


•通过悦me的智能家居控制中心,可以 让家里的空调、电视、甚至电灯都智 能起来并根据自己的生活习惯定制智 能场景。 •小设备玩转家庭大智慧,通过智能家 居小设备DIY打造智能家居生活
智能家居 — 配件
• 本地/远程开关 • 定时开关 • 能耗统计
上行接 口
语音 口
1 √(单频) √

4(GE )

悦me网关智 能操控
1、显示类:网关运行状态、连接设备信息、WIFI名称/密 码、WIFI二维码、WIFI环境扫描 2、控制类:一键开通、绿色定时、辐射调节、WIFI设置、 连接设备上下线、一键测速
EMS(网元管理系统)用于EPON/GPON上行悦me 网关PON接口相关的物理层及链路层的配置及管理。
智能网关管理手机APP、智能网关及应用管理平台作 为互联网操控体验的管理手段,向用户提供了一种基于 手机APP的智能操控手段,实现悦me网关的设备管理、 应用加载、故障诊断等功能。
悦me网关:是智慧家庭的核心终端,作为“光猫+智能路由器 ”的集合体,采用了全新的硬件、外观及智能操作系统,除支 持原PON上行e8-C家庭网关所有功能外,新增支持手机客户 端智能操控,并集成了丰富的智能应用(如智能家居、智能加 速、远程下载等),可满足中高端家庭用户使用需求,突显创 新与极致体验







应用:学习英语时,可根据个人的水平和习惯来控制播放速度, 是你学习英语的绝好助手。

图1 按钮功能说明图





HIRAYMA HVE-50 操作手册-

HIRAYMA HVE-50 操作手册-
●自动高压灭菌器与普通气体装置或电气设备在操作方面有所不同,为防止发生意外,使用 前请仔细阅读本手册,并按照手册正确使用仪器。 ●对本中文手册若有疑义,请参阅说明书原文,并以后者为准。
·Metallic lithium(金属锂),potassium(钾),sodium(钠),yellow phosphorous (黄 磷),phosphorus sulfide(硫化磷)和 red phosphorus(红磷)。 ·Celluloids,calcium carbide (carbide)(碳化钙),lime phosphide (磷化物)和 magnesium powder(镁粉)。 ·Aluminum powder(铝粉),magnesium powder(镁粉)和其它金属粉末。 ·Sodium dithionite (sodium hydrosulfite)
●如果显示屏读数不稳,请关掉电源开关,再打开。若故障依旧,请关掉电源,联系当地经 销商。 ●若仪器在海拨 800 米或更高的地方使用(如在大气压力较低的高山地区)。过压保护装置 及排气装置必须更改。遇到这种情况,必须与当地经销商联系。装置未更改前不可使用本仪 器。 ●仪器搬运时请关上盖子,并将开/关盖水平杆置于 LOCK(左端)位置,以防盖子打开。 ●移动盖子时,不要用把手受力,否则盖子将变得难以闭合。 ●仪器除用于灭菌及琼脂制备(溶解)外,不得用于其它用途。 ●灭菌腔中除加水外,不可倒入其它液体。
1、 本仪器系高温高压自动灭菌设备,除特别注意事项外,普通高压灭菌器所要 求的常规操作规范对于本仪器的操作同样必须遵循。



悦me网关操作与服务流程1.1 注册用户首先需要访问悦me网关的官方网站,点击注册按钮,输入基本信息,如用户名、密码等,并同意相关协议。


1.2 登录注册成功后,用户可以使用用户名和密码进行登录悦me网关的平台。

二、添加设备2.1 排线接入用户需要将智能设备通过网线或Wi-Fi连接到悦me网关。


2.2 手动添加如果无法自动识别设备,用户可以选择手动添加设备。


三、设备管理3.1 设备分组用户可以将多个设备进行分组管理,以方便进行统一的控制和操作。


3.2 设备控制用户可以对已添加的设备进行控制,包括打开、关闭、调节亮度、调节温度、切换模式等操作。


四、安全保障4.1 设备鉴权悦me网关在设备添加和控制时会对设备进行鉴权操作,确保只有合法的用户可以对设备进行控制,提高设备的安全性。

4.2 数据加密悦me网关会对用户的数据进行加密传输,防止数据泄露和被黑客入侵。

五、远程控制5.1 手机应用用户可以通过悦me网关的手机应用进行远程控制,无论身在何地都能方便的对设备进行操作。

5.2 语音控制悦me网关支持语音控制功能,用户可以通过手机应用或与智能音箱等智能设备连接后,使用语音命令对设备进行控制。


七、报警与提醒7.1 设备报警如果设备出现故障或异常情况,悦me网关会自动发送报警信息给用户,提醒用户注意和及时处理。

7.2 服务提醒悦me网关也会不定期向用户发送服务提醒,包括软件更新提醒、设备维护提醒等,以提高设备的使用体验。



ALT E-Cigarette Instructions 悦尔电子香烟用户手册www.altecig 品味健康生活,从这里开始!Enjoy Healthy Lifestyle, Start Here!目录User Guide包装清单Contents of ALT pack 07 产品概述Introduction 11产品介绍Components 12使用指导Getting started 16操作指南Operating instructions 17充电指南Direction for charging battery 18注意事项Cautionary notes 21疑难排除Troubleshooting 23您已向更加健康的生活方式迈进了积极的一步,为您及您身边的人。

If you are already a smoker, you’ve just taken a positive first step on the road to a healthier lifestyle, not only for yourself but for those around you.注意:尼古丁使人上瘾,请慎重选择。

Nicotine is highly addictive. If you don't already smoke or use nicotine we strongly recommend you not to start with ALT .感谢您选择了悦尔电子烟!Congratulations on choosing ALT!包装配置Your ALT pack contains*Please check the model what you choose 请根据你所选择的型号进行核对尊享系列 ALT ⏹悦尔Luxury Series悦尔电子烟ALT e-cigarette备用电池Extra battery烟弹Pack of refill cartridges⏹ 悦尔尊享系列 ALT Luxury Series ⏹ 悦尔经典系列 ALT Classic Series ⏹悦尔标准系列 ALT Standard Series智能便携充电盒Smart Portable charger case转换插头及充电线Adapter/USB cable车载充电器Auto charger列 ALT悦尔经典系ClassicSeries悦尔电子烟ALT e-cigarette备用电池Extra battery烟弹Pack of refill cartridges便携盒Carry case转换插头AdapterUSB 充电器USB charger悦尔标准系列 ALT Standard Series产品概述Introduction悦尔电子烟ALT e-cigarette烟弹Pack of refill cartridges便携袋Leather pocket充电适配器AdapterUSB充电器USB charger悦尔电子烟介绍ALT e-cigarette Components 悦尔电子烟与普通香烟烟的本质区别在于:∙悦尔电子烟不含对人体有害的焦油成份,没有致癌物质;∙悦尔电子烟不燃烧,没有燃烧后所产生的多种有害化学物质;∙悦尔电子烟没有“二手烟”对他人造成的危害及对环境的污染;∙悦尔电子烟无火灾隐患,您可以在任何地方自由地享受;∙Important differences between ALT e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes:• ALT e-cigarette contains no tar nor does it contain many of the carcinogenic substances found in traditional cigarettes, that are harmful to the human body.• No ignition is involved, so there is no real smoke – meaning none of the harmful chemicals contained in conventional cigarette smoke.• Eliminates “passive smoking”.• No possibility of fire risk.• ALT e-cigarettte can be used in most No Smoking situations.悦尔电子烟是一种采用高新微电子技术的微型雾化装置,是当前全球范围内最为成功的传统香烟替代品。




































