



高级英语修辞总结HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】Rhetorical Devices一、明喻(simile)是以两种具有相同特征的事物和现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体之间的相似关系,两者都在对比中出现。

常用比喻词like, as, as if, as though等,例如:1、This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see.这头象和任何人见到的一样像一条蛇。

2、He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit.他看上去好像刚从我的童话故事书中走出来,像幽灵一样从我身旁走过去。

3、It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.它那长长的叶子在风中摆动,好像伸出纤细的手指去触摸什么东西似的。


1、German guns and German planes rained down bombs, shells and bullets...德国人的枪炮和飞机将炸弹、炮弹和子弹像暴雨一样倾泻下来。

2、The diamond department was the heart and center of the store.钻石部是商店的心脏和核心。













类型:1. 类比式隐喻:这种类型的隐喻基于相似性和类似性。



2. 暗示式隐喻:这种类型的隐喻通过暗示和间接表达来传达意义。



3. 视觉隐喻:这种类型的隐喻通过视觉形象来传达意义。


























• 隐喻是从一个概念域(conceptual domain 或称认知域cognitive)向另一个概 念域和认知域的结构映射,即从“始发域” (source domain)向“目的域”(target domain)的映射。即是说,一个范畴赖以 得到解释的概念域是用另一个概念域来解
释的。比如我们把“垂直”概念域映射 “数量”概念域,就会得到“Price may rise up/go up/skyrocket”这样的隐喻句。
• “computer virus”可以给电脑爱好者提供对 付电脑病毒的思维模式,去避免电脑病毒 乃至帮助找出消除电脑病毒的办法。
• 丹麦著名物理学家Niels Bohr 通过观察研究 发现电子绕原子核运行,恰似行星绕太阳 运行一样,于是在此基础上使用隐喻“The atom is a (miniature) solar system”建立了 “原子结构理论( atomic structure theory) ”。
• “看文字, 须是如猛将用兵, 直是鏖战一阵。”
• “(看文字)如酷吏治狱, 直是推勘到底, 决是不恕 他, 方得。”
• “看文字, 正如酷吏之用法深刻, 都没人情, 直要 做到底。 若只恁地等闲看过了, 有甚滋味! 大凡 文字有未晓处, 须下死工夫, 直要见得道理是自家 底, 方住。”
• “看文字如捉贼, 须知道盗发处, 自一文以上赃罪 情节, 都要勘出。 若只描摸个大纲, 纵使知道此人 是贼, 却不知何处做贼。”
义阵营正在获得越来越多的支持,人们试图通过研究隐喻(尤 其是业已积淀为语言中极普通的表达方式的某些基本隐喻即
rootmetaphors)揭示语言的起源、发展和使用乃至人类认识 和智能发展的奥秘。
• A. 光阴流似水。(元稹诗) • B. 鬓发茎茎白,光阴寸寸流。(白居易) • C. 1997年快过去了,1998年就要来了。




Webster’s New World Dictionary的解释是:“a figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase or dinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another”这个解释的意思是说,隐喻是一种隐含着比喻的修辞格,他通常的基本用法是,表述某一事物的词或短语被用来表述另外的一种事物。


与simile相比较,不但不需要as, like之类的比喻词,有时甚至可以连本体也不出现。

基于这种情况,有些词典或著作常常对metaphor 和simile同时论述,称之为“浓缩的明喻(a compressed or condensed simile)”。

如A Dictionary of Literary Terms对Metaphor的定义就是如此,“Metaphor: A figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another. The basic figure in poetry. A comparison is usually implicit; whereas in simile it is explicit.”下面用实例对这两种修辞格做一比较:1a. Life is like an isthmus between two eternities. (simile)生活像永恒的生死两端之间的峡道。

figurative language 分类

figurative language 分类

figurative language 分类:
Figurative language 可以分为以下几类:

















