Outlines strategies for maintaining policy and engaging conversations while eating from a buffer, including topics that are suitable for the case
Table Conversations Provide guidelines for appropriate table conversations, focusing on topics that are political and engaging
Buffet Etiquette
Buffer Layout
Body Language
Body language plays a critical role in communication Stand up straight, maintain eye contact, and don't cross your arms
Business conferences
Social etiquette covers a wide range of behaviors, including introductions and greetings, dining etiquette, gift giving, and communication etiquette
The importance of social etiquette
Business Banquet
Dress Code
Always check the dress code for the event and dress accordingly For a business banquet, it is commonly formal attire
3A Principle
Accept Appreciate Admire
To accept the customers, no judgment for the customers. And respect the customers’ choice because the customers are always right.
仪 态 -
站 姿
站姿要领:抬头、挺胸、收腹、提臀、 含颚、夹肩、目视前方,两腿自然站立
➢ 女士:脚跟并拢,脚尖成30至45度,双手重叠置 于腹前 ➢ 男士:双脚开立,略窄于肩,脚尖向前,右手自 然握拳
➢ 女士:双膝自然并拢,双 手重叠于一条腿上
➢ 男士:双膝分开,略窄于 肩,双手自然分置 于腿上
双腿并拢 先坐上车 再挪入车
双腿并拢 先出双腿 身体随行
请多用这样的手势 17
动作要领: ❖ 上身稍前倾,面带微笑 ❖ 右手伸向对方与对方右手相握 ❖ 眼睛平视对方,同时寒暄 ❖ 握手的时间一般不超5秒钟
✓ 强调“五到”:身到、笑到、手到、眼到、问候到 ✓ 握手的顺序:以长辈先、女士先为原则
* 要拆除衣袖上的商标 * 要熨烫平整 * 要扣好纽扣 * 要不倦不挽 * 要慎穿毛衫 * 要巧配内衣 * 要少装东西
祝贺用语 -祝您生日快乐! -祝您新春愉快!
语言礼仪 --- 礼貌用语
致歉用语 -很抱歉先生,为了您的安全, 我们需要核对一下您的身份证。 -对不起,让您久等了! -实在对不起!
Overview of Business Reception EtiquetteBusiness reception processKey points of business reception etiquetteCultural Differences in Business Reception
Etiquette details are in place
from dress, reception language to preparation of reception items, all demonstrate professionalism and meticulousness.
Use political language and avoid colonialism or professionalism
Use appropriate body language, such as maintaining a significant distance, appropriate post, and formal expressions
Maintaining a professional decade, dressing appropriately, and using polite language are key
Being functional and effective in all business receipts is critical
Casual attention is acceptable for some less formal business settings, but should still be present and necessary
Hotel Service EtiquetteModule One The Basic Information of Hotel Service Etiquette Section one What’s the Etiquette?Section Two Hotel Service Etiquette1.Definition of Hotel Service Etiquette2. Principle of Hotel Service Etiquette3. Content of Hotel Service Etiquette4. Effect of Hotel Service Etiquette5. The Ways of learning Hotel Service Etiquette6. Significance of learning Hotel Service EtiquetteSection Three Role Orientation and Service Consciousness1. Role Orientation2. Service ConsciousnessModule Two Appearance and Dress of Hotel Service Staff Section One IntroductionSection Two Appearance1. Basic Requests to Appearance of Hotel Service Staff2. Principles for make-up of Hotel Service StaffSection Three Dress1. Principle of Dress2. Dress Manners of Hotel Service StaffModule Three Deportment of Hotel Service StaffSection One IntroductionSection Two Facial Expression1. Smiling2. Look in eyesSection Three Body Language1. Gesture2. Standing Posture3. Sitting Posture4. Walking Posture5. Crouching PostureModule Four Linguistic Art of Hotel ServiceSection One Introduction of Linguistic Art of Hotel Service1. Basic Requests to Linguistic Art of Hotel Service2. Basic Principles of Linguistic Art of Hotel Service3. Linguistic Art of Hotel Service and its significance Section Two Applications of Hotel Service