产品安装注意事项1.安装之前请保证电源处于断开状态,所有线路接好之后方可通电,带电安装有可能造成设备损坏;2.卡扣用平口起子轻撬即可分开前面板和后盖,后盖需要安装到国标146型预埋底盒内;3.绿色接线端子全部为可拆卸端子,请用平口螺丝刀轻撬,拆下后接线;4.网线请全部按照EIA/TIA-568B线序压制;5.5V、12V、GN D接口用于给控制面板供电,请按照标签指示连接到标配电源适配器上,不按标签指示接线将可能造成产品损坏;6.喇叭接口L+L-为左声道喇叭输出,请连接左声道喇叭,R+R-为右声道喇叭输出,请连接右声道喇叭;7.外接音频输入接口,用于外接其他播放器作为音源使用,音频输出接口用于将本系统内的音乐扩展其他功放;8.连接好所有线路后,请先固定好后壳,再将前面板盖上,请注意不要用力过猛造成排针弯曲,损坏;9.电源强电接入请直接将强电线拨开1厘米左右,直接插入连接器的圆孔内即可,红色为火线,黑色为零线,电源输出请按照标签指示和触摸面板对应连接;常见问题处理电源指示灯不亮请检查零线和火线连接是否连接正确;用万用表调整到 AC档750V测量零线火线之间是否有电压;如果零线火线之间有电压,请更换电源电源指示灯亮,但是控制面板不好开启1.请检查控制面板上5V12V是否准确,用万用表调整到DC档20V,测量接线图表上5V和GN D和 12V 和GN D之间的电压是否正确,如果连接错误请重新连接,错误的连接可能导致机器永久损坏;2.请检查前面面板和后面底板之间是否准确连接,插针是否有折断,弯曲的现象3.请检查电源和智能背景音乐控制面板之间连接线是否太细,太细将造成电流不够,本公司推荐电源线为RVV3*1.0多股软线无法联网请检查R J45接口是否按照568B顺序连接,交换机端顺序是否按照568B连接,用测线器测试线路通断。

Omega OEM Style 非接触式红外热电子仪 发射器说明书

Omega OEM Style 非接触式红外热电子仪 发射器说明书

OEM Style Industrial Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer/Transmitterwith Local Display and Analog OutputߜAccuracy ±1% of Reading ߜModels with TemperatureRanges Measuring Up to 2500°F (1370°C)ߜCurrent, Voltage, orMillivolt OutputߜLaser Sighting Optional ߜ°C/°F Keypad Selectable ߜLocal Backlit LCDDisplay StandardߜDual Display IndicatesCurrent plus Min, Max, Average, orDifferential Temperatures on All ModelsߜVisual and AudibleHigh/Low AlarmߜEmissivity Adjustablefrom 0.1 to 1.00 in 0.01Steps via theProgrammable Keypad ߜFast 250 msecResponse TimeߜRS232 CommunicationOMEGA’s OEM style OS550-BB Series industrial, high-performance,economical thermometer/transmitter offers a wide choice of temperature ranges, optical patterns, or fields of view and 3 outputs (1 mV/ deg, 4 to 20 mA, and 0 to 5 Vdc) to feed directly into panel meters, recorders,PLCs, temperature/ process controllers, data loggers, data acquisition systems, or other process instrumentation.Since the OS550-BB Series infrared thermometers do not use chopper motors or vibrator mechanisms, they can be mounted in any position and in hostile environments without suffering any loss in performance. This OEM design coupled with relatively small dimensions makes these sensors ideally suited for a wide variety of applications.OS550-BB SeriesStarts at$SpecificationsAccuracy:±1% of reading @ 25°C ambient or 3°F, whichever is greater Repeatability:±1% rdg ±1 digitSpectral Response:8 to 14 microns Emissivity Range:0.10 to 0.99 in 0.01 stepsField of View (FOV):See diagrams Display:Backlit LCDTransmitter Outputs:1 mV/ degree, 0to 5 Vdc, or 4to 20 mA Power:7to 24 Vdc @ 80 mA Environmental Ratings:NEMA 4Water-tight and dust-tight sensing head Ambient Operating Range:Sensing head -18 to 85°C (0 to 185°F) with OS550-WC; 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) without OS550-WC electronicsRS232:Standard on OS552, OS553and OS554 models; one-way communication; PC-compatible software includedConnection:4.5 m (15') sensor head cable Included Dimensions:Sensing Head: 10.9 x 4.1 cm (4.30 x 1.63"), 11⁄2-20 thread Electronics:4.66 x 3.60" (11.8 x 9.1 cm)Weight:Sensing Head:0.45 kg (12 oz)Main Electronics:1.13 kg (40 oz)Response Time:250 msec; 0 to 63.2%OS550-WC air/water cooling jacket, $195.OS550-AP air purge collar, $65.OS550-MF mounting frame, $65.Available Accessories.OS552-MA-1-BB,$495, shown smaller than actual size.OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page.Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order. OMEGACARE SMcovers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.OS550 sensor head (included) shown with optional mounting bracket mounting nut, $15.mounting bracket,$35.F R E Ed a t a l o g g i n g s o f t w a r ei n c l u d e dw i t h m o d e l sO S 552, 553 a n d554.OS550-BB Series Optical Field of View Diagrams†Insert desired sensor head cable length.Comes with sensor head, 4.6 m (15') sensor head cable, main electronics and operator’s manual. The OS552, OS553, and OS554 also include RS232 cable,cable connector/adaptor and software on 3.5" floppy disk.Note : Sensor head cable can be extended to a maximum of 15 m (50')only by the factory at time of purchase. Add suffix “-(†)FT ” to the model number and $1.00per foot over 4.6 m (15').Ordering Examples: OS552-MA-2-BB,Infrared thermometer with -18 to 540°C (0 to 1000°F) range, 4 to 20 mA output and spot size 0.5" at 3",$495. OS551-MA-2-BB-35FT, OS551 with current output, 0.5 at 3" FOV,35' sensor head cable, $495 + 20 = $515. OCW-3 OMEGACARE SM extends standard 2-year warranty to a total of 5 years ($123), $495 + 123 = $618.CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.fr Guyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。



