






一、企业合并对税务筹划的影响1. 企业所得税在企业合并过程中,两个或多个企业合二为一,在税务筹划方面可能会面临一些问题。




2. 资产转让税在企业合并过程中,涉及到的资产转让可能会导致资产转让税的发生。



3. 增值税企业合并后,合并企业可能面临增值税的计税问题。


二、企业分立对税务筹划的影响1. 企业所得税与企业合并相反,企业分立可能会导致分立后的企业所得税发生变化。



2. 资产转让税企业分立涉及到资产的转让,因此可能产生资产转让税。


3. 增值税在企业分立过程中,涉及到的增值税计税基础可能会发生变化。


三、企业合并与分立的利与弊1. 利企业合并与分立可以通过重新规划企业的税务结构,实现税收的优化,减少税负。









" (二)企业分立活动不征收增值税根据《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》及其实施细则的规定,增值税的征收范围为在中华人民共和国境内销售货物或者提供加工、修理修配劳务以及进口货物.企业分立不属于该征税范围,其实质是被分立企业股东将该企业的资产、负债转移至另一家企业,有别于被分立企业将该公司资产(存货、固定资产)转让给另一家企业的应征增值税行为,因此,企业分立不应征收增值税。


























A公司股权转让处理如下: 股权转让所得3000×85%×1.5×1.05=4016.25万元; 股权转让成本2550万元, 股权转让收益4016.25-2550=1466.25万元, 应纳企业所得税1466.25×33%=483.86(万元)。
方案4,AB公司的股东同意以未分配利润全额及 法定公积金的75%进行增资扩股,然后再按每股 净资产的1.05倍转让85%的股份。
投资损益 4845万元(1500+4200)×85% 溢价所得 369.75万元(3000×85%×2.9×0.05)Leabharlann 合计 5214.75万元12
国税函[2004]390号《国家税务总局关于企 业股权转让有关所得税问题的补充通知》
一、企业在一般的股权(包括转让股票或 股份)买卖中,应按《国家税务总局关于 企业股权投资业务若干所得税问题的通知》 (国税发〔2000〕118号)有关规定执行。 股权转让人应分享的被投资方累计未分配 利润或累计盈余公积应确认为股权转让所 得,不得确认为股息性质的所得。
3.商品房销售环节 (1)A公司应缴纳土地增值税: 扣除项目金额= ( 3000 -500) +2060×(1+
20%)=4872(万元); 增值额=5500-4872=628(万元); 增值率=628÷4872×100%=13%。 《中华人民共和国土地增值税暂行条例》规定,
▲AB公司是一有限责任公司,适用所得税率33%。 AB公司2005年期末财务状况如下:实收资本3000 万元,其中,A公司持股比例为85%, B公司持股 比例为15%; 盈余公积1500万元,未分配利润4200 万元,所有者权益合计8700万元。 AB公司2005年 末每股净资产为2.9元。




















