) falling into 4) bracket5) deny6) tangible7) pursuit8) cherishes9) out of place10) abrupt11) sentiment12) donationsCloze 2 P46-471) consume2) fueled3) annual 4) plain5) mostly6) significance7) indicates8) equally9) traditional10) followsIII Translation1. P471) The company denied that its donation had commercial aims.2) He stammers a little whenever he gets angry.3) Our family cherishes education very much. That is why my parents have never taken me to have expensive meals in hotels, but sent me to best private school.4) Shortly after his recovery from the operation, he lost his job, and thus went through another difficult phase in his life.5) In contrast to the affluent neighbors, our parents were rather poor, but they always tries to satisfy our minimal needs.III Translation 2. P 48As the donation accumulates constantly, our school will enjoy a better financial situation next year. In that case, we can focus on the primary tasks as an educator: to encourage the students to attain their academic goals, educate them to be a responsible and dependable individual, get them prepared for their future life and guide in their pursuit of material and spiritual satisfaction.Unit3 Answers to the ExerciseVocabularyI 1. P721) typical2) dumb3) junior 4) glorious5) welfare6) has come over7) interference8) fading9) narrowed down10) frank11) schemes12) at any rateI 2. P731) The security council consists of five generals and four police officers.2) The new hotel is at a location overlooking the lake according to the plan.3) I was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) Do you have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) The boy was exhausted from the long cycle ride.I 3. P741) hysterical, is handed down from, know better than2) twisted, over and over, talent3) patience, not to keep him in suspense, assured, repeatedlyII. Collocation P741) adequate2) anxious 3) certain4) content5) crazy6) likely7) fortunate8) keeIII. Usage L751) be admitted2) live 3) be postponed4) buy5) be banned6) beComprehensive ExerciseI Cloze 1. P751) typical2) welfare3) constant4) frank 5) talent6) dumb7) know better thanthat8) repeatedly9) dread10) interference11) bet12) assureI Cloze 2. P751) despite2) really3) same 4) contact5) admitted6) attempt7) not8) tend9) different10) mannerII Translation 1. P761) Have the scientists found the proof that there is water on Mars?2) The planning committee has already narrowed down the possible locations for nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.3) Sam lost his job as well as his legs. Consequently, he had to live his life on social welfare.4) The jury, consisting of twelve people, voted in unison that Mary was guilty.5) Sean felt deeply humiliated when he heard someone questioning his talent.II Translation 2. P77George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, and the noise interrupted the sleep of other residents in the community. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured his neighbors that he would solve the problem. Putting down the telephone, Mr. Johnson scolded his son: “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for the sake of your own entertainment.” As a result, George traded his recor ds for computer games software from his classmates.。

新编实用英语第二册unit1练习答案P4-1①What are you doing tonight②i was wondering ③i wish i could ④write a term paper ⑤some other time then ⑥That's rightP4-21)are you doing anything special tommorrow evening ?2) i would like invite you to come to my birthday party . would you like to join us ?:3) Good , will you come at 7:00 ?4) Lemonade if you must bring sth .P4-31) what are you going to do this weekend ?2) Thunderstorm is on this weekend .3) the early or the late show4) Maybe go to KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken ) or a Coffee Shop .5) i 'd rather go to KFC6) when and where shall we meet ?P5-1①tomorrow ②ball game ③skiing ④for a long time ⑤very warm ⑥agreeP6-2①No , she doen't ②going to the ball game and skiing ③She heard it on the radio ④No , he doesn't ⑤He will give claire a callP6-3①the time and place ②fine ③formal written ④in writing ⑤at the bottom ⑥attend ⑦in person or by phone ⑧comfortableP7-41) d 2) C 3) a 4) bP8-11) You should not fell committed until you know what the invitation2) it is : apology , reason for refusal , thanks for the invitation .3) it means each pays one's own check when eating in a restaurant .4) the word "sometime ".P9-21) instances 2) informal 3)entertain 4) host 5) casual 6)suggestionP9-3①invent an excuse later ②present problems ③explicit④specific time mentioned ⑤Yes , that would be nice .P9-41) instance 2) present 3) hostess 4. appropriate 5)invent 6) entertain7) explicit 8) identifyP9-5!) For convenience , the photo will be shown in time sequence.2) You are required to stop your car after an accident .3) The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture .4) He is more of a poet than a musician .5) my father has kindly offered to take us to the airport .6) We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details .P10-61) He didn't have a girl friend until he was thirty .Don't leave until i tell you to .2) The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected .it turns out that she had known him when they were children .3) i 'm sorry , i'm not in a position to help you right now .i 'm sure they would like to help her out financially but they are not in a position to do so .4) In many instances it is the teacher who talks , but in some instances the students talk. In may instances it is the husband who pays , but in some instances the wife pays her own bill .5) He is more of a director than a producer .He is more of a composer than a singer .6) There ar also houses that seem warm but in fact are not .There are also music pieces that sound like light music but in fact are not .P12-71T 2T 3T 4F 5F 6TP12-91. 似乎很长时间没收到你的来信了,从你到工作室算起,现在就更久了。
新编实用英语第二册unit2 练习答案

新编实用英语第二册unit2 练习答案2009信息公布栏2010-04-12 14:23:23 阅读6480 评论7 字号:大中小订阅P21-11)i am confused 2)what they all mean 3)can tell you some 4) how interesting5) i 'll be grateful 6)came across 7)does it meanP21-21) Chatting on line looks like fun , have you ever tried it ?2) How do you feel about it ?3) Oh , really ? what 's the fun of it ?4) Wow , can you name some of them ?5) How interesting ! i should find some time to try it .P22-31) You really go online a lot , don't you ?2) i really do love browsing the internet .3) You get to enter a completely different world without going anywhere at all .4) The most interesting things is that you can do shopping online .5) The most stimulating example is the virtual car show rooms .6) so what can people do there ?P22-11)BBS 2) Users 3) way 4) keepers %) personalP23-21) It's about college BBS2) It stands for Bulletin Board system .3) It's a good way for college students to exchange information .4) It want to show the problem of personnal attacks .5) It is suggested that the users provide real names and more strict watch be carried out over the contentof BBS information .P23-31) Internet shopping 2)most popular 3)online 4) 1996 5) videos6) make use of 7) every book 8) at the webset 9) publish a new book10) sample 11) ten times 12) usual bookshops 13) credit card14) its business 15) in the past few yearsP23-41)-C 2) A 3) D 4) C 5) BP26_1.1) It can share information , conduct business and communicate with people .2) About 55 million Americans .3) It is an auction site4) It allows families and friends to communicate at a low price and more frequently .P26-21) constant 2) sped up 3) conduct 4) benefit 5) privacy 6) education7) access 8) digitalP27-31) 22 million members2) increasingly merging with3) online growth4) broadbandlinks5) their own homesP27- 41) conducted 2) speeding up 3) merge 4) innovation 5) constant6) makes it clear 7) respective 8) slow downP27-51. They told the story through the medium of dance .2. The temperature will increase greatly into the eighties Fahrenheit over the weekend .3. We have succeeded in speeding up the production rate in the last few months .4. Once the payment has been made , the goods will be delivered at your convenience .5. They have complete access to the company 's files .6.Originally , it was a bed room , but we have turned it into a study now .P28-61. In just six years , email has become the most popular means for communication .In just a few years , cars will become the necessity of many families .2. This argument become increasingly bitter , almost becoming personal attacks .It has been made increasingly clearly that the air pollution in this city is becoming more and moreserious.3. As with the previous plan , we'll carry this one through to the end .As with the flight schedules , the bus schedule are also strictly followed .4. In spite of repeated assurances that the product is safe , the sales do not appear to be increasingly atanytime soon .in spite of the efforts by the search party , there was not hope of finding the missing boy soon .5. Another factor is that children living in the countryside can get a better education , with the webtechnologyproviding new technical possibilities .Another factor is that there are more opportunities for young people to find a job .6. This type of car , originally affordable , only by millionairs , is rapidly becoming available to averagepeople .This kind of lap-top , originally used by only a few , is rapidly becoming available to many people .P30-71F 2T 3T 4T 5F 6T 7T 8T 9F 10FP30-91.我发现, 花上一个晚上与新朋友聊天是非常轻松的。