R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装简介R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装由R-Steam Mini电池和小飞鱼迷你雾化器组成。

R-Steam Mini电池最大功率可达80瓦;搭配小飞鱼迷你雾化器,预装1.2欧双发核芯,带给你醇厚的口感和超大烟雾!产品配置1 x R-Steam Mini 80瓦温控电池盒子1 x 小飞鱼迷你雾化器1 x BM2 (预装) – 1.2欧双发核芯1 x BM2 - 0.6欧双发核芯1 x 可替换玻璃管1 x USB线1 x说明书配件包产品参数R-Steam Mini 80瓦温控电池盒子尺寸:82x38x22.3 毫米重量:120克输出功率:1-80瓦输出电压:0.8-9.0伏静态电流: <500微安充电电压/电流:5伏/1安阻值范围:0.06-2.0欧姆(温控模式)/0.1-3.0欧姆(功率模式)温度范围:100-315摄氏度(200-600华氏度)材质:锌合金小飞鱼迷你雾化器材质:不锈钢尺寸:22x48.5毫米重量:38.5克容量:2毫升接口:510产品验真1.打开电脑或者手机浏览器,访问 SMOK 官方产品验真查询网址:/support/2.刮开包装盒上产品防伪标签上的涂层,得到 16 位数字字母组合防伪码。

其中 4位为一组,在产品验真页面,顺序输入防伪码,点击验真查询按钮,稍等片刻,即可得到查询结果。


产品保修R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装保修周期为:自购买之日起 6 个月。

在6个月的保修期内,产品出现任何非人为造成的故障所导致的产品无法正常使用,均可以凭《R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装用户服务卡》,联系SMOK 授权经销商和零售店进行进一步的产品售后服务。

《R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装用户服务卡》是用户享受SMOK 产品售后服务保障的重要凭证,请务必保存好此卡片,请仔细阅读服务卡上面的信息,并正确填写相关信息。



天翼网关APP中远程下载,悦me网关预置迅雷下载模块,开机自雷家庭助手”客户端,以便自动进行迅雷账号关联和控制远 程下载。远程下载应用功能需要关联迅雷账号,您可通过两种方式进 行关联。
确定用户需要控制的手机 用户手机连接到天翼网关WiFi 扫描二维码安装智能网关控制APP
一、电信网厅登录账号密码 也就是天翼网关账号密码 (如用户已有天翼账号不知
信验证找回密码) 二、如果没有天翼账号可注
信息填写:手机号,天翼密 码,手机验证码完成注册 完成后输入手机号(天翼账 号)密码进入开翼应用页面
下载途径 1、使用手机扫悦ME网关二维码直接下载 2、选择天翼网关手机客户端进行下载安装 安卓手机可通过安卓市场搜索天翼网关下载安装 苹果手机可通过苹果APP搜索天翼网关下载安装
客户端对手机操作系统版本的要求 Android版本4.0以上 IOS版本高于5以上 注意:为避免用户损耗流量,装维人员必须 用户WiFi给用户进行下载。
悦me网关 智能操控 智能家居 控制 智能加速
1.显示类:网关运行状,连接设备信息,WIFI 名称,密码,WIFI二维码,WIFI环境扫描。 2.控制类:一建开通,绿色定时,辐射调节, WIFI设置,连接设备上下线,一建测速。 对智能插座,智能摇控,环境监测仪及智能家 电,传统红外家电等各类家居设备本地,远和 控制。 依托电信特有高速智能宽带资源,为用户提供 网页妄言访问加速,游戏加速和下载加速服务, 全新上网加速体验。



R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装简介R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装由R-Steam Mini电池和小飞鱼迷你雾化器组成。

R-Steam Mini电池最大功率可达80瓦;搭配小飞鱼迷你雾化器,预装1.2欧双发核芯,带给你醇厚的口感和超大烟雾!产品配置1 x R-Steam Mini 80瓦温控电池盒子1 x 小飞鱼迷你雾化器1 x BM2 (预装) – 1.2欧双发核芯1 x BM2 - 0.6欧双发核芯1 x 可替换玻璃管1 x USB线1 x说明书配件包产品参数R-Steam Mini 80瓦温控电池盒子尺寸:82x38x22.3 毫米重量:120克输出功率:1-80瓦输出电压:0.8-9.0伏静态电流: <500微安充电电压/电流:5伏/1安阻值范围:0.06-2.0欧姆(温控模式)/0.1-3.0欧姆(功率模式)温度范围:100-315摄氏度(200-600华氏度)材质:锌合金小飞鱼迷你雾化器材质:不锈钢尺寸:22x48.5毫米重量:38.5克容量:2毫升接口:510产品验真1.打开电脑或者手机浏览器,访问 SMOK 官方产品验真查询网址:/support/2.刮开包装盒上产品防伪标签上的涂层,得到 16 位数字字母组合防伪码。

其中 4位为一组,在产品验真页面,顺序输入防伪码,点击验真查询按钮,稍等片刻,即可得到查询结果。


产品保修R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装保修周期为:自购买之日起 6 个月。

在6个月的保修期内,产品出现任何非人为造成的故障所导致的产品无法正常使用,均可以凭《R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装用户服务卡》,联系SMOK 授权经销商和零售店进行进一步的产品售后服务。

《R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装用户服务卡》是用户享受SMOK 产品售后服务保障的重要凭证,请务必保存好此卡片,请仔细阅读服务卡上面的信息,并正确填写相关信息。



