



毕赤酵母表达知识归纳1a.配制500×BIOTIN stock solution(0.02%)有这么3种方案:1、懒人是将Biotin直接溶在去离子水中,放过夜,基本就能溶;2、急性子是将溶液配成0.02N的NaOH,就很容易溶解了;3、水浴加热,温度不能高于50度。




b.有几个比较迷惑的问题请教大家:(很典型的小问题)1、制感受态细胞,OD多少比较好?pyrimidine 战友的方法:取1mlGS115过夜培养物(OD约6-10) 分装到1.5ml EP管中。


Lithium acetate does not work with Pichia pastoris. Use only lithium chloride.3、YNB到底能高温灭么?有的说能有的说不能。







巴斯德毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)表达系统综述27页PPT

巴斯德毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)表达系统综述27页PPT
诱导的醇氧化酶(AOX1)启动子,可严格 控制外源基因的表达
营养要求简单,生长快速,适合高密度大规模培养, 很少产生有毒物质,毒性比细菌小,用甲醇不易染菌, 可以减少污染。
高的调控功能,可用于外源基因的表达调控。甲 醇营养型酵母表达系统以巴斯德毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)表达系统最为常用。
(3)裂殖酵母(Schizogenesis pombe) 表达系统
只能以分裂和产孢子的方式繁殖的一类酵母, 因此定名为裂殖酵母。与前面几种酵母相比, 它具有更多的与高等真核生物相似的特性: 线 粒体结构、 启动子结构、 转录机制和对蛋白2端 酰基化功能均更接近于哺乳类细胞, 因而正逐 渐成为研究真核细胞分子生物学的模式生物, 它作为外源基因表达系统也开始受到人们的关注。 目前, 已经有多种蛋白利用此系统进行了表达, 如人蛋白凝血因子)G、 细胞色素 V6:8、 人白细 胞介素 YL’D等。此系统表达的外源蛋白更接近 于它们的天然形式 。
的真核生物, 其全序列的测定已于 2019年完成 。 酿酒酵母难于高密度培养,分泌效率低,几乎不分泌分
子量大于30 kD 的外源蛋白质,也不能使所表达的外源 蛋白质正确糖基化,而且表达蛋白质的C 端往往被截短。 因此,一般不用酿酒酵母做重组蛋白质表达的宿主菌。 酿酒酵母本身含有质粒,其表达载体可以有自主复制型 和整合型两种。值得注意的是,酿酒酵母表达的外源蛋 白质往往被高度糖基化,糖链上可以带有40 个以上的 甘露糖残基,糖蛋白的核心寡聚糖链仅含有末端1, 3 甘 露糖,产物的抗原性明显增强。所以,酿酒酵母常常用 来制备亚单位疫苗(如默克乙肝疫苗、口蹄疫疫苗等)。
1993年,Philip Petroleum公司将毕赤酵母表达系统的专利卖给 Research Corporation Technologies公司,并委托Invitrogea公司 进行有关产品销售。



毕赤酵母表达实验手册作者:Jnuxz 来源:丁香园时间:2007-9-5大肠杆菌表达系统最突出的优点是工艺简单、产量高、周期短、生产成本低。
















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Mut+和Muts菌株在没有甲醇存在的情况下生长速率是一样的,存在甲醇的情况下,Mut+在对数期增殖一倍的时间大约为4至6个小时,Muts 在对数期增殖一倍的时间大约为18个小时。







