

体验商务英语3第二版Unit3Organization ppt课件

体验商务英语3第二版Unit3Organization  ppt课件

A successful organization
C Which of these statements are true? Correct the false ones.
1 Everyone has their own office. false 2 Liisa Joronen believes cleaners can feel good
2 Which people in your organization have their own office? Do they have their own office because of a) seniority; b) a need for confidentiality; c) the type of work they do?
Reading SOL Cleaning Services provides services throughout A successful Finland and in Estonia, Latvia and Russia. We offer our organization clients a centralized package comprising most
3 Unit
‘How many people work in your office? About half.’
Starting up 1 Would you like to work in the building in the photo below? Explain why or why not.
important. true 6 SOL thinks measuring performance restricts


head office company car graduation ceremony 3 phrases with of
Director of Communications sales of last month 4 compound nouns forming one word
boardroom businessman notebook airshow
Hale Waihona Puke ReadingA successful organization
A Read paragraph 1 of the article and answer these questions.
1 Where is SOL located?
It is in Helsinki, Finland.
2 What is unusual about the company? You feels like you’ve entered a playground; the office explodes with color, creativity and chaos; people are walking round talking on yellow mobile (portable) phones.
3 Unit
‘How many people work in your office? About half.’
Starting up 1 Would you like to work in the building in the photo below? Explain why or why not.

体验商务英语视听说unit3 ppt课件

体验商务英语视听说unit3 ppt课件
investment. c. A share in the ownership of a company.
Build two vocabulary networks around these topics:
1. Currency 2. Shares
The language of graphs
Verbs used in the news: fell; plunged; soared; stabilize, recover
The language of graphs
√ 0181 442 5655, ext 39
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
• “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
Sentence correction.
By how much points did the Dow Jones index fall? ___5__0_8__p_o__in_t_s____________________________
What percentage was this? ___2__0_%___________________________________

商务英语book2 unit 3 the company 马力

商务英语book2 unit 3 the company 马力
prepare a short informal presentation to a partner
… make notes on main points made by partner.
Learning objectives/outcomes:
…e vocabulary appropriate and relevant to thecompany.
Say which adjectives and verbs could come in front of the word company\.
Some information from internetand some from my own knowledge..
The discussion between teacher and students
Review the contents which have learned. Then give them the home work.( 1.Remember the new words and then make one sentence for each new word.)
Review the content with teacher together and then take notes of the homework.
Ss look at the chosen words and match the suitable words with their right definitions
Read these words and use the line to combine to the right definitions
Lesson 1


3 A company which is more than 50% owned by a parent company is called a _____________.
4 The employees in a particular country or business are called the ___________.
Can you explain the these?
- Family-owned - Public limited - Joint venture - Multinational - Parent - Subsidiary - Branch - Holding
Starting up
Company Ltd./Inc./SA/AG
7 The cost of a company’s shares is its ______________.
Describing companies
Vocabulary B Complete the following extract.
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE I am pleased to say the company has continued its excellent performance. We are changing, growing and doing well at a difficult time for the industry. _T__u_r_n_o_v_e_r_ was €57.2 million, an increase of 15% on last year, and _p_r__o_f_it_ rose by 5%, to €6.4 million. We are a highly competitive business. We have increased our _m_a_r__k_e_t__s_h_a_r__e_ to 20%. Consequently our _s_h_a__r_e__p_r_i_c_e_ has risen and is now at an all-time high of €9.6. Increased production and strong demand have had a positive effect on our cash flow, so we are able to finance a number of new projects. We have successfully moved to our new h__e_a_d__o__f_f_ic__e in central London. We are now planning to start full production at the recently opened Spanish _s_u_b__s_id__ia_r__y_ in October. Finally, thanks once again to our loyal and dedicatedw_o_r__k_f_o_r_c_e. Our employees will always be our most valuable asset.

商务英语阅读(下册)(第二版) Unit 3 企业文化

商务英语阅读(下册)(第二版) Unit 3 企业文化
Unit Three
Teaching Objectives
❖ 了解企业文化的内涵 ❖ 了解企业文化对企业的重要性 ❖ 了解如何加强企业文化建设
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱeaching Emphases
❖ corporate culture ❖ bonus ❖ fringe benefits ❖ flextime ❖ telecommuting ❖ casual days ❖ annual report ❖ career paths
❖ Text ❖ Fast Reading I ❖ Fast Reading II
TEXT Uncovering a Company's Corporate Culture---a Critical Task
for Job-Seekers
Pre-reading questions
1. What is corporate culture? 2. Why should job-seekers care about a potential employer's
It is well known that nobody would like to work in a hostile, high-pressure, labor camp with lousy benefits, bitter, talentless managers, and buzzing, green-tinted fluorescent lights. Instead people would like to work in such kind of companies with open, bright corporate culture where they can make their dreams come true, develop their imagination and creativity, eventually they can get valued.

