



Cu 3.00 ± 0.3
平均 结果 (mg/kg)
9.34 0.2 2.58 2.36 2.91
SD RSD (%)
0.037 0.4 0.004 2.1 0.021 0.8 0.054 2.3 0.020 0.7
回收率 (%)
87.9 107.4 92.2 96.4 112.7
橄榄叶 (CRM 62)
SD RSD (%)
0.196 0.3 0.029 1.3 0.151 0.6 0.367 0.9 0.404 0.7
回收率 (%)
91.0 101.4 98.9 102.2 93.9
果园树叶 (NIST 1571)
分析物 核准值 (mg/kg)
0.273 0.002 0.009 0.029 0.116
RSD (%)
2.2 4.6 1.2 4.9 0.7
回收率 (%)
101.4 99.0 98.9
102.9 101.7
松树针叶 (NIST 1575)
核准值 (mg/kg)
Pb 10.8 ± 0.5
< 0.50
Cr 2.60 ± 0.2
核准值 (mg/kg)
Pb 25.0 ± 1.5
Cd 0.10 Ni
Cu 46.6 ± 1.8
平均 结果 (mg/kg)
25.96 0.08 1.63 3.16 145.95
0.649 0.006 0.030 0.231 0.229
RSD 回收率 (%) (%)

PerkinElmer 方案说明-2014-4-29

PerkinElmer 方案说明-2014-4-29

PerkinElmer技术优势: 1.Frontier 光谱仪预设市面上最大的辐射测试接口:
入射孔径:55mm;尽可能满足大尺寸辐射测试,提高辐 射通量;
2.Frontier光谱仪硬件层面可直接配合原厂外接光路 附件使用,方便的将辐射信号导引进入光谱仪:
扫描范围:680nm-25000nm*或680nm-334um(根据不同光源) 分辨率:0.02nm@680nm;0.05nm@1000nm;0.3nm@2500nm; 波长准确度:0.01nm 波长精度:0.004nm 纵坐标准确度:<0.01%T @ 0%T 噪声:<10-6A 扫描速度:约40张/秒 光斑尺寸:入射:60mm 出射:2mm-60mm可调 光斑出射方式:平行出射;特定会聚角出射
2.1.平行出射:理论上熔岩装置厚度可以无线延长,非常适 合低摩尔消光系数熔岩的测试 2.2.特定会聚角出射:特定的会聚角决定特定出射位置,可 以用于匹配现有熔岩装置 3.出射光束的光斑直径,决定了熔岩实验装置的窗口尺寸: 出射光束直径为60mm,为熔岩实验装置加工设计大大降低 了难度

Perkin Elmer Raman Micro 300 产品说明书

Perkin Elmer Raman Micro 300 产品说明书

Raman spectroscopy offers a convenient spectroscopic method for the identification of materials and more detailed studies of their molecular structure.It can stand alone as a powerful and informative analytical technique or can give complementary information to that obtained from mid-and near-IR spectroscopy.The PerkinElmer ®RamanMicro ™300is a Raman microscope system designed to produce high quality Raman data from either physically small samples such as fibers and single crystals or from small areas of larger samples such as con-tamination on a surface.When fitted with the software-controlled motorized stage,it is also an ideal system for chemical imaging (the study of component distribution across the surface of a sample)or depth profiling.RamanMicro 300Raman Microscope SystemN O T ER A M A N M I C R O S C O P YPermanently aligned optics ensure that there is no requirement for user-alignment prior to analysis.High energy throughput of the microscope and optical benches ensures high quality data in a minimum of time.This is particu-larly important in sample imaging and high-throughput screening.Range of sampling stages and microscope objectives to cover the full range of potential samples.Optional enclosure to comply with Laser Class 1regulations.Ability to choose the most appropriate spectrometer to match the requirements of the laboratory.Optional fiber probe for remote sampling and reaction monitoring.Comprehensive suite of software packages to simplify the full range of micro and macro Raman analyses.Key Features &BenefitsThe RamanMicro 300is based on the research-grade Olympus ®BX51frame that has been equipped with a 100W halogen lamp and high quality video camera for sample positioning.The lens-centering nosepiece allows for considerable ease of use when moving between dif-ferent objectives.This system provides both excellent visible and Raman data while maintaining a universally-accepted platform for additional microscope attachments.The microscope can be configured with or without the optional laser-safe and light-proof enclosure.Choice of spectrometers and macro-sampling optionsFor micro-macro capability,the RamanMicro 300can be linked to the RamanStation ™400sample compartment-based instrument (Figure 1).Its fiber optic capability means that the addition of a fiber optic probe can in-crease the configuration to a 3-in-1system.For thoselaboratories mainly interested in a dedicated microscope,the RamanMicro 300can be linked to a RamanFlex ™400spectrometer (Figure 2),which can also be fitted with aprobe.This choice of spectrometers gives the analyst the freedom to choose the best combination of spectrometer and microscope for their particular laboratory requirements.Both the RamanStation 400and RamanFlex 400are based on the PerkinElmer unique,high resolution echelle spec-trograph.Many spectrograph designs require time-consuming scan-and-stitch modes of data acquisition.Echelle spectrographs on the other hand use crossed gratings and high-end two-dimensional CCDs and,with no moving parts,are the only spectrographs capable of full spectral range coverage (95-3500cm -1)at high resolution (better than 4cm -1)in a single acquisition.This unique rapid spectral acquisition at full range and high resolution is complemented by the RamanMicro 300’s impressive optical efficiency.These features are particularly powerful when it comes to analysis of dynamic systems or mapping and generation of chemical images.Whichever optical bench is chosen,the high energy throughput of the system ensures that high quality spectra are obtained even from the most challenging of samples.Range of sampling stagesThe RamanMicro 300is available with either a manual or motorized stage,capable of accommodating a full range of sample holders from microscope slides and petri dishes through to multi-well plates and tablet and powder holders (Figure 3).From simple analysis of a fiber on a glass slide through to high throughput screening,the RamanMicro 300provides straightforward and efficient analyses.The motorized stages are controlled both by a joystick and by the software.The joystick offers a convenient and rapid method for sample location and focusing whereas software control of the stage is vital for doing sample mapping,line scanning or multiple sample analyses.Figure 2.RamanMicro 300shown here with RamanFlex400.Figure 1.RamanMicro 300shown here with RamanStation400.Figure 3.A range of multi-well tablet and powder holders is ideal for the automated analyses of multiple samples in a busy pharmaceutical or industriallaboratory.These stages also have a motorized Z(focus)control.Manual Stage Motorized StageX-Travel76mm114mmY-Travel52mm75mmZ-Travel25mm25mmAccuracy n/a0.1µm Accept microscope slides Yes Yes Accept tablet and powderholder No Yes Accept multi-well plates No YesLens-centering nosepiece and objectives The RamanMicro300is equipped with a lens-centering nosepiece and a range of objective lenses as standard. With a standard nosepiece there is a danger that,when selecting different objectives,the sample appears to move in the field of view and in extreme cases the sample may be“lost”all together.The lens-centering nosepiece allows the analyst to change objectives and hence zoom-in on the sample while avoiding lateral displacement in the field of view(Figure4).A range of standard objectives from x5through to x100is available as is a selection of long working distance objectives.Interlocked enclosureA light-proof,fully interlocked enclosure is available which can be used to minimize spectral artifacts caused by room lights or sunlight.It also renders the instrument Class1laser safe.When the enclosure is closed,the microscope’s Z-axis focus control is still accessible for real time sample focusing and optimum Raman spectra collection.The benefits of adding a Raman fiberprobe to the systemAn optional Raman fiber probe can be added to all the above spectrometers,greatly increasing their sampling flexibility.When a probe is added to the RamanFlex 400,the system expands from being a high performance microscope to a system capable of remote macro sampling or reaction monitoring studies.The RamanStation400already has a versatile,motorized stage for macro sampling but the addition of a probe simply makes it the most versatile sampling system available: detailed macro analyses can be carried out in the sampling area;remote sampling or reaction monitoring is available via the probe,while the RamanMicro300adds micro sample analysis or micro-mapping of larger samples.A range of standardand triggered probesis available(Figure5),plus higher pressureand temperatureprobes can besupplied formore demandingreaction monitoring.The standard fiberlength is5metersbut longer fibersareavailable.Figure4.x5,x20and x50visible images taken with lens-centeringnosepiece.Figure5.A range of standard andtriggered probes is available.Integrated software packages to cover all application requirementsA complete suite of data collection and processing software is available to simplify analyses from straightforward single point measurements to sample imaging through to reaction monitoring and sophisticated chemometric quantitative analyses.The PerkinElmer Spectrum ™Software package allows easy control of the spectrometers and functions seam-lessly with the other PerkinElmer software packages.Spectrum Search comes as standard and allows the analyst to take a sample spectrum and search it against user-generated or commercially available libraries.Available libraries include those for narcotics,forensics,inorganics,minerals,pharmaceuticals and polymers.For sample mapping on the motorized stage of theRamanMicro 300or the RamanStation 400,SpectrumImage ™software allows full data collection and processing on the resultant images.Optimum chemical images can be generated with the click of a button using the unique ‘show structure’function (Figures6-8).Figure 6.Image of total Raman intensity for pharmaceutical tablet.Figure ponent distribution images for the threecomponents.Figure 7.Spectra from the three tablet components from theimage.Figure 10.Zoom in on reaction monitoring data showing high resolution and quality ofinformation.Figure 9.Multi-well plate where different colors are material specific.Spectrum Insight ™software is designed for convenient measurement of high throughput analyses (Figure 9)and reaction monitoring (Figure 10).It generates easy-to-interpret visual images of the large amounts of data that can be generated in these experiments.Spectrum software allows spectral peak height and peak area measurements,but for more rigorous quantitative analyses,Quant+™,a quantitative chemometrics based package,is recommended.Chemometric models generated in Quant+can be used for data analysis in Spectrum,SpectrumImage and SpectrumInsight.RamanMicro 300key specifications when coupled with RamanStation 400or RamanFlex 400Laser:785nm with output of 250mW Range:3500-95cm -1Spectral resolution:4cm -1FWHM,measured using the calcite band full width half maximum Pixel resolution:1cm -1Laser power at source:80mW,objective dependent Minimum spot size:10micron laser spot size,when using 100x objectiveIllumination source:100W halogen lamp with front installed intensity control dialMicroscope dimensions 760mm x 700mm x 560mm and weight when fitted (w x d x h)with camera,light source 25Kg and open enclosure:Application areas•Industrial research and troubleshooting.•Detailed analyses of sample homogeneity such as pharmaceutical tablets.•Analysis of multilayer polymers (packaging)and polymer defects.•Academic research and teaching (chemistry,chemical engineering,pharmacy,forensics,physics,geology,archaeology,etc).•Material conservation (painting,wood,stone and metal surfaces,fabrics,etc).•Forensic analysis of fibers,single crystals and other small particles.Analysis of explosives.•Analysis of printing materials (paper,polymers,etc)and inks.Important for forensic and quality control troubleshooting.•Analysis of biomaterial structures.Raman is particu-larly good for the study of tertiary structures.Also useful for the measurement of samplehomogeneity.For a complete listing of our global offices,visit /lasoffices©2008PerkinElmer,Inc.All rights reserved.The PerkinElmer logo and design are registered trademarks of PerkinElmer,Inc.Insight,Quant+,RamanFlex,RamanMicro,RamanStation,Spectrum and SpectrumImage are trademarks and PerkinElmer is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer,Inc.or its subsidiaries,in the United States and other countries.Olympus is a registered trademark of Olympus Corporation.All other trademarks not owned by PerkinElmer,Inc.or its subsidiaries that are depicted herein are the property of their respective owners.PerkinElmer reserves the right to change this document at any time without notice and disclaims liability for editorial,pictorial or typographical errors.008235_01Printed in USAPerkinElmer,Inc.940Winter StreetWaltham,MA 02451USA Phone:(800)762-4000or (+1)203-925-4602System is Laser Class 1when fitted with microscope enclosure and no additional probe.System is Laser Class 3B without enclosure or when fitted with additional probe.For further information,visit /raman。