毕赤酵母表黑系统之阳早格格创做Mut+战Muts毕赤酵母中有二个基果编码醇氧化酶——AOX1及AOX2,细胞中大普遍的醇氧化酶是AOX1基果产品,甲醇可稀切安排、诱导AOX1基果的下火仄表黑,较典型的是占可溶性蛋黑的30%以上.AOX1基果调控分二步:压制/去压制体制加诱导体制.简朴去道,正在含葡萄糖的培植基中,纵然加进诱导物甲醇转录仍受压制.为此,用甲醇举止劣化诱导时,推荐正在苦油培植基中培植.注意纵然正在苦油中死少(去压制)时,仍缺乏以使AOX1基果达到最矮火仄的表黑,诱导物甲醇是AOX1基果可辨表黑火仄所必须的.AOX1基果已被分散,含AOX1开用子的量粒可用去促进编码中源蛋黑的手段基果的表黑.AOX2基果与AOX1基果有97%的共源性,然而正在甲醇中戴AOX2基果的菌株比戴AOX1基果菌株缓得多,通过那种甲醇利用缓缓表型可分散Muts菌株.正在YPD(酵母膏、蛋黑胨、葡萄糖)培植基中,不管是Mut+仍旧Muts其正在对付数期删殖一倍的时间约莫为2h.Mut+战Muts菌株正在不甲醇存留的情况下死少速率是一般的,存留甲醇的情况下,Mut+正在对付数期删殖一倍的时间约莫为4至6个小时,Muts正在对付数期删殖一倍的时间约莫为18个小时.菌株GS115、X-33、KM71战SMD1168的辨别GS115、KM71战SMD1168等是用于表黑中源蛋黑的毕赤酵母受体菌,与酿酒酵母相比,毕赤酵母不会使蛋黑过糖基化,糖基化后有好处蛋黑的溶解或者产死粗确的合叠结构.GS115、KM71、SMD1168正在组氨酸脱氢酶位面(His4)有突变,是组氨酸缺陷型,如果表黑载体上携戴有组氨酸基果,可补偿宿主菌的组氨酸缺陷,果此不妨正在不含组氨酸的培植基上筛选变化子.那些受体菌自收突形成组氨酸家死型的概率普遍矮于10-8.GS115表型为Mut+,沉组表黑载体变化GS115后,少出的变化子大概是Mut+,也大概是Muts(载体与代AXO1基果),不妨正在MM战MD 培植基上审定表型.SMD1168战GS115类似,然而SMD1168基果组中的Pep4基果爆收突变,是蛋黑酶缺陷型,可落矮蛋黑酶对付中源蛋黑的落解效率.其中X-33由于是家死型,果此耐受性比较佳,如果担心变化率的话不妨思量那种酵母菌,而X33与GS115一般皆是属于MUT+表示型,也便是道不妨正在含甲醇的培植基中赶快死少,然而是传闻会对付中源基果表黑灵验率,KM71的亲原菌正在粗氨酸琥珀酸裂解酶基果(arg4)有突变,正在不含粗氨酸的培植基中不克不迭死少.用家死型ARG4基果(约2kb)拔出到克隆的家死型AOX1基果的BamHI(AOX1基果15/16暗号子)及SalI(AOX1基果227/228暗号子)位面,与代了AOX1基果16-227暗号子,此结构变化至KM71亲原菌(arg4his4)中,分散爆收KM71 MutsArg+His-菌株,Arg+变化子遗传领会隐现家死型AOX1被aox1::ARG4结构所与代,所以KM71所有变化子皆是Muts表型.AOX1位面不被真足缺得,表面上可用您的手段结构通过基果与代要领替换aox1::ARG4结构,那样沉组菌株的表型是His+MutsArg-,那表示着沉组菌株死万古需粗氨酸.然而仅增加粗氨酸本去不克不迭真足缓战arg4突变的效率,arg4菌株正在含粗氨酸的最小培植基中不克不迭很佳天死少.果此不推荐正在KM71中通过与代aox1::ARG4结构去赢得His+变化子.普遍去道,如果是胞内表黑,应尽管用Muts细胞,那样得到的蛋黑产品中醇氧化酶蛋黑量较少而手段蛋黑量相对付较多,使下游杂化更易举止.而对付于分泌蛋黑的表黑,无论是甲醇利用缓(Muts)仍旧甲醇利用快(Mut+)的细胞皆可应用.基果沉组Pichia.pastoris酵母菌体内无天然量粒,所以表黑载体需与宿主染色体爆收共源沉组,将中源基果表黑框架调整于染色体中以真止中源基果的表黑,包罗开用子、中源基果克隆位面、末止序列、筛选标记表记标帜等.细菌内共源沉组被认为是沉组量粒构修历程的易面,果为已线性化的环状量粒之间爆收共源沉组的几率非常矮,所以沉组变化载体必须用特定的节制性内切酶举止线性化处理.那种处理的手段是预防随机拔出沉组时量粒正在功能区断开,制成手段基果表黑得活,让共源沉组以指定的办法爆收.表黑载体主要分为以下几类:(1)胞内表黑载体主要有pHIL-D2、pA0815、pPIC3K、pPICZ、pHWO10,pGAPZ、pGAPZa(Invitrogen)等.该类载体不妨将手段基果表黑正在胞内,不妨预防毕赤酵母的糖基化,主要符合于那些不克不迭被糖基化相闭基果的表黑;(2)分泌型表黑载体主要有pPIC9、pHIL-S1、pPICZα、pYAM75P等.由于毕赤酵母自己的泌内源蛋黑非常少,将中源蛋黑分泌到胞中,非常有好处手段蛋黑量的杂化及聚集.时常使用的分泌的旗号序列主假如由89个氨基酸组成的α接配果子(α-factor)的带领;(3)多拷贝拔出表黑载体如pPIC9K,pPIC3.5K.正在某些情况下,毕赤酵母中沉组基果多拷贝调整可减少所需蛋黑的表黑量.该载体均可用于正在体内(pPIC3.5K, pPIC9K)或者体中(pAO815)爆收并分散多拷贝拔出,共时可检测减少沉组基果的拷贝数是可减少蛋黑表黑量.体内调整可通过下遗传霉素抗性筛选大概的多拷贝拔出,而体中调整可通过对接爆收中源基果的串联拔出.正在GS115中筛选His+Mut+变化子:用SalI或者StuI线性化量粒变化GS115后,大多正在His4位面上爆收沉组,大普遍变化子是Mut+表型;然而由于量粒含有AOX1基果序列,有大概正在AOX1位面爆收沉组,损害家死型AOX1基果,爆收His+Muts变化子,则需要正在MD及MM仄板上检测可证据His+ Mut+变化子.毕赤酵母表黑时常使用培植基10×YNB(13.4%的无氨基酸酵母氮源),134gYNB固体溶于1L蒸馏火,过滤灭菌,4℃保存.YPD真足培植基:酵母提与物10 g/L,蛋黑胨20 g/L,葡萄糖20 g/L(固体培植基含1.5%琼脂).变化培植基RDB:每100mL加进山梨醇18g(186 g/L),琼脂糖2g(20g/L)121℃灭菌20分钟,而后待温度落至60℃以去正在超洁台上加进10×YNB 10mL(13.4 g/L),10×葡萄糖10mL(20 g/L),500×死物素0.2mL(4×10-4g/L),100×AA 1mL.混匀,倒仄板(灭菌时只加进80ml火即可).采用培植基MD(最小葡萄糖):配100mL,背80mL火中加进琼脂糖2g(20 g/L)121℃灭菌20分钟,待温度落至60℃以去正在超洁台上加进10×YNB10mL(13.4 g/L),10×葡萄糖10mL(20 g/L),500×死物素0.2mL(4×10-4g/L).采用培植基MM(最小甲醇):配100mL,背90mL火中加进琼脂糖2g(20 g/L) 121℃灭菌20分钟,待温度落至60℃以去正在超洁台上加进10×YNB 10mL(13.4 g/L),500×死物素0.2mL(4×10-4g/L),0.5mL甲醇(0.5%).诱导表黑培植基BMGY:配1L,酵母提与物10 g/L,蛋黑胨20 g/L,3g/L K2HPO4,11.8g/L KH2PO4,加火至890mL,121℃灭菌20分钟,而后待温度落至60℃以去正在超洁台上加进10×YNB 100mL(13.4 g/L),500×死物素1mL(4×10-4g/L),苦油10mL.诱导表黑培植基BMMY:酵母提与物10g/L,蛋黑胨20 g/L,3g/LK2HPO4,11.8g/L KH2PO4,加火至895mL,121℃灭菌20分钟,而后待温度落至60℃以去正在超洁台上加进100×YNB 100mL(13.4 g/L),500×死物素1mL(4×10-4g/L),甲醇5mL.BMGY/BMMY含酵母浸出物及蛋黑胨,可宁静分泌蛋黑,遏止或者缩小分泌蛋黑的领会.如果手段蛋黑对付中性PH蛋黑酶敏感的话,可正在无缓冲培植基(MGY、MM)中表黑.如果不凭证道明您的分泌蛋黑对付中性PH 值蛋黑酶敏感,修议开初表黑时用BMMY.如果表黑蛋黑落解了,测验考查正在无缓冲培植基中举止表黑.如果以上条件仍不克不迭灵验预防蛋黑落解,可将基果转进SMD1168中,该菌株表型是his4pep4,缺得了蛋黑酶,变化与表黑步调与GS115相共,也可用于大规模收酵.用考马斯明蓝G-250测蛋黑含量。



