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(funeral --- harvest)


We parked our car in an underground g__________ near the hotel.

I feel really g______________ at forgetting her birthday again.

After g_______ from high school, Jayne went to engineering college.

The fight started when one of the fans made rude g_______________ at a player.

My friend offered to pay my plane fare, which was very g___________ of him.

The f__________ (葬礼) will be held at St. Martin’s Church.

I helped him choose the f___________ (家具) for his house.

The boy likes eating h____________ (汉堡包) in KFC.

The g_______________ (政府) has promised to cut taxes.

Of all the courses, we like g_______________ (地理) lessons best.


⏹No pains, no ____________ (gain).

⏹_____________ (general) speaking, the more expensive the MP3 player is, the better it is.

⏹He is a ____________(gift) musician.

⏹The chemicals are ___________________ (harm) to the environment.

⏹The guilty man was ____________ (hang) for murder

⏹As the weeks passed, I ____________ (gradual) accepted the idea of him leaving.

⏹Money is not the key to ______________ (happy).

⏹Vitamins are important for healthy ___________ (grow).

⏹I was looking forward to working under her expert ____________ (guide).

⏹Ducks, _____________ (goose), chickens and also pigeons were kept on the farm.


1. --- Do you understand?

--- Yeah, we’ve ________ it

A. got

B. gained

C. grasped

D. guessed

2. I missed a _____________ opportunity to become a millionaire.

A. gold

B. golden

C. handsome

D. generous

3. As the weeks __________, I became more and more worried.

A. went on

B. went away

C. went by

D. went out

4. Don’t be hard ________ Jack; after all, he’s a child.

A. on

B. to

C. for

D. with

5.Some people find the idea of relativity difficult to ___________. I can’t understand it, either.

A. give

B. handle

C. seize

D. grasp

6. Regular exercise is a good habit for kids to ___________.

A. develop

B. break

C. become

D. grow

7. Can you give me a ___________? I need some help.

A. hand

B. game

C. harmony

D. gift

8. _________ it happens, I know someone who might be able to help you.

A. When

B. As

C. With

D. Whatever

9. Her confidence ____________, and soon she was able to go out driving on her own.

A. gained

B. grew

C. greeted

D. glared

10. She had _______ sat down when the phone rang.

A. nearly

B. badly

C. generally

D. hardly


hand down hand out give away glance at grow up

go about hang up grow into get over give in

◆Don’t worry about Henry --- he’ll soon _____ the problem.

◆As the sad news, Sue tried to smile, but her voice ______ her ______.

◆Although I disagreed, I had to ________ to dad --- he’s usually right anyway.

◆The man ____________ his watch and told us the time.

◆The ring was ____________ to her form her grandmother.

◆He was __________ leaflets to members of the audience.

◆At the end of the telephone conversation, I said goodbye and _______.

◆That little girl ________ a lovely young woman.

◆Boys, what do you want to be when you ____________?

◆I want to learn German but I don’t know the best way to ___________ it.



_______________________________________________________________________________ 2)两年前他从这个学校毕业。(graduate)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3)小孩紧紧地抓住妈妈的手臂。(grasp)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 4)有些人对钱和权力很贪婪。(greedy)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5)我保证你会喜欢这部电影。(guarantee)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 6)他因没经常去看父母而感到内疚。(guilty)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 7)Jeff养成了完饭后散步的习惯。(habit)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 8)Tom准时交作业了吗?(hand)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 9)我想把这幅画挂在门旁边。(hang)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 10)你打电话时我碰巧出去了。(happen)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2010届高考英语核心词汇复习系列第12课时



◆We need a new h____________, who will be in charge of our school.