原文:Merger Policy and Tax CompetitionIn many situations governments have sector-specific tax and regulation policies at their disposal to influence the market outcome after a national or an international merger has taken place. We find that whether national or international mergers are more likely to be enacted in the presence of nationally optimal tax policies depends crucially on the ownership structure of firms. When all firms are owned domestically in the premerger situation, non-cooperative tax policies are more efficient in the national merger case and smaller synergy effects are needed for this type of merger to be proposed and cleared. These results are reversed when there is a high degree of foreign firm ownership prior to the merger.Mergers have played a prominent role over the past decade, and international merger activity has grown particularly fast. During the period 1981-1998 the annual number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) has increased more than fivefold and the share of cross-border mergers has reached more than one quarter of the total by the end of this period. This increase in merger activity has led to situations where a national or an international merger have been in direct competition with each other. A recent example has been the bidding race for the leading Spanish electricity provider Endesa, where the German-based E.ON company initially competed with the Spanish-based rival Gas Natural. The Spanish authorities favored the national merger and formulated severe obstacles to an international take-over by E.ON, which was one of the reasons why E.ON eventually withdrew its bid.A different approach has been taken by the British government, which has fully liberalized its electricity market in the early 1990s. In this process, foreign electricity providers (among them E.ON ) took over a large part of the British electricity industry. The British government responded to high profits in this and other privatized industries by imposing a one-time, sector-specifi c ‘windfall pro fi t tax’ in 1997. Since then, a renewed imposition of this tax has been repeatedly discussed as a complement to the regulation of prices through the regulation authority Ofgem (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets).The last example shows clearly that national governments dispose overadditional policy instruments in an industry where a merger or a foreign acquisition has taken place. Price regulation in privatized `network industries' is one important way to increase domestic consumer surplus at the expense of corporate profits, which often accrue, at least in part, to foreign shareholders. Sector-specific profit taxes have very similar effects, if their proceeds are redistributed to consumers in compensation for higher goods prices. On the other hand, there are also many industries where subsidies are granted in order to improve the competitiveness of domestic products in world markets. One set of examples are direct subsidies to specific sectors, such as mining, shipbuilding, steel production, or airplane construction. Moreover, several of these sectors and several others (e.g. air transportation) also receive indirect subsidies by paying reduced rates of excise taxes, in particular mineral oil or electricity taxes. To the extent that these `eco taxes' represent Pigouvian taxes that cause firms to internalize the true social cost of their products, such tax rebates also represent subsidies to the involved sectors and, importantly, to the electricity and energy sector itself. In all these cases, sector-specific tax or subsidy policies can be adjusted by national policymakers in response to a change in market structure caused by a merger.we argue that the possibility to levy industry-specific taxes or subsidies in a nationally optimal way has important repercussions on the position that national regulation authorities take vis-µa-vis a national or an international merger proposal. At the same time, merging firms will incorporate a possible change in policy when deciding about a merger in a particular country. To analyze this interaction between tax and merger policies we set up a model where both firms and merger regulation authorities anticipate that taxes will be optimally adjusted in the host country after a merger has taken place. More specifically, we investigate a setting of Cournot quantity competition between four producing firms where two firms are located in each of two symmetric countries. Importantly, these firms may have foreign shareholders, thus giving an incentive to each government to employ profit taxes that can be partly exported to foreigners.Starting from a market structure of double duopoly, our focus is on the comparison between a national merger in one of the countries and an international merger between a home and a foreign firm.Our analysis shows that the relative attractiveness of a national versus an international merger depends critically on the degree of foreign firm ownership. When all firms are nationally owned prior to the merger, then a national merger will lead to more efficient tax policies as compared to the international merger. In contrast, when the level of foreign firm ownership is high initially, then non-cooperative tax policies in the host countries will be more efficient under the international merger. Extending the model to allow for synergy effects of mergers, we show that these welfare properties translate into the national (international) merger being more likely to be proposed and adopted when the degree of foreign firm ownership is low (high). These results imply that a more geographically dispersed ownership structure of firms, in combination with non-cooperatively chosen national tax policies, may offer one explanation for the recent surge in cross-border merger activity.Our analysis relates to two strands in the literature. First, there is a growing recent literature on merger policies in open economies. This literature, however, typically regards merger control as an isolated policy problem for national or international regulators. The literature that analyses the interaction of merger control with other policy instruments is scarce, and it almost exclusively focuses on international trade policies as the additional policy variable (Richardson, 1999; Horn and Levinsohn, 2001; Huck and Konrad, 2004; Saggi and Yildiz, 2006). In contrast, the interaction between merger policy and national tax policies has not been addressed in this literature