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1、表达效率高,遗传稳定性好 2、结构简单,表达调控机理比较清楚 3、有Pr加工系统 4、培养简单,成本低廉 5、表达产物可分泌至培养基中而自身蛋白的
分泌却很少,利于下游的纯化 (毕赤氏酵母是近年来广泛应用的真核表达
• DH5α、pPICZαA 、GS115、TOP10、, pQE4Aβ15
• 离心收集沉淀,取适量沉淀进行12% SDSPAGE 分析。
• 并用Band Scan 软件进行蛋白质纯度分析.
• 1、根据分子大小不同进行分离纯化 • 2 、根据溶解度不同进行分离纯化 • 3 、根据电荷不同进行分离纯化 • 4 、利用对配体的特异亲和力进行分离纯化
• TBST 洗涤 5 次,H来自P-DAB 底物显色试剂 盒显色.
Western Blot 原理 a
• Western Blot与Southern印迹杂交或 Northern印迹杂交方法类似,但Western Blot采用的是聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,被检测 物是蛋白质,“探针”是抗体,“显色” 用标记的二抗。
Western Blot操作步骤
• 1、蛋白样品制备 • 2、蛋白含量的测定 • 3、SDS-PAGE电泳 • 4、转膜 • 5、免疫反应 • 6、化学发光,显影,定影 • 7、凝胶图象分析
6.2 质谱分析
• 从考染(考马斯亮蓝R250CBR-250,用于检 测Pr的氨基和羧基)凝胶上切下重组蛋白 带, 进行基质辅助激光解吸附电离飞行时 间质谱分析.
• 挑阳性克隆单菌落接种于BMGY(含酵母粉、 甘油、生物素……)的培养基上摇床培养





毕赤菌株表型:毕赤酵母菌GS115 及KM71 在组氨酸脱氢酶位点(His4)有突变,因而不能合成组氨酸,所有表达质粒都有HIS4 基因可与宿主进行互补,通过不含组氨酸的培养基来选择转化子。

GS115 及KM71都可在复合培养基如YPD(YEPD)及含组氨酸的最小培养基中生长。

转化之前,GS115 及KM71 都不能在最小培养基中生长,因为它们是His-。


在32 度以上诱导生长时,对蛋白表达有害,甚至会导致细胞死亡。

贮存:贮存细胞几周或几月,用YPD培养基或YPD 琼脂斜面1 挑取所需菌株单克隆在YPD 平板上划线生长;2 挑取单克隆转移至YPD进行穿刺培养,30 度2 天;3 细胞在4 度可放几周几月或几年,存于-80度1 挑取所需菌株单克隆在YPD 中过夜培养;2 收集细胞,在含15%甘油的YPD 中悬浮至终OD600 为50-100(大约2.5-5.0×109细胞/ml);3 细胞先用液氮或干冰/酒精浴中冰冻再贮存于-80 度。

注意:在4 度或-80 度长期保存后,用之前建议在MM、MD 或MGY 平板上划线培养以检测His+转化子的表型是否正确及其活力。

以质粒pPIC9K,酵母Pichia pastoris GS115为例说明做法。


如果只想得到Muts重组子,使用KM71 菌株。

单个十字交换事件可比双重十字交换更容易、更有效地获得Muts重组菌(例如:插入A OX1或his4 而不是取代AOX1)。



毕赤酵母表达(pichia pastoris expression )实验手册2010-07-15 10:54:56| 分类:毕赤酵母| 标签:|字号大中小订阅一.毕赤酵母表达常用溶液及缓冲液的配制二.毕赤酵母表达的培养基配制三.主要试验环节的操作 3.1 酵母菌株的分离纯化 3.2 pPICZαA原核宿主菌TOP10F’的活化培养 3.3毕赤酵母表达的试验方法 3.4 毕赤酵母电转化方法 3.5 Pichia酵母表达直接PCR鉴定重组子的方法 3.6 毕赤酵母基因组提取方法 3.7 Mut+表型重组酵母的诱导表达实验关键词:酵母实验毕赤酵母表达 pichia pastoris expression 毕赤酵母酵母菌株大肠杆菌表达系统最突出的优点是工艺简单、产量高、周期短、生产成本低。












准备试剂:1000m‎l BMGY培‎养基,1000m‎l BMMY培‎养基,10X的甲‎醇,摇瓶1L(灭菌),温控摇床,50ml离‎心管(灭菌)。



(1)往灭好菌的‎IL摇瓶中‎加入100‎mlBMG‎Y培养基,然后加入约‎1ml 脂肪‎酶菌株(培养基:菌液=100:1),用透气膜封‎口(透气,但是细菌不‎能透过)。




将稀释后的‎发酵液分别‎加入到1L‎的药瓶中,每个摇瓶1‎50ml 发‎酵液(绝不能超过‎200ml‎)。




BMGY培‎养基的配制‎(1000m‎l):20g蛋白‎胨(pepto‎ne),10g酵母‎提取物(Yeast‎ Extra‎ct),加水至70‎0ml;1210C‎高温灭菌2‎0min。

然后分别在‎无菌条件下‎加入10X‎ YNB 100ml‎,10X 磷酸钾缓冲‎液(PH6.0)100ml‎,10X甘油‎ 100ml‎。




3. 用灭菌的牙签挑取菌落,在PCR管中涮一下,PCR扩增,利用5’AOX 1和3’AOX 1引物对转化子进行PCR复筛,同时检测基因插入(如果重组质粒以单交换的方式整合到Pichia pastoris基因组,那么会扩增到两条带,一条为2.2kb〔KM71为3.6kb〕宿主茵AOXI基因,另一条为包括目的基因和成熟肽序列和a-factor)Each 50 µl aliquot of competent Pichia cells with 3 µg linearized plasmid DNA will yield 50 colonies on selective medium.Muts 表型重组酵母的诱导表达实验As a general rule when inducing expression, never allow cultures to be more than 10-30% of your total flask volume.1. 挑选一单菌落,置于装有50ml MGY、BMG 或BMGY培养基的500ml 摇瓶中,于28-30°C /250-300 rpm 培养至OD600 = 2-6 (~16-18 h);2. 室温下1500~3000g 离心5min,收集菌体,用1/5到1/10原培养体积的MM, BMM或BMMY重悬菌体〔约2.5~5ml 〕;3. 将步骤2 所得的菌液置于100ml 的摇瓶中,用双层纱布或粗棉布封口,放置于28-30 °C/250-300 rpm 的摇床上继续生长;4. 每24h 向培养基中添加100 %甲醇至终浓度为0.5 ~1.0%;5. 按时间点分别取菌液样品,取样量为1ml,置于1.5ml EP 管中,最大转速离心2~3min ,分别收集上清和菌体,分析目的蛋白的表达量和菌液最正确收获时间。