3 Programming software1064074 PC programming cable1067265 Switched−mode power supply unit2123196 Memory card1064097 I/O expansion2123148 Output expansion, bus module, coupling module212315 GeneralStandards EN 55011, EN 55022, IEC/EN 61000−4, IEC 60068−2−6, IEC 60068−2−27Dimensions (W × H × D)mm 107.5 × 90 × 72 without/79 with adapter for MCC (6 SU)Weight kg0,32Mounting Top−hat rail IEC/EN 60715, 35 mm or screw fixing using 3 fixing bracketsZB4−101−GF1 (accessories)Terminal capacitiesSolid mm20.2/4 (AWG 22 – 12) Flexible with ferrule mm20.2/2.5 (AWG 22 – 12) Standard screwdriver mm 3.5 × 0.8Max. tightening torque Nm0,6Climatic environmental conditionsOperating ambient temperature°C –25 ... 55, low temperatures to IEC 60068−2−1, high temperatures to IEC60068−2−2Condensation Take appropriate measures to prevent condensationLCD display (clearly legible)°C0 (55)Storage°C... 40...+70 Relative humidity, non−condensing(IEC/EN 60068−2−30)% 5 (95)Air pressure (operation)hPa795 (1080)Corrosion resistanceIEC/EN 60068−2−424 daysSO2cm3/m310IEC/EN 60068−2−434 daysH2Scm3/m31Ambient conditions, mechanicalDegree of protection IEC/EN 60529IP 20 Vibrations (IEC/EN 60068−2−6)Constant amplitude 0.15 mm Hz 5 (9)Constant acceleration 2 g Hz8 (150)Mechanical shock resistance(IEC/EN 60068−2−27)semi−sinusoidal 15 g/11 msImpacts18Drop to IEC/EN 60068−2−31Dropheightmm50Free fall, packaged (IEC/EN60068−2−32)m1Mounting position Horizontal/vertical Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Electrostatic discharge (IEC/EN61000−4−2, Level 3, ESD)Air discharge kV8Contact discharge kV6 Electromagnetic fields (IEC/EN61000−4−3, RFI)V/m10Radio interference suppression (EN 55011)EN 55011 Class B, EN 55022 Class BBurst pulses (IEC/EN 61000−4−4,level 3)Supply cables kV2 Signal lines kV2High−energy pulses (surge) (IEC/EN 61000−4−5)kV2 (supply cables,symmetrical, EASY...AC)High−energy pulses (surge) (IEC/EN 61000−4−5, level 2)kV0.5 symmetrical, 1asymmetricalImmunity to line−conductedinterference to (IEC/EN 61000−4−6)V10 Insulation resistanceClearance in air and creepage distances EN 50178, UL 508, CSA C22.2, no. 142Insulation resistance EN 50178 Back−up/Accuracy of the real−time clockAccuracy of the real−time clock s/day Normally ± 5 (± 0.5 hyear) Retentive memoryWrite cycles of the retentive memory 10000000000 (10¹) (Read−write cycles)Power supplyRated operational voltage U e V24 DC (−15/+20%) Admissible range V DC20,4...28,8 Residual ripple% 5Input currentInput current 115/230 V AC mA Normally 140 Voltage dips (IEC/EN 61131−2)ms10Heat dissipation W typ.A3.4CCPUMicroprocessor Infineon XC161 MemoryProgram code/data kByte 256/14 segments of 16 KB eachMarker/Input/Output/Retain data KByte16/4/4/8 Cycle time for 1 k of instructions (Bit,Byte)ms<0,3 InterfacesCANopen/easy−NETData transfer rate/distance 500 kBit/s, 25 m 250 kBit/s, 60m 125 kBit/s, 125 m 50 kBit/s, 300 m 20 kBit/s, 700 m 10 kBit/s, 1000 mPotential isolationFrom power supply Yes From the inputs Yes From the outputs YesBus termination (first and last station)EASY−NT−R plug (incl. bus terminating resistor 120 )Connection types 2 × RJ45, 8 pole easy−NET operating modeNumber of users8CANopen operating modeStations Number max. 8PDO type Asynchronous, cyclic, acyclicControl contact rated current to DS301V4Control voltage for remote controlmax.NoDigital inputs 12 V DCNumber12Inputs can be used as analog inputs 4 (I7, I8, I11, I12) Status indication LCD display (if provided) Potential isolationFrom power supply NoBetween digital inputs NoFrom the outputs YesRated operational voltage U e V DC24On 0 signal U e V DC < 5 (I1 – I6, I9, I10) < 8 (I7, I8, I11, I12)On 1 signal U e V DC > 15.0 (I1 – I6, I9, I10) > 8.0 (I7, I8, I11, I12)Input current on 1 signalI1 to I6mA 3.3 (at 24 V DC)I7, I8mA 2.2 (at 24 V DC)Cable length (unscreened)m100Pulse pause ratio01:01Cable length screened m< 3Digital inputs 24 V DCNumber12Inputs can be used as analog inputs 4 (I7, I8, I11, I12) Status indication LCD display (if provided) Potential isolationFrom power supply NoBetween digital inputs NoFrom the outputs YesFrom the PC interface, memory cardNET network, EASY−LinkYesRated operational voltage U e V DC24On 0 signal U e V DC < 5 (I1 – I6, I9, I10) < 8 (I7, I8, I11, I12)On 1 signal U e V DC > 15.0 (I1 – I6, I9, I10) > 8.0 (I7, I8, I11, I12)Input current on 1 signalI1 to I6mA 3.3 (at 24 V DC) I7, I8mA 2.2 (at 24 V DC) I9, I10mA 3.3 (at 24 V DC)I11, I12mA 2.2 (at 24 V DC)Delay time from 0 to 1Normally 0.02 (I1 – I4),Normally 0.25 (I5 – I12) Delay time from 1 to 0Normally 0.02 (I1 – I4),Normally 0.25 (I5 – I12) Cable length (unscreened)m100Incremental counterQuantity 1 (I1, I2, I3, I4)Value range32 BitCounter frequency kHz 40Pulse shape SquareCounter inputs I1 and I2, I3 and I41Counter inputs I1, I2Reference input I3Input for reference switch I4Signal offset90°Pulse pause ratio01:01Rapid counter inputsNumber 2 (I1, I2) at 16 Bit or 1 (I1) at 32 BitCounter frequency kHz< 50Pulse shape SquarePulse pause ratio01:01Cable length, screened m< 20Digital inputs 24 V DCInputs can be used as analog inputs 4 (I7, I8, I11, I12) Status indication LCD−display (if present) Rated operational voltage U e V24 DC (−15/+20%) Input current on 1 signalI1 to I6mA 3.3 (at 24 V DC)I7, I8mA 2.2 (at 24 V DC)I9, I10mA 3.3 (at 24 V DC)I11, I12mA 2.2 (at 24 V DC)Digital inputs 115/230 V ACStatus indication LCD−display (if present) Analog inputsQuantity 4 (I7, I8, I11, I12)Potential isolationFrom power supply NoFrom the digital inputs NoFrom the outputs YesFrom the PC interface, memory cardNET network, EASY−LinkYesInput type DC voltageSignal range V DC0 – 10 Resolution, analog V0,01 Resolution, digital V0,01 Resolution, digital Bit10 (value 0 – 1023) Input impedance k11,2Accuracy of actual valueTwo EASY devices%± 3Within a single device%± 2, (I7, I8, I11, I12) ± 0.12 VConversion time, analog/digital ms Every CPU cycle Input current mA< 1Cable length screened m< 3Analog outputsPotential isolationFrom power supply Yes Conversion time, analog/digital ms Every CPU cycle Transistor outputsNumber8Rated operational voltage U e V DC24Admissible range U e V DC20,4 – 28,8 Residual ripple%5Supply currentOn 0 signal Normallymax.mA18/32On 1 signal Normallymax.mA24/44Protection against polarity reversal Yes (Attention: Ashort−circuit will occur if voltage is applied to the outputs on account of reverse polarity.)Potential isolationFrom power supply Yes From the inputs YesYesFrom the PC interface, memory cardNET network, EASY−LinkRated operational current on 1 signalDCI e A Max. 0.5 Lamp load without R v W5Residual current on 0 signal perchannelmA< 0,1 Max. output voltageOn 0 signal with external load < 10 M V2,5On 1 signal with I e = 0.5 A V U = U e −1 VShort−circuit protection Yes, electronic (Q1 – Q4), thermal (Q5 – Q8), (analysis via diagnostics input I16,I15)Short−circuit tripping current for R a10 mA0.7 I e 2 per output Total short−circuit current A16Peak short−circuit current A32Thermal cutout YesMax. operating frequency withconstant resistive load R L < 100 k(depending on number of activechannels and their load)Ops./h40000Parallel connection of outputsWith resistive load, inductive load with external suppressor circuit, combination within a group Group 1: Q1 − Q4 Group 2: Q5 − Q8Number of outputs max.4Max. total current A 2 (Caution! Outputs must be actuated simultaneously and for the same length of time.)Output status indication LCD−display (if present) Inductive loadWithout external suppressor circuitT0.95 = 1 ms, R = 48, L = 16 mHUtilization factor g0,25Duty factor% DF100Max. switching frequency f = 0.5 Hz(max. DF = 50 %)Operations1500DC−13, T0.95 = 72 ms, R = 48, L = 1.15 HUtilization factor g0,25Duty factor% DF100Max. switching frequency f = 0.5 Hz(max. DF = 50 %)Operations1500 T0.95 = 15 ms, R = 48, L = 0.24 HUtilization factor g0,25 Duty factor% DF100 Max. switching frequency f = 0.5 Hz(max. DF = 50 %)Operations1500 With external suppressor circuitUtilization factor g1 Duty factor% DF100Max. switching frequency, max. duty factor OperationsDepending on thesuppressor circuitNET networkStations Number max. 8Bus termination (first and last station)EASY−NT−R plug (incl. bus terminating resistor 120 )Back−up of the real−time clockDimensionsDimensionsMoeller GmbH, Hein−Moeller−Str. 7−11, D−53115 BonnE−Mail:*******************,Internet:,Copyright 2006 by Moeller GmbH. HPL−C2007G V2.1。

