



Manual de instrucciones Reloj de aprendizaje Las Pistas de BlueReloj de aprendizaje: Las pistas de Blue ! Este reloj interactivo incluye cronómetro, alarma, cuatro juegos educativos y siete esferas diferentes. Con él, se aprenderá el concepto de tiempo, se ejercitan las habilidades de observación-comparación y, además, se practican los númerosBotón izquierdoCorreaReloj/Inicio Botón derecho Botón OK con luz• Los materiales de este embalaje, tales como cintas, cuerdas,hojas de plástico, alambres, etiquetas, cierres de seguridad y tornillos de embalaje, no son parte de este juguete y deberían No lo sumerja en agua. No es un reloj acuático. No lo use en Es posible que las personas con pieles muy sensibles sientan irritación después de llevar puesto el reloj durante largos periodos de tiempo. Para evitarlo, aconsejamos que los menoresse lo quiten cuando vayan a dormir por la noche y mantengan Evite ajustar la correa demasiado fuerte para evitar dichas irritaciones. En caso de notar enrojecimiento, picor o irritación,Este producto incluye una pila de botón que puede causar graves daños en caso de ingestión.Deseche las pilas gastadas y manténgalas fuera del alcance de los menores. Si sospecha que un menor se ha podido tragar una pila, acuda de inmediato El Reloj de aprendizaje Las pistas de Blue funciona con una pila2. Encontrará el compartimento de las pilas en la parte traseraIMPORTANTE: INFORMACIÓN SOBRE LAS PILASsignos deNo se debe provocar cortocircuitos en los bornes de unajugueteRetire las pilas recargables del juguete para su carga.bajo laAyúdenos a cuidar nuestro entorno, es responsabilidad de todos.• Este símbolo indica que este producto y sus pilas no deben tirarse a la basura al final de su vida útil,sino que deben ser depositados en contenedoresespeciales, para poder reciclarlos adecuadamentey así evitar daños en el medio ambiente o efectosperjudiciales para la salud. Por favor, respete lanormativa vigente y recurra a un Punto Limpio o alos servicios destinados para tal fin en su localidad.• Los símbolos Hg, Cd, o Pb, indican que las pilas contienen un nivel de mercurio (Hg), cadmio (Cd)o plomo (Pb) mayor del permitido en la directivaeuropea (2006/66/CE).• La barra negra, indica que el producto está en el mercado después del 13 de agosto de 2005.VTech se preocupa por nuestro planeta.• VTech le anima a darle una segunda vida a su juguete llevándolo a un Punto Limpio. De estaforma sus materiales se podrán reciclar respetandoasí el medio ambiente.• Busque en su localidad el Punto Limpio más cercano. ADVERTENCIAEste producto contiene una o más pilas de botón. En caso de ingestión, la pila de botón entra en contacto con la saliva. Eso provoca una reacción química que puede causar quemaduras internas y dar lugar a lesiones graves o incluso la muerte en apenas dos horas. Elimine inmediatamente las pilas de botón usadas. Mantenga las pilas nuevas y usadas fuera del alcance de los niños. Si sospecha que un niño se ha tragado una pila de botón o la ha situado en alguna parte de su cuerpo, busquePARA EMPEZAR A JUGARCuando use el reloj por primera vez, abra la tapa y presione los botones Derecha + Izquierda + OK durante 5 segundos para desactivar la función Demo. Escuchará 3 pitidos que indicarán que el proceso de activación se ha hecho correctamente y, ahora sí, se han desbloqueado todos los contenidos y juegos.A continuación, pulse cualquier botón para ajustar la hora con ayuda de las teclas de dirección y presione OK para empezar a jugar.Note:• Si el nivel de batería es bajo, la mayoría de funciones no estarán activas excepto el reloj. Recomendamos cambiar la pila cuanto antes.• Si el nivel de batería es tan bajo que no se enciende el reloj, tendrá que configurar la hora después de poner una pila nueva.FUNCIONES Y ACTIVIDADES1. TapaAbra la tapa para ver la hora. Cuando esté cerrada, pulse el botón OK para activar frases y encender la luz.2. Botones derecha e izquierdaUse los botones de dirección para seleccionar unaactividad o elegir diferentes opciones de hora o alarma. 3. Botón OKPresione OK para confirmar una selección y entrar en los diferentes menús.4. Reloj/Inicio(A)R elojPulse el botón Reloj/Inicio para volver a la pantalla del relojPulse derecha o izquierda desde la pantalla del reloj para1. Alarma2. Cronómetro Cuentaatrás Juegos 5. AjustesAlarmaPuede configurar la alarma con 2 tonos6. CronómetroPulse OK para iniciar y detenerlo.Cuenta atrásPulse izquierda o derecha para marcar unACTIVIDADES1. JuegosEn la sección de juegos, pulse izquierda o derecha para elegir uno.(A) Un día con Blue y Magenta¿Qué quieren hacer contigo hoy Blue yMagenta? Pulsa los botones de izquierda yderecha para seleccionar una hora y pulsaOK para averiguarlo.(B) Encuentra la diferencia¡Juega con Blue y sus amigos a buscar ladiferencia! Pulsa los botones de izquierday derecha para seleccionar la posediferente y pulsa OK para confirmar.(C) Cuenta las burbujas¡Vamos a contar las pompas de jabón!Pulsa los botones de izquierda y derechapara elegir una respuesta.(D)Atrapa formasCubo y Pala están atrapando formas enel patio. Pulsa los botones de izquierda yderecha para ayudar a Pala a atrapar lasformas correctas.CUIDADO Y MANTENIMIENTO• Limpie el juguete con un paño suave ligeramente húmedo.No utilice disolventes ni abrasivos.• Manténgalo lejos de la luz directa del sol o de cualquier otra fuente de calor.• Quite las pilas cuando el juguete no vaya a ser utilizado durante un largo periodo de tiempo.• No deje caer la unidad sobre superficies duras, ni la expongaa la humedad o al agua.• No trate de reparar la unidad ni desmontar el producto. SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMASSi por alguna razón la unidad deja de funcionar o lo hace con irregularidad, por favor, siga estos pasos:1. Apague el juguete.2. Quite las pilas.3. Deje que la unidad repose durante unos minutos, después,vuelva a poner las pilas.4. Encienda el juguete, ahora deberá funcionar.5. Si el producto sigue sin funcionar, utilice pilas nuevas.Si el problema continúa, por favor, póngase en contacto con nuestro Servicio de Atención al Cliente a través del teléfono 913120770 (válido únicamente en España) o del correo electró*************************.Lasconsultasdebenser realizadas por un adulto.1111Para buscar más información acerca de los productos visite nuestra página© 2020 Viacom International Inc. All RightsReserved. Nickelodeon, Blue’s Clues & You! and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.TM & © 2021 VT ech Holdings Limited.T odos los derechos reservados.IM-611700-000V ersion:0。