so far. A second literature strand on which our paper builds is the analysis of optimal commodity taxation in oligopolistic markets (Keen and Lahiri, 1998; Lockwood, 2001; Keen et al., 2002;Haufler et al.,2005;Hashimzade et al.,2005). This literature, however, has focused mainly on issues of commodity tax harmonization and the choice of commodity tax regime under an exogenously given market structure. It has not addressed the implications for tax policy that follow from changes in the underlying market conditions as a result of mergers.The plan of the paper is as follows. Section 2 describes the basic framework for our analysis. Section 3 presents the benchmark case of double duopoly, where two firms are located in each country and all four firms compete in both markets. Section4 analyzes the changes in tax policies and welfare when a national merger occurs in one of the countries. Section5 carries out the same analysis for an international merger. Section6 introduces synergy effects associated with a national and an international merger and compares the conditions under which one or the other type of merger is proposed and accepted by merger authorities. Section7 concludes.In practice a core motivation for firms to undertake mergers, and an important reason for regulation authorities to permit them, is that mergers can create synergy effects. We analyze how large the cost savings must be for a national or an international merger in order to be in the interest of both the merging firms and the regulation authority of the host country. We deal again with different ownership structures of firms. Due to the complexity of the resulting expressions, we confine the discussion in the main text to the polar cases of full national ownership and complete international ownership diversificationWe should observe a positive and systematic relationship between the foreign ownership share and the share of cross-border mergers in a particular industry. There is indeed some first, suggestive evidence in favour of this proposition. In the OECD countries the share of cross-border mergers in the total number of M&A cases differs widely across different economic sectors and is highest in manufacturing. At the same time, manufacturing is also one of the most internationalized sectors with respect to foreign ownership, at least in European countries. Similarly, there are sectors with a low share of foreign firm ownership, such as construction, where the share of cross-border mergers in the total number of M&A cases is also low. A detailed empirical study would be needed to rigorously test whether this positive relationship between foreign ownership and the share of cross-border mergers holds more generally, and whether it can be linked to the interaction of nationally optimal tax policies and merger control.In many industries governments have sector-specific tax and regulation policies at their disposal to influence the market outcome after a change in market structure has occurred. In this paper we have set up a simple model to analyze how nationally optimal tax rates will be adjusted in response to a national merger on the one hand andan international merger on the other. Extending the analysis to incorporate synergy effects of mergers, we have then studied how these changes in tax policy feed back on the incentives for firms to propose one or the other kind of merger, and for the merger regulation authorities to accept it.Our analysis shows that a national and an international merger lead to different incentives for national tax policy. On the one hand an international merger increases the 24 incentives for non-cooperative tax policy to tax foreign firm owners in excess of the efficient levels. On the other hand, an international merger leads to a larger share of consumption in each country being served by local producers and thus increases the incentive for each country to grant Pareto efficient subsidies. Which of these two effects dominates depends crucially on the share of foreign firm ownership in the pre-merger situation. If all firms are locally owned initially, then the national merger is the dominant alternative, in the sense that it requires fewer cost savings in order to be proposed by the merging firms and to be cleared by the regulation authority. In contrast, if the share of foreign firm ownership is large, then the international merger will be proposed and cleared for a wider range of cost savings.One implication of our model is that a rise in international portfolio diversification will favour cross-border mergers, other things being equal. When, as it is often argued, a rise in foreign asset holdings is one of the consequences of economic integration, then our analysis provides an explanation for the rising share of cross-border mergers. In principle our argument is complementary to other reasons for cross-border mergers found in the literature, in particular the argument that they allow firms to save aggregate transport costs. It is interesting to note, however, that this alternative argument cannot explain a rising share of cross-border mergers over time, as it becomes less important when economic integration proceeds and transport costs accordingly fall.Our analysis could be extended in several directions. One possibility would be to indigenize the share of foreign firm ownership, and relate this share explicitly to the forces of economic integration. In such a setting international portfolio diversification would lead to gains in the form of higher returns or lower aggregate risk, but it wouldalso cause higher information or transaction costs. If economic integration reduces the latter, the link between globalization and the rise of cross-border mergers could be explicitly modeled. We do not expect, however, that our conclusions would be fun- dementally altered by this extension. Another model extension would be to consider consecutive mergers, or `merger waves'. In such a setting it would be possible to derive equilibrium market structures for any given set of exogenous model parameters (as in Horn and Parson, 2001). In principle this extension could be incorporated into our model, but the analysis must account for both the change in market structure and for the change in tax policies following each merger. We leave this task for future research.Source: Andreas Haufle, 2007.”Merger Policy and Tax Competition”, Munich Discussion Paper No.39 P25-35.译文:合并政策和税收竞争通常政府有特定部门的税收和管理政策来处理国内并购或者跨国并购中产生的市场问题。

