体验商务英语综合教程2 教案

体验商务英语综合教程2 教案

外语系教案第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 1Title: IntroductionsThe tone of a business relationship can be set by an initial introduction. It is important to make a good impression right from the first handshake. When meeting businesspeople for the first time, is it better to be formal or informal? If in doubt, advise students to adopt a more formal approach. Here are some points to remember when making business introductions in English-speaking Western countries:a.Introduce businesspeople in order of professional rank –the person of highestauthority is introduced to others in the group in descending order, depending on their professional position.b.When possible, stand up when introductions are being made.c.If clients are present, they should be introduced first.d.The same and title of the person being introduced is followed by the name and titleof the other person.PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs listen to four businesspeople and match the speakers to their business cards. Vocabulary 1: Job titlesSs list word as job titles or departments. Then Ss talk about their jobs or studies. Vocabulary 2: NationalitiesSs match countries and nationalities.Reading: Describing peopleThis reading section can be completed in two parts. Ss can start preparatory work on the article about Phil Knight, the founder and CEO of Nike, and complete Exercise A. Lesson 2Reading: Describing peopleSs complete more detailed comprehension questions about Phil Knight (Exercise B and C). Language focus 1: to beSs are introduced to positive and negative forms of the verb to be.Language focus 2: a/an with jobs; wh- questionsSs look at the use of a/an before vowels and consonants and are introduced to what, who and where question words.Lesson 3Listening: Talking about yourselfSs listen to three people talking about their jobs.Skills: Introducing yourself and othersSs listen to three conversations where people introduce themselves and others. They then practice introductions.Lesson 4Case study: Aloha in HawaiiSs find out information about people at a conference.WritingSs write an e-mail about two people from the conference.第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 2Title:Work and leisureIt has never been easy to balance work and leisure. During the late twentieth century the concept of a job for life was largely replaced by the short-term contracts favored by the enterprise culture. Some found themselves with too much free time n their hands when company restructures led to redundancies. Others saw leisure time shrink and working hours increase in exchange for greater financial rewards. The British TUC estimates that, despite European Union legislation, 4 million people in the UK work more than 48 hours per week and 1 in 25 work over 60 hours. It is thought that managers and professional staff work the longest hours.PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs listen to four people talking about what they want from work and make word partnerships.Vocabulary 1: Days, months, datesSs practice days, months and dates and use the prepositions in, at and on with time phrases.Lesson 2Reading: Describing your routineSs read an article about the working day of Michael Dell, Chairman of Dell computers. Language focus 1: Present simpleSs look at the present simple to talk about habits and work routines.Vocabulary 2: Leisure activitiesSs use leisure activities, verbs and time phrases to talk about leisure time.Lesson 3Language focus 2: Adverbs and expressions of frequencySs complete exercises using adverbs and expressions of frequency and listen to three people talking about their typical day.Skills: Talking about work and leisureSs match questions and answers about work and leisure and then listen to a conversation about what Tim does at the weekend. Afterwards they talk about their own work and leisure activities.Lesson 4Case study: Independent Film CompanySs role play an interview between Human Resources and unhappy employees of a film company.WritingSs use the information from the case study to list the working conditions they want to change.第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 3Title:ProblemsProblems are a fact of life. So problem-solving is an essential life skill both at home and in the office. Many pressurized managers in the modern business world may benefit from training in conflict resolution to resolve disagreements. It is wise to deal with sensitive matters face-to-face. Irate e-mails and memos often contain sentiments we would modify if speaking to the person directly. Social psychologist Albert Merabian says that words account for seven percent of communication, tone 38 percent and body language 55 percent. These elements are particularly useful in understanding and resolving potential conflict situation but can be lost in cyber communication. PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs match sentences and problems and listen to five phone calls to identify the product and the problem.Vocabulary: AdjectivesSs look at the adjectives and their opposites and use too and enough.Lesson 2Reading: Dealing with problems at workFour people answer the question: ‘What are the biggest problems facing your company?’Language focus 1: Present simple: negatives and questionsSs match questions and answers, make negative sentences and practice the question forms in a role play.Lesson 3Language focus 2: have gotSs look at the use of have got, haven’t got and Have you got? To talk about possession. Skills: Telephoning: solving problemsSs listen to four phone calls where people talk about problems. Then they role play a phone conversation talking about problems with a product.Lesson 4Case study: Blue HorizonGuests of a holiday company compare their holiday apartments with the holiday brochure and complain to a representative of the company.WritingSs listen to a voice mail and write a telephone message for the manager of Blue Horizon. 第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 4Title:TravelAround 1400 BC Polynesians paddled across the open ocean in canoes, serching for new trading partners, and the age of business travel began. The modern businessperson is more likely to choose flying as the quickest way of getting from A to B. Although safer than canoe, this can still pose hazards. Frequent fliers are likely to encounter a number of hurdles that can lead to increased stress levels. First, you have to acturally get on the plane. Most airlines overbook to minimise seat wastage and no-shows. This means that if all the passengers who actually booked seats turn up, there could be a shortage of place. If there are not enough volunteers to give up their seats, then you may find yourself bumped – denied boarding and put on a later flight.PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs talk about things they like and don't like when travelling on business. Vocabulary: Travel detailsSs practise the alphabet and numbers 1-100 and match verbs and travel phrases. Listening: Listening for informationSs listen and answer questions about travel information.Lesson 2Language focus 1: can/ can’tSs put a dialogue into the correct order and then listen to check. Then Ss role play a conversation using can/ can’t.Reading: Business hotelsSs read about facilities in The Tower Hotel.Lesson 3Language focus 2: there is/ there areSs complete sentences using ther is/ there are and carry out a role play about a new job abroad.Skills: Making bookings and checking arrangmentsSs listen and answer questions about booking a hotel room before role playing a similar situation.Lesson 4Case study: Pacific HotelA hotel manager and assistant manager allocate rooms to twelve guests at a small hotel. WritingSs write a fax to one of the guests confirming arrangements.