AA900系列原子吸收分光光度计...AA900系列原子吸收分光光度计快速操作指南(Syngistix for AA版)PerkinElmerBluefox Wang/王昆仑1.安全提示1.1.PerkinElmer公司的AA900系列原子吸收分光光度计是专业的精密分析仪器,不当的操作可能会对仪器造成损坏或对操作人员产生危险。



2.开机顺序2.1.开启实验室抽风系统;2.2.打开仪器所需的气体,检查管路气密性和气压;2.3.启动电脑;2.4.打开仪器电源开关;2.5.启动Syngistix for AA软件进行联机。




点击左上角的软件图标,打开软件主菜单,在“Workspace”菜单中打开之前保存好的工作区域,恢复常用窗口;4.2.点击“Instrument(仪器)”界面中的“Lamp Setup(灯设置)”快捷按钮,在“Lamp Setup(灯设置)”窗口中点亮测量所需要的元素灯,对灯进行预热;4.3.点击“Analysis(分析)”界面中“Method(方法)”右侧的“Open(打开)”快捷按钮,打开之前保存好的测量方法。



运行 3100操作说明PE RKIN ELMER型号 3100原子吸收光谱仪0993-8434运行 3100原子吸收光谱仪Rev. August 1990 PERKIN ELMER NORWALK, CONNECTICUT U.S.A Perkin-Elmer 是Perkin-Eimer公司商标Copyright© 1990 Perkin-Elmer公司版权所有。



注意注意目录序言关于这些手册 P-1关于这个手册 P-1运行3100的先决条件 P-3重要约定 P-3危害危害 HS-1安全规范 HS-1气体处理 HS-3排空管 HS-5废气排放 HS-6有机溶剂 HS-6酸 HS-6废物处理 HS-6样品制备 HS-6参考 HS-9第1章 3100简介系统组件一览 1-1关于控制盘 1-4功能键描述 1-4第2章设置参数概览 2-1参数描述 2-2离开参数输入模式 2-5直接进入参数屏幕 2-5粘贴式模板 2-5打印参数 2-5第3章安装和校准灯安装空心阴极灯3-2校准空心阴极灯3-4校准铜灯3-4安装无电极放电灯3-8AA模式下校准无电极放电灯3-11AA-BG模式校准无电极放电灯3-14目录第4章在你点火之前概述4-1保护燃烧头4-2装上燃烧头绑带4-2装上燃烧头针脚4-3连接排水和隔热板互锁连接器4-4固定进气口4-5保护燃烧器端盖4-5保护雾化器4-5保护排水管到燃烧器端盖4-6检查排水浮子组件4-6保护点火器组件连接器4-6第5章点火和优化火焰打开气体5-3调节燃烧器高度5-3点火5-4调节燃烧器位置5-6调整雾化器5-6检查特征浓度5-7调整有机溶剂5-7改变从水到有机物5-8改变从有机物到水5-8点燃火焰使用氧化亚氮5-9关闭火焰5-10推荐流量计设置5-10流量计分配与气体流量5-10第6章运行样品火焰使用线性/非线性校准(手动采样)概述6-1测定铜使用非线性校准6-2生成新的校准曲线6-10重运行单一标准6-10RSD计算6-10第7章运行样品火焰使用线性/非线性校准(自动进样器)概述7-1测定铜使用非线性校准7-2重新校准7-7RSD计算7-7ii目录第8章运行样品火焰使用标准加入法(手动采样)概述8-1测定铜使用的标准加入法8-3RSD计算8-8第9章运行样品火焰使用标准加入法(自动进样器)概述9-1测定铜使用标准加入法 9-3运行一个单瓶9-9自动归零频率9_9RSD计算9-9第10章运行样品在发射模式概述10-1前提条件10-1设置排放10-1运行样品10-6RSD计算10-6第11章设置MHS-10校准石英池11-2在你点火之前11-4点燃火焰11-4第12章运行样品MHS-10概述 12-1分析器组件12-2运行样品使用线性/非线性校准123生成新的校准曲线12-7重新运行单一标准12-7运行样品使用标准加入法12-8第13章关闭系统电源程序13-1iii目录第14 章安装过程卸下燃烧头14-2安装燃烧头14-4拆卸扰流器14〜6安装扰流器14-7取出撞击球14-8安装撞击球14-8卸下损坏的撞击球14-9安装MHS-10石英池座14-10安装MHS-10石英池14-11安装分析器组件14-13安装辅助设备14-15电源要求14-15检查装箱单14-16第15章硬件故障诊断简介15-1光谱仪问题15-2火焰分析问题15-3MHS-10系统问题15-7错误消息15-9第16章维护清洁燃烧头16-2清洁燃烧器混合室16-3冲洗排空系统16-6清洁排空浮子组件16-7维护雾化器16-8自动进样器维修16-11MHS-10维护16-11备件及附件16-12第17章校准校正公式17-1显著图17-3膨胀系数17-3校准选项IT5校验错误信息17-10参考文献17-13iv插图图1-1 IEEE-488控制开关1-63-1 空心阴极灯标签3-23-2 灯泡校准螺丝3-23-3 灯泡室侧景3-33-4 波长指示器和狭缝控制杆3-43-5 波长控制转盘3-53-6 EDL灯标签3-83-7 EDL电源的B型外调制后视图3-103-8 EDL电源的A型外调制电缆后视图3-104-1 燃烧头锁紧环4-24-2 燃烧头绑带4-24-3 燃烧头管脚,未连接4-34-4 燃烧头管脚,连接4-34-5 排水和隔热板联锁电缆断开4-44-6 排水和隔热板联锁电缆连接4-44-7 燃烧器端盖连接4-55-1 燃烧头调整控件5-35-2 气动控制面板5-55-3 雾化器调整控制5-6none 流量计分配对气体流量5-107-1 IEEE-488控制开关7-28-1 附加校准曲线方法例 8-29-1 附加校准曲线方法例9-29-2 IEEE-488控制开关9-311-1 石英池光束出射 11-211-2 石英池光束入射11-312-1 分析器组件12-114-1 燃烧器组件14-214-2 燃烧器头连锁销14-214-3 燃烧器头14-314-4 点火器组件 - 侧视图14-314-5 点火器组件 - 顶视图14-414-6 燃烧头联锁销到位14-514-7 燃烧头端盖14-614-8 扰流器14-614-9 燃烧头端盖 - 内 14-714-10 撞击球14-814-11 燃烧头端盖14-914-12 燃烧头和点火器组件 - 顶视图14-10插图图14-13 石英池座14-1014-14 石英池座在位 14-1114-15 石英池在位 - 解锁14-1114-16 石英池在位 - 锁定14-1214-17 分析器组件 14-1314-18 传输软管连接到石英池14-1414-19 辅助设备连接14-1516-1 燃烧器组件16-416-2 点火器连接器组件16-416-3 燃烧混合室16-516-4 排空系统 - 外视图16-716-5 雾化器连接16-916-6 雾化器 - 分解图16-1017-1 多标准非线性校正曲线17-617-2 附加标准曲线法例17-8ii序言关于这些手册 P-1关于本手册 P-1运行3100前提条件 P-3重要约定 P-3信息和警告 P-3屏幕显示 P-4打印输出 P-4键盘键 P-4序言关于这些手册运行3100(操作说明)是您的详细指导,为你操作3100型原子吸收光谱仪。

