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主厂房main power buildi ng 四班三倒three shift by four teams

设备缺陷equipme nt defect 白班day shift 缺陷处理defect treatme nt 长白班regular shift 设备规范Specification of equipment 小休short-time off 铭牌n ameplate 大休long time-off 接线盒term inal box 行灯safety lamp, 热网heat ing n etwork 手锤hand hammer, 电网n etwork 钢丝rein forci ng wire 供货范围scope of supply 螺丝刀screw driver 参数parameter 测厚仪pachometer, 停机,停运outage 电筒electric torch 皮带速度belt velocity 卡尺Slidi ng


皮带传输belt con veyor 撬棒crowbar 蒸汽参数steam condition 手拉葫芦hand cha in block


gen erati on rates 梯子Ladder, 蒸发里

功率因素power factor 扳手spanner 输出负荷con ti nu ous rati ng output 安全帽safety helmet 额疋蒸汽流量Max. continuous rati ng(MCR) 手套gloves 额定电压rated voltage 分包商sub-c on tractor 额定电流rated current 承包商con tractor 运行工况operati on con diti on 土建civil work 值班员atte ndant 工作票work order 工日man-day 操作票operati on order 工时man-hour

事故甩负荷emerge ncy load dump


循环流化床(锅炉) the circulati ng fluidized bed boiler (CFB)

固体颗粒soiled particles 输煤机coal tran sporter 底渣bottom ash 煤粉锅炉pulverized coal-fired boiler

循环灰circulat ing ash 上升管riser

渣场slag yard 下降管dow ncomer 磨煤机coal pulverizer 烟囱stack 输煤系统coal handing system 过滤器stra iner 送灰器ash con veyer 母管mai n pipe 吹灰器soot blower 母线busbar

除尘器precipitator 烟道flue 空气过滤器air filter 烟道挡板chi mney damper

石灰石仓limesto ne silo 烟窗帽chi mney hood 给煤机coal feader 冷渣机slag cooler 返料装置material returning device 汽包steam drum

布风板air distributor 流化风室fluidized air chamber 风嘴air no zzles 水冷壁water-cooled wall 风帽air cap 引风机induced draught fan 燃烧室combusti on chamber 送风机forced draught fan

旋风分离器cyclone separator 一次风primary air 床料bed material 二次风sec on dary air

布袋除尘器bag filter 排水设备drain age 静电除尘器electrostatic precipitator 排污箱blow dow n tank

密相区dense region 排污系统blow dow n system 稀相区dilute regi on 烟道净化器flue gas purifier 煤仓coal bunker 联箱header (汇集分配工质)




管束(排)tube bun dle 蛇形管coil

管屏tube plate n 吊挂管support ing tube

鳍片管finned tube, fin tube, gilled tube

风门air damper 变电站substati on 炉膛容积furn ace volume 避雷针lighte ning rod

漏风试验air leakage test

膨胀补偿节expa nsion joint 配电盘distribution board

阻波器line trap 阻尼绕组damper winding 污油泵Sump pump 卸油泵Oil uni oadi ng pump 锅炉附件(锅炉辅助设备)boiler accessories 辅助设施auxiliary pla nt 烟道净化器flue gas purifier

净热值Net heati ng value

= :低位发热量low point heat value

总热值total heat ing value

= 高位发热量high point heat value

空气干燥基水分Air dry radicle water

Air dry radicle bomb container heat Received radicle low point heat Boiler sand injectio n system 3-phase In ducti on motor Explosi on-



20. Limest one fan;

「电除尘器 除尘器《

布袋除尘器 稀相区

dense regi on


呻 、密相区 dilute region

1 锅炉系统

boiler proper system


Combustion system

空气干燥基弹筒发热量 收到基低位发热量 锅炉加沙系统 三相感应电机 防爆

连接处有百叶窗(shutter )

3跟2 1、煤仓; 4、 返料器; 7、冷渣器; 10、汽包; 13、空气预热器; 16、烟囱; 19、上二次风;

1. Coal bun ker

2. Fur nace 5. Exter nal heat excha nger 出来3内有旋风分离器(cyclone separator)




11、对流过热器; 14、电除尘器; 17、一次风; 20、石灰石风机

3. Backpass of separators 6. Coal feeder

8. Limest one silo; 11. convection superheater 9. Fluidized air chamber; 12. E c ono mizer; 14. Electrostatic precipitator (ESP); 15. I.D. fan;

17. Primary air;

18. Lower sec on dary air;

3、分离器尾部烟道; 6、给煤机; 9、流化风室; 12、省煤器; 15、引风机; 18、下二次风;

4. Material-retur ning device 7. Slag cooler 10. steam Drum; 13. Air preheater; 16. Stack

19. Upper sec on dary air;

electrostatic precipitator(ESP) bag filter