悦音扬声器 HB-1 操作指南说明书

悦音扬声器 HB-1 操作指南说明书

OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS SUB-WOOFER SYSTEM HB-1 Please follow the instructions in this manual to obtain optimum results from this unit.We also recommend that you keep this manual handy for future reference.TABLE OF CONTENTS1.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (2)2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION (3)3.FEATURES (3)4.HANDLING PRECAUTIONS (3)5.NOMENCLATURE AND DIMENSIONS (3)6.INSTALLATION6.1.Contents (4)6.2.Flush Wall or Ceiling Mounting (4)6.3.Suspending the Unit in the Ceiling (8)7.MATCHING TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION (9)8.CROSSOVER CONNECTIONSWITH A FULL-RANGE SPEAKER8.1.Recommended Filters for the HB-1 (10)8.2.Level Balance and Polarity (10)9.CAUTIONS CONCERNINGHIGH-IMPEDANCE APPLICATIONS (11)10.SPECIFICATIONS (12)Accessories (12)2When Installing the Unit•Install the unit only in a location that can structurally support the weight of the unit and the mounting bracket.Doing otherwise may result in the unit falling down and causing personal injury and/or property damage.•Use nuts and bolts that are appropriate for the ceiling's or wall's structure and composition. Failure to do so may cause the speaker to fall, resulting in material damage and possible personal injury.•Tighten each nut and bolt securely. Ensure that the bracket has no loose joints after installation to prevent accidents that could result in personal injury.When the Unit is in Use•Should the following irregularity be found during use, immediately switch off the power, disconnect the power supply plug from the AC outlet and contact your nearest TOA dealer. Make no further attempt to operate the unit in this condition as this may cause fire or electric shock. ·If you detect smoke or a strange smell coming from the unit.·If water or any metallic object gets into the unit ·If it is malfunctioning (no tone sounds.)When the Unit is in Use•Do not operate the unit for an extended period of time with the sound distorting. This is an indication of a malfunction, which in turn can cause heat to generate and result in a fire.1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS•Be sure to read the instructions in this section carefully before use.•Make sure to observe the instructions in this manual as the conventions of safety symbols and messages regarded as very important precautions are included.•We also recommend you keep this instruction manual handy for future reference.Safety Symbol and Message ConventionsSafety symbols and messages described below are used in this manual to prevent bodily injury and property damage which could result from mishandling. Before operating your product, read this manual first and understand the safety symbols and messages so you are thoroughly aware of the potential safety hazards.32. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe TOA HB-1 is a high-power, wall/ceiling-mounted sub-woofer system employing a 20 cm speaker unit.Although small in size, the HB-1 provides clear super-low frequency sound reproduction thanks to its Acoustic Super Woofer enclosure construction.3. FEATURES•A large, 110 mm-diameter ferrite magnet, a long, 35 mm-diameter voice coil, an aluminum bobbin, and a rubber roll edge combine to permit large voice coil movement at high power input.•The Acoustic Super Woofer system enclosure creates an acoustic band-pass filter that reproduces super-low frequencies down to 45 Hz and realizes slow-slope phase characteristics.•The enclosure is 103 mm in depth from the mounting surface, and suitable for mounting in a wall with two-by-four construction.•Rotating lock tabs permit the speaker to be temporarily fixed during installation. Also, the speaker has provisions for wire or bolt suspension.•The speaker can be converted to high-impedance applications with the addition of the optional MT-S0601matching transformer.4. HANDLING PRECAUTIONSNo anti-magnetic provisions have been made for the HB-1 speaker. Therefore, take care to keep the unit sufficiently away from televisions, monitors or computer-related equipment.5. NOMENCLATURE AND DIMENSIONS[Front][Side][Rear](Unit: mm)46. INSTALLATION6.1. ContentsCheck to be sure that the following components are available in a complete set before installation:Speaker (1)Stud holder ..... 4Masking tape .. (4)"Short" (2)"Long" (2)Cutout template (1)Mounting screws/washersTapping screw (3x8) .... 4Screw (M5x10) . (4)Screw (M4x30) (6)Spring washer (4)Mounting bracket (1)Front grille (1)Anchor piece (2)6.2. Flush Wall or Ceiling Mounting6.2.1. Flush wall mounting6.2.2. Installation orderStep ing the supplied cutout template, make a 360x480 mm mounting hole in the wall or ceiling panel.Note• There must be at least 103 mm of depth behind the wall or ceiling panel.• The unit is mountable on the panel with thickness of 12 – 33 mm.[Front ][Vertical cross-sectional ][Horizontal cross-sectional ]WallMounting bracket5Step 2.Loosen the screws of the hook clips (4 places)attached to the mounting bracket and leave each screw sticking out approximately 2 mm.Step 3.Insert the mounting bracket into the hole made in Step 1, and mount it to the back of the wall or ceilingpanel. To mount, clamp the wall or ceiling panel with the hook clips (4 places), then tighten the hook clip screws.Step 4.Fix the mounting bracket to the wall or ceiling panel. [When mounting the bracket to two-by-four construction] Secure the bracket to the frame lumbers from the inside (3 places on the left and 3 places on the right side) of the bracket.Note: Prepare the screws (not supplied with the unit) that areappropriate for the frame lumbers.[When mounting the bracket to the ceiling panel] Caution:Be sure to suspend the bracket using wires or bolts.bracket(two-by-four construction)Bolt suspension: Mount the supplied anchor piece(2 pieces) to the bracket.Wire suspension: Use 4 mounting holes in thebracket.6Step 5.Install the supplied speaker fixing screws (4pieces with M4x30 plain and spring washers) in the mounting bracket so that they are left sticking out 2 – 3 mm from the mounting surface. (They are tightened in Step 10.)Step 6.Loosen the unit's lock tab screws (4 places) andleave them sticking out 2 – 3 mm. (They are tightened in Step 10.)Step 7.Connect the speaker cable to the detachable connector.Note: Solid or stranded cables with a cross-sectional area of 0.2 – 2.5 mm 2(corresponding to AWG24 – 14)can be used.Step 7-1. Detach the input connector from the unit'sconnector socket and loosen the screws of the terminals to use with a screwdriver.Step 7-2. Insert stripped cable ends into the terminals, then retighten the terminal screws.Note: Tighten the screws of the unused terminals toprevent resonance noise.