第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 5Title:Food and entertainmentFood can communicate complex messages about status, nationally and identity. The fashion for eating out in restaurant was adopted by the upper classes during the French revolution. Most English words relating to eating out are adopted from the French (hotel, café, menu, chef, etc.) including restaurant, which was originally from the French verb meaning ‘to store’. Later, the migrations of the twentieth century proved fertile ground for mingling cuisines and a knowledge of the vast variety on offer is viewed as a mark of modern cosmopolitan taste.PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs talk about the kind of food they like and match dishes and countries. Vocabulary: Eating outSs look at food groups and different parts of a menu.Reading: TippingThis reading section can be completed in two parts. Ss match jobs with places where people work. Then Ss talk about what services they tip before completing a table about which countries tip most often (Exercises A-C).Lesson 2Reading: TippingSs read an article about factors that encourage people to tip and answer comprehension questions (Exercises D-E).Language focus 1: some/anySs correct mistakes using some and any and underline the correct words in a dialogue. Listening: Ordering a mealSs listen to what a man and a woman order in a restaurant.Lesson 3Language focus 2: Countable and uncountable nounsSs identify countable nouns and complete exercises using a lot of, many or much. Skills: EntertainingSs look at language for entertaining visitors in a restaurant and listen and respond to a waiter’s questions.Lesson 4Case study: Which restaurant?Three colleagues decide which restaurants to choose to entertain three important customers.WritingSs write an e-mail inviting a customer to dinner and giving details about the restaurant. 第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 6Title:SalesThings have come a long way since the days when peddlers went from door to door selling wares from a pack. Now advertisements pop up as text messages. Goods can be ordered by mall order. We can compare prices, get quotes, check if an item is in stock and place an order without moving away from our computer screen. In some ways the methods o buying and selling have undergone a revolution and in others little has changed since the early 1900s when keywords in sales were service and relationships. A modern sales force uses a mixture of tried and tested techniques and new technology to increase sales. The foundation of modern sales techniques was developed in the 1950s and includes gaining the client’s interest, building desire by showing product features or giving samples, increasing conviction by comparing the product with competitors or using statistics to highlight benefits and, finally, closing the deal.PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs listen to three people talk about where and when they buy products. Vocabulary 1: Buying and sellingSs complete a sales leaflet for a computer company and listen to a conversation between a buyer and seller.Lesson 2Reading: Thirsty for success?Ss read a job advertisement for a sales representative in a soft drinks company. Language focus 1: Past simpleSs complete a sales report using the past simple.Vocabulary 2: Buying and sellingSs complete a leaflet for a car hire company.Lesson 3Listening: SellingKevin Warren, the Vice President, Sales and Marketing, of Coca-Cola Enterprises, gives some advice to salespeople.Language focus 2: Past time referencesSs are introduced to expressions that refer to the past, such as ago, last (week), for, on, from… to, in and during.Skills: Presenting a productSs listen to a salesperson presenting a product at a trade fair. Then they role play being the buyer and seller at a trade fair.Lesson 4Case study: Link-up LtdA company sells mobile phones and service packages. Ss role play being salespeople and customers.WritingSs write an e-mail to a colleague about what phone and service package a customer wants, using information from the case study.第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 7Title:PeopleWhat charactreristics can help people to succeed in business and in life? A positive attitude, intelligence, perserverance and self discipline all help. Are the personality traits that contribute to success or failiure genetic? Or do we learn these characeristics are we grow up? Experts still disagree as to whether nature or nurture is more important.Can personality and intelligence be measured? IQ and psychometric tests remain popular, and the latter are still used by many companies as part of the selection process. However, in recent years the idea that only one type of intelligence exists has been criticised. Howard Gardner developed the theory of multiple intelligence. This said that people have a number of different types of intelligence that they possess to varying degrees. These are linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatical, body-kinesthetic, intrapersonal(e.g. insight) and interpersonal (e.g. social skills and the ability to understand and motivate other people).PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs answer a questionnaire about what sort of person they are.Vocabulary: Describing peopleSs look at the adjectives to describe people’s personalities.Listening: A difficult colleagueA property developer talks about a colleague who left the company.Lesson 2Language focus 1: Past simple: negatives and questionsSs focus on past simple negatives and questions and write questions using Why, How long, What, When and Where.Reading: Stella McCartneySs read an article about the fashion designer Stella McCartney. Ss then match verbs and nouns to make word partnerships.Lesson 3Language focus 2: Questions formsSs look at yes/no questions and open questions. They complete a questionnaire and then listen to check answers.Skills: Negotiating: dealing with problemsSs listen to a conversation about problems of understafing in a company. Then they role paly a conversation negotiating a new company car.Lesson 4Case study: A people problemA US food coompany has problems with a business manager.WritingSs write a memo aobut their meeting.