就像莎士比亚在他的作品中经常使用明喻,“Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?(我能否将你比作夏日?)”他把心爱的人比作夏天,夏天有着美好的阳光、温暖的气息,这样一比喻,我们就能深刻感受到他对爱人那种热烈的喜爱之情。


比如说描述一个很害羞的女孩,我会写“S he is like a timid little rabbit.(她就像一只胆小的小兔子)”。






他说“I have a dream that one da y this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to beself - evident, that all men are created equal.'(我有一个梦想,有一天这个国家会站起来,实现其信条的真正含义:我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的,即人人生而平等。



此例以“肥料”(manure) 喻革命志士与暴 君之血。
2)用形象具体的事物, 比喻抽象的 事物或概念
It’s the same with Negro in America. That
shoe ... the white man’s system ... has pinched
and rubbed and squeezed his soul until it has almost destroyed him. 美国黑人的情况也是这样。白人制度这只鞋 夹紧了他的灵魂,使之受磨难, 几乎要把他毁 掉了。 用夹紧黑人的灵魂的一只“鞋子”来 比喻美国的白人制度, 这是典型的以具体事物 比喻抽象事物
2)用of连接喻体和本体, 这是 metaphor 另一结构, 其中的介词 of 表示同位关系。
The Dutchman was six-foot, a great red-faced,
hot-tempered treckox of a man.
那荷兰人身高六尺,大块头,红脸膛, 急脾气, 简直是一条拉车的公牛。句中的of 连接喻体 treck-ox 和本体a man。这个metaphor 的实质 就是A man is a treckox.
The speaker, and the school master, and the thir d grown person presents, all backed a little, and swept with their eyes the inclined plane of little vessels then and there arranged in order, r eady to gave imperial gallons of facts poured int o until they well full to the brim.


Page 4
5) Idiomic or proverbial metaphor Idiomatic or proverbial metaphor refers to a metaphor which contain an idiom or proverb. * He was almost at the end of his tether when he stumbled on the solution of his difficulty.
Page 2
1) Nominal metaphor Nominal metaphor refers to the metaphor in which the metaphorical meaning is mainly expressed by noun. * Time is money. 2) Verbal metaphor Verbal metaphor refers to the metaphor whose metaphorical implication is by verb. * Her eyes bored into him. * Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
Page 8
(11) Dead Metaphor Dead metaphor refers a metaphor, in which the metaphorical novelty or freshness has faded. * When they reached the foot of the mountain, they found a running rock. * He lit a fresh cigar, and said, " Now we have come to some common points.



2、用形象具体的事物,比喻抽象的事物或 概念 It’s the same with Negro in America. That shoe…the white man’s system…has pinched and rubbed and squeezed his soul until it has almost destroyed him. 美国黑人的情况也是这样,白人制度这只鞋 夹紧了他的灵魂,使之受磨难,几乎要把他 毁掉了。
5 Consisting of a paragraph In the center of your heart and my heart, there is wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and nfinite, so long as you are young. When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you’ve grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die even at 80.
"verb" pattern动词型 动词型: 动词型 Snow clothes the ground. The case snowballed into one of the most famous trials in U.S. history. A stranger then is still dogging us. 一个陌生人仍在跟踪我们。 My desk is flooded with paper. 我的桌子上堆满了纸,就像洪水 泛滥一样。 The years have silvered her hair. 岁月已使她的鬓发如霜。 The population mushroomed in the postwar decades. My heart was pumping He doesn't have any idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say.





