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American Grading System
Description 4-point 100-point Equivalent Superior 4.0 96-100 Superior
Good Good Good
AB+ B B-
3.3 3.0 2.7
87-89 83-86 80-82
Grade and GPA : In education ,a grade (or mark) is a
teacher’s standardized evaluation can be expressed quantifiably , and calculated into a numeric grade point average (GPA)which is used as a metric by employers and others to assess and compare students ,A cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is the mean GPA from all terms, whereas GPA may only refer to a single term.
7.gear: equipment; apparatus or machinery for a particular purpose 设备, 装备,仪器 gear something to/towards something (v.) 常用被动:be geared to/towards n/v-ing: be adjusted to adapt something for a particular need or to an appropriate level or standard 调节 fishing/camping gear 钓鱼/野营装备 e.g. The government is gearing public places to the needs of the disabled. 政府正在使公共场所适应残疾人的需要。 gear (sb/sth) up: to prepare for something that you have to do, or to prepare someone else for something 准备 e.g. Politicians are already gearing up for the election. 政客们已经在 为选举做准备了。 I’m trying to gear myself up for tomorrow’s exam. 我正努力为明天 的考试做准备。
5.swap: give something in exchange for something else 交换(非正式) ~ A for B: 拿A换B e.g. I’ll swap my Mozart CDs for your Chopin. What do you think?我 把莫扎特的唱片换你的肖邦,怎么样? We swapped addresses with the people we met on holiday. 我们和度 假时遇到的人交换了地址。
This is one of his general characteristics. When he finds out what you said ,he is likely to lose his temper This will happen in this particular situation
2.Be apt to 易于…的;趋于做… be apt to, be inclined to .tend to 和 be likely to的区别 is apt to He is inclined to lose his temper in difficult situations
tends to
Marie and worked at Algoma Steel as an accountant in computer systems development.
Oliphant lives in Sherwood Park, Toronto with his partner, Marco Fiola, a professor of Applied Linguistics at Ryerson University.Oliphant married Fiola in 2005,soon after same sex marriage was legalized in Canada.
8.coercive: using force or threats 强迫的 coercive method 压制手段 coerce (v.) coerce somebody (into something/doing something): force/compel sb to do sth make somebody to do something by using force or threats 强迫 coercion n. e.g. The defendant was coerced into making a confession. 被告是 被迫认罪的。 She refused to betray her friends even under coercion. 就算在威逼 之下,她也不愿出卖朋友。 9.move along: to go to a new position, especially in order to make room for other people 向前移动;往前走,移动一下 The people standing in the bus moved along to make room for others. 公共汽车里站着的人慢慢向前移动,以便给别人腾出地方来。
4.make a point of doing something: to always do something or to take particular care to do something 小心地做某事;把…作为准则(或习惯、惯例);认为某事完全有必要;认为某事重要 Make it a point to do something every day that you want to do . this is a golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain. 坚持每天做一点不愿做的事情,这是养成乐意尽职习惯的金科玉律。
Letter to a B Student
-------Robert Oliphant
1 2 3 4
Words Exercise
BackgBaidu Nhomakorabeaound
About the Author
Robert Oliphant is an English professor at California State University at Northridge. The text is an excerpt of a sensitive and thoughtful letter to a student on keeping a sense of perspective on grades. It appeared in Liberal Education in 1986.
Born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie, Oliphant studied Commerce and Finance at the University of Toronto, graduating in 1978, with a Bachelor of Commerce. While at university he rowed on the Men’s Varsity Rowing Crew, was involved in music and student politics. Upon graduating from U of T, he returned to Sault Ste.
6.flunk: to fail an exam or course of study 不及格; give a failing mark to somebody 使不及格 e.g. I flunked my second year exams and was lucky not to be thrown out of college. 我二年纪考试没及格,不过幸运的是没被学校开除。 flunk out: 因考试不及格而退学
Description 4-point Equivalent
C+ C C-
Satisfactory 2.3 Satisfactory 2.0 Satisfactory 1.7
77-79 73-76 70-72
Poor Failure
1.0 0.0
65-69 0-64
1.Eligibility n. 及格的 eligible adj. ①eligible for sth / eligible to do a person who is eligible for sth or to do sth ,is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications ,are the right age ,etc 有资格的,合格的 eg: Only those who over 70 are eligible for the special payment. ②an eligible young men or women is thought to be a good choice as a husband/wife usually because they are rich or attractive.(被认为可做夫妻的男女)合意的,合适的,中意的
American grading system: Grades in the
United States are generally assigned by a letter:A (highest grade, excellent), B (above average), C (average), D (usually the minimum passing grade), and F (fail). Additionally, most schools will calculate a student’s grade point average (GPA) by assigning each letter grade a number and using a mathematical formula to come up with a numerical representation of a student’s work. Generally, American schools equate an A with a numerical value of 4.0.
3.Gopel 福音 preaching/spreading the gospel 宣讲/传布福音 gospel truth (the completely truth)决定真理 gospel music (a style of religions singing developed by African American)