



1、功能法产生的时代背景 威尔金斯《意念大纲》
( “Notional Syllabuses”,1978 )
2、功能法的理论基础 1)语言学理论基础 2)心理学理论基础
3、功能法的基本原则 1)以单元---学分体系组织语言教学 2)以功能意念为纲 考虑交际要素 3)教学过程交际化 4)基本目的语和专业目的语兼顾
日常交际 完整的交际活动 1、理论基础
1)语言习得理论 2)社会建构理念 3)课程理论
2、教学原则与特点 原则: 1)言语、情景真实性 2)形式---功能性 3)任务相依性 4)做中学 5)脚手架
特点: 1)目标 2)教师的输入 3)教学技巧与方式 4)教师角色 5)学生角色 6)评价方式与内容
一、语法翻译法 二、直接法 三、听说法 四、视听法 五、认知法 六、自觉实践法 七、交际法
(一)全身反应法 (二)咨询法 (三)暗示法 (四)沉默法
• 语法翻译法是以语法为基础用母语来教授外 语的一种方法
1、语法翻译法的理论基础 2、语法翻译法的教学原则
1)以语法教学为中心 强调系统语法的学习 2)语言材料的内容以突出某种语法形式为准 3)运用学生母语进行课堂教学 4)以阅读和书面翻译为主 3、对语法翻译法的评价
4、对自觉对比法的评价 附:自觉实践法
七、认知法(cognitive Approach)
• 按照认知规律 • 调动学生的智力潜能 • 努力发现和掌握语言规则 • 创造性地活用语言 • 一种外语教学法体系 • 又称为认知——符号学习理论
1、认知法产生的背景 2、认知法的理论基础 3roach) 1、视听法产生的时代背景 2、视听法的理论基础



• 捷克教育家夸美纽斯提倡直观性,由具体到抽 象,由近及远,由已知到未知,由简到繁,由 事实到论据,由易到难等教学原则。
• 美国教育学家杜威主张从做中学,教学脱离系 统学习科学知识,只要掌握解决问题需要的一 点知识和运用知识的熟巧。
• 英国教育家斯宾塞认为,应当引导儿童自己去 探索,然后自己从中得出结论,要尽量少教, 尽量让他们自己去发现。
• 重视学习者年龄、个性、动机、知识背 景和过去学习语言的经验等诸多方面, 并坚持学习语言最适宜的是导致形成“ 自动化”习惯和不自觉地使用语言的学 习过程,而不是导致形成概念和系统思 维的学习过程。
• 学生学习外语要像幼儿学习母语的过程 一样,要在自然环境中按思维动作的先 后顺序模仿操练学得。
• 直觉主义哲学家帕格提出直觉是获得知识的唯一源泉 ,在语言心理中起主要作用的是感觉与直觉,而非思 维与理智,最强有力的感觉是音响表象所引起的。
• 外语教学应使外语与客观事物直接联系并以有声语言 口语为基础,以模仿为主的心理学为理论基础。
• 语言学习的心理学基础就是联想规律, 学习语言的整个过程就是形成联想的过 程,强调重复和记忆的必要性。
• 忽视母语的中介作用,在外语课堂上生硬地排 斥或禁止使用母语,既容易造成理解错误,造 成学习困难,又浪费了课堂上宝贵的时间。
• 忽视学生或成年人学习外语的特点及已形成的 阅读技能,完全照搬幼儿从小学习母语的方法 ,而不顾及二者全然不同的语言环境和学习动 机,给外语教学带来不必要的困难。
• 难以教授复杂和抽象的语言内容和结构,因此 一般不适用于高中和大学外语教学,一些内向 的学生也不欢迎直接法,他们在教师采用直接 法时态度比较消极。


5. Make foreign language learning more natural and efficient.
• Disadvantages:
1. Overemphazing the similarities between naturalistic first language acquision and classroom foreign language learning results in the exclusive tone.
6. Inductive teaching of grammar:
1. Listening comprehension task 2. Graded composition
1. Presentation by direct association 2. Oral practice in the target
Байду номын сангаас
Basic Principles
• Main features:
1. The first language and translation exercises are completely avoided.
2. Grammar is learned inductively through listening and speaking activities (an explicit grammar rule may never be given).
2. Without explicit grammar explanantion, students lack a necessary knowledge of the target language.