[Single connection][Bridge connection]To next sub-woofer system7Step 8.Reinsert the detachable input connector into the unit's socket, then fit the unit in the mounting bracket.Step 9.Rotate the lock tabs (4 places) until each contacts the fixing screw head left sticking out in Step 5.Step 10.Step ing two more supplied fixing screws, fix the unit to the mounting bracket securely at two placesshown in the figure. Note: After completing all of the above steps, check to ensurethat the unit is fixed securely to the wall or ceiling panel surface.Step 12.Align the front grille with the speaker so that the fourstud screws align with the unit's corresponding studreceptacles, then push the grille onto the speaker.Detachable input connectorLock tab screw86.3. Suspending the Unit in the CeilingWhen suspending the HB-1 speaker in the ceiling, remove the lock tabs and suspend the unit using bolts or wires at the resultant 12 mm-diameter holes. The front grille can be mounted directly to the ceiling panel using the supplied mounting bracket.6.3.1. Suspending the unit6.3.2. Front grille installationStep 1.Before mounting the front grille directly to the ceiling panel,Step 1-1.Attach the four supplied stud holders tothe mounting bracket using the four supplied tapping screws. Step 1-2.Detach the stud receptacles from themain speaker unit and attach them to the stud holders.Step 2.Mount the mounting bracket to theceiling panel. (Follow Steps 1.– 4. on P.4 "Flush Wall or Ceiling Mounting.")Step 3.Attach the masking tapes to the ceilingpanel as shown on the right to prevent the white ceiling panel from being seen through the front grille meshes.Step 4.Align the front grille with the speaker sothat the four stud screws align with the unit's corresponding stud receptacles,then push the grille onto the speaker.[Wire Suspension][Bolt suspension]Front grilleTapping screw (supplied with the unit)10 mm to the inside of 10 mm to the inside of the mounting hole the mounting hole97. MATCHING TRANSFORMER INSTALLATIONAn optional MT-S0601 matching transformer can be installed in the HB-1 speaker.Step 1. Remove the 13 enclosure cover fixing screws to detach the cover.Step 2. Remove the two screws located inside an enclosure. Using the removed two screws, mount the MT-S0601 transformer so that its connection tab is facing the front of the enclosure.Step 3. Detach the woofer's lead wire junction connector, and connect it to the MT-S0601's connector.Step 4. Connect the speaker input cable to the desired impedance tap.Step 5. Replace the enclosure cover.Step 6. Choose an appropriate impedance indicationlabel from those supplied with the MT-S0601,and affix it over the HB-1's nameplate to indicatethe selected impedance.6Impedance label sheet (supplied with MT-S0601)Transformer mounting screw4RedWhite108. CROSSOVER CONNECTIONS WITH A FULL-RANGE SPEAKER8.1. Recommended Filters for the HB-1•Because the HB-1's enclosure construction is designed to create an acoustic band-pass filter, the mid and high frequency audio ranges are cut even if the input signal band is not limited with a low-pass filter.Therefore, the HB-1 functions as a sub-woofer with no filtering.•The speaker driving efficiency can be increased by inserting a low-pass filter before the power amplifier to cut the mid and high frequency components of the input signal to the sub-woofer.•The following filter settings are recommended when using a digital signal processor for the HB-1's signal system:High-pass filter (– 12 dB/oct): Cut-off frequency=40 Hz, Q=1.0Low-pass filter (– 12 dB/oct): Cut-off frequency=100 Hz, Q=1.08.2. Level Balance and PolarityWhen using the HB-1 in combination with TOA's F or H series Full-Range Speakers, adjust their level balance or polarity depending on the conditions of the installation location. 8.2.1. Level balance adjustmentAdjust the level of the sub-woofer or full range speaker depending on the number of units to be installed or installation conditions. 8.2.2. Polarity adjustment•Acoustic energy increases at the crossover band for the sub-woofer and full-range speaker if the two speaker are in phase with each other, and decreases if out of phase. Because the phase characteristics of both the sub-woofer and the full-range speaker vary continuously depending on frequency, simply matching the connector polarities of the sub-woofer is not always the best procedure.•To confirm how much the acoustic energy increases or decreases, reverse the polarity of the sub-woofer's "+" and "–" connectors and select the connection polarity that results in the largest output of acoustic energy.(The use of a real-time spectrum analyzer to check the degree of energy increase is highly recommended.)[dB]+20+10-10-20-30-40020*********k 5k 10k 20k [Hz]Frequency-to-gain relationshipHB-1's cross section[dB]110100807060509020501005001k 5k 10k 20k [Hz]Frequency-to-SPL relationship (1 W 1 m, 1/2 free sound field)9. CAUTIONS CONCERNING HIGH-IMPEDANCE APPLICATIONSTo avoid damaging the HB-1 speaker in high-impedance applications (with the MT-S0601 matching transformer installed), be sure to observe the following conditions:1. Do not limit the input signal band using such devices as a low-pass filter, but instead drive the speaker withthe full-range signal.2. Use a high-impedance amplifier with a power rating higher than the wattage tap selected on the matchingtransformer.NoteThere is a low-frequency threshold for both the speaker matching transformer and the high-impedance amplifier output transformer.[Matching transformer low-frequency threshold]If a signal with frequencies lower than the low-frequency threshold is applied at rated power, the transformer's primary impedance (input impedance) decreases abruptly due to core magnetic saturation. With the MT-S0601, the impedance begins to decrease at approximately 40 Hz for the rated input power of 60 W, and is almost halved at 30 Hz. If the speaker is used under this condition, an increased load is put on the power amplifier as well as the matching transformer, causing potential equipment damage.The low-frequency threshold varies depending on the selected transformer tap, and the smaller the tap-selected wattage, the lower the threshold.[High-impedance amplifier low-frequency threshold]When a full-range signal (not band-limited) is applied, the amplifier is not adversely affected. However, if the signal is band-limited with a low-pass filter and driven with rated power, an increased load is put on the output stage, causing potential amplifier damage.1110. SPECIFICATIONSEnclosure Type Acoustic Super Woofer systemPower Handling Continuous program:240 W (40 – 200 Hz)Continuous pink noise: 80 W (40 – 200 Hz)Rated Impedance 8 ΩSound Pressure Level91 dB (1W, 1m), installation in 1/2 free sound field85 dB (1 W, 1m), installation in free sound fieldFrequency Response45 – 200 Hz (–10 dB, installation in 1/2 free sound field)Speaker Element20 cm cone typeInput Terminal Detachable screw terminal, (+)/(–): 2 each (for bridge connection) Usable Cable Solid or stranded cable: 0.2 – 2.5 mm2(corresponding to AWG24 – 14) Finish Enclosure Rolled steel plate, black, paintFront Grille Rolled steel plate, white, paintGrille Frame Fire-resistant ABS resin (UL 94V-0), white, paintMounting bracket Rolled steel plate, black, paintDimensions 430 (w) x 544 (h) x 135 (d) mmWeight 11 kg (front grille and mounting bracket excluded)Optional Matching Transformer MT-S0601 (rated at 60 W)Note:The design and specifications are subject to change without notice for improvement.• AccessoriesMounting bracket (1)Front grille (1)Anchor piece (2)Stud holder (4)Pattern paper (1)Masking tape (long and short) .....................2 eachMounting screwsM5x10 (for anchor piece) (4)3x8 (for stud holder) (4)M4x30 with plain and spring washers (6)Spring washer (M5 for anchor piece) (4)Plain washer (M5 for anchor piece) (4)533-06-067-00。