下面列举十个关于隐喻的定义和举例:1. 隐喻是一种比喻手法,通过将两个不同的事物进行比较来传递特定的含义。


2. 隐喻是一种象征性的表达方式,通过将一个事物表示为另一个事物来传递信息。


3. 隐喻是一种修辞手法,通过将抽象的概念转化为具体的形象来增强表达的力度。


4. 隐喻是一种意象化的表达方式,通过将一个事物的特点用于描述另一个事物,以便更好地理解。


5. 隐喻是一种比较的手法,通过将一个事物与另一个事物进行对比,以便更好地传递意义。


6. 隐喻是一种修辞手法,通过将一个事物的属性或特点用于描述另一个事物,以便更好地说明。


7. 隐喻是一种运用想象力的表达方式,通过将一个事物的形象用于描述另一个事物,以便更好地传达感受。


8. 隐喻是一种创造性的修辞手法,通过将一个事物的特点用于描述另一个事物,以便更好地传递信息。


9. 隐喻是一种将抽象概念转化为具体形象的表达方式,以便更好地理解和表达。


10. 隐喻是一种拓展思维的手法,通过将一个事物的属性用于描述另一个事物,以便更好地传递意义。






浅析隐喻(Metaphor)和换喻(Metonymy)的区别与联系作者:郑雅楠来源:《人间》2016年第32期(哈尔滨师范大学,黑龙江哈尔滨 150025)摘要:传统的修辞理论把隐喻和换喻作为两个并列的修辞格。



关键词:隐喻;换喻;认知功能;运作机制;区别中图分类号:H05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-864X(2016)11-0257-01一、隐喻与换喻的概念(一)隐喻的概念。






















• Metaphor is a figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another, ... A comparison is usually implicit, whereas in simile it is explicit.
--- A Dictionary of Literary Terms
隐喻也是一种比喻,它不用比喻词,直接甲事物(喻) 当作乙事物(本体)来描述,其比喻关系隐含在句意中。 从而更生动,更深刻地说明事理,增强语言的表现力。
• 1. 明喻常用“似”, “像”之类的比喻词, 而隐喻则绝对不用; • 明喻 :Life is like an isthmus between two eternities.
• 暗喻 :Life is an isthmus between two eternities.
• 2. 明喻的主体和喻体一定同时出现在句子 中,而隐喻中的主体和喻体却不一定。
• Lakoff and Johonson (莱可夫和约翰逊) classify conceptual metaphors into three categories: • ontological metaphors(实体隐喻) • structural metaphors(结构隐喻) • orientational metaphors(方位隐喻)



格 译 为 “ 喻 ” “ 喻 ” 然 而 , 语 中 m t y y 应 的修 辞 格 宜 为借 代 。 文 对 m t hr me nm 借 或 转 。 汉 e nm 相 o 本 ea o 和 p t y y进 行 对 比 , o 比较 它们在概念 、 构、 程 、 结 过 目标 、 观 与 客 观 和 效 果 等 方 面 的 差 异 , 主 并通 过 对 比 喻 的 思 维方 式 的 分 析 , 讨 暗 探 喻 产 生的原 因; 同时 , 两 种 辞 格 同汉 语 辞 格 加 以 比较 , 将 尝试 一 条 有 效 的教 学 途 径 , 以指 导 教 学 。
Mea hr Meo y 英 汉 修 辞 比 较 tp o 与 tn my的
刘 沛富
( 尔滨 师 范 大学 呼 兰学 院 , 哈 黑龙 江 呼 兰 1 0 0 ) 5 5 0
【 键 词 】 喻 ; 代 ; 体 ; 体 ; 体 关 暗 借 本 喻 代 ‘
【 摘
要 】 e p o( m t hr 暗喻 ) m t y y 借代 ) a 和 eo m ( n 是英 语修辞学 中重要 的辞格 。 我们在教 学中常常把 m t y y这一辞 eo m n
m r ypa es ( l a h k se r ) ee l r, Wi i S a ep ae l y lm
整 个世 界是一座 舞台 , 有的人都是演员而 已。( 所 莎士 比
亚 )
Hod f s t d e m , F r i d e ms d e Lf s a b o e l a t o ra s o fr a i , i i r k n— e
A l te w rd i t g , a d al t e me n o n ae l h ol sa s e a n l h n a d w me r