Pichia Expression KitVersion M01110225-0043Pichia Expression KitA Manual of Methods for Expression of Recombinant Proteins in Pichia pastorisCatalog no. K1710-01tech_service@iiINDIVIDUAL PICHIA EXPRESSION KIT LICENSE AGREEMENTThe Pichia Expression Kit is based on the yeast Pichia pastoris. Pichia pastoris was developed into an expression system by scientists at Salk Institute Biotechnology/Industry Associates (SIBIA) for high-level expression of recombinant proteins. All patents for Pichia pastoris and licenses for its use as an expression system are owned by Research Corporation Technologies, Inc. Tucson, Arizona. Invitrogen has an exclusive license to sell the Pichia Expression Kit to scientists for research purposes only, under the terms described below. Use of Pichia pastoris by commercial corporations requires the user to obtain a commercial license as detailed below. Before using the Pichia Expression Kit, please read the following license a greement. If you do not agree to be bound by its terms, contact Invitrogen within 10 days for authorization to return the unused Pichia Expression Kit and to receive a full credit. If you do agree to the terms of this Agreement, please complete the User Registration Card and return it to Invitrogen before using the kit.INDIVIDUAL PICHIA EXPRESSION KIT LICENSE AGREEMENTInvitrogen Corporation (INVITROGEN) grants you a non-exclusive license to use the enclosed Pichia Expression Kit (EXPRESSION KIT) for academic research or for evaluation purposes only. The EXPRESSION KIT is being transferred to you in furtherance of, and reliance on, such license. You may not use the EXPRESSION KIT, or the materials contained therein, for any commercial purpose without a license for such purpose from RESEARCH CORPORATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC., Tucson, Arizona. Commercial purposes include the use in or sale of expressed proteins as a commercial product, or use to facilitate or advance research or development of a commercial product. Commercial entities may conduct their evaluation for one year at which time this license automatically terminates. Commercial entities will be contacted by Research Corporation Technologies during the evaluation period regarding the purchase of a commercial license.Access to the EXPRESSION KIT must be limited solely to those officers, employees and students of your institution who need access thereto in order to perform the above-described research or evaluation. You must inform each of such officer, employee and student of the provisions of this Agreement and require them to agree, in writing, to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement. You may not distribute the EXPRESSION KIT to others, even those within your own institution. You may transfer modified, altered or original material from the EXPRESSION KIT to a third party following notification of INVITROGEN such that the recipient can be licensed. You may not assign, sub-license, rent lease or otherwise transfer this License or any of the rights or obligation hereunder, except as expressly permitted.This License is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying all Pichia expression products in your control. It will also terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. You shall, upon termination of the License, destroy all Pichia Expression Kits in your control, and so notify INVITROGEN in writing.This License Shall be governed in its interpretation and enforcement by the laws of the State of California.Product User Registration CardPlease complete and return the enclosed Product User Registration Card for each Pichia Expression Kit that you purchase. This will serve as a record of your purchase and registration and will allow Invitrogen to provide you with technical support and manual updates. It will also allow Invitrogen to update you on future developments of and improvements to the Pichia Expression Kit. The agreement outlined above becomes effective upon our receipt of your User Registration Card or 10 days following the sale of the Pichia Expression Kit to you. Use of the kit at any time results in immediate obligation to the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement.Technical ServicesInvitrogen provides Technical Services to all of our registered Pichia Expression Kit users. Please contact us if you need assistance with the Pichia Expression Kit.United States Headquarters:Japanese Headquarters European Headquarters:Invitrogen Corporation1600 Faraday AvenueCarlsbad, CA 92008 USATel: 1 760 603 7200Tel (Toll Free): 1 800 955 6288 Fax: 1 760 602 6500E-mail:tech_service@ Invitrogen Japan K.K.Nihonbashi Hama-Cho Park Bldg. 4F2-35-4, Hama-Cho, NihonbashiTel: 81 3 3663 7972Fax: 81 3 3663 8242E-mail: jpinfo@Invitrogen Ltd3 Fountain DriveInchinnan Business ParkPaisley PA4 9RF, UKTel (Free Phone Orders): 0800 269 210Tel (General Enquiries): 0800 5345 5345Fax: +44 (0) 141 814 6287E-mail: eurotech@iiiivTable of ContentsMaterials (vii)Purchaser Notification (x)Product Qualification (xii)Introduction (1)Overview (1)Experimental Outline (3)Recombination and Integration in Pichia (7)Methods (11)Pichia Strains (11)E. coli Strains (13)Selecting a Pichia Expression Vector (14)pHIL-D2 (16)pPIC3.5 (17)pHIL-S1 (18)pPIC9 (19)Signal Sequence Processing (20)Cloning into the Pichia Expression Vectors (21)Transformation into E. coli (26)Preparation of Transforming DNA (27)Growth of Pichia for Spheroplasting (30)Preparation of Spheroplasts (32)Transformation of Pichia (34)Screening for Mut+ and Mut S Transformants (36)PCR Analysis of Pichia Integrants (40)Expression of Recombinant Pichia Strains (42)Analysis by SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (45)Optimization of Pichia Protein Expression (47)Scale-up of Expression (49)Protein Purification and Glycosylation (51)Recipes (53)E. coli Media Recipes (53)Pichia Media Recipes (54)Appendix (59)Electroporation of Pichia (59)PEG 1000 Transformation Method for Pichia (60)Lithium Chloride Transformation Method (61)Total DNA Isolation from Pichia (62)Detection of Multiple Integration Events (63)Procedure for Total RNA Isolation from Pichia (64)β-Galactosidase Assay (65)Technical Service (67)References (69)vviMaterialsKit Contents Box 1: Spheroplast Module. Store at room temperature.Reagent Amount ComponentsSOS media 20 ml 1 M Sorbitol0.3X YPD10 mM CaCl2Sterile Water 2 x 125 ml Autoclaved, deionized waterSE 2 x 125 ml 1 M Sorbitol25 mM EDTA, pH 8.0SCE 2 x 125 ml 1 M Sorbitol10 mM Sodium citrate buffer, pH 5.81 mM EDTA1 M Sorbitol2 x 125 ml --CaS 2 x 60 ml 1 M Sorbitol10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5;10 mM CaCl240% PEG 25 ml 40% (w/v) PEG 3350 (Reagent grade) in waterCaT 25 ml 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.520 mM CaCl2Stab Vials: Pichia and E. coli stabs. Store at +4°C.Phenotype(Pichia only)GenotypeStrain Amountstab his4Mut+GS115 1stab arg4 his4 aox1::ARG4 Mut S, Arg+KM71 1GS115 Albumin 1 stab HIS4Mut SGS115 β-Gal 1 stab HIS4Mut+stab F´ {pro AB, lac I q, lac Z∆M15, Tn10 (Tet R)} mcr A,TOP10F´ 1∆(mrr-hsd RMS-mcr BC), φ80lac Z∆M15, ∆lac X74,deo R, rec A1, ara D139, ∆(ara-leu)7697, gal U,gal K, rps L (Str R), end A1, nup G λ-.Box 2: Spheroplast Module. Store at -20°C.ComponentsReagent AmountZymolyase 10 x 20 µl 3 mg/ml Zymolyase in water(100,000 units/g lytic activity)1 M DTT 10 x 1 ml 1 M dithiothreitol in watercontinued on next pageviiKit Contents,continuedVector Box. Store at -20°C.Reagent DescriptionpHIL-D210 µg, lyophilized in TE, pH 8.0Vector for intracellular expression in PichiapPIC3.510 µg, lyophilized in TE, pH 8.0Vector for intracellular expression in PichiapHIL-S110 µg, lyophilized in TE, pH 8.0 Vector for secreted expression in Pichia. Uses the PHO1 signal sequencepPIC910 µg, lyophilized in TE, pH 8.0 Vector for secreted expression in Pichia. Uses the α-factor signal sequencePrimer Box. Store at -20°C.5´ AOX1 sequencing primer2 µg (312 pmoles), lyophilized5´-GACTGGTTCCAATTGACAAGC-3´3´ AOX1 sequencing primer2 µg (314 pmoles), lyophilized5´-GCAAATGGCATTCTGACATCC-3´α-Factor sequencing primer2 µg (315 pmoles), lyophilized5´-TACTATTGCCAGCATTGCTGC-3´Media The following prepackaged media is included for your convenience. Instructions for use are provided on the package.Media Amount Yield YP Base Medium 2 pouches 2 liters of YP mediumYP Base Agar Medium 2 pouches 2 liters of YP mediumYeast Nitrogen Base 1 pouch 500 ml of 10X YNBFor transformation of Pichia by spheroplasting, the Pichia Spheroplast Module isavailable separately from Invitrogen (see below for ordering information).Product Reactions or Amount Catalog no.Pichia Spheroplast Module 10 spheroplast preparations(50 transformations)K1720-01continued on next pageviiiRequired Equip-ment and Supplies (not provided) • 30°C rotary shaking incubator• Water baths capable of 37°C, 45°C, and 100°C• Centrifuge suitable for 50 ml conical tubes (floor or table-top)• Baffled culture flasks with