voices is great. conclusion, Despicable Me is a movie to enjoy and better
in the 3-D version 版 本 . Totally
worthy and fully recommendablΒιβλιοθήκη 推荐.That’s all !
The Basic Information
• • • • • • • • • • Chinese name:卑鄙的我 Foreign name: Despicable Me Producer Region:America Director:Chris Renaud Type:cartoon Length of a film: 94 min Showtime:2010-07-09 Production Designer:Yarrow Cheney Language: english Dub(配音): Steve Carell,Jason Segel, Kristen Wiig, Will Arnett,Russell Brand and so on
• There was a lifeless black house .. • It hid a deepest and biggest secrets.
SO he borrowed money from the bank…but he failed..
arsenal of shrink rays阿森纳冷冻射线, freeze rays收缩射线, and battle-
ready vehicles 作战准备车辆for land and air, he vanquishes征服 all to
• 十、配音时要情绪贯之 • 配音时要把画面切割分段,这是影视制作的一大特点,
如何使剧中人情感不断线,让声音变化附合剧情发展,要 先吃透人物行为的贯穿,理解角色内心生活的连贯,把握 住剧情发展的整体感,角色的情感线才臻于完善。 • 为了等演员,等布景,等服装道具,在拍摄阶段常常有 后面的镜头先拍,前面的戏后拍的现象,称为“跳拍”; 在配音阶段也会发生“跳录”。跳录的时候主要演员和前 后连戏的配角演员,都应十分注意情绪连贯问题。分卷录 音如同分场景拍摄的道理一样,是影视制作的规律;必须 做到单录时没问题,合卷听也非常连贯统一。这就要求配 音演员对剧情发展有总体的把握——紧紧围绕着角色的感 情线,使语气声音的变化附合剧情发展而不脱节,情绪连 贯而不跳跃。
• 八、配音时要挖掘潜质 • 配音既含蓄又要有感染力,应该对人物语言进行分析,
后期配音是种艺术再创作,绝不能说什么都千篇一律,无 论是语调语势或者重音,都应找到根据,符合逻辑,寻找 画面转换的内在联系,再做出有分寸的微妙处理。 • 潜质是一种能力,配音演员不单单是把对白表面的意思 说出来,更主要的要把角色内心深层的意思表达出来。每 一句话都应当揣摸怎么去说,为什么这样说,有没有其它 的说法。有时当导演调整结构以后,你还应当为画面之间 的重新组合找到对白语气上的合理衔接,使它们产生内在 联系,以便做出有分寸的,贴切的补充。 • 配音切忌直白,切忌千篇一律,切忌没根没据地胡停乱 顿,以及拿腔拿调的洋嗓子。一切都应建立在对人物性格, 语言特征的分析基础上,绝不能浮皮潦草瞎凑合。因为后 期配音,实实在在是一种艺术的再创造。
因为话筒的性能高度敏感,缩短了演员与观众的空间。不 要求音调与音节的伸展,别刻意追求音色响亮清甜,任何 夸张与做作都会失真,声音状态应依照生活自然。 • 同学们在舞台上演出话剧的时候,对台词吾言适度地夸 张,是为了使后排观众听得清,得把字音加强,拉长,提 高,强调语音共鸣、吐字咬紧、音量放出;但是到了录音 棚里,却要有相反的要求:一切恢复到生活中的真实状态 上来。这自然是由于话筒及调音台在起决定性的作用,任 何一丁点夸张都会带来不真实的效果,这就是影视与舞台 艺术在台词创作上的根本区别。
【Applicable to lecture training work report】
Special lecture notes
Special lecture notes
第一章 影视配音艺术概说
第一节 影视配音艺术的界定及种类
v 影视作品中的声音 1.语言:对白 旁白 独白 内心独白 解说 群声 2.音乐:有源音乐:能听到、看到或推测到 无源音乐:看不到来源,目的是为了塑造人物性格和
Special lecture notes
C再后来,改革开放力度加大,广告配音样式 逐渐丰富。
20世纪80——90初,各企业注重自身形象包 装和宣传,广告制作恢宏,场面壮观,广告 配音也器宇轩昂,字字珠玑,掷地有声:
如:《荣昌肛泰》:“贵州神奇” 《大红鹰集团》“大红鹰,胜利之鹰” 20世界90年代末,“大力丸”式的配音被抛 弃,走向含蓄深沉兼顾庄重稳健。
Special lecture notes
二、广播广告配音和电视广告配音 1.广播广告配音
优势:虽没有电视的色彩却给人留下想象空间。 特点:a声音塑造广告产品形象。
如:“口福居霄云路再开新店了,京味儿涮肉 好吃不贵。霄云路口福居,联系电话 8888888”
Special lecture notes
广告学基本原理之一: 寻找目标消费者。 配音也应该尽量符合目标消费者的审美标准。 例:1面向时尚前卫的学生:《移动QQ》
2事业有成,爱酒懂酒人士:《国窖1573》 3中森一组广告:
Special lecture notes
第三节 广告配音的类型及示例分析
一、广告中的角色配音 (1)确定音色 (气息状态、口腔状态、共鸣运用 等)
英语校本课程----电影配音课XXX XXX Curriculum: "XXX King" DubbingBackground of the CourseThe Movie Dubbing - A New Mode of Elementary School English Oral Teaching Based on XXX" is a sub-project of the nal research project "Empirical Research on Improving Students' XXX" in the "Fifteenth Five-Year Plan" of XXX.XXX students with life-like and contemporary oral teaching materials。
expand the channels for students' oral learning and n。
explore a teaching method and approach that can not only arouse students' interest in learning foreign languages and cultures。
but also XXX development。
This is a problem that needs to be XXX reform。
