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9) 面试时间不应少于30分钟 Ensure interview time is 30 minutes at least 10)不要向面试者当场宣布面试结果 Do not inform about interview result to candidates on the spot 11)面试后及时反馈给人力资源部 Feedback to HR department immediately after interview
xx全员领导力 People Profile
建立信任 Building trust 指明方向 Setting Direction 凝聚力量 Enrolling 发展能力 Enabling 授权赋能 Empowering
不合适 Not qualified
备注 Remark
反馈信息 feedback
重要的应聘者信息 Important Applicant Information
Humbleness and will-power 简单 Simplicity 以身作则 Leadership by example 敢于与众不同
Daring to be different 联系实际 Striving to meet reality 重要的是不断地"追求"
The importance of constantly being "On the way"
应聘者姓名 Name of Applicant : 应聘职位 Position Applied :
面试评估表 Interview Assessment Form
第一次面试 第二次面试 第三次面试
version II - 20090501
First Interview Second Interview Third Interview
文化相融程度 Culture Fit-in
over qualified Qualified
团结一致 充满热情 Togetherness and enthusiasm 不断求新的愿望 Constant desire for renewal 成本意识 Cost-consciousness 勇于承担和赋予责任 Willingness to accept and delegate responsibility 谦逊和意志力
职位基本要求 General Job Requirements
相关工作经验 Job Related Experience 相关知识 Job Related Knowledge 英语能力
English Proficiency 电脑技能 Computer Skill 其他 Others(Mobility)
通知期 Notice Period
面试意见/录用決定 Recommendation/Hiring Decision
推荐进一步 面Fo试r further interview
总体评价 Overall Comments
version II - 20090501
目前工资 Current Salary
期望工资 Expected Salary
存档备用 Panding
拒绝录用 Reject
录用 Offer
面试者签字 Interviewer
日期 Date
面试者须知 Interviewer Checklist
1) 请准时,不要迟到 Be on time for interview 2) 选择一个安静,不受干扰的面试场所 Choose a quiet and non-disturbed area for interview 3) 熟悉此工作职位描述 Be clear about Job Profile of this position 4) 准备好面试的问题 Prepare questions for interview 5) 营造友好,轻松的气氛 Build up friendly and relaxable atmosphere 6) 鼓励应聘者畅所欲言 Encourage candidates to talk freely 7) 避免问封闭式问题 Avoid close-ended questions 8) 感谢应聘者前来参加面试 Thanks candidates for interview