F602TUBE COMPRESSOROperating ManualThe F602 Compressor is a true variable transconductance, high performance tool for professional recording and mastering engineers. The F602 features the original remote cutoff double triode tube used in many vintage designs (Gates, Fairchild, and GE to name a few) called 6386LGP. The signal path is very short and delivers the smoothness you would expect from a great piece of vintage equipment. The innovative transformer-less input circuit yields clarity while the Lundahl output transformer adds character. The extreme low output impedance with its high current design allows even the most difficult and complex loads to be driven without sonic impact. A wet (compressed) and try (uncompressed) mixer further enhances the flexibility of the F602 Tube Compressor. In addition a true hard bypass, which also works, if the unit is powered down, was implemented as well as a standby switch allowing to shutdown the tube circuitry if the F602 is not in use while the rack is still powered, therefore extending the tube life cycle.Up to ten units can be linked together to form a true multichannel compressor. The engineer can easily change the compression characteristics by tuning threshold, ratio, attack and release times as well as selecting an automatic release mode, which adjusts the release time dynamically according to the source material and input level. The main compression behavior can be switched between hard- and soft-knee. Up to 20dB of make-up gain is provided to compensate for the gain reduction. The VU meter is selectable between gain reduction and output level. A clip LED indicates output levels above +24dBu.The whole package is delivered a single space API 500 series form factor. Due to the high power-consumption of about 8W, not all lunch-boxes and racks are suitable for this module. Of course, Fredenstein boxes and racks are well equipped to handle these loads. As all Fredenstein products, the F602 is designed by a German-American team and manufactured in Taiwan.Overview:Rotary Controls:THR: Threshold ControlCR : Compression RatioREL: Release Time ControlATT: Attack Time ControlMIX : Wet / Dry MixerLEVEL:Make-up Gain ControlSwitches:VU:if the VU-switch is in the upper position (LEDis on), the VU meter shows the output levelinstead of gain reduction.SOFT:if the SOFT-switch is in the upper position(LED is on), the compressor works in the softknee mode.LINK : Enables multichannel link capability indicatedby a blue LED.STANDBY : Powers down the tube to increase its lifeexpectancy, if not in use. Indicated by a yellowLED.BYPASS : True hard bypasss function, also active whenpowered downIndicators:CLIP:Lit, if output level exceeds +24 dBuOT:Internal Temperature exceeds 76 ºC, the unitautomatically activates standby mode.Installation:Please power down your rack or box first, before inserting the F602. Since the F602 uses the link interconnect in the box or rack, it cannot coexist with any other third-party modules using the same link interconnect (PIN 6 on the edge connector). If you are using a Fredenstein Bento box, please turn off the compressor link switches to any third party module(s), only turn the link switches on between F602 modules.Other third party equipment not using the link interconnect, such as most Mic-Pres and EQs etc, can be used simultaneously with the F602 in any enclosure. The power requirements are maximum +16V, +250mA and -16V -200mA. Please make sure, in case you don't use a Fredenstein Bento, that your box or rack can support the required currents. Please consult your third party documentation in case of any doubt. To prevent high internal temperatures leading to over temperature shutdowns, please make sure you have enough airflow through your lunchbox or rack.To understand the function of the F602, let's discuss first some terms:Hard-Knee characteristics means the compressor will evenly compress all signal above the Threshold as set by the Compression Ratio control. Soft-Knee means that the compressor will start softly when the Threshold is almost reached with a reduced Compression Ratio. Then it will increase the Compression Ratio until the Gain Reduction reaches 3 dB and the full Compression Ratio is applied.When using very fast release times < 100 ms, you will get audible artifacts on low frequency signals, so be careful when tracking a bass or using it as a buss compressor on a mix as an example not to choose an ultra fast release time unless you want artifacts for artistic reasons.User Controls:Threshold Control:Determines the input level at which the compressor is activated. If turned completely counter clockwise, a switch engages and the compression is turned off.Compression Ratio:The amount of increase in output level relatively to the threshold level. Minimum is 2:1, maximum is 20:1 (limiting).Release Control:If the signal drops below threshold, the release time determines how fast the compressor falls back to 0 dB gain reduction. If turned completely counter clockwise, a switch engages and the release time is set to automatic mode depending on the program material. The range is 12 ms to 5s.Attack Control:Determines how fast the compressor reacts to signals above threshold.Mix Control:The mix control allows the user to select a ratio between the compressed and uncompressed signal. If turned completely counter clockwise, a switch engages and only the compressed signal will be on the output, if turned completely clockwise only the uncompressed (input) signal is present on the output.Level Control:Make-up gain can be applied in the range of 0 to + 20dB to compensate for the gain reduction. Technical Data:Reference Level:0 db = +4 dBu (American Studio Standard)Make-up Gain:0 to +20 dBThreshold:-25 dB to +9 dBAttack Time Range:250 us to 15.5 msRelease Time Range:12 ms to 5 sCompressions Ratio:2:1 to 20:1Frequency Response:20Hz – 20,000Hz, +/- 1dBDistortion:< 0.01%S/N Ratio :> 90dB at 0dB gainInput Impedance:> 10KOhmMax. Input Level:+ 24 dBuOutput Impedance:20 OhmMax. Output Current :+/- 200 mAMax. Output Level:+ 26 dBuPower Consumption:+16 V +250 mA, -16V -200 mAContact Info:Fredenstein Professional Audio by Orion Communication7F-1, No. 582, Ruei Guang Rd.Neihu DistrictTaipei 114TaiwanPhone: + 886-2-2657-2618 Email:******************** Web: 。



TO BE GREATBRAVO博锐user manual用户手册A.功能简介¾时、分、秒、年、月、日及星期显示,年范围2000~2099年¾5组响闹功能:一组带贪睡功能,四组指定日期响闹¾整点报时功能¾秒表功能,99组秒表记录查询,最大计时23小时59分59秒停止¾倒计时功能,最大倒计时99:59:59¾指南针、高度、气压、温度、天气预报功能,及指南针、气压、高度、温度校正功能¾12/24小时制¾世界时间功能,可显示28个城市的时间及夏令时功能¾LCD对比度可设定¾3秒EL背光B.产品功能模式1.在任意模式,按A键一次亮EL3秒。

















5. 排除错误指南.................................................................................................... 1
5.1 常见问题与答复 ....................................................................................... 1 5.2 排除错误信息.......................................................................................... 3 5.3 技术服务 ............................................................................................... 4
4. 保养 .................................................................................................................. 1
4.1 校正本产品 ............................................................................................ 1 4.2 清理滚轮及玻璃镜面 ................................................................................. 2
欧盟 (EC) 符合性声明 本产品标示CE标志说明符合下列EU指令



目录摘要 (3)一、总述 (5)1.1 作品的背景及意义 (5)1.2 作品的国内外研究现状 (5)二、作品的设计方案 (7)2.1 整体结构设计 (7)2.2 压电陶瓷发电装置的设计 (7)2.3 整流电路的设计 (10)2.4 稳压充电电路的设计 (11)三、作品设计的创新之处 (13)3.1 产品设计的创新之处 (13)四、作品带来的经济和社会效益 (14)4.1 作品带来的经济效益 (14)4.2 作品带来的社会效益 (14)参考文献 (15)摘要社会的发展引起一系列的环境问题,传统的化石燃料对环境污染严重,且日益枯竭,寻找新能源成为当务之急。





关键词:电能转化、压电陶瓷、整流电路ABSTRACTSocial development has led to a range of environmental issues, traditional fossil fuels become urgent and serious environmental pollution, and increasing depletion find new energy sources.Humans walk every day to generate a lot of vibration, this vibration through the the transformed rational use of not only save energy but also bring convenience for people, so we have put forward the idea of walking generation shoes.Based the shoes walking power generation of piezoelectric the ceramic power generation technology is the soles placed in piezoelectric ceramic made of piezoelectric ceramics power generation device, and then take advantage of the piezoelectric effect of the piezoelectric ceramic material of human walking mechanical energy into electrical energy, andstored the shoes of a charge to the electrical equipment needs to be charged.The walk based the piezoelectric ceramic generation technology generation shoes, a total of five parts, namely piezoelectric ceramic generation device, a rectifier circuit, super capacitors, voltage regulators, charging circuit and micro batteries.The piezoelectric ceramic power generating device using a piezoelectric ceramic sheets made of energy conversion devices, the human walkingvibrations generated through the device can be can be transformed into electricity, and then through a rectifier circuit to produce electrical energy for processing is stored in the super capacitor,Finally, design a stable DC power regulator charging circuit output to tiny battery charge.Keywords :Energy conversion、Piezoelectric ceramics、Rectifier circuit一、总述1.1 作品的背景及意义社会的发展引起一系列的环境问题,传统的化石燃料对环境污染严重,且日益枯竭,寻找新能源成为当务之急。