3、培养学生用外语思维、记忆、表达的习惯, 提高了学生流利使用外语的能力。
1、强调模仿、重复,忽视了学生的智力因素 和学习的主动性;
2、突出口语教学,忽视读写训练,外语水平 不能全面发展;
3、排斥母语,不能恰当地利用母语,促进外 语教学;
4、限制多,对教师提出了极高的要求,并对 教学条件、环境、授课人数均有一定条件 要求,不易推广。
1、不用本族语,不用翻译,不用形式语法, 主张用外语直接教外语;
2、采用先听后模仿,一句句听,模仿,整句 学,整句操练,反复训练;
3、侧重培养听说口语能力和实际运用语言能 力。
1、创立了听说口语练习方法,培养了口语人 才;
2、重视语言教学,发展了语音学,使教学质 量得到提高;
3、学生尝试用外语表达,集体间相互补充,互相 促进,用外语交流交谈,发挥合作学习的作用。
1、是利于成人外语学习的教学方法,以人为 本,重视学习的心理特点,将自尊自重、 自我实现作为外语学习的理想境界,从而 克服自我限制的教学弊端;
2、教学形式多样,能激发学生的兴趣和满足 学生的愿望,体现学生在学习中的价值;
1、不重视语言知识和理解能力的作用,一味强调 口语练习,机械重复,不利于开发学生智力;
2、过分强调口语,忽视了读写能力培养,学生不 能全面发展;
3、机械地操练句型,使课堂结构单一,难以保持 和发展学生的兴趣;
4、过分要求靠熟练运用并达到自动化的习惯形成, 忽视学生创造性的思维及灵活运用及交际能力的 培养。



《要红的还是蓝的?》(《汉语口语速成入门篇 上》) 保罗:买两支圆珠笔。 售货员:要红的还是蓝的? 保罗:一样一支。 售货员:还要别的吗? 保罗:不要了。


量词 名词
支…… 圆珠笔,钢笔,毛笔……


1. 直接法适用的课型和适用的阶段? 能不能用于阅读课,写作课;能不 能用 于中高级阶段的教学中?

教师在课堂上和学生自然地谈话,使用基本的词 汇和句型,并且突出重复重点词汇。教师通过身 体动作和视觉提示,如图片、实物等,帮助学生 理解。 只要求学生能够听懂和执行简短的外语指令,作 出非语言性的反应。许多学生开口之前要经过一 个“沉默”的阶段,这是正常的。在这个时候, 教师要有耐心,不要多催逼。

汉字是外国学生学习汉语的难点。 汉字难学、难记、难认、难写。 生词书写教学很不容易,如果在课堂上教学,要 占用宝贵的课堂时间。 我们可以把汉字书写制作成视频,通过视频,把 汉字书写的动态过程,笔画笔顺展示出来,让学 生课后学习。 直接模仿。 对外汉语教学视频\汉字的演变动画.flv


2)视频 一些富有文化内涵的名词,图片可能还 不足以建立起学生对事物的感性认识, 如京剧、太极拳等,这时可考虑观摩一 段视频。京剧视频中演员的脸谱服装, 唱腔动作,可以调动学生的视觉、听觉 来加深对京剧的感受; 太极拳视频可以让学生真切地领略到其 独特的导引、吐纳,刚柔相济。 但观摩视频占用的时间较多,不宜多用。