第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 8Title:MarketsIf a company wants to sell a product or service successfully, it ust identify the target market. There are many different types of market to choose from. The mass market aims to sell to as many people as possible, crossing age and income groups. In contrast, a niche market focuses on a narrowly defined group fo customers. It often caters to a need that has been overlooked by those suppliers who cater to markets which deal in more mainstream products or sevices. Focussing on niche markets can be cost effective as marketing campaigns can sim budgets directly at potential customers, for example through advertising on local radil or in magazines targeting special interst gorups. PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs ask and answer questions about a populatioin pie chart.Vocabulary: Types of marketSs listen and repeat large numbers and look at adjectives to describe markets.Lesson 2Reading: The car market in ChinaSs answer quesitons and search for large numbers in an article aobut the Chiese car market.Language focus 1: Comparatives and superlativesSs practice comparative and superlative forms of adjectives..Lesson 3Listening: Doing business in RussiaSs listen to three parts of a presentation about doing business in Russia.Language focus 2: much/ a lot, a little/ a bitSs use the language to compare cars and pool talbes and use a bar chart to talk about sales in Russia and Poland.Skills: Telephoning: solving problemsSs listen to three marketing executives talking about a new snack bar and then role play taking part in a marketing meeting.Lesson 4Case study: Cara CosmeticsA body care company is launching a new shampoo. Ss siscuss the name , size and price of the product, main outlet and income group of the target market.WritingSs write a short description of the new shampoo for Cara Cosmetics catalogue.第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 9Title:CompaniesA company is an organisation that produces goods or services to make a profit. There ar e many different types.A small business might become a medium or large business. If a company sells directly to the public, it is a retil business. A wholesale business sells goods in bulk to other companies. Some companies have Ltd in their name. This stands for limited company. Here, shareholders only lose what they invested if the company goes bankrupt. A company with PLC after its name is a Public limited company – its shares can be freely bought and sold. In contrast a Private limited company only passes shares to another person if other shareholders agree. A conglomerate consists of several companies that have joined together. A multinational or transnational company has global operations in many different countries.PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs do a companies quiz and then talk about famous companies from their country. Listening: The Mini rangeSs listen to the Corporate Communications Managers for the Mini range of cars at BMW. Language focus 1: Present continuousSs look at the present continuous for temporary ations and things that are happening now.Lesson 2Vocabulary: Describing companiesSs complete exercises to describe two companies and then complete a company profile. Reading: LVMHSs read about LVMH, the luxury goods manufacturer.Lesson 3Language focus 2: Present simple or present continuousThe tenses are compared and contrasted. Ss then do exercises to find the correct tense before carrying out a role play showing someone around a company.Skills: Starting a presentationSs listen to the start of a presentation and use notes to introduce their own presentation.Lesson 4Case study: You and your companySs role play introducing themselves and their company at a training course on giving presentations.WritingSs write a short profile about their company from the information in the case study.第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 10Title:The WebNow that the Internet has arrived, it is difficult to imagine how we lived without it; it is has revolutionised communications. Changes are taking place at an incredible speed. Hardware is becoming more compact, faster and more affordable, allowing more individuals and companies to utilise the Net. In the past, research took longer, important documents got lost in the post and information could be difficult to find. Unfortunately this revolution has brought with it a new set of problems. Research is certainly quicker but connections can be slow, making it difficult to access the websites that you need. Documents can still get lost, but now they float around cyberspace. Spam can be a problem when you e-mail account becomes overloaded with advertising that you don't want. But more sinister are the various computer viruses which can make your computer crash. And not all countries have equal access to the advantages of new technology. PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs listen to people talking about what they use the Internet for and then talk about their own Internet use.Vocabulary: Internet termsSs read advice about using the Internet and match Internet terms with their definitions.Listening: Website designA website designer talks about his job.Lesson 2Language focus 1: Talking about future plansSs look at the use of the present continuous for future use and going to for future plans. Reading: E-commerceSs look at an article about making money form the internet.Vocabulary 2: Time ecpressionsSs complete future time expressions such as by net year, in two week s’ time, tomorrow evening, in the near future.Lesson 3Language focus 2: willSs use will to complete exercises about future events and predictions. Then they role play a meeting to talk about the launch of a new website.Skills: Making arrangemensSs listen to four people making and changing arrangements by phone and role play similar situations.Lesson 4Case study: Isis Books plcThe marketing director and two sales representatives of an Internet business book company plan a sales trip to Poland and Russia.WritingSs write an e-mail to customers to confirm the date and time of the appointment arranged in the case study..