新编实用英语2课后答案第1单元单元一、填词1 What's you(1 What's you(guideline guideline 指导方针)in choosing songs for your audience ?2 2 The(The(The(seminar seminar 讨论会)starts starts on on on Friday Friday Friday and and and the the the experts experts experts will will will be be be discussing discussing the impact of technology on the climate in the future3 Barclays appointed bob Diamond ,the head of its investment banking business,as its new chief(business,as its new chief(executive executive 主管)from march 20114.Frankly speaking,Frankly speaking, I cannot I cannot((uphold 支持)such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal interest5 However just because you can write statements in purely mathematical (notations 标记),this doesn't mean that you necessarily should6 That was good 6 That was good((timing 时间选择)because his work was influential in shaping the project plan7 7 Those Those Those studying studying studying abroad abroad abroad will will will most most most ((likely 可能) return return home home home for for for better better employment because of the tight job market abroad8 It gives me great pleasure to express once again my deep appreciation for the grand (for the grand (reception reception 招待)and generous .hospitality we enjoy here二、汉译英二、汉译英1美国人一班早早的就安排好他们的退休生活美国人一班早早的就安排好他们的退休生活Americas usually arrange their retirement well in advance2他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手They are commonly regarded as the most promissing singer3我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话I've heard from your references that employers had call them4请告诉我们的具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备请告诉我们的具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备Please inform us the specific time,so that we can make proper preparation 5我们对出席派对的人数的估计与实际的人数差一大截We show up party to estimate of the number of people with actual to is a large margin6只要不成为阅读的负担,你的报告可以包括足够的细节Your report can include enough details as long as it doesn't become burden to read三、英译汉三、英译汉1、 Although invitations are usually sent through the mail ,informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable.尽管邀请通常是通过发送邮件、非正式邀请如电子邮件和电话被邀请成为更可接受的。

新编实用英语第二册unit1练习答案P4-1①What are you doing tonight②i was wondering ③i wish i could ④write a term paper ⑤some other time then ⑥That's rightP4-21)are you doing anything special tommorrow evening ?2) i would like invite you to come to my birthday party . would you like to join us ?:3) Good , will you come at 7:00 ?4) Lemonade if you must bring sth .P4-31) what are you going to do this weekend ?2) Thunderstorm is on this weekend .3) the early or the late show4) Maybe go to KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken ) or a Coffee Shop .5) i 'd rather go to KFC6) when and where shall we meet ?P5-1①tomorrow ②ball game ③skiing ④for a long time ⑤very warm ⑥agreeP6-2①No , she doen't ②going to the ball game and skiing ③She heard it on the radio ④No , he doesn't ⑤He will give claire a callP6-3①the time and place ②fine ③formal written ④in writing ⑤at the bottom ⑥attend ⑦in person or by phone ⑧comfortableP7-41) d 2) C 3) a 4) bP8-11) You should not fell committed until you know what the invitation2) it is : apology , reason for refusal , thanks for the invitation .3) it means each pays one's own check when eating in a restaurant .4) the word "sometime ".P9-21) instances 2) informal 3)entertain 4) host 5) casual 6)suggestionP9-3①invent an excuse later ②present problems ③explicit④specific time mentioned ⑤Yes , that would be nice .P9-41) instance 2) present 3) hostess 4. appropriate 5)invent 6) entertain7) explicit 8) identifyP9-5!) For convenience , the photo will be shown in time sequence.2) You are required to stop your car after an accident .3) The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture .4) He is more of a poet than a musician .5) my father has kindly offered to take us to the airport .6) We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details .P10-61) He didn't have a girl friend until he was thirty .Don't leave until i tell you to .2) The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected .it turns out that she had known him when they were children .3) i 'm sorry , i'm not in a position to help you right now .i 'm sure they would like to help her out financially but they are not in a position to do so .4) In many instances it is the teacher who talks , but in some instances the students talk. In may instances it is the husband who pays , but in some instances the wife pays her own bill .5) He is more of a director than a producer .He is more of a composer than a singer .6) There ar also houses that seem warm but in fact are not .There are also music pieces that sound like light music but in fact are not .P12-71T 2T 3T 4F 5F 6TP12-91. 似乎很长时间没收到你的来信了,从你到工作室算起,现在就更久了。

新编实用英语(综合教程二课后习题答案全集)(New practical English (integrated course two, complete set of exercisesafter class))第一单元p9-5!)为方便起见,这些照片将按照时间顺序展示。
p12-71t 2t 3t 4f 5f 6tp12-91。
