3. Native words and borrowed words 本族语词和外来语词
Native words / Angle-Saxon words
Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are native
words. They form the great majority of the
Another important characteristic is that function words belong to a relatively small and permanent set of words, in comparison to content words. The total number of functional words is about 154. They are stable; they do not come and go with changing fashions and ideas.
basic word stock of the English language.
The basic word stock is the foundation of the
vocabulary accumulated over a number of
epochs. Most native words in modern
What causes the differences between sound and form?
➢ 1) More morphemes than letters, ➢ 2) Stabilization of spelling, ➢ 3) Deliberate change of spelling by
(3).Social meaning: Based on: ①the social relationship between the
speakers;②the occasion;③the subject matter;④ the mode of speech;etc. eg: What’s your age? (对求职者)
2.Lexical meaning:
(1).Denotative meaning: It is the central factor in linguistic communication. eg: chair → 椅子 mother → 母亲 man → 男人 woman → 女人 politician → 政客 blood → 血液 chicken → 小鸡 adumeaning: eg: chair → 官位 mother → love, care, tenderness man → 勇敢,强壮,责任心,大度 woman → 意志薄弱,爱流泪,多情善感 (Anyway,she is a woman.) politician → 欺诈,夸夸其谈 blood → 出身,亲情,民族 (Blood is thicker than water. He has Canadian blood) chicken → 懦弱,胆怯 adult → 责任
你吃了吗? (denotative meaning; connotative meaning)
(4).Affective meaning: a.Interjections: Oh! Alas! Ouch! b.Approval and disapproval: mother, scholar, masterpiece, career, buzz, gang, boast, workaholic, etc. c.Bias: slender — skinny, statesman — politician, famous — notorious proud — arrogant (褒义) (贬义)
(3).Social meaning: Based on: ①the social relationship between the
speakers;②the occasion;③the subject matter;④ the mode of speech;etc. eg: What’s your age? (对求职者)
2.Lexical meaning:
(1).Denotative meaning: It is the central factor in linguistic communication. eg: chair → 椅子 mother → 母亲 man → 男人 woman → 女人 politician → 政客 blood → 血液 chicken → 小鸡 adumeaning: eg: chair → 官位 mother → love, care, tenderness man → 勇敢,强壮,责任心,大度 woman → 意志薄弱,爱流泪,多情善感 (Anyway,she is a woman.) politician → 欺诈,夸夸其谈 blood → 出身,亲情,民族 (Blood is thicker than water. He has Canadian blood) chicken → 懦弱,胆怯 adult → 责任
你吃了吗? (denotative meaning; connotative meaning)
(4).Affective meaning: a.Interjections: Oh! Alas! Ouch! b.Approval and disapproval: mother, scholar, masterpiece, career, buzz, gang, boast, workaholic, etc. c.Bias: slender — skinny, statesman — politician, famous — notorious proud — arrogant (褒义) (贬义)
• • 起和落是人生的常态。闽南语歌曲中《爱拼才会赢》中有这样一句歌词: “人生好比是海上的波浪,有时起,有时落!”而潮语中的“起”“落”除
• •
• •
“潮州厝,皇宫起!”“娶嬷健,起厝兴”。潮汕人日常口语中“起”义为 “建造”的句例相当多,但在全国各语言系统中现已少见了,这是潮语秉承 汉语古义的缘故。《后汉书· 光武帝纪》中载:“十四年春正月,起南宫前 殿。”《资治通鉴》第五十八卷又载:“起四百尺观于阿亭道。”这两古文 句中,“起”义即是“建造”。潮人崇尚“白手起家”,注重“饮食起居”。 句中两“起”之意分别为“创立”、“举止”,这与汉语一致。 说到“落”,潮人第一反应是“落雨”,义即“落下”,这与粤方言一样。 而潮语“落”的另一个义项却是充满古意,如“一落厝”。杜牧名篇《阿房 宫赋》有句:“蜂房水涡,矗不知几千万落。”这里的“落”即量词,“座” 之意,与潮语中的一致。 潮人把心情放松称之为“心落落”,由“落”的引申出“放下”之意。 潮汕的独特民俗——“落神”,这里的“落”意思是“降临”。在普通话中, 是没有这类意思的。潮语“落”还可以是“落力”,是“努力、尽力”之意。 再有一充满浓郁潮味的俗语“惜落顺势”,语中的“落”,却是指“下辈 人”,这是由“落”主要义项“下”引申而来的,这在全国语言中绝无仅有。
• “工作粗涩!”即“工作繁重,进展困难”。 • “生活粗涩!”即“生活贫困,日子难过”。 • “为人粗涩!”即“待人严厉,办事不易通融;也有吝啬 刻薄之意”。 这个词的组合是典型的“形质喻义”,即由事物的外形质地 联想到事物的含义。“粗”乃粗糙大之形:“涩”乃苦涩 之感。所以“粗涩”一经与主语搭配,就自然突出其形质 特征,使人自然联想到与“粗”、“涩”有关的种种情状, 自然极具表现力。在普通话语系中很难有如此形质合一的 词汇,近似“晦涩”、“苦涩”实不如“粗涩”生动。 潮语另有一独特形容词——“硬静”。意即“技艺精湛、而
A morpheme may be represented by one syllable, lik e boy and child, or by two or more syllables, as in la· dy, cro·co·dile, etc.