2.直接法完全不用母语,可取吗? “直接法”提倡模仿, 重视口语, 这对 学生口语能力的提高很有好处。 但是, 直接法完全不考虑学生的母语在 外语学习中的作用, 使学生对一些抽象 词语难以理解、掌握。同时, 由于过于 重视口语, 使学生目的语基础不牢。 直接法比较适用于少年儿童。


1. Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language.
2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.
3. Oral communication skills were
4. The best known reformer in the mid-19th century was a Frenchman named E. Gouin. He developed an approach to teaching a foreign language based on his observations of children’s use of language.
8. Correct pronunciation and grammar
were emphasized.
Main activities
1.Direct association (new language items)
2. Question and answer exercise. (asking questions in target language and having students answer in full se ntences)
2. The rapid development of linguistics, psychology and education .
3. And the Grammar Translation Method could not meet the need. The Reform Movement has began. The International Phonetic Association was founded and its International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA) was designed.

英语教学法 直接法 direct method(课堂PPT)

英语教学法 直接法 direct method(课堂PPT)
2. The rapid development of linguistics, psychology and education .
3. And the Grammar Translation Method could not meet the need. The Reform Movement has began. The International Phonetic Association was founded and its International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA) was designed.
5. Wilhelm Viёtor, a Germany scholar
Language Teaching Must Start Afresh
Speech patterns
In Henry Sweet’s book The Practical Study
of Languages (1899), he set forth principles
1. The Direct method offered innovations at the level of teaching procedures.
2. The Direct method was quite successful in private language schools, such as those of the Berlitz chain, where paying clients had high motivation and the use of nativespeaking teachers was the norm.

英语教学法之Direct Method(直接法)

英语教学法之Direct  Method(直接法)

(5) Sentence is the minimum unit of speech communication. According to Gouin, verbal expression is closely linked with thought about real events. Thought and corresponding utterances do not occur randomly or singly; they come in sequences and end-means series. In addition, concrete meaning and usage of words can only be learned in sentences. (6) Historically speaking, spoken language came into being before written language. So speech patterns are fundamental while written language derivational. This view accounts for the emphasis on the priority for spoken language teaching in the Direct Method. (7) Spoken language is a learnable system of sounds, and sounds are best described by phonetic transcription. Therefore we should attach great importance to phonetic teaching.


The Direct Method 直接法
• A reaction against the GrammarTranslation Method. • In the mid and late 19th century, European industry developed rapidly.
• The foundation of the IPA and other organizations.
Theoretical Basis
• Direct means takes the place of translation as the main technique in foreign language learning. • Speech patterns should be the fundamental elements of language.
2. Without explicit grammar explanantion, students lack a necessary knowledge of the target language.
3. The Direct Method places a high demand on teachers.
Basic Principles
• Main features:
1. The first language and translation exercises are completely avoided.
2. Grammar is learned inductively through listening and speaking activities (an explicit grammar rule may never be given).



其优点是: 1. 培养学生敢于大胆主动地使用所学语言 进行交谈,口语能力较强; 2. 句型操练对初学者帮助很大,语言规范; 其缺点是: 1. 大量的模仿和机械操练不利于发展学生 的创造性思维; 2. 脱离语言内容和语境的句型操练不利于 学生对语言的灵活运用。 3. 放松读写训练,不利于学生全面发展实 践能力。
其优点是: 1. 有利于培养学生的创造性思维; 2. 在理解语言知识的基础上进行操练, 有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,提高语 言使用的准确性和得体性。 其缺点是: 1. 对语音语调要求不严格; 2. 没有强调培养学生的交际能力。
交际法(Communicative Approach)
交际法也叫功能法(Functional Approach)或意念法 (Notional Approach)。强调以学生为中心,鼓励学生 充分理解和积极参与,体现学生自主的原则。交际学 派认为:语言教学的目的是培养学生使用目的语进行 交际的能力,语言教学的内容不仅要包括语言结构, 还要包括表达各种意念和功能的常用语句。交际法重 视培养学生的语言能力,采用真实、地道的语言材料, 也可从各种书籍或报刊中节选文章或从电影、电视和 广播报道中选取片段等。主张句型加情景来学习语言, 鼓励学生多多接触和使用外语。
翻译法的优点是: 1. 学生语法概念清晰; 2. 阅读能力较强,尤其是遇到长而难的句 子时通过分析句子结构便能理解意思; 3. 有助于培养翻译能力和写作能力。 翻译法的缺点是: 1. 忽视口语教学,学生的语音语调差,不 利于培养学生用外语进行交际的能力; 2. 教学方式单一,学生容易失去兴趣。
直接法(Direct Method)
其缺点是: 1. 排斥母语,使学生对一些抽象和复杂的概念难以理解; 2. 没有明晰的语法解释,对许多语言现象只知其然而不知 其所以然,导致学生说出的话语法错误较多。