and it is also required in the nal "English Curriculum Standard"。
which is to "develop students' ability of independent learning and n spirit。
Introduction to English Movie Dubbing
The Definition and Origin of Dubbing
• Dubbing is the process of re recording dialogue in a different language, typically for a film or video It involves matching the lip movements of the actors to the new dialogue, ensuring a seamless transition between the original sound and the dubbed version Dubbing originated in the early days of Cinema when foreign language versions of movies were created for international distribution
Through the dubbing teaching of Harry Potter movies, students can be stimulated to be interested in learning English. This movie attracts students with its exciting plot and character development, making them more willing to participate in dubbing activities, thereby improving their English speaking and listening abilities.
《原音影视配音与英语学习》 Big Hero 6教学设计(第一课时)广西民族师范学院附属中学 英语组 宁庆银一.教学目标以学生的接受能力为基准,借助精彩的英语原版影视片断为教学平台,采取视,听,说,读相结合的手段,注重课堂教学的实效性和操作性,在声音,图像和文本多重信息作用下,使学生的英语表达能力得到较快提升。
二.教学重点通过对电影Big Hero 6 的欣赏及配音表演使学生的英语表达能力得到较快提升,激发学生的表演才能,提高学生的艺术素养。
四.教学步骤Step 1. Warming upGreet the students as usual.Step 2. Introduce the main character of this this movie.Step 3. Make a selfBrief introductionof the movie.Teacherintroduce the introductionof this movie and show it onthe screen. Step 4. Students enjoy some wonderful parts of the movie. Step 5. Teacher introduce some useful words and sentencesto thestudents.And students practice the sentences together.1. House rules: You gotta to pay to play.2.No one likes a sore loser. 小宏 Hiro 大白 Baymax 弗雷德 Fred 神行御姐 Go Go芥末无疆 Wasabi哈妮柠檬 Honey Lemon卡斯阿姨 Aunt Cass 卡拉汉教授 Professor Callaghan3. I’m surprised as you are.4. Beginner’s luck.5. Good timing.6. Bot fighting is illegal. You’re gonna get yourself arrested.7. For the ten years, I heed the best I could to raise you.8. I had to close up early because of you two fellas on beat poetry night.Step 6. The teacher chooses a wonderful part of this movie for the students to enjoy and then students imitate the voice of the character of this movieto practice the conversation in it.Step 7. Students practice the part they want to act in group.Students practice the conversations in the movie. Teacher walk around the classroom and give them some commons if necessary.Step 8. Students come to the front and have a performance.Students come to the front and act out their work group by group.Step 9 HomeworkStudents practice the important sentences they have learned this period.附:原声配音文本材料:人物:Hiro (小宏) ..H Yama (阎王).…Y Host(机器人比赛主持人) Tadashi(啊正).....T Aunt Cass (卡斯阿姨)….C第一幕:小宏自制的小机器人参加机器人赌博比赛,并获胜。
他叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱。经由艾莎 的魔力创造而意外诞生,雪宝是史上最 友好的雪人。他天真、开朗的个性惹人 喜爱;他的古怪能力则能使其时不时就 身首分离,把场面变得尴尬又搞笑。雪 宝还拥有世界上最异想天开的梦想—— 他期待迎接夏日的暖风与骄阳。
Some people are worth melting for ----- Olaf
hapless snowman to find her estranged sister,
whose icy powers have inadvertently trapped
the kingdom in etern精a选课l 件wpptinter.