8. Conceptual metaphorPre-questions;1. What’s the relation and distinction of metaphor studies in traditional rhetoric and in cognitive linguistics?2. What’s the basis of conceptual metaphor?3. What is the significance for second language acquisition?4. What’s the major limitation?8.1 Metaphor in traditional rhetoric8.1.1 Definitions隐喻是用另外一事体的某些相似特性来描绘某事体的想象性方法,被视为一种修辞手段,是非正常的语言使用,属于文学、修辞学等学科的研究范畴。

Metaphor is an innovative use of language or of the figurative application of a single term to a new referent.对比论和替代论都将隐喻看作是词语层次上的一种修辞方式,都将隐喻的功能看作是一种附加的、可有可无的装饰,就其结构和形式而言,都认为是正常语言规则的一种偏离。


8.1.2 Types方达尼尔以“有生命的”和“无生命的”为标准,把隐喻分成五类:(1)一生物的特征向另一生物转移,(2)无生命实体的特征向无生命抽象事物转移,(3)无生命事物向生物转移,(4)从生物向无生命事物转移的物理隐喻,(5)从生物向无生命事物转移的道德隐喻。


8.2 Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics类推和隐喻式推理是所有认知活动的基础。



ContentsAbstractⅠ.IntroductionⅡ.A brief survey1.Defition of metapho2.Types of metaphor3.Metaphors in Chinese and Western studiesⅢ.Metaphor in the relationship between Chinese and Western cultures1.correspondin, non-correspondence2.Chinese and Western cultures in the common metaphor ;the metaphor of the difference between Chinese and Western cultures ;The metaphor of the cross-cultural differences between Chinese and Western influence Ⅳ. 1.metaphorical expression of cultural conflict2. different living conditions caused differences of metaphor3.the metaphor arising from religious and cultural differencesⅤ. Translation of metaphors1.On the standard of translation2.Obstacles in the translation of metaphor3.Skills in translation of metaphorⅥ. ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsAbstractⅠ.Introduction: Metaphor is a common phenomenon, a large number of people use metaphor to express his feelings and ideas. British scientists rhetoric Richards (IARichards) once said, "We have day-to-day in almost every conversation in three sentences may be a metaphor." According to statistics, life around the use of 4,700,000 new metaphor, 2,140,000 stereotypes of metaphor. Research in recent years, there is a great metaphor. This article introduced in the definition ofmetaphor on the basis of summing up the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western metaphor, and that its culture, precisely because of the prevalence of metaphor, how to translate metaphor has become a very important issue in the latter part of the article is aimed at The translation of metaphor put forward a translation of the three strategies. This paper studies aimed at trying to comparative analysis of English and Chinese in a large number of day-to-day language of metaphor to express, find out the differences and similarities, in order to be able to accurately translate the article in good metaphor to explore a little. This article is about the metaphor from the point of view to explore the differences in the way Thinking allows us to a deeper understanding of language, culture, the relationship between thinking and can more clearly understand the different ethnic language, culture, way of thinking, and so on.Ⅱ.A brief survey1.Defition of metaphorMetaphor is the concept of understanding one thing in terms of another. A metaphor is athat constructs an analogy between two things or ideas; the analogy is conveyed by the use of a metaphorical word in place of some other word.2.T ypes of metaphormon types:①A dead metaphor is one in which the sense of a transferred image is absent. Examples: "to grasp a concept" and "to gather what you've understood" use physical action as a metaphor for understanding. Most people do not visualize the action — dead metaphors normally go unnoticed. Some people distinguish between a dead metaphor and a cliché. Others use "dead metaphor" to denote both. ②An extended metaphor (conceit), establishes a principal subject (comparison) and subsidiary subjects (comparisons). The As Y ou Like It quotation is a good example, the world is described as a stage, and then men and women are subsidiary subjects further described in the same context. ③A mixed metaphor is one that leaps from one identification to a second identification inconsistent with the first. Example: "If we can hit that bullseye then the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards... Checkmate." Quote from Futurama TV show character Zapp Brannigan.2.2.Uncommon typesOther types of metaphor have been identified as well, though the nomenclatures are not as universally accepted:2.2.1.An absolute or paralogical metaphor (sometimes called an anti-metaphor) is one in which there is no discernible point of resemblance between the idea and the image.2.2.2.An active metaphor is one which by contrast to a dead metaphor, is not part of daily language and is noticeable as a metaphor.2.2.3.A complex metaphor is one which mounts one identification on another. Example: "That throws some light on the question." Throwing light is a metaphor: there is no actual light, and a question is not the sort of thing that can be lit up.2.2.4.A compound or loose metaphor is one that catches the mind with several points of similarity. Example: "He has the wild stag's foot." This phrase suggests grace and speed as well as daring. 