2. The Direct method was quite successful in private language schools, such as those of the Berlitz chain, where paying clients had high motivation and the use of nativespeaking teachers was the norm.
1.In the late 19th century, with the development of capitalism, all European countries increasingly communicated with each other. It created a demand for oral proficiency in foreign languages.
6. Dictation (It is used as a means to reinforce and test what the students have learned. )
1. The Direct method offered innovations at the level of teaching procedures.
5. New teaching points were introduced orally.
6. Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas.



for the development of teaching method,
which systematically discussed about The
202D1/i5/r26ect Method.
It was established in Germany and France it the late 1800s and contrasts with the Grammar Translation Method and other traditional approaches. It became widely known in America through its use by Sauveur and Berlitz in successful commercial language school. It faded in the early 1900s.
2. Question and answer exercise. (asking questions in target language and having students answer in full se ntences)
3. Error correction
(students are allowed to correct their
3. Oral communication skills were
built up in a carefully graded
progression organized around
question-and-answer exchanges between
teachers and students in small,
6. Dictation (It is used as a means to reinforce and test what the students26
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2.2 Possibility:
The rapid development of linguistics, psychology and education provided the theoretical basis for the establishment of the Direct Method.
Direct Method
Group members: 秦丹凤 罗茜 尚宇 杨琨 蔡凤梅
1. Brief introduction of Direct Method
(1) Definition :The Direct Method is a method of foreign or second language teaching which insists that only the target language should be used in class, and meanings should be communicated “directly” by associating speech forms with actions, objects, mime, gestures, and situations.
enius ‘s idea ① education should be in line with nature, which justified the views on language teaching with the Direct Method. ②His “direct” principle , the principles of “from concrete to abstract, from near to far, from known to unknown, from simple to complex, from fact to conclusion” are put into practice in the Direct Method.
(3 ) Rise and decline:
This method came about as a much needed replacement for the grammar-translation method (classic method) in the late 1800s. It faded in the early 1900s as it was not practical in classroom settings, and then saw a comeback under the name of the audio-lingual method after World War II.
F. Gouin’s linguistic and psychological theories based on his observation of children’s use of language were directly applied to the practice of the Direct Method.
2. Historical and social background
4Leabharlann 2. Historical and social background
2.1 Necessity:
In the late 19th century, with the development of capitalism, all European countries increased communication with each other. It gave rise to a social need for oral proficiency.
Some important researchers and their basic ideas
Hermann Paul formed the main linguistic base. He proposed the great importance of ‘analogy” in language, which led to the principles of imitation and repetition of the Direct Method.
(2 ) Emphasis:
the importance of spoken language, therefore holds that reading and writing should be taught only after speaking. And it also believes in the natural process of language learning and in the inductive teaching of grammar.
W.M.Wundt laid the psychological foundation. He claimed that feeling, not thought, played the main role in language psychology, so concepts and stimulus should take feeling into account, which had great influence on the Direct Method.
However, Grammar-Translation Method could not meet the need. Thus, language teaching innovations were inevitable.
The Direct Method, as a reaction against the GrammarTranslation Method, emerges as a result of the innovations.