The image of the Snow Queen is from Andersen's Fairy Tales. The Snow Queen who has the ability to freeze everything is the queen of the word of ice and snow.
He met Meng Xiaojun and
Wang Yang and became
Meng Xiaojun
want to
change the
world,so he
went to his
desire for a
United States’
Brief Introduction of the Fairy Tale
小学英语配音秀大赛精品PPT课件 图文
![小学英语配音秀大赛精品PPT课件 图文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0ce187fd960590c69fc37609.png)
第二关 《冰雪奇缘》配音秀表演
A guessing game. It’s big. It’s black and white. It has a short tail. It has black eyes. It’s from China. What’s it ?
第二关,《冰雪奇缘》配音秀表演 第三关,“有球必应” 第四关,《功夫熊猫》配音秀表演 第五关,现场互动游戏:“过目不忘”。
You act, I guess! 你演我猜!
规则:两位选手任选一题,其中一位表演,另一位猜词语, 每组限时1分钟。表演者可以用肢体语言和口述英语表达的形 式向猜词者传达信息,但是不得说出词语中原有的英语单词。 两个班级比赛,获胜班级得10分,如此连续4轮。参赛的顺 序是三一班、三七班、三四班、三六班。 (温馨提示: 此环节中,两位选手不得说出词语中原有的英 语单词,否则犯规,相关词语作废,猜不出可以喊PASS。)
现实,他昔日的爱人正与人“谈情中 ”,他 在为她 们望风 ……“ 人类最 伟大的 史诗, 《伊利 亚特》 、《摩 罗衍那 》,漂 亮女人 的故事 、寻找 失窃女 人的故 事…… 海伦、 悉多, 为爱的 、迫于 爱的, 出走的 女人… …投火 焚情又 怎样… …术赤( 成吉思 汗的长 子)… …”他 百感交 集,气 血难和 …… 又过了二十多分钟,子都看见杨巍从 车里拱 出来, 把手里 拎着的 衣服搭 在肩上 ,形色 诡异地 四处张 望着, 一溜眼 消失在 楼阴里 ……
Golden age of Hollywood: From the late 1930s to the 1950s, Hollywood dominated the global film industry Studios such as Paramount, Warner Bros., and Disney were at the forefront of movie making, creating classes like "Gone with the Wind" and "The Wizard of Oz"
Movie genre
Horror movies
Designed to scale the audience, hour movies typical feature months, ghosts, or other scale elements They aim to provoke fear and anxiety in the viewer
Drama movies
Emotional and character driven, drama movies often focus on themes such as love, loss, and redemption They aim to evoke strong feelings and are known for their intensive storytelling
Film History
Silent film era: Before the incident of sound technology in the late 1920s, movies were silent films Pioneers like Charlie Chaplin and Mary Pickford rose to fame during this period
Barnyard 疯狂农庄农场里的小动物温顺乖巧。
本在天上看着奥蒂斯,看着他努力去做好领袖,变成真正的男人……Otis:Moo?What did you dothat for?嗯?你为什么要踢他?Donkey: What else was I gonna do? He saw you.我还能怎么办?他看见你了。
Otis: You could have killed him!你可能会杀了他的!Mouse: I got a pulse.还有脉搏。
Otis: Oh, this is bad. This is bad. This is so bad.这太糟了,太糟了,太糟了。
Sheep: Baaad.糟透了。
Pig: Everybody, just calm down. Just calm down, all right? What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?大家冷静,冷静下来。
我们该怎么办?我们该怎么办?Otis: What?什么?Mouse: Come on. You are our leader. Lead us.好啦,你是我们的领导,你带头。
《原音影视配音与英语学习》 Big Hero 6教学设计(第一课时)xx民族师范学院附属中学英语组 xx银一.教学目标以学生的接受能力为基准,借助精彩的英语原版影视片断为教学平台,采取视,听,说,读相结合的手段,注重课堂教学的实效性和操作性,在声音,图像和文本多重信息作用下,使学生的英语表达能力得到较快提升。
二.教学重点通过对电影Big Hero 6 的欣赏及配音表演使学生的英语表达能力得到较快提升,激发学生的表演才能,提高学生的艺术素养。