This new future will see data centres make valuablefinancial gains with no loss of control or productivity. And it could help all of us move to a greener energy grid, adding a valuable new component to an organisation’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities. Very importantly, making this change will not compromise an asset owner’s primary functions, energy availability or the ability to protect critical loads. The asset owner remains in complete control.Figure 1: Evolution of the energy systemEnergy has been a commodity and treated as a waste after first use Sectors (energy, transport, industry, buildings) were viewed in isolationStoring and using energy whenhaving highest value , or to provide services, turns energy into an asset Energy Storages providing flexibility to systemGrid responsive buildingsleveraging smart assets to enable low-carbon energy system based on renewablesEverything-as-a-grid concept for affordable low-carbon energy systemPresent:Future:Supporting the grid can generate revenuesParticipating in frequency regulation not only supports the introduction of new renewables, but UPS owners are paid for their availability. New markets are opening all around Europe every year.T able 1: Market value for frequency regulation in selected countries (per 1 MW per year)Nordics 1Ireland 2United Kingdom 3Germany 3Netherlands3p e r M W p e r y e a r€20 000 €40 000 €60 000 €80 000 €100 000 €120 000 €140 000 €160 000 €1 Estimated based on 2020 market value in Finland 2Actualized 2019 compensation (DS3)3Requires an additional battery investment of between 200 k€ to 500 k€2EATON EnergyAware Brochure July 2021Corporate Social ResponsibilityHave an impact on solving the world’s most urgent environmental issues More reliable power gridOffset the impact of increased renewables to energy system reliabilityMore revenueGenerate revenue from a necessary investmentIncreased competitivenessFaster deployment for new customersWhat is Eaton EnergyAware?An Eaton EnergyAware UPS leverages the stored energy within the batteries for demand response and ancillary services, positively impacting green values and supporting the environment and wider use of renewable energy. This creates savings and additional revenue – all of which increases a data centre’s competitiveness. The system is operated in a fail-safe and controlled way, using storedenergy in parallel with mains and keeping enough energy to meet back-up time requirements and always prioritising critical load protection.The Eaton EnergyAware UPS3EATON EnergyAware Brochure July 2021Energy AwareFigure 2: Global electricity generation mix (Bloomberg)The worldwide move away from fossil fuels is driven by affordable renewable energy, legally binding agreements and increasingly vocal public demand to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.By 2050, it is estimated that nearly 50% of the world’s electrical energy will come, from variable wind and solar (Bloomberg). In Europe, renewables will exceed 50% of electrical energy by 2030 (Ember).It is expected that the cost of fossil fuels will rise as scarcity increases, with a fall in mass-scale coal and gas production affecting the economy of scale for such energy. Over the next decade it is expected that wind and solar power will be cheaper to produce than power from any average gas or coal plant in Europe.20190%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%197019801990200020102020203020402050Historical global power generation mixNEO 2020 global power generation mix56% solar & wind 24% fossil fuels by 205069%renewables4EATON EnergyAware Brochure July 2021The transition will be made easier in terms of cost and reliability of supply if a more flexible and open energy system is brought on stream, involving both new energy providers and more localised grid structures.Data centres and energy useData centres are major energy consumers and their consumption is expected to grow in the coming years as the use of digital services and number of users grows. Eaton estimates the global power capacity of the world’s data centres is 47.5 GW today. This is equivalent to 125% of the total power used by a country the size of the UK.Data centres are well positioned to play their part in the energy system. They need a constant, steady flow of energy at all times – downtime is not an option. As a result, significantresources are put into technologies like Uninterruptable Power Supplies which regulate energy throughput and battery-based backup which can come on stream within milliseconds if external energy supplies are compromised.5EATON EnergyAware Brochure July 2021S U S T A I N A B I L I TY SMA RT E NER GYT C OA V A I L AB I L I T YA D D IT IO N A L R E V E N U Ewaiting to be harnessed.LoadR e s e r v eTaking a new roleThe transition from fossil to renewable energy is inevitable. This presents new challenges for grid operators to balance supply and demand, and to manage disturbances and grid reliability. Data centres can become contributors in the new energy market without any loss of autonomy or control, while helping to green the grid and maintain grid stability. This all leads to a more stable grid and lower electricity prices.Intelligence withinMuch of what data centres need to make the transition is already in place. The core resources of transformer, battery bank, and switchgear, all necessary for meeting their own needs, do not need to change.A DC electrical system vs. a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)Commonalities between Data Centre andBESS power system(1H. Rubel, C. Pieper, Z. Jan and Y. Sunak, “How batteries and solar power are disrupting electricity markets,” BCG, Boston, 2017.7EATON EnergyAware Brochure July 2021How muchrevenue can an EnergyAware UPS generate?Eaton estimates typical returns of up to 100 000 € per year for each MW of power allocated to grid support to help energy providers balance energy demands. Actual amounts will vary depending on variables such as battery capacity and how frequently grid contributions are made.The primary function of an EnergyAware UPS is to meet the data centre’s energy needs. This includes provisioning the data centre if the grid goes down. Additional capacity, not required by the data centre, can be used to support the grid.An EnergyAware UPS can be installed as an upgrade to existing systems with a minimal investment.Eaton has completed successful pilot projects in Scandinavia and Ireland. The first commercial data centre installation was deployed in Finland in 2019.Does contributing to the grid compromise a data centre’s uptime?Is it complex to install and maintain an EnergyAware UPS?Are there proven examples of an EnergyAware UPS supporting the grid?Frequently Asked QuestionsWe are already seeing restrictions on where data centres can exist due to the availability of energy. To give one example, until just recently Amsterdam banned new data centres because the grid could no longer support them. If data centres contribute to the grid, they can avoid this type of exclusion, and make location decisions based on other relevant factors.Energy markets and ancillary services are constantly developing and new reserve types and opportunities for consumers are opening. To gain from these future opportunities, it’s important to choose technologies today that can support these types of activities. This allows fast deployment to new opportunities without major changes to the system design or significant additional investments.8EATON EnergyAware Brochure July 2021How data centres contribute todayThese examples show how data centres already contribute to local grids and how they are paving the way withinnovative use of technology.Providing power at times of needDuring 2018, Statnett, a Norwegian Transmission System Operator, and Fortum, a leading energy provider inthe Nordic and Baltic countries, trialled a Fast Frequency Response during normal system operation. Norwegiandata centre operator Basefarm was one of the participants. Performance requirements for Fast FrequencyResponse in the pilot were 49.6 Hz activation frequency and providing a full response within two seconds for amaximum duration of 30 seconds. During the pilot a power plant failure in Finland caused instability in the grid,and the UPSs were tested for real. The data centre reserves were the quickest to activate – faster than hydro,industrial consumption and electric vehicles – and providing the desired power impact in far less than the twoseconds required.Contributing to the gridEaton launched the first commercial application of its frequency response solution, based on Eaton UPSs, aftera successful pilot at its European headquarters in Ireland in 2019. Eaton partnered with Enel X, a global energy management company to bring the solution to market.The solution enables organizations to take part in Irish grid operator EirGrid’s DS3 system services, whichsupports renewable integration through the management of grid frequency.The proof of concept pilot with Enel X and EirGrid has demonstrated how the EnergyAware UPS managescritical loads and mission critical applications, and improves grid stabilization. It will also generate income.The first commercial deployment of EnergyAware UPS took place in 2019, when Aurora DC in Finland deployed its 400-kW capacity system into the Nordics FCR-N market. The goal was to build a reliable and safe data centre using cutting-edge, modern technology in a sustainable way. The system consists of two Eaton 93PM 200 kW UPS’s together with lithium-ion batteries sized for 60 minutes of runtime. Aurora DC’s facility in Finland became the first data centre to procure 100% green energy while simultaneously supporting the introduction of new renewables into the grid.9EATON EnergyAware Brochure July 2021option, but a necessity. In this transition period much is in flux. Data centre development is already being banned in some locations.Yet data centres are well equipped to become part of the solution as we move away from fossil fuels towards renewables. If they grasp this challenge, they will proveSupport grids to adapt more renewable power and replaces reserves based on fossil fuelsgridOffset the impact of increased renewables to the system reliability Data centres can benefit from the EnergyAware technology in multiple ways - whether you need energy optimization or you want to participate in grid support.Ancillary ServicesPeak Shaving:limit maximum load to the grid and save on the energy tariffPaid for availabilityTime-of-Use:buy energy when it expensiveFrequency Regulation:support the grid to avoid outages and bottle necks10EATON EnergyAware Brochure July 2021Case study: 10 MW data centre in Ireland* The selected activation frequency is 49.8 Hz** Based on VRLA batteries. Can be done with either VRLA or Lithium-ion batteriesThis case study uses real market values from 2019 in a hypothetical scenario for a 10 MW data centre in Ireland. The UPS capacity is: 10 MW and the battery capacity is: 10 minutes (5 minutes for the load + 5 minutes for EnergyAware). The typical Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) life cycle is: 10 years.UPS capacity:10 MWTCO lifecycle:10 yearsBattery capacity:10 minutesPayback time:1 year11EATON EnergyAware Brochure July 2021Changes to the products, to the information contained in thisdocument, and to prices are reserved; so are errors and omissions. Only order confirmations and technical documentation by Eaton is binding. Photos and pictures also do not warrant a specific layout or functionality. Their use in whatever form is subject to prior approval by Eaton. The same applies to Trademarks (especially Eaton, Moeller, and Cutler-Hammer). The Terms and Conditions of Eaton apply, as referenced on Eaton Internet pages and Eaton order confirmations.Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.EatonEMEA Headquarters Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges, Switzerland© 2021 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. BR153151EN July 2021Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.。