Perkin Elmer Fluid Sciences 高压试验设备说明书

Perkin Elmer Fluid Sciences 高压试验设备说明书

monitor the data and present customers with easy-to-read reports. Also, technicians have the ability to remotely run their pressure tests from the laboratory, their desks, or anywhere outside the containment enclosure.Building theAcquisition SystemAn incident during a typical high-pressure test prompted Perkin Elmer Fluid Sciences to build a containment enclosure around the test stations. Although an enclosure increases safety, it also makes the technician’s job of continuously monitoring and adjusting the mechanical components within the station (mechanical relays,pressure, temperature, and more)increasingly difficult. In addition to safety concerns, Perkin Elmer Fluid Sciences wanted to improve the accuracy of the tests and provide clients with reliable, easy-to-read reports. We tightened tolerances usingautomatic data collection instead of manually reading from gauges. Also, handwritten reports were no longer acceptable to many of Perkin Elmer Fluid Sciences’ Ellen Byington, Senior Manager,Acquired Data Solutions, Inc. (ADS)The Challenge: Automating safe and reliable high-pressure,high-temperature,and high-load motion test procedures for aircraft components.The Solution: Developing a rugged,safe,and automated LabVIEW-based data acquisition system that incorporates National Instruments FlexMotion ™hardware and aprogrammable logic controller (PLC).IntroductionPerkin Elmer Fluid Sciences (formerly EG&G Pressure Sciences, Inc.) buildscomponents for aircraft manufacturers such as McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, andGeneral Electric. In the past, Perkin Elmer Fluid Sciences performed threshold tests on the components using manual test stations.These tests took a long time to run andrequired constant supervision. Safety,accuracy, repeatability, and customersatisfaction motivated the company to seek an automated approach to performing the tests. Using LabVIEW , FlexMotion, and the SQL T oolkit, ADS designed an unmanned test station for data acquisition that centered on a PLC. With this system, the operator canW e incorporated NationalInstruments FlexMotion board and an AC servo motor.This high-performance board generates enough current to produce the high force required for precisely moving the fixtures.With the flexibility of this board to change the feedback loop,it is easy to switch testing modes between distance and pressure.Tests LabVIEW ™s MotionPerkin Elmer Fluid Sciences hired ADS to provide direction and assistance indeveloping a data acquisition (DAQ) system that could automatically operate outside the test station enclosure. T o meet the need for an unmanned test station, we designed a system that centered on a PLC. A PLC has a low failure rate in industrial applications and can control several critical functionssuch as collecting sensor data andcontrolling relays to open and close pressure valves. Using National InstrumentsLabVIEW software, we wrote an application to remotely monitor data collection fromthe PLC in real-time through an RS-232Automated test equipment for stress tests of aircraft components.Acquired Data Solutions Uses FlexMotion and LabVIEW to Build Unmanned T est Station for Aircraft Components T estingU sing National InstrumentsLabVIEW software,we wrote an application to remotely monitor data collection from the PLC in real-time through an RS-232 serial protocol.serial protocol. The application also permits technicians to enter manual inputs that are not gathered by the PLC. In case of a system failure, the application shuts down the test and puts the system into a safe mode. Upon failure, the application dials a beeper that contacts an off-duty technician.Part of Perkin Elmer Fluid Sciences’ test procedures required moving fixtures in high-pressure and high-temperature cycles.We incorporated a FlexMotion board with(512)794-0100•Fax(512)683-9300•***********Branch Offices: Australia 03 9879 5166 • Austria ***********•Belgium 02 757 00 20 • Brazil 000 817 947 8791 • Canada 905 785 0085 • China ***********Denmark 45 76 26 00 • Finland 09 725 725 11 • France 01 48 14 24 24 • Germany 089 741 31 30 • Greece 30 1 42 96 427 • Hong Kong 2645 3186India 91805275406 • Israel 03 6120092 • Italy 02 413091 • Japan 03 5472 2970 • Korea 02 596 7456 • Mexico 001 800 010 0793 • Netherlands 0348 433466New Zealand 09 914 0488 • Norway 32 27 73 00 • Poland 48 22 528 94 06 •Portugal 351 1 726 9011 •Singapore 2265886 • Spain 91 640 0085Sweden 08 587 895 00 • Switzerland 056 200 51 51 • Taiwan 02 2528 7227 • U.K. 01635 523545• Venezuela 800 1 4466© Copyright 2000 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved. Product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective AC servo motor. This high-performance board generates enough current to produce the high force required for precisely moving the fixtures. With the flexibility of thisboard to change the feedback loop, it is easy to switch testing modes between distance and pressure. You can make these changes from software on-the-fly without changing any hardware and cables.We used National Instruments SQL T oolkit to pass sensor data to aMicrosoft Access table for further analysis and report generation. We can now easily transfer the data in the table to other Microsoft Office products such as Excel and Word.Benefits of the SystemThis integrated approach provided aturnkey solution that met the requirements set forth by Perkin Elmer Fluid Sciences, Inc.The system is secure and self-contained, and the operator can monitor the data. It also presents the customers with easy-to-read reports. T echnicians now have the ability to remotely run their pressure tests from the laboratory, their desks, or anywhere outside the containment enclosure.Using the flexibility and power of LabVIEW to integrate the FlexMotion board with a PLC, we built a universal solution for Perkin Elmer Fluid Sciences.1For more information, contact Ellen Byington,Senior Manager, Acquired Data Solutions, Inc.,1225 Martha Custis Drive, C-1,Alexandria, VA 22302tel (703) 379-5303, fax (703) 379-5307*******************************361637A -01361637A -01020800U sing the flexibility and powerof LabVIEW to integrate the FlexMotion board with a PLC,we built a universal solution for Perkin Elmer Fluid Sciences.。

PerkinElmer PKI 800 820 5046 产品说明书

PerkinElmer PKI 800 820 5046 产品说明书


如在使用本指南时遇到任何问题,请与我们联系,谢谢!PKI 800服务热线:800 820 5046南区服务热线:************(83633179)北区服务热线:************-152AA600原子吸收故障诊断简易指南AAnalyst600原子吸收光谱仪出色的性能和稳定性赢得了市场上众多重要实验室和检验部门的信赖,在日常工作中得到了大规模的使用。



以上内容仅供参考,若有疑问请咨询PKI 维修部。

3以下是AA600仪器内部光路的简易说明,可帮助您更好地了解故障诊断的全过程:Slit: 狭缝Detector: 检测器Grating: 光栅AA600使用的是单光路系统,其中镜子的前表面全部用来反射光线,镜子的表面通过渡硅,使镜子更耐用。

AA600具有8个灯位,通过移动镜子使需要的光源进入光路(movable mirror)。


以上内容仅供参考,若有疑问请咨询PKI 维修部。




否否否否是是不能解决不能使用▲重新安装软件,是否正常光路无法联机石墨炉无法联机自动进样器无法联机三者都无法联机光路能量低石墨炉报警,更换一根新的石墨管清洁清洗泵或样品泵组建,检查密封性请报修PKI 维修部确认报警信息,请报修PKI维修部检查灯能量是否正常重装操作系统或更换电脑重复开机,确认报警信息,请报修PKI维修部观察清洗泵和样品泵的运行状态,泵运行时有异响,运行时间与以往不一致光路运行时有异响观察石墨炉的观测窗是否收回,确定第一个灯不是无极放电灯重复开机,确认报警信息,请报修PKI维修部2.仪器与计算机是否能联机3.是否有其他报警信息4.自检过程有无异常续下页▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲1.Winlab32软件是否可以打开是是是是以上内容仅供参考,若有疑问请咨询PKI 维修部。