2.2.5.An implicit metaphor is one in which the tenor is not specified but implied. Example: "Shut your trap!" Here, the mouth of the listener is the unspecified tenor.3.Metaphors in Chinese and Western studiesIn 1980, Lakoff & Johnson (George Lakoff & Mark Johnson) made a "living metaphor" (Metaphors We Live By) of the book, a modern metaphor to open a new chapter in the school. Domestic academia on the "metaphor" This is also a review of the system, such as Lin Wu's book "Study abroad metaphor Looking at the" beam-setting "metaphor research," Li of China and India "The main subjects Metaphor" and so on. However, the Chinese metaphor for the academic study of rare. "Chinese scholars on the study of metaphor, I am afraid the real contribution should be through the metaphor of the Chinese characteristics of research and study, through the metaphor of the Chinese and other languages in the comparative study of metaphor, metaphor for the establishment of a more general theory of the strong, and even unique The basis. "Lin Wu in the book" metaphor of the basic research the status quo, and the focus of the trend "in the main text, put forward a model of cultural metaphors with the relationship:" The language of metaphor is the emergence of expression into the system, which not only reflects the psychological Structure, but also reflect the different cultural models also play a role. "Ⅲ.Metaphor in the relationship between Chinese and Western cultures1. Correspond to (corresponding) refers to the relationship between the two languages- English and Chinese. Metaphor have the same meaning in the culture and image, and so on .This is because the survival of mankind itself, as well as all the external conditions, including the geographical environment, climate change, the whole of human society and cultural backgroundare certain there is a common, which formed a common humanity of their own and the outside world on many issues. In the "angry" mood, the English are angry that physiological responses, such as: grind one's teeth. (Teeth), bare one's teeth. (Ziyaliezui) an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth), reflecting the Chinese culture on the basis of common experience.2.non-correspondence: English-Chinese metaphor, after all, rooted in two different languages , resulting in very different cultural backgrounds, fully corresponds to the few metaphors, the vast majority do not have common cultural identity in order to form the correspondingnon-(non-corresponding ) Relations. Non-relationship metaphor can be roughly divided into three categories:2.1. Vehicle is same, Yu Yi does not correspond toEnglish and Chinese in some cases there are , but in in the meaning of their own language and culture the metaphor means different. Peacock in the Chinese culture is auspicious, a symbol of beauty, especially the Dai people to express jumped Pavaner desire to better their own. If the Chinese people will be likened to a peacock, it means that beautiful light. However, in English, peacock (Peacock) is a symbol of pride, often interpreted as arrogance, love to show off. For example, They were eager to take the young peacock down a peg. (They want to pressure a pressure that the arrogant young guy's momentum)2.2.Yu Yi is same, the vehicle does not correspond toThe two nations, English and Chinese, due to their differences, from different angles to look at things the same, it will be a different analogy. As a result both English and Chinese language there is a different vehicle, but Yu was referring to was basically the same as the meaning of the case, that is the same kind of non-correspondence. Such as: a person described as the hearts of anxious, restless, Chinese is "ants on the hot pan" and English is "a cat on the bricks". There are similar: To kick down the ladder. Guohechaiqiao.2.3.Yu Yu Yi and the meaning do not correspond toSome of the metaphors Yu-Yu has a meaning and it refers to the language and culture are closely related, in another culture often can not find corresponding Yu and Yu Yi, which resulted in a culture known as the default Phenomenon. For example: in English "my rib" I am referring to Yu's wife, it comes from the "Bible" story, that is, Adam (Adam)'s wife Eve (Eve) God is with apiece of Adam's rib made. The Chinese did not, "the Bible" cultural background, and there was no analogy with rib habit, so the formation of a corresponding gap. Similarly, "ugly duckling" (Ugly Duckling) refers to the metaphor will get ahead of Little, "early bird" refers to the diligent Yu, in the words into Chinese language, culture, as a result of the default, can not find a corresponding relationship between metaphor .3.1.Chinese and Western cultures in the common metaphorMetaphor and culture to a large extent, human beings have a common understanding, rooted in the people's own day-to-day experience. In this connection, often between different ethnic groups are the same. Both English and Chinese language in a lot of abstract thinking that the metaphorical expression is the same. For example: the human child in the period to form a position on the concept of input in that direction in the form of many of them easily understood, including the position expressed by metaphor, which has become a fixed pattern of thinking. For example: The term direction (up, down) to describe people's social status, physical, emotional, and other abstract concepts to the case when the good