Language1. Language of Meeting the Guests2. Language of Communication3. Language in Telephone4. Language InhibitionsSection Three Cultivating Approach of Linguistic Art of Hotel Service Module Five Conference Service EtiquetteSection One The Concept of ConferenceSection Two The Types of ConferenceSection Three Basic Procedure of Conference Service EtiquetteSection Four Service Etiquette of Preparations for Conference1. Environmental Etiquette Rules of the Conference Hall2. Etiquette Rules of Decorating the Conference Hall3. Etiquette Rules of Setting the tables of Conference4. Etiquette Rules of using the Equipments in the Conference Hall Section Five Service Etiquette during the Conference1. Principles of Etiquette2. Standards of Operation3. Service Etiquette of General Conference4. Service Etiquette of Special Conference5. Service Etiquette of Attached Facilities to the ConferenceSection Six Service Etiquette after the Conference1. Service of Seeing the Guests off2. Cleaning the Conference3. Dealing with the Documents of the Conference4. Other ServiceModule Six Common Sense of International Reception Etiquette and Rules Section One Etiquette and Rules of International Reception1. Acting accordance with the Law2. Being on Time and Keeping to the Promise3. Valuing the Privacy4. Ladies first5. Respecting others6. Protecting EnvironmentSection Two Etiquette of Meeting and Seeing Off1. Preparations for Reception2. Meeting and Seeing Off3. Meeting and Conversation4. Signing5. The Ceremony of Entertainment6. Feasting the Guests on Western FoodSection Three Order of the Ceremony and the Ways of Hanging theNational Flag1. Order of the Ceremony2. The Ways of Hanging the National FlagModule Seven Custom and Etiquette of Our Country’s Main Tourist Source Countries, Areas and Partial MinoritisSection One Custom and Etiquette of Our Country’s Main Tourist Source Countries1. Asia2. Europe3. America and Oceanic4. AfricaSection Two Custom and Etiquette of Our Country’s Partial Minorities1. The Zhuang Nationality2. Mongolian Nationality3. The Hui Nationality4. The Zang Nationality5. Urgur Nationality6. The Yi NationalityModule Eight Composing Training of Hotel Service EtiquetteSection One IntroductionSection Two Hotel Service Etiquette and Rules of Every Position1. Service Etiquette and Rules of Lobby2. Service Etiquette and Rules of Guest Rooms3. Service Etiquette and Rules of Food & Beverage4. Service Etiquette and Rules of Recreation &Health5. Other Service Etiquette and Rules。
Etiquette is the carrier of social civilization and progress
Oriental etiquette mainly refers to China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore and other Asian countries represented by the Oriental national characteristics of etiquette culture. Etiquette in Europe and North America, mainly refers to the etiquette culture.
Etiquette is the key to the development of the cause
Etiquette can help people realize the ideal, success can promote staff solidarity, dedication, honesty and trustworthiness, can enhance the communication between people and competitive strength, so as to promote the development of various undertakings.
Daily life etiqutte: Greeting,Introduction,Commuction,Banquet,Reception,D ance, Festival custom festival etiquette: Weeding,Funeral, Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival
There are many different ways of greetings in the world . Today , I will introduce you some greeting manners , and I hope it will do good to all of you .