Perkin Elmer PinAAcle 500 火焰原子吸收光谱仪说明书

Perkin Elmer PinAAcle 500 火焰原子吸收光谱仪说明书

PinAAcle 500Flame Atomic Absorption SpectrometerEngineered to deliver an uncompromising level of performance at an unbeatable price,the PinAAcle™ 500 puts the industry’s most robust, reliable Flame AA within reach ofeven the most budget-conscious laboratories.The PinAAcle 500 offers superior durability, longer life, lower maintenance costs, andthe fastest return on investment of any Flame AA.Discover an instrument engineered to outlast and outperform. And take your laboratoryto a new PinAAcle of productivity and profitability.The world’s firstFlame AA Systemengineered for completecorrosion resistance.2/PinAAcle5003Harsh environments and corrosive samples have finally met theirmatch in a Flame AA. Run your PinAAcle 500 with completeconfidence knowing that every circuit board is conformal coatedfor unparalleled durability, corrosion resistance, and long life.Isn’t it time for a tool that works with everything in your lab whileworking within your budget?45/PinAAcle500-Conformal-coated circuit boards -Polymer-coated flame shield-Polymeric sample introduction moduleQuick-change modular sample introduction • S implifies routine maintenance/cleaning • C orrosion-resistant, durable designGenuine PerkinElmer lamps• C oded 2-inch Lumina ™ cableless Hollow Cathode Lamps(HCLs) provide exceptional performance and stability • E lectrodeless Discharge Lamps (EDLs) ensure improved sensitivity and extended lamp lifeSmall footprint• 26” (w) x 25” (d) x 25” (h)• S aves valuable bench space • U pgradable on-board computerDepending on the needs of your laboratory, the PinAAcle 500 can be run using your choice of Syngistix software options. Whether you select the innovative and easy-to-use Syngistix for AA Express software or the more comprehensive Syngistix for AA package, you’ll enjoy a full suite of powerful tools and a remarkably simple user experience.• I ntuitive software interface features a left-to-right, icon-based design that mirrors your workflow• G o from setup to analysis in just three clicks• W orld’s first cross-platform atomic spectroscopy software offers a simpler, more efficient user experience across AA, ICP and ICP-MS instruments6Optimizing the performance of your PinAAcle 500 Flame AA spectrometer is as easy as customizing it to your specific needs.And there’s no better way to do that than with the following array of specialized accessories and consumables.FAST Flame Sample Automation Platform• E liminates the variability of manual sample preparation for more accurate and precise results• E nhances the speed, consistency and precision ofdaily workflows• D elivers the lowest cost-per-element analysis on the market • O ffers a fast, automated, error-free way to:-Prepare calibration standards-Dilute over-range sample solutions-Add chemicals and other flame sampling needs AutoPrep 50 Automatic Dilution System• P recise, intelligent online dilution for faster, more accurate analyses• P rovides fully automated sample introduction when paired with a PerkinElmer autosampler• L ower-cost automation solutionS10 Autosampler• C reates an efficient, flexible, fully-automated analytical workstation• R ugged design and corrosion-resistant components ensure long-term reliability and reproducible, precise resultsSample Automation SolutionsFlow Injection for Atomic Spectroscopy (FIAS)• A utomates and accelerates the measurement of mercury and hydride-generating elements with exceptional detection limits PerkinElmer Sample Preparation Blocks (SPB)• E nsure reliable, reproducible results for any digestion/heating method requiring a temperature below 180 °C fully controlled by the user Titan MPS™ Microwave Sample Preparation System • C omplete control of real-time temperature and pressure for the mineralization of a broad range of sample types • C hoice of contaminant-free rotors and vessels for specific digestion needs• S aves time and aggravation with easy loading and simple operationAdditional Sample Preparation SolutionsOur complete portfolio of consumables, parts, supplies, training and service helps you meet both routine and demanding measurement challenges. We invest heavily in testing and validating our products to ensure you receive guaranteed compatibilityand performance. For a complete listing of PinAAcle consumables, please visit /AAsuppliesPerkinElmer AA Consumables/PinAAcle5007For a complete listing of our global offices, visit /ContactUsCopyright ©2021, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer ® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.298809 (012087B_01) PKIPerkinElmer, Inc. 940 Winter StreetWaltham, MA 02451 USA P: (800) 762-4000 or (+1) 203-925-4602Discover the new PinAAcle of performance in Flame AA and take your laboratory to a whole new level of productivity and profitability.See what the PinAAcle 500 can do for you at /PinAAcle500。




1.2型号组成及代表意义AA -------- 原子吸收(AtomicAbsorption 英文字头)3 原子吸收系列产品20 ――发展序号N ――改型序号1.3使用环境条件1) 环境温度10C —30C2) 室内的相对湿度不超过85%3) 没有震动和电磁场干扰4) 室内无腐蚀性气体5) 电源电压220V士22V,电流3A,频率50Hz士1Hz2结构特征与工作原理2.1总体外型结构和通风装置(图2.1 )2.2工作原理原子吸收分光光度计是利用基态原子对特征波长光吸收这个原理的一种测量方法。




3 技术特性3.1主要参数波长范围190.0 nm~900.0nm波长准确度士0.5nm波长重复性w 0.3nm波长扫描速度 1.2 nm/min;300nm/mi n分辨率v 40%特征浓度w 0.04卩g/ml/1%(铜)检出极限w 0.008卩g/ml(铜)4尺寸、重量4.1 尺寸1000mm530mm425mm4.2 重量130kg5安装、调试5.1实验台仪器应放在结构稳固、平整的桌面上,其宽度应大于0.8m,长度根据主机和附件的总尺寸统一考虑(图 5.1 )。




PE- AA400原子吸收光谱仪操作规程AAnalyst 400 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer●仪器型号:AAnalyst 400●仪器厂商:美国PerkinElmer公司●启用日期:2007.6●应用领域:可用于水体、岩石矿物、土壤、植物、食品、石油、化工产品中金属元素含量的测定,检测限为ppm~ppb级●技术参数及特点:①原子化器为火焰原子化系统,燃气通常为乙炔,助燃气通常为空气,可测定三十多个金属元素;②测定波长范围190~900nm;内置4个灯坐;③氘灯背景校正。

测试步骤:1.打开排风系统,打开稳压电源,打开空气压缩机(先拧松底部的放水阀进行放水),打开乙炔钢瓶总阀门,调整分压阀,使压力在0.1 MPa处。


3.打开电脑,开启工作软件WinLab32 for AA,系统自动自检并初始化,待System Status 卡上(或Diagnostics卡上)AA400 spectrometer 和Flam两大组件都自检通过后(打绿勾),方可进行下一步操作。

4.点击快捷键Wrkspc,打开一个工作界面,此时电脑屏幕上同时出现4个操作窗口,分别为Flame control(用于点火操作和火焰控制)、Calibration Display(显示标准曲线)、Manual Analysis Control(用于控制空白、标准曲线和样品的测定)、Results(显示测定结果,包括吸光度值和浓度)。

5.新建一个测试方法:File—new—method,选择待测元素,点击ok,在MethodEditor卡上的Method Description中填上操作者名称和标准曲线浓度范围,在Spectrometer、Sampler、Calibration、Checks、OK QC、Option六页上选择合适的分析条件(标准曲线浓度的单位和各点的值、在进样器上的位置、测试重复次数、标准曲线类型及限制条件等等参数)。

Perkin Elmer Envision 2103 说明书

Perkin Elmer Envision 2103 说明书
Perkin elmer envision 2103 manual
Perkin elmer part number. n elmer envision filter list.
Winner of SelectScience® Seal of Quality Seals of Quality recognize the top 0.1% of laboratory products that consistently receive the highest customer review ratings and are designed to further assist scientists worldwide in making important purchasing decisions for their labs. The EnVision XCite provides exceptional sensitivity and speed with minimal downtime – backed by our global network of application scientists and engineers. Our Alpha and LANCE® reagents are developed and optimized on the EnVision plate reader so you can be confident of accurate results. Plus, we can cite over 15,000 published papers that attest to its real-world performance across a broad range of applications. Single-detector syst







珀金埃尔默的PinAAcle系列原子吸收光谱仪具有多种配置和功能,单火焰模式、单石墨炉模式,或同时具有两种模式的小型化堆栈设计,并集成了火焰、石墨炉、流动注射、FIAS - 石墨炉和汞/氢化物功能于一体,具有灵活、易用的软件,体验最佳性能和无以伦比的工作效率。




