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表示行为或过程能持久继续下去或能产生持久的影响。如contain, have, hold, lie, live, make, sit, rain, sleep, stand, study, wait, wear, work等。也包括表示状态感情思维类的,如believe, consider, hate, hope, know, like, love, respect, think, understand, wish等。延续性动词可以与表示时间段的状语连用。


表示“段时间”短语,如for +段时间(for 2 years, for a long time ,for the spring,);since从句(since he came here)或since+点时间(since last year, since 5 days ago, since leaving school);how long; always;all day long;until April 等。

This book has been lying on the desk for a week.这本书已经在桌子上放一个星期了。(错This book has been put on the desk for a week. 其中put on是瞬间动词)

Men wear suits when they attend meetings.男人在开会时穿西装。(错Men put on suits when they attend meetings.其中put on是瞬间动词)

She has worked hard for a year.她一年来一直努力工作。(错She has worked hard a year ago. 其中a year ago是点时间)


如果用延续性动词表示一瞬间动作,可以借助come, begin, get等非延续性动词来表示。

It began to rain at eight yesterday morning.昨早8点开始下雨了。(错It rained at eight yesterday morning. 其中rain为延续性动词,而at eight


When did you get to know Jack? -Two years ago.你什么时候认识杰克的?两年前。(when可接段时间也可以接点时间)

How did you come to know it?你怎么知道这件事的?

After lunch it began to rain.午饭后天下起雨来。

I can't get used to the wet weather.我不能习惯于这潮湿的天气。


We will stay in Dalian for the whole summer.我们一夏天将留在大连(一般时)

What are you doing? I'm doing some dishes. 你在干什么?我在洗碗(进行时)

They have been watching TV for the whole evening. 他们整晚上一直在看电视(完成进行时)


I like his ideas.我喜欢他的主意。(错I'm liking his ideas)

I understood what he said.我理解他说的话。(错I was understanding what he said.)


She is having a holiday next Sunday.她下个星期天度假(即将动作)

How are you feeling today?你今天感觉怎样?(亲切感情)

You are being a good child today.你今天是个乖孩子(一时表现)


也称瞬间动词、终止性动词、一时性动词,表示动作发生后立即结束,不能延续。如close, open, come, go, sell, buy, borrow, lend, return, put on, take off, begin, start, finish, break, stop, arrive, leave, move, die, lose, give, answer, ask, add, admit, attack, bring, catch, discover, fall, marry, receive, post, find, take away, set out, happen, renew, go away, shut, hit, jump等。非延续性动词在肯定句中与表示时间点的状语连用。


two years ago; yesterday, last week, at five o'clock, in the winter, in 2000, today, tomorrow等。

He went away a long time ago.他已走了很长时间了。(错He went away for a long time. 其go away是非延续性动作)

He died 5 years ago.他死了五年了。(错He has died for 5 years.可以改成:He has been dead for5 years./ / It is 5 years since he died./ 5 years has passed since he died. )


I haven't left here for 3 years. 我三年没离开这里了。

When did she get to know my e-mail address? 她何时知道我e-mail地址?

I didn't open the window for a week.我一个星期没开窗了。(错I opened the window for a week.)

He didn't arrive until the film had begun.他直到电影开始才到。(错He arrived until the film had begun.)


I have just bought a new skirt.我刚刚买了一条新裙子。(just时间笼统)

He has come to study Chinese.他来学汉语。

The train has arrived.火车到了。(时间笼统)

Have you joined the computer group?你加入电脑小组了吗?(时间笼统)

④不与how long连用(只限于肯定式)

How long can I borrow the car? 车子我可以借多久? (错,其中borrow为瞬间动词)。修正如下:

How long can I keep the car?

How long have you come here?你来这多久了?(错,其中come为瞬间动词) 。修正如下:

How long have you been here? (使用延续动词)

When did you come here?(使用when适用延续或非延续两种情况的时间词)

how long is it since you came here? (使用since从句)


She has put on a hat.她已戴上帽子(错She has been putting on a hat.)

The car has stopped.车已经停了(错The car has been stopping.)


The little boy is jumping up and down for several minutes.小男孩上下跳了好几分钟(反复性动作)

I have met him every day on the same bus for a year.这一年我在同一辆公交车上每天遇见他(习惯性动作)

The train is leaving/ arriving火车就要出站/进站了。

The spring is coming.春天就要来了。

We're going home.我们要回家了。

