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揚恩·亞瑟(Yann Arthus-Bertrand)是著名法國攝影 師、生態學家、環境保護者,專門從事空中攝影已超過30 年,極具聲望。他的空中攝影作品集《Earth from Above (空中看地球)》被翻譯成24種語言,銷售量超過三百萬 冊;同名的免費攝影展在全球110個城市展出,觀眾達1.2 億人次。
美國:被龍捲風破壞後的佛羅里達民居 Tornado damage in Osceola county, Florida, United States
Yann Arthus-Bertrand (born March 13, 1946 in Paris) is a French photographer, journalist, reporter and environmentalist.
He founded the Altitude Agency in 1991, which was the world's first press agency and images bank specialising in aerial photography (500,000 pictures taken in more than 100 countries by more than 100 photographers).
美國:紀念碑山谷公園 Monument Valley Park, United States
美國:密西西比河河口 Mouth of the Mississippi River, Louisiana, United States
美國:愛達荷瀑布市附近的電力線 Power lines in a field near Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States
美國:聖安地列斯斷層 San Andreas Fault, Carrizo Plain, California, United States
美國:紐約切爾西碼頭高球俱樂部 The Golf Club at Chelsea Piers, New York, United States
美國:已成為歷史的紐約世貿中心 The World Trade Center (before 911), New York, United States
美國:華盛頓州普爾曼農地 Farming near Pullman, Washington, United States
美國:洛杉磯高速公路互通立交 Interchange between the 105 and 110 freeways, Los Angeles, United States
美國:猶他鮑威爾湖和聖胡安河 Lake Powell, Arm of the San Juan River, Utah, United States
美國:佛羅里達沼澤國家公園的紅樹林 Mangroves in Everglades national park, Florida, United States
美國:馬拉松比賽運動員穿越紐約維拉薩諾大橋 Marathon crossing the Verrazano Bridge, New York, United States
美國:拉斯維加斯郊區米德湖 Arm of Lake Mead, Muddy Mountains, Nevada, United States
美國:亞利桑那州飛機墳場 B-52S at Davis-Mwk.baidu.comnthan Air Force Base near Tucson, Arizona, United States
In 1994 Arthus-Bertrand started a thorough study on the state of the Earth sponsored by UNESCO. As part of the study, he made a picture inventory of the world's most beautiful landscapes, taken from helicopters and hot-air balloons. The book from this project, Earth from Above (‘la Terre vue du ciel’) sold over 3 million copies and was translated into 24 languages.
In 2000, his "Earth from Above" free exhibition was set up on numerous big posters on the gates of Jardins du Luxembourg in Paris. It then travelled worldwide from Lyon to Montreal, to 110 cities and was visited by 120 million people.
2009年6月5日揚恩出品了一部法國製作的非盈利影片 《Home》(中文譯名:家園 / 地球很美有賴你 / 盧貝松 之搶救地球),於當天世界環境日首播,並在全世界超過 100個國家和地區通過電影、電視、DVD和互聯網同步公映 發行。 而《Home》便是揚恩·亞瑟三十年空中攝影和環保 工作的一次動態精華薈萃。
加拿大:魁北克秋天的森林 Autumn forest in the region of Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada
加拿大:努納維特地區冰之風景 Nunavut Territory, landscape of ice, Canada
美國:黃石國家公園的大稜鏡湖 Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone national park, Wyoming, United States