四.教学步骤Step 1. Warming upGreet the students as usual.Step 2. Introduce the main character of this this movie.小宏Hiro大白Baymax弗雷德Fred神行御姐Go Go芥末无疆Wasabi哈妮柠檬Honey Lemon卡斯阿姨Aunt Cass卡拉汉教授Professor CallaghanStep 3. Make a self Brief introduction of the movie.Teacher introduce the introduction of this movie and show it on the screen.Step 4. Students enjoy some wonderful parts of the movie.Step 5. Teacher introduce some useful words and sentences to the students.And students practice the sentences together.1. House rules: You gotta to pay to play.2.No one likes a sore loser.3. I’m surprised as you are.4. Beginner’s luck.5. Good timing.6. Bot fighting is illegal. You’re gonna get yourself arrested.7. For the ten years, I heed the best I could to raise you.8. I had to close up early because of you two fellas on beat poetry night.Step 6. The teacher chooses a wonderful part of this movie for the studentsto enjoy and then students imitate the voice of the character of this movieto practice the conversation in it.Step 7. Students practice the part they want to act in group.Students practice the conversations in the movie. Teacher walk aroundthe classroom and give them some commons if necessary.Step 8. Students come to the front and have a performance.Students come to the front and act out their work group by group.Step 9 HomeworkStudents practice the important sentences they have learned this period.附:原声配音文本材料:人物:Hiro (xx) ..HYama (xx).…Y Host(机器人比赛主持人) Tadashi(啊正).....TAunt Cass (卡斯xx)….C第一幕:xx自制的小机器人参加机器人赌博比赛,并获胜。
《原音影视配音与英语学习》 Big Hero 6教学设计(第一课时)广西民族师范学院附属中学 英语组 宁庆银一.教学目标以学生的接受能力为基准,借助精彩的英语原版影视片断为教学平台,采取视,听,说,读相结合的手段,注重课堂教学的实效性和操作性,在声音,图像和文本多重信息作用下,使学生的英语表达能力得到较快提升。
二.教学重点通过对电影Big Hero 6 的欣赏及配音表演使学生的英语表达能力得到较快提升,激发学生的表演才能,提高学生的艺术素养。
四.教学步骤Step 1. Warming upGreet the students as usual.Step 2. Introduce the main character of this this movie.Step 3. Make a selfBrief introductionof the movie.Teacherintroduce the introductionof this movie and show iton the screen. Step 4. Students enjoy some wonderful parts of the movie. Step 5. Teacher introduce some useful words and sentencesto thestudents.And students practice the sentences together.1. House rules: You gotta to pay to play.2.No one likes a sore loser. 小宏 Hiro 大白 Baymax 弗雷德 Fred 神行御姐 Go Go芥末无疆 Wasabi哈妮柠檬 Honey Lemon卡斯阿姨 Aunt Cass 卡拉汉教授 Professor Callaghan3. I’m surprised as you are.4. Beginner’s luck.5. Good timing.6. Bot fighting is illegal. You’re gonna get yourself arrested.7. For the ten years, I heed the best I could to raise you.8. I had to close up early because of you two fellas on beat poetry night.Step 6. The teacher chooses a wonderful part of this movie for the students to enjoy and then students imitate the voice of the character of this movieto practice the conversation in it.Step 7. Students practice the part they want to act in group.Students practice the conversations in the movie. Teacher walk around the classroom and give them some commons if necessary.Step 8. Students come to the front and have a performance.Students come to the front and act out their work group by group.Step 9 HomeworkStudents practice the important sentences they have learned this period.附:原声配音文本材料:人物:Hiro (小宏) ..H Yama (阎王).…Y Host(机器人比赛主持人) Tadashi(啊正).....T Aunt Cass (卡斯阿姨)….C第一幕:小宏自制的小机器人参加机器人赌博比赛,并获胜。
• Lizzy built a paper house and put it on the grassplot.