随信寄出会议的详尽日程,Room and board arrangement and activity plan.Last year you gave us a very lively statement entitled "high tech purchasing". We would appreciate it if you would consider giving us the latest development report on this subject.We shall appreciate it if you will confirm your attendance at the meeting as soon as possible.P13-sample 2In view of your letter of May 25th, I am pleased to inform you that I will attend the meeting in July this year.I would appreciate it if you could send me a more detailedschedule of meetings.Unfortunately, I can not make a fresh addition to last year's speech. I am busy with the work and I have no time to prepare.In any case, I am looking forward to attending the meeting again.P14-2It's my pleasure to invite you to our annual meeting. This year's conference will be held at University of Nottingham in August 20th.Send details of the meeting, accommodation and business activities plan.Last year you made a very interesting report entitled "academic standards and expectations". We would appreciate it if you could give us a speech on the latest developments in this subject.We shall appreciate it if you will let us know as soon as possible at your convenience.P14-3()) confirm, my, participation, in, this, year's, conference, in, August,()) you, could, send, me, further, details, about, the,programe,()) I, will, not, be, able, to, give, an, update, on,, last, time's, talk4),工作压力不允许时间准备谈一谈。

Americans usually make a plane for their retirement well in advance.2)他们通常被看成最有希望的歌手。
They are commonly regarded as the most promising singers.3)我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话I have heard from references that your employer had called them.4)请告诉我们具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备。
Please inform us the exact time so that we can make proper arrangements.5)我们对出席派对人数的估计与实际来的人数差了一大截。
Our estimate of how many people would show up at the party6)只要不成为阅读负担,你的报告可以包括足够多的细节。
Your report can include enough details as long as it will not be a burden to read.7)就个人而言,我将永远都习惯不了退休。
Personally ,I will never get used to being retired8)你想找个机会去中国的西南部发现一个神奇又美丽的地方吗?Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty .9)你学习英文时,会发现把英文句子逐字翻译成自己的母语并不是聪明的办法。
When you are leaning English ,you well find out that it is not clever to translate putthe English sentences word for word into your own language .10)如果我可以重提我们刚才讨论过的问题的话,我认为我们应该尽一切努力保护大熊猫。

新编实用英语2课后答案第1单元一、填词1 What's you(guideline指导方针)in choosing songs for your audience?2 The(seminar讨论会)starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the impact of technology on the climate in the future3 Barclays appointed bob Diamond ,the head of its investment banking business,as its new chief(executive主管)from march 20114.Frankly speaking,I cannot(uphold支持)such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal interest5 However just because you can write statements in purely mathematical (notations标记),this doesn't mean that you necessarily should6 That was good(timing时间选择)because his work was influential in shaping the project plan7 Those studying abroad will most (likely可能) return home for better employment because of the tight job market abroad8 It gives me great pleasure to express once again my deep appreciation for the grand (reception招待)and generous .hospitality we enjoy here 二、汉译英1美国人一班早早的就安排好他们的退休生活Americas usually arrange their retirement well in advance2他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手They are commonly regarded as the most promissing singer3我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话I've heard from your references that employers had call them4请告诉我们的具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备Please inform us the specific time,so that we can make proper preparation 5我们对出席派对的人数的估计与实际的人数差一大截We show up party to estimate of the number of people with actual to is a large margin6只要不成为阅读的负担,你的报告可以包括足够的细节Your report can include enough details as long as it doesn't become burden to read三、英译汉1、 Although invitations are usually sent through the mail ,informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable.尽管邀请通常是通过发送邮件、非正式邀请如电子邮件和电话被邀请成为更可接受的。

练习题及答案Unit 1练习题:1.Translate the following sentences into English.(1)你的身体怎么样?(2)我有些胃不舒服。
2.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(1)How are you feeling?(2)I feel a little sick.答案:(1)How is your body feeling?(2)I feel a little uncomfortable in mystomach.(1)你感觉如何?(2)我感觉有点不舒服。
Unit 2练习题:1.Answer the following questions.(1)How do you do?(2)What’s your name?2.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of thegiven verbs.(1)I __________ (be) a teacher.(2)He __________ (like) to play basketball. 答案:(1)How do you do?(2)My name is Li Ming.(1)am(2)likesUnit 3练习题:1.Translate the following sentences into English.(1)我们需要一个更大的房间。
(2)你能否借给我一些钱?2.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(1)We need a bigger room.(2)Can you lend me some money?答案:(1)We need a bigger room.(2)Can you lend me some money?(1)我们需要一个更大的房间。