PUBLICKONGSBERG PROPRIETARY. This document and its accompanying elements containKONGSBERG information which is proprietary and confidential. Any disclosure, copying, distributionECDIS Compliance Kongsberg MaritimeNavigation product Kongsberg MaritimeNavigation product Kongsberg MaritimeNavigation productRevisionsDocument historyReferencesKONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary InformationKONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary InformationCopyrightThe information contained in this document remains the sole property of Kongsberg Maritime AS. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, and the information contained within it is not to be communicated to a third party, without the prior written consent of Kongsberg Maritime AS.DisclaimerKongsberg Maritime AS endeavours to ensure that all information in this document is correct and fairly stated but does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary InformationTable of contents1Introduction (7)1.1Purpose (7)1.2Background (7)2New normative ECDIS standards (8)3Regulations (8)3.1ECDIS meeting chart carriage requirement SOLAS V/ (8)3.2ECDIS carriage requirement SOLAS V/ 19.2.10 (8)3.3Backup arrangement SOLAS V/ (9)4Mandatory ECDIS implementation (11)5Performance standard for ECDIS (12)6Guidance to KM ECDIS compliance (12)Table of figuresFigure 1.ECDIS implementation (11)Figure 2.K-Bridge ECDIS compliance (14)Figure 3.K-Nav ECDIS compliance (15)Figure 4.BridgeLine10™ ECDIS compliance (16)KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary InformationDefinitions / AbbreviationsKONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary Information1Introduction1.1PurposeThis document is intended for Kongsberg Maritimes navigation customers as a guide on how to handle the new international rules and regulations regarding Electronic Chart Display and Information system (ECDIS), in compliance with the IMO requirements.1.2BackgroundOn 1 January 2011 the amendments to SOLAS as adopted by IMO ResolutionMSC.282(86) entered into force. These amendments included a number of changes to SOLAS Chapter V Safety of Navigation. Only the amendments regarding electronic chart display and information system is addressed in this document. Reference text from SOLAS is written in italic style and is unchanged from original text in SOLAS.KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary Information2New normative ECDIS standards In August 2015, the IEC published the fourth edition of the ECDIS test standard IEC 61174 Ed. 4.0. The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) published at the same time a number of new editions and in particular the Presentation Library (PresLib) edition 4.0. The IHO has announced they will withdraw previous editions on the 31 August 2017 affecting both new and existing ECDIS systems. For more information, visit: means all Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC) that are produced and 8uthorized by national hydrographic authorities that are members of the IHO will be according to the latest IEC and PresLib 4.0. To be able to update to ENC delivered with PresLib 4 the ECDSI must be compliant with latest IEC and PresLib 4.0. For more information about compliant Kongsberg ECDIS see Chapter 6 6 Guidance to KM ECDIS compliance.3Regulations3.1ECDIS meeting chart carriagerequirement SOLAS V/ is now accepted, to meet the carriage requirements for nautical charts. SOLAS Chapter V Regulation now reads as follows:“All ships, irrespective of size, shall have nautical charts and nautical publications to plan and display the ship’s route for the intended voyage and to plot and monitor positions throughout the voyage. An electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) is also accepted as meeting the chart carriage requirements of this subparagraph. Ships to which paragraph 2.10 applies shall comply with the carriage requirements for ECDIS detailed therein.”3.2ECDIS carriage requirement SOLAS V/19.2.10ECDIS has become mandatory carriage requirement. The amended SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 19.2.10 reads as follow:KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary Information“2.10 Ships engaged on international voyages shall be fitted with an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) as follows:•passenger ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 1 July 2012;•tankers of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 1 July 2012; •cargo ships, other than tankers, of 10,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 1 July 2013;•cargo ships, other than tankers, of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 10,000 gross tonnage constructed on or after 1 July 2014;•passenger ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July 2012, not later than the first survey*33 on or after 1 July 2014;•tankers of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July 2012, not later than the first survey*34 on or after 1 July 2015;•cargo ships, other than tankers, of 50,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July 2013, not later than the first survey*35 on or after 1 July 2016; •cargo ships, other than tankers, of 20,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 50,000 gross tonnage constructed before 1 July 2013, not later than the firstsurvey*36 on or after 1 July 2017; and•cargo ships, other than tankers, of 10,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 20,000 gross tonnage constructed before 1 July 2013, not later than the firstsurvey*37 on or after 1 July 2018.3.3Backup arrangement SOLAS V/ SOLAS Chapter V Regulation regarding backup arrangement for navigational charts. The new regulation reads as follow:“All ships, irrespective of size, shall have: back-up arrangements to meet the functional requirements of subparagraph .4, if this function is partly or fully fulfilled by electronic means;26”Footnote 26 reads as follow:KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary Information“Refer to appendix 6, Back-up requirements, of Performance standards for electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS) (resolution A.817(19), as amended). An appropriate folio of paper nautical charts may be used as a back-up arrangement for ECDIS. Other back-up arrangements for ECDIS are acceptable.”Resolution MSC.232(82), Appendix 6 “Back-up Requirements” does not specify acceptable alternatives. Approval by the vessel’s Flag State will be necessary if alternative back-up arrangements are to be used. Depending on the Flag State’s agreement, such arrangements may include:•An ECDIS system using ENCs with an independent power supply•An appropriate folio of corrected up to date paper charts for the present voyage • A Chart Radar (Kongsberg DB10 and K-Bridge Radar are approved Chart Radar’s).KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary Information4Mandatory ECDIS implementation IMO has set out a timeline for vessels engaged on international voyages to be fitted with an ECDIS using Electronic Navigation Charts ENC. Below in Figure 1 you can find a graphical presentation of compliance dates for different vessel types and size.MSC.1/Circ.1290 defines the term “first survey” as being ¨the first annu al survey, the first periodical survey or the first renewal survey whichever is due first after the date specified in the relevant regulation or any other survey if the Administration deems it to be reasonable and practicable, taking into account the extent of repairs and alterations being undertaken. For a ship under construction, where the keel is laid before, but the ship is delivered after, the date specified in the relevant regulation, the initial survey is the first survey.”There is no requirement for existing cargo ships (other than tankers) of less than 10,000 GT to be fitted with ECDIS.Flag States may also exempt a vessel from complying with the requirements if it is to be taken out of service permanently within two years of the applicable implementation date.Figure 1.ECDIS implementationKONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary Information5Performance standard for ECDIS Resolution A.817(19) Performance Standards for Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) has been superseded by Resolution MSC.232(82) which lists revised performance standards.On 7 December 2010, IMO issued a circular (MSC.1/Circ.1389) This circular was in relation to procedures for updating software for Navigation & Communication Equipment. This gave reference to another circular also dated 7 December 2010 (SN.1/Circ.266/Rev.1), which is specific for the maintenance of the ECDIS Software. In particular this refers to the need to maintain the IHO standards for ENC datasets used by the ECDIS.In the Annex 3, it states that ECDIS that is not updated for the latest version of the IHO Standards may not meet the Chart Carriage Requirements as set out in SOLAS regulation V/ ENC dataset used by Kongsberg Maritime in ECDIS SW must always be up to date with the latest IHO standards.6Guidance to KM ECDIS complianceK-Bridge7.1.5 or higher is compliant with latest IEC and PresLib need software update to be compliant with latest IEC and PresLib need software and hardware update to be compliant with latest IEC and PresLib4.0K-NAV7.1.5 or higher is compliant with latest IEC and Presentation Library need software update to be compliant with latest IEC and PresLib 4.0Bridgeline 10Bridgeline 10 system need new K-Nav ECDIS operator station to be compliant with the latest IEC and PresLib 4.0KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary InformationOther systemKongsberg Maritime offer refit to K-Nav ECDIS system to get compliant with the latest IEC and PresLib 4.0DetailsFor more detailed information, see table on the next pages. For other information or support please contact Kongsberg Maritime customer support.Phone: +47 33 03 24 07Email:************************Web: KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary InformationFigure 2.K-Bridge ECDIS complianceKONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary Information381609 / G / 2021-11-05 / Page 14 of 16Figure 3.K-Nav ECDIS complianceKONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary Information381609 / G / 2021-11-05 / Page 15 of 16Figure 4.BridgeLine10™ EC DIS complianceKONGSBERG PROPRIETARY– see Statement of Proprietary Information381609 / G / 2021-11-05 / Page 16 of 16。



Series 5000Dehumidify up to 25L/Day***Particles CADR* 220m³/hPurify ONLY ModeNumerical displayDE5206/00Dual function, Dual protection2-in-1 premium dehumidifier with purificationPhilips 2-in-1 dehumidifier Series 5000 provides premium dehumidification & purification performance, makes drying clothes easier, keeps away from air pollution or common allergens, bringing you a healthier & comfortable living environment.Advanced dehumidification systemAutomatic dehumidification control with pre-settingDigital humidity sensor gives numerical feedback on humiditySpecial dry laundry mode for drying clothes with easeContinuous dry mode provides constant optimal environmentAdvanced purification performanceVitaShield naturally purifies UFP as small as 0.02microns**LED color ring gives real time air quality feedbackPurifier ONLY mode allows you use as purifier in dry seasonSimplicity5 fan speed setting1-9 hour easy-to-set timerHealthy air lock for filter replacement and full tank alertHighlightsAutomatic controlAutomatic dehumidification control allows you to pre-set the humidity level at 40%, 50% ,60%, 70% and 80% room humidity. In auto mode, fan speed will automatically adjust to achieve optimal dehumidification performance.Digital humidity sensorDigital humidity sensor gives accurate and real time feedback on humidity. The compressor and fan perform automatically based on the numerical feedback to protect your home from mold and mildew.Special dry laundry modeThe appliance operates under the highest fan speed in dry laundry mode for drying clothes with ease. Laundry mode reduces the time it takes to dry laundry indoors with the help of your dehumidifier.Continuous dry modeWhen in continuous dry mode, thedehumidifier constantly works with the optimal dehumidifying settings. This mode provides you with a constant clean and comfortable environment.VitaShield IPS technologyVitashield IPS and NanoProtect Filter has a boosted clean air delivery rate up to 220m3/hr* (according to China GB/T 18801-2015).It can effectively remove ultra-fine particles as small as 20nm. Removes up to 99.9% bacteria and H1N1*.Air quality feedbackThe 4-step color ring feedback provides real time indoor air quality: Blue=Good air, Blue-violet= Fair air, Red-purple= Unhealthy air,Red= Very unhealthy air.Purifier ONLY modeWith simple one-touch control, the appliance can be used in purifier ONLY mode. It operates under auto mode by default. Whenever the current mode of appliance works, it goes to purification ONLY mode when touching the button. Humidity setting and laundry drying mode are off in the purification ONLY mode.This protects you and your family from pollution and allergy all the year round,especially during dry season.5 fan speed settingEasily choose 5 different speed settings, from 1to turbo. Gives you all the flexibility of usage to suit your preference.1-9 hour timerThe appliance operates for a set number of hours and automatically switches off when set time has elapsed.Filter & full-water alertThe healthy air protect alert lets you know promptly when it is time to replace the filter. If the filter is not replaced promptly, the appliance stops functioning - to avoidineffective purification. So you are assured of healthier air always. Full water alert warns you when the tank is full and shuts down the appliance to avoid water spillage.SpecificationsPerformanceCADR (Particle): 220 m³/hUltra fine particle removal: as small as 20 nm Filters out PM2.5: 99.9* %Filters out H1N1 Virus: 99.9* %Filters out bacteria: 99.9* %Dehumidification rate: 25 L/DayEnergy Efficiency rate: Grade A Recommended HEPA life time: 12 months Sound Power: Max. 58.3 dB(A)Sound Pressure: 44.3 dBFeaturesVitaShield IPSAir Quality feedback: AQJ ringParticle sensorModes: Purifier Only, Auto, Laundry dry, Continuous dryFan speed: 5Child lock Healthy air lock & AlertTimer: 9 hour(s)Light control: On/OffMotor: DCDesign and finishingColor(s): WhiteColor of control panel: Metallic Navy BlueControl panel type: Touch panelMaterial of main body: PlasticWheel type: One wayTechnical specificationsVoltage: 220 VFrequency: 50 HzCord length: 1.6 mPower: 355 WWater tank: 4 LWeight and dimensionsWeight of product: 14 kgWeight incl. packaging: 16.5 kgDimension of product (LxWxH): 343×318×617Dimension of packaging (LxWxH):405×369×678 mmReplacementParticle filter: FY1119/00Country of originMade in: ChinaSustainabilityUser manual: 100% recycled paperService2-year guarantee* Particle CADR: tested by third party lab according toGB/T 18801-2015* 20 Nanometers: Tested by IUTA. According to 2008Microbiological Risk Assessment Report of the WorldHealth Organization (WHO), the avian influenza, humaninfluenza viruses, Legionella, Hepatitis viruses andSARS coronavirus are larger than 20 nanometer(0,00002 mm).* Dehumidification rate: tested by third party labaccording to GB/T 19411-2003* PM2.5 removal rate is tested by third party, accordingto APIAC/LM-2015, initial concentration is (5.0 +/- 0.5)mg/m3, in 30m3 room* Microbial Reduction Rate Test conducted at AirmidHealthgroup Ltd. tested in a 28.5m3 test chambercontaminated with airborne influenza A(H1N1).* Tested by third party lab in 30m3 chamber according toGB21551.3-2010, (Staphylococcus albsp) 8032 astesting bacteria© 2020 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2020‑05‑07 Version: 2.0.1。



