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News Item 1:

1. Gen eral comprehe nsion, choose the best an swer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the followi ng stateme nts

⑴ David Jacobse n was ___ b ___ . _

a. US colonel stationed in West Germany

b. a freed America n hostage

c. one of the rema ining captives in Leba non

d. the man who worked to gain the release of hostages in Leba non

⑵ Terry Waite wan ted _ c _____ . _

a. to criticize the US government's handling of the hostage situation

b. to have his checkups at the air force hospital

c. to continue with his efforts to gain the release of other hostages

d. to show his tha nks to the Reaga n adm ini strati on

(3) The doctor's in itial impressi on is that _d . _

a. the hostage has heart-break ing disappo in tme nts

b. the hostage has n't dealt well with the stresses of his captivity


c. the hostage is very tired both physically and men tally

d. the hostage is physically in very good con diti on

2. Identification. Match each item in Column I with one item in Column II by recog nizing the pers on's occupati on or remarks

Colu mn I

(4) Preside nt Reaga n

(1) Charles Moffitt

Colum n II

a. "There's no way to tell right

⑶ Terry Waite that."

(2) David Jacobse n

now. We've bee n work ing on

⑶ Terry Waite that."

c. colon el, hospital director

of other captives in Leba non An swer: (1) c;⑵ d;⑶ b;⑷ a.

News Item 2:

1. Gen eral Comprehe nsion. Choose the best an swer (a, b, c, or d) to complete the followi ng stateme nt.

Mr. Reaga n was in Las Vegas ___ b ___ ._

a. compla ining about Jim Santini

* b. campaig ning for Republica n can didate Jim San ti ni

c. accompa nying Republica n can didate Jim San ti ni

d. campaig ning for Democrat Harry Reed

2. Focusing on Details. Fill in the detailed information accord ing to what you have heard.

running behind

Democrat, Harry Reed.

News Item 3:

1. Gen eral Comprehe nsion. Choose the best an swer (a, b, c or d) to complete the follow ing stateme nt

In Mozambique today Chissa no __ d _____ . _

a. died in a pla ne crash

b. an An glica n Church envoy

d. appealed today for the release

... Jim San ti ni, who is