• The house is very beautiful. Tinker Bell broke into it,
• but her friend Vidia involuntaryly locked the door, so Tinker Bell could not fly out of the house .
• Lizzy wrote it down on her research diary. She show it er thought that Lizzy was wasting her intelligence and he throw it into the dustbin. Lizzy was very sad and disappointed.
• They saw a human girl and her father drove to the farm to spend their summer holiday and her father called the girl Lizzy.
• The little girl loved fairy story very much, but her father is a Doctor of Science, has been studying the wild creatures for a long time, concerned about the facts and evidence, and thought everything rationally.
• Father and daughter embraced, and the little fairy Vidia was put out from the bottle.
第二关 《冰雪奇缘》配音秀表演
A guessing game. It’s big. It’s black and white. It has a short tail. It has black eyes. It’s from China. What’s it ?
“Family”的来源 对于“family”一词的由来, 你们知道吗?很久以前,人们 每天起床都要说同一句话,这 句话的每个单词的首字母所组 成的单词正是“family”,请 说出这句话英语:
Father and mother, I love you.
A guessing game. I can run. I’m white. I have two red eyes and two long ears.
第二关,《冰雪奇缘》配音秀表演 第三关,“有球必应” 第四关,《功夫熊猫》配音秀表演 第五关,现场互动游戏:“过目不忘”。
You act, I guess! 你演我猜!
规则:两位选手任选一题,其中一位表演,另一位猜词语, 每组限时1分钟。表演者可以用肢体语言和口述英语表达的形 式向猜词者传达信息,但是不得说出词语中原有的英语单词。 两个班级比赛,获胜班级得10分,如此连续4轮。参赛的顺 序是三一班、三七班、三四班、三六班。 (温馨提示: 此环节中,两位选手不得说出词语中原有的英 语单词,否则犯规,相关词语作废,猜不出可以喊PASS。)
《原音影视配音与英语学习》Big Hero 6教学设计(第一课时)广西民族师范学院附属中学英语组宁庆银一.教学目标以学生的接受能力为基准,借助精彩的英语原版影视片断为教学平台,采取视,听,说,读相结合的手段,注重课堂教学的实效性和操作性,在声音,图像和文本多重信息作用下,使学生的英语表达能力得到较快提升。
二.教学重点通过对电影Big Hero 6 的欣赏及配音表演使学生的英语表达能力得到较快提升,激发学生的表演才能,提高学生的艺术素养。
四.教学步骤Step 1. Warming upGreet the students as usual.Step 2. Introduce the main character of this this movie.Step 3. Make a self Brief Array introduction of the movie.Teacher introduce the introduction of this movie and show it on the screen.Step 4. Students enjoy some wonderful parts of the movie.Step 5. Teacher introduce some useful words and sentences to the students.And students practice the sentences together.1. House rules: You gotta to pay to play.one likes a sore loser.3. I’m surprised as you are.4. Beginner’s luck.5. Good timing.6. Bot fighting is illegal. You’re gonna get yourself arrested.7. For the ten years, I heed the best I could to raise you.8. I had to close up early because of you two fellas on beat poetry night.Step 6. The teacher chooses a wonderful part of this movie for the studentsto