HIROSS恒温恒湿机房精密空调操作手册HIMOD系列北京****科技有限公司技术部2009年01月01日目录第一章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调概述....................................................................................1.1型号多 ....................................................................................................................................1.2控制技术先进 ........................................................................................................................1.3制冷系统 ................................................................................................................................1.4送风系统 ................................................................................................................................1.5加湿系统 ................................................................................................................................1.6加热系统 ................................................................................................................................1.7其它 ........................................................................................................................................ 第二章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调型号含义............................................................................ 第三章有关空调的一些资料 ..................................................................................................3.1气流组织方式 ........................................................................................................................3.2盖板纽开启方式 ....................................................................................................................3.3空调重量 ............................................................................................................................3.4机组尺寸及维护空间 ............................................................................................................ 第四章制冷循环管路示意图 ..................................................................................................4.1风冷却(A型).....................................................................................................................4.2水冷却(W型)....................................................................................................................4.3双冷源(D型).....................................................................................................................4.4单系统(C型).....................................................................................................................4.5双系统(C型)..................................................................................................................... 第五章调速风机调速接线示意图........................................................................................... 第六章MICROFACE概述......................................................................................................6.1概述 ........................................................................................................................................6.2Microface面板简介................................................................................................................6.3LCD液晶显示屏介绍 ............................................................................................................ 第七章MICROFACE面板的操作.......................................................................................... 第八章控制器的使用 ..............................................................................................................8.1控制器(HIROMATIC)概述 ..............................................................................................8.2控制器的操作 ........................................................................................................................8.3菜单结构 ................................................................................................................................ 第九章日常维护及特殊维护 ..................................................................................................9.1日常维护 ................................................................................................................................9.2特殊维护 ................................................................................................................................ 第十章常见报警及处理 ................................................................................................................10.1低压报警 ..............................................................................................................................10.2高压报警 ..............................................................................................................................10.3加湿报警 ..............................................................................................................................10.4失风报警 ..............................................................................................................................10.5电加热过热报警 ..................................................................................................................10.6显示器发黑 ..........................................................................................................................10.7空调不制冷 ..........................................................................................................................附录1:参数列表 ....................................................................................................................附录2:报警内容列表 .............................................................................................................附录3:各菜单项含义 .............................................................................................................第一章HIMOD系列海洛斯空调概述HIMOD系列海洛斯空调(HIMOD空调)是当今世界上最先进的机房专用恒温恒湿机房专用精密空调。

S CIENTIFIC PHYSICS Drillachse 产品说明书

S CIENTIFIC PHYSICS Drillachse 产品说明书

3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICSBedienungsanleitung11/15 Alf1 Kreisscheibe2 Querstab3 Aufnahme für Probekörper4 Libelle5 Gabel mit Schneckenfeder6 Haltestab7 MassenBei Überdrehen der Feder besteht die Gefahr, dass die Probekörper wegen der hohen Flieh-kraft weggeschleudert werden.Probekörper nicht mehr als 360° maximalauslenken (180° ist empfehlenswert). Die Drillachse mit den zugehörigen Zubehörtei-len dient zur Untersuchung von Drehschwin-gungen und zur Bestimmung von Trägheitsmo-menten verschiedener Probekörper aus der Schwingungsdauer.Die Drillachse besteht aus einer zweifach kugel-gelagerten Welle, die durch eine Schneckenfe-der an eine Gabel angekoppelt ist. Ein Haltestab ermöglicht Aufbau in einem Stativfuß oder einer Tischklemme. Eine an der Gabel angebrachte Libelle dient zur waagrechten Ausrichtung der Drillachse. Als Probekörper dienen ein Querstab mit verschiebbaren Massestücken und eine Kreisscheibe mit einer zentrischen und acht exzentrischen Bohrungen für Experimente zur Bestimmung von Trägheitsmomenten bei ex-zentrischen Drehachsen und zurBestätigung des Stei ner’schen Satzes.1 Welle mit Gabel, Schneckenfeder, Haltestab und Aufnahme für Probekörper 1 Querstab2 Massen1 Kreisscheibe Richtmoment der Feder: 0,028 Nm/rad Höhe der Drillachse: ca. 200 mm Querstab: Stablänge: 620 mm Masse:ca. 135 g Massestücke: je 260 g Kreisscheibe: Durchmesser: 320 mm Masse: 495 g Bohrungen:9Abstand der Bohrungen: 20 mmSatz Probekörper zur Drillachse 1008663Fig. 1 Satz Probekörper zur Drillachse1 Holzkugel,2 Aufnahmeteller,3 Vollzylin-der, 4 Holzscheibe, 5 HohlzylinderDas Zubehör zur Drillachse besteht aus zwei Zylindern mit nahezu identischer Masse, jedoch unterschiedlicher Masseverteilung, einem Auf-nahmeteller für die Zylinder, einer Holzscheibe sowie einer Holzkugel.Hohlzylinder (Metall):Außendurchmesser: 90 mmHöhe: 90 mmMasse: ca. 425 g Vollzylinder (Holz):Durchmesser: 90 mmHöhe: 90 mmMasse: ca. 425 g Aufnahmeteller:Durchmesser: 100 mmMasse: ca. 122 g Holzscheibe:Durchmesser: 220 mmHöhe: 15 mmMasse: ca. 425 gTrägheitsmoment: 0,51 kgm2 Holzkugel:Durchmesser: 146 mmMasse: ca. 1190 gTrägheitsmoment: 0,51 kgm2Zur Bestimmung der Trägheitsmomente verschie-dener Probekörper werden diese auf eine kugel-gelagerte Achse gesetzt, an der eine Schnecken-feder mit dem Richtmoment D angreift. Aus der Schwingungsdauer T des Drehpendels ergibt sich das Trägheitsmoment J.T2=224DJ T=⋅πDie experimentell ermittelten Werte bestätigen die Ergebnisse, die die Theorie für einen Körper der Masse m liefert, dessen Masseelemente Δm im Abstand r z um eine feste Achse rotieren:n22zz1dmzJ m r r==∆⋅=∑⎰∙Drillachse im Stativfuß aufbauen und mit Hilfe der Libelle horizontal ausrichten.∙Schrauben an den Massestücken, die die Kugelrasten gegen den Stab drücken nicht betätigen. (Schrauben sind so justiert, dass sich die Massestücke verschieben lassen und dass sie gegen die Zentrifugalkraft geh-altert werden.)∙Versuchsanordnung immer so auslenken, dass die Feder zusammengedrückt und nicht aufgebo-gen wird.∙Zu Beginn des Schwingungsvorgangs ist eine Auslenkung von 180° (max. 360°) empfeh-lenswert.∙Die Schwingungsdauer aus mehreren Mes-sungen für z.B. 5 Schwingungen durch Mit-telwertbildung bestimmen.∙Den genauen Wert des zur Bestimmung des Trägheitsmoments J aus der Schwingungs-dauer T erforderlichen Richtmoments D auf der Drillachse oder in der Bedienungsanlei-tung vermerken.Zur Durchführung der Experimente sind folgen-de Geräte zusätzlich erforderlich bzw. empfeh-lenswert:1 Satz Probekörper zur Drillachse 10086631 Stativfuß, 3-Bein, 185 mm 10028361 Digitale Stoppuhr 10028111 Präzisionskraftmesser 1 N 1003104 8.1 Bestimmung des Richtmoments D∙Stab ohne Massen auf die Drillachse ste-cken.∙1 N Kraftmesser so am Stab anbringen, dass er senkrecht daran angreift.∙ In Abständen r von 10 cm, 15 cm und 20 cmvon der Stabmitte die Kräfte F messen, die erforderlich sind, um den Stab um α = 180° aus der Gleichgewichtslage zu drehen.Drehmoment: r F M ⋅=Richtmoment: MD =αFig. 2Bestimmung des Richtmoments8.2 Abhängigkeit des Trägheitsmomentes Jvom Abstand r , in dem eine Masse m um eine feste Achse rotiert∙ Stab ohne Massen auf die Drillachse ste-cken.∙ Trägheitsmoment J (Stab) ermitteln.∙ Massen symmetrisch in Abständen von r = 5cm, 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm und 25 cm von der Stabmitte anordnen.∙ Trägheitsmoment J (Stab + Massen) be-stimmen.∙ J (Massen) = J (Stab + Massen) - J (Stab) er-rechnen.Fig. 3Abhängigkeit des Trägheitsmomentes J vom Abstand r8.3 Vergleich der Trägheitsmomente vonZylin- dern gleicher Masse jedoch unterschiedlicher Massenverteilung 8.3.1 Holzscheibe (HS)∙ Holzscheibe (HS) auf die Drillachse stecken. ∙ Trägheitsmoment J (HS) ermitteln.Fig. 4Bestimmung des Trägheitsmomentes einer Holz- scheibe8.3.2 Vollzylinder (VZ) und Hohlzylinder (HZ) ∙ Aufnahmeteller (T) auf die Drillachse ste-cken.∙ Trägheitsmoment J (T) bestimmen.∙ Zylinder auf den Aufnahmeteller (T) setzen. ∙ Trägheitsmomente J (VZ + T) und J (HZ + T)ermitteln.∙ Durch Differenzbildung Trägheitsmomentefür Voll- und Hohlzylinder errechnen. J (VZ) = J (VZ + T) – J (T) J (HZ) = J (HZ + T) – J (T)Fig. 5Vergleich der Trägheitsmomente von Zylin-dern8.4 Trägheitsmoment einer Kugel (K) ∙ Kugel (K) auf die Drillachse stecken. ∙ Trägheitsmoment J (K) ermitteln.Ein Vergleich der Kugel mit der Holzscheibe (siehe 8.3.1.) ergibt, dass sie gleiche Träg-heitsmomente besitzen.Kugeln (K) und Holzscheiben (HS) haben glei-che Trägheitsmomente, wenn für ihre Massen m und Radien R gilt:224()()()()5m HS R HS m K R K ⋅=⋅3B Scientific GmbH ∙ Rudorffweg 8 ∙ 21031 Hamburg ∙ Deutschland ∙ Fig. 6Bestimmung des Trägheitsmomentes einer Kugel8.5 Abhängigkeit des Trägheitsmoments Jvom Abstand a zwischen Rotations- und Schwer-punktachse, Bestätigung des Steiner ’schen Satzes∙ Kreisscheibe auf die Drillachse stecken undhorizontal justieren.∙ Kreisscheibe um ihre Schwerpunktachse (a= 0) rotieren lassen.∙ Trägheitsmoment J 0 ermitteln.∙ Trägheitsmomente J a für die Abstände a = 2cm, 4 cm, 6 cm......16 cm zwischen Rotati-ons- und Schwerpunktachse bestimmen. ∙ Nach jeder Änderung von a Kreisscheibehorizontal justieren.∙ Quotienten a 02konstant J Ja -= bilden.Damit ist der Steiner ’sche Satz 2a 0J J ma =+be-stätigt.Fig. 7Bestätigung des Steiner’schen Satzes。



