
Education in the United States
Development in Colonial Days
By the end of 17th century, all colonies had had their public schools set up;
Settlers of the English colonies were in the position to receive education of some kind.
The early settlers were intensely religious, who had a strong commitment to self-interpretation of the Bible.
Education in the United States
Establishment of Schools in Colonial Days
Children would be prepared to confront with the uncertainties of colonial life;
The following generation would be equipped with necessary skills to conduct the political, economic and religious affairs of the colonies.
Education in the United States
Educational Opportunities (17th Century)
Apprenticeship and elementary schools for lower classes
英美国家概论路人整理2011-7-27目录第一章英国的国土与人民LAND AND PEOPLE (3)第二章英国的起源THE ORIGINS OF A NATION (9)第三章英国的形成THE SHAPING OF THE NATION (16)第四章向现代英国的过渡TRANSITION TO THE MODERN AGE (22)第五章大英帝国的兴衰THE RISE AND FALL OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE (28)第六章英国经济THE ECONOMY (40)第八章法律与司法机构JUSTICE AND THE LAW (49)第九章英国社会SOCIAL AFFAIRS (55)第十章体育运动SPORTS (60)第十三章美国地理位置GEOGRAPHY (66)第十四章美国人口种族POPULATION.RACE AND ETHNIC GROUPS (70)第十五章美国历史(一)AMERICAN HISTORY(I) (73)第十六章美国历史(二)AMERICAN HISTORY(II) (77)第十七章美国历史(三)AMERICAN HISTORY(III) (81)第十八章美国经济THE ECONOMY (84)第十九章政治制度POLITICAL INSTITUTION (88)第二十章美国教育EDUCATION (93)第二十一章文化建筑和音乐LITERATURE, ARCHITECTURE AND MUSIC (98)第二十二章节日和假期HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS (102)第二十二章节:HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS 节日和假期 (102)第一章英国的国土与人民Land and PeopleI. Different Names for Britain and its Parts英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England.地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
张奎武《英美概况》笔记及习题 (教 育)【圣才出品】

第1章教育1.1 复习笔记I. A Brief Introduction to American EducationII. Elementary EducationIII. Secondary EducationIV. Higher Education—College and University1. General Introduction2. Types of Institutions3. Faculty Members4. Part-time Working and Student’s Organization V. Admission, and Academic Levels1. Admission2. Academic Levels and Academic Calendar3. CreditsVI. Graduate StudyVII. Well-known Universities in America1. Ivy League2. Harvard University3. Yale UniversityVIII. LibrariesI. A Brief Introduction to American Education (美国教育的概况)1. Education has been greatly respected throughout the history of the United States.在美国的历史进程中,教育受到了很高的重视。
2. At the turn of the twentieth century, public education developed more rapidly and more people got the opportunity of going to school.20世纪之交,公共教育发展迅速,越来越多的人得到了受教育的机会。
II. Elementary Education (初等教育)1. Many children begin their school education at the age of six and children usually graduate from high school at the age of 18.很多孩子6岁开始上学,18岁高中毕业。


GPA (General Points Average) 即平均学分值,它是通过对各个科目的学分总数的求和,然后再除以取得学分的科目数而得出的数值。
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)即学术能力测试,它是全美高中学生都要参加的一个标准定量考试,大多数美国大学都会有其自己设定的SAT最低录取分数线。
在美国有四种学位:Associate’s Degree 副学士学位(完成某项专门的职业技术课程的学习后获得)Bachelor’s Degree 学士学位(在完成4年大学学业后被授予)Master’s Degree 硕士学位(第一研究生学位)Doctoral Degree 博士学位(第二研究生学位)在美国,学生攻读学士学位期间第一年常被称为“Freshmen”新生,第二年级的学生叫做“Sophomores”,大三的学生叫做“Juniors”,大学四年级的学生叫“Seniors”。
American education(英语专业课英美概况)

Before six years ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱld
Elementary school 10 or 12 years Junior high school Senior high school graduation
18 years old
Elementary Education
The schedule of each academic year.
Types of elementary and secondary schools:
Pubic school
Private school
Parochial(教区的) school
School day and holidays
school day :9:00 a.m. about 3 p.m.
vacation : a two-week winter vacation, including the Christmas and new year’s holidays; a one-week spring vacation, and a two-month summer vacation. In addition, there are several one-day holidays giving students a day off to celebrate.
Distinct feature of American system: emphasis on education of the masses rather than on education of intellectual(知识分子)
School system
Preschool training (nursery school/ kindergarten)