一、About M&AMerger: combination of two or more corporations. Acquisition: the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something.Merger refers to an enterprise to take various forms for receiving the property rights of other enterprises, so that the merged party lost the qualifications of a legal person or legal entity economic behavior change.Acquisition refers to an enterprise can through the purchase of shares of listed companies and the companies operating decisions change behaviorIn my opinion, merger is one commercial company could totally control the other company. acquisition is one commercial company own the other company.二、Case:TCL mergers Thomson Background information:1.TCL:TCL Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 1981, is one of theconsumer electronics business groups worldwide scale, forming a multi-media, telecommunications, home appliances,and parts of the four industry groups, as well as real estate and investment business, logistics and services business group .2. Thomson: Thomson is France's largest state-owned enterprises, is the world's fourth-largest consumer electronics maker, has four main business direction: content and networking, consumer products, components, patent licensing.About case: TCL mergers Thomsonprogress: July 29, 2004, TCL and France's Thomson jointly funded 470 million euros, of which one hundred million eurosTTETCL invested 3.149million euros hold 67% sharesThomson invested 155.1 million euros hold 33% sharesTCL3.149 investment accounted for 67% of shares, Thomson invested 155.1 million euros held by 33% of the shares, the establishment of TCL- Thomson Electronics Limited, referred TTE company.Result:By the end of 2004, the European business losses only a fewhundred million yuan; by the end of 2005, a loss of 550 million yuan in Europe; the first half of 2006, TCL European business losses rose to 700 million yuan; and 2006 end of 9, TCL in Europe investment accumulated losses reached 203 million euros (about 2.034 billion yuan). TTE Europe's "accumulated losses" has exceeded 3.345 billion yuan, TCL Multimedia in the European business restructuring and contraction of the overall cost more than expectedBy the end of 2004, Europe leads the global TV market, quickly turned to flat-panel TV from CRT TV. European integration has not been good company reacted too slowly, TCL is still a lot of factories around the CRT TV production. When the merger allows Thomson TCL promising more than 10,000 TV 3,4 patents, did not help that much, because they are basically traditional CRT TV. Until 2005, TCL flat-panel TVs began large-scale supply of the market, this time, competitorshavebegun to cut prices, TCL from product development, supply chain management to the entire system is not adapted to this change. Flat-panel TVs will come to kill so quickly, so TCL- Thomson pace the whole mess.Problem:1, M&A too hastily that the internationalization lack the necessary prudence.2. overestimate the economic benefits of the acquisition, ignoring market trends3. Too many brands, lack of competitive advantage. Undercapitalised cause operational difficulties4. Manage the drawbacks become cross-border M&A "fuse"Fail Reason:1.The integration of core technologies improper2.Overseas M&A trigger funding loophole3.Cultural differences in business managementSuggest:(一)、before M&A—Conduct a comprehensive assessment of precautions1、under the height of strategy to choose the object2、 analysis careful financial plan of the target enterprises and own company.3、Assessment of both culture and values4、Formulate and improve the integration plan(二)、after M&A—Conduct active integration1、Strategic Integration2、Financial Integration3、human resources Integration4、Cultural IntegrationConclusion:The average success rate of only 40% of mergers and acquisitions, the success rate of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, only 20% to 30%Mergers and acquisitions of profit opportunities:1、Economies of scale, become the market leader2、To achieve the optimal allocation of resources, resource sharing, combination3、Implement diversification and maintain core competitiveness。