An interactive atlas available to the public lets researchers,investors, and other interested stakeholders quickly and easily visu-alize biomass potential on national and regional levels in Germany. The Bioenergy-Atlas, developed by the German biomass re-search institute Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH (DBF Z) and Esri partner Ingenieurbüro Peter Müller GmbH (IPM), also makes the underlying data available for download in Microsoft Excel format for further research. The Bioenergy-Atlas is publicly accessible at at no charge.M apping the Potential ofBioenergy in GermanyAn energy source that utilizes the energy contained in organic material, bioenergy is a renewable resource that specifically ex-cludes energy derived from fossil fuels. Biomass is the term ap-plied to organic material that is the source of bioenergy.Because bioenergy contributes approximately two thirds to the renewable energy system in Germany, it represents an essential option for balancing the very volatile renewable energy sources that contribute to the German power supply system. A variety ofbiomass sources, especially those from the residual and waste The interactive Bioenergy-Atlas enables the individual compilation of biomass potentials.Featurematerial sector, offer great potential for optimizing the integrated use of this material as an energy source.The database for calculating various biomass potentials used data from several research projects conducted by different re-search facilities in Germany. Data was collected in different ways to meet the needs of these projects. The data was furnished in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. An import tool was written by IPM to import the table data into the ArcGIS Server database.The database initially created was inconsistent because the original data differed in the classification of the biomass type, graduation of the units, scale of measurement, and administrative boundaries.As part of a meta-study and in collaboration with several German scientific partners (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, State Institute of Agriculture of Thuringia, INF RO, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Witzenhausen-Institute, and Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe [FNR], data on biog-enous residual and waste material was collected and harmonized to make biomass sources comparable for future scientific research. The resultant data has been collected and made available through this high-performance and intuitive web app.For the first time, the Bioenergy-Atlas enables users to assem-ble biomass potential results of various biomass sources. This tool makes information about technical biomass potential in tons of dry substance (t TS) accessible as well as the installed electrical capac-ity of bioenergy plants in kilowatts (kWs).The data is organized by biomass topics and regions. Currently, information on the potential of 15 biomass categories can be dis-played in an interactive map up to the county level. The content will be extended step-by-step. The integration of additional topics and functionalities is planned.The interactive tool is also embedded in a wide range of online services that provide further information on the topic of biomass potentials. The website offers a continuously growing amount of new data. Illustrations, maps, data sheets, publication, tools, and state profiles are also constantly added to the DBF Z website. Tosupplement research papers and other publications, interested parties or institutions can obtain direct access to research results. By providing an extensive range of information services, DBFZ is a central contact point for the information on biomass potentials. The Bioenergy-Atlas quickly provides users with specific bio-mass information. Interested users can immerse themselves in the fundamentals of bioenergy and contact DBF Z to answer any questions and contact others in the field to discuss findings and improve results.Developed by IPM on ArcGIS for Server using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript (version 3.17), the atlas, which uses cloud components from IPM and Esri, is integrated into DBFZ’s home page. IPM hosts ArcGIS for Server and prepares the data on biomass potentials and the performance parameters of bioenergy plants in Germany. That data is delivered to the user’s browser, where it is rendered.This design fulfills the customer’s requirement for a high-performance app that can work in low-bandwidth conditions. It is easy to use and does not require a manual. The Bioenergy-Atlas provides a high-quality visual representation of the data. It uses the Esri World Topographic Map from ArcGIS Online, so basemap content is automatically updated by Esri rather than requiring IPM to host and maintain the basemap.ArcGIS for Server provides the atlas as a web service. The map shows administrative boundaries for country, state, and district. To accommodate differences in display quality and ensure results can be interpreted by users, color symbology has been optimized for interactive maps and charts.F or more information, please contact André Brosowski of Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH ( at andre.brosowski Adam-Ries-Straße 1609456 Annaberg-Buchholz GermanyHubertus Kraus, CEO of Ingenieurbüro Peter Müller GmbH at kraus。



