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• c. 破折号也可以用来连接同位语。
• He finally made his purpose known to us—to chase Susan. (不定式短语,作同位语)
• 他终于让我们知道他的目标——追求苏珊。
• His hobby—taking pictures—is far more interesting than mine. (动名词短语作同位语)
He is versatile——he speaks five different languages and plays the piano very well.
• 2. 冒号(:)
• He has finally made his goal known to us : he wants to be a scientist.
• He is a man of principle; we all respect him.
• = He is a man of principle, so we all respect him.
• ( 他是有原则的人,因此我们都尊敬他。)

• He is a photographer; quite often he travels abroad to take pictures.
• ( 他说他没钱,又说因脾气不好而没有朋友可投靠,所以希望我能帮 助他。)
• 同理:
• He enjoys dancing, swimming and jogging.
• He enjoys dancing, which is his hobby; swimming,which he often does on Sundays; and jogging.
第一节 连接符号
通常用来连接两句的标点符号只有三个,即破折号(——)、 冒号(:)、分号(;)。
• 1. 破折号: • a. 此类符号有别于连字符(-)。 破折号用于连接句子或同位语,而
连字符用以连接单词,形成复合词。 • 连字符: • Water-skiing is my hobby.(滑水是我的爱好。) • The tiger is a man-eating animal. • 老虎是一种会吃人的动物。 • b. 破折号连接句子时,用来强调第一个句子,以补充意思的不足。此
时破折号有“也就是说”,或“换句话说”的意思。 • He is trash—he is good for nothing. • 他是废物——他什么都不行。 • He is trash. That is to say, he is good for nothing. • 他是废物。换句话说,他什么都不行。
• 他终于让我们知道他的目标:他要当科学家。
• 3. 分号 ( ;)
• He is nice; quite often he is seen helping others. • 他人很好;常有人看见他在帮助别人。
• 4. 并列连词
• He enjoys taking pictures, and he has decided to pursue the art his life career.
• 他的爱好——摄影——比我的爱好有趣多了。
• 2. 冒号:
• 此类符号也可用来连接句子,强调前面句子中的名词。
• He has made his goal known: he wants to be a scientist.

名词Leabharlann Baidu
• 3. 分号:
• a. 此类符号在文章中较常出现,等于“ 逗号+连词(and, so, but...)”。
• (他喜欢跳舞,那是他的爱好;也喜欢去游泳,而且周日常去;还喜 欢慢跑。)
第二节 并列连词
• 1. 单一连词 • 基本的并列连词一共只有三个:and , or , but 。 此种连词
可以连接对等的单词,短语或句子,故称为并列连词。 • a. 单词 • He and I enoy singing. ( 对等的主语) • He is kind and handsome. ( 对等的形容词作表语) • Is he sad or happy?( 对等的形容词作表语) • He doesn't like her but hates her. (对等的动词) • 他不是喜欢她,而是恨她。
• 他喜欢摄影,并且决定要追求此种艺术作为他的终身事业
• 5. 副词连词
• He deserves our respect because he is honest. • 他值得我们尊敬,因为他诚实。
• 6. 关系词
• He is a man who never tells lies. • 他是个从不说谎的人。
• = He is a photographer, and quite often he travels abroad to take pictures.
• (他是个摄影家,常常出国摄影。)
• He is nice; no one likes him, though.
• = He is nice, but no one likes him. • (他人很好,然而没人喜欢他。) • b. 句子中的对等语原本用逗号相隔,再以并列连词相连,但是如果对
等语中间有插入语时,会多出一些逗号。为了句子意思清楚,可用分 号取代逗号。
• He said that he had no money, that he had no friends to count on, and that he expected me to help him.
• He said that he had no money; that ,because of his ill temper, he had no friends to count on ; and that he expected me to help him.
我们从事英语写作时,总希望能使用更多的单词、短语 或句子来表达心中的意思,而当我们进行英语阅读时,往 往也会因为复杂的修饰语弄得头昏脑胀看不下去。因此我 们得先熟悉单句的造句法,然后再精通两句或两句以上的 连接方法,以克服这些障碍。
1. 破折号(——)