Unit2 Answers to the Exercises Vocabulary I1. P411) abrupt2) emotional3) bless 4) wear and tear5) dated6) confusion7) seemingly8) in contrast to9) Curiosity10) genuine11) primarily12) sentiment2. P421) When you are confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) Water is vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) There is still confusion among the student about what to do after class to follow up on the subject.4) As a person of simple living habits, he needs nothing more than a job and an apartment.5) It tickles him when she’d come to ask his advice.3. P431) a lingering; fabricating; sentiments2) fill out; the items; vital; consequence3) be denied; tangible; cherish; attainVocabulary II P. 441) It is a long trip and it will take us five hours to reach there by bus.2) She arrived early and took the front row.3) Don’t take me a fool.4) One takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5) My uncle will take me to the Arctic this summer.6) He reached out and got the dinner plate I passed to him.7) Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition8) If you do not take my advice, you will regret it.Vocabulary III P451. hanging2. to give3. to return4. praising5. not writing6. to say7. to open8. being helpedComprehensive Exercises Cloze 1 P461) affluent2) dated3) falling into 4) bracket5) deny6) tangible7) pursuit8) cherishes9) out of place10) abrupt11) sentiment12) donationsCloze 2 P46-471) consume2) fueled3) annual 4) plain5) mostly6) significance7) indicates8) equally9) traditional10) followsIII Translation1. P471) The company denied that its donation had commercial aims.2) He stammers a little whenever he gets angry.3) Our family cherishes education very much. That is why my parents have never taken me to have expensive meals in hotels, but sent me to best private school.4) Shortly after his recovery from the operation, he lost his job, and thus went through another difficult phase in his life.5) In contrast to the affluent neighbors, our parents were rather poor, but they always tries to satisfy our minimal needs.III Translation 2. P 48As the donation accumulates constantly, our school will enjoy a better financial situation next year. In that case, we can focus on the primary tasks as an educator: to encourage the students to attain their academic goals, educate them to be a responsible and dependable individual, get them prepared for their future life and guide in their pursuit of material and spiritual satisfaction.Unit3 Answers to the ExerciseVocabularyI 1. P721) typical2) dumb3) junior 4) glorious5) welfare6) has come over7) interference8) fading9) narrowed down10) frank11) schemes12) at any rateI 2. P731) The security council consists of five generals and four police officers.2) The new hotel is at a location overlooking the lake according to the plan.3) I was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) Do you have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) The boy was exhausted from the long cycle ride.I 3. P741) hysterical, is handed down from, know better than2) twisted, over and over, talent3) patience, not to keep him in suspense, assured, repeatedlyII. Collocation P741) adequate2) anxious 3) certain4) content5) crazy6) likely7) fortunate8) keeIII. Usage L751) be admitted2) live 3) be postponed4) buy5) be banned6) beComprehensive ExerciseI Cloze 1. P751) typical2) welfare3) constant4) frank 5) talent6) dumb7) know better thanthat8) repeatedly9) dread10) interference11) bet12) assureI Cloze 2. P751) despite2) really3) same 4) contact5) admitted6) attempt7) not8) tend9) different10) mannerII Translation 1. P761) Have the scientists found the proof that there is water on Mars?2) The planning committee has already narrowed down the possible locations for nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.3) Sam lost his job as well as his legs. Consequently, he had to live his life on social welfare.4) The jury, consisting of twelve people, voted in unison that Mary was guilty.5) Sean felt deeply humiliated when he heard someone questioning his talent.II Translation 2. P77George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, and the noise interrupted the sleep of other residents in the community. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured his neighbors that he would solve the problem. Putting down the telephone, Mr. Johnson scolded his son: “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for the sake of your own entertainment.” As a result, George traded his recor ds for computer games software from his classmates.。
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5) It is suggested that the users provide real names and more strict watch be carried out over the content of BBS information .