我会感谢你们购买了日立 Z-5000 系列偏振塞曼原子 吸收光谱仪。 Z-5000 系列偏振塞曼原子吸收光谱仪是用于元素分 析的仪器。
这本说明书适用于具有一定化学基础知识使用。用 此仪器进行分析测定时,要求操作人场,因为仪器 如何使用这本操作要手求册点燃火焰,原子化器需要高温加热,请牢记误 操作仪器、化学试剂和样品,将不仅导致错误的分 析操数作据说明由三部手册组成 ( Z-5000 系列偏振塞曼原子吸收光谱仪维修手册。 ( Z-5000 系列偏振塞曼原子吸收光谱仪,火焰法分
析部分手册。 ( Z-5000 系列偏振塞曼原子吸收光谱仪,石墨炉分
安全注意事项在维修手册中介绍,所以使用仪器前 一定要阅读维修手册。
石墨炉分析法操作手册介绍了使用 Z-5000 系列偏 振塞曼原子吸收光谱仪如何进行石墨炉法分析,在 用此仪器前,必须阅读这本手册。火焰分析法的维 修参见相应的操作手,而且也对个人安全构成伤害。
对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料电试力卷保相护互装作置用调与试相技互术关,系电通,力1根保过据护管生高线产中0不工资仅艺料可高试以中卷解资配决料置吊试技顶卷术层要是配求指置,机不对组规电在范气进高设行中备继资进电料行保试空护卷载高问与中题带资2负料2,荷试而下卷且高总可中体保资配障料置2试时32卷,3各调需类控要管试在路验最习;大题对限到设度位备内。进来在行确管调保路整机敷使组设其高过在中程正资1常料中工试,况卷要下安加与全强过,看度并25工且52作尽22下可护都能1关可地于以缩管正小路常故高工障中作高资;中料对资试于料卷继试连电卷接保破管护坏口进范处行围理整,高核或中对者资定对料值某试,些卷审异弯核常扁与高度校中固对资定图料盒纸试位,卷置编工.写况保复进护杂行层设自防备动腐与处跨装理接置,地高尤线中其弯资要曲料避半试免径卷错标调误高试高等方中,案资要,料求编试技5写、卷术重电保交要气护底设设装。备备置管4高调、动线中试电作敷资高气,设料中课并技3试资件且、术卷料中拒管试试调绝路包验卷试动敷含方技作设线案术,技槽以来术、及避管系免架统不等启必多动要项方高方案中式;资,对料为整试解套卷决启突高动然中过停语程机文中。电高因气中此课资,件料电中试力管卷高壁电中薄气资、设料接备试口进卷不行保严调护等试装问工置题作调,并试合且技理进术利行,用过要管关求线运电敷行力设高保技中护术资装。料置线试做缆卷到敷技准设术确原指灵则导活:。。在对对分于于线调差盒试动处过保,程护当中装不高置同中高电资中压料资回试料路卷试交技卷叉术调时问试,题技应,术采作是用为指金调发属试电隔人机板员一进,变行需压隔要器开在组处事在理前发;掌生同握内一图部线纸故槽资障内料时,、,强设需电备要回制进路造行须厂外同家部时出电切具源断高高习中中题资资电料料源试试,卷卷线试切缆验除敷报从设告而完与采毕相用,关高要技中进术资行资料检料试查,卷和并主检且要测了保处解护理现装。场置设。备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设Z-5000 系列偏振塞曼原子吸收光谱仪



胶囊铬含量检测仪器及方法介绍PerkinElmer-PinAAcle900Z原子吸收购置建议书厦门亿辰科技有限公司实验室仪器项目集成供应商PerkinElmer-原子光谱的领航者和创新者1937年PerkinElmer在美国成立1961年世界第一台商品双光束原子吸收光谱仪(214型)1970年世界上第一台商品石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪1978年世界上第一台横向交流塞曼效应背景校正的塞曼50001988年商品流动注射—原子光谱联用仪1988年世界上第一次使用火焰燃烧头自动移动(单光路起到双光束作用),燃烧头最佳化(2100) 1990年世界上第一台横向加热、纵向交变塞曼效应背景校正的石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪(4100ZL) 1995年世界上第一台采用中阶梯光栅、自动功率补偿、固体检测器的商品仪器(SIMMA6000)1997年世界上第一次推出同时检测参比光束和样品光束的双光束商品仪器(AA700、AA800)1999年PE对原子吸收光谱仪石墨炉电源进行改进 内置直流升温PerkinElmer-世界第一的品牌PinAAcle 900Z原子吸收一、超高的灵敏度、超强的抗干扰能力石墨炉灵敏度,20ppb Cu 进样20ul,吸光度大于0.1。

测量方法按照中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 21187-2007的4.5.2.2试验程序进行。



测量方法按照中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 21187-2007的4.10.2试验程序进行。


(见图3)图1砷的标准曲线 图2硒的标准曲线超强抗干扰能力是进行复杂样品分析和直接进样分析的前提图3 1%氯化钠中铅的标准曲线二、革命性的光纤光学设计------超高灵敏度的保障更高的光通量——光纤的高透光性和光纤的光束成型技术避免镜片等光学器件变脏,减少维护光纤技术的使用,使仪器在实现实时双光路的同时仪器体积更小、更加简约图:革命性的光学系统三、等温平台石墨炉(STPF)PerkinElmer石墨炉系统使用专利的STPF技术,确保最佳的准确度、精确度和检出限。



美国P e r k i n E l m e集团公司精编S石墨炉操作手册TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-美国PerkinElmer公司AAnalyst系列AAS石墨炉操作手册珀金埃尔默仪器(上海)有限公司姚继军编译张扬祖审校安全信息前言和分析仪器配套的这本手册中包含一些辅助信息和注意事项,请用户遵守这些注意事项,以保证安全操作和仪器的安全使用。










石墨炉分析的准备工作原子化室门升高或降低,按下面的步骤来升高或降低原子化室门抬高或降低原子化室门1) 把左手的手指放在把手后面,用拇指按住弹簧按钮;2) 按住弹簧按钮不放,用双手扶着炉门,可以将原子化室门升高或降低到最上边或最下边的位置。





