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Lesson 1 Size of Atoms and Ions(2)
• 在元素周期表中,同族元素从上往下,如 锂、钠、钾、铷、铯,其原子半径依次增 加,其原因是由于额外电子层的递增超过 了核电荷数递增所起的作用。
Lesson 1 Size of Atoms and Ions(3)
• A positive ion is formed by removing one or more electrons from an atom. Normally the whole of the outer shell of electrons is removed in this way, and since the remaining inner shells do not extend so far in space, the cation is much smaller than the metal atom. In addition, the ratio of positive charges on the nucleus to the number of orbital electrons is increased. Thus the effective nuclear charge is increased and the electrons are pulled in. A positive ionቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱis therefore smaller than the corresponding atom and the more electrons removed (that is, the greater the charge on the ion), the smaller it becomes.
• 在元素周期表中,同族元素从上往下,如锂、 钠、钾、铷、铯,其原子半径依次增加,其原 因是由于额外电子层的递增超过了核电荷数递 增所起的作用。 • 正离子是由于原子失去一个电子或多个电子 而形成的,通常,核外电子就是以这种方式失 去的,与此同时,由于剩下的内层电子不会扩 张,因此阳离子的原子半径远小于相应的原子 半径,另外,与轨道上的电子数相比,原子核 上正电荷数增加。这样就使有效核电荷数增加, 从而将电子拉向原子核。正离子的半径小于相 应的原子半径,并且失去的电子愈多,其半径 愈小。
Lesson 2 Metallic Character(1) • 金属是带正电荷的,而且当给他提供能量时, 会有失去电子的趋向,即:M M++e.金属失电 子愈强,该元素的电正性和金属性愈强。失电 子的趋势由金属电离能大小决定。由于从一个 原子半径大的原子失去电子比从小的原子半径 失去电子要容易,所以在元素周期表中,同一 主族的元素从上到下其金属性递增。比如,在 第四主族,碳是非金属,锗表现出一些金属特 性,锡和铅是金属。同样,,在周期表中,同 一周期的元素从左到右,因为原子半径递减、 电离能增加,其金属性递减。比如,钠和镁的 金属性比硅强,依此类推,硅的金属性比氯强。 电正性最强的元素出现在周期表的左下角,而 非金属性最强的元素则出现在周期表的右下角。
Unit 1 General Chemistry Lesson 1 Size of Atoms and Ions(1)
• The size of atoms decreases from left to right across a period in the periodic table. For example, on moving from lithium to beryllium, the number of charges on the nucleus is increased by one, so that all the orbital electrons are pulled in closer to the nucleus. In a given period, the alkali metal is the largest atom and the halogen [5hAlEdVEn] the smallest. When a row. of ten transition elements or fourteen inner transition elements occurs in a horizontal period, the contraction in size is even more marked.
• 例如: 原子半径:Na 0.157nm, 原子半径 Fe 0.117nm • 离子半径:Na+ 0.098nm 离子半径: Fe2+ 0.076 • Fe 3+ 0.064 • 负离子是由于原子得到一个或多个电子而形成 的,这样,原子的有效核电荷数减小,电子云密 度增加,因此负离子的半径比相应的原子半径要 大。 • • 范德华半径: Cl 0.140 • 离子半径 Cl-
Unit 1 General chemistry Size of Atom and ion 原子与离子的 大小
• 在元素周期表中,同一周期的原子半径从左到右 依次递减。例如,从锂到铍,核电荷数增加1, 这样轨道上的电子被原子核吸引更近。在周期表 中碱金属的原子半径最大,卤素的原子半径最小, 同一周期的十个过渡元素金属原子或同一框内的 十四个金属元素组成副族原子,原子半径缩小更 为明显。
• 例如: 原子半径:Na 0.157nm, 原子半径 Fe 0.117nm • 离子半径:Na+ 0.098nm 离子半径: Fe2+ 0.076 • Fe 3+ 0.064 • 负离子是由于原子得到一个或多个电子而形成 的,这样,原子的有效核电荷数减小,电子云密 度增加,因此负离子的半径比相应的原子半径要 大。 • • 范德华半径: Cl 0.140 • 离子半径 Cl-
Lesson 2 Metallic Character(2)
• 电正性实际上是电负性的相反概念,但在 描述金属时,保留电正性概念较为方便。 强电正性的元素易形成离子化合物。金属 氧化物及其氢氧化物由于电离并产生氢氧 根离子,如: • NaOH Na++OH• CaO +H2O Ca2++2OH• 因此呈碱性。
Lesson 1 Size of Atoms and Ions(2)
• On descending a group in the periodic table such as lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium, the size of the atoms increases due to the effect of extra shells of electrons being added; this outweighs the effect of increased nuclear charge.'
Metal are electropositive and have a tendency to loss electrons, if supplied with energy:M M++e. The stronger this tendency, the more electropositive and more metallic an element is. The tendency to loss electrons depends on the ionization energy. Since it is easier to remove an electron from a large atom than from a small one, metallic character increases as we descend the groups in the periodic table. Thus in GroupⅣ,carbon is nonmetal, germanium shows some metallic properties, and tin and lead are metals. Similarly metallic character decreases from left to right across the periodic table because atomic size decreases and ionization energy increases. Thus sodium and magnesium are more metallic than silicon,which in turn, is more metallic than chlorine. The most electropositive elements are found in the lower left of periodic table and the most nonmetallic in top right.
Lesson 1 Size of Atoms and Ions(3)
• 正离子是由于原子失去一个电子或多个电 子而形成的,通常,核外电子就是以这种 方式失去的,与此同时,由于剩下的内层 电子不会扩张,因此阳离子的原子半径远 小于相应的原子半径,另外,与轨道上的 电子数相比,原子核上正电荷数增加。这 样就使有效核电荷数增加,从而将电子拉 向原子核。正离子的半径小于相应的原子 半径,并且失去的电子愈多,其半径愈小。
Lesson 2 Metallic Character(2)
• Electropositivity is really the converse of electronegativity, but it is convenient to retain the concept of electropositivity when describing metals. Strongly electropositivity elements give ionic compounds. Metallic oxide and hydroxides are basic since they ionize ,and give hydroxyl ions: • NaOH Na++OH• CaO +H2O Ca2++2OH-
Lesson 1 Size of Atoms and Ions(4)
• Atomic radius Na 0.157nm Atomic radius Fe 0.117nm • Ionic radius Na+0.098nm Ionic radius Fe2+ 0.076nm • Ionic radius Fe3+ 0.064nm • When a negative ion is formed, one or more electrons are added to an atom, the effective nuclear charge is reduced and hence the electron cloud expands. Negative ions are bigger than the corresponding atom. • Van der Waals non-bounded radius Cl 0.140nm • Ionic radius Cl- 0.181nm
Lesson 2 Metallic Character(1)
• Germanium锗;magnesium镁;tin 锡; lead铅; • Metallic 金属的;alkalis • ionize 电离 • amphoteric 两性的;oxyacid 含氧酸 • Hydration 水合作用;aniline苯胺 • Hydrolyze 水解 • Complexes化合物,络合物;复合物;