metal covers (50 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml, and 3 L)• 50 ml sterile, conical tubes• 6 ml and 15 ml sterile snap-top tubes (Falcon 2059 or similar)• UVSpectrophotometer• Mini agarose gel apparatus and buffers• Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis apparatus and buffers• Media for transformation, growth, screening, and expression (see Recipes, pages 53-58) • 5% SDS solution (10 ml per transformation)• Sterile cheesecloth or gauze• Breaking Buffer (see Recipes, page 58)• Acid-washed glass beads (available from Sigma)• Replica-plating equipment (optional)• BeadBreaker™ (optional)ixPurchaser NotificationIntroduction The Pichia Expression Kit is based on the yeast Pichia pastoris. Pichia pastoris wasdeveloped into an expression system by scientists at Salk Institute Biotechnology/ IndustryAssociates (SIBIA) and Phillips Petroleum for high-level expression of recombinantproteins. All patents for Pichia pastoris and licenses for its use as an expression system areowned by Research Corporation Technologies (RCT), Inc., Tucson, Arizona. Forinformation on commercial licenses, please see page x.The Nature of the Invitrogen License Invitrogen has an exclusive license to sell the Pichia Expression Kit to scientists for research purposes only, under the terms described below. Use of Pichia pastoris by commercial entities for any commercial purpose requires the user to obtain a commercial license as detailed below. Before using the Pichia Expression Kit, please read the following license agreement. If you do not agree to be bound by its terms, contact Invitrogen within 10 days for authorization to return the unused Pichia Expression Kit and to receive a full credit. If you do agree to the terms of this license agreement, please complete the User Registration Card and return it to Invitrogen before using the kit.Pichia pastoris Patents Pichia pastoris is covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents and corresponding foreign patents owned and licensed by Research Corporation Technologies:4,683,293 4,808,537 4,812,405 4,818,700 4,837,148 4,855,231 4,857,467 4,879,231 4,882,279 4,885,242 4,895,800 4,929,555 5,002,876 5,004,688 5,032,516 5,122,465 5,135,868 5,166,329Individual Pichia Expression Kit License Agreement Invitrogen Corporation ("Invitrogen") grants you a non-exclusive license to use the enclosed Pichia Expression Kit ("Expression Kit") for academic research or for evaluation purposes only. The Expression Kit is being transferred to you in furtherance of, and reliance on, such license. You may not use the Expression Kit, or the materials contained therein, for any commercial purpose without a license for such purpose from Research Corporation Technologies, Inc., Tucson, Arizona.Definition of Commercial Purpose Commercial purposes include:(a) any use of Expression Products in a Commercial Product(b) any use of Expression Products in the manufacture of a Commercial Product(c) any sale of Expression Products(d) any use of Expression Products or the Expression Kit to facilitate or advanceresearch or development of a Commercial Product(e) any use of Expression Products or the Expression Kit to facilitate or advance anyresearch or development program the results of which will be applied to thedevelopment of Commercial Products"Expression Products" means products expressed with the Expression Kit, or with the use of any vectors or host strains in the Expression Kit. "Commercial Product" means any product intended for sale or commercial use.Commercial entities may conduct their evaluation for one year at which time this license automatically terminates. Research Corporation Technologies will contact commercial entities during the evaluation period regarding their desire for a commercial license.continued on next pagexPurchaser Notification, continuedIndividual Responsibilities Access to the Expression Kit must be limited solely to those officers, employees and students of your institution who need access to perform the above-described research or evaluation. You must inform each such officer, employee and student of the provisions of this license agreement and require them to agree, in writing, to be bound by the provisions of this license agreement. You may not distribute neither the Expression Kit nor the vectors or host strains contained in it to others, even to those within your own institution. You may only transfer modified, altered, or original material from the Expression Kit to a third party following written notification of, and written approval from, Invitrogen so that the recipient can be licensed. You may not assign, sub-license, rent, lease or otherwise transfer this license agreement or any of the rights or obligation thereunder, except as expressly permitted by Invitrogen and RCT.Termination of License This license agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying all Pichia expression products in your control. It will also terminate auto-matically if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the license agreement. You shall, upon termination of the license agreement, destroy all Pichia Expression Kits in your control, and so notify Invitrogen in writing.This License shall be governed in its interpretation and enforcement by the laws of the State of California.Contact for Commercial Licensing Bennett Cohen, Ph.D.Research Corporation Technologies 101 North Wilmot Road, Suite 600 Tucson, Arizona 85711-3335 Phone: (520) 748-4400Fax: (520)748-0025User Registration Card Please complete and return the enclosed User Registration Card for each PichiaExpression Kit that you purchase. This will serve as a record of your purchase and regis-tration and will allow Invitrogen to provide you with technical support and manualupdates. It will also allow Invitrogen to update you on future developments and improve-ments to the Pichia Expression Kit. The agreement outlined above becomes effectiveupon our receipt of your User Registration Card or 10 days following the sale of thePichia Expression Kit to you. Use of the kit at any time results in immediate obligation tothe terms and conditions stated in this license agreement.xiProduct QualificationIntroduction This section describes the criteria used to qualify the components in the PichiaExpression Kit.Vectors All expression vectors are qualified by restriction enzyme digestion. Restriction digests must demonstrate the correct banding pattern when electrophoresed on an agarose gel.Spheroplast Reagents The spheroplast reagents are qualified by spheroplast preparation of GS115 following the protocol provided in the Pichia Expression Kit manual. At least 70% of the Pichia pastoris cells must form spheroplasts in 30 minutes or less.Pichia Strains The Pichia strains are by demonstrating viability of the culture. Single colonies should arise within 48 hours after streaking on YPD medium from the stabPrimers Sequencing primers are lot tested by automated DNA sequencing experiments.Buffers andSolutionsAll buffers and solutions are extensively tested for sterility.Media All Pichia growth and expression media are qualified by growing the GS115 Pichiastrain.xiiIntroductionOverviewReview Articles The information presented here is designed to give you a concise overview of the Pichia pastoris expression system. It is by no means exhaustive. For further information, pleaseread the articles cited in the text along with recent review articles (Buckholz and Gleeson,1991; Cregg et al., 1993; Sreekrishna et al., 1988; Wegner, 1990). A general review offoreign gene expression in yeast is also available (Romanos et al., 1992).General Characteristics of Pichia pastoris As a eukaryote, Pichia pastoris has many of the advantages of higher eukaryotic expression systems such as protein processing, protein folding, and posttranslational modification, while being as easy to manipulate as E. coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is faster, easier, and less expensive to use than other eukaryotic expression systems such as baculovirus or mammalian tissue culture, and generally gives higher expression levels. As a yeast, it shares the advantages of molecular and genetic manipulations with Saccharomyces, and has the added advantage of 10- to 100-fold higher heterologous protein expression levels. These features make Pichia very useful as a protein expression system.Similarity to Saccharomyces Many of the techniques developed for Saccharomyces may be applied to Pichia including: • transformation by complementation• genedisruption• genereplacementIn addition, the genetic nomenclature used for Saccharomyces has been applied to Pichia. For example, the HIS4 gene in both Saccharomyces and Pichia encodes histidinol dehydrogenase. There is also cross-complementation between gene products in both Saccharomyces and Pichia. Several wild-type genes from Saccharomyces complement comparable mutant genes in Pichia. Genes such