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The guardrail is generally installed on the edge of the platform or the edge of the platform to act as a barrier and enclosure. The types of guardrails are generally three types: stone railings, wooden railings, and low walls. Stone railings are also called "cane railings", which consist of three parts: the cellar, the pillar, and the fence.
▪ The foundation also refers to the structure under the column, which is generally divided into three parts: the column top stone directly bearing the column, the piercing pier under the column top stone, and the lime soil under the pier. Under the Taiji Luming section, use a stone flat pad, called "land lining stone." At the corner of the four corners of the platform, there is a corner stone, and the stone surface is flattened along the edge of the base. It is called "step stone".
(1) Column: Vertical force member. According to the location, it can be divided into column, corner column, gold column, mountain column, middle column, as well as melon column, boy column, Leigong column, vertical column, grass frame column, qingzhu column and so on.
▪ On the top of the wooden frame, it is the base of the roofing wood. This part mainly consists of scorpions, scorpions, flails, and slabs. The scorpions are called sputum, flower buds, and cerebral palsy according to their different positions. On top of it, there is a layer of scorpion called Feifei. The part of the flying raft is slightly tilted up, making the far-reaching eaves into an anti-uniform, which is conducive to indoor lighting, and can also throw the rainwater flowing down the roof farther.
▪ 不带勾 栏台基
The column foundation is a stone member placed on the column foundation to support the column. The base of the column is called the top stone in the north, the pier in the south, and the pillar in the Fujian area.
屋身: It consists of a wooden frame with a retaining structure and doors and windows. The timber frame is a frame space composed of columns, beams, rafts, rafts, etc., using wood as a load-bearing member.
▪ 宋(左)源自文库 清(右)
立柱与斗 栱比较
▪ (2) Beam: It is a bent member that is placed along the depth of the building. According to its location and length in the frame, the Qing style mainly has three beams, five beams, seven beams, and beams. The roof structure of the shed has moon beams, four beams and six beams; In the Dajinshen building, there are single-step beams, double-step beams, and three-step beams. In the foursided slope buildings, there are corner beams, straight beams, truss beams, horn beams, and angle beams. , Taipingliang, wearing beams, ceiling beams, etc.
▪ The timber frame building can be divided into three parts: the base, the house and the roof.
▪ The base includes the foundation of the building, the retaining wall, etc., and the masonry is built outside.