M & Financial AnalysisCorporate mergers and acquisitions have become a major form of capital operation. Enterprise use of this mode of operation to achieve the capital cost of the external expansion of production and capital concentration to obtain synergies, enhancing competitiveness, spread business plays a very important role. M & A process involves a lot of financial problems and solve financial problems is the key to successful mergers and acquisitions. Therefore, it appears in merger analysis of the financial problems to improve the efficiency of M & Finance has an important practical significance.A financial effect resulting from mergers and acquisitions1. Saving transaction costs. M & A market is essentially an alternative organization to realize the internalization of external transactions, as appropriate under the terms of trade, business organizations, the cost may be lower than in the market for the same transaction costs, thereby reducing production and operation the transaction costs.2. To reduce agency costs. When the business separation of ownership and management, because the interests of corporate management and business owners which resulted in inconsistencies in agency costs, including all contract costs with the agent, the agent monitoring and control costs. Through acquisitions or agency competition, the incumbent managers of target companies will be replaced, which can effectively reduce the agency costs.3. Lower financing costs. Through mergers and acquisitions, can expand the size of the business, resulting in a common security role. In general, large companies easier access to capital markets, large quantities they can issue shares or bonds. As the issue of quantity, relatively speaking, stocks or bonds cost will be reduced to enable enterprises to lower capital cost, refinancing.4. To obtain tax benefits. M & A business process can make use of deferredtax in terms of a reasonable tax avoidance, but the current loss of business as a profit potential acquisition target, especially when the acquiring company is highly profitable, can give full play to complementary acquisitions both tax advantage. Since dividend income, interest income, operating income and capital gains tax rate difference between the large mergers and acquisitions take appropriate ways to achieve a reasonable financial deal with the effect of tax avoidance.5. To increase business value. M & A movement through effective control of profitable enterprises and increase business value. The desire to control access to the right of the main business by trading access to the other rights owned by the control subjects to re-distribution of social resources. Effective control over enterprises in the operation of the market conditions, for most over who are in competition for control of its motives is to seek the company's market value and the effective management of the condition should be the difference between the market value.Second, the financial evaluation of M & ABefore merger, M & A business goal must be to evaluate the financial situation of enterprises, in order to provide reliable financial basis for decision-making. Evaluate the enterprise's financial situation, not only in the past few years, a careful analysis of financial reporting information, but also on the acquired within the next five years or more years of cash flow and assets, liabilities, forecast.1. The company liquidity and solvency position is to maintain the basic conditions for good financial flexibility. Company's financial flexibility is important, it mainly refers to the enterprises to maintain a good liquidity for timely repayment of debt. Good cash flow performance in a good income-generating capacity and funding from the capital market capacity, but also the company's overall Profitability, Profitability is the size of which can be company's overall business conditions and competition prospects come to embody. Specific assessment, the fixed costs to predict the total expenditures and cash flow trends, the fixed costs and discretionary spendingis divided into some parts of constraints, in order to accurately estimate the company's working capital demand in the near future, on the accounts receivable turnover and inventory turnover rate of the data to be reviewed, should include other factors that affect financial flexibility, such as short-term corporate debt levels, capital structure, the higher the interest rate of Zhaiwu relatively specific weight.2. Examine the financial situation of enterprises also have to assess the potential for back-up liquidity. When the capital market funding constraints, poor corporate liquidity, the liquidity of the capital assessment should focus on the study of the availability of back-up liquidity, the analysis of enterprise can get the cash management, corporate finance to the outside world the ability to sell convertible securities can bring the amount of available liquidity. In the analysis of various sources of financing enterprises, the enterprises should pay particular attention to its lenders are closely related to the ease of borrowing, because once got in trouble, helpless to the outside world, those close to the lending institutions are likely to help businesses get rid of dilemma. Others include convertible securities are convertible at any time from the stock market into cash, to repay short-term corporate debt maturity.3 Determination of M & A transaction priceM & M price is the cost of an important part of the target company's value is determined based on M & A prices, so enterprises in M & Juece O'clock on targeted business Jinxing scientific, objective value of Ping Gu, carefully Xuanze acquisition Duixiang to Shi Zai market competition itself tide in an invincible position. Measure of the value of the target company, generally adjusted book value method, market value of comparative law, price-earnings ratio method, discounted cash flow method, income approach and other methods.1. The book value adjustment method. Net balance sheet shall be the company's book value. However, to assess the true value of the target company must also be on the balance sheet items for the necessary adjustments. On the one hand, on the asset should be based on market prices and the depreciation of fixed assets,business claims in reliability, inventory, marketable securities and changes in intangible assets to adjust. On liabilities subject to detailed presentation of its details for the verification and adjustment. M & A for these items one by one consultations, the two sides, both sides reached an acceptable value of the company. Mainly applied to the simple acquisition of the book value and market value of the deviation from small non-listed companies.2. The market value of comparative law. It is the stock market and the target company's operating performance similar to the recent average trading price, estimated value of the company as a reference, while analysis and comparison of reference of the transaction terms, compared to adjust, according to assessment to determine the value of the target company. However, application of this method requires a fully developed, active trading market. And a subjective factors and more by market factors, the specific use of time should be cautious. Mainly applied to improve the market system in the acquisition of listed companies.3. PE method. It is based on earnings and price-earnings ratio target companies to determine the value of the method. The expression is: target = target enterprise value of the business income × PE. Where PE (price earnings ratio) can choose when the target company's price-earnings ratio M, with the target company's price-earnings ratio of comparable companies or the target company in which the industry average price-earnings ratio. Corporate earnings targets and the target company can choose the after-tax income last year, the last 3 years, the average after-tax income, or ex post the expected after-tax earnings target company as a valuation indicator. This method is easy to understand and easy to apply, but its earnings targets and price-earnings ratio is very subjective determination, therefore, this valuation may bring us a great risk. This method is suitable for the stock market a better market environment, a more stable business enterprise.5. Income approach. It is the company expected future earnings discounted using appropriate discount rate to assess the present value of the base date, and thus determine the value of the company's assessment. Income approach in principle, thatis the reason why the acquirer acquired the target company, taking into account the target company can generate revenue for themselves, if the company's returns, but the purchase price will be high. Therefore, according to the company level can bring benefits to determine the value of the company is scientific and reasonable way. The use of this method must have two conditions: First, assess the company's future earnings are to be predicted, and can predict the basic income guarantee and the possibility of a reasonable amount; second, and enterprises to obtain expected benefits associated with future risk can be invaluable, and can provide convincing evidence. When the purpose is to use M & A target long-term management and enterprise resources, then use the income approach is suitable.Activities in mergers and acquisitions, M & A business through the acquisition of a variety of financing sources of funds needed. M & M financing enterprises in financing before the deal with a variety of M & A comprehensive analysis and evaluation, to select the best financing channels. M & A financing from the actual situation analysis, M & A financing is divided into internal financing and external financing. Internal financing is an enterprise to use their own accumulated profits to pay for acquisitions. However, due to the amount of funds required for mergers and acquisitions are often very large, and limited internal resources, after all, the use of M & A business operating cash flow to finance significant limitations, the internal financing generally not as the main channel for financing mergers and acquisitions. Of external financing is divided into debt financing, equity financing and hybrid financing.Channels of financing the actual response to determine their capital structure analysis, if the acquisition of their funds sufficient, using its own funds is undoubtedly the best choice; if the business debt rate has been high, as far as possible should be financed without an increase to equity of companies debt financing. However, if the business prospects for the future, can also increase the debt financing, in order to ensure all future benefits enjoyed by the existing shareholders.Whether M & A business development and expansion as a means or aninevitable result of market competition, will play an important stage in the socio-economic role. As an important participant in M & A and policy-makers, from the financial rational behavior on M & A analysis and selection of the same time, also taking into account the market, and management elements that will lead the enterprise's decision making provide the most effective Xin Xi .企业并购财务问题分析企业并购已成为企业资本运营的一种主要形式。