第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 11Title:CulturesCompanies which deal in the global marketplace need to be able to adapt to different business cultures. It is easier to make a good impression in our own culture than in another, where our knowledge of the language and rules of behavior may be limited. Knowledge of the protocol and etiquette in the countries we do business with is essential. Protocol is adhering to the correct procedures and conduct in formal situations. This involves knowing the acceptable way to behave and includes formalities of rank, which denotes the level of a person’s position in an organisation. Etiquette focusses on communicating in a respectful and polite way in accordance with the good manners and accepted norms of the culture.PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs look at tips for visiting another country or doing business there.Vocabulary: Company culturesSs complete sentences about different company cultures.Listening: Cultural mistakesSs listen to three people talk about cultural mistakes they have made.Lesson 2Language focus 1: should/ shouldn'tSs use should and shouldn't to give advice and make suggestions.Reading: Fast food in JapanAn American sandwich chain has problems with their Japanese franchise. Ss are introduced to phrasal verbs.Lesson 3Language focus 2: could/ wouldSs look at could and would to make requests and offers.Skills: Identifying problems and agreeing actionSs listen to a human resources manager talking to the general manager of a company about problems with an employee. The Ss role play a similar problem.Lesson 4Case study: A change of cultureA general manager of an overseas bank encounters problems from the staff when she wants to introduce new ideas.WritingSs write action minutes for the meeting they had in the case study.第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 12Title:JobsThere are valuable skills that make job seekers attractive to employers:Technical skills – which include the specialist knowledge that will help them do the job. Personal skills –personality, attitude, personal work habits and style. (Can they work under pressure? Can they work as a part of a team as well as unsupervised?). Transferable skills – the basic skills learnt through everyday situations or previous work experience that can be usefully applied to a new position.PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs discuss which jobs should get the highest salary and what aspects they would like or not like in a job.Vocabulary: Skills and abilitiesSs use verbs to complete a job advertisement.Language focus 1: Present perfectSs look at the use of the present perfect to talk about actions that continue from the past to the present.Lesson 2Reading : A curriculum vitaeSs put headings in the correct place and answer questions about a curriculum vitae.Lesson 3Language focus 2: Past simple and present perfectThe tense are compared and contrasted. Ss complete a text using the correct form of the verb and look at time expressions that go with each tense.Skills: Interview skillsSs look at interview tips, listen to an interview and role play an interview situation.Lesson 4Case study: High Profile Inc.The marketing director and the human resources director of a sports agency interview candidates for a job.WritingSs write a letter to the successful candidate from the case study interview.第次课学时:授课时间:第周Book IIContext: Unit 1Title:CareersReports of the death of the traditional career have been greatly exaggerated. Despite the growth of outsourcing (buying in services that were previously performed by a company’s employees from outside the organisation) and teleworking by freelancers working from home communicating via the Internet, most professional people still go to what is recognisably a job in a building that is recognisably an office. The average tenure, the length of time that people spend in a particular job, has remained unchanged (at about seven years) for two decades.PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs talk about their level of ambition and say what makes for a successful career. Vocabulary: Career movesSs look at typical word combinations and verbs used with career.Listening : Human resources and recruitmentSs listen to a public relations professional who advises companies on human resources and recuitment.Lesson 2Reading: Female train driversSs read an article about the recruitment of female underground train drivers in London.Language review: Modals 1Ss look at modals used for ability, requests and offers (can, could and would) and do exercises based around a job interview.Lesson 3Skills: Telephoning: making contactSs listen to some calls and learn how to get through to who they want to speak to, leave messages, etc.Lesson 4Case study: Blue HorizonSs choose the right candidate for an internal promotion within an international training company.第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 2Title:Selling onlineThe world of e-commerce moves fast. The dotcom frenzy of the late 1990s, with companies raising vast amounts of money from investors, for example just to sell dog food over the Internet, came and went, and some organisations removed the dotcom suffix from their names, so much did it become a synonym for failure. E-commerce courses in business schools are no longer oversubsribed and no longer preaching that ‘everything has changed’. Companies look more at how e-commerce can be used in conjunction with other methods of selling: in retailing this means clicks and mortar, combining traditional retail outlets with online operations, ratther than investing in a whole new expensive infrastructure.PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs talk about traditional shopping versus buying online and goods typically bought online Vocabulary: Shopping onlineSs work on words related to buying and selling.Listening: Selling onlineSs listen to the founder of the British operation of Amazon talk about how to succeed in online selling.Lesson 2Reading: Virtual pocket moneyTeenagers buy a lot online. The article looks at payment methods they can use to do this. Language review: Modals 2Ss apply modals for obligation, necessity and prohibition (must, need to, have to and should) in the context of rules for an online book club and in an interview.Lesson 3Skills: Negotiation: reaching agreementSs discuss tips for successful negotiating, listen to a negotiation and then role play one themselves.Lesson 4Case study: Blue HorizonA traditional package holiday company wants to team up with an online business. Ss role play negotiations between the two companies.第次课学时:授课时间:第周Context: Unit 3Title:CompaniesMultinationals are the most visible of companies. Their local subsidiaries give them sometimes global reach, even if their corporate culture, the way they do things, depends largely on their country of origin. But the tissue of most national economies is made up of much smaller organisations. Many countries owe much of their prosperity to SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprise) with tens or hundreds of employees, rather than the tens of thousands employed by large corporations. Small businesses with just a few employees are also important. Many governments hope that the small businesses of today will become the multinationals of tomorrow, but many owners of small companies chose to work that way because they find it more congenial and do not want to expand. PROCEDURESLesson 1Starting upSs talk about the types of company they would most like to work for and the business sector they work in now.Vocabulary: Company vocabularySs look at vocabulary used to describe companies and that used in company reports to describe performance.Listening: Reasons for successSs listen to the sales manager of a UK motocycle manufacturer talk about the factors that make his company successful.Lesson 2。