英语国家概况精讲:美国教育下面是店铺整理的英语国家概况精讲:美国教育,欢迎大家阅读!1)Characteristics of American education:①formal education in the US consistes ofelementary, secondary and highereducation.②Elementary and secondaryeducation,which forms public education, is free andcompulsory③public and private schools:Public schoolsare created, financially supported and governed bystates or communities, and private ones by religiousgroups, or nonreligious private organizati ons orindividuals.④the Tenth Amendment to theConstitution said education was included among theresponsibilities which were "reserved to the states or the people", This makes it clear thateducation is a function of the state, not the federal government.⑤div ersity and sameness ineducational policy and practice.1.正式教育包括初等、中等、高等教育2.构成公共教育的初、中等教育是免费和义务的;3.公立和私立学校:公立学校由州或社区创建、资助和管理,私立由宗教团体、或非宗教性质的个人或组织来创建;4.《宪法第十修正案》把教育包括在‘只属于州和人民’的职责中,这清晰表明教育是州的职能,并非联邦政府的;5.教育政策和教学实践的多样性和类同性2)Elementary and secondary educationin the USElementary schools: In some states the elementary school covers grades 1-8, but in someother states it covers grades 1-5 or 6. so it takes 5,6or 8 years to finish the elementary schoolin the United Stetes. The elementary school curriculum mainly consists of mastery of the"basics"(基础课) ,such as reading, writing, and arithmetic or mathematics.一些州小学包括1-8年级,但另一些是1-5或6年级。

美国的教育英语作文Education in the United States。
Education in the United States is a complex and diverse system that provides students with a wide range of opportunities and resources. From early childhood education to higher education, the U.S. education system is designed to prepare students for success in the global economy and to promote social mobility.The U.S. education system is divided into different levels, including early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, and higher education. Early childhood education, which includes preschool and kindergarten, is not mandatory in the United States, but it is widely available and often considered an important foundation for later academic success.Primary education in the United States typically begins at age six and continues through fifth or sixth grade,depending on the state. Secondary education, which includes middle school and high school, generally begins at age 11 or 12 and continues through age 18. In high school, students have the opportunity to take a wide range of courses, including advanced placement (AP) courses, which can earn them college credit.After completing high school, students in the United States have the option to pursue higher education at colleges and universities. Higher education in the United States is known for its diversity and flexibility, with a wide range of institutions offering different types of degrees and programs. Students can choose from public universities, private universities, community colleges, and vocational schools, among others.One of the key features of the U.S. education system is its emphasis on extracurricular activities and enrichment programs. In addition to academic coursework, students in the United States have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities, including sports, music, drama, and community service. These activities are seen asimportant for developing well-rounded individuals and for promoting social and emotional development.Another important aspect of the U.S. education system is its commitment to diversity and inclusion. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on creating inclusive and equitable learning environments for all students, regardless of their background or identity. This includes efforts to address issues of bias and discrimination, as well as initiatives to promote cultural competence and diversity awareness.Despite its many strengths, the U.S. education system also faces a number of challenges. One of the most pressing issues is the achievement gap, which refers to thedisparity in academic performance between different groups of students, particularly along racial and socioeconomic lines. Efforts to close the achievement gap have been a major focus of education reform in the United States, with initiatives aimed at improving the quality of education in underserved communities and providing additional supportfor at-risk students.In conclusion, the U.S. education system is a complex and diverse system that provides students with a wide range of opportunities and resources. From early childhood education to higher education, the U.S. education system is designed to prepare students for success in the global economy and to promote social mobility. While it faces a number of challenges, the U.S. education system continues to be a key driver of social and economic progress in the United States.。