as HIS4, LEU2, ARG4, TRP1, and URA3 all complement their respective mutant genes in Pichia.Pichia pastoris as a Methylotrophic Yeast Pichia pastoris is a methylotrophic yeast, capable of metabolizing methanol as its sole carbon source. The first step in the metabolism of methanol is the oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde using molecular oxygen by the enzyme alcohol oxidase. This reaction generates both formaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide. To avoid hydrogen peroxide toxicity, methanol metabolism takes place within a specialized cell organelle called the peroxisome, which sequesters toxic by-products from the rest of the cell. Alcohol oxidase has a poor affinity for O2, and Pichia pastoris compensates by generating large amounts of the enzyme. The promoter regulating the production of alcohol oxidase drives heterologous protein expression in Pichia.Two Alcohol Oxidase Proteins The AOX1 and AOX2 genes code for alcohol oxidase in Pichia pastoris. The AOX1 gene product accounts for the majority of alcohol oxidase activity in the cell. Expression of the AOX1 gene is tightly regulated and induced by methanol to high levels, typically > 30% ofthe total soluble protein in cells grown with methanol as the carbon source. The AOX1 gene has been isolated and the AOX1 promoter is used to drive expression of the gene of interest (Ellis et al., 1985; Koutz et al., 1989; Tschopp et al., 1987a). While AOX2 is about 97% homologous to AOX1, growth on methanol is much slower than with AOX1. This slowgrowth allows isolation of Mut S strains (aox1) (Cregg et al., 1989; Koutz et al., 1989).continued on next page1Overview, continuedExpression Expression of the AOX1 gene is controlled at the level of transcription. In methanol-grown cells approximately 5% of the polyA+ RNA is from the AOX1 gene. The regulation of theAOX1 gene is a two step process: a repression/derepression mechanism plus an inductionmechanism (e.g. GAL1 gene in Saccharomyces (Johnston, 1987)). Briefly, growth onglucose represses transcription, even in the presence of the inducer methanol. For thisreason, growth on glycerol is recommended for optimal induction with methanol. Pleasenote that growth on glycerol (derepression) is not sufficient to generate even minute levelsof expression from the AOX1 gene. The inducer, methanol, is necessary for detectablelevels of AOX1 expression (Ellis et al., 1985; Koutz et al., 1989; Tschopp et al., 1987a).Phenotype of aox1 mutants Loss of the AOX1 gene, and thus a loss of most of the cell's alcohol oxidase activity, results in a strain that is phenotypically Mut S (Methanol utilization slow). This has in the past been referred to as Mut. The Mut S designation has been chosen to accurately describe the phenotype of these mutants. This results in a reduction in the cells' ability to metabolize methanol. The cells, therefore, exhibit poor growth on methanol medium. Mut+ (Methanol utilization plus) refers to the wild type ability of strains to metabolize methanol as the sole carbon source. These two phenotypes are used when evaluating Pichia transformants for integration of your gene (Experimental Outline, page 3).Intracellular and Secretory Protein Expression Heterologous expression in Pichia can be either intracellular or secreted. Secretion requires the presence of a signal sequence on the expressed protein to target it to the secretory pathway. While several different secretion signal sequences have been used successfully, including the native secretion signal present on some heterologous proteins, success has been variable. The secretion signal sequence from the Saccharomyces cerevisiaeα factor prepro peptide has been used most successfully (Cregg et al., 1993; Scorer et al., 1993).The major advantage of expressing heterologous proteins as secreted proteins is that Pichia pastoris secretes very low levels of native proteins. That, combined with the very low amount of protein in the minimal Pichia growth medium, means that the secreted heterologous protein comprises the vast majority of the total protein in the medium and serves as the first step in purification of the protein (Barr et al., 1992). Note: If there are recognized glycosylation sites (Asn-X-Ser/Thr) in your protein's primary sequence, glycosylation may occur at these sites.Posttranslational Modifications In comparison to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia may have an advantage in the glyco-sylation of secreted proteins because it may not hyperglycosylate. Both Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia pastoris have a majority of N-linked glycosylation of the high-mannose type; however, the length of the oligosaccharide chains added posttranslationally to proteins in Pichia (average 8-14 mannose residues per side chain) is much shorter than those in S. cerevisiae (50-150 mannose residues) (Grinna and Tschopp, 1989; Tschopp et al., 1987b). Very little O-linked glycosylation has been observed in Pichia.In addition, Saccharomyces cerevisiae core oligosaccharides have terminal α1,3 glycan linkages whereas Pichia pastoris does not. It is believed that the α1,3 glycan linkages in glycosylated proteins produced from Saccharomyces cerevisiae are primarily responsible for the hyper-antigenic nature of these proteins making them particularly unsuitable for therapeutic use. Although not proven, this is predicted to be less of a problem for glycoproteins generated in Pichia pastoris, because it may resemble the glycoprotein structure of higher eukaryotes (Cregg et al., 1993).2Experimental OutlineSelection of Vector and Cloning To utilize the strong, highly inducible P AOX1 promoter for expression of your protein, four expression vectors are included in this kit. pHIL-D2 and pPIC3.5 are used for intracellular expression while pHIL-S1 and pPIC9 are used for secreted expression (see pages 14-19 for more information). Before cloning your insert, you must...• decide whether you want intracellular or secreted expression.• analyze your insert for the following restriction sites: Sac I, Stu I, Sal I, Not I, and Bgl II. These sites are recommended for linearizing your construct prior to Pichiatransformation. If your insert has all of these sites, see pages 28-29 for alternate sites.Transformation and IntegrationTwo different phenotypic classes of His+ recombinant strains can be generated: Mut+ and Mut S. Mut S refers to the "Methanol utilization slow" phenotype caused by the loss of alcohol oxidase activity encoded by the AOX1 gene. A strain with a Mut S phenotype has a mutant aox1 locus, but is wild type for AOX2. This results in a slow growth phenotype on methanol medium. Transformation of strain GS115 can yield both classes of transformants, His+ Mut+ and His+Mut S, while KM71 yields only His+ Mut S since the strain itself is Mut S. Both Mut+ and Mut S recombinants are useful to have as one phenotype may favor better expression of your protein than the other. Due to clonal variation, you should test 6-10 recombinants per phenotype. There is no way to predict beforehand which construct or isolate will better express your protein. We strongly recommend that you analyze Pichia recombinants by PCR to confirm integration of your construct (see page 40).Once you have successfully cloned your gene, you will then linearize your plasmid to stimulate recombination when the plasmid is transformed into Pichia. The table below describes the types of recombinants you will get by selective digestion of your plasmid. RestrictionEnzymeIntegration Event GS115 Phenotype KM71 PhenotypeSal I or Stu I Insertion at his4His+ Mut+ His+ Mut SSac I Insertion at 5´AOX1 regionHis+ Mut+ His+ Mut SNot I or Bgl II Replacement atAOX1 locusHis+ Mut SHis+ Mut+His+ Mut S (notrecommended, see page 11)Expression and Scale-up After confirming your Pichia recombinants by PCR, you will test expression of both His+Mut+ and His+ Mut S recombinants. This will involve growing a small culture of each recombinant, inducing with methanol, and taking time points. If looking for intracellular expression, analyze the cell pellet from each time point by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). If looking for secreted expression, analyze both the cellpellet and supernatant from each time point. We recommend that you analyze your SDS-PAGE gels by both Coomassie staining and Western blot, if you have an antibody to your protein. We also suggest checking for protein activity by assay, if one is available. Not all proteins express to the level of grams per liter, so it is advisable to check by Western blotor activity assay, and not just by Coomassie staining of SDS-PAGE gels for production of your protein.Choose the Pichia recombinant strain that best expresses your protein and optimizeinduction based on the suggestions on pages 47-48. Once expression is optimized, scale-up your expression protocol to produce more protein.continued on next page3。