AURORA-me 使用说明书与保修信息

AURORA-me 使用说明书与保修信息


Stay beautiful forever with SAY SKIN!目录· 使用效果和特点· 构成品· 产品各部位名称· 使用与操作方法· 充电方法· LED与效果音说明· FAQ(常见问题)· 产品规格· 产品保修单· 消费者纠纷解决标准使用效果与特点改善皱纹# 促进化妆品的吸收促进化妆品有效成分的吸收,加强护肤功能# 高强度环保型锆石球头用于人工牙齿和宝石材料的安全卫生的高强度环保型材料# 亮肤/美白发挥优秀的美白效果塑造明亮焕彩肤色# 呵护肌肤过敏舒缓因微尘等各种污染物质受刺激的肌肤,改善过敏症状构成品11.产品机身2.充电适配器3.充电USB线(C型)4.使用说明书5.简易说明书2345产品各部位名称USB (C型)充电接口20年3月底1. 洁面后调理肤质。


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一.产品功能特点............................................................................................................... 1 二.产品说明 ...................................................................................................................... 2
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FireLite BEAM355和BEAM355S地区ammen烟有洁器说明书

FireLite BEAM355和BEAM355S地区ammen烟有洁器说明书

DF-52408:B • 11/16/09 — Page 1 of 4BEAM355 and BEAM355SSingle-Ended, Reflected-TypeAddressable Beam Smoke DetectorsAddressable DevicesDF-52408:B • E-270BEAM355withRelective PlateBEAM355withBEAMMMK6975reflect.wmf6975beammmk.wmfGENERALThe FireLite BEAM355 and BEAM355S are intelligent,addressable reflected beam smoke detectors for protecting open areas with high and sloping ceilings, and wide-open areas, where spot-type smoke detectors are difficult to install and maintain. Ideal applications are atriums, cathedral ceilings, aircraft hangars, warehouses, sporting arenas,concert halls, and enclosed parking facilities. They are compatible with the MS-9600 Series and MS9200 Series in LiteSpeed® or CLIP mode. Installation of the single-ended reflective design is much quicker than a dual-ended projected beam detector. Alignment is easily accomplished with an optical sight and a two-digit signal strength meter incorporated into the beam detector. Listed for operation from –22°F to 131°F , the BEAM355 and BEAM355S are usable in open area applications where temperature extremes exceed the design limits of other types of smoke detection.The BEAM355 and BEAM355S are a transmitter/receiver unit and a reflector. When smoke enters the area between the unit and the reflector it causes a reduction in the signal strength.When the smoke level (signal strength) reaches the predetermined threshold, an alarm is activated. The detectors have four standard sensitivity selections as well as two Acclimate® settings. When either Acclimate® setting is selected, the detector’s advanced software algorithms automatically adjust to the optimum sensitivity for the specific environment.The BEAM355S has an integral sensitivity test feature of a filter attached to a servomotor inside the detector optics.Activation of the RTS151 or RTS151KEY remote test stations moves the filter into the pathway of the light beam, testing the detector’s sensitivity. This sensitivity test feature allows the user to quickly and easily meet the annual maintenance and test requirements of NFPA 72, without physical access to the detector. The servomotor must be powered by +24 VDC, not SLC power.FEATURES•Listed to UL 268, ULC CAN/ULC S529.•T ransmitter/receiver built into same unit.•Six user-selectable sensitivity levels.•16' to 328' (use BEAMLRK beyond 230') protection range.•Removable plug-in terminal blocks.•Digital display — no special tools required.•Built-in automatic gain control compensates for signal dete-rioration from dust buildup.•Optional remote test station.•Optional long-range kit (BEAMLRK) for applications in excess of 230' (70 m).•Optional multi-mount kit (BEAMMMK) providing ceiling or wall mount capability with increased angular adjustment.•Optional heater kits (BEAMHK and BEAMHKR) for prevention of condensation (not intended to increase or reduce the specified operating temperature).•Paintable cover.SPECIFICATIONSOPERATIONAL SPECIFICATIONSProtection Range: 16 to 230 feet (5 to 70 m), 230 to 328 feet (70 to 100 m) using optional BEAMLRK kit.Adjustment Angle: ±10° horizontal and vertical. Note that the optics move independently of the unit.Sensitivity (6 levels):NOTE: Sensitivity settings are a feature of specific control panels.•Level 1 — 25%.•Level 2 — 30%.•Level 3 — 40%.•Level 4 — 50%.•Acclimate® Level 5 — 30% to 50%.•Acclimate® Level 6 — 40% to 50%.Fault Condition (trouble):•96% or more obscuration blockage.•In alignment mode.•Improper initial alignment.•Self-compensation limit reached.Alignment Aid:•Optical gunsight.•Integral signal strength indication.•Two-digit display.Indicators:•Alarm — local red LED and remote alarm.•Trouble — local yellow LED and remote trouble.•Normal — local flashing green LED.Test/reset features:•Integral sensitivity test filter (BEAM355S only, requires external power supply).•Sensitivity filter (incremental scale on reflector).•Local alarm test switch.•Local alarm reset switch.•Remote test and reset switch (compatible with RTS151 and RTS151KEY test stations).Smoke Detector Spacing: On smooth ceilings, 30 – 60 feet (9.1 to 18.3 m) between projected beams and not more than one-half that spacing between a projected beam and a sidewall. Other spacing may be used depending on ceiling height, airflow characteristics, and response requirements. See NFPA 72.ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Temperature: –22°F to 131°F (–30°C to 55°C). Humidity: 10 – 93% RH noncondensing.ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS •Voltage: 15 to 32 VDC.•Average Standby Current (24 VDC): 2 mA maximum (LED flashing, SLC @ 24 V).•Alarm Current (LED on): 8.5 mA maximum.•Trouble Current (LED on): 4.5 mA maximum.