EDUCATION IN THE USAGoing to School in America TodayAmerican education has the goal of achieving universal literacy and to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the society.About 90% of American students attend public schools and the other 10% attend private schools. Most private schools are run the churches, synagogues or other religious groups; these schools teach about their religion as well as the usual subjects such as mathematics, English, science, history and geography.The costs involved in providing education are very high and therefore it is constantly under review by governments and by citizens. The spending of money is guided by boards of education at the state and district level. The same is true for decisions about school curriculum, teacher standards and certification, and the measurement of student progress.Education - A Local MatterEducation is mainly in the hands of the states and local governments; it is not controlled by the federal government.Each child in America is guaranteed 13 years education, regardless of the child’s race, sex, religion, learning problems, physical handicap or inability to speak English. Each of the 50 states in the USA has its own laws concerning education such as the school leaving-age of students.Americans like to educate their children about major public concerns, such as environmental pollution, nuclear issues, crimes and drugs. Boards of education can add courses to the curriculum, if they think that they are important for the students.What an American Student LearnsThere is no national curriculum in the USA but there are some subjects that maybe taught to all students from kindergarten to grade 12.Elementary school•Elementary school usually means all grades from kindergartenthrough to grade 8.•Almost every elementary school teaches the following subjects:mathematics, English, penmanship, science, social studies (a subject that includes history, geography, citizenship and economics) and the use of computers.依F ELL AR Sm eSecondary school (high school)Secondary school generally means grades 9 to 12. The core subjects required to be taught in secondary schools are English, mathematics, science, social studies and physical education.In addition to the required subjects, the student can to choose elective courses. For instance, if theycomplete the required work in American History, they are then able to take additional history related units such as European History and World Political Issues.Students can be guided in their choice of electives by school counsellors, who can suggest electives ranging from very specialized academicsubjects to those that are more vocational in nature. Some secondary schools specialize in particular types of subjects such as business education, foreign languages or industrial trades.At all levels of education, students are expected to work hard, complete assignments, complete homework and show respect to their teachers and professors.Higher EducationAbout 33% of high school student graduates go on to higher education. The system of higher education in the USA is complex. It comprises four categories of institutions:1.The university - which offers bachelor’s degrees, master’s degreesand doctoral degrees.2. The college - which only offers four-year bachelor’s degrees, thissort of college is not part of a university.3.the technical training institution - which offers a wide range ofcourses, some short and others up to four years, and where students can learn a variety of technical skills ranging from hairdressing tobusiness accounting.4.The two-year community college - where students study for 2 yearsfor a qualification which then allows them to go on and completetheir degree (another two years) at a university.Some Bachelor level degrees have an emphasis on developing a well-rounded person and some Bachelor degrees are directly aimed at a particular career path.Many universities have gained a strong reputation for the high quality of their educational programs. Some of the most prestigious universities receive a very large number of applications, and to get a place at one of these prestigious universities is very difficult.Factors that determine the status of the university are: •Quality of the teaching•Quality of research done there (very important) •Amount of funding available for libraries•Number of applicants for admission•Quality of facilitiesThe most desirable universities are usually the most expensive but their graduates have a distinct advantage when it comes to finding employment.University for AllAfter World War 2 the government passed a law offering financial assistance to returned soldiers (veterans) who wished to go to higher education colleges. Many veterans took up the opportunity, because they thoughtthat it would improve their chances of getting a good job.This changed the image of who should go to college. Previously, only a small percentage of school-leavers were accepted by colleges and universities. After the veterans started attending college, many other groups also started to attend college. For instance, the enrolment of women and African-American students greatly increased after this.By this time, racial segregation had been deemed unconstitutional, and the opportunities for African- American students to enter higher education improved dramatically.About the photo: A Fort Myer, Virginia school September 8, 1954 taken shortly after a unanimous ruling that segregation in education was inherently unequal as a result of the case of Brown vs. the Board of Education.)Universities and colleges went on to develop ways to give school leavers greater access to their programs. For example, many universities changed their entrance requirements, so that they not only took students, high school performance and entrance scores intoconsideration, but also their the talents, voluntary activities and “life experiences” .What success did these programs have?•American students have become an increasingly diversegroup.•By 2000 there were 128 women for every 100 men inhigher education.•Also by 2000, for every 100 master’s degrees awarded tomen, there were 138 awarded to womenUniversities and colleges were enrolling an increasing number of non-traditional students, for instance, students who enroll after working for some time, or students who study part-time and work part-time. By 2000, 50% of college students were 25 years or older and 43% were part-time.。
美国的教育 英语作文

美国的教育英语作文Education in the United States。
Education in the United States is a complex and diverse system that includes both public and private institutionsat all levels. The system is structured to provide students with a broad range of educational opportunities, from preschool through graduate school, and to prepare them fora variety of careers and life experiences.The foundation of the American education system is the public school system, which is funded and administered by state and local governments. Public schools are free and open to all students, regardless of their social or economic background. They are required to provide a basic education to all students, including instruction in reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and physical education.In addition to public schools, there are many privateschools in the United States, which are funded by tuition and donations. Private schools vary widely in their size, curriculum, and philosophy, and can be religious or secular in nature. Some private schools offer specialized programsin areas such as the arts, technology, or international studies.Higher education in the United States is also diverse and includes a wide range of institutions, from community colleges to research universities. Community colleges offer two-year associate degrees and are often a more affordable option for students who want to complete their general education requirements before transferring to a four-year university. Four-year universities offer bachelor's degrees, and many also offer graduate programs that lead to master's or doctoral degrees.One of the unique features of the American education system is its emphasis on extracurricular activities. Students are encouraged to participate in sports, clubs,and other activities outside of the classroom, which can help them develop leadership skills, social connections,and a sense of community.Despite the strengths of the American education system, it also faces many challenges. One of the most significantis the achievement gap, which refers to the disparity in academic performance between different groups of students, particularly those from low-income and minority backgrounds. Other challenges include funding disparities between schools, teacher shortages, and the need to adapt torapidly changing technology and workforce demands.In conclusion, education in the United States is a complex and diverse system that provides students with a broad range of opportunities and prepares them for avariety of careers and life experiences. While there are many strengths to the system, there are also significant challenges that must be addressed in order to ensure thatall students have access to a high-quality education.。
美国教育American Education