hongi [‘hɔŋi] 碰 鼻礼
新西兰的原住民毛利 人中还保留着一种古 老的见面礼仪,即碰 鼻礼。毛利主人在初 次见面时必须与客人 鼻尖对鼻尖连碰两三 次,碰的次数越多、 时间越长,则说明客 人越受他们尊敬。
In east Asia
Bow bend 鞠躬礼
In North Korea , South Korea and Japan ,people like bowing when they meet someone which shows their respect and gratitude. 在朝鲜、韩国和日本,当与他人见面 时人们喜欢行鞠躬礼,互相深深地鞠 躬,表示尊敬和谢意。
Hand kiss吻手 礼
吻手礼是流行于欧美上层社会 的一种礼节。和上流社会贵族 妇女或夫人见面,若女方先伸 出手做下垂式,则将指尖轻轻 提起吻之。但女方如不伸手, 则不吻。行吻手礼时,若女方 身份地位较高,要支屈一膝作 半跪式后,再握手吻之。此项 礼节英法社会最重视。
kiss of peace 接 吻礼
1.Bow with hands clasped 揖: 拱手行礼,是为揖。这是古代 宾主相见的最常见的礼节。揖 让之礼分为三种:一专用于没 有婚姻关系的异姓,行礼时推 手微向下;二专用于有婚姻关 系的异姓,行礼时推手平而致 于前;三专用于同姓宾客,行 礼时推手微向上。
2. make a low bow and withdraw 长揖,这是古代不 分尊卑的相见礼,拱手高举, 自上而下 。
Social Etiquette
Dining Etiquette Business Etiquette Office Etiquette Telephone Etiquette Foreign and Cross-culture Etiquette
Social Etiquette - General Points to note
Do not use sarcasm to degrade another Do not boast, especially about where you have
travelled to, or talk down another Do not gossip but is discreet Do not name drop Do not bring a friend to a function without first
Give sincere compliments Be considerate of and sensitive to other’s
feelings Always keep one’s promises Always keep to appointments. If you are
unable to make it for the appointment because of an emergency, call the other party immediately
before proceeding as above
Eating Manners
The Do’s and Don’ts Do not slurp when drinking the soup Do not blow on hot soup and food When drinking soup, should spoon the soup
1. Do not rest chopsticks vertically in rice
2. Never turn over the fish
3. Birthday noodles
4. Tea tapping is a must
5. Always order an even number of dishes
When shaking hands, can a man wear gloves?
Key: No, he can't.
diplomatic etiquette missing
A detail should be paid attention to: Hold your drink in your left hand, because most individuals shake hands with their right hands.
Etiquette Tips for Man
Good impression
Successful dress etiquette
Rules for Body type
Rules for Color of Your skin
When a man shakes hands with a woman, what's the correct order? Key: The lady gives her hand first, if the woman does not give her hand, man should not proactively reach out his hand.
When shaking hands, can a man wear gloves?
Key: No, he can't.
diplomatic etiquette missing
A detail should be paid attention to: Hold your drink in your left hand, because most individuals shake hands with their right hands.
讲究规格:西装有两件套和三件套之分,正 式场合应穿同质、同色的深色毛料套装。两 件套西装在正式场合不能脱下外衣。按习俗, 西装里面不能加毛背心或毛衣。在我国,至 多也只能中一件“V”字领羊毛衣。
(一)仪容礼仪: 1.发型得体。男性头发前不盖眉,侧不掩耳,后不及
领,头发不要过厚,鬓角不要过长。女性根据年 龄、职业、场合的不同,梳理得当。 2.面部清爽。男性宜每日剃须修面,鼻毛应剪短,不 留胡子;女子可适当化妆,但应以浅妆、淡妆为 宜,不能浓妆艳抹,并避免使用气味浓烈的化妆 品;保持口腔清洁。 3.表情自然。目光温顺平和,嘴角略显笑意。 4.手部清洁。定期修剪指甲并保持手部洁净。女性在 正式场合不宜涂抹浓艳的指甲油。
领带应处在这个部位的中心,领带的花色与西装的的颜色相协调; 领带的箭头在皮带扣的上端,露出皮带扣;领带夹一般夹在衬衫 的第三与第四粒纽扣之间。西装系好纽扣后,不能使领带外露。
中国人喜黄色,有图腾为“龙”,视为龙的传人。而西方则认为 龙是蛇,基督教中蛇就是撒旦、是魔鬼,黄色暗含断交之意。
中国人在馈赠送礼时不可“过时送礼,事后补礼”。与年长者 不能送“钟”,乌龟有“王八”之称,亦不可。外国人在送礼时不求 贵重,意到便可。送礼收礼时亦少有谦卑之词。但礼品包装要求精 美。在与人交谈时,西方人忌谈论个人私事、年龄、婚姻、收入等。 中国人则习惯称自己“礼不好,请笑纳”。
礼宾标准服务程序英语版 PPT
Concierge PPT-Doorman area-lobby area-concierge desk-luggage storage-luggage deliver-post service-individual luggage-group luggage=check in and check outDoor man area1 this with white gloves, standing position, and bolt and split at shoulder width, her hands folded on his guard against the shop. ⒉ as guests to be smiling, open the door to welcome the guests, and action should be left to pull the door and opened the gate, the right rear door scuff to meet the guests, and remind our guests. ⒊ if you have my luggage, should help the guests, and had to check the baggage is not deteriorating, confirmation of order after the luggage trolleys, and leading to thereception for guests to the luggage from the immediate delivery and then back up the hill. ⒋ the old and handicapped our guests to take the initiative to help visitors need a taxi, you should try to offer guests, not to give visitors and guests when you should be polite to say good-bye.Lobby areathis with white gloves in his right foot on the door, a stride, the door, shall prevent the natural position. the door, the recovery of the existing standing position. ⒉ the guests into the guest with a friendly hello, good command of the protocol and smiling, remember, expressionless. ⒊ pay close attention to the dynamic and help solve some of the guests can accept the guests and tourist information office. ⒋ has a pet, shipment, the seller could not let it go into the hotel lobby, and should be friendly or due to the left. 5. a dishonest actions, found to be reported to the deputy director or the security make appropriate. 