•Alignment Current: 20 mA maximum.•External Supply (BEAM355S only):Voltage — 15 to 32 VDCCurrent — 0.5 A maximum.•Remote Output (Alarm):Voltage - 15 to 32 VDC (Output voltage same as device input voltage)Current - 15 mA maximum, 6 mA minimum (Output current is limited by 2.2K ohm resistor)•Heater Kit BEAMHK:Voltage - 15 to 32 V; Current - 92 mA maximum @ 32 V (heater only); Power Consumption-nominal 1.6 W @ 24 V, maximum 3.0 W @ 32 V.•Reflector Heater Kit BEAMHKR: Voltage - 15 to 32 V;Current - 450 mA maximum @ 32 V (per reflector); Power Consumption (per reflector) - nominal 7.7 W @ 24 V, maximum 15.0 W @ 32 V.MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSShipping Weight: 3.7 lbs (1.68 kg)Detector Dimensions: 10.0" H x 7.5" W x 3.3" D (254 mm H x 191 mm W x 84 mm D).Reflector Dimensions for 16' to 230' (5 to 70m) Applications: 7.9" x 9.1" (200 x 230 mm).Reflector Dimensions for Applications Beyond 230'/70m: 15.7" x 18.1" (400 x 460 mm).SENSITIVITY SELECTIONThe detector has six sensitivity selections (sensitivity settings are a feature of specific control panels). Each of these selections is only acceptable over a specific distance separation between the detector and the reflector per UL 268. The chart below determines which selections are acceptable for your installed distance. The sensitivity of the detector can be set only when the housing is removed and the detector is not in the fine adjustment step of the alignment mode, indicated by the illumination of the dual digital display. T o set the sensitivity, depress the sensitivity button one time. See Switch Locations diagram. Once the switch is pressed, the digital display will illuminate and read the current sensitivity setting in percent obscuration. To change the sensitivity, continue to depress the sensitivity switch until the desired setting is achieved. The digital display will turn off automatically if no further switch presses occur.In addition to the four standard sensitivity selections, the detector has two Acclimate® settings. When either Acclimate®setting is chosen the detector will automatically adjust its sensitivity using advanced software algorithms to select the optimum sensitivity for the environment. The sensitivity will be continuously adjusted within the ranges specified in the chart above.Total obscuration can be converted to percent per foot, assuming uniform smoke density for the entire length of the beam. The chart below converts total obscuration percent per foot for all acceptable sensitivity settings.SensitivitySettingPercentObscurationDisplayReadingAcceptableDISTANCEbetweenDetectorandReflector(ft)AcceptableDISTANCEbetweenDetectorandReflector(m) Level 125%2516.4 to 120 5.0 to 36.6 Level 230%3025 to 1507.6 to 45.7 Level 340%4060 to 22018.3 to 67 Level 450%5080 to 32824.4 to 100 Acclimate ®Level 130% to 50%A180 to 15024.4 to 45.7 Acclimate ®Level 240% to 50%A280 to 20024.4 to 67Page 2 of 4 — DF-52408:B • 11/16/09DF-52408:B • 11/16/09 — Page 3 of 4Total ObscurationWiring Diagram with RTS151/KEYWiring Diagram6985g r a p h .t i f6985wirerts151.tifAlignment and Adjustment Locations6985a d j l o c .t i fHousing Screw Locations6985s c r e w l o c s .t ifPARTS LISTItem QuantityT ransmitter/Receiver Unit 1Paintable Trim Ring 1Reflector 1Plug-In Terminal Blocks 3Isolator Shunts 2Instruction Manual 1Orange Sticky Paper 1See RTS151/KEY Installation Instructions for electrical ratings of the RTS151/KEYRTS151/KEYPin 1Pin 2Pin 4Pin 3Pin 5Remote Alarm Out AUX (-)Reset Input Test InputSee electrical ratings.or Previous device.32 VDC Maximum Twisted pair is recommendedDevicePage 4 of 4 — DF-52408:B • 11/16/09This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.All specifications are subject to change without notice.For more information, contact Fire•Lite Alarms. Phone: (800) 627-3473, FAX: (877) 699-4105.Acclimate® is a trademark of Honeywell International Inc.©2009 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized useof this document is strictly prohibited.AGENCY LISTINGS AND APPROVALSThese listings and approvals apply to the devices specified in this document. In some cases, certain modules or applications may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status.•UL Listed: S1059•ULC Listed: S1059•CSFM: 7260-0075:209•MEA: 143-04-E •FM ApprovedPRODUCT LINE INFORMATIONBEAM355: Intelligent beam smoke detectorBEAM355S: Intelligent beam smoke detector with integral sensitivity test.BEAMLRK: Long range accessory kit (required for applica-tions in excess of 230 ft/70 m).BEAMMMK: Multi-mount kit (provides ceiling or wall mount capability with increased angular adjustment).BEAMSMK: Surface-mount kit.RTS151: Remote test station.RTS151A: Same RTS151 with ULC listing.RTS151KEY: Remote test station with key lock.RTS151KEYA: Same as the RTS151KEY with ULC listing.BEAMHK: Heating kit for use with the transmitter/receiver unit of BEAM355S. For prevention of condensation.BEAMHKR: Heating kit for use with the reflector on BEAM355S. For prevention of condensation6500-MMK: Heavy-duty multi-mount kit for installations prone to vibration or where there is difficulty mounting the set angle.When installed with the transmitter/receiver unit, the 6500-SMK must be used as well.6500-SMK: Surface-mount kit (required when using 6500-MMK to mount transmitter/receiver).BEAMMMK(ceiling or wall mount kit sold sepa-rately)RTS151RTS151KEYBEAMHK6975b e a m m k .j p gr t s 151.w m frts151key.wmf6985hk.tif。





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