小学英语《Unit 4 Where is my car》优质课教学设计、教案

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Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls.

1.Now, let’s do a game. Please stand up. Show me your hand. Say ‘’Yeah, Yeah, Yeah’’ if you think it’s true. Say ‘’No, No, No’’ if you think it’s false.

Look at the cat.It is fat.

Look at the dog .It's on the log。

Look at the duck.It's in the truck.

Look at the bear.It's on the pear..


2.Let’s guess. There are many animals,but there is another one. Look,It has long nose.It has small eyes and big ears.It's tall and fat. What is it?



1.T:Look at the picture.

T:Where is Hank?

(引导学生说出It’s in the car.)

学习新授单词in. 教师同时做出手势表达In 的含义,并板书in.

,使的整节课围绕 Hank :It’s on the chair. 3. Look ,Hank is big.The car is small.But ,not mind.It’s Zoom’s.So Hank comes to Zoom’s home.(图片呈现 Zoom 的家庭照片)


而展开一个绘本故事教学,引出 Zoom 家, 为下文寻找 Zoom 和 Zip 做铺垫。

T :But.where is Zoom?Can you guess?

课件出示 Where is Zoom?的问题,同时板书该重点句子。

出示 Zoom 家的图片,把 Zoom 盖住,学生猜测,最后呈现 Zoom 图像。


新授单词:on chair (卡片教学,领读,跟读,小组内读)。

简笔画展示 chair 同时将 Zoom 头像贴于黑板椅子上,并板书 on 。


T:Whose sound?

引导学生说出 Zip.

T:But, where is Zip ?Can you guess?

课件出示 Where is Zip?的问题,同时板书。

出示 Zoom 家的图片,学生猜测,最后呈现 Zip 图像。

S :It’s under the desk.

新授单词:on desk (卡片教学,领读,跟读,小组内读)。

简笔画展示 desk 同时将 Zip 头像贴于黑板桌子底下,并板书 under 。

g a gift(带来一份礼物)for you. Do you want to kno 设计意图:通过 Zoom 和 Zip 的图像,展示出房间的格局,以及学习 in,under ,desk,chair. 同时,先让学生猜一猜,激发学生的思维。


Now they want to play balls together, but they can't find the balls, can you help them?(出示图片,Hank,Zoom,Zip,并有 3 种颜色的球)

The yellow ball is Hank.The green ball is Zip.The red ball is Zoom.


T:Where is Hank's yellow ball?

S:It's in the schoolbag.

T:Where is Zip's green ball?

S:It's on the chair.

T:Where is Zoom's red ball?

S:It's under the desk.



Now,they go outside play balls together,they are very happy.Suddenly a tiger is coming.

Tiger: I brin w ?

Zip 、Zoom 、Hank:Yes,What is it?

Tiger: Now,I can't tell you.If you through my challenges and then you can get it,OK?(现在,不能告诉你们。如果你们能通过我的挑战,你们将会得到它。) Zip 、Zoom 、Hank:0K,Let's go!

—Can you guess ?

玩球的图片,先把礼物盖住,让学生猜一猜 设计意图:设计老虎来了,为了老虎提出的要求,你们要通过挑战,才能得到礼物,但是礼物现在不能说,孩子们肯定对礼物很好奇,到底是什么呢?从而进一步激发兴趣。

Challenge 1——Look and Choose

Where is the cat? ( )

A. It's in the box.

B. It's on the box.

C. It's under the box.

Challenge 2——Pair work

四人一小组,其中一名同学把学习用品放在某一位置,并询问,其他同学做回答。 A: Where is the ? B: It's the .

Challenge 3——Look and say


If you say “stop”, the tiger will stop here.如果你说停,老虎将会停止。

Then you should answer questions.然后,抢答 问题。

底面有 30 张关于位置的图片,只要学生喊 stop,教师就停 ---- 设计 3 次

T: Where is the

? S:It's the .


Challenge 4——Let's do

把课本中 Let’s do 的环节,设置在这里,孩子们对课文内容更加熟悉,很容易做出动作,并跟随动画边说边做。

Challenge 5— 呈现三只动物 礼物在哪里?最后再呈现礼物在树底