R e g i s t e ry o u rn e w d e v i c eo nM y B o s c h no w a n dg e t f r e e b en e f i t s:b o sc h-h o me.c o m/w e l c o m e HobNKE6..GA..,NKF6..GA..,NKF6..GA.G,NKH6..GA..,NKN6..GA..[en]User manualØ = cm2NKE6..GA..NKF6..GA..NKF6..GA.GNKH6..GA..NKN6..GA..Safety en 3Table of contents1Safety...................................................................... 32Preventing material damage ................................. 43Environmental protection and saving energy...... 54Familiarising yourself with your appliance.......... 65Basic operation...................................................... 66Cleaning and servicing.......................................... 77Disposal.................................................................. 78Customer Service...................................................81 SafetyObserve the following safety instructions.1.1 General information¡Read this instruction manual carefully. Only this will ensure you use the appliancesafely and efficiently.¡Keep the instructions, the appliance passand the product information safe for futurereference or for the next owner.¡Check the appliance after unpacking it. Do not connect the appliance if it has beendamaged in transit.1.2 Intended useOnly a licensed professional may connect ap-pliances without plugs. Damage caused by in-correct connection is not covered under thewarranty.Only use this appliance:¡To prepare meals and drinks.¡Under supervision. Never leave the appli-ance unattended when cooking for shortperiods.¡In private households and in enclosedspaces in a domestic environment.¡Up to an altitude of max. 2000 m abovesea level.Do not use the appliance:¡With an external timer or a separate remote control. This does not apply if operationwith appliances included in EN 50615 isswitched off.1.3 Restriction on user groupThis appliance may be used by children aged 8 or over and by people who have reducedphysical, sensory or mental abilities or inad-equate experience and/or knowledge,provided that they are supervised or have been instructed on how to use the appliance safely and have understood the resulting dangers.Children must not play with the appliance.Children must not perform cleaning or user maintenance unless they are at least 15 years old and are being supervised.Keep children under the age of 8 years away from the appliance and power cable.1.4 Safe use WARNING ‒ Risk of fire!Hot oils and fats ignite very quickly.▶Never leave hot oil or fat unattended.▶Never use water to put out burning oil or fat.▶Switch off the hotplate.▶Extinguish flames carefully using a lid, fire blanket or something similar.The hotplates become very hot.▶Never place combustible items on the hob.▶Do not store any objects on the hob.The appliance will become hot.▶Do not keep combustible objects or aero-sol cans in drawers directly underneath the hob.The hob switches off automatically and can no longer be operated. It may switch on unin-tentionally at a later point.▶Switch off the circuit breaker in the fuse box.▶Call the after-sales service.Hob covers can cause accidents, for example due to overheating, catching fire or materials shattering.▶Do not use hob covers.WARNING ‒ Risk of burns!The hotplates and surrounding area (particu-larly the hob surround, if fitted) become very hot.▶Never touch the hot surfaces.▶Keep children at a safe distance.The hotplate heats up but the display does not work.▶Switch off the circuit breaker in the fuse box.▶Call the after-sales service.Unsuitable safety devices or child hob guardsmay result in accidents.en Preventing material damage4▶Only use safety devices, such as child hobguards, which have been approved by us.The appliance becomes hot during operation.▶Allow the appliance to cool down beforecleaning.WARNING ‒ Risk of electric shock!Incorrect repairs are dangerous.▶Repairs to the appliance should only becarried out by trained specialist staff.▶Only use genuine spare parts when repair-ing the appliance.▶If the power cord of this appliance is dam-aged, it must be replaced with a specialconnection cable, which is available fromthe manufacturer or his Customer Service.If the appliance or the power cord is dam-aged, this is dangerous.▶Never operate a damaged appliance.▶Never operate an appliance with a crackedor fractured surface.▶Never pull on the power cord to unplug theappliance. Always unplug the appliance atthe mains.▶If the appliance or the power cord is dam-aged, immediately unplug the power cord or switch off the fuse in the fuse box.▶"Call Customer Service." → Page 8▶Repairs to the appliance should only be carried out by trained specialist staff.An ingress of moisture can cause an electric shock.▶Do not use steam- or high-pressure clean-ers to clean the appliance.The insulation on cables of electrical appli-ances may melt if it touches hot parts of the appliance.▶Never bring electrical appliance cables intocontact with hot parts of the appliance.WARNING ‒ Risk of injury!Saucepans may suddenly jump due to liquid between the saucepan base and the hotplate.▶Always keep hotplates and saucepan bases dry.2 Preventing material damageATTENTION!Rough pot and pan bases will scratch the ceramic.▶Check your cookware.Boiling pans dry may damage cookware or the appli-ance.▶Never place empty pans on a heated hotplate or al-low to boil dry.Incorrectly positioned cookware can cause the appli-ance to overheat.▶Never place hot pots or pans on the controls or thehob surround.Damage can occur if hard or pointed objects fall ontothe hob.▶Do not let hard or pointed objects fall onto the hob.Non heat-resistant materials will melt on heated hot-plates.▶Do not use oven protective foil.▶Do not use aluminium foil or plastic containers.2.1 Overview of the most common damageHere you can find the most common types of damageand tips on how to avoid them.Damage Cause Measure Stains Food boiling over Remove boiled-over food immediately with a glass scraper.Stains Unsuitable cleaning products Only use cleaning products that are suitable for glass ceramic.Scratch es Salt, sugar or sand Do not use the hob as a work surface or storage space.Scratch es Rough pot or pan bases Check your cookware.Discol-ouration Unsuitable cleaning products Only use cleaning products that are suitable for glass ceramic.Discol-ouration Pan abrasion,e.g. aluminium Lift pots and pans tomove on the hob.Blisters Sugar or food with a high sugar contentRemove boiled-over foodimmediately with a glassscraper.Environmental protection and saving energy en 53 Environmental protection and saving energy3.1 Disposing of packagingThe packaging materials are environmentally compat-ible and can be recycled.▶Sort the individual components by type and disposeof them separately.3.2 Saving energyIf you follow these instructions, your appliance will useless energy.Select the cooking zone to match the size of yourpan. Centre the cookware on the hob.Use cookware whose base diameter is the same dia-meter as the hotplate.Tip: Cookware manufacturers often give the upperdiameter of the saucepan. It is often larger than thebase diameter.¡Unsuitable cookware or incompletely covered cook-ing zones consume a lot of energy.Cover saucepans with suitable lids.¡Cooking without a lid consumes far more energy.Lift lids as infrequently as possible.¡When you lift a lid, a lot of energy ing a glass lid ¡You can see into the pan through a glass lid without having to lift e pots and pans with flat bases.¡Uneven bases increase energy e cookware suited to the quantity of food.¡Large items of cookware containing little food need more energy to heat up.Cook with little water.¡The more water contained in cookware, the more energy is required to heat it up.Turn down to a lower heat setting early on. Use a suit-able ongoing cooking setting to continue cooking.¡If you continue cooking with an ongoing cooking setting that is too high, you'll waste energy Take advantage of the hob's residual heat. With longer cooking times switch off the hotplate5-10 minutes before the end of cooking.¡Unused residual heat increases energy consump-tion.en Familiarising yourself with your appliance 64 Familiarising yourself with your appliance4.1 HotplatesYou can find an overview of the different activations ofthe hotplates here.If you operate the activations, the relevant displays lightup.setting.Switching off: Turn the hot-plate switch to 0 and reset.Never turn the hotplate switch past the symbol toheat setting.Switching off: Turn the hot-plate switch to 0 and reset.Never turn the hotplateswitch past the symbolto 0.Notes ¡Dark areas in the glow pattern of the hotplate are part of the technical design. They do not affect the functionality of the hotplate.¡The hotplate regulates the temperature by switching the heat on and off. The heat may also switch on and off when on the highest setting.–This protects easily damaged components from overheating.–The appliance is protected from electrical over-load.–Better cooking results are achieved.¡With multi-circuit hotplates, the heating of the innerfilament circuits and the heating of the activationsmay switch on and off at different times.4.2 Hotplate display and residual heat indicator The hob has a hotplate display and a residual heat in-dicator. The display lights up when a hotplate is warm.Display Meaning Hotplate display Lights up during operation, shortly after switching on.Residualheat indic-ator Lit up after cooking when the hotplate is still warm.Note: You can keep small dishes warmor melt cooking chocolate.5 Basic operation5.1 Switching the hob on or off You can switch the hob on and off with the hotplateswitch.5.2 Setting the hotplates You can use the hotplate control to adjust the heat out-put of the hotplate.Heat setting 1Lowest setting9Highest setting 5.3 Recommended cooking settingsYou can find an overview of different foods with appro-priate heat settings here.The cooking time will vary depending on the type,weight, thickness and quality of the food. The ongoingcooking setting depends on the cookware used.Cooking tips¡To bring food to the boil, use heat setting 9.¡Stir thick liquids occasionally.¡Food that needs to be seared quickly or that initially loses a lot of liquid during frying should be fried in small portions.¡"Tips for saving energy when cooking." → Page 5MeltingFood Ongoing cooking setting Ongoing cookingtime inminutes Butter, gelatine1-Heating or keeping warm Stew, e.g. lentil stew 1-Milk 11-2-1Prepare the dish without the lid.Poaching or simmering Dumplings 1, 23-420-30Fish 1, 2310-15White sauce, e.g. béchamel 13-61Bring the water to the boil with the lid on.2Continue to cook the dish without a lid.Cleaning and servicing en7Boiling, steaming or braisingRice with double the volume of water 315-30Potatoes boiled in their skin 3-425-30Boiled potatoes 3-415-20Pasta, noodles 1, 256-10Stew, soup 3-415-60Vegetables, fresh or frozen 3-410-20Food in a pressure cooker 3-4-1Bring the water to the boil with the lid on.2Continue to cook the dish without a lid.StewingBeef olives 3-450-60Pot roast 3-460-100Goulash 3-450-60Frying with little oil Fry food without a lid.Escalope, plain or breaded 6-76-10Chops, plain or breaded 16-78-12Steak, 3 cm thick 7-88-12Fish or fish fillet, plain or breaded 4-58-20Fish or fish fillet, breaded and frozen, e.g. fish fingers 6-78-12Stir fry, frozen 6-76-10Pancakes 5-6-1Turn the dish several times.6 Cleaning and servicingTo keep your appliance working efficiently for a long time, it is important to clean and maintain it carefully.6.1 Cleaning productsYou can obtain suitable cleaning products and glass scrapers from customer service, the online shop or a retailer.ATTENTION!Unsuitable cleaning products may damage the sur-faces of the appliance.▶Never use unsuitable cleaning products.Unsuitable cleaning products¡Undiluted detergent¡Detergent intended for dishwashers¡Abrasive cleaners¡Aggressive cleaning products such as oven spray or stain remover ¡Abrasive sponges ¡High-pressure or steam jet cleaners6.2 Cleaning the glass ceramic Clean the hob after every use to stop cooking residues from getting burnt on.Note: "Note the information on unsuitable cleaning products." → Page 7Requirement: The hob has cooled down.1.Remove heavy dirt using a glass scraper.2.Clean the hob with a cleaning product for glass ceramic.Follow the cleaning instructions on the product packaging.Tip: You can achieve good cleaning results if you use a special sponge for glass ceramic.7 DisposalFind out here how to dispose of old appliances cor-rectly.7.1 Disposing of old applianceValuable raw materials can be reused by recycling.1.Unplug the appliance from the mains.2.Cut through the power cord.3.Dispose of the appliance in an environmentallyfriendly manner.ment - WEEE).The guideline determines the frame-work for the return and recycling of used appliances as applicablethroughout the EU.en Customer Service8 Customer ServiceIf you have any queries on use, are unable to rectify faults on the appliance yourself or if your appliance needs to be repaired, contact Customer Service. Function-relevant genuine spare parts according to the corresponding Ecodesign Order can be obtained from Customer Service for a period of at least 10 years from the date on which your appliance was placed on the market within the European Economic Area.Note: Under the terms of the manufacturer's warranty the use of Customer Service is free of charge.Detailed information on the warranty period and terms of warranty in your country is available from our after-sales service, your retailer or on our website.If you contact Customer Service, you will require the product number (E-Nr.) and the production number (FD) of your appliance.The contact details for Customer Service can be found in the enclosed Customer Service directory or on our website.8.1 Product number (E-Nr.) and production number (FD)You can find the product number (E-Nr.) and the pro-duction number (FD) on the appliance's rating plate. The rating plate is located on the appliance certificate. Make a note of your appliance's details and the Cus-tomer Service telephone number to find them again quickly.8Thank you for buying aBosch Home Appliance!Register your new device on MyBosch now and profit directly from:•Expert tips & tricks for your appliance•Warranty extension options•Discounts for accessories & spare-parts•Digital manual and all appliance data at hand•Easy access to Bosch Home Appliances ServiceFree and easy registration – also on mobile phones:/welcomeLooking for help?You'll find it here.Expert advice for your Bosch home appliances, help with problemsor a repair from Bosch experts.Find out everything about the many ways Bosch can support you: /serviceContact data of all countries are listed in the attached service directory.Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbHCarl-Wery-Straße 3481739 MünchenGERMANY*9001592877*9001592877 (001005)en。