Perkin Elmer ICP 指南说明书

Perkin Elmer ICP 指南说明书

Perkin Elmer ICP InstructionsBefore starting:1.Check is hood is flowing (the tissue should be moving).2.Check if there is enough Ar for analysis.a.If “T–cylinder” (large center tank) of liquid Ar does not seem heavy, make sure one of thereserve tanks is on and has sufficient Ar for analysis. Assume 300 psi/hr on reserve tank.3.Make sure computer is turned on with WINLAB 32 loaded.a.If autosampler started moving into wash position when WINLAB turns on, press F11 orAnalysis → Autosampler → Up. You can then take out the sample probe and put it in DIwater.4.Check if the ICP is in standby mode.a.If not, proceed as usual.b.If so:i.Go to System → Diagnostics → Spectrometer → Initializeii.Click OKiii.Chiller will turn on, and after 5 minutes the software will display an estimated time the ICP will be ready (approximately 15–75 minutes)iv.Return at that time and continue running ICP startup5.Check that the compressed air supply is showing at least 58 psi on the right gauge (located onthe back side of the center lab bench near the computer).6.If using autosampler, check that there is sufficient wash water.7.If running manually, rinse and refill DI water bottle using DI water at sink.8.Check that torch and injector are not broken and there is no obvious salt buildup.9.Check tubing and replace if:a.Black–black or green–orange tubes feel flattened when rolled between fingers.b.Red–red tube shows signs of blackness.10.Snap tubing into place according to the following diagram. Pay attention that the red tube isopposite of the others and the output is flowing into the waste bin!Startup procedure:1.Click on Plasma icon.2.Click on Pump icon to turn the pump.3.Let pump make a few turns, then snap the pump tensioners into place around tubing.4.Place both sampling rods into the wash water.5.In the Plasma Control window, click on the switch to turn the plasma on.a.There is a 40 second delay, make sure to watch the plasma as it ignites. If the plasma is notsteady or badly formed, immediately press the red button to the top right of the plasmawindow.6.If you are running elements less than 195 nm (e.g. S, P), go to Tools → Spectrometer Control→Purge Gas and click on High to purge ICP for 15 minutes while plasma is warming up.7.Sign in your name and plasma ignition time in the binder behind you!8.Re–tension the tubing (Note: you do not need to tension the red waste tube on the far right):a.Take the rod of the tube you are tensioning out of the water (count “1–one thousand” as fewtimes) to generate a flow of bubbles through the tube.b.Turn the knob on pump tensioner counterclockwise until the bubbles flowing through thetube stop.c.Turn the knob clockwise by half a turn at a time until you see the bubbles flowing smoothlythrough the tube.d.Turn the knob one additional turn clockwise to finish adjustment.e.Repeat for the other tube. Afterwards, there should be a smooth spray visible in the spraychamber.9.Place the small sampling rod into the 50 ppm Sc solution (bottles are located at the end of the labbench). If using small sampling rod for samples, place large rod into 5 ppm Sc solution.10.There should not be any water droplets on the sides of the spray chamber (droplets on the top areOK).11.You can now close the door after arranging the tubing. Don’t squish the tubes as you do this! Analysis:1.Have these windows opened in WINLAB: Manual Process Control (click on Manual), SpectraDisplay (click on Spectra), and Results.2.After 15 minute warm–up period, turn purge back to normal if you were running a high purge.3.Go to File → Open → Method and choose the latest version of “Startup Test 5” (as of 3/18/14the latest versi on was entitled “sartup test 5”).4.Run analysis using the Manual Process Window.5.Record the results on the log found in ICP Information folder located on the desktop. The RSDsshould be less than 1%.6.Open your method file by going back to File → Open → Method. If you have never used theICP, or have a new set of analyses, create a new method file by following the instructions in H OWTO C REATE A M ETHOD.7.In the Manual Process Window, click Open on the section Results Data Set Name. It isrecommended to use a new data file every time. the file “your initials” + date (yymmdd is recommended) + anything else you want.9.Choose Info File (use empty.sif is none and aspirate to high standard).10.Input your desired sample name in the Sample ID box for each sample.11.Place the large sampling rod into your sample solution.12.Click on Analyze Sample.13.Place large sampling rod in the wash water for a few seconds between samples.14.Repeat until all samples have been analyzed.Post analysis:1.In the Plasma Control window, click on the switch to turn the plasma OFF. Watch all thethree gas flows until reaching 0 ml/min, then close the Ar tank.2.Place both sampling rods into the wash water to run water through the system for a fewminutes.3.Take both sampler rods out of the water and place into a paper towel on the table.4.De–tension all of the tubings so they do not flatten.5.Leave the computer on with WINLAB32 running.6.Remember to sign out of the log book with your end time!How to Create a MethodFile → New → MethodStarting Conditions:DefaultPlasma Conditions: AqueousMethod Editor:SpectrometerDefine ElementsMethod Description:∙Describe your method however you would like (Elements, date recommended) Wavelength Table:∙Select the elements you would like to analyze (all wavelengths).∙Select all wavelengths of Sc except line 424.∙Click Enter Selected Wavelengths in Method∙Close Wavelength Table popup box.∙For Sc lines, under Function heading, change Analyte to Int. Std.SettingsTime:∙Min – 5sec∙Max – 20sec∙Delay Time – 30secReplicates:∙Usually 3 but depends on your sample volume available and desired precision SamplerPlasmaIn the top row of the table (where is says All under Element) change:∙Nebulizer – 0.5∙Power – 1450 (lower if analyzing alkali or alkaline earth metals)Peristaltic Pump∙Sample Flow Rate – 1 mL/min∙Flush Time – 15 secAutosampler∙Adjust if applicableProcessInternal Standards∙Report – As a percentFile → Save As → MethodSave as YourInitials_yymmddClose Method EditorRun your high standard and check optimal optical alignment:1.Analyze your high standard2.Click the Examine icon3.Click Data ▼a.Select your data set and choose the data4.Highlight your high standard → Next → Make sure all your elements are highlighted → Finish5.Align the Peaks∙Go through windows to see if the elements are aligned properly.∙Look to see if peaks are centered within the highlighted region.∙If not aligned, move the yellow triangle (not the yellow line) until the region ishighlighted to our liking.∙Sometimes too many points are used to draw the curve (> 2 points) so one of them can be eliminated.o Right click in the graph area and select Update Method (or press M)o Go to the bottom of window and change number of peaks to 2o Go back to the Examine window and adjust the peak again.o Right click the area and select Update Method.o Choose Update Method and Save.6.File → Save → MethodHow to Export Data1.Open the Data Manager program on the desktop.2.Select your data set to be imported.3.Click the Export icon.4.Export Design∙If you do not already have a design created, select Create New Design.5.Samples to Export∙Make sure all of the data points are highlighted.6.Analytes to Export∙Check that all desired analytes for analysis are in the selected analytes column (or that All Analytes box is checked).7.Export Options∙Change the directory to your personal directory at C:\guest\your initialso If you do not yet have a directory, create a folder in C:\guest named as yourinitials8.Sample Parameters∙Selected:o Sample ID (name)9.Mean-Related Parameters∙Selected:o Analyte Name∙Add:o Date and Timeo Element Wavelengtho Intensity (corrected)o% RSD (corr. intensity)o SD (corr. intensity)10.Replicate-Related Parameters∙Selected:o Replicate Numbero Date and Time∙Add:o Intensity (corrected)11.Export Data Set∙Save Designo Save with your initials for later use∙Export DataSet-up Excel Spreadsheet:1.Sort data sheet by analyte name.2.Add a blank row between wavelengths for ease of reading data.3.Freeze and bold your header row.4.Reduce % RSDs to 2 decimal places.5.Remove Intensity decimal places and add comma separators.How to Draw a Calibration Curve1.Move about 5 columns to the right of your data for a selected analyte.2.Create 5 columns with the headings:∙x∙y∙y = ax+b∙ a∙ b3.In the x column, add the measured intensity of your high standard.4.Below that, add the intensities of your medium standard, low standard, and blank.5.In the y column first row, type the final concentration of the element in the high standard (theconcentration that you created the high standard for).6.Repeat for medium and high standards (should be 1/10th and 1/100th of high standard,respectively).7.In the next row of the y column, type 0 since your blank should have a concentration of 0 for thatelement.8.Your table should look like this:10.Click in the function bar.11.Type “=LINEST(your y values, your x values, true, true)”12.Hold down CTRL, SHIFT, and then press ENTER.13.Your table should now look something like this:14.In the column y=ax+b type “=(i ntensity of high std)*(a value)+(b value)”15.Select all of the boxes that you just made and copy and paste them for all the other wavelengths.16.Go back to the column with the y = ax+b function and place $ after the column name to lock thevalues: “=(intensity of high std)*Column$Row(a value)+Column$Row (b value)” e.g.“=B2*G$2 + H$2”17.This final value will be the µg/mL concentration of that element in your samples. Calibration Curve:ICP Standard CalculationsPurpose:The purpose of these calculations is to create a high standard so that a standard curve maybe drawn.The standard curve will then relate the intensities measured by the ICP to actual concentrations .Step 1:Estimate the range for all on the elements you think are in your sample in [µg/mL]Step 2:Multiply the estimated range by two so that the high standard will include all data points within the standard curve.Step 3:Use Eq.1 to calculate the amount of stock solution needed to create the high standard for each element. [mL]*Note: These calculations can easily be obtained using a spreadsheet. One is available on the website.D = Desired final concentration (µg/mL)W = Concentration of elemental standard (mL/µg) Y = Volume of flask (mL)Z = Amount of elemental standard to add (mL)(1)[]][ Z)( (Y) (W) (D)mL mL g mL mL g =⨯⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⨯⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡μμ*Note: Round the amount of stock solution to manageable amounts. (i.e. 4.76mL → 5ml)Step 4:Use Eq. 2 to calculate the actual concentration of each element in the high. These numbers will be used in the standard curve. Z = Amount of elemental standard added (mL) W = Concentration of elemental standard (mL/µg) Y = Volume of flask (mL)F = Actual concentration of final solution(2)[]⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⨯⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⨯mL g mL mL μg mL Z μ (F) 1(Y) (W) )(***Keep these calculations for future references***How to Create the StandardsThings you should know:∙Wear protective gear:o Safety glasseso Lab coato Gloves∙You should know the approximate range of concentrations of the elements you wish to analyze.∙You should know the matrix your sample was digested in.∙You will be creating 3 standards (high, medium, and low) and a blank.∙Always clearly mark the container before adding the any liquid.∙Always add acid to liquid/water, never the other way around!∙Never place pipettes directly into the stock solutions, always pour them into a separate container!Materials needed:∙ 1 – 1000 mL flask or plastic container∙ 1 – 250 mL flask∙ 1 – 100 mL flaskBlank:Create a blank that has the same matrix as your samples. You should make enough so that you can fill two 100 mL and one 250 mL flasks and have at least 100 mL left over for the analysis (about 500 mL in total). E.g. if you are in a 2% HNO3matrix, the blank should have a 2% HNO3matrix.High Standard:Create a high standard that contains all of the elements that you are searching for. Using the equations from ICP S TANDARD C ALCULATIONS, you should have determined the amount of stock solution that will be added to the standard. NOTE: the concentrations should be varying depending on what you believe the desired range will be! Pour the desired amount of stock solution into a clearly marked beaker or test tube. Then pipette out the desired amount of the standard into your 250 mL flask. Fill the flask to volume using your blank solution. Cap and invert 20 times.Medium Standard:From the high standard, draw 10 mL and place into a 100 mL flask. Then fill the flask to volume with your blank solution. Cap and invert 20 times.Low Standard:From the medium standard, draw 10 mL and place into another 100 mL flask. Then fill the flask to volume with your blank solution. Cap and invert 20 times.。



PerkinElmer(珀金埃尔默)仪器公司Clarus 680气相色谱仪技术性能介绍如果您需要一种完整的分析系统,PerkinElmer是在制造和销售一套完整的解决方案——从样品的处理直到数据的处理唯一的供应商。


在气相色谱领域拥了众多个第一:1955 –发明第一台商业化气相色谱仪(Model 154)1957 –发明第一个气体进样阀(Model 154-B)1958 –发明第一台电子积分仪(Model 194)1959 –发明第一根毛细色谱柱(Model 154-C)首先发明FID检测器(Model 154-C)首先发明分流进样口(Model 154-C)1963 –首先发明GC/MS接口(Model RMU-6D)1964 –首先发明载气的压力编程器(Model F-11)1967 –发明第一台顶空进样器(Model F-40)发明第一台整合在一起的GC/MS (Model 270)1970 –首先发明液体自动进样器(AS41)1972 –首先发明基于电子计算机数据处理系统(PEP-1)1974 –首先发明NPD检测器(Model 3920)1977 –发明第一台带微处理机的GC (Sigma 1)1981 –发明第一台热脱附自动进样器(ATD-50)1983 –首先发明带图谱显示的气相色谱仪(Model 8000)1986 –首先发明带重叠加热功能的顶空自动进样器(HS-101)1987 –首先发明Windows版的数据处理系统(Turbochrom™)1997 –发明第一台带SIFI功能的GC/MS (TurboMass™)2002 –发明第一台带触摸式彩屏的气相色谱仪(Clarus® 500)2003 –发明第一台带捕集阱的顶空自动进样器(TurboMatrix™ HS Trap)2004 –首先发明电化学硫化物检测器(ASD)2005 –推出带样品回收和吸附管填充质量测定的新型热脱附仪(ATD 650)2006 –推出快速分析能力的Clarus® 600气相和气质联用仪2007-推出性能卓越、经济高效的Clarus® 400气相色谱仪2008-推出市场上首台三聚氰胺分析仪,生物柴油分析仪2009-推出气相色谱Swafer微通道气路控制技术、热重-气质联用仪联用技术2010-推出新型580,680系列气相色谱仪,土壤中半挥发性有机物的新SwaferHeadspaceGCThermo-Desorption GCMSiQT如今组成的气相色谱产品线大家族Clarus 680 GC 集双通道,可编程全气路控制系统(PPC),可温度编程,及卓越的柱温箱升降温速度于一身。