• B. Allomorphs 词素变体 • A morpheme may take various shapes or forms. • 如:books, pigs, horses共同词素是什么? • 曲折词素-(e)s。 • 有三种不同发音:/-s, -z, -iz/
• An elusive notion • have has had ? • friend friends ?
• entry词条in a dictionary --- lexeme 词位 • word form 词形:词的不同形状 • lexical unit 词汇单位:一个词形跟一个意义的结合
• Definition: • A word is an independent, minimal, meaningful linguistic unit.
• 粘着词根大多源自希腊语或拉丁语,不能独立使用。
• 观察下面几个单词,找出共同词根: • revive, vitamin, vital, vivacious, vivid • 拉丁词根:vit-/viv-, 意思:life or live • 复兴,复活;维生素;十分重要的;生机勃勃的,活泼的;生动的
zable into smaller forms. • 词素是语言中最小的语音语义结合体。(P13)
• Q: What’s the difference between a “word” & a “morpheme”? • 词:能独立运用的、最小的语音语义结合体 • 词素:不一定能独立运用 • Example • 试分析:denationalization共有几个词素? • nation • nation+al • nation+al+ize • de-nation+al+ize • de-nation-al-iz-ation 使非国有化,使私营化
• B. Allomorphs 词素变体 • A morpheme may take various shapes or forms. • 如:books, pigs, horses共同词素是什么? • 曲折词素-(e)s。 • 有三种不同发音:/-s, -z, -iz/
• An elusive notion • have has had ? • friend friends ?
• entry词条in a dictionary --- lexeme 词位 • word form 词形:词的不同形状 • lexical unit 词汇单位:一个词形跟一个意义的结合
• Definition: • A word is an independent, minimal, meaningful linguistic unit.
• 粘着词根大多源自希腊语或拉丁语,不能独立使用。
• 观察下面几个单词,找出共同词根: • revive, vitamin, vital, vivacious, vivid • 拉丁词根:vit-/viv-, 意思:life or live • 复兴,复活;维生素;十分重要的;生机勃勃的,活泼的;生动的
zable into smaller forms. • 词素是语言中最小的语音语义结合体。(P13)
• Q: What’s the difference between a “word” & a “morpheme”? • 词:能独立运用的、最小的语音语义结合体 • 词素:不一定能独立运用 • Example • 试分析:denationalization共有几个词素? • nation • nation+al • nation+al+ize • de-nation+al+ize • de-nation-al-iz-ation 使非国有化,使私营化
4. What are the differences between radiation and concatenation?
5. How are homonyms classified? What are their characteristics?
6. What are the origins me homonyms?
1.What are the reasons for polysemy?
2.What are the two approaches to polysemy?
3. What are the two processes of development of polysemy? What are their features?
7. What are the differences between homonyms and polysemants?
8. How do we classify synonyms? What are their characteristics?
9. How many sources of synonyms are there? What are they?
Chapter 6 Sense Relations
– To discuss the main sense relations among words; – To explain semantic field.
