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1. The cost of renting a house in central Xi’an is higher than ____ in any other area of the city.

A. that

B. this

C. it

D. one

2. ______ is known to everybody, the moon travels around the earth once every month.

A. It

B. As

C. That

D. What

3. Mr. Hilton’s new house is almost ______ the one he used to live in..

A. twice the size of

B. as twice big as

C. bigger twice than

D. the twice size of

4. --- Father, you promised!

--- Well, ______ . But it was you who didn’t keep your word first.

A. So did I.

B. So was I.

C. So I was.

D. So I did.

5. --- This is the first time I ______ my first picture with my own hands..

--- It is time that you ____ a picture for me.

A. took; took

B. have taken; took

C. took; will take

D. will take; have taken

6. With the boy ______ the way, we had no difficulty ______the old man’s house.

A. leads; find

B. leading; finding

C. led; found

D. to lead; to find

7. More than 40% of the students in our class _____girls.

A. are

B. is

C. being

D. were

8. I di dn’t mean ____ you, although it meant _____ another hour.

A. to disappoint; to wait

B. disappointing; waiting

C. to disappoint; waiting

D. disappointing; to wait

9. The shop _____ at 8 :00 am and it _____ for ten hours every day.

A. opens; is open

B. is opened; opens

C. is open; has opened

D. opened; opens

10. I ____ walking in the garden _____ watching TV in the room.

A. like; instead

B. would rather ;than

C. prefer; to

D. prefer; rather than

11. --- Do you mind if I use your computer?

--- _______ . I’m not using it.

A. It’s up to you.

B. You’ve got it.

C. It’s your turn.

D. Go ahead.

12.The headmaster spoke at the meeting for about 2 hours without ____ his notes.

A. according to

B. looking for

C. referring to

D. looking up

13. _____ straight on and you will see a bookstore. You won’t miss it.

A. Go

B. Going

C. If you go

D. When going

14. --- You see , Tom is a little slow in understanding.

--- So I have to be _____ with him.

A. kind

B. friendly

C. amazed

D. patient

15. A large number of students in our school _____ from the countryside, and the number ______

growing these years.

A. is; has been

B. are; has been

C. is; have been

D. are; have been