1) Internet shopping 2)most popular 3)online 4) 1996 5) videos
1) It's about college BBS
2) It stands for Bulletin Board system .
3) It's a good way for college students to exchange information .
4) It want to show the problem of personnal attacks .
2) About 55 million Americans .
3) It is an auction site
4) It allows families and friends to communicate at a low price and more frequently .
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time soon .
in spite of the efforts by the search party , there was not hope of finding the missing boy soon .
5. Another factor is that children living in the countryside can get a better education , with the web technology
The user’s account is disabled.
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if you feel this message to be in error.
6) makes it clear 7) respective 8) slow down
1. They told the story through the medium of dance .
2. The temperature will increase greatly into the eighties Fahrenheit over the weekend .
This kind of lap-top , originally used by only a few , is rapidly becoming available to many people .
1F 2T 3T 4T 5F 6T 7T 8T 9F 10F
1.我发现, 花上一个晚上与新朋友聊天是非常 轻松的。
2.电视机出了毛病--- 画面有些模糊。
5.我完全意识到这条新路引起的问题 —— 新路正好穿过我办公室的旁边。
新编实用英语第二册unit2,3 ,4练习答案
1)i am confused 2)what they all mean 3)can tell you some 4) how interesting
5) i 'll be grateful 6)came across 7)does it mean
5. They have complete access to the company 's files .
6.Originally , it was a bed room , but we have turned it into a study now .
1. In just six years , email has become the most popular means for communication .
6) make use of 7) every book 8) at the webset 9) publish a new book
10) sample 11) ten times 12) usual bookshops 13) credit card
2) increasingly merging with
3) online growth
4) broadbandlinks
5) their own homes
P27- 4
1) conducted 2) speeding up 3) merge 4) innovation 5) constant
1) constant 2) sped up 3) conduct 4) benefit 5) privacy 6) education
7) access 8) digital
1) 22 million members
It has been made increasingly clearly that the air pollution in this city is becoming more and more serious.
3. As with the previous plan , we'll carry this one through to the end .
5) The most stimulating example is the virtual car show rooms .
6) so what can people do there ?
1)BBS 2) Users 3) way 4) keepers %) personal
providing new technical possibilities .
Another factor is that there are more opportunities for young people to find a job .
6. This type of car , originally affordable , only by millionairs , is rapidly becoming available to average people .
1) Chatting on line looks like fun , have you ever tried it ?
2) How do you feel about it ?
3) Oh , really ? what 's the fun of it ?
4) Wow , can you name some of them ?
3. We have succeeded in speeding up the production rate in the last few months .
4. Once the payment has been made , the goods will be delivered at your convenience .
5) How interesting ! i should find some time to try it .
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1) You really go online a lot , don't you ?
2) i really do love browsing the internet .
As with the flight schedules , the bus schedule are also strictly followed .
4. In spite of repeated assurances that the product is safe , the sales do not appear to be increasingly at any
In just a few years , cars will become the necessity of many families .
2. This argument become increasingly bitter , almost becoming personal attacks .
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