实用商务英语听说第二册Unit 3 Business communication

实用商务英语听说第二册Unit 3 Business communication
way ) • 7. backhanded compliment (make ironical remarks) • 8. butterfingers (A person who tends to drop things. )
• Task Two • 1. List some useful tips when you make written
To practice listening for specific information about business communication;
To practice listening for general ideas.
Word Bank
twiddle v. 玩弄; jerk 捻弄
• 2. Amy is worried about the meeting because the results of the meeting are not satisfying. (False)
• 4. Mr. Drummond values employees’ performance in their work. (True)
communication and oral communication.
• Reference for the teacher: • Open-ended. • 2. Business Communication is the type of
communication used in order to: promote an organization, service, and product; and to impart information towards employees. Here are some of the communicatio精n品s文档used in



体验商务英语综合教程3 第二版双语对照版Unit1 Made in Europe 欧洲制造Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already manufacturing in Asia or 5 thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, is a classic example. Over the past five years, it has lifted all its gross margins by manufacturing solely in low-cost markets. In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products.除了顶级奢侈品牌外几乎所有的时尚品牌都已经在亚洲生产,或者正在考虑这么做。




Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements. In 2000 it decided to renew Sanyo's Japanese licence for ten years. This means that almost half of Burberry's sales at retail value will continue to be produced under license in Asia. At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the group's European-made products.巴宝莉(Burberry)在亚洲持有许多许可授权安排。



Think Before You Write
Effective written business communication should be structured, precise, and strategically written. Make sure to plan and outline before writing a document.
Why Business English Matters
Global Communication
In today's world, doing business requires the ability to communicate with people from different cultures. Mastery of Business English provides a competitive edge.
Use Strong and Clear Headings
Effective written communication should be straightforward and easily digestible. Using strong headings will give essential information at a glance.
Confidence in communication drastically improves when using the right words in the right situations. Confidence wins trust, which leads to a better business life.
Career Advancement


Vocabulary Language points Oral English practice Topics about advertising Language points in the passage Step 1: Warming up Step 2: Vocabulary Step 3: Text Understanding Step 4: Intensive Reading Step 5: Debate & Exercises
Unit 3 Advertising
Passage A: The Victim
April, 2012
Teaching Plan
Teaching aims:
• •
• • • • • • • • • •
To develop the students’ reading and speaking abilities. To talk about the advantages and disadvantages of advertising
Big influence
Step 3 : Text Understanding
Periods Attitude towards Clothing Clothing begins to define a person less and less. It shows one’s personality. It reflects and not defines a person. Influence of advertising My experience
Step 3 : Text Understanding
Periods In my childhood In middle school Fra bibliotekn college