➢Teaching focus:
– Polysemy 一词多义关系 – Homonymy 同形同音异义关系 – Synonymy 同义关系 – Antonymy 反义关系 – Hyponymy 上下义关系 – Semantic Field 语义场
5. How are homonyms classified? What are their characteristics?
6. What are the origins me homonyms?
1.What are the reasons for polysemy?
2.What are the two approaches to polysemy?
3. What are the two processes of development of polysemy? What are their features?
7. What are the differences between homonyms and polysemants?
8. How do we classify synonyms? What are their characteristics?
9. How many sources of synonyms are there? What are they?
Chapter 6 Sense Relations
– To discuss the main sense relations among words; – To explain semantic field.
➢Teaching focus:
– Polysemy 一词多义关系 – Homonymy 同形同音异义关系 – Synonymy 同义关系 – Antonymy 反义关系 – Hyponymy 上下义关系 – Semantic Field 语义场
观看flash动画《梁祝》带领学生理解中国传统故事,讲解一些容易理解的 文化传统。 In ancient China, girls cannot study in the school. So she disguised as a boy. Their family didn’t allow them marry, because they were not at the same status in social relationship. In ancient Chinese, when lovers want to get marry, they must be in the same social status. But now it is not the rules.
在: (Prep) at;in;on 如:在家,在学院,在这儿。后面一般接表示地 点场所的名词。 the meaning of zai is at;in and on, 在的意思是at;in; on,for example, we are now in the classroom. 光盘:(N) CD 如:一张光盘
书:(N)book 报:(N)newspaper 本子:(N)notebook
那儿:(Pr)there 如:去那儿 在那儿 到那儿
梁祝:(PN)name of a Chinese violin concertor let me show you the music. it also a very famous love story in china. Do you want to know about this story? Let’s watch a flash latter。
3.词:语言中能够独立使用的最小音义结合体。 比如:“人”、“大”、“一”、“踌躇”、 “麦克风”等。这里所谓的能够“独立使用”是 指能够单说(单独成句),比如: “谁?”“我!” 或单用(单独做句法成分或单 独起语法作用),比如“谁吃饭了?”中的 “谁”、“吃”、“饭”都是单独充当句法成分, 而“了”虽然不充当句法成分却有自己独特的语 法作用,它们都是词。
1.语言要素 2.词汇 3.词 4.词素 5.语素 6.固定词组/固定短语/固定语
别为的从 词理上研 汇论分究 学词,的
汇词对 学汇象 和学和 个分目
理论词汇学/普通词汇学:以所有语言的词汇为考察对象很,汇 著 目 理
丰学作前论 富专。很词
个别词汇学:以特定语言的词汇为考察对象,专门探讨。 该语言词汇规律所形成的词汇学所形成的词汇学分支。
固定词组,比如:中华 人民共和国,守株待兔, 七上八下,吃枪药,发 酒疯
词:语言中最小的可以独立运用的音义 结合体。
词汇学PPT chapter 1
• The written form of English is, therefore, an imperfect representation of the phonemic elements of the spoken language (Quirk 1978).
1.4 Sound and Form
1.5 Classification of Words
1. the basic word stock & nonbasic vocabulary 2. content words & functional words 3. native words & borrowed words … 1=2=3=English vocabulary 1. use frequency 2. by notion 3. by origin
1.5.3 native words & borrowed words
native words • Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are small in number, but they form the mainstream of the basic word stock and stand at the core of the language. • They also have the features of the basic word stock.
1.3 Sound and Meaning
• There is ‘no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself. • It is only a symbolic connection. • In different languages the same concept can be represented by different sounds.
– By origin – By usage – By notion
By Origin
Native words Loan words
By Origin: The Native Elements
Features of the native element: 1. All-national character 2. Great stability 3. Monosyllabic 4. Word-forming ability 5. Wide collocability 6. Plurality of meanings 7. High frequency value 8. Stylistically neutral
The English vocabulary consists of different kinds of words, which may be classified by different criteria.
In this section we will discuss three main criteria:
Slang, jargon & cant
Slang is the language of a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words used in some social sense.
A Brain Teaser
Which word is the longest in English?