enjoy and then students imitate the voice of the character of this movieto practice the conversation in it.Step 7. Students practice the part they want to act in group.Students practice the conversations in the movie. Teacher walk aroundthe classroom and give them some commons if necessary.Step 8. Students come to the front and have a performance.Students come to the front and act out their work group by group.Step 9 HomeworkStudents practice the important sentences they have learned this period.附:原声配音文本材料:人物:Hiro (小宏) ..H Yama (阎王).…Y Host(机器人比赛主持人) Tadashi(啊正).....T Aunt Cass (卡斯阿姨)….C第一幕:小宏自制的小机器人参加机器人赌博比赛,并获胜。
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• 配音是一门语言艺术,我们课上所讲的配音狭义上只讲对影视作品人物对白 的配音。它不同于演播,新闻、科教片的解说,可以根据画面平叙直述、娓 娓道来。影视配音要求配音忠实于原片,在原演员已经创作的形象基础上, 为人物进行语言上的再创造。它使配音遭到诸多因素的限制,不允许演员超 越原片自由发挥。同时还要求配音演员根据片中人物所提供的所有特征,去 深刻地理解、体验人物感情,然后调动演员本身的声音、语言的可塑性和创 造性去贴近所配人物,使经过配音的片中人物变得更丰满、更富有立体感。 就像语文阅读中赏析英语综合运用能力人物形象也需要通过侧面描写正面描 写结合等多种方法来让人物形象更加丰满一样,配音是突出电影人物形象必 不可少的一环,你无法想象一部电影一路下去没有配音只有画面,因为电影 是一门视听的艺术,声音和音乐绝对不分家,曾经有一个美国公司做过一个 实验,他们在电影院播放了《加勒比海盗》但没有配音,不到半小时,观众 都走光了。可见配音的重要性。而外国电影由于社会背景的不同,文化差异, 失去了配音我们对电影的理解偏差会更大,而有了配音才能对整个外国社会 有一个更立体全面的理解,才能了解外国的语言系统,透过他们的语言表达 习惯,你就能看到他们的社会细节,理解他们的文化背景,风俗习惯,语言 系统。从而提高英语综合运用能力 。
about you. A:You care about me?It’s hard to tell. B:We need to have a heart-to-heart talk. A:It’s too late for that,I think we some time apart.
• 电影
• 电影一种世界性的艺术,可以超越各种文化,同 学们可以在电影中得到知识的启迪,受到教育, 同时缓解紧张的情绪。它同时还是另外语音模仿 对语言学习有着巩固基础与运用提高的效果,正 确的发音与自然的语调是表达自己思想与理解别 人语言的关键,而趣味学习又是提高效果的主要 因素之一。影视配音兼学术性﹑趣味性于一体, 能激发语言学习者的兴趣,促进学习效果的提高。
• Step3上交小组组长及成员名单,并注出所选电 影
• Step4每组派一名成员领台词(视频也可以)
• 1. 欣赏英文电影,感受西方文化。 • 2.节选段落进行模仿,模仿语音语调、感
情、句子的节奏、强弱等。 • 3.感受配音的内容,尝试改变自己的口语
Example 1: A:You are impossible,you are so hard to get along
• 以上三篇电影剧本为例,需要演绎情景, 并需要实际示范。
• 多多交流,情景的模仿很重要。 • 英语发音的基础很重要哦。
• 配音的影片在下面哦!
霍比特人遭遇恶龙片段:(双击 进行播放)
• Gragon:Well,thief! I smell you,I hear your breath.I feel your air.where are you?where are you!
• Come now!Don’t be shy…step into the light.Hmm… There is something about you.Something you carry,something made of gold,but far more precious!
with. B:Please don’t say that,You are breaking my heart. A:You only do what you want,you never care what I
want to do. B:Keep calm,I know I’m not smart,but I do care
1较好地掌握电影所使用的语言,有一定的语言基 础。
2体会电影人物所体现的感情,配音时融入感情。 3注意字幕出现的时间,力求同步。 4熟悉台词 5为对手戏配音的搭档要合作好 6要有创新精神哦
• 分组
• Step1看提供的电影片段名单及需要的配音员人 数
• Step2选择感兴趣的片段,根据所需人数分组并 选出组长