6. shall be coordinated closely with lobby areaConcierge deskThis the right counter to his standing position, the body from the blow, not against the wall, his hands crossed on his hands into his pocket, not a hill. ⒉ not make personal call, not to do with the work. the tourist information office ⒊ accept,smiling and looked at peace, to the thought that the guests, jealous, yawned and do an act. ⒋ accept all the service desk, divided ( including baggage until ). Luggage storageCheck this baggage ascertained the guest's room number, pieces of luggage and had to check is not deteriorating, ask the guest have any dangerous cargo or valuables.⒉ take my luggage ticket and boarding pass. fill out the date, the room number, baggage piece, management, to let guests up tag signature, then down tag to guests and remind him to pick up your luggage, will down tag to confirm and sign in the luggage. do the daily operation. ⒊ divided luggage time for three days. generally handoverTo fill out this form, the care which items to the name and piece, the depositor name and telephone, and took a person's name, telephone and room number. ⒉examination of the guests to is in good condition, confirm that no problem, the signature. ⒊ as guests of the special requirements should also note that was entrusted to write themselves should also be initialed by the way forward. for the daily operation. ⒋ transfer usually maturing in a week and three month. the time, it should let it show your identification card ( for valuables ), check the name and contact, are correct, please his guests in the guest to sign, the entrusted people should also initialed, and the cancellation to the goods is forward. ⒍ to transfer deadline, should take the initiative to contact to the guests, and descriptions thereof. post this letterSending the letterTo receive mail this letter, for the registration record. for enquiries. ⒉ in to the sender ( the name and number of staff )⒊ classification. the first time to time, and from the post office receipt of the home, to the office. a special department ⒋( accounting ) should get a chain.Individual guest luggageDoorman has to handover to the bellboy , double check with the doorman to count luggage piece,⒉ nodded a welcome guest in the register, standing about 1.5 metres behind the baggage must be in his hand with the guests, between the area to our visitors find articles, at the guests, and pay attention to the receptionist of hints, etc.a man ⒊ check in, the initiative forward to the guests or staff for the computer room key with trolleys , except on the luggage, to escort the guests into the room. And then guest luggage and room key to be right, do not making a small mistake. Group guests luggage check out1,team leader will follow with the group check out timing to arrage the bus to come to the hotel to pick up the hotel guests ,if we get call from the floor ,team leader will sending the bellboy to pick up the guests luggage ., 2bell boy will take room luggage to send to the lobby area, before loading we have to confirm with our guestluggage piece,, bell captain will put log book to make note before guest leaving from the hotel . 3.contact with the tour leader, we have to tell to guests to check the luggage condition and confirm the guests luggage piece before they leaving , a. 4.After we confirm with guests luggage piece , if tour guide agree about the luggage bell captain will write down tour guide contact NO,and then we can send all luggage to the bus , , the manager that luggage trolleys to the coach agreed, before loading the baggage. 5. the van before loading the van, and will try to avoid waste of space, while ensuring the luggage in the process of loading the baggage not happen. 6. the van is completed, please confirm and sign it. do the routine check the baggage condition私人礼宾服务、休闲礼宾服务、会议礼宾服务、商务礼宾服务引领性的四重礼宾服务代表着全球酒店行业的最高水准。
Conversational Etiquette
Attention and Appearance
Mealtime Etiquette
Conversation and Behavior
Visiting a French Home
Dress Code
Table Manners
Dress Code and Attention
Cultivation and Practice of Etiquette
Observing basic rules
following basic rules of etiquette, such as being on time, keeping promises, and not interrupting others, is the foundation of cultivating good etiquette habits
Greetings and introductions
When green or introducing yourself to others, use appropriate titles and terms of address, maintain eye contact, and shake hands firmly but not too vigorously
Enhancing personal image
Prop etiquette can help people present them in a more political, relevant, and professional Manner, enhancing their personal image and reporting
举手注目礼系军人礼节。敬礼时举 右手,手指伸直并齐,指尖接触帽 檐右侧,手掌微向外,上臂与肩齐 高,两眼注视对方,待对方答礼后 方可将手放下,对长官或长者每次 见面都应照常行礼。
A common military etiquette
Raise your hand salute military etiquette. Salute raise right hand, fingers straight and together, fingertip contact with the right hat, palm slightly outward, the upper arm and shoulder height, looking at each other, each other to bow before the hand down
do not wear gloves, but very nob.le men and women can wear gloves.