中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)1、Enterprises of the major means of tax planningTax planning is the premise of strict enforcement of tax laws to minimize tax, customs tax called. Enterprises to carry out the correct tax, the need for the adoption of the following major route of transmission.First, reasonable means of financing options. In accordance with the provisions of China's current tax law, corporate interest payments on the loan within a certain range can be pre-tax expenses, and dividends can only be spending the after-tax profits of enterprise expenses. From a tax point of view, appropriate to the bank business loans and financing between enterprises, rather than directly to thefund-raising benefits.Second, a reasonable choice of trading partners. China's existing value-added tax system has a general taxpayers and small-scale taxpayers on the points, choose a different supplier object, the tax burden on enterprises is not the same. For example, when the Department of suppliers of value-added tax general taxpayer, the businessafter the purchase of goods, according to the amount of tax deduction of input tax amount of the corresponding balance after payment of value-added tax; if the purchase of goods for small-scale taxpayers, VAT can not be achieved Its not contain the amount of input tax deduction, the tax burden more than the former. Such as open invoices can also be part of deduction.Third, "the easy way out" tax conversion. Enterprises will be converted tohigh-tax low-tax, refers to economic activities in the same, there are a variety of revenue options to choose from, the taxpayers to avoid "high-tax point", choose the "low tax" and reduce the tax liability . The most typical example of this is to runnon-taxable to the tax planning services. From the tax point of view, run mainly two: First, the same taxes, different tax rates. Systems such as supply and marketing enterprises, the general operating tax rate is 17% of the means of subsistence, but also the operating value-added tax rate of 13% of the agricultural means of production and so on. Second, different taxes, different tax rates. This usually refers to types of enterprises in their business activities, both value-added business project, the project also involves the business tax.Fourth, the cost of reasonable expenses. Enterprises does not violate tax laws and financial system under the premise of the full cost of the reasonable expenses, that may occur on the full estimated losses and narrow the tax base and reduce the amount of taxable income. Countries allow for costs incurred in the projects, such as wages, respectively, the total amount of tax by 2%, 14%, 1.5% extracts of trade union funds, staff welfare, staff education funding should be sufficient to mention as much as possible to the whole. For some of the losses that may occur, such as bad debt losses, businesses should be fully expected in the tax law as far as possible the extent permitted by the cap enough to reserve. This is in line with the national tax law and financial system, can receive the tax effect.Fifth, to reduce tax liability. Factors that affect the tax liability there are two, namely, tax base and tax rates, the smaller the tax base, lower tax rates, tax liability is also smaller. Tax planning can start from these two factors to find legitimate ways to reduce tax liability. For example, an enterprise December 30, 2005 estimated taxableincome amounted to 100,200 yuan, the enterprise income tax liability 25050 yuan (100200 ×25%). If the corporate tax planning, tax consulting fees to pay 200 yuan, the corporate taxable income 100,000 (100200-200), income tax liability 27,000 yuan (100000 × 27%), can be found by comparing, for tax planning to pay only 200 yuan, 6066 yuan tax is (33066-27000).Sixth, to weigh the severity of the overall tax burden. For example, manyvalue-added tax planning programs have the general taxpayer and the taxpayer to choose small-scale planning. If an enterprise is a non-tax-year sales of about 900,000 yuan of production enterprises and enterprises to buy the materials each year the price of non-value-added tax of 70 million or less. The company's accounting system, the conditions identified as the general taxpayers. If that is the general taxpayer, the company's products are value-added tax rate applies to 17% capital gains tax liability 34,000 yuan (90 × 17% -70 × 17%); If it is small-scale taxpayers, the rate is 6%, 5.4 VAT liability million (90 × 6%)> 3.4 million. Therefore, from the perspective of value-added tax general taxpayer should be selected. But, in fact, althoughsmall-scale VAT taxpayers pay 20,000 yuan, but the input tax amount of 119,000 yuan (70 × 17%), although it can not offset the costs, thereby increasing the cost of 119,000 yuan, the income tax reduction of 2.975 million (11.9 × 25%), than pay a 20,000 yuan of value-added tax. Therefore, the business tax planning in the selection of programs, not only to look in a certain period of time watching the program on tax less, and to consider business development goals, to choose to increase their overall revenue program.Seventh, take full advantage of preferential taxation policies. For taxpayers, the use of tax incentives for tax planning focuses on how the rational use of tax policies and regulations shall apply to the lower or more favorable tax rates, a well-planned production and operation activities, the actual tax burden to a minimum in order to achieve Festival tax effect. For example, according to China's Law of the State Council for approval of high-tech industrial development zone of the high-tech enterprises, since the production from the fiscal year income tax exemption for 2 years. To-business use of wastewater, waste gas, waste residue and other waste as themain raw materials for production, 5 years in the income tax reduction or exemption. In addition, to support agriculture and the development of UNESCO Wei investment, countries have different tax incentives. Business operators should refer to policy, comparing the investment environment, investment income, investment risks and other factors, decided to invest in the region, investment direction, as well as investment projects, a reasonable tax planning, in order to reduce the corporate tax burden.企业税收筹划的主要途径纳税筹划是在严格执行税法前提下,尽量减少缴税,习惯称其为节税。