PEAA700原子吸收光谱仪简明操作手册AANALYST 700/800原子吸收光谱仪简明操作手册(WINLAB32)张扬祖编PerkinElmer,Shanghai2004年3月目录1.火焰部分1.1开机1.2建立方法1.3装灯与点灯1.4点火1.5优化仪器条件1.6样品测定1.7熄火与关机2.石墨炉部分2.1开机2.2建立方法2.3更换石墨管及石墨管的老化处理2.4调节自动进样器位置2.5样品测定2.6关机3.数据处理3.1出报告3.2文件删除1.火焰部分1.1开机确认仪器主机和计算机已经接入到合适的电源,按照下列步骤开机:1.1.1开空气压缩机(将空气压缩机电源插头插入220伏电源插座上);1.1.2打开氩气钢瓶阀门,使其次级压力在350kpa;1.1.3开计算机显示屏和计算机主机开关,使其进入到WINDOWS 2000或WINDOWS XP界面;1.1.4待空气压力达到500kpa后,即可打开光谱仪主机开关;此时仪器对石墨炉自动进样器等进行自检;1.1.5待上述自检动作完成,听到两声清晰的”突”,”突”声后,用鼠标器点击AAWINLAB32快捷图标或通过链接式菜单命令进入(Start—Programm—Winlab32—Winlab32 Analyst),这时光谱仪对光栅,马达等机械部件进行自检,同时计算机屏幕上出现如下画面图1:图1. WINLAB32原子吸收操作启动画面1.1.6 稍过片刻,画面自动变成如图2所示;图2.Aanalyst700/800仪器自检画面画面中代表两个通讯状况的接头接上,同时颜色变绿,此时表明仪器通过自检,可以进入到正常使用状态,画面显示如图3.图3.AA仪器32位应用软件操作界面(火焰)1.2 建立方法1.2.1 用鼠标器点击下拉式菜单File→New→Method,此时屏幕上出现画面如图4所示:图4.方法建立开始条件选择1.2.2 用下列两种方法之一选择欲建立方法的元素:1.用鼠标器点击“Element”右边的箭头,再直接单击下拉式元素列表中的任何一个元素;2.在保持元素被涂蓝的情况下,输入目标元素的第一个字母,此时凡是以该字母打头的元素都排列在前面,图5显示的是以C为第一字母的元素排列:1.2.3 如若建立铜元素的测量方法,可用鼠标器点击元素符号”Cu”,此时出现画面如图6所示:图6.方法建立中光谱仪参数输入页面之一1.2.4 根据样品浓度及样品基体的组成复杂程度选择或设定波长,狭缝,信号测定类型,在进行火焰法原子吸收光谱测定时,测量方式总是”时间平均”.如果需要了解仪器的详细性能及测定时要注意的事项,可用鼠标器点击“Tools”菜单中的“Recommended conditions”命令,此时屏幕上将会出现画面如图7:图7.元素推荐条件1.2.5 在“Define Element”分页面中各项目的参数选定或设定完毕后,用鼠标器点击方法编辑画面右上方的“Setting”,软件进入到测量时间和灯参数设定画面,见图8:图8.读数及灯电流输入页面1.2.6 读数时间的设定主要考虑两个因素:噪声大小和样品量,典型的读数时间可设定为3-5秒; 读数延迟时间一般为2-3秒;灯电流以选择“灯设定窗口值”为好,特殊情况下也可选择“使用确定的灯电流值”.下一步进入到“Sample”页面如下图9:图9.方法编辑中的火焰状况页面1.2.7 燃气和助燃气的流量将从两个方面影响火焰:火焰的大小和火焰的氧化还原性.对于大多数常见元素来说,建议使用氧化性火焰.而对于象Cr,As,Sn等一些元素则需要使用富燃火焰.观察高度对于大多数元素来说使用Reference高度即可,对于用一氧化二氮乙炔火焰测定的元素通常需要把燃烧头的位置调低.至此,该页面的参数设定完毕,可通过鼠标器的操作进入到校准画面如图10:图10.校准公式和测定单位选择页面1.2.8 在“公式和单位”的分页面上选择合适的方程,测定结果表示的小数点后最大位数和最多有效数字.样品单位和校准单位可以相同,都使用重量/体积单位或重量/重量单位;也可以两个单位不一样.当校准单位用重量/体积单位,而样品单位用重量/重量单位时,则需在测定时使用样品信息文件“Sample information”.此后可进入到标准溶液浓度及标准溶液杯在自动进样器上的位置.画面如图11:1.2.9 在ID栏中输入标准溶液名称,“Conc”栏内输入标准溶液浓度,“A/SLoc “栏代表自动进样器位置.当一次测量的样品数目较大时,为消除可能出现的吸光度漂移对测定结果的影响,可在此时确定在测量过程中用以进行单点再校准的标准浓度,并将其名称,浓度和在自动进样器里的位置分别输入到相应的空格内.接着,可用鼠标器点击右上方的“Initial calibration”,软件进入到校准曲线如何建立的分页面如图12:图12.新建校准曲线或调用已建已存曲线选择页面1.2.10 在进行火焰原子吸收测定的大多数情况下,都实施单元素,手动进样分析.一般均需建立新的工作曲线,此时可用鼠标器选击上图中下面一部分的第一选项,即,“Start by construction new curves”.如果希望使用存储在数据文件中的,早先做好的工作曲线,可采用画面中上半部分的选项,即,”Load the calibration curve set sel ected below”,然后, 点击”Browse”,从自动弹出的数据文件列表中选择欲使用的工作曲线,如果同一数据文件中存有数条校正曲线,软件将自动选择最近的一条.如果使用自动进样器并进行多元素全自动分析,也可通过选择画面下半部分的第二和第三选项;1.2.11如果是进行手动进样测定,可跳过下面两个用于对测定过程进行质量控制的”Checks”和”QC”页面,直接进入到”Option”,如下图13:图13.显示及打印项目选择页面1.2.12 可根据需要选择显示在数据结果窗口上和打印机打出的项目,此时,方法建立完成,通过File Save As将新方法存在硬盘中,待用.1.3 点灯与装灯1.3.1装灯用鼠标点击窗口上方工具拦内的“Lamp”按钮,屏幕上将会出现画面如图14 .如果是PerkinElmer Lumina 系列的空心阴极灯,可直接将灯管插入到圆柱型的灯架内,同时将灯插头插入相应的插座内,此时在灯对准页面上将会显示出该空心阴极灯的元素符号,灯电流,波长和狭缝等参数.如果是国产灯或其他公司的灯,则需用一个合适的转换接头.在这种情况下,仪器不能自动识别是何种元素灯,需由操作人员自己输入元素符号;而灯电流,波长,狭缝等参数也会在相应的栏目中显示出来.通常使用非PerkinElmer生产的空心阴极灯时,灯电流需根据生产厂家的推荐值作必要的修改.如使用无极放电灯,灯只可装在1-4号灯位中.图14.灯控制窗口1.3.2 点灯在上面的灯控制窗口中,欲点燃某一个灯,只须用鼠标器点击该元素左边的“On/Off”命令;如点击“Set Up”按钮,则仪器不仅点燃该灯,同时,波长,狭缝等也按照窗口中已设定的参数调节到位;“Set Midscale”按钮用于将光能量棒调到中间;“Repeak”用于重找波长.1.4 点火与熄火1.4.1 空气-乙炔火焰在仪器正常开启并处于火焰原子化器工作位置下,确认空气压缩机已经接通电源并正常工作;打开乙炔钢瓶主阀门并将次级压力调至0.09-0.1Mpa之间,然后在图15 所示的火焰控制窗口中,确认“Oxidant”选择空气,燃气和助燃气的流量在合适的范围,再用鼠标器点击火焰控制开关中的“On”,火焰即被自动点燃;图15.火焰控制窗口1.4.2 笑气-乙炔火焰点笑气-乙炔火焰须满足以下条件:已安装缝长为5厘米的高温燃烧头;使用了电加热笑气调节阀;空气压力,笑气压力,乙炔压力都在安全范围内(可参考仪器背面的推荐值) “Oxidant”选择笑气然后用鼠标器点击火焰控制开关中的“On”,仪器将点燃空气-乙炔火焰,在大约20秒钟后,火焰自动切换为笑气乙炔火焰.1.4.3 熄火无论是在空气-乙炔火焰或是笑气-乙炔火焰点燃的情况下,只要用鼠标器点击火焰控制开关中的“Off”按钮,即能将火焰熄灭,笑气-乙炔火焰在熄灭过程中应有一个自动转换为空气-乙炔火焰再熄灭的过程.在火焰熄灭后,关上乙炔钢瓶和笑气钢瓶(如果有的话),用鼠标器点击“Bleed Gases”,放掉管路中的残余有害气体.1.5 优化仪器条件需要并可以优化的火焰原子吸收分析的仪器条件包括燃烧头位置(上下及前后),雾化器,燃气流量等.1.5.1 燃烧头位置燃烧头的前后位置对于差不多所有被测元素和各种样品都是一样的,即希望燃烧器的缝与光源发出来的光严格平行并精确地通过缝上方.燃烧器的上下位置,即让被测光通过火焰的哪一部分则对于大多数元素来说是一样的,象Cr等少数元素有特殊的要求.燃烧头的角度虽然会对测定灵敏度产生较大的影响,但在大多数情况下,操作者总是希望灵敏度处在尽可能高的位置,因此,如果没有特殊需要,我们不必调节燃烧头的角度.燃烧头位置的一般优化可按下列步骤进行:1.用鼠标器点击相应命令或工具,调出”Continue Graphics”和”Flame Control”窗口;图16.火焰原子吸收测定条件优化窗口2.在”Flame Control”窗口中,点击”Align Burner”按钮,屏幕上将出现对话框如图17 ;图17.燃烧头位置优化对话框首先选择希望优化的任务及用自动方式还是手动方式进行,在决定选用自动调节方式后,还需决定需要优化的项目,如前后上下两者都要优化,则选“Align Burner”;如只需找到最佳高度,则选击“Determine Optimum Height”.在选择“Align Burner”后,点击“Next”,出现对话框如下图18:。