By Origin
Native words Loan words
By Origin: The Native Elements
Features of the native element: 1. All-national character 2. Great stability 3. Monosyllabic 4. Word-forming ability 5. Wide collocability 6. Plurality of meanings 7. High frequency value 8. Stylistically neutral
The English vocabulary consists of different kinds of words, which may be classified by different criteria.
In this section we will discuss three main criteria:
Slang, jargon & cant
Slang is the language of a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words used in some social sense.
A Brain Teaser
Which word is the longest in English?
• 1.不同语言之间的词汇关系研究 • 涉及多语种的词汇异同比较 • 日语:化粧室 • 韩语:화장실 • 汉语:? • 汉语:信件 • 日语:?(手纸) • 文字差异带来的问题
• 日汉比较词汇
• 秦礼君
• 中国科学技术大学出 版社
• 2.纵向:同一语言的词汇发展关系研究 • 古今词汇演变、差异/词汇发展史 • “是女子不好,烦大巫妪(yu4)为入报河伯,得
• 1.吃饭时,一人说去方便一下,老外不解,旁人 告诉他"方便"就是:上厕所;
• 2.敬酒时,另一人对老外说,希望下次出国时能 给予方便,老外纳闷不敢问;
• 3.酒席上,电视台女主持人提出,在她方便的时 候会安排老外做专访。老外愕然:怎么能在你方 便的时候?女主持人说,那在你方便时,我请你 吃饭。老外简直不敢相信!
有学生写出这样的句子:“我每天都很 忙, 白天做功课, 晚上练习生子。”
• 词汇理据与词汇教学 研究
• 吴会芹、胡海鹏、施 亚波、 等
• 浙江大学出版社
• 词汇教学研究相当薄弱, • 本体研究成果向教学的转化能力不足
• 读万卷书 博采众长 • 每种教材都不能覆盖所有词汇问题 • 相互参照,取长补短,丰富知识 • 养成通读教材的习惯
• 我们去唱歌吧。 • *我们去歌唱吧。
• 这个不适合我。 • *这个不合适我。
• 词汇:语法50年(19602010)
• 郑定欧
• 世界图书出版公司北 京公司
• 词汇语义学与词典编纂 • 张志毅、 张庆云 • 外语教学与研究出版社
• 词汇学词典学研究 • 周荐 • 商务印书馆
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Major Features of Words
1. A word is a sound or combination of sounds which we make voluntarily with out vocal equipment.
Major Features of Words
2. A word is symbolic and is used to stand for something else. In each language, sounds are used to represent objects, happenings, or ideas.
5. A word may consist of one or more morphemes. It can be broken down into smaller meaningful units.
Major Features of Words
6. Words are part of the large communication system we call language. A word is partly dependent for meaning upon its use in that larger context.
1. Definition of a Word
A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function.(张维友)
Definition of a word
Mew-mew喵 喵
There is an intrinsic
sound and meaning.
Italian carne
Swedish kőtt
Major Features of Words
3. The word is an uninterruptible unit. When elements are added to a word to modify its meaning, they never interrupt the internal stability of the word.
I can understand all the words, but I don’t understand the sentening and grammatical meaning
Chapter One A General
A general survey
1. Definition of a word 2. Sound and meaning 3. Word and lexical item
Eat them all !
4. Meaning and concept
Major Features of Words
7. A word occurs typically in the structure of phrases. In typical way, morphemes are used to build words, words to build phrases, phrases to build clauses, and clauses to build
5. Lexical meaning and grammatical meaning
6. Word and vocabulary
7. Constitution of English vocabulary
1. Definition of a Word
He had done it, he had said the magic words. He stopped there to enjoy the effect of these words.
1. Definition of a Word
I love you!
I hate you!
1. Definition of a Word
What is a word?
Major Features of Words
What are the major features of words?
sound meaning syntactic feature
2. Sound and meaning
Is sound related to meaning?
2. Sound and meaning
Mom 妈妈
Woof 汪汪
Russian mЯco
The relationship between sound and meaning is a kind of linguistic social contract.
3. Lexical meaning and grammatical meaning
1. Definition of a Word
Generally speaking, a word is a unification of sounds, meaning and syntactic features, and is the fundamental structural unit of a sentence.(陆国强)
Major Features of Words
4. A word has to do with its social function. It helps human beings interact culturally with one another – “communicate”.
Major Features of Words