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论文题目 (1)

作者和指导教师姓名 (1)

中英文摘要 (1)

1前言 (3)

2研究对象与方法 (3)

2.1 研究对象 (3)

2.2 研究方法 (3)

2.2.1文献资料法 (3)

2.2.2 访谈法 (3)

2.2.3 问卷调查法 (3)

2.2.4 数理统计法 (4)

3研究结果与分析 (4)

3.1齐齐哈尔市游泳馆基本状况 (4)

3.2齐齐哈尔市游泳馆经营情况 (4)

3.2.1齐齐哈尔市游泳馆收费情况 (4)

3.2.2齐齐哈尔市游泳馆盈利情况 (5)

3.2.3齐齐哈尔市游泳馆开放情况 (5)

3.3齐齐哈尔市游泳馆存在的问题及发展对策 (5)

3.3.1齐齐哈尔市游泳馆的存在问题 (6)

3.3.2齐齐哈尔市游泳馆的发展对策 (6)

4结论与建议 (6)

4.1结论 (6)

4.2建议 (7)

致谢 (7)

参考文献 (7)






Study on the current situation of the management of the swimming pool in Qigihar City

Author: Zhu Qinglin Instructor: Fang Pingping

Abstract:Qigihar city has a total of 3 swimming pools, namely Qiqihar University natatorium, Qigihar swimming Museum and Qigihar Olympic Sports Center swimming pool, three swimming natatorium of Qiqihar University belongs to the Qiqihar University, belong to the collective swimming pool; Qigihar day swimming pool belongs to the establishment of private investment in the swimming pool, belong to the individual; the natatorium of Qigihar Olympic Sports Center is built by the national investment, in particular through the way of sports lottery. Three swimming pool, no matter which swimming pool is paid to swim. Three swimming pool charges were once standard fees, monthly, season tickets and ticket four charges. The profitability of three swimming pool swimming for Qiqihar University currently not profitable but not loss, and Qigihar every day, the swimming pool is also profitable, the natatorium of Qigihar Olympic Sports Center is currently not profitable. In addition to the Qiqihar University swimming in winter is not open during the winter vacation, Qigihar swimming Museum and Qigihar Olympic Sports Center swimming pool is open all day long. Suggestion: safety is the swimming pool to ensure the survival and development of the swimming pool, must ensure that the development of enterprise, promote the sustainable development of the swimming pool, safe hire coach, safety education work of swimming, for some is not suitable for the swimming pool of the people should be strictly controlled. Qigihar swimming safety should develop a special safety system, safety measures.

Key words: Qigihar city; swimming pool; management; current situation Key