体验商务英语综合教程3 第二版重点词汇Unit1P6 AValue for money 花钱值得luxurious 奢侈的,豪华的timeless 不受时间影响的Well-made 做工考究的top of the range 高端的durable 耐用的inexpensive 便宜的cool 酷的Reliable 可靠的stylish 流行的(有型个性)fashionable时髦的(潮流时尚)Well-designed 精心设计的P7 ABrand loyalty 品牌忠诚度 the tendency to always buy a particular brand brand image 品牌形象 the ideas and beliefs people have about a brand brand stretching 品牌扩张 using an existing name on another type of product brand awareness 品牌意识 how familiar people are with a brandbrand name 品牌名字 the name given to a product by the company that makes itproduct launch 产品发布 the introduction of a product to the market product lifecycle 产品生命周期 the length of time people continue to buy a productproduct range 产品范围 the set of products made by a companyproduct placement 植入式广告 when products are used in films or TV programmes product endorsement 产品代言 the use of a well-known person to advertise productsBrand positioning 品牌定位P8Gross margins 毛利润Manufacturing 制造业Solely 唯一的Low-cost market 低成本市场Outsources 外包Licensing arrangement 特许授权Flagship store 旗舰店Offshore 离境;海外Country of origin 原产地Identify the marker 确定产品来源或制造者Simplify product handing 简化产品,操作和追踪Organize accounting 帮助组织进存货和做会计记录Offer legal protection 提供法律保护Unit2P14 B1 not enough leg .....room....... 没有足够的伸腿空间2 lost or delayed ......luggage......... 遗失或延迟行李3 long .......queues...... at check-in 签入时的长队列4 poor quality ........food......... and drink 质量差的食品和饮料5 no baggage ........trolleys...... available 没有可用的行李手推车6 overbooking of ........seats........ 超额预订座位7 flight delays and .......cancellations........ 航班延误和取消8 ....jet.....- lag 时差(飞机时差反应)P15 A1 subway h) underground 地铁2 city centre k)downtown 市中心区3 carry-on baggage i) hand luggage 手提行李4 one way f)single 单程票5 return j) round trip 往返旅行6 freeway a)motorway 高速公路,快车道7 rest room c) public toilet 公共厕所8 elevator b)lift 电梯,升降机9 coach class e) economy class 经济舱10 timetable d) schedule 时刻表11 car park g) parking lot 停车场 BEReading1 mass market 大众市场 niche market 缝隙市场/利基市场2 a steep climb 急剧攀升3 stem from 来自,起源于(因为)4 mass unrest 大规模骚乱5 mid-flight 飞行途中6 be at fault 对某事负责7 cabin ventilation 客舱通风设备8 optimum 最适宜的 9 aviation fuel 航空燃料10 be in the front line 奋战在第一线的人11 stiffer penalty 更严厉的惩罚12 concession 让步P19 skillsExtension 分机Be engaged 太忙而不能接电话,繁忙/电话占线UNIT3P22A reserved parking space 专用车位Flying business class 商务舱Have fixed working hours 有固定的工作时间P23Subsidiary子公司Head office 总公司Call centre 呼叫中心Distribution centre 分配中心Warehouse仓库Branches/outlets分店分销店Bureaucratic 官僚主义的Bureaucracy 官僚主义Centralised 中央集权的Conservative 保守的Decentralised 权力下放Democratic民主的Hierarchical 等级制度的Hierarchic 等级制度Impersonal 没有人情味的Marketing-driven 以市场为导向Progressive 进步的革新的P24Cutting-edge 尖端的前沿的Key ingredients 关键要素Budget report 预算报告Eliminated all perks and status symbol 取消特权和身份符号Rigorous exam 严格的考试Time management时间管理,budgeting,people skill 人际交往Decentralising responsibility and authority 下方责任和权利Autonomy 自主性Accountability 责任感Performance benchmarks 评判的标准Rate=evaluateP25Measuring performance业绩测定Benchmarks 基准merge 兼并Unit4P31Bottom line 底线Reinvent 改造Discount store 折扣商店Speciality retailers 专门零售商Discounter 折扣Floor space 房屋面积,建坪Vendor 小贩Booth 售货棚,临时货摊Seducing 吸引Merchandise 商品;货物;Upgraded 升级Fitting room 试衣间Lounge area 休息区Computer kiosk 公用电脑亭Shopping carts 手推车Wholesalers 批发商Retailers 零售商Kiosk 小卖部P33 ADownsize 缩小Downgrade 降级Decentralise 权力下放Deregulate 解除管制;解除控制;Upgrade 提升Reorganise 重组Retrain 重新教育,再教育;Redevelop 重建,重新开发;Relaunch 重启relocate 迁移;重新安置;Restructure 重建;调整;重组;B1.It is now so expensive to rent offices in the city center that many companies are relocating to the suburbs.2.The company has recently had to downsize its workforce. Reducing the number of employees is the best way to stay profitable in the current economic climate.3.Excellent customer service is vital to keep up with the competition. The company has introduced new working practices and is retraining all part-time staff.4.The seating plan in our office has been reorganized to accommodate new staff.5. Our product hasn’t been selling well recently. The marketing team has decided to relaunch the product with a more up-to-date image.6. The company has noticed that too many decisions are made at head office. It is decentralizing the decision-making process so that branch managers are more involved at an earlier stage.7. The company has finalized the plans to redevelop the disused car park site. It is going to become a model in three-storey office block.8. The most successful change in Our company was the decision to restructure the company hierarchy. Now there is more opportunity for promotion.P35Open-plan-office 开放式办公室Hot-desking 办公桌轮用制Unit5毛利润Gross margin:diference between the selling price of a product and the cost of producting it经济衰退 recession: a period of time when business activity decreases because the economy is doing badly股份 shares: equal parts into which the capital or ownership of a company is divided欠款debt: money owed by one person or organisation to another person or organisation .股票市场 stock market: a place where company shares are bought and sold .投资 investment: money which people or organisations put into o business to make a profits每股收益 earings per share are a company's profits divided by the number of its shares预测 A forecast is a discription of what is likely to happen in the future . 破产 bankruptcy is when a person or organisation is unable to pay their debts 利息 A dividend is a part of the profits of a company paid to the owner of shares 税前利润 Pre-tax profits are the money a business makes before payment to the goverment收入 Revenues are money which businesses receive selling goods and servicesIn our home markets it has been another excellent year. forecast for Pre-tax profits are up by £ 23 million, and the ____forecast_______ _____________ the next quarter is equally good. Profits from abroad are down because of a _____recession_______ recession in Japan. However, our performance overall has been good, and the __earnings per share__ have dividend will be increased to 4.3p increased to 26.4p and the _____dividend______ per share, which will pleaseour shareholders. We plan to issue new ___shares______ in order to finance expansion in Asia. We also plan to increase our __investment__ in plant and equipment before entering the Chinese market. We are particularly pleased with our performance in France and Germany where ___profits_______ have increased. As a result of using a new distributor, our costs fell, giving us a ________ gross margin_______ of 40 percent on our main product line. We will use any extra cash debt to reduce the level of our _debt______. Our performance in Italy should improve significantly following the _______ bankruptcy_____ of our biggest competitor. However, we should not become too satisfied with our share price as economic __revenues__ will continue to conditions remain uncertain and the __revenues_________ reflect this. Share prices will not rise in the short term.Unit8These days many applicants submit their(1)CV/resume speculatively to companies they would like to work for. In other words, they do not apply for an advertised job but hope the employer will be interested enough to keep their CV on file and contact them when they have a vacancy. When replying to an advertisement, candidates often fill in a/an (2)application form and write a/an (3)covering letter. The employer will then invite the best candidates to attend a/an(4)interview. Sometimes candidates will take a/an(5)psychometric test before the interview to assess their mental ability and reasoning skills. These days it is normal for successful candidates to have to work a/an(6)probationary period in a company. This is usually three or six month; after that they are offered a permanent post.Unit9书78页Barriers障碍 open borders开方便接 free port 自由港Developing industries 新兴行业 dumping 倾销 tariffs 关税Strategic industries 战略性行业 restrictions 限制Quotas 定额 laisser-faire 自由放任 liberalise 使自由Customs 海关 deregulation 解除管制 subsidise 补贴Regulations 监管市场 government intervention 政府干预。