关键词:企业合并;税务管理;案例分析中图分类号:F275 文献识别码:A 文章编号:1001-828X(2016)015-000-02一、企业合并定义我国的《公司法》对企业的并购给出了法律上的定义,它指出合并主要是指多加企业或者单个企业将其全部的负债和资源转让给新设企业或者另一家企业,被合并的企业股东换取合并后企业的股权,进而实现两个以及两个以上的企业合并。








企业并购重组整合咨询报告(英文版)Consulting Report on Corporate Merger and Restructuring IntegrationExecutive SummaryThis consulting report provides an analysis of the merger and restructuring integration for Company ABC and Company XYZ. The objective of this report is to provide recommendations for a successful integration process that maximizes the potential benefits of the merger. The report includes an analysis of the cultural, operational, and financial aspects of the integration, as well as a detailed action plan for the implementation phase.1. IntroductionThe merger between Company ABC and Company XYZ presents both opportunities and challenges. The two companies have complementary strengths and resources that can be leveraged to create a stronger and more competitive entity. However, the integration process requires careful planning and execution to ensure a smooth transition and minimize disruptions to the business operations.2. Cultural IntegrationCultural integration is a critical aspect of a successful merger. The report recommends the formation of a cross-functional integration team that includes members from both companies. This team will be responsible for identifying and addressing any cultural differences and facilitating a smooth integration process. Regular communication through town hall meetings and other channels will be crucial for keeping employees informed and engagedthroughout the transition.Additionally, a comprehensive cultural assessment should be conducted to identify potential challenges and develop strategies to align the values and norms of both companies. Employee training and development programs can also help foster a unified corporate culture and promote collaboration among teams.3. Operational IntegrationOperational integration involves combining the business processes, systems, and infrastructure of the two companies. The report suggests conducting a thorough operational analysis to identify redundancies and inefficiencies in order to streamline the operations. Clear communication and collaboration between the integration team and key stakeholders will be crucial to ensure that the integration is aligned with the overall corporate strategy.Cross-training programs can help employees adapt to new roles and responsibilities, while technology integration will require careful planning and coordination between IT departments. The implementation of shared service centers and the consolidation of facilities, where feasible, can also generate cost savings and improve operational efficiency.4. Financial IntegrationThe financial integration of the two companies will involve aligning accounting practices, financial reporting systems, and capital structures. The report recommends conducting a comprehensive financial analysis to identify potential synergies and cost-saving opportunities. Financial reports and forecastsshould be updated regularly to reflect the progress and performance of the integrated entity.Additionally, key performance indicators (KPIs) should be established to measure the success of the merger and track the achievement of strategic objectives. Integration-related costs should also be carefully managed and monitored to ensure that they are within budget.5. Action Plan for ImplementationThe successful implementation of the merger and restructuring integration requires a well-defined action plan. The report provides a detailed timeline that outlines the key activities and milestones for the integration process. It also includes a risk management plan to identify and mitigate potential risks and challenges that may arise during the integration.Regular progress reviews and continuous communication with stakeholders will be critical to ensuring that the integration stays on track and any issues are addressed promptly. The action plan also includes a post-implementation assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of the integration and identify areas for further improvement.ConclusionThe merger and restructuring integration of Company ABC and Company XYZ present a significant opportunity for growth and competitiveness. The successful integration requires careful planning, effective communication, and collaboration between the integration team and key stakeholders. By addressing cultural,operational, and financial aspects, and following the action plan outlined in this report, the merged entity can achieve a seamless and successful integration, ultimately realizing the full potential of the merger.6. Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Effective communication and stakeholder engagement are essential for a successful merger and restructuring integration. The report recommends developing a comprehensive communication plan that defines the key messages, target audiences, and communication channels. Regular updates should be provided to employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to keep them informed about the integration process and address any concerns or questions.Town hall meetings, employee forums, and other interactive platforms should be utilized to create opportunities for employees to provide feedback and participate in the decision-making process. Open and transparent communication will help build trust and promote employee engagement throughout the integration.In addition to internal communication, external stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, and shareholders, should also be kept informed about the integration. Regular updates through press releases, websites, and investor relations communications will help manage external perceptions and maintain confidence in the merged entity.7. Human Resources and Talent ManagementHuman resources play a critical role in the successful integration of two companies. The report recommends conducting a comprehensive talent assessment to identify key employees andtheir skills, as well as potential gaps that need to be addressed. A clear talent retention and development strategy should be established to ensure the retention and motivation of top performers.Employee engagement programs, such as recognition and reward initiatives, should be implemented to boost morale and promote a positive and inclusive work environment. Training and development programs can address skill gaps and help employees adapt to new roles and responsibilities. Regular performance reviews and career development conversations should be conducted to provide ongoing feedback and support.It is also important to align compensation and benefits programs to ensure fairness and consistency across the merged entity. A comprehensive communication plan should be developed to inform employees about any changes in compensation and benefits packages.8. Legal and Regulatory ComplianceCompliance with legal and regulatory requirements is critical for the success of the merger and restructuring integration. The report suggests conducting a detailed legal and regulatory review to identify any potential risks or issues that may arise during the integration process. This includes understanding competition laws, labor laws, and any industry-specific regulations that may apply. In cases where the merger requires approval from regulatory bodies, the necessary filings and documentation should be prepared in a timely manner to ensure compliance. Legal supportshould be engaged to navigate any legal complexities and ensure that the integration process adheres to all applicable laws and regulations.9. Risk Management and Contingency PlanningThe integration process is not without risks, and it is important to have a risk management and contingency plan in place. The report recommends conducting a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate or address them. This includes identifying and addressing potential financial, operational, legal, and reputational risks.A dedicated risk management team should be established to monitor the progress of the integration and proactively identify any risks or issues that arise. Mitigation strategies should be developed and implemented promptly to minimize the impact on the integration process.Contingency plans should also be developed to address any unforeseen circumstances or disruptions that may occur during the integration. This includes having backup solutions for critical systems and processes, as well as alternative strategies in case any challenges or roadblocks arise.10. Post-Implementation Assessment and Continuous ImprovementAfter the implementation of the merger and restructuring integration, it is important to conduct a post-implementation assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of the integration and identify areas for improvement. This assessment should include areview of the stated objectives and key performance indicators to measure the success of the integration.Feedback should be gathered from employees, customers, and other stakeholders to identify any areas of improvement or lessons learned. This feedback should be used to drive continuous improvement and refine processes and strategies for future mergers and integrations.Regular monitoring and reporting should be established to track the performance of the merged entity and ensure that the integration goals and synergies are being realized. Key metrics and performance indicators should be reviewed regularly to assess progress and make any necessary adjustments.ConclusionIn conclusion, a successful merger and restructuring integration require careful planning, effective communication, and collaboration between all stakeholders. By addressing the cultural, operational, financial, and legal aspects outlined in this report, the merged entity can achieve a seamless integration and maximize the potential benefits of the merger. Continuous monitoring, assessment, and improvement will be key to ensure long-term success and sustainability of the merged entity. With a clear action plan and a focus on stakeholder engagement, the integration process can lead to a stronger, more competitive organization.。