fossil FS5892手表说明书

fossil FS5892手表说明书

fossil FS5892手表说明书今天给大家介绍的fossilFS5892这款手表,是在日本本土研发的,设计上是比较简洁,外观是比较时尚,比较符合中国人的审美。


这款手表配备了一块500 mAh高容量电池,这款表配备了540 mAh电池,官方宣传能够持续使用5年之久。









2、产品功能这款手表配备了540 mAh高容量电池,可以支持每天2次的充电,在使用过程中,可以让手表在最长不超过5个月的时间里使用。







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【常用句型]】1.罗列法经常用下列句式展开段落,我们可以注意模仿学习:①There are several good reasons why we should learn a foreign language. First of all,…Secondly,…And finally,…②We should try our best to plant more trees for several good reasons First of all,…Secondly,…And finally,…2.举例法是用具体的例子来说明我们要表达的意思,常用for example,for instance,still another example is…等词语引出。




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●A:USB 旋钮为不带孔的金属密封旋钮,内部也同样带有塑胶密封胶垫,无论在什么环境下使用该产品,都请旋紧该旋钮,以免外界粉尘或者液体进入产品内部,影响到内部电子元器件与USB接口。



旋上防水旋钮,无传声孔,可以防水,但是无法录入声音:如果防水圈丢失,不能再防水●C:MIC1 为带有透声孔的金属旋钮,在该旋钮中心部位有一个孔位(见下图),用于声音传导,在良好的使用环境下,建议使用该旋钮,使得录制视频的同时也能够同步录入声音。

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闹钟模式 1. 按下A以切换至闹钟模式。 2. 按下C以切换闹钟/报时钟声及决定其开关。 3. 闹钟将于所设定的时间响声20秒;按下C或D可停止闹钟响声。
闹钟设定 1. 在闹钟模式中,按下D进入闹钟设定模式;小时位置将会闪动。 2. 按下C以增加小时数;按住C以加速数字跳动。 3. 按下D以设定及跳至分钟位置。 4. 按下C以增加分钟数,按住C以加速数字跳动。 5. 按下D以储存资料及离开设定模式;按下A以储存资料,离开设定模式,并且返回正常时间显示。
日期设置 1. 将表冠拉出至位置“2”。 2. 顺时针或逆时针转动表冠,并将日期设置为前一天的日期。表的型号不同,调整日期的旋转方向
时间设置 1. 将表冠拉出至位置“3”。 2. 逆时针转动表冠使时间向前变化,继续转动直到日期变为当天日期。 3. 然后设置正确的时间。 4. 将表冠按回到位置“1”。
闹钟设定 1. 在闹钟模式下,按住 C 按钮长达 3 秒;小时会开始闪烁。 2. 按 D 可使数字前进;按住 D 可使数字快速前进。 3. 按 C 设定并前进至分钟。 4. 按 D 可使数字前进;按住 D 可使数字快速前进。 5. 按 C 退出设定模式。
指针-数码两用腕表 QFL133
正常时间显示 1. 按 B 按钮启动 EL(背光灯)。 2. 按 C 按钮选择启动/关闭(ON/OFF)每小时报时功能。 3. 按 D 按钮给所选城市启动/关闭 DST(夏令时)功能。 4. 在任何模式或设置中,如果持续 60 秒无按键操作,设置将返回到正常时间显示模式。
中途岛 火奴鲁鲁 安克雷奇 洛杉矶 丹佛 芝加哥 纽约 加拉加斯 里约热内卢 -2 小时 -1 小时 伦敦
1. 按住 B 按钮 2 秒钟进入设置模式。12/24-小时时间将开始闪烁。
2. 按 C 按钮选择 12/24-小时时间。
3. 按 A 按钮选择和改变秒、分、时、年、月、日和城市。
4. 按 C 按钮增加数字;按 D 按钮减少数字。
5. 按 B 按钮退出设置模式。
世界时间模式 1. 按 A 按钮选择世界时间模式。 2. 按 C 按钮选择城市。 3. 按 D 按钮给所选城市启动/关闭 DST(夏令时)功能。
123 VD86A
123 VD85J
配有自动上弦机芯的手表,可从您手腕的运动中获得动力,自动上弦,并无电池。因此,如果连续几天不配戴手表,会耗尽手表的动力储备。 如果您的手表停止走动,建议您顺时针旋转表冠手动上弦,以获取必要的动力储备。 调整手表以适应您腕部的粗细,这点非常重要。配戴过松可能导致手表丧失自动上弦的能力。弦上满后,您的手表所储备的动力,大约可维持 38 个小时。
1. 按 A 或 B 切换到 EL。
2. 按住 A 或 B 长达 2 秒钟关闭数字显示屏。在显示关闭时,按任意按钮即可开启显示屏。
3. 按 C 按钮切换 12/24 小时格式。显示屏会显示 12 小时格式的“AM”(上午)或“PM”(下午)。
4. 按 D 更改模式。模式顺序为时间、日期、计时器、闹钟。
日期 123
带有日期扫描的回拨腕表 VD86A / VD85J
时间和日期设置 1. 将表冠拉出至位置 3,顺时针旋转以设置星期。左上方的指针指示星期,并将在每周末自动重设
到“M”(星期一)。 2. 将表冠保持在位置 3,旋转指针以设置时间(确保上午/下午的正确设置) 3. 将表冠推回至位置 1。 4. 将表冠拉出至位置 2,逆时针旋转以设置日期。 5. 将表冠推回至位置 1。
1. 按下A以切换模式。模式顺序是正常时间显示,下B以启动背光灯。
3. 按下C以切换12/24小时时间显示。
时间和日历设定 1. 按下A切换至时间/日历设定模式;秒数位置将会闪动。 2. 按下C以把秒数归零。 3. 按下D跳至下一设定值。 4. 按下C以增加数字,按住C以加速数字跳动。 5. 设定顺序:秒数、小时、分钟、月份、日期及星期。 6. 按下A离开设定模式。
注意:无论在任何设定模式下,如果 30 秒内无操作,所有更改都将被保存,并且会自动回到显
时间和日历设定 1. 在正常时间显示或日历显示模式下,按住 C 按钮长达 2 秒钟;年份会开始闪烁。 2. 按 D 可使数字前进;按住 D 可使数字快速前进。 3. 按下 C 进入下一设置数值。 4. 设定顺序是:年、月、日、小时、分钟、秒。 5. 按 C 退出设定模式。
计时码表设定 1. 按下A以切换至计时码表模式。 2. 按下C以开始/停止计时码表。 3. 按下D以重设为零。
分割时间 1. 当计时码表运行时,按下D以分割时间。 2. 再按下D以返回计时码表。 3. 重复步骤1和2,可量度多个分割时段。 4. 按下C以完成整个计时。 5. 按下D以重设为零。
计时器模式 1. 按 D 换成计时器模式。 2. 按住 D 按钮长达 2 秒,将计时器重置为零。 3. 按 C 开始/停止计时。 4. 按 D 重置为零。
闹钟模式 1. 按 D 换成闹钟模式。 2. 按 C 按钮切换闹钟/报时的开关。 3. 闹钟将在预设时间响 20 秒;按任意按钮即可关闭闹钟。
自动型手表 TY2723 / TY2542
1. 要让手表开始运行,可在位置“1”上顺时针旋转表冠 15 至 20 次。 2. 将表冠拉出至位置“2”并顺时针旋转设置时间。将表冠推回位置“1”。
12 秒
12 秒
revised 03 / 12
模拟-数字型 FL1331A