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Introduction of multimodal transport management


Multimodal transport is the transport process by two and more means of transportation to join each transit, transshipment and do together.Multimodal transport system is one of these many different elements on the mode of transportation of the large system, it make originally relatively independent organic combination of the transport sector formed interconnected efficient transport system.Multimodal transport system of the overall goal is consistent, the aims of different elements are different, it will inevitably produce some contradictions and conflicts, the need to coordinate with each other between different mode of transportation, system is required.The cohesion of the multimodal transport system is to maximize the overall effectiveness of multimodal transport system as the goal, to effectively mutual coordination between all the elements in the system as the guidance, make the system in a state of harmony development.This is the way to transport a variety of cohesion of operations management.This cohesion includes two meanings: a layer of meaning is mainly manifested in the multimodal transport system internal cohesion, another layer of meaning is mainly manifested in the system with the outside world on the total demand and space cohesion.


For multimodal transport management, our country formulates the rules of international container multimodal transport management.It mentioned the conditions that multimodal transport business enterprises should comply for application, the multimodal transport operator's application for examination and approval, establishment of multimodal transport enterprises shall comply with the provisions, the validity of the license, multimodal transport enterprises set up business branches and demanded an end to the relevant formalities of multimodal transport business enterprise, sino-foreign joint ventures, sino-foreign cooperative enterprises to apply for the relevant provisions of the multimodal transport business, such as the management of the multimodal transport put forward detailed requirements.



With the development of economy, multimodal transport as emerging logistics organization form, has gradually become the mainstream mode of transportation of international trade. Aware of this situation, our country logistics shipping companies have put forward the concept of multimodal transport information, actively build multimodal transport information system. In recent years, the rise of cloud computing technology, multimodal transport management system based on cloud computing is the new concept is gradually used. Cloud computing resources integration to improve equipment computing platform modular design reflects high scalability, virtual resource pool provide flexible services to users, according to the need to pay to reduce the operation cost, etc, is meeting the needs of multimodal transport information system. Information system plays an important role in management, and cloud computing is undoubtedly having a great influence on multimodal transport management.


International trade intelligence model of multimodal transport management


International multimodal transport is the development direction of future "seamless" comprehensive logistics, the role of information technology and intelligent technology will be more and more significant, international multimodal transport network will become the core resources. Multimodal transport in the procurement of raw materials, the production of the goods, the supply of the goods will be more widespread application and development. Policymakers in addition to reduce the cost, the pursuit of quality, and to balance efficiency. These pressures will lead to in the management of international multimodal transport to continuously introduce advanced technology, intelligent management mode will be an important development trend.

The following are existing intelligent models of multimodal transport