is up; Sad is down. We Chinese are also not difficult to find a similar sentence: "Gas Prices "," enhance the social status "and" vision "and" depressed. " Since the objective laws of nature with the relative unity of different cultures to understand the nature of the course is similar to the cognitive experience.3.2.the metaphor of the difference between Chinese and Western culturesAs the English-Chinese geographical and cultural differences, living in two different cultures in practice there are a lot of differences, and different life experiences and let people understand the objective world, a different language carries different nationalities Cultural characteristics and cultural information. Understanding of metaphor is not out of socio-cultural backgrounds. For example, social and cultural impact of the color words is deep-rooted, some color words in different cultures in an entirely different meaning, has a distinctive feature of our national culture. Such as: English, said in green "inexperienced" and "shallow knowledge", such as: "a green hand", "I was very green when I started working there." The Chinese like to express the meaning of the word is "yellow" Such as: "Huangmaoyatou" and "flower girl". Cultural background knowledge is the metaphor to create a rich source of thinking, as the Eastern and Western cultures are different, metaphors in English and Chinese applications there are also significant differences.3.3. The metaphor of the cross-cultural differences between Chinese and Western influenceLanguage is a cultural change in the development of the complex, subject to political, economic, historical, environmental and other factors. Chinese and Western styles are different, but in many ways to infiltrate interaction and integration, language differences and cultural metaphor for the inevitable impact is complex and diverse.Ⅳ.1.1.metaphorical expression of cultural conflictDifferent nationalities in the world to observe a different perspective and ideas, different cultures have a lot of conflicts or inconsistency metaphor. Such as the animal metaphors, in English Long (dragon) is a kind of evil, will belch out smoke monster. "Bible", the dragon is the devil, is a symbol of evil and terror, there is a terrible vicious meaning. The Chinese dragon is in power, the auspicious symbol of Chinese traditional culture, the Chinese have "Wangzichenglong", "descendants of the Dragon." "Dragon" give a different connotation.So the same analogy in different cultures have different meaning.1.2.different living conditions caused differences of metaphorIn English is a lot of metaphor and marine-related, such as: all at sea (at a loss what to do); drink like a fish (drinking cow); fish in the air (Shuizhonglaoyue); give up the ship (give up). In Chinese, there are a lot of the horse or cattle pose a metaphor, such as: "a willing ox" (a willing horse) Gan means to serve the community; "old ox" (a working horse) refers to the hard work; "bragging "(Talk horse), and so on. This is due to different geographical location and natural environment caused by different cultural metaphor. Britain is an island, ultimately, dependent on the sea, and China is a large agricultural country, farming culture deeply feudal society.1.3.the metaphor arising from religious and cultural differencesReligious culture of human culture is an important part of it by referring to the nation's religious beliefs, such as the formation of the sense of culture, "the Bible" in the story, with its language and meaning has become a feature of daily life in the West in terms of . For example, power of the keys (the keys to the kingdom of heaven; the rights of the Pope), in the right church, but in the wrong pew (in general is right, but not the details), and so on. Chinese culture and Buddhism, Taoism and more affected by the impact of Confucianism, the Chinese, there are a lot of related argot. "Jiehuaxianfo"; "临时抱佛脚"; "做一天和尚撞一天钟" and so on.Ⅴ. T ranslation of metaphors1.On the standard of translationIn the field of translation, the standard of translation has been a fierce controversy, including Nida‟s formal correspondence vs. Functional Equivalence, Newmark‟s semantictranslation vs. communication translation, literal translation vs. free translation, form vs. content,source-oriented vs. target-oriented, author-centered vs. reader-centered, the purpose of theauthor vs. the purpose of the translation and so on; [12]P5 Therefore, it is impossible to define astandard for the translation of all metaphors. Metaphor reveals the aesthetics of language; what‟smore, it reflects the speaker or writer‟s education, experiences, observation, conception towardsthe world ect., so it is very important to keep the metaphorical meaning and the images by usingany skills of translation, that is, metaphors can be translated in flexible ways to convey theinformation and the effect of the source language.2.Obstacles in the translation of metaphorFor the differences between languages, the obstacles in translation sometimes make it very difficult even impossible to convey the effect of the source metaphor. As Chinese is regardedcontextual language, which always turns to be obstacles on translation into English. Thefollowing cases are among the most她就是这样风里来雨里去。




