When handshake: Don't wear gloves 不能戴着手套;
Don't look around; 不能东张西望;
After, Cannot use a handkerchief hand 握手后不能用手帕擦手;
上级与下级,上级先伸手; 职位高者与职位低者,职位 高者先伸手; 长辈与晚辈,长辈先伸手; 男女见面,女士先伸手; 主宾见面,主人先伸手; 主客分别,客人先伸手; 已婚妇女与未婚小姐,已婚 女性先伸手
Nod ritual点头礼
点头礼一般用于平辈和 同级别的人之间,属于 比较快比较生疏的礼节。 一般两人在路上行走相 遇可以在行进中继续施 行点头礼,长官对部下、 长者对晚辈答礼也可以 用点头礼。
Enhancing professional image
Proper etiquette in the workplace can improve an individual's
professional image and chances for career advancement.
How to learn basic etiquette
Arrive at meetings on time, be prepared, and have an agenda. Stick to the agenda, avoid digressions, and end the meeting when the agenda is complete.
and composure.
How to deal with unexpected situations
Handling Embarrassing Moments:
Preventing and overcoming common social faux pas, such as spilling a drink or tripping on the dance floor.
Cutlery & Glassware
Use the correct cutlery and glassware for each course. Start with the outermost fork or spoon and work inward. Drink from the glass that matches the liquid you are drinking.
商务礼仪实务英语PPT课件 Module 2 Project 3 . Dining Etiquette 餐饮礼仪
匙:又称勺子。在中餐中,勺子是用来辅助提取食物的, 尤其是羹、汤或滑溜的食物等。
• 4. 盘:又叫做盘子,是用来盛放食物的。 • 5. 碗:碗作为人们日常必需的饮食器皿,在中餐里主要是
• 这种做法也是不行的,其做法是把筷子的一端含在嘴里,用嘴来回去 嘬,并不时的发出咝咝声响。因为在吃饭时用嘴嘬筷子的本身就是一 种无礼的行为,再加上配以声音,更是令人生厌。所以一般出现这种 做法都会被认为是缺少家教,同样不能够允许。
and stomach after the meal.