很好,需要好好研究一下原文地址:毕赤酵母表达知识01转载于丁香作者:思时尔非a.配制500×BIOTIN stock solution(0.02%)有这么3种方案:1、懒人是将Biotin直接溶在去离子水中,放过夜,基本就能溶;2、急性子是将溶液配成0.02N的NaOH,就很容易溶解了;3、水浴加热,温度不能高于50度。




b.有几个比较迷惑的问题请教大家:(很典型的小问题)1、制感受态细胞,OD多少比较好?pyrimidine 战友的方法:取1mlGS115过夜培养物(OD约6-10) 分装到1.5ml EP 管中。


Lithium acetate does not work with Pichia pastoris. Use only lithium chloride.3、YNB到底能高温灭么?有的说能有的说不能。








很好,需要好好研究一下原文地址:毕赤酵母表达知识01转载于丁香作者:思时尔非a.配制500×BIOTIN stock solution(0.02%)有这么3种方案:1、懒人是将Biotin直接溶在去离子水中,放过夜,基本就能溶;2、急性子是将溶液配成0.02N的NaOH,就很容易溶解了;3、水浴加热,温度不能高于50度。




b.有几个比较迷惑的问题请教大家:(很典型的小问题)1、制感受态细胞,OD多少比较好?pyrimidine 战友的方法:取1mlGS115过夜培养物(OD约6-10) 分装到1.5ml EP 管中。


Lithium acetate does not work with Pichia pastoris. Use only lithium chloride.3、YNB到底能高温灭么?有的说能有的说不能。









由于醇氧化酶与O2 的结合率较低,因而毕赤酵母代偿性地产生大量的酶。


毕赤酵母含有两种醇氧化物酶,AOX1 AOX2。

细胞中大多数的醇氧化酶是AOX1 基因产物。

甲醇可紧密调节、诱导 AOX1 基因的高水平表达,为Mut+菌株,可占可溶性蛋白的 30%以上。

AOX2 基因与 AOX1 基因有 97%的同源性,但在甲醇中带 AOX2 基因的菌株比带 AOX1 基因菌株慢得多,通过这种甲醇利用缓慢表型可分离 Muts 菌株。



翻译后修饰:酿酒酵母与毕赤酵母大多数为 N—连接糖基化高甘露糖型,毕赤酵母中蛋白转录后所增加的寡糖链长度(平均每个支链 8-14 个甘露糖残基)比酿酒酵母中的(50—150 个甘露糖残基)短得多。