原子吸收操作手册900Z教程目录第一章:原子吸收光谱基本原理简介 (2)第二章:常用术语及定量分析方法 (4)第三章:PE原子吸收光谱仪的组成及维护参数设定 (7)第四章:PinAAcle 900F/900T/900H系列火焰操作流程 (36)第五章:PinAAcle 900T/900Z/900H系列石墨炉操作流程 .. 53第六章:AA常见问题解答 (89)第一章:原子吸收光谱基本原理简介原子吸收光谱工作原理:是根据被测元素基态原子对共振辐射的吸收程度,来确定试样中被测元素的浓度。








第二章:常用术语及定量分析方法常用术语特征浓度:为被分析元素产生 0.0044 (1%)吸光度所需浓度。






欧洲药典7.02.2.23 原子吸收分光光度法总则原子吸收是一个基态原子吸收特定波长的电磁辐射,并跃迁到一个激发状态时所发生的过程。






根据朗伯-比尔(Lambert – Beer)定律,元素所吸收辐射光强度与该元素的浓度成正比。

仪器包括:- 辐射源;- 进样装置;- 样品原子化器;- 单色器或多色器;- 检测器;- 数据采集单元.装置通常配有背景校正系统。














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运行 3100操作说明PE RKIN ELMER型号 3100原子吸收光谱仪0993-8434运行 3100原子吸收光谱仪Rev. August 1990 PERKIN ELMER NORWALK, CONNECTICUT U.S.A Perkin-Elmer 是Perkin-Eimer公司商标Copyright© 1990 Perkin-Elmer公司版权所有。



注意注意目录序言关于这些手册 P-1关于这个手册 P-1运行3100的先决条件 P-3重要约定 P-3危害危害 HS-1安全规范 HS-1气体处理 HS-3排空管 HS-5废气排放 HS-6有机溶剂 HS-6酸 HS-6废物处理 HS-6样品制备 HS-6参考 HS-9第1章 3100简介系统组件一览 1-1关于控制盘 1-4功能键描述 1-4第2章设置参数概览 2-1参数描述 2-2离开参数输入模式 2-5直接进入参数屏幕 2-5粘贴式模板 2-5打印参数 2-5第3章安装和校准灯安装空心阴极灯3-2校准空心阴极灯3-4校准铜灯3-4安装无电极放电灯3-8AA模式下校准无电极放电灯3-11AA-BG模式校准无电极放电灯3-14目录第4章在你点火之前概述4-1保护燃烧头4-2装上燃烧头绑带4-2装上燃烧头针脚4-3连接排水和隔热板互锁连接器4-4固定进气口4-5保护燃烧器端盖4-5保护雾化器4-5保护排水管到燃烧器端盖4-6检查排水浮子组件4-6保护点火器组件连接器4-6第5章点火和优化火焰打开气体5-3调节燃烧器高度5-3点火5-4调节燃烧器位置5-6调整雾化器5-6检查特征浓度5-7调整有机溶剂5-7改变从水到有机物5-8改变从有机物到水5-8点燃火焰使用氧化亚氮5-9关闭火焰5-10推荐流量计设置5-10流量计分配与气体流量5-10第6章运行样品火焰使用线性/非线性校准(手动采样)概述6-1测定铜使用非线性校准6-2生成新的校准曲线6-10重运行单一标准6-10RSD计算6-10第7章运行样品火焰使用线性/非线性校准(自动进样器)概述7-1测定铜使用非线性校准7-2重新校准7-7RSD计算7-7ii目录第8章运行样品火焰使用标准加入法(手动采样)概述8-1测定铜使用的标准加入法8-3RSD计算8-8第9章运行样品火焰使用标准加入法(自动进样器)概述9-1测定铜使用标准加入法 9-3运行一个单瓶9-9自动归零频率9_9RSD计算9-9第10章运行样品在发射模式概述10-1前提条件10-1设置排放10-1运行样品10-6RSD计算10-6第11章设置MHS-10校准石英池11-2在你点火之前11-4点燃火焰11-4第12章运行样品MHS-10概述 12-1分析器组件12-2运行样品使用线性/非线性校准123生成新的校准曲线12-7重新运行单一标准12-7运行样品使用标准加入法12-8第13章关闭系统电源程序13-1iii目录第14 章安装过程卸下燃烧头14-2安装燃烧头14-4拆卸扰流器14〜6安装扰流器14-7取出撞击球14-8安装撞击球14-8卸下损坏的撞击球14-9安装MHS-10石英池座14-10安装MHS-10石英池14-11安装分析器组件14-13安装辅助设备14-15电源要求14-15检查装箱单14-16第15章硬件故障诊断简介15-1光谱仪问题15-2火焰分析问题15-3MHS-10系统问题15-7错误消息15-9第16章维护清洁燃烧头16-2清洁燃烧器混合室16-3冲洗排空系统16-6清洁排空浮子组件16-7维护雾化器16-8自动进样器维修16-11MHS-10维护16-11备件及附件16-12第17章校准校正公式17-1显著图17-3膨胀系数17-3校准选项IT5校验错误信息17-10参考文献17-13iv插图图1-1 IEEE-488控制开关1-63-1 空心阴极灯标签3-23-2 灯泡校准螺丝3-23-3 灯泡室侧景3-33-4 波长指示器和狭缝控制杆3-43-5 波长控制转盘3-53-6 EDL灯标签3-83-7 EDL电源的B型外调制后视图3-103-8 EDL电源的A型外调制电缆后视图3-104-1 燃烧头锁紧环4-24-2 燃烧头绑带4-24-3 燃烧头管脚,未连接4-34-4 燃烧头管脚,连接4-34-5 排水和隔热板联锁电缆断开4-44-6 排水和隔热板联锁电缆连接4-44-7 燃烧器端盖连接4-55-1 燃烧头调整控件5-35-2 气动控制面板5-55-3 雾化器调整控制5-6none 流量计分配对气体流量5-107-1 IEEE-488控制开关7-28-1 附加校准曲线方法例 8-29-1 附加校准曲线方法例9-29-2 IEEE-488控制开关9-311-1 石英池光束出射 11-211-2 石英池光束入射11-312-1 分析器组件12-114-1 燃烧器组件14-214-2 燃烧器头连锁销14-214-3 燃烧器头14-314-4 点火器组件 - 侧视图14-314-5 点火器组件 - 顶视图14-414-6 燃烧头联锁销到位14-514-7 燃烧头端盖14-614-8 扰流器14-614-9 燃烧头端盖 - 内 14-714-10 撞击球14-814-11 燃烧头端盖14-914-12 燃烧头和点火器组件 - 顶视图14-10插图图14-13 石英池座14-1014-14 石英池座在位 14-1114-15 石英池在位 - 解锁14-1114-16 石英池在位 - 锁定14-1214-17 分析器组件 14-1314-18 传输软管连接到石英池14-1414-19 辅助设备连接14-1516-1 燃烧器组件16-416-2 点火器连接器组件16-416-3 燃烧混合室16-516-4 排空系统 - 外视图16-716-5 雾化器连接16-916-6 雾化器 - 分解图16-1017-1 多标准非线性校正曲线17-617-2 附加标准曲线法例17-8ii序言关于这些手册 P-1关于本手册 P-1运行3100前提条件 P-3重要约定 P-3信息和警告 P-3屏幕显示 P-4打印输出 P-4键盘键 P-4序言关于这些手册运行3100(操作说明)是您的详细指导,为你操作3100型原子吸收光谱仪。











































例如,[Enter] [Param Entry] [Expand] [1] [9] 等。

P-4危害与安全规范危害 HS-1安全规范HS-1火焰安全 HS-2处理气体HS-3排水管 HS-5废气排放HS-6有机溶剂HS-6酸HS-6废物处置HS-6样品制备HS-6溶剂与设备兼容?HS-7溶剂有毒? HS-7参考HS-9危害与安全规范危害可能的危害会伤害用户或造成仪器损坏,以框状出现在本手册中适当的地方。




附加的安全信息在Perkin-Elmer 手册中提供,在你的实验室准备Perkin-Elmer原子光谱仪(1),并在该仪器使用说明书中的特定点。