体验商务英语第二册Unit 3 Companies

体验商务英语第二册Unit 3 Companies

Vocabulary B Complete the following extract. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE I am pleased to say the company has continued its excellent performance. We are changing, growing and doing well at a difficult time for the industry. __________ was €57.2 million, an Turnover profit increase of 15% on last year, and _______ rose by 5%, to €6.4 million. We are a highly competitive business. We have increased our market share _______________ to 20%. Consequently our _____________ share price has risen and is now at an all-time high of €9.6. Increased production and strong demand have had a positive effect on our cash flow, so we are able to finance a number of new projects. We have successfully moved to our new ____________ head office in central London. We are now planning to start subsidiary full production at the recently opened Spanish ____________ in October. Finally, thanks once again to our loyal and dedicatedworkforce _________. Our employees will always be our most valuable asset.



Nature of new sales position
•Only a few contracts with senior managers at client companies •Developing sales and increasing numbers of customers •Managing sales team-more motivated, dynamic, effective 3
Fast-Track Inc. Training videos and management training courses Boston, US, with a subsidiary in Warsaw, Poland Poor (30% below target) because •Sales reps not motivated •High staff turnover •Previous manager-no clear strategy
Case study
Fast-Track Inc., based in Boston, US, sells corporate training videos and management training courses. Fast-Track is looking for a new Sales Manager for its subsidiary in Warsaw, Poland. Fast-Track advertised the vacancy only inside the company as it believes in offering career opportunities to its staff. The subsidiary’s recent sales results were poor. Sales revenue was 30% below target. The reasons are:


services related to business and public premises. Cleaning services is the basis of our service contract, but it can easily be linked to other services. These include facility services (including reception, mail and messenger services) as well as security services, meeting and conference services, the maintenance of vending machines, replacement of carpets, washroom hygiene services, green area services and versatile local laundry services for companies and their employees. Our clients comprise companies and institutions from all business and public sectors: the food and pharmaceutical industries, hospitals, the retail sector, energy industry, schools, hotel and catering business, the metal industry and transportation.
6 The Board of Directors have fixed the Annual General Meeting for Tuesday the second. head office
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A Which of these companies would you like to work
for? Why?
Starting up
Family business
lawyer consultant writer
1 The amount of money a company receives from sales in a particular period is called its _t_u_r_n_o_v_e_r_.
2 The money a company makes after taking away its costs is its _________.
Can you explain the these?
- Family-owned - Public limited - Joint venture - MultinationaБайду номын сангаас - Parent - Subsidiary - Branch - Holding
Starting up
Company Ltd./Inc./SA/AG
3 A company which is more than 50% owned by a parent company is called a _____________.
4 The employees in a particular country or business are called the ___________.
Starting up
Do you know these companies and their lines of business?
share price workforce profit subsidiary market share head office
Describing companies
5 The percentage of sales a company has in a particular market is its _______________.
6 The main building or location of a large organization is its ______________.
7 The cost of a company’s shares is its ______________.
Describing companies
Vocabulary B Complete the following extract.
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE I am pleased to say the company has continued its excellent performance. We are changing, growing and doing well at a difficult time for the industry. _T__u_r_n_o_v_e_r_ was €57.2 million, an increase of 15% on last year, and _p_r__o_f_it_ rose by 5%, to €6.4 million. We are a highly competitive business. We have increased our _m_a_r__k_e_t__s_h_a_r__e_ to 20%. Consequently our _s_h_a__r_e__p_r_i_c_e_ has risen and is now at an all-time high of €9.6. Increased production and strong demand have had a positive effect on our cash flow, so we are able to finance a number of new projects. We have successfully moved to our new h__e_a_d__o__f_f_ic__e in central London. We are now planning to start full production at the recently opened Spanish _s_u_b__s_id__ia__r_y_ in October. Finally, thanks once again to our loyal and dedicatedw_o_r__k_f_o_r_c_e. Our employees will always be our most valuable asset.
Unit 3 Companies
‘Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.’
-Chinese proverb
‘Rome was not built in a day.’
‘Companies go from doing poorly to doing well or small companies grow to large companies.’
Finance: Cash flow; investment in R & D; business expansion (new head office, subsidiary)
Describing companies
What information is important when describing companies?
Business performance: Turnover/sales; profit
Competitiveness: Market share; share price