乙公司接受后,股本总额为1600万元,其中确认甲公司原股东股本分别为,A 公司75万元(占股本总额的21%),B公司25万元(占股本总额的7%)。













1. 合并前后的税务资产负债在企业合并过程中,合并前后的税务资产负债需要进行合并调整。




2. 税务纳税义务在企业合并后,新企业需要履行纳税义务。




3. 税务准备金在企业合并后,新企业需要根据合并前各方的税务争议情况,合理设立税务准备金。






1. 税务分立协议在企业分立过程中,需要制定税务分立协议。



2. 税务资产负债在企业分立过程中,需要对税务资产负债进行合理的划分。



























企业分立所得税处理案例分析源自《中国税务报》 2009.11.02 赵国庆,江霞A公司为有限责任公司,主要经营水泥生产及销售业务,拥有新型干法水泥资产、立窑水泥资产和水泥业务的相关资产,注册资本500万元。















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• • Option I – Spin-off Option II – Transfer assets to CM
III. Other Consideration IV. Appendix
பைடு நூலகம்
I. Our Understanding
SC Group is mainly engaged in manufacturing business and has several PRC entities in China. Currently, the Management would like to restructure its holding structure within the Group. The current holding structure can be depicted as follows:
Applicable rates for Customs Duty and 17% for Import Value Added Tax
Stamp Duty (“SD”)
0.03% or 0.05%
The contract sum of signed contracts for transferring inventory and other assets (including intangible assets)
The PRC tax implications on transfers of relevant assets are summarized as below:
Taxes Tax Rate Applicable Scope/Description Taxpayer
The transfer amount of inventory, while the VAT can be credited by the buyer (if bonded can be exempt from VAT under bonded transfer)
Seller (creditable against output VAT)
Seller (non-creditable against output VAT)
Business Tax (“BT”)
Sales of second-hand fixed assets (purchased after 1 Jan. 2009)
Hold: -Land use right -Trademark -Club Membership
- Keep existing operating business activities
II. PRC Tax Implications - Option 1: Spin off (after the merger)
Appreciation amount on disposal of land use rights or property rights For disposal of the tax-exempted equipment under custom supervision, the dutiable price shall be calculated based on the residual period of custom supervision.
II. PRC Tax Implications - Option 1: Spin off (after the merger)
After the merger, the new MK will be split into two companies with each company separately owned by different shareholders.
Transfer of intangible assets & Sales of properties
Seller (creditable against output VAT)
5% Gain from transfer of the assets, if any. If transferred at net book value, there would be no gain, but it will be subject to tax bureau's assessment on the arm's length basis for related party transactions.
Seller and Buyer
* All related party transactions should be conducted on an arm's length basis. Otherwise, the tax bureau is authorized to make adjustment.
3% (Applicable DT rate for Shenzhen) 30%-60%
The amount of transfer of land use rights or property rights
Land Appreciation Tax (“LAT”) Re-evaluation of Customs Duty (“CD”) and Import Value Added Tax
Enterprise Income Tax (“EIT”)
II. PRC Tax Implications on the Merger Under Asset Transfers
Taxes Tax Rates Applicable Scope Taxpayer
Deed Tax (“DT”)
II. PRC Tax Implications – Merger
Fact: SCSZ merged into MK PRC Tax Implications: 1. SCSZ is required to pay back the exempted/reduced EIT for previous tax holidays as its operating period is less than 10 years The net operating loss (“NOL”) of SCSZ can be utilised by MK according to Caishui [2009] No.59. The estimated NOL to be utilized = Net fair asset value of SCSZ x Longest-term government bond yield rate of the current year end
MK A (creditable against output VAT)
2% VAT
Sales of second-hand fixed assets (purchased prior to 1 Jan. 2009)
MK A (non-creditable against output VAT)
II. PRC Tax Implications on the Merger Under Asset Transfers
Taxes Tax Rate Applicable Scope Taxpayer
Value Added Tax (“VAT”)
The transfer amount of inventory, while the VAT can be credited by the buyer (if bonded can be exempt from VAT under bonded transfer ) Sales of second-hand fixed assets (purchased prior to 1 Jan. 2009)
The Group
SC Asia Limited (“SC Asia”)
BS International Industrial Limited (“BS”)
SC (South China) Limited (“SCHK”)
MK Industrial (Shenzhen) Limited (“MK”)
SC Group PRC Tax Analysis on the Proposed M&A Project 23 November, 2010
Our Understanding
PRC Tax Implications 1) Merger 2) After the merger
II. PRC Tax Implications – Merger
The proposed restructuring plan can be depicted as follows:
SC Asia
SC Asia
BS BS SCSZ 20% Merger New MK
SCHK 80%
SC (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd (“SCSZ”)
I. Our Understanding
Based on the Management’s decision, SCSZ will be merged with MK in Shenzhen. Under the proposed merger, SCSZ will be merged into MK by way of absorption and MK will be the surviving entity. After completion of the merger, the Management will consider the following options: Option I: The surviving MK will be divided into two separate entities, namely MK A and MK B shortly after the merger. MK A will hold the land use right and buildings located in Shenzhen, relevant trademark and a Mission Hill Country Club Membership, while MK B will continue to conduct its intended business as before the spin-off. In this connection, the shareholder of MK B shall be changed from BS to another group related company, SCHK, and BS shall remain as the sole shareholder of MK A. Once the change of shareholding is completed, MK A will be sold to a third party through BS subsequently. Option II: The surviving MK will sell its trademark and a Mission Hill Country Club membership, and the land use right and building located at Shenzhen to a PRC subsidiary of CM separately without dividing into two separate entities after the completion of the merger.