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主语从句(谓语之前)This is what he told me last night.

表语从句(系动词之后)What he said is true.

宾语从句(实意动词之后)Tell me what he said at the meeting.

同位语从句名词之后,与名词是等同关系)The news that he will come makes

me happy.(解释the news)

定语从句(修饰名词或代词)The news that he tole me is true


1.)时间.....I stayed home while ha was away.(说明呆家的时间)

2.)地点....You should put the book where it was.(说明放的位置)

3. 原因....He didn’t come because he was ill.(说明没来的原因)

4.)结果...He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch cup him(他跑得快


5.) 目的...We left early so that we could catch the first train.(说明


6.) 条件...I will not lend the book to you unless you return it in


7.)让步...(Although he may have told you, I still think she is not

to be trusted.(说明就算退一步讲,我也不信任她)

8.)方式...You should do as I tell you.(说明你要做的方式)

9.)比较...The room is bigger than that one.(形容/副词的比较用法)


1.名词性从句- 主语从句陈述句(that)



同位语...- where/why/who.)以宾从为例陈述句:He said that he could help me.(I can help you)

一般问句He asked weather/if I could help him.( Can you

help me?)特殊问句:He asked what I was doing.( What are you doing?

He asked how I did it?.( How did you do it?)

(2)主语从句的倒装(it 作形式主语)

That he is a doctor is true.= It is true that he is a doctor千真万确,他是个医生。

Whether she comes or not makes no difference.= It is no difference whether she comes or not. 她来不来都没关系。

Who was responsible for the accident is not yet clear.= It is not yet clear who was responsible for the accident.还不清楚谁对此事负责人。











The children who had been watching started to laugh.一直在旁观看的小孩们开始笑了起来。(人主--who/that)

The boy (whom) you saw yesterday is here now.你昨天见到的那个男孩现在就在那儿。(You saw the boy, 人宾--whom(that)可省可代)

The house whose windows are broken is scary.窗户破了的那所房子很恐怖。(the windows of the house, 物的-whose=of which,定语)

I shall never forget the day when I entered the university. 我永远不会忘记上大学的那一天。

This is the factory where I worked three years ago.这就是我三年前工作过的工厂。(I worked in the factory)

He didn’t tell me the reason why he was so sad.他没有告诉我他那么伤心的原因。( I don’t know why he was so sad)


This is the book which(that) he gave me.(限定性定从)

He gave me a book yesterday, which is useful. (没有which句子完整,which不可省也不可用that来代替)


As “正如.......”;(位置可前可后)

Which “这.....”(因果关系,位置:主句,which...)

He was late again, as could be expected. 他又迟到了,正如预料的那样。He was late again, which made me angry.他又迟到了,这让我很生气。(4)介词+which/whom...... (根据习惯搭配;上下文意义确定介词)

The company in which I am working is a large one.我上班的那个公司是家大型公司。( I am working in the company. The company is a large one. The person with whom you talked is a famous writer. 和你谈话的那个人是一位有名的作家。(You talked with the person. The person is a famous writer)

This is the program of which I was speaking.这就是我所说的节目。(I was