4 Postsecondary Education
Secondary Education
Preschool Educational (学前教育)
1 Day care center 日托中心
from infancy to 3/4 year-old
Process of Schooling in America
Secondary School
Postsecondary Education 高等教育
Conditionally 附有条件地
(Scholastic Aptitude Tests学习能力测验 )
Nursery school 托儿学校
从3/4到5岁ຫໍສະໝຸດ from 3/4 to 5 year-old
Kindergartens 幼儿园
from 4 to 6 year-old(to prepare for primary school) 从4到6岁(为小学做准备)
Children begin their elementary education 3-5 Elementary(or Primary) schools 小学
I General Introduction to American Education Education for children is compulsory,but the ages vary by states. 在美国,接受教育是强制性的,但是各州年龄 标准不同。 Begin:5-8 End:14-18
公立学校 pulic or government-operated school 经州政府批准的私立学校 state-certified private school 家庭学校 home school

Chapter 20 Education 教育[被屏蔽广告] 1.It is a general view that every American has the right and obligation to become educated. American believe that ,through education, an individual acquires th e knowledge, skill ,attitudes and abilities which will enable him to fit into society and im prove his social status. Education helps to shape the society and develop the national stre ngth。
(2000,46题,一句话回答)2.Formal education in the U.S consists of elementary ,secondary and higher educat ion, Elementary and secondary education,which forms public education, is free and compul sory.美国正规的教育由初等,中等和高等教育组成,初等,中等教育属公立教育,是免费和义务的。
3.In American ,there are more public elementary and secondary schools that privat e ones, while private colleges and universities outnumber public ones.在美国,公立中小学比私立多,而私立大学比公立大学多。

Middle School in U.S.A
Standardized Tests
❖ In the last year of high school, students who want to go on to receive higher education have to take some kind of standardized tests.
1. the Graduate Record Examination (GRE),
2. or the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) for law school,
7th Grade
12 - 13
8th Grade
13 - 14
9th Grade
14 - 15
10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade
High School 15 - 16 16 - 17 17 - 18
IV. Curricula for Students
1.Elementary School
❖ Credits are earned by attending lectures
(or lab classes) and by successfully
completing assignments and examinations.
❖ Students who want to pursue graduate study have to take
3. The impression they make during the interviews at the university