Serving Dishes at the Center of Table vs. in Each One’s Own Plate
Chicken Breast vs. Chicken Necks / Feet
3. 商务中餐:给主人和客人的几点建议
用来盛放食物和羹汤的。 • 6. 湿毛巾、餐巾、餐巾纸、牙签、水盂的使用规范 。 (1)湿毛巾餐前只能用来擦手,不能用来擦脸、擦嘴。
(2) 餐巾的使用是为了防止衣服被弄脏,应该把它平铺在大腿 上,不要把它围在脖子或别在腰带上。
(3) 餐巾纸主要用来擦嘴或手。 (4) 席间牙签要在万不得已的时候使用,用时注意以手或餐巾
Practice of Business Etiquette in English
—完全没听懂,不知所云的 “抱歉我不会英语,请稍等,我叫其他人来”
“sorry I can’t speak English,please wait a moment. I’ll call someone else”
26 客房区域
Guest Room Area
33 悦活金麦岭 Lohas Goden Wheat Ridge
27 诚信楼
Building Of Commitment
34 亚龙湾SPA
Yalong Bay SPA
28 专业楼
Building Of Professionalism
35 停车场
Parking Lot
Sunshine Conference Room
24 中茶苑
China Tea Garden
二、方位指引( Azimuth guidance)
编号 中文名称
编号 中文名称
25 美特运动中心 COFCO-MC Sports Center
32 忠良博物馆 COFCO Museum
Tunhe Classroom
12 中粮地
COFCO Property Hall
二、方位指引( Azimuth guidance)
编号 中文名称
编号 中文名称
13 凯莱宫
Gloria Palace
Common English Expressions Used in Business Reception
Improve social skills
Understanding and practicing etiquette helps individuals develop better social skills and navigate social gatherings with ease
Reception etiquette in different cultural backgrounds
Latin culture
In Latin cultures, reception etiquette is characterized by warmth, spontaneity, and expressiveness, with emphasis on personal relationships and conformity
Business Receipt English
Business Receipt Process
Greeting and seating
The host or designed greeter welcome the guests and seats they are comfortable
It includes the ways to greet and introduce guests, the seating arrangements, and the protocol for various events
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
服务礼仪:是各服务行业人员必备的 素质和基本条件。出于对客人的尊重 与友好,在服务中要注重仪表、仪容、 仪态和语言、操作的规范;热情服务 则要求服务员发自内心的热忱地向客 人提供主动、周到的服务,从而表现 出服务员良好风度与素养。
Service etiquette: is the service personnel necessary quality and basic conditions. For the guest's respect and friendship, in the service should pay attention to instrument, appearance, manner and language, operation standard; Enthusiastic service requires the waiter from the heart to the guest warmly provide active, thoughtful service, so as to show the waiter good grace and accomplishment.
仪 态 -
站 姿
站姿要领:抬头、挺胸、收腹、提臀、 含颚、夹肩、目视前方,两腿自然站立
➢ 女士:脚跟并拢,脚尖成30至45度,双手重叠置 于腹前 ➢ 男士:双脚开立,略窄于肩,脚尖向前,右手自 然握拳
➢ 女士:双膝自然并拢,双 手重叠于一条腿上
➢ 男士:双膝分开,略窄于 肩,双手自然分置 于腿上
一个人永远没有第二次 给别人第一印象的机会!
服务礼仪的特点 普遍性、继承性、差异性、时
代性 服务礼仪的职能
塑造个人形象、塑造组织形象、 沟通信息、联络感情 The characteristics of service etiquette: Universality, inheritance, difference, the time The function of service etiquette: Shape personal appearance, shape organization image, communication information, contact feelings
* 要拆除衣袖上的商标 * 要熨烫平整 * 要扣好纽扣 * 要不倦不挽 * 要慎穿毛衫 * 要巧配内衣 * 要少装东西
-- 礼貌用语
致歉用语 -很抱歉先生,为了您的安全, 我们需要核对一下您的身份证。 -对不起,让您久等了! -实在对不起!
有很多服务礼仪的内容,就以饭店服务人员为例 There are a lot of the content of service etiquette , Take the hotel service personnel, for example
当前,饭店业激烈的市场竞争,实质就是服务质量的竞争。饭店的生存和发 展、声誉和效益、市场和客源,靠的是向宾客提供全方位的优质服务。一种 “宾客至上”的服务精神和热情友好、真诚和蔼的服务态度,可使客人在感官 上、精神上产生尊重感、亲切感。讲究礼仪是优良服务态度的关键,是优质服 务所必须。 At present, the hotel industry of the fierce market competition, the essence is the quality of service competition. The hotel's survival and development, reputation and efficiency, market and tourists by guests to provide a full range of quality services. A kind of "guests first" service spirit and warm and friendly, sincere kind service attitude, can make the guest in sensory and mental produce respect feeling, cordial feeling. Exquisite manners excellent service attitude is the key, is a superior quality service must be.
作为事业单位和行政机关来说。随着行政职能的转换、人 们权益意识的越趋强烈以及社会发展的趋势来说,“为人民服 务”又成了清晰、可执行的具体行为规范,就是真正服务好服 务对象。作为公务人员,服务对象也就成了他们的“顾客”。 Service consciousness As for institutions and administrative organs. Along with the administrative function transformation, people consciousness of rights and increasing strongly and the trend of the development of the society, it "serving the people" and became clear, executable specific code of conduct, which is really good services to the service object. As a public official, service object become their "the customer".