菌株:GS115 ( Mut+, Muts)和 KM71(Muts)分泌型载体:pPICZα A,B,and C(5’AOX1启动子,紧密型调节,甲醇诱导表达,α分泌信号介导的分泌表达,Zeocin抗性基因,C端含有6XHis标签)胞内表达型载体:pPICZ A,B,and C,一:分子克隆1。

设计引物分泌型载体图谱:见酵母表达说明书(p13—pPICZ A,p14-pPICZ B,p15—pPICZ C)2.PCR扩增基因PCR反应体系(50μl)模板DNA 1μlForward Primer(10μM)1μlReverse Primer(10μM)1μldNTP Mixture(各2mM):4μl5×PrimerSTAR buffer(Mg2+ plus)10μlPrimerSTAR DNA Polymerase 0。



BMGY的配制(每200 mL)
Yeast extract 2 g
Peptone 4 g
K3PO4(pH 6.0) 20 mL
丙三醇 2 mL
定容至180 mL,121,灭20 min。

10*YNB 20 mL(10%)(过滤除菌)
生物素0.4 mL(0.02%)(过滤除菌)
加入后,用紫外照射10 min左右再接菌。

BMMY的配制(每200 mL)
Yeast extract 2 g
Peptone 4 g
K3PO4(pH 6.0) 20 mL
定容至180 mL,121,灭20 min。

10*YNB 20 mL(10%)(过滤除菌)
生物素0.4 mL(0.02%)(过滤除菌)
加入后,用紫外照射10 min左右再接菌。

酵母基础氮源培养基 3.4 g
硫酸铵10 g
双蒸水80 mL
定容至100 mL,过滤除菌(用0.22 μm滤膜过滤)。

2.使用前向BMGY按比例加入生物素、10*YNB,紫外照10 min。

3.接菌于BMGY,250 rpm,28℃摇24 h
4.向BMMY中按比例加入生物素、10*YNB、甲醇,紫外照10 min。

5.将含有菌液的BMGY转移至50 mL离心管,4℃5000 rpm 离心5 min,弃上

6.用BMMY将沉淀菌体重悬,倒回瓶中,250 rpm,28℃,摇3 d。

每24 h补

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1•确定转入的目的基因,并设计相应引物,进行 保真酶,引物,dntp,胶回收试剂盒。

PCR 反应,获取目的基因片段。

(所需药品 -高
Ppic9k 进行酶切产生粘性接头并纯化回收。

-Sall 、Stul 、Sacl
【用于于 GS115产生His+Mut+】;Bglll 【用于于 GS115产生His+Muts 】)
目的 DNA
酶切缓冲液 5
1 JL
37 C 酶切1〜4小时。


3. 将酶切正确的目的片度与质粒相连(所需药品
载体DNA 目的片段DNA
连接试剂盒Solution I
充分混匀,置于16 C 连接4 h 或4 C 连接过夜。

4. 转入DH5 □扩繁质粒(所需药品 -A mp ; DH5a ; CaCl2)
将DNA 目的片段和载体的连接产物与
200 L 感受态细胞混匀,冰浴
30min 。

45 C 热击45-60S ,
冰浴3min 后加入800九LB 液体培养基37C 震荡培养1h 。

-连接试剂盒 Solution I [宝生物])
0.5 k 4.5 L
(1 )转化后,将转化混合物涂在含50-100ug/ul A mp的LB平板上,选择 A mp抗性克隆
(2)挑取10个A mp抗性转化子,接种含 150ug/ul A mp的培养基,37度振荡培养过夜
(3 )提取质粒进行 PCR及酶切检测并送交测序。

( pPIC9k测序时,用a-factor弓|物及3'
AOX1 测序引物。

将引物重悬于 20ul 灭菌水中,制成 0.1ug/ul 溶液)
4在0.85ml过夜培养菌液中加入 0.15ml灭菌甘油,以便保存所需克隆,涡旋混匀转入

在液氮或干冰/酒精浴中冷冻后移入 -70 度保存。

(1)取1 mL GS115过夜培养物(0D6006 . 0〜10. 0)转接于100 mL YPD液体培养基中
28C -3O C、250 — 300 r/ min培养至酵母菌的对数生长期 (OD600 1 . 0〜1 . 3)
(2)取此菌1 mL分装到1. 5 mL EP管中,4C、10 000 g离心1 min,弃上清

( 3)加入 1 mL 处理液【 10 mM LiAc 、 10 mMDTI 、 0. 6 M sorbitol 、 10 mM TrisHC1(pH
7. 5)】,室温下放置 20 min 。


( 4)加入 1 mL 1 M sorbitol ,离心,弃上清液,用 1 M sorbitol 洗涤二次,到最终体积约为80微升,冰浴中保存或一 70~C保存待用。

1取80ul上述细胞与5-20ug线性化DNA (溶于5-10ulTE )混合,转入预冷的 0.2cm电

2在冰上放置 5min
5分成200-600ul等份,涂于 MD或RDB平板上
6在30 度孵育平板至克隆产生,筛选 Mut+/Muts 表型
开始前:准备 10 个 YPD 平板,每个的遗传霉素浓度为0,0.25 ,0.5,0.75,1.0,1.5,
1.75 ,
2.0 ,
3.0 及
4.0mg/ml 。

2用灭菌刮子重悬 H I S +转化子,不要划破琼脂
3将细胞悬液集中转移至灭菌的 50ml 离心管中,稍涡旋 (5-10S)
4用分光光度计测定浓度 (1OD600= 5X 107细胞/ml)
5 在每块含有遗传霉素的 YPD 平板上涂 105细胞。

(需要证实在没有遗传霉素的YPD 板上细胞的滴度,计算每个遗传霉素抗性平板上抗遗
化子稀释到 10-5,10-6, 10-7浓度,每板加 100-200ul)
6 在 30 度孵育平板,每天检查。

抗遗传霉素克隆需 2-5 天出现,不含遗传霉素的 YPD 平板上克隆需 2-3天出现。


注意:如果在以上方法里你将所有细胞都悬浮,加15%灭菌甘油,存于 -80度,可在以

7.筛选 Mut+ 及 Muts 转化子
(1)将上一步获得的转化子用灭菌牙签挑取单克隆,在MM 及 MD 平板上以一定的方式划线或
点 HIS+ 转化子,确保先在 MM 平板上点
(2 )每个克隆换一次牙签,点 100 个转化子后再继续向下做 (约2-3 板)
(3)为分离 Mut+及Muts表型,在MD及MM平板上各点上对照 (GS115/HIS+ Muts Ablumin 及 GS115/ HIS+ Mut+ B-gal)
(4)30 度孵育 2 天
( 5 )两天后,计数平板,寻找在 MD 平板正常生长而在 MM 平板上生长很小或不长的菌株。