美国教育英语作文Education in the United States is a complex and diverse system that has evolved over time to meet the needs of a diverse population. It is characterized by a combination of public and private institutions, with a strong emphasis on individual choice and local control.The American education system is divided into three main levels: primary education (elementary school), secondary education (middle and high school), and higher education (colleges and universities). Each level has its own set of standards and requirements, but there is a general progression from basic literacy and numeracy skills in primary education to more advanced and specialized subjectsin secondary and higher education.One of the key features of American education is the emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students are encouraged to question, analyze, and evaluate information, rather than simply memorizing facts. This approach is designed to prepare students for the challenges of the modern world, where the ability to think creatively and adapt to new situations is highly valued.Another important aspect of American education is the focus on diversity and inclusion. Schools are required to provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic background. Thisincludes providing special education services for students with disabilities and implementing programs to support English language learners.However, the American education system also faces several challenges. One of the most significant is the achievement gap between different groups of students, particularly between low-income and high-income students. This gap can be attributed to factors such as unequal access to resources, differences in the quality of education, and societal barriers.Another challenge is the high dropout rate, especially among certain demographic groups. Efforts are being made to address this issue through initiatives such as early intervention programs, mentorship, and support services.Despite these challenges, the American education system remains a powerful force for social mobility and personal growth. It offers a wide range of opportunities for students to explore their interests, develop their skills, and prepare for successful careers and fulfilling lives. With continued efforts to improve equity and access, the American education system has the potential to achieve even greater success in the future.。
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EDUCATION IN THE USAGoing to School in America TodayAmerican education has the goal of achieving universal literacy and to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the society.About 90% of American students attend public schools and the other 10% attend private schools. Most private schools are run the churches, synagogues or other religious groups; these schools teach about their religion as well as the usual subjects such as mathematics, English, science, history and geography.The costs involved in providing education are veryhigh and therefore it is constantly under review by governments and by citizens. The spending of money is guided by boards of education at the state anddistrict level. The same is true for decisions about school curriculum, teacher standards and certification, and the measurement of student progress.Education - A Local MatterEducation is mainly in the hands of the states andlocal governments; it is not controlled by the federal government.Each child in America is guaranteed 13 years education, regardless of the child’s race, sex, religion, learning problems, physical handicap or inability to speak English. Each of the 50 states in the USA hasits own laws concerning education such as the school leaving-age of students.Americans like to educate their children about major public concerns, such as environmental pollution, nuclear issues, crimes and drugs. Boards of education can add courses to the curriculum, if they think that they are important for the students.What an American Student LearnsThere is no national curriculum in the USA but there are some subjects that maybe taught to all students from kindergarten to grade 12.Elementary school•Elementary school usually means all grades fromkindergarten through to grade 8.•Almost every elementary school teaches thefollowing subjects: mathematics, English,penmanship, science, social studies (a subjectthat includes history, geography, citizenship and economics) and the use of computers.Secondary school (high school)Secondary school generally means grades 9 to 12. The core subjects required to be taught in secondary schools are English, mathematics, science, social studies and physical education.In addition to the required subjects, the student can to choose elective courses. For instance, if theycomplete the required work in American History, they are then able to take additional history related units such as European History and World Political Issues.Students can be guided in their choice of electives by school counsellors, who can suggest electives ranging from very specialized academic subjects to those that are more vocational in nature. Some secondary schools specialize in particular types of subjects such as business education, foreign languages or industrial trades.At all levels of education, students are expected to work hard, complete assignments, complete homework and show respect to their teachers and professors.Higher EducationAbout 33% of high school student graduates go on to higher education.The system of higher education in the USA is complex. It comprises four categories of institutions:1.The university – which offers bachelor’s degrees,master’s degrees and doctoral degrees.2.The college - which only offers four-yearbachelor’s degrees, this sort of college is notpart of a university.3.the technical training institution – which offersa wide range of courses, some short and others upto four years, and where students can learn avariety of technical skills ranging fromhairdressing to business accounting.4.The two-year community college – where studentsstudy for 2 years for a qualification which thenallows them to go on and complete their degree(another two years) at a university.Some Bachelor level degrees have an emphasis on developing a well-rounded person and some Bachelor degrees are directly aimed at a particular career path.Many universities have gained a strong reputation for the high quality of their educational programs. Some of the most prestigious universities receive a very large number of applications, and to get a place at one of these prestigious universities is very difficult.Factors that determine the status of the university are:•Quality of the teaching•Quality of research done there (very important)•Amount of funding available for libraries•Number of applicants for admission•Quality of facilitiesThe most desirable universities are usually the most expensive but their graduates have a distinct advantage when it comes to finding employment.University for AllAfter World War 2 the government passed a law offering financial assistance to returned soldiers (veterans) who wished to go to higher education colleges. Many veterans took up the opportunity, because they thoughtthat it would improve their chances of getting a good job.This changed the image of who should go to college. Previously, only a small percentage of school-leavers were accepted by colleges and universities. After the veterans started attending college, many other groups also started to attend college. For instance, the enrolment of women and African-American students greatly increased after this.By this time, racial segregation had been deemed unconstitutional, and the opportunities for African-American students to enter higher education improved dramatically.About the photo: A Fort Myer, Virginia school September 8, 1954 taken shortly after a unanimous ruling that segregation in education was inherently unequal as a result of the case of Brown vs. the Board of Education.)Universities and colleges went on to develop ways to give school leavers greater access to their programs. For example, many universities changed their entrance requirements, so that they not only took students’high school performance and entrance scores intoconsideration, but also their the talents, voluntary activities and “life experiences”.What success did these programs have?•American students have become an increasinglydiverse group.•By 2000 there were 128 women for every 100 men in higher education.•Also by 2000, f or every 100 master’s degreesawarded to men, there were 138 awarded to women•Universities and colleges were enrolling an increasing number of non-traditional students, for instance, students who enroll after working for some time, or students who study part-time and work part-time. By 2000, 50% of college students were 25 years or older and 43% were part-time.。