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* He passed in the final examination with very low grade.
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(11) Dead Metaphor Dead metaphor refers a metaphor, in which the metaphorical novelty or freshness has faded. * When they reached the foot of the mountain, they found a running rock.
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(10) Orientational metaphor Orientational metaphor is produced by reference of space of direction, it is supposed by some people, largely based on the concept of space. * He is a man of deep insight , sense and thought.
6) Denominative-verb metaphor
When a noun serves as a verb, it becomes a denominative verb, which has two-fold meaning.
In this case, this metaphorical meaning is expressed by the denominal verb, which is known as denominative-verb metaphor. Misfortune dogged him at every corner.
Made by Sara Nicole
Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or expression normally used one kind of object, action,etc. is extended to another.
* He lit a fresh cigar, and said, " Now we have come to some common points.
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Thank you!
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(9)Mixed Metaphor Mixed metaphor is the thoughtless use of more than one metaphor in a context so that incongruous images are brought to mind. It is the junction of two inconsistent metaphors, which can produce a special effect , a very amusing, but illogical imagery. * He was such a marvellous person that whenever he recognized a spark of genius, he'd water it.

Quasi-metaphor refers to the metaphor whose implication is shown by the word formed with some suffixes such as "-ry", '-ly", "-sh", "ic",etc. * The fat man licked his lips. His piggy eyes , as if unbelieving, were focused upon her own.
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3) Adjective metaphor Adjective metaphor refers to the metaphor whose metaphorical meaning is indicated by adjective. * I could hardly put up with his acid remarks. 4) Quasi-metaphor
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(7)Condensed metaphor In a condensed metaphor, the tenor is used to modify the vehicle. * Hurstwood complied and the car shot away, followed by a rattle of stones and a rain of curses. (8) Alphabetic metaphor Alphabetic metaphor refers to a metaphor in which a letter of alphabet serves as vehicle * Long lines of women, bent double like inverted capital Ls, working their way slowing across the fields. T- shirt, V - neck, O-circle, U- magnet
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5) Idiomic or proverbial metaphor Idiomatic or proverbial metaphor refers to a metaphor which contain an idiom or proverb.
* He was almost at the end of his tether when he stumbled on the solution of his difficulty.
Verbal metaphor refers to the metaphor whose metaphorical implication is expressed by verb.
* Her eyes bored into him.
* Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
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1) Nominal metaphor Nominal metaphor refers to the metaphor in which the metaphorical meaning is mainly expressed by noun. * Time is money. 2) Verbal metaphor