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Storageand Handling 贮存与管理Storage 贮存 Store in cool and dry conditions (5-40℃) 贮存于5-40℃de 阴凉干燥处

Pack size 包装规格 A;20Kg in 20 liter container 甲:20公斤装于20公升容器中

B:5Kg in 5liter container 乙:5公斤装于5公升容器中

C:50Kg in 20 liter container 丙:50公斤装于20公升容器中

Flash Point 闪点 No 无

Intended Uses


As a water-miscible primer, it is widely used for the surface of steel structure, for example, it is widely used for ship, container the platform of the sea , wharf and the oil tubing system, oil tank as metallurgy , Electric power, etc…… steel structure as the anticorrosive coat.

Product Information 产品简介灰色无光,水性三组份环氧富锌底漆,采用鳞片状锌粉,干膜含量大于80%,可能形成坚韧的防锈漆膜,对局部被损部位,可提供良好的阴极保护。

以水为分散介质,不然不爆,可用水稀释和清洗涂装用具,施工过程无污染,具有安全环保特性。Grey, dark, three packages water-miscible epoxy zinc primer, it is containing scale-like zinc powder, the coating of zinc in the film is more than 80%, it can be made into a firm and persistent film, it can protect the site which is broken.

It is dispersed by water. Resist fire and burst, can be diluted or cleaned by water, No pollution, safety and environmental protection.

Application details 产品数据V olume Solids 固体份≥60%

Dry Flm Thickness干膜厚度70 microns equivalent to117 microns of wet film


Theoretical Coverage 理论涂布率 3.01m2 /Kg 3.01平方米/公斤Practical Coverage 实际涂布率Allow appropriate loss 允许适量损耗VOC




Storage and Handling 施工详述Mix Radio 混合比

A : B:C=4:1:24(by weight) 甲(漆料):乙(固化剂):丙(锌


Method of Application 施工方法

Airless Spray 无空气喷涂 Recommended 推荐采用

Brush or Roller 涂刷或辊涂 Recommended 推荐采用

Conwentional Spray 传统喷涂 Not Recommended 不推荐采用

Thinner 稀释剂清洁淡水(Clean water)

Cleaner 油漆设备清洗剂清洁淡水(Clean water)

Pot Life 使用期 20℃-3h (小时)

Storage 贮存期 One year 一年

Drying time





Touch Dry



Hard Dry



Over coating Interval


Mix最短Max最长25℃≤ 30 ≤12 3hours 小Not limit 不限水性环氧富锌底漆用途和使用说明

Specific Gravity 比重Approx 2.85Kg/L 大约2.85公斤/公升

Specification and Surface preparation 技术要求及表面处理Clean and remove grease with proper solvents, Blast clean to Swedish Standard Sa2.5 or rust removed with power tool to St3, the roughness is 40-70 microns

Because the edge and quarter is easy to be rust in regard to water miscible paint, the edge and the quarter must be smoothed and painted in advance.




限制Please mix and stir still to even before application, during the application, the temperature of the environment should be above 10℃,the relative humidity should be less then 80%, the substrate temperature should hbe more than 3℃above the dew point, enough ventilation is necessary at the application site.参考

No application when the temperature is too low during night, No application when it is raining or there is dew the next coatings: water-miscable M.I.O. epoxy anti-corrosive paint, water-miscible epoxy finish, water-micible acrylic paint etc……; or some other solvent-based paints which are permitted, but the over coating interval time should be lengthened.

The durability of the water-micible paint is decided by the condition of the application, For example, on the edge and quarter, the application need